xt7w6m33552h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w6m33552h/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1957 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, February 1957 Vol.23 No.5 text The Kentucky Press, February 1957 Vol.23 No.5 1957 1957 2019 true xt7w6m33552h section xt7w6m33552h 1~ ‘ #1- #2. wammwxmmgg
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tors for their lissisiiilitt and news coverage EE
Alfred wathen Jr Elected 73rd concerning "\Vilderness Road." He stated 1 EEEE
3 , ' that the interesting drama would be con- } EE
' 0 iiiiucd this coming season. . E ‘i
E KPA PreSldent At 88th Meetlng Past President \\'illiani (j. (Iaywood, _‘.,JI . ‘E'
read a citation to Kyle Vance, chief of the E EEE
a?“ .\.ssociated l’rcss bureau. Frankfort. for his E E‘EE
5 Alfred S \Vathen, Jr., co-editor of the sociate membership. John Potter, Texas Gas exposure of illegal iineinplt)yment-insurance ' E 1
"‘ Kentucky Standard, Bardstown, was elected 'l‘ransmission, Owensboro, replaced John R. payments. President Adams presented Vance E E E E
/ the seventy-third president of the Kentucky Kcating as an associate member. with a CCl‘tiiitziit' oi appreti'ation. 'l‘lie cita- E E EEE
i Press Association at the closing session of the Highlights of the Thursday opening in- tion is printed in another (oltnnn. Tribute ‘ E ‘EEE
E eighty-eighth annual mid-winter meeting at cludcd the Ladies Get-together, the meeting was also paid the Frankfort press corps “for E E EE
’ the Brown hotel, Louisville. Al is associate of the lixecutive Committee, anti a full night \i'holehearted tooperaiion and team work” E EE 3
1/" editor with his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Spald- of fun and music at the buffet dinner. Jim in developing the lead revealed by Vance. E EE
*7 ing, on the Standard now in its fifty-seventh Sheehy acted as master of ceremonies, ably James T. Norris- in n \ncpgnsmihcd ad- E EE EE
fly year. His father, Al senior, is president of assisted by Renee Hoffman on the accordian dress presented Jesse Stuart as the l’v'en- . E EEEEE
the Standard Publishing Company. In his and piano. tuckian of the Year. President Adams pre- E E EE l
.’ , acceptance address, the younger Al paid a Following breakfast, the Friday morning sented Mr. Stuart with an engraved silver l ! EEEEE
, glowing tribute to his father and mother session was opened by the invocation by Rev, pitcher and a tt‘rliiltzttc‘ on behalf of the EEEEE
seated in the audience. Henry B. Beach, pastor of the Third the Association, MI; Norris remarks are Emir EEEEE
. Martin Dyche, London Sentinel-Echo, was iitie Baptist Church, Louisville. Mayor An- lislied in another column. EEEE
advanced to the office of Vice-President. His drew Broaddus extended a gracious welcome .\t the afternoon session the Association EE EE
E nominating speech was made by his father to Louisville, explaining the desire of our heard a Emncl (lim'ugsiun (m "Juveniles in the 1EE
K , ‘r who served the Association as president in largest city to be of service to the whole News." Charles (7;. Dibowski. chief proba-
5' 194]. Thomas L. Adams, circulation man— state. Martin Dyche gave the response. tion officer of the Jefferson County Juvenile ‘
ager of the Lexington Herald-Leader, was President Charles E. Adams gave his an- Court, Judge George St. (Zlair. Meade Coun-
3': i elected as Chairman of the Executive Com- nual address, followed by the annual report ty, and Mrs. Elizabeth Spalding, Kentucky E
i ‘ itiittee. Secretary-Manager Portmann was of the secretary-manager. Adams appointed Standard, headed the dig‘ussion with Alfred EE
re-elected for his seventeenth term of office Carl Saunders, chairman, Landon “lills, and S. \Vathen, Jr., as moderator. Many ques~ E Eh
I as secretary and treasurer. James G. “’ilson as the resolutions commit— tions were answered from the “001‘. EE i‘i
The new president appointed the district tee. He also appointed Joe LaGore as chair- My. Dibowski urged 111m newsnien keep , =EE E15
representatives to the executive committee: man of the nominating committee. the names of juvenile offenders out of their E
first, Pattl VVestpheling, Fulton County News, Edmund Arnold, head of Linotype Publi- news columns whenever possible. He con- . E
."' 1, Fulton; second, Mack Sisk, Dawson Springs cations, Brooklyn, discussed front-page dC- ceded that in many small communities every- . EE
Progress; third, Neil Dalton, CotirienJouriial sign. newspaper typography, and appealing body knows the name of E, youthful Offender) i
,3? r and Times: fourth, John G. Gaines, bark newspaper format, diagraming his discussion but maintained “just as a boy scout gets a - i'
: g i City News. Bowling Green; fifth, Frank C. on a blackboard. He said: merit badge. a delinquent (raving attention : EE
lI: / ‘ Bell, Trimble Democrat. Bedford. “Newspapers are competing for their read- gets, as his reward for law violation, a new» EE
E Seventh, W. Foster Adams, Berea Citizen; crs' time, already much consumed by tele— paper clipping which he invariably carries E' EE
1, eighth, George JOplin III, Somerset Cour vision and do-it-yourself projects. If no one in his pocket to show admiring friends.” EE-
é ' monwealth; ninth, Earl W. Kinner, Licking reads a paper, what's the use of having good Leo ;\. Meaglicr. executive director of the f E;
iii; 5 Valley Courier, West Liberty; tenth. S. C. news coverage." Louisville Better Business Bureau, Landon E
V'dn Citron, Harlan Enterprise; members-at~ .\rnold said editors should consider that \Vills. McLean Coniity News. and .rhl \.Vath-
. large, Fred C. Burkhard, Casey County News, “seven out of 10 Americans have vision de~ en headed a panel distussion on “Lthics in
z _ Liberty, and Larry Stone, Central City, Mes- fects," and that the average age of their read- .\dve1‘ti5illg.” Mr. Meagher emphasized that .
senger-Argus. Charles L. Adams, Gallatin ers is getting higher. newspapers should keep a close scrutiny on , .
County News, Warsaw, serves on the com— He advised use of a larger type than most 1.11 types of advertising to maintain truth in
I ‘ miltee as immediate past president. Chair- newspapers now employ. advertising. discouragement of bait advertis~ . ,
man Adams represents the sixth district. Arnold urged his listeners to get off the ing, with CSPCUH] attention to classified ad- .
7“, James G. \Vilson, Cynthiana Log Cabin, beaten paths of iiew'Spaper layout. “N0 front ————-—————-——-——E _ .
v a E was elected first vice-president of Kentucky page should look like the pages that pre- Our picture page . , , (leit mic) Prestdent
$5?” : Press Service, lnc., replacing Howard W. ceded it in recent weeks. “The eye .15 lazy i\(l2llllS.1‘CCClV€S the $1,000 plug horse'derby
5% Greene, Mt. Sterling Advocate. The other and wants to get off the page,” he said, check from Mr. Mattingly. , . , George JOE).
\ officers and Board of Directors were re— Arnold warned, in effect, that if the eye 1;” and his tit-“(ions daughter present Lnos
my?” V Elam-d t0 their respective offices. never settles on the nCWSPHPCn circulation Swain with his door prize : . . the officlial ‘
ii I ‘- ‘ The convention voted to active member< W111 terP- .‘\nd.when 1t tumbles, It “If“ PJ‘H staff of the (.illillgiiltllsvlil: I;cv:sdJcoliEriiKaJmilsS E
, ship the Shively Newsweek, Leonard T. with it advertismg, a mayor source 0 piess Ems well . . .(“g H t” ‘3, Kile“! V’mée 1 ,
Jig? Bean, publisher: the Kentuckian-Citizen, profits. ‘ . . presents fir.:1:,Eii::E]MEw-indy :)e:tket~ ,\[t,\
1:3 3i Paris, Larry Brannon, editor; Nicholas C0. Arnold held the attention of his audience lVlLSK cntc C( . . t ., . E S ' .E
4% ‘ Star, Carlisle, Paul Brannon, editor; and the and answered many questions. During the l‘recdman talk )1 our. . .chss: ElllilII :1:
, EgEzfon County News, Leitchfield, Carlos B. day, he was consulted by many editors pres- E2331:21:):3nléffllgil;w;,Eer;:]:] this . Saul
I. ll: l’ubllShCl‘. Dan Nabors, Donaldson, ent. ' ‘ ‘- ~' " ll l'entut’kt Chamber of Commerce
Tenn” new Kentucky representative of the Following the luncheon, Pre5ident1‘1ancis (auris. \ ) . y ,, be“ ,
f lnlml'l’e Corporation, was elected to as- S. llutchins. Berea College. thanked the edi- recruits some new intm .. E E E ..
, .
E . .
i ,
i l ‘
I ‘E .

 i i I I l. l II
t I. I I
: vertising which offers dubious employment Tn. .' ‘ _,
. and profit making schemes. . ’ 'I'» . . , .I .I'
i: - 'l‘ables were set up for the various stand- Imp, V, :. I t ‘r - . ‘ V . ( i . M ,
mg committees ot the Association lor dis- . »- _ ”s ./ i‘ , E 5“ . , wg.
i ' . . ~ " ’ ' ~. ., "W" "
. (tussion. Reports of the (onimittees are (I .- ii - = 1 ,. , 1' . ‘ ,t (”2
'I printed elsewhere. ' . a x . v f - ‘ m.’ ) stir”
, lhe annual banquet I‘I‘KlitY evening With » ., t “sf ) ‘ a ”'1
the Brown Hotel and Louisville Chamber 01 Eggs - f. A ‘ >- \
Lonnnerce as hosts was well attended and $9593 . 1 w .. .5 51%
' fl pronounced one of the best. Randy Atelier *°‘ . t f“ _ p
- and his sniger-miisu ians entertained with a 2'; 2M . s
, lively and interesting floor show. "lhe eve- 5' Em » I, .' $5 -.
. j Ilillg was closed with dancing. i V ”33 -. \ i: I V l!“ . . .
V V. I v . _ g , ”a; - \. .» . , ..}..v"- III/h,
James M. “1111s, state NLA chairman, . » f -~ ”We , 5h
‘ opened the Satiirdav business session with a * If, ‘ Ii;
. L . . . ' .' i. '55? i
' briel report on NRA actirities. He urged .' r, ” ' fig:
' his fellow editors to help :\LA in its work , .» , 7th
[01' the newspapers, esl’CC‘RHY m national Officers, 1957. Kentucky Press Association, Inc.
' legislation, by becoming sustalning members. (Left to right) Victor R. l’ortinann, Secretary-Manager: Martin Dyche, London Sentinel-Echo,
.. “3111 George Joplin 111 a, moderator, “1 Vice-President: Alfred's. Waihen Ilia, KentuckyIStandard. l’zardstown, President; Thomas L.
Foster \danis llere'l Citi7en Iaines G VVil— Adams. Lexmgton Heraldicadcr, Chairman of the Executive Committee.
‘ . , . I ,
son. (,ynthiana Log Cabin. and Don (xrote, Ml l k l' 'l l ‘l (I l b I
, . _ - . , - - . - . ,.- -. or at" o oi wn e .on Tress te ats ' .
lxentuckv lsernel printery, formed the panel ll”l 1"“ ““l‘ "l insulting 1"”‘51‘ and l l _ I if e “ istalul
. ’ . A. . . rs. ~ ‘. ‘ .' ' . totoamiitit, reassertet. ‘ 1
. [or a lively audiencc-parucrpation sessmn on litnth lighting loites, w as a \l(ll]]l oi bad II II I I E I . 1] \I 1: :I.I(.I\
. u . ‘ . . - . -. .. - -' .. e or(: tie ‘ose o .' ' , IHU‘ CF
methanical problems of newspaper produc- reporting. -\" ““5““ L" " (““30““‘1 (111“ ) 1‘ m (Intrefss, 1 rl ii“ WWW
. . - . . . .~ . . . ». - . . ., _ man answere( man ' ( uestions ‘ r ‘ '
“0” Many perplexnig problems were pre- tion, spoktn \\llllt)llt a (ll.tl](.(. foi Lll.iboia . ) I] . 10m “8 0t (Iiiv M
. ”“ch bv members which were answered bv tion, was heard by two loreign-newspaper His address was a highlight of the cons 'j‘riml)l
I . ’ , ,... . . . . .. . » . . Lion. it. *‘
the panel (,1. [mm the floor. (,(iiicspondents who at ()ll((. left the room . . , . I . (tints,
1t Col Thomas] Cunningham Jr head without hearing the qtialilviiit,r statement “W [\CNUWkY £3500”th II‘CSS llCldl
4 . . c . I -: t . . , .i ‘ - s' ‘1 « . v
il' the 'irmv Home LFown News Center Kan that followed. Mr. l‘reedman then related annual “1“”“8 ‘1‘” ”ll-l S‘ltmddl alternot "-—‘
( l L > 3 _ , . . ’ ‘ i .. ‘. 4 ‘ , I
.. ' . the (:iri‘iimstain‘es siirroiindiiw the incident. ““3 "U’dlll/‘IUUH \OK‘d 10 how 11 SCUCS‘
sas (.ity. explained methods and procedure I _ . . a I .. _. l . ‘k‘l _ . .. . . l I RESOlu‘
in su 1 ing local interest news about home- \\hile he delended the Seeretarv of State 1941mm “01 Mops in the eastern .mc rm
. P? y. ~ 10 , kl. . 1 1/00 [or this bad reporting. Mr. Freedman de- ““1 “30110115 0f UIC SUILC- ThC fil‘St worksht I\\H12R
town seiiitemen to in) wee res, ,3 _ . . . "l -l [*1 . _IIII f . M . 'l . “mm, H
- . no , - , - voted mirth ol the rest ol his address to “(IS 5‘ 1U” U lClll-IUK) 01 A 21), Cltlel. ..
dailv newspapers. and _._t)() radio stations . . . _ I R'l . l ‘l)' .. S .- . H l‘ guiding
in every state He stated that he heads a ('riiicrsui ol Dulles. He £l(’(IUSC(l the Secretary K “WIN 01 auson ipiings. ermsn [hougmh
(.3 min “I“ \\'l]l(l1 supplie persoinliled of State of moralizing, vacillating. and fumbl- l’lK‘lPS. managing editor of the Lexmglt this meet
l"; "i )5 l' ‘ ‘ . . . . .‘ .. . .. . .- I :'~
\ .. 1 _ 1-, ll“ , ll 1 l l C , mg in l,()l‘C|gll~l)()ll(’y (lcmgu’nm. He 531d Herald, was eletted state chairman to 5. ml”,
news to tie inet iii. L ii((et [lat tie en- _ . v. III 1“ 1w , \. ‘ll . . . “I r d'tor .\Ssot'iati(
- - - . . . , _ Dulles has lost, the confidence of Americas (‘1‘ l ”<11 . 1110 (, .l‘ mdlldhlng 6 I ,I
ters rob is to siieen news releases and make 11' II \l d' '11 \l [1151110553
‘ A . . . ; I 5. ie i a isonvi c i' essenoer. -
them ('Olll[)l\' with the literary standards 01 l (I . _ b . . lll gown
runs )1 )U [ind th tethnitil 'ind securitv “Sou (.\I']lCl‘l('2111$) have to moderate vour .\ large group ol weekly l')11l)llSll€l'5t play as ]«
:‘.1"s.t t): :E . .' .. . . . ._
.. 11 I]. f l . \ . l’l' . ll '. I I, ,1. CIHIJllZISlS ()1) "101111 l)l”ll]('l])l€$ as 111 the”). lClKlCd [ll(‘ annual n'ieeting of [11C Kentua [llu llllS
stantaus 0 tie .7 1m). is “or is a nap . . . .. . . . .. _ 'li . . .11 p“,“ g ,1. ‘i 'e I . TI ”1 . .1 ‘nerestiz 13].; 1.1,
, . . ~ . , __ , .. ., f 1 selies a saiislaitoi} Ignite to “or ( polic). W ‘ ( , 11(. 1e) lean an n . .
tomplitated by Illllttd1§ nnaixaieness 0. tie . l , 'l II . . . . 'iddress on n'ititn'l .d. t-.- a 'rd thei flpplccm
1)“)thth oi. journalistie timeliness, he ,l‘l(f(f(1]1itll Isait. l ant not trying to suggest « .) a a ver isinh a}1 C(IJIIl'tesies
mo'ined This was "home tominrr” for the that llritaiii and ltranre and Canada, and Pilmlmi‘s’ “c““ucs "f “ eekly l\ewsptp rille diiri
( . , ( _ ‘ D . . . - . ‘ . . ‘. _ . t . 5“
(‘olonel who made hm“ Kentuekv friends even India. which has now acted in a rather Represcntatives. \\liiih represents overl-
‘ g . ~. . Iii . ,i . F , I" i , wanton wav, are immune to world moralitv.” weeklies ill the nation. The speaker,“ IWHER
during his tour o (iitv at mt \nox. . . . . . . . . . 'l'hom'is mblisher f tl Dail' Sign “mm. 1r
.. ~ 7 _ - , - lndias action l‘l‘lditV in annexmir a see- l ‘ 0 1C ‘ l ~ ..
lhomas l’. MeHiigh, acting thief, audit- . _ , . . I n _ (,I .1 I l' . . IIIT. ,1 1. t r oiNl lmnlhts
. . _ . I ._ "ll“ l' .- - l t . ,1 tioii ol lxaslnnir in (lehlfllH‘C ol the United ‘1‘” Cl' "1" 15 ‘1 “0‘0““ ( ireco . programs
int; tlixision. ,oiiisvi t ( riision n eina . . . II -. . . _ and 'l member of the VVNR board of dflr 11 l
R tiiue Senite (\I)l'tll]f.(l the public in l\atio1is shows that nations which fill their ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘1‘,
eV‘ ’."‘ '. r. i ‘ , ~ . . . .. . .. I "n ,.
- - . §,. . 1 .1 months with moral priiicrples are not them- l””' 01"” picssrng problem, the doom “HLR
lormation needs ol the .L1\1LC ant tie . . . . the m'i'or automotive 'id 'ertisers t0 dist“ heeirina
. , , - ~ _, , _, selves exempt lroiii atitnirr iii accordance \\'lll1 ‘l t ‘ ‘ ~ 1 .. '
agent‘v s (‘oiltaet and sei‘vite wrth newspiipels. . . t“ I . II t' . l" l I_ , _ . . 'd t'sin r UllLl org
', . ’ .V _, 3 .- . . s. the dictates ol power politics, the speaker “‘"C ‘9" U LOOPCIM“C ‘1 verl 3' 1;]; IT
lhe session closed with brief reports from _ l . 11. "l" 1 l' _ . Th srlll _
I . l' . “I l ‘e ort of the said. tioioiigi} esp aine( )) Mi. oma. . mount“
‘ K‘ “A?“ mg (”minimal {1C 1 P _ ‘ 13‘ , ‘(llll'tll _, lled [or eed . l' ) . . t‘ a discussion period, the KPS members P3“ cXpresses
resolutions committee. and the election of . 1“ . (‘Il . 51> ID IUUM IIUII a resolution in which the! authoriflfd“ for its e:
officers ol a new .\ltl(‘l‘l('1ln policy on the Middle Last ‘ I . ) ll and the
" . l l . ', “1' f l7 . _ , . ., reqilsted V\'l\R to act for Kentucky WCe IO, -
. 8' .1, . l 1 “on the deler'ites ant tie ecoiiomii nuts 0 .uiope. particu- _ . . . Gent It«l‘{ll)s1en(e o as has been done in the past with the it (if host a
. - < - , . . , , . a sense 0 (rivni r uruentw in as lln"[f)ll . . . 'r sso‘eiat”
and international events by Max Freedman, l t l t 1: 5-: , h .1 -‘ ‘t' D ll and (.ln'vsler advertisrng schedules. Eledlt “,le
. - ,. - . . . . _ amu w ia ‘urores oi necessi res l‘C't \' . ‘ . - " ‘
thief “Eislnngton mirespondent of the Man II 1 < . (,1 officers and board of directors conclud L‘Xtend or
eliastcr Guardian. Highlights of his address (“C- the meeting. I the prog
are published in another column. \Vestern Europe is not an ”American lux- . and We 'e
In his opening remarks, Mr. Freedman urv.” Freedman said. but an “indispensable The great end of all human induim "”‘l nillCt
llllllllll I. | | stated that Seiretarv of State Dulles, accused necessity." Its economy is grinding to a halt the attainment of happiness.
I . l ’
| I

 i g .
._ 1.1 . - PAGE THR 1 1
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1 ’, '1 712 1 [4% ‘5‘ (at? 1 _ ”00f, Soliciting zil )ut. 315° mking mid reidiny 1 ‘i 1
lig- ' :. i 11/ throwi. - . ”filming. Waitin . g ' $1
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- ,1 4 "3 $727 “ 1 ,1 1 1 ' \re 1, -l L and running a - b ‘ C: = ‘i;
7’ ' 3:17 >1 5 Ms! 45“ 7- ‘, “bPupcrmch must b 7 ‘10 press. 1 111 1
1 . I. 7 {’71ny 7 hltions 1-9 . ' 6 their own - 1 1'
; ~7 1 7. 77 A 177,27: 2/77”. 7 P‘chtany .1 . Publlc re- 71
,..177.-. . 1 .; 7 ; fig 7- 77 f59f/H41‘77;1§L§,{54 g g . m 1 C75 dnd for )1f 11
47;; %% 1, ‘ é,” ‘ _ ust look to the [utui- ' 5‘ PI‘CSCI‘VuLion .7 1 1‘1 1
mi? 1.1174 4 77 7 ' '. " git/z 3:71 433’ “CW cm 7, (f 1 . L and “‘3‘ HOW to 7 1 1 1 1 1
.31.;1: 7,77 ‘ 1 1 1:21.. 7*“ l ‘ 3731 771715211 1 1 ’ “”rkmg iournal‘ assure a 1 1 11 1
7% V gig -’ ‘7‘ w; (7 7 ”[57 11 1
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”$111 7 1 ."=-., L73” 7 4.31.11 9119777,” ”7 (ll-1111111” 171 11
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I’. 7- ifs-‘7 7 g phy comm'flee: 1 1'11
7 3i 7. ‘ I 594? 2? The photography 1 11 l
7. 7 1 1 1 '1 .. 221.31; ."37:. - .. . . ' Wmm' -- 1
Sufu‘ml'm'h 1 7/ 1E 1‘11“.“ ”“5 past Vcar h m“ ””1““ “Pun its 1 7 111
1t; Fliomas L. 1 7 ' 7 11M 6”,, 111111111111!“ :uioihcf .' ‘ the Suggestion of [he 1 1
ttcc. U 1 1 , hkés a; «72:; “a”; Winter lllt'cting PdHCl ‘113CllSSion at the “id 1 1 1 1
7 7 . 1 .1741 1, ,11 1 141,70, 17:13:91:-7157..;-11.1;11.11.,;.:.;-1 7. 0L , . l .
__ 7 . , 1 , "MI“ 4‘», gnen met to a lllCcl . llic period was 1 1 l [1]
1 . E 1 ' ,. 7 I 1 1 .1»; ‘1 Men used 1' 1 7'71“” 7” panel which 11 1 1 1 11 11
L55 debates ll'll . xecuu‘e (lunlllllltc , - ’_ . 1 2 11 {7 .7: 1.2 f 0‘7 .7 01 [W0 years. 7 1-H not 1‘ I
tficatetL |, to r.) \\' l‘bs‘t .. C. kentuckv Press A77 . . J 1 , r . L1 the last il\C Years [1 1 1111
l 7‘17 C. \'an (1ui7oii l.l I. M Milling. l’icrea (lili/en- H A beLlauum Inc. “111179011118 (lone lunch to. t'lt phomgml’h)’ C0”! 11 11
( 1 . ’ 7 ill‘an ~‘ .. ' 7 - ion“ . 71 7 Sin 1 . , ‘ . ' ‘g
rtsS, Mr. Fret (.liai‘les In. Adan“. (11111” l‘glualpllsc: Mark Sis}; D71“; Is 1.. Ad