xt7w6m33537b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w6m33537b/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2002-07 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, July 2002 text GLSO News, July 2002 2002 2002-07 2019 true xt7w6m33537b section xt7w6m33537b “V7 GAY '
we 5. s o NE ws
MonomKemucw JUIY 2002
A publication 0F the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
Volume 17 Number 7
2nd Annual GLSO Falmess-4th of July
Matching Fund Drive . . . . .
Bluegrass Falmess ls again organlzmg
_ . _ _ participation in the 4th of July celebration in
Lexlngton 3 Gay/ Lesbian .Servlce downtown Lexington. They are building a
Organization fGLSO) has begun as major float for the parade at Windy Knoll Farm. lts
fundralsmg drlve for 2002. Once again the a big job so check to see if they still need
Gill Foundation has challenged our com- help by contacting Scotty Saltsman at
mum" to raise $7500 in new d°"ati°”st SSalts1014@aol.com. This year's float
which it will match dollar for dollar. Your theme will focus on the diversity of GLBT
donations will 9° twice as far. Please con- families in a series of vignettes of various
Slder contnbutlng to the GLSO Matching families in their living rooms.
Fund Drlve today. _ On the morning of the 4th, they will be
GLSO has JUSt celebrated 'ts 25th gathering on Midland Ave, next to the
annlversary and has truly rededicated itself Herald Leader. Come march with the float
to its mission of improving the lives of to show Lexington our strength and our
GLBT individuals and their families in cen- diversity.
tral and eastern Kentucky. Some of GLSO's Falmess is also setting up a booth on
ongomg programs and services include: \fine Street where information will be avail-
able on organizations and activities in our
The GFSO News community. Hot dog and soda will be sold
The Pride Center Of the Bluegrass in front of Club 141. Come by and see us;
The Gay\Stralght Alliance for YOUth only you can improve civil rights for GLBT
The Annual Pnde P'Cn'c folks by purchasing a big ol' weiner and a
"Act Out" Theater Productions soda!
Diversity Films
Discussion/Support Groups Sponsor of the Month
Speaker's Bureau
Pride Center Web Site
Pride Center Library ‘
Over the years countless individuals ' =
and organizations have benefited from the - “ .
work of GLSO. (Do you remember the first _, I
time you read this newsletter?) And while
the GLSO remains a primarily volunteer
organization, maintaining and improving
' these services ...continued on page 2 See ad page 5

 costs money. GLSO's budget for 2002 is $42,000. 80
“MJfELEf-‘Lgf GAY and you can see that your help is needed.
v“’ LESBIAN Please be generous and support our community by
‘5. SERVICE supporting GLSO. Donations are tax-deductible and
5" WHON should be sent to GLSO, PO. Box 11471, Lexington,
WWII. Kentucn KY 40575. Donors will be acknowledged in upcoming
issues of the GLSO News. If you wish to remain anony-
16L 5 0 NEWS mous please include a note to that effect with your
Volume 17 Issue 7 Your generosity today means that the services of
GLSO will be there for all of us tomorrow.
published monthly by
The Lexington Gay GLSO financial Denort
, Lesbian. , Want to know where you fundraising dooars will go?
Servrce Organizatlon The Pride Center is our largest expense and, unlike the
389 Waller Ave. newsletter or ActOut, does not generate its own income.
, We would like all groups that use the pride center to
Edltors . make a contribution and, if possible, sponsor one month
Mary Crone John Rldener of rent. Some organizations already made regular contri-
butions -- thank you! We are also hoping that some indi-
Terrgcfiufiiiergfezfien t viduals will become Pride Center Sponsors. These are
Jerry Neff Vice President our two major monthly expenses. The costs of Pride
Mary C’rone, Editor Month, the Gay Straight Alliance, social activities, ActOut
John Ridener, Secretary and other proiects are not Included here.
Tg°mass figums Pride Center Cost per Month
3W " _" Rent $750
Tom Collms Office Manager $300
ggncgzgg': Utilities: Electric :40
Gas 70
Lee Noble Water $12
GLSO Annual Dues & 220:; :23:
Newsletter. ' .
In divi dual _ $15 Office Supplies $25
Couple _ $25 SUB TOTAL $1295
Posta e 55
Opinions expressed in the GLSO’News Bulk gate Permit :11 (per mo.)
are those of the authors and don t nec-
essan'ly represent those of the GLSO PO BOX Rental $5 (per m0-)
Board. Submissions are welcome and Copier $175
staff reserves the right to edit submis-
sions and advertisements as well as paper $45
the right to reject submissions or Ink $325
advertisements. SUB TOTAL $516
TOTAL $1811
GLSO Page 2

 Community .News ‘
MOVCdDiC PODS 9576” ing her most active and challenging role

Tiffany & Company invites everyone to and is pushing the buttons of Corporate

Crossings on Wednesday, July 17th for our Ami: is an opportunity to get DP ben
_ l '

zit tShuemrgeerfllilrcgl grisgfgnfnfnrizs: efits approved by October of this year so
Rayna Starr, Val E. Sheridan, Karen that every employee would have the ben-
Kolette, Mescha, Stacey Bryant, and Miss efits active for 2003. There is a need for
Sheena. Show starts promptly at 10pm people at the grass roots level to talk to
. . their management and for them to pass

and your $5.00 donation Will 90 to it up their chain of command
Movgable Feast. Come and enjoy cool We need your help to get-as many

coc ails with our sizzling performances! .

people at Lexmark talking about the
DP benefits and how they benefit
H" mm m same-sex and opposite-sex couples.

The Lexington Lyons will hold a If you know anyone that is a current
promotional meeting for anyone inter— employee at Lexmark, please have
ested in competing for the title of Mr. them contact Julia at
Bluegrass Leather at 8pm on Monday, jfain@lexmark.com or phone 859-

July 22nd at the GLSO Pride Center. 232-2865.
The contest will be held at the
Limestone Club on Saturday, Dre” and Gender alliance
September 7th. If you have the slight— The Lexington Dress and Gender i
est interest in joining the competition Alliance is a social support group for a"
for this coveted title, you are encour— who transcend gender norms and wish to ’
gaggltoifiitfxattli‘osnmerfiteggse Fzgfiifi; socialize with other like-minded people to l
Thomas Smith at 2'72_0 408 discuss the issues we face. We meet on i
' the second Monday and fourth Sunday of
. . each month at 7 pm in a private home.
Domestlc Partner geneflts We also welcome supportive friends and
at Lexmark" community members. For more info and

Julia Fain, supported by the Kentucky location: Email LexDGA@aol.com or call
Fairness Alliance, is working on securing (859)433-8388.
domestic partner benefits for Lexmark
Employees. "Right now, we are sure of AVOL SEEKS Volunteers
only one thing," states Julia Fain, “It's a AIDS Volunteers, Inc. provides HIV and
question 9f WHEN' not IF' Th? tls the most AIDS education, prevention initiatives,
encouraging news nght now. service programs and financial assistance

Julia '3 a current Le xmark employee to persons infected with the HIV disease.
who has volunteered wrth Farmess, been .

_ In all of central and southeastern

in Pnde Parades, and worked as a volun- Kentucky.
teer for Ernesto Scorsone. She is now tak— ...continued on page 4
GLSO page 3

 We are currently in need of volunteers Integrity
to help in the office and to provide trans- . . _
portation. Volunteers are needed in the Integrity is an Episcopal support group
office anytime between the hours of 9 am. that meets at St- Michael's Episcopal
and 5 pm. The schedule is flexible and Church on Bellefonte Dr. We welcome
volunteers can set their own hours. Duties GLBT people and friends to 10m Us every
include answering the telephone, filing and second Sunday at 4 pm. Call Rev. Boyd or
photocopying. Rev. Sandy Stone for more information at

Transportation volunteers are also 277'7511 or JBlntegrity@aol.com.
needed during the day to take clients to
doctor's appointments. A copy of a valid Interweave
drivers license and proof of insurance are Interweave is a Unitarian Universalist
required. Time required for appointments group for LGBT people and friends. We will
varies. Training '_3 prowded. . not have any potlucks in July but would still

_if you have time to spare and enjoy like to meet you if you come to one of the
being around other people, then AVOL may UU Worship services. There are also
be just the place for YOUi For more infor- some UU parents and friends that hope to
mation, please call Christen Moore at revitalize PFLAG this coming fall. Let us
(859) 2253000 or e-mail me _a_t know if you are interested in working with
Acaretearn@aol.com. You can also V's't this group of gay friendly individuals. For
our webSIte at www.A|DSVolunteers.org information call Mary Crone at 266-5904 or
and fill out an application online. I look for- email marycrone@aol.com.
ward to hearing from you soon

Real Estate Sewice With
. ’ ‘ b
m W

Scott Ackerman ENTHUSIASM
Mobile: 859-338-8483 S _ L _ t

. . ern on
V0ice Mail: 859-294-2055 e 9 &e"'"9
E-Mail: SAcker4224@aol.com Kentucky

Call me With all your Real Estate Needs

GLSO page 4

W e , ,M. m
or i : , i 1, its" is, 3 ‘ ,2.
at r ,‘ "l m. , “ ' . ’1, ,:
.4! -(, j _'\ 3 .1 1‘ .‘ .125
if; ‘ l 3 "i l J.‘ fl 1 I I; . i I. . p X ,3
sl r _ i,
'it ,, ~ , F , , ‘1’ / a?! 1 x - ~
VIII ’ . ti ,. ,1 9‘ H ,- 1
mu ; ' ‘/ , " . /" . .
he ;‘ ' V / . '
so - - Food, drinks 8;. our
to . friendly staff are here
US ‘ o
1th to serve during the parade!
:or .
0' ' . Our world—famous
, divas will have a show
immediatly following
.3 an, the parade!
1,5,2 4 . 5‘ if “9:
gm .52.... .
is; ' , A 1 ' T—dancc in our
g > :7 Ira—n.“ i .
g. , .. 1 Johnny Angel Disco
94:31 é after the parade!
- Miss Firecracker Pageant!
' 10pm in the showroom!
’ Lounge opens a 1 law!
“ta” @[Q/AR
.- [flu-4a... L 7'
224 E. Main St. 1' Lexington, KY - 255-1551
Must be 21 with valid ID

 389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat 10 - 3
Pride CBIIICI‘ library Highlights: Lesbian Movie Night does not
Summer Vacation Dreams currently have someone to take responsi-
By Jane Minder bility for hosting. The host typically picks
lt d l d t' b t a film, sends in a brief description to this
3 summer an nee a vaca Ion u
' newsletter, o ens and closes the cente
there's no relief in site. Icould read the trav- on the nightpof the film and welcome;
el guides in the Pride Center Library newcomers If an one is interest d
(Damron, Ferrari...), but then I'd know about I ll ”G “:11 C t e '
all the places I'm not going to...and what's pease ca inger a e en er.
the fun in that? So I looked through the . .
library and saw some titles that got me think- Men S nght TOUT WI" meet at
ing about my imaginary "Dream Vacation" the Pnde Centeruon hursday, Ju y 11 at
(the only kind I'll have for a while). See if 7 pm to watch Wilde, a feature film about
some of these Start you dreaming: the life Of OSCar Wilde, eccentric poet and
playwright. The self-realization of his
Costa Brava by Marta Balletbo-Coll homosexuality caused Wilde enormous
Heaven's Coast: A Memoir by Mark Doty torment as he juggled marriage, father-
Hometowns: Gay Men Write APOUt Where hood and responsibility with his obses-
They Belong edited by JOh” Preston sive love for Lord Alfred Douglas, nick-
Elghtsrtm .Argba 3y Agdrj: Hellfrar'lsan named Bosie. After legal action instigated
erve s In are use y aos reVI . .
Postcards from Paradise [Audio tape] by by Bosues father' the mad Marquess Of
Cris Williamson Queensberry, Wilde refused to flee the
Silverlake Heat by Carol Schmidt country and was sentenced to two years
States of Desire: Travels in Gay America by at hard labor by the courts.
Edmund White _ _ .
Travels with Diana Hunter by Regine Sands D'gmty and lntegr'ty want to
Wilderness Trek by Dorothy Tell thank all who attended our joint Pride
potluck. We had a great time and appre-
The Pride Center Library, located at 387 ciate your support. Call 268-1351 for
:Nalle: oAgenEe’ '18 Openb MOEdalz-dsatuidfay invorrnation about Dignity. Integrity infor-
rom -. ooscan ececeou or --
matlon IS on a e 4.
four weeks, audios and videos for seven p 9
days. Check us out for your summer read- , , ,
ing needs. Writing T1” actlce
Everyone is welcome to attend the
Pride Center Activities writing practice group that is held on the
Open To All second and fourth Saturdays of each
month at 10 am at the Pride Center. In
Discuss“ Gm" meets every wed- at July that will be the 13th and the 27th.
7pm. This is an accepting group of folks, ' .
always open to new members—join us. Expenence and regular attendanceare
Classic Movie Matinee will meet again on "Qt requnred. We expenment w'th writing
the fourth Sunday July 28 at 3 pm at the exercuses and share our work on a volun-
Pride Center. tary basis. Bring a pen and some paper
and see what you can do.
GLSO Page 6

 fountain 0‘ 3/0qu even think saying it was wrong. I have con-
Small fronted people about it before and their
We are starting this new feature to encour— main excuse is, “Well I didn’t mean gay
not age Iesbigaytrans youth to take part in our people specifically, I just meant they were
lsi- community in a variety of ways. This first being stupid." sometimes I Wieh I come
:ks piece was written by Sarah and presented walk around saying, “That’s so Christian"
his as part of the Pride Service at the or “That’s so straight.” I guess who ever
ter Unitarian Universalist Church where she is said Ignorance IS bliss really meant It-
les 8 member. When I was a junior in high school, I
3d, began to meet a few “kindred spirits".
Being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or trans- During the fall semester, a close friend of
gendered (LGBT) in today’s society poses mine came out to me. l was floored by it.
at interesting challenges, especially to LGBT Here was someone that I had known since
at youth. From personal experience, I know grade school and who I had lived up the
but what it feels like to live in a heterosexist street from for years, telling me that she
Ind world. A world where everything is great, was QaY- lwas beginning to wonder if there
his as long as you’re straight. was something in the water. It is one thing
tus | always knew that l was gay. It was not to know there are LGBT people out there,
er- really something I struggled with initially; it but it is quite another to actually know that
35- was just always there, lurking in the back person. Especially when you have known
3k- of my mind and making itself known at the them for almost ten years.
29d most inopportune of moments. | am a pri- The road my friend traveled was a diffi-
Of vate person, so when I finally figured out cult one. She seemingly dove head first
:he there was a name for who I was, I was not into her newfound lesbian pride, much to
3'3 exactly running around and proclaiming it the dislike of her parents and the majority
from the rooftops. ljust thought, “wow: so of the student body. It seemed as if “dyke”
to :13? :_ labial-IL: figutred S'”°:’_th:re washa and “queer” were her new names. She was
d e be 'm lon 0“ . fn' was no 1:13 mew 0 no longer recognizable by her trademark
elonged to this secret group. . .
re- , , humor. What replaced it was nothlng short
When I began attendlng publlc school, , _
for I noticed how people treated each other. It Of appalling. Even teachers, dedlcated to
or- seemed that whenever someone did education and maklng school a safe enVI-
something stupid kids would say, “That’s ronment for all, turned a blind eye. God for-
so gay," or “Quit acting like a fag". It was bid you would call an African-American the
not until I reached high school that it n-word but by all means let the parade of
the seemingly became a word used in every gay epithets rain down.
the other sentence, as if it were a punctuation To be honest, I felt guilty. Here was a
lch mark. “Queer, fag, faggot, dyke, lezzy." close friend of mine, living her life the way
In These phrases and others liberally sprin- she wanted, and in the process was being
'th. kled into everyday conversation. I felt likel harassed and accosted for it. I ended up
are could not walk down the hallway without standing on the sidelines, watching it hap-
ing hearing at least one of those words no less pen. It was not easy, but my paralyzing fear
in- than three or four times. overrode my sense of loyalty. Looking back
)er What made it even more difficult was now, I am ashamed of my actions. During
the fact that most of those youth did not our senior ...continue d on page 8

 year, I told her my intentions of coming out dbl/[91166 Fol/L 0W Sh 1313
to our peers. The look I received was a tired
one. She said, “Sarah, believe me. If I could Jubilee Fellowship is moving their
magically jump back into the proverbial meeting time to Thursday nights at 7pm
closet, I would. All this... ltjust isn’t worth it.” starting July 11th We meet in a our home
I wanted cry at that moment. I was so which is located at 3232 Durango Drive.
angry and frustrated. How could this hap- Contact Rev. Corina or spouse Beverly for
pen? Who would let this kind of rampant directions 264—7006" _
. . . . . We are presently studying the gospel
discrimination occur let alone condone it. .
_ , of John. Recently we discussed the story
Sadly, this would not be the end of it. lylany of the man born blind. The commonly
a night i WOUId console her as she cried. I held belief of that day said sickness, dis-
tried to be strong for her, but inside I was ease and major misfortunes fell on those .
crying iUSt as hard and hurting iUSt as that God was angry with due to their "sin-
much. ful lifestyle". Sound familiar? Jesus
I do not believe there is much that can responded by saying neither the young
prepare one for the possibility 0f death. it man nor his parents' sin caused the young
really is not something you ever willingly man's blindness. Jesus went on to say
want to do. There were two separate times that God's power would be demonstrated
that my friend tried to commit suicide. in this young man's |ife_
Both, thankfully, were unsuccessful. Jesus healed this young man and did
Unfortunately, she was not alone in her so on the Sabbath. This angered the phar-
actions. LGBT youth are two to three times isee's (the religious right of the day). The '
more likely to attempt suicide than their pharisees questioned the young man
heterosexual counterparts. Of all complet— about how he was healed and who
ed suicides, at least 30% are attributed to healed him. His answers ultimately lead
LGBT Youth. to him being cast out of the synagogue.
On a positive note. a local organization After this happen Jesus sought him out.
called the Lexington Gay Straight Alliance The bible says that Jesus is the same
has emerged. The GSA provides a safe today yesterday and forever_
environment for LGBT, straight, and ques— Many of us have be cast out of the
tioning YOUth to meet, socialize, and SUP- church or synagogue because we dare to
port one another. it is in this way that i feel confess that God loves and accepts us as
like i am making a difference in the LGBT His gay/lesbian/transgendered children.
youth community as well as to the general And just like the young man who was
PUhiiC- i now lend my voice to a cause i excommunicated in this story, Jesus
was so afraid to acknowledge iUSt a few comes to us who have been excommuni-
short years ago. Since i COUid not stand UP cated to affin'n that all we have to do is
for my friend and myself then, I at least can believe who He says He is, the Son of
stand up for us now. lguess you don’t have God. Please come and join us on our
to be Straight to be great after all. journey of discoven'ng all that God has for
us as His children on Thursday nights in
our home; call us at 264-7006 and ask for
Corina or Beverly for directions.
GLSO Page 8

 ir GLSO News Sponsors 2002



3, Richardson Vision Center...................................278-4201

)r 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside

3| Scott Ackerman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(voice) 294-2055

y (mobile) 338-8483

ly . For all your real estate needs

5‘ SisterSound..............................243-0243

: Diverse music for all women

Is TheCreativeTeam ........................494-1832

9 Dan Rogers & Teresa Wagoner

,3, Imperial Court of Kentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .252-3014

d A Charity Organization

d TheBarComplex .........................255-1551

r_ 224 East Main Street

e Unitarian Universalist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223-1448

” Seeking a Diverse Congregation


d Kentucky Fairness Alliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .296-7812

3. www.bluegrassfaimess.org

: Debra Hensley Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276-3244
1513 Nicholasville Road

9 WindyKnoIlFarm .........................299-7410

‘2 Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding

1. - Lexington Men's Chorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231-0090

s Rehearsal every Sunday

: Prudential Securities, David Cupps ... . . . . . . . .243-5033

3 Specializing in the investment needs of LGBT’s and their families

’f PégasusTravel ...........................253-1644

:: Donating 1% of your ticket cost to GLSO

n .


— GLSO pageQ

 Call number In ' l 2002
Directory for Location. U y
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
‘ o
7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Sistahs in the Life 7 pm Discussion Group 12 noon Parade-join Pride Center Open 10-3
Pride Center Pride Center Fairness at Main and
' Midland (see article)
7 pm Jubilee Fellowship
(see article)
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
10:45 am UU Church Pride 7 pm Faimess Steering 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pnde Center Open 10'3
Service Committee-Pride Center 9 pm Rainbow Bowling Pride Center (see article) (Call for place) 10 am Writing Practice
4 pm Imperial Court Pride 7 pm Lex Dress & Gender Southland Lanes 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA . Pnde Center
Center Alliance (Call for place) (Call for place)
7 pm HUGS (Cdlforbcation) 7 pm P-FLAG Berea
Pubilc Library-Berea
8 pm AA Step Study ‘
(Call for place) _
14 1 5 1 6 1 7 ' 1 8 1 9 20
10:45 am UU Church 7 pm GLSO Board Meeting 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Men’s Night Out 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ' Pride Center Open 10-12
7 pm Dignity Pot Luck Pride Center ‘ 9 pm Rainbow Bowling Pride Center 1 Pride Center (Call for place)
7 pm C.O.L.T.s Pride Canto 8 pm AA Step Study Southland Lanes ' 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ‘ 7 pm-Jubilee Fellowship
7 pm HUGS (Call for location) (Call for place) (Call for place) (See article)
_ 10 pm Tiffany and Co. _
Benefit Crossings
21 22 23 24 25 26 27_
10:45 am UU Church 8 pm AA Step Study 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pnde Center Open 10-3
7 pm Dignity - Pride Center (Call for place) 9 pm Rainbow Bowling Pride Center (See article) (Call for place) 10 am Writing Practice .
7 pm HUGS (Cdlforlomtion) Southland Lanes 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center
. (Call for place)
28 29 30 31 _ _
10:45 am UU Church 8 pm AA Step Study 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Drscussron Group
6 pm Imperial Court (Call for place) 9 pm Rainbow Bowling Pride Center
7 pm HUGS (Callforlomtion) Scuthland Lanes 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
(Call for place)
GLSO Page10 GLSO Page 11

 Ky Fairness A||iance as well as subtler forms of discrimination
_ in the region. "Derogatory things have
The Kentucky Fairness Alliance IS form- been said, one person's car windows
ing a chapter in northern Kentucky. The were broken, and someone's car got
new chapter is the seventh in the state for damaged," King added. He said the
the alliance, which lobbies for gay, lesbian, Northern Kentucky Fairness Alliance
bisexual, and transgendered people. The hopes to stop those acts and document
other sux are '" Lexmgton, Lounsvulle, discrimination against gays and lesbians.
Frankfort, Henderson, Owensboro, and
Paducah. _
Alliance member Charles King said the Attentlon Lexmark
new chapter is working with the Covington Employes
Human Rights Commission to incorporate Anyone emp|oyed at Lexmark or
protections for gays and lesbians into knows someone emp|oyed at
. Covington's human rights ordinance. The Lexmark that would be interested
Cincinnati suburb already prohibits discrim- in Domestic Partner Benefits,
ination in employment, housing, and public please contact Julia Fain
accommodations based on race, sex, reli-
gion, and disability. 'f . (85'9)232 E865
King said that gays and lesbians have J am@ exmar ‘00"! or
also faced verbal and physical harassment Kentucky F.alrness Alllance
_ Clo Andrea Hildebran.
Kentucky Bluegrass Fairness see stopy page 3
Bluegrass Chapter -
4 stew -
. . ‘9‘ ' «My
ea. fibfl‘ew Turner- Counseling
.- 3‘3"}. > WWI . (859)269-6497
.4" I h A ’ I 22lGYoungDr.#l
Fairness works with legislators and other Lexmeton- KY 40505
decision-makers to ensure equal treatment :-
. Ex nenced Professional Thera sts
of LGBT people in the Bluegrass and mP: Safe and Friendly Enwronnfent:
around the state. Contact us to help in the ,
'fight and to stay informed on important Beverly K. Turner, LCSW
1ssues. , Apryl Tandy, LCSW
T'h’e BT.UE?3R7\§§_ Q Jo Llllard, Lcsw
CHAPTER of Kentucky I FAIRNESS Mendy Dameb. LCSW
Fairness Alliance 3
PO Box 22032 _ * - . , .. onlzenz‘ml'lméslfisw
Lexington, KY 2 .
40522'2032 _ NO More, NO Less ‘ WWIWMMQfiW
‘ Call: (859)"296-‘78121/vi's'it www.bluegrassfaimess.org wswm
— .
GLSO page 12

 ,‘ Wishing Chill! Wishing Chair T-Shirts are getting
: ready to make a comeback and we need
2 Hello everyone. All is well here in your help. Help us decide what color to go
i Chair land, in fact it almost couldn't be bet— mm by making a pitch for your favorite T
ter if we were twins (well, ya know Kiya is color: basrc white With black design (great
a Gemini...so technically...) for formal wear), light blue with black
. We had a wonderful time opening the design (for those less formal occassions),
I main stage at the National Women's or my personal favorite, the tie-dye with
1 Music Festival, the oldest of its kind in the black desrgn (for the love Child in all Of “3)-
r i country, and our favorite. We shared the Of course, maybe something new and
' stage with our bud Kara Barnard. If you completely different tickles your fancy?
. : missed us there, we will be performing Give us a holler at wishingchair@ter—
T with Kara in Lexington on Thursday, Aug rakin.com
2 1st, downtown at Cheapside Park I know you've heard about it for what
1 Courthouse Square, 215 West Main St., seems like eons now, bUt Kiya's first
_ . 5:301:00 pm. It's a free concert. recording, Gravity, is finally out and avail-
, , We have also been selected to show- able on CD. Go to our website or order
‘ case at the Falcon Ridge Folk Festival in directly through our distributor, Goldenrod
l upstate New York this coming July 26. It is Musrc. . _
; one of the biggest (read Most Important) Thats about 't' yall. Many thanks from
* folk festivals of it's kind in the country. So, chair land for being there and ”(mg the
, COME! it's beautiful, the lineup is spec- mus": and be'”9 the wonderiU' support
1 tacular, and you can root for us too! that you all are. Have a great summer and
hope to see you at a show soon.
- Healing Sea Myofascral Release
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i 3': V
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(859) 420—4MFR * (859)263-3998
7 203 Woodland Ave., Lexington (inside Hair Razors)
j *Na’rionally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
‘ *Licensed Massage Therapist *Member American Massage Therapy Assaciafion
GLSO Page 13

 o . mile marker (now in Phoenix Park), a ly
Queer LBXIIlgtDIl. miniature golf course operated at the end Pr:
1930'1949 of Esplanade in the area that would even- ta)
by left lane: tually become in later years a center of pa
queer bars and cruising. be
The beginning of the 19308 was an Queer life in various manifestations sh
‘ extraordinary time for queer people. also existed. The Circuit, a network of he
i Berlin had more gay bars than any city downtown public bathrooms used for rat
3 before or since. In 1930 Denmark became anonymous sex, thrived as it had for years,
‘ the first country to repeal its sodomy law. Groups of gay men continued to hold drag otl
3 No American military policy yet officially parties where they would crossdress and to
excluded gay soldiers. Then came the photograph each other for fun. "Gay an
Nazis and the internment of homosexual women" as opposed to later, more out and Re
, men who were forced to wear the pink tri- feminist "lesbians" often sought out educa- rm
1 angle in the concentration camps. tion and professional fields where careers his
Back home, Fayette County in the could be used as an excuse for no male ldt
I Thirties and Forties was then a smaller spouse. de
, place. 180.000 fewer people lived here in By the height of the Great Depression, bi:
i 1940. The rural portions of the county and Lexington's James "Sweet Evening se
the horse farms dwarfed the urban area Breeze" Herndon was already in his mid- tht
even as tobacco and horse breeding 30$. Arguably the first out queer person in us
dominated the economy. The area's Lexington, Sweets as he was best known er
African-American p0pulation was larger was a slender African-American man wi
percentage-wise with about one in every whose gender-bending outfits, kind heart,
five Lexingtonians being black. Today that and effeminate manners made him a local thi
figure has drapped to one in seven while character. Raised at Good Samaritan Stl
our Hispanic and Asian populations have Hospital, he was working his way to ce
risen. The city and county were separate become head order|y_ SI
governments controlled by a strong In segregated Lexington, Sweets' pro- E:
Democratic Party machine, and sixty fessional job gave him relative wealth and vi:
trains a day passed through Lexington's by 1940 he had purchased a home at 186 be
busy railroad stations. Down Main Street Prall Street in the black Pralltown neigh- of
from Union Station with its camel caravan borhood across from UK. Sweets regular- C;
53.1.; ——\,“Keep the love you find, Tit-10W 903* C°P¥ingt .
ere IS a co ier a
’7’; Get the love you want!” the Pride Banter
' 5' which any group or
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cents for double sided
Certified lmago Relationship Therapist copies. We ask that
couples, family, individuals Y0“ proYide the papa“ J
Call Ginger at the
jessica@cwevent.com 859-552—6533 233:;53533233 "3 ‘
GLSO Page 14

 . |y did charitable acts. When a poor only wish that someone's attic holds a lost
I Pralltown family would be short of food, a PhOtO 0i Sweets waving to some parting
. taxi would deliver groceries bought and soldier as he and Sweets' fruitcake go off to
i paid for by Sweets. Each year the neigh- defeat the AXiSi
borhood children would find a new pair of BY the late 19405 the war had ended
; shoes donated by Sweets. In most cases and thousands 0f queer military People
i he had such gifts delivered to avoid embar- from rural places like Kentucky chose to
. rassing families by his generosity. stay in disembarkation sites like San
. By the 19405 Sweets and a group of Francisco. They would form the nuclei of
I other African-American queens were likely new urban queer communities.
I to have begun a tradition of entertaining At home in Lexington queer life contin-
r and sexually servicing UK athletes. ued through a network of private parties,
| Recalling earlier models of sexuality docu- chance understandings, and occasional
- mented in early 20th century New York by trips to northern Kentucky's gangster-
; historian George Chauncey, homosexual owned gay bars. Up at Masterson Station
’ identity before the 19608 were more the federal government operated the
defined by gender non-conformity. The l