xt7w6m33536r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w6m33536r/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1992-04 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, April 1992 text GLSO News, April 1992 1992 1992-04 2019 true xt7w6m33536r section xt7w6m33536r Free at Selected. Business Locations
Home Dehveryat$5perYear
uxmcron cu/usnmc snvxcx onmxnnon, v.0. no: 13471, uni-mu, :1 40575
. By Debbie Currie
.The 1992. Gay, Lesbian, and Events will be scheduled between
Bisexual Pride Comm1ttee has been June 5 and 14,
work_lng hard the past few months We also have a raffle planned
maklng plans for_ this year's and will be selling PRIDE 1992
celebration and things are really buttons. Watch for the raffle
beginning to take shape. ,The tickets and buttons to go on sale
schedule of events isn't finalized in early May. Also mark our
yet. 50 for now, I thought we'd calendar for May 8, when we'lI be
just let you know about some 0f having another Pride 1992 Benefit
the events we have planned. We're featuring Yer Girlfriend!
very PIOUd 0f thle slate 0f. events We are very excited about this
-' there truly is something for year's Pride Celebration! The
everyone: planning got off to an earlier
** MOVIE NIGHT at the Kentucky start than ever before,
Theater. fund—raising has been going on
** TWO ElaYS by BETWEEN THE ACTS: since last fall, and we are
"DOS Les 05" and a return engage- planning our big est publicity
ment of that wonderful lesbian push ever, We neeg your support,
gothic drama, "This Brooding Sky." so please be there:
** PRIDE CHURCH SERVICE at the Watch for the final schedule,
Unitarian Universalist Church. including dates, times and
*? BARN DANCE (sponsored by the locations in the May GLSO News.
Trl—state Gay Rodeo A550Clatl°M~ If you would like to assist with
** COMMUNITY AWARDS BANQUET the 1992 Pride Celebration or for
(sponsored-by. the Tri-State Gay more information, please phone
Rodeo Assocxatlon). Debbie at 255-3851).
Sixty—three GLSO News readers responded to the survey in the February
issue. This is a good response; 500 copies of the News are distributed.
Although the survelyl is not scientific and cannot be used to make
projections about t e gay and lesbian population of Lexington, it does
provide an insight into _ _
the demographics and Sexual Omentatmn of Survey Respondents
attitudes of the
readers. The readers
respondin to the
survey igentified G%)éMale
their sexual orienta—
tion to be: gay
males, 33; lesbians, Straight
22; bisexuals, 7; and ' 1
straight males, 1.
Ahdetailed report
on t e results 0 the - Bisexual
survey starts on page Lgablan 7
8 of this issue.

 A word from the editor
e a» S h By Chuck Smith b l
- - T ere is no reason to e ieve
Published monthly by th? ifillllgton that the survey results published
Gay/Lesbian Semces Organization, in this issue of the GLSO News
. represent views of a cross section
P.0. Box 11471, Lenugton, KY 40575 of the gay men, lesbians, and
bisexuals in the Lexington area.
Chuck Smith.editor In facft fihey represent a narriw
. . art 0 t at communit : the eo e
0'an Clere,pres1dent. 6150 Board She for various reasons reapd Ehe
News. If the survey tells us
laillng:lee. Folding and stuffing:Lee. anything at all, it says the
- - organized "gay community," such as
Laurie. Hark. Steve. and Hilly. it is, needs to reach out to other
—— segments of the community.
The past year has seen the
growth and development of groups
The Bsmerelda's Parlour column concerned with the spirituality of
with news and viewpoints of gay, lesbian and bisexual people.
interest to ulesbians in the Let's make the coming year a time
Bluegrass is produced by to develop other resources for the
Esmeralda Collective. community.
The survey asked what sort of
gay/lesbian/bisexual groups are
View. or opinions expressed in 61.50 News most needed in Lexington. In the
are those of the authors and don't responses, three ideas were
necessarily represent those of the 61.50 mentioned most often: (1) a
Board of Directors. Submissions are bisexual support group, (2) an
welcome. All submissions become the organization for gays and lesbians
property of GLSO and must indicate full under 21 Years Old, and (3)
name and may... of th. author, The organized outdoor activities such
staff reserves the right to edit as hiking, camping, SOftball—r and
submissions and ads to meet publishing VOllegbal-l- . .
requirements, .. v.11 .. the right to I you would be interested 1n a
reject any submission. Placement of bisexual group call Beth at
advertising in the GLSO News does not 253“0955- PeOp e intereSted in
denote a person's sexual orientation nor develoPing an under 21 group can
abusiness's custaaer preference. . phone ChuCk at 275-2089' I You
are interested in organiZing
outdoor activities, or if you
- would like to take part in such
activities phone Chuck at
A running/walking club, the
GLSO's nominating committee is Lexington Front Runners, already
seeking suggestions for persons to exists. It meets every Saturday
serve two year terms on the board morning at 9:30 at the UK water
of directors. The board meets for tower, southeast of Commonwealth
about two hours each month. If you Stadium.
are interested in serving on the + + + + + + +
board or if you know someone who The Pride Committee meets at
would, cal Chuck Smith at 8:00, April 9. If you have ideas
275-2089. or want to help call 255-3851.

smerelcla S P 8r10r
{AR By GinaRose
N/ Icould read
‘ an e es
. _ Adog's bite
By Debbie Currie the lover's look

I know you are going to feel minds ofmistrust
deprived, but this is going to be the soul kept within
another month without sex. Or
rather, without one of my Thenyou
stimulating articles on safe sex. nothingappeared
I plan to continue with them next gambler cool
month . no trace of telling

Actually, I don't have much green
this month, but what I have is eepwater
big, or at least it is to me. I am ofhldden depths
in the same position I was in hidden rocks
three years ago, when I decided belowthesurface
that I was trying to do more than still
I could really handle. silent

I had to say goodbye to mute
Esmerelda's Parlour then, and I'm eyes
going to have to say goodbye now.

The June 1992 issue of the GLSO Captured

News will be the last one for me, Iwantedto

I hope that once again someone move the stone

will step forward to take this prizethetreasure

column under their wing. We're

lucky to have this forum——let's Anunknownwoman

keep it alive! unchartered paths



A retreat for spiritual renewal never didI
led by Jacqueline Metheany will readthose eyes
take place at Mockingbird Hill wheninlove
House, April 10 to 12. The weekend andmlove wasted
is designed to help you connect peace
with your spiritual path in a war
deeper, more meaningful way.

Metheany, Director of Spiritual Inever knew
Formation of shalem Institute, never sure
Chicago/Columbus will present oftheplaces
methods for ritual meditation, and you gave me
imagery techniques. or

Space is limited, reservations howmuch
needed. Contact: Janette 276—2685. Iwas there


 The key to HIV
Prevention is
Spread Facts,
not HIV.
For more information, call your
local health department or the
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.
4 GLSO/April

Beginning April 6, GLSO will sponsor a support group for lesbians and
gay men. It will run for six consecutive weeks on Monday nights. New
members may join at any time.
This group grew out of the
coming out groups we have 800-LINE OFFERS PEERSUPPORT
sponsored over the past few years. TO GAYAND LESBIAN TEENAGERS
The group is still open to people
with coming out issues, but we Gay male and lesbian teenagers
plan discussions to include a wide can now talk to other teenagers
range of topics such as how to about matters related to their
encourage long-term relationships, sexuality on an BOO-phoneline. The
the pressures of living in a service provided by the Indiana
straight society, religious and Youth Group, is staffed by gay
spiritual concerns, political male and lesbian teenagers.
choices, and so forth. This fihoneline provides young
The group will choose a focus people w o are coming to terms
week by week. For the location of with their sexuality the
the meetings or more information, opportunity to talk with other
please contact Cole at 233—9991 or teenagers about their concerns.
Mary at 266—5904. The toll free number is (800)
The group meets each Monday in 347-8336.
April and the first two weeks in
May at 7:15 p.m.
AIDS Information and Services
In a recent survey of the
readers of the GLSO News, 31 area
businesses were identified as gay
friendly. At the head of the list
were Joseph-Beth Booksellers and
Sqecial Media, overwhelmingly the UK Women's Studies
most reported. Pegasus Travel,
Alfalfa's, Fleur de Lys, Cat's presents
Corner, Hensley State Farm,
Paisley Peacock, Imperial Flowers
and the Pampered Chef each also
captured several votes along with LUCIE BLUE TREMBLAY ;
four local bars (The Bar Complex, 2
The Metro, Joe's, and Crossings). and fl
Airline Tickets -- Cruises -- Tours ;
GLSO Donation With Each Purchase ‘1 Saturday, Agril 25, 8:00 p.m {
i Singletary enter for the Arts
2040 Idle Hour Center i
Richmond Road Lexington, KY 40502 5 Ticket Information: 257-4929
800 228-43377 60 268-4337 A I

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1) I R E C T O R Y
M“ m M" . 1’” 1 2 3 1‘
naanaun "3 eLse e... 1' ..................231-0335
HHEEEIIIEEEEE EHBBIEE] 8pm eay/IesbianAA pmHIV/Ams supp. grp- 7pm gay mens spirit. 8m 9m antRunnels y me
[EIEEEEEEEDE] EEEIJEEEEJIEEEEE 7:30meK1AMBDA 8pm gay/lesbianAA amHIV/AIDS supp-SIP. 811138 goardééjlll‘ajgz). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3333;;
WEEEEI IIIEEEEIE $138 ggeakinrs 1%}11‘reau (Bill) . . . . . . 3233;?
one - e on . . . . . . . . . . . . -
EM GLSO Support Group)(,iVIary) . . . . . . . 266-5904
:EIEIEIEIEIE 1313519512 =E=E=EIE2E151EtizitEIEIEi 53233215: 2515:5333 1515:2335 33:33:35 31512335: 3252312235: E33333? 1525152535 3252151315 (Cole) _ _ . . _ _ _ . . 233.5904
6 7 Bluegrass C.O.L.T.S (Mark) . . . . . . . .233-7266 .
.:::.....-:53’ ¥aint 03v léowlliingiLezzgue . .). . . . . . . . . Egg-gig
4pm gay/lesbian AA nooanK LAMBDA lunc 8pm gay/lesbian AA pm HIV/AIDS supp. grp. 8pm gay/lesbian AA 9am Front Runners “'5 a 9 a3? ° ‘30 my - - - - - - j
7pm gay/lesbian Al-Anon 7 NAMES Project meet. 7 NAMES Project Panel am HIV/AIDS supp. 31?- 56211243353113 KentuCkysKatlfe.) I” 335322?
Tri-state Gay 8:45pm Rmnbow bow" 13' mahng Esmerelda's Parlour (Debbie) . . . . . . . 255-3851
Rodeo Asso. 7_9 1 b' Front Runners/running club (Dan) . . 254-6850
SP1“ fist 1333’ UK Gay/Lesbian Students (Keith) . . .266-3934
uppo group Lexington Men's Chorus (Shelby) . . . 231-0090
> (Michael)...................233-3709
@213 14 15 16 17 fig: Gay/LesbianAA(Dave)............293-6822
_ _ "*5 -=" Gay/Lesbian Al-Anon (Robert) . . . . . .293-0516
4pm gay/lesbian AA 7pm gay/losblzm Al-Anon 8pm gay/lesbian AA pm HIV/AIDS supp. grp. 8pm gay/lesbian AA 9am Front Runnels
8:45pm Rainbow Bowl. lg 7:0 UKLAMBDA 7pm gay mens spirit. grp. am HIV/AIDS supp. grp. D' .t RELEEIIIQIE G)ROUPS 299 4458
l I a QC on............ '
7_9 m lesb. pm Inga-Ivymve: Unitarian (Craig) . . . . . . 277-4384
sgppor t ngggtyl p Pride Week Com. Gay Mens Spmtual Group ( teve) . . .233-1782
- AIDS Information & Services
_ Kentucky AIDS Hotline . . . . . 800 645-2437
' i. AVOL(1nfo. & services) . . . . . . . . . . . . 254-2865
‘ . HIV + , ARCBAIDS Support Groups
2pm lesbian potluck 7pm gay/lesbian Al-Anon 8pm gay/lesbian AA pm HIV/AIDS supp. grp. 7pm Dignity meeting 9am Front Runners (AVOL ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' 254-2865
4pm gay/lesbian AA 8:45pm Rainbow bowl. lg. 8pm gay/lesbian AA pm HIV/AIDS supp. grp. Ano ous AIDS Testing
heiglngtoré-Eyzette County. . . . . . . . . Egg-3%;
7-9pmlesbig‘ay 8 a son ouny -
PmTrembla & J ammC 1; ................885-4149
supp“ group Davidson Congert figgdfomfcflrg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 837-4541
it National Gay/Lesbian Crisisline
g % 27 2 8 29 30 (800) 347-4283
4pm gay/IwbianAA 7pmsay/IwbianA1-Anon 6:30 GLSObomomeeting Pm HIV/AIDS supp. rip. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Information
8:45pm Rainbow bowl. 1g. 8... gay/lemme movxLAMBDA 231-0335
. Teena e Ga & Lesbian Su rt
7'9 PmleSblgay g (808) 347-TEEN ppo
support gm“) This line is Staffed by teenagers
6 GLSO/April GLSO/April 7

By Jeff Jones and Chuck Smith

A recent survey of the opinions and practices of readers of the GLSO
News provided some unexpected information, but no shocking surprises.
In the February issue of the News readers were asked to answer a
readers' survey; 63 people responded. This digest presents some of the

It should be emphasized that the reported, the others' occupations
survey is not scientific and include horse groom, clerical
cannot be assumed to provide an worker, priest, law enforcement,
faithful reflection of either the nurse, engineer, teacher, and
GLSO News readers or of the lawyer.

Lexington gay male, lesbian, and HIVStatus
bisexual community. But it dges W
rovide some interesting insig ts Omen
Iifnto the characteristics and 11 Untested MeéloUntested
thoughts of the readers who took '
Who Answered the Survey: of the “
63 respondents, 26 are women and ‘
37 are men Wit};1 almost exactly L
half falling wit in the 26 to 35 . I
age range. All but 5 of the MleanIV f
respondents are white; 95% live in ’2
Fayette County. A religious or I 'omenHIV-
spiritual preference was claimed 16
by 87%, with Roman Catholics and MenHIV+
Unitarian Universalists comprising 2
the largest number. The vast
majority are registered Democrats
(67%) With fewer Republicans (6%) A Surprise: Although lesbian
and independents (6%). And, (pay women have a much lower incidence
attention politicians) 88% voted of HIV infection than almost any
in the last four years. otfzherh group, a higher piroporgion
‘ o t e women (59.2%) ave een
EXPERIENCES OF HARASSMENT tested for the HIV compared to the
men (45.9%). This finding is
unexpected. Disturbingly, 23% of

°" the men and 16% of the women did

2. not always practice safer sex.

Education: The respondents show

’° a tendency to have a high level of

1. education: two—thirds have college

degrees with half of these degrees

,, being at the Masters or Ph.D.

.~- level. Even more telling is the

\ mw k fact that 97% of the respondents

° v.“ pm“: WM report having some college
, education.

-‘“"“”"°"m mm“ Income: On the other hand, the

respondents show a low income

Finally, in occupation, the level with a third having annual
largest single category of incomes below $10,000. This is at
respondents are college students least partially accounted for by
(16%). Showing a great diversity the number of college students
with 28 different job categories responding to the survey. This

 group includes graduate students suffering physical attack and 11%
who already have at least one facing other forms of
degree. On the other end of the discrimination in housing,
scale, 23% of the women answering insurance, etc.
the survey and 11% of the men earn Familly and Friends: Considering
over $30,000 annually. the yout of many of respondents,
"Outness:" One-third of those a satisf ing 40% of respondents
responding to the survey classify report geing in a long term
themselves as "out," or open about relahtionship or holy unioxi.
Anot er 28% report not current y
OUT OFTHECLOSET dating. So, there be wives on the
w/friends&family wing and husbands on the hoof out
27 ” Four men and three women report
/ having children. Considering this
/ small sampling for this survey
“I guch statistéics point tolabneed
w sonl or a group or gays and es ians
gay y "‘ with children in Lexington.
\\V HOtOUt Also interestingly for a
1 community often noted for gender
\ divisions, 78% of respondents
' w/everyone report that they mostly socialize
20 with a mixed crowd of men and
women, gays and heterosexuals.
their sexual orientation to every— Lexington's Gay Climate: The
one. Another third report being overwhelming majority of the
out to their families and friends. respondents report that Lexington
The final third classify does not have a gay-positive
themselves as not out at all (1), environment. Only one feels the
out to a few close friends (5) or climate is a positive one for
only to other lesbigays (7). lesbigays; while 24 feel it is
Most of the men report realizing neutral. But 28 see overall
their sexual orientation in their attitude about lesbigays to be
mid to late teens with the women negative and 5 consider it to be
readers showing a trend toward a very negative.
later realization coming in their
late teens to early 20's. Forty Lexington'sAcceptance of Gays
percent, however, report 'comincf;
out' between 19 and 24 years 0
Discrimination: Forty-one so
percent of the res ondents have
experienced verbal harassment in a
Lexington and 6% also report being
physically harassed. With 14% of ,0
the respondents reporting ‘
discrimination in Lexington in
housing, insurance, etc., it is 1,
clear that Lexington is not a
community protecting all of its 10 ~
citizens. ' '
Respondents also experienced c _
discrimination in places other .
than Lexington. Thirty percent 0
report having been Victims of v,,,,- Noun-II Pom" Vera H
verbal harassment with 3% "Wu" "”3““ ”'"v

By Penny Perkins
Cracker Barrel old Country Stores has dropped its lawsuits against
lesbian and gay activist whom the company had restrained from protesting
at one of its restaurants in Tennessee. The restaurant chain had used
lawsuits to prevent gay and lesbian
activist who own stock in the
company from attending its annual UKGAYSTUDENTSREORGANIZE:
shareholders' meeting in Tennessee G-L-U-E-BECOMESUKLAMBDA
last November. The company
voluntarily dismissed the suit By Christopher McDavid
just weeks before a court hearing Contrary to what the name
at which it would have been forced might suggest, UK LAMBDA is not
to defend its actions against the part of the greek system but
gay and lesbian shareholders. rather a campus organization for
Cracker Barrel restaurants gays, lesbians and bisexuals.
across the country were the target Formerly Gays and Lesbians
of protests after the company's United for Education, the group
dec1sion in early 1991 to changed its name so as not to
implement a policy of blatant exclude bisexuals and heterosexual
discrimination against employees supporters. The political and
who are or are perceived to be gay social student group sponsors
or lesbian. The policy, imposed on alcohol—free activities.
the more than 100 Cracker Barrel The letter lambda has been
restaurants throughout the South- adopted as an international symbol
east and other parts of the for gay, lesbians and bisexual
country, resulted in the arbitrary liberation.
firing of at least nine gay and
lesbian workers. The company HEPATITIS INCREASE INDICATES
policy stated it is inconsistent RESURGENCE OF UNSAFE SEX
with the company's "traditional
American values . . . to employ Federal health officials
individuals whose sexual reported March 5 an increase in
preferences fail to demonstrate hepatitis Type A among gay men,
normal heterosexual values." who have not historically been at
"This is a clear victory in high risk of the disease.
stopping a corporate bully from Researchers with the U.S.
denying the rig ts of lesbian and Centers for Disease Control said
gay activists to protest they fear the outbreaks in several
homophobic policies," said Paula cities could signal a resurgence
Ettelbrick, acting executive of unsafe sex, a decade after
director of Lambda Legal Defense, concern over AIDS prompted changes
legal representative of the in sexual behavior.
activists. "I hope that Cracker
Barrel and other companies like
them get the message that they CLASSIFIEDADS
cannot intimidate the gay and Roommate wanted: Female or gay male
lesbian community." wanted to share a lovely home in
1 Vergailes. liotsfpf pfivacy wéfegced-in t
. yar , poo, 1rep ace an grea
flaso EORUM & SQCIAL roommates to live with. We need a very
e nes ay,_ Mag 6&7-30 P'M' dzscreet and neat person. We prefer a
New Morning 0 ee House non-smoker but will negotiate. Need
504 Euc 1“ Avenue $250/month, includes utilities. If
interested call Jane at 873-1566.
10 GLSO/Apml

By Rob Howell

Four members of UK LAMBDA and a member of B—GLAD at Centre College
recently attended a conference of gay, lesbian and bisexual students in
Nashville sponsored by Vanderbilt LAMBDA. The conference attended by
students from many colleges and universities in the South, was well—
organized, informative and best of all, incredibly empowering. All of
us returned from Nashville with much enthusiasm about making positive
changes at our schools.

Representative at the conference KKKUPS ANTI-GAYACTIVITY
planned the formation of a network
of bisexual/lesbian/gay student The former Ku Klux Klan leader
organizations in the South. This and ex-Nazi David Duke's campaign
Southern Coalition is intended to for governor of Louisiana was
provide efficient lines of paralleled by an upsurge of the
communication and support to KKK.
small, less well-established Thirty members of the Klan
campus groups. burned crosses in Springfield,

The first step to establish and Mo., for the first time since
maintain an instrumental role for 1920. The 29-year—old director of
Kentucky students in the Southern the Missouri KKK, Steve Gullet,
Coalition is to establish a said, "By God, if some traitor
statewide coalition. Efforts to commie can burn the flag, and
get this project under way have queers can kiss in the park, we
already begun with UK, U of L, can have a religious ceremony."
NKU, WKU, EKY, Berea, and Centre In Lancaster, Pa., where a law
participating. For information, prohibiting discrimination against
call Rob at 254-5326. gay people was passed recently,

The newly reorganized UK gay, The Klan threatened to march on a
lesbian, and bisexual students local book store, that stocks gay
group, UK LAMBDA, has about 30 literature and close it down.
active members and remains fairly Meanwhile, in Fort Worth, Tex.,
busy. Unfortunately, a large threatening phone calls have been
percentage of this active coming into the Tarrant County
membership will be graduating in Lesbian/Gay Alliance and the homes
May. If the numbers don't of its officers. The anonymous
increase, the group is potentially callers have been saying, "a good
faced with severe problems in the fag is a dead fag," and "You
fall. should be burned like the Jews."

We feel that perhaps many So far some 45 phone calls have
students simply don't know that we been received.
are here for them. In order to
become better know, LAMBDA has
begun an extensive flier campaign Singer and Musicians
around campus as well as initiate are forming
public service announcements on
the student radio station, WRFL. LEXINGTON'S FIRST 1

The group has also reserved for
the latter part of April, a large WOMEN'S CHORUS
display case in the student
Center. We plan to fill the case Interested?
with educational media and other
positive image/aspects of gays, Callz254-8338
esbians, and bisexuals. For more Leave message.
information call Rob at 254-5326.

GLSO/April ll

By Laurie Davison
Walk across the Eastern Kentucky University campus at any time of the
day and your "gay-dar" will go tilt. In fact, Eastern gives new meaning
to the saying, "We are everywhere." We certainly are!

Regardless of this fact, however, there is no lesbigay organization,
information service or support group at EKU. Student Services has no
information, Minority Affairs isn't prepared to respond to lesbigay
issues and the counce ing center makes
makes referals either to the REELWORLD BENEFIT CONCERT
mental health department or a MEETSFUNDRAISINGTARGET


P All the people I spoke to were By Debbie Currie

friendly and willing to help —— The Reel World String Band
they simply didn't have the Benefit Concert and the generosity
information. of our community resulted in

This need to change. In mid— raising $1500, which exceeded our
March, a group of students wildest expectations. Not only
organized. It was a small but did the band draw and entertain a
enthusiastic group. There was an large crowd, it waived its fee.
even mix of men and women The main purpose was to provide
(including one straight man). money toward paying for a service
Their goal is to reac out and dog for Linda Laporte. The concert
offer support in as positive a way provided $1400 for Linda to help
as pOSSible to gay, lesbian and purchase the dog from Paws With A
bisexual students at Eastern. Cause.

We have a lots of great ideas. This concert put the money
But at this point nothing is set needed for the dog over the top,
in concrete; we are seeking input according to Linda. I wish you all
from other students. could have seen the look of wonder

During the last weeks of March, on her face and heard the delight
the organizing group put humorous, in her voice as she said, "It
eye-catching posters around campus looks like I have my dog."

to inform students that a lesbian, Pride Week 1992 received $100
gay, bisexual group was forming. from the concert.

We know how difficult it can be
to meet other gay people and how WORKSHOP TEACHES
overwhelming the feeling of FINANCIALRESPONSIBILITY
isolation can be. We want other
gay students to know that support Char Pekoz will present a
ex15ts. Financial Recovery Within Recovery

our new group has received workshop Saturday, April 25, from
encouragement from other Eastern 9:30 to 4:30 at Central Baptist
students, UK Lambda, GLSO, Chruch.

Kentucky Lambda Coalition, and the Pekoz is a therapist, educator-
newly formed organization at Berea trainer with master's degrees in
College. counseling and communications and

Eastern students interested in is completing a Ph.D. in nutrition
the group can find out more by and wellness. She has coached
sending as self-addressed, stamped hundreds of people toward a more
envelop to Boxholder, P.O. Box 29, personally and financially
Lexington, KY 40501, or by calling prosperous and success—filled
Joe at 624—8711. ife.

We say to lesbigays at Eastern, Further information can be
"you have a fami y, you have a obtained by calling Skeet or
history, and you are not alone. Judith at 277—0450.

12 GLSO/April