xt7w6m333q4g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w6m333q4g/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1919 journals kaes_circulars_001_1_075 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 075 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 075 1919 1919 2014 true xt7w6m333q4g section xt7w6m333q4g ed condi-
, OIIQ 011
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and tm THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
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10 Slllfi CIRCULAR NO. 75
1l11i1 ate
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¤1<¤s¤+* Suggestions for the Wmter Feedmg of Steers
fine. The
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y. 1111* Nl>\‘l-IAil=l·iI<_ 1!»11•
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  P11111iShe—<>]>1·1‘:1ti1>11 of tho (‘oll1~g·<> of ;\§`I'IL‘lllIlIl`Q. Tjiiiversity Of
ll`. will  Gntuclxy, wi1l1 the L`. S, In-p:11·t1111~11t of ;\§l'IL'll]I\Il`O. and distributed
L U hifi " fUl`{ll(‘l`flllL'C* 0f 1110 work pmvillcil for iu the Act 0f Congress 0f
1* “ i_  ¤yS,1014.
(Ill oth!.

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      1 . T * __; ‘P<;· 2*- ‘ Sul}
·‘*.. --;:"-*¤¥;;:ly with eo1·n silage in the fattening of
cattle and for the present we would recommend that the sys-
IHIML tell] ot` feeding he the saute where it is employed as where
IMM com silage is used.
“‘“‘“‘ ‘ SILAGE Nor A eo11rLErE FEED.
H will While silage is an ideal roughage, the mistake must not be
I   made of relying ou it as a eomplete t`eed. Silage lacks protein.
lm']; that suhstauee whieh is necessary iu the produetion of muscle
i ` and bone. The digestive juices also require protein in their
Production. Silage should be supplemented with some feed
eeutaining eonsiderable protein, sueh as eottonseed meal, lin-
seetl oil meal. so_v-liean meal. peanut meal. velvet-bean feed, or
ml 0110 of the legume hays. The amount of these supplementary
J“‘Li` f<‘0tls to he given depends upon whether the steer is to be fat-
`lucdl ltlltfl for lllC·]Ili`|l'l{(‘l`, or wltetlier he   to be \\‘1nt01‘Cd SO HS to
£ the llltltlllee a limited gain and then be finished on grass the follow-
mg summer.

6 (llil'<'l(l((I` N1;. 7:7
SYSTEM OF l<`IililllN(l S'l`lClCl{S i\\'1ll·]l{~l·] (`ORN (lll S11];. i11u
(llllY)l Sll1.\tll·I IS l·])ll’l.()Yl·}l). y1·1
. . 1l:11‘
I11 1111tl111111g :1 S}`Sl<‘lll ol l'(‘t‘tllll§.l', thu Zlllllllllll 11t' >il;1g,·1,,1 my
llillltl Slllllllll l11- ¢‘Slllllillt‘llt1lllt·.·1~1·~i .,.` 1 y
l)l'C\'lUllSl}' 1-:111-11 L'|llltlllSl‘l‘ll 1m-:1l. th1-y will 1-111111- 1111 t~1tL2
Il‘Ollg'l1 illlll 1-at whilc the (llll(‘l'S 1`t‘l1lillI1 l.1:11·l;. At s111·l1 :1 tig:
it is easy to O\'Cl'—l`UC(l thc t`1-w that <·:1t. -\s Stltlll :1s;1iEiQi-
stccrs :11*0 eating thc ll1l'2ll. whi1·h Nlllllllll l11· i11 1h·- l'(}lll.>l\  
01* thrcc days, lll(‘l`t‘2l¥L‘ thc :1111r11111t Ql\'(‘ll 111 |lllO 11111111·i {-I
head, p1-1* day. llllll llll*l`C2llill‘l‘ lllt'I't‘ilSt‘ it ;fl'iltllI;lll_\' 1-1‘1-1‘jrf·‘l
days so that i11 Ill) ll2l}`S` thm- lllt'_\' will l)t‘ g·1~1ti11;· iijl 111-`1ill·
1101 l1L‘kl. whi1·h Elllllllllll Slltllllll l.11- 1··1111i:.`;·‘~1
1111til the- stm-1·s are sold. (S1-0 T:1l1lc 1.)
At tho and of 60 days shclll-d COl‘1l is i11t1·1*1d111-ml i111·1 die
1‘21ti<111 at thc l`2llC of 3 ])l)llll(l$ pl‘l‘ head, daily, tllltl g·1·:11l11;1Y}‘

ll'[a/tr l·’¢ot/[ng of Steers 7
in SUR. mmtlmtl so that when the steers ge to the market they are
.,,ttjttg abent ll ptnmtls per head tlatly. lt' 120 instead ef 150
Sars are to be nsetl l`·»r the feetling periml, then begin with the
Jlaue ea sltelletl eertt on the Gtlth (lay. ln atltlitian to these feeds, tl1ey
et` ··at·l·- sltettltl at all times he allttwetl all the wl1eat straw, eat straw,
\..l,t   at,t·t~t·, er st»yVl»ean straw they will elean up. \\'e have found .
,{ tty al, ,t,t·.l».·;nt straw ]*ill'llf'lll£ll`]_\' wmtl for this purpose, as the steers
· tt\=;;;QQ_- t·t~h~h il. lli ii lillll lA<‘l‘H<·‘·‘·l meal all<¤\\‘t·
in! ·i-il
t atttl ~‘Zi
itttt'1 (EZ?

. 8 C1·l'L‘I({(()'1\V(). 745
’1`1\B11E 1.
C0r11 011 (\OH(11lS<‘l‘(1 111,u;1,w_,   L_
SO1`§1l11111 Silngv. 1111:11. S11(‘11l‘lI ('1>1111. 111;.,1 SVl;_q_."
1st 1111}* 10 lhs. 1; lhs. All {hu-  
21111 " 10 " 1; " 1-   "
31'(1 " 15 " 1; " ··
4111 " 20 11 1 " ··
5111 " :10 " 1 " ··
6111 " 35 " 1 " 11
7111 " 35 " 11; 1* ··
[ S111 " 40 " 11; " 1-
0111 " 40 " 11; " 1-
10111 " 40 ·· 2 " ··
11111 " 40 " 2 " 11
12111 " 40 " 2 " 11
13111 " 40 " 21; " 11
14111 " 45 " 21,; " 11
15111 " 45 " 21; " 11
10111 " 45 " 21.; " 11
17111 " 45 " 2%; " "
18111 " 45 " il " 201;:114 34;;
19111 " 45 " 3 " "
20111 11 45 11 2 11 11 1
2111 11 45 1· 211 11 11 1
221111 " 45 " 31.1 " " s
23111 " 45 " 31.; " " Y
241h " 45 " 31.1 " " ,-
25111   45 11 21.; 11 11 ‘
26111 " 45 " 31.; *1 " 11
27111 " 45 " 31i " " *1
28111 " 45 " 31.; " " 01
20111 " 45 " 31.; " " ,1
30111 " 50 " 31; " " Sl
31s1 " 50 " 31; " " {
451h " 50 " 52754 " " U`)
60111 11 45 11 2% 11 ;: 1114.   111
70111 " 45 " 35}; " 7 " " 1111
S01h " 45 " 3%; " 10 " " 1h`
110111 " 40 " 4 " 11 " " ful
· 1301h " 40 " 41.; " 13 " " __
140th 11 35 11 41.; 11 14 11 " 1 *-11
150111 " 35 " 41,.3 " 14 " " 10

ll/’L·Il[(!7' ldeeditty of Steers .9
In our experience we have found that shelled eorn pro-
dueed better gains tl1a11 did b1·oke11 ear corn, when fed in con-
-¤¤l¤=1¤··~:i.e H.,,tjt,r1 with eorn silage and we would advise its use when
ml Sli-**"~ py;n·tit·;1l1lt·. ll` in the S_\‘sl<·lu just outlluetl shelled corn can
they ·.viIi.,;; 11.,; lpu t'ed beeause there is no provision on the l`arin for shell-
H ing the eorn, then allow three pounds of broken ear corn, or ·
  corn and eob nieal, per day, at the beginning of the feeding
·· period. in addition to the silage, eottonseed ineal and rough- ‘
" ages nientioned. .t\s soo11 as all the steers eat the broken ear
H corn, increase the atnount. to 5 pounds per head; Ull the fjtlth
  day raise it to H pounds; till tl1e Stlth day to lt) pounds; on
,, the rthh day to l2 pounds; o11 the lU0tl1 day to 15 pounds. and
·· eoutinue this aiuount until they are marketed. In this systein
" we would decrease the cottonseed ineal about lt) per C'Ol1l'.
  trout that indicated in Table l.
H l·`.\'l`TlZNlNti t`.\'l"l`Ll·] OX t_'URl\` Slli.t\(iE ANI) COTTON-
  Slilil) MEAL.
'il lla Vi? Front evidence of our experimental work conducted so far,
  aswell as that eondueted at other stations. it has been found
1. that :1 lllt"‘tllIlltl to good tinish can be put 011 cattle witl1 C0l'11
·· silage. eottonseed lIl(*ill 2lll(l sonic rouyzhage such as oat straw,
" wlieat straw or clover hay, without the addition of corn. by
  feeding a liberal antonnt of the cottonsced meal. Only sntall
  atnounts of eottonseed lllCEll should be allowed until all of the
,, steers have learned to COMIC up to tl1e trough to cat it, which
·· ouuht to be i11 the eourse of a week `s ti111e. Then allow the
" steers two pounds of eottonseed ntcal per head. The 111eal
  should then be ittereased halt` a pound every te11 days until the
,, cattle get 3}.3 pounds per head; then iiterease the 111eal a
,v small Hllltllllll every ten days so that at the Clltl of the second
~ lllolltll tltey would be getting 4.5 pounds per head daily: at
" The Plltl ol` the third month. 5.5 pounds; at the end of the
  fhllttlt llll1lllll_ 6,5 pounds; and at the end ot the Hfth lH0l1lll.
·· T·illVllll1rl><. Hy this titne the eattle ought to he i11 inediunt
·· to good ntarket condition, altho if there is plenty of silage and
the niarket warrants the keeping of the cattle, we believe it

10 ('[rt·tt/(ir No. L`.?
would pay to feed another month, during which tinie the steers 1
could be given 8 pounds per day. The above anionnts are i
based on a thousand—pound steer at the beginning.
\\'e sltould tnention tltat it is dangerous to l`eed as iinteii it
cottonseed nieal as is indieated, during the snnnner inontls. .3
as it ntay have a toxie et`t'eet at such a tiine. \\`·· have Z`···l et
the aniounts nientioned, during the winter and early ~pt·E;i; ty
months with no had et`t`eets. V}.
i Tllli l·`-\'l"l`1·]NlXtl ttl·` 'l`\\'UrYl·Z.\l{.··giititEt.;. llilti
using il pounds of broken eai· eorn per day at tirst and ur ..~. i — ~l1vlt
ually inereasing to 15 pounds per thousand pounds weight of in tl
steers in S5 days’ time; then gradually inerease to a t’itll :`»  tltili
in 15 days' time. and eontinue to give all that they will ntf out
without waste. If no clover or other legunie hay is giveii_· ·~‘t T- lf5
tonseed meal ean be t'ed at the rate ot` one-hall? pound per lt~;i».i. {into
to begin with, gradually inereased to 3 pounds per tli··i1<2utl liiiy
— pounds live weight at the end of 30 days, and inercased at tlze lltilllti
rate of 3 pounds per thousand pounds live weight as the eiittia ]
grow and fatten. If they are allowed all the clover hay they nilvnt
desire. the eottonseed meal can be reduced to one-halt` of tl;@ wrt.]
amounts stated above. texttt

   I I
ll'!./I/f I` ]'i!H[tA/1]] U/i A\'[( I ]`S  
W Hm.} WRX Sll,.\(ll‘], (`l1U\'I*]lC HA Y ANI} (URN AS A l{A'l`l()f\'
Hm wl l·`(>l{ 1·`A'1"l`l·]NlN(l S'l`lCl£llS.
'[`l11·1~1· :11·1· ti111<·s wh1·11 il is 111·si1‘a11l1¢ to 1'<·1;<1 the u111v<;1·o1·
is mum ,,111,1 l1·g11111<· <·1‘·>}>< \\'l|lt'll hz1\‘1· 11¢·<·11 1·z1isr·11 1111 the 1':11·111, 1;:11-11
m.,m];S_ _j1;1g:· :11s0 In 111* |1*<‘il us 11 purl wl. th<· 1·11ti011. The 11111;:111011 is
M,. { ,_._ 1 1,11.11 ask··11 \\'l|l‘llI¤‘l' il will ]1il_\' to :11111 :1 11it1‘r1;:1·11r111s w111cc11- `
,],1jU; 11-;1:1·_s111·l1 i1<<'**ll**11$<‘¤*tl 1ll•'Z1l. li11s<·<·l(l :11111 1·1·r»11r1111i<·:11 §J`2l1l|S as \\'ll(‘l1 :1
. 11:1111-·111·»11s·····l 111··:11 is l1\·‘i1:1u·· is t`···l. $11011011 <‘t>l`ll is :1 g·1·1·l l'1»1·111 i11 \\`lllt,‘l1 this
I-Mw  ¥l`illl1('ill1 111- 1`···l 10 §`t>l1llQ` :111i111:11s. l1<‘Q1l11llllQ wit11 :1 s111:111
N, :1:,1 11111·11111t.2 ]1<¤llll¤l~ 111·1· ll<‘1l4l 11:1i1_\‘, :11111 ;Il`2l1`l1 silagv will :11111
  111 11111 1·11`i1·i1·111·y 111` thc ]'2llltl11 :11111 111111·11 1`Otl11l‘O the c0s1.
Uimix 11`l1i1··y1»1111g s11·1·1·s 1*2111 111:1111* g‘<·1»1l 11s1· 111 1'¤>i11'$C l`<¤llg'lli1Q(‘S
M   >1lUl121S Sl!'i1\\' illltl ¤l<1\'t‘1`. it is w1·1l t0 illll>\\` ll1t‘l]l i11 :1111li1i011
,.{g§;:»;·E ?'1ll1·‘*1‘ l`**111` <>l‘ Ii\’1‘ }1t11ll1ll$ 0i` 1·1<1\‘1*1· 01* <1ll1L’1‘ l0g11111c hay
N11   11111151 lf :1 1`111l t`1·1~11 111` 1·l111‘··1· l1:1_\‘ is i1ll(l\\~L`(`l. 1.5 ]1t>11l1ll$ 0f
Wm   ¤1`·lI··11~1‘1*1l lllklill ]1t‘1' tl11111s:11111 111111111ls li\‘0 \\`Cig‘l11 will S1li1i1CC.
\-,.H_1~1¤i- lf5110111111s (11ll}` <·1` this :11·1· §i'1\`(‘ll, l11t"ll allow 3 110111111s 0f 001-
_.l- 11,;:111. ?1>11—·*··111111·:11 ]11~1· tl11111s:1111l 111111111ls of live wuiglit. If 110 010111*
h,:,H:g;1l hill i~ 11*11. illll>\\' 3.5 ])lIl111tlN nl` tho 1110:11 ]11—1· 0110 th011s:11111
11 {ll 112 p·»111111s 01111*0 \\'t*lQ`l1l.
IO 1:1:110 111 1110 1`0011i11g of l)il11}' 110111 11ll(lL‘1' GOO ]10l111(lS, wo w011111
1;1ytl19}‘ “‘l"'ll‘i\l<‘ 1110 uso nf 1i11s1—011 011 1110:11 (0111 111·0c1·ss1 i1]SlC2`lL`l of
1` 011111 11»1t1»11<1—o11 1110:11 l1<‘L'£11lS(‘ c0tt011s001l 1110:11 is 11:11110 10 have :1
111110 effect 011 young a11i111:11s.

12 (Yl.I`('I([([}° No. 7:7
In this discussion we have einpliasized eottonseetl m.._.§&i JW
a nitrogenous concentrate to he usetl in vattle t`eeiliug_ ‘t‘g_gE gw
is due mainly to the taeti that we are near that part (.5;;% SHN;
country whieh produees this lieetl stuff in ill>llll(lilll(·C_ o-Q,. SW
nitrogenous feeds that eau he used are linsee: I   _-,.
Carboliy- rN{]if','iT?  taht;
Protein. tlrates, l·`at. Hifi  posggt,
Cotionseerl 1neal—36'f§) F?l1.G 7 25.0 TA,  
Linseed oil 1neal (O. P.) 30.2 32.6 ti.? 1:1.6
Linseed oil meal (N. P.) 31,7 37,9 is 1:14 _m·E
Soy-bean meal, fat not extractetl 20.7 22,8 14.4 l:1i
Peanut with hull 18,4 15.52 32,6 HS
Peanut kernel without hull 24,1 14,9 40,4 hill In I
Velvet-bean, seed 18,1 50,8 5,11 lib  mm]
Velvet-bean feed (seed and pod) 14,9 51,7 ;1,s 1:4-t  MMI"`
~· in lla
 iilllly {1

llilill/li` /tlnr/[ity; of N/rrrs lfj
, (,4   _ “‘jX'l’l·]l{lN(i (`·\'l"l`l»l‘i \\'lll<'ll .\l{lG 'l`U lili l·`lI\`lHlllil) ()X
Mlllx (1}l{.\NS'l`lll·Jl·`Ul.l,U\\'lNH Nl'.\l.\ll£l(,
'l`h1· I't‘Sl|ll 11l' 1l11·1·1·_v1·111·s` tests :1t the liX])t*l'lll|t‘l|l Slaiiiou
‘t‘llJl!`·‘ :J`l‘·‘&1Zl_\' 1't·1lt1¤·t·1l tht: 1·<1.sI nl. \\`llIltf1'l1]g
1li11u. life s11···1·~_:1s 1·1»11111111·1·1l witl1 il \_\'>l<‘lll (Pl. l'1~1·1li11g i11 which corn .
[Willi wi iii silence w11~ 11·»t 1·11111l1»_v1·1l. \\'hil1· i11 twu 11l' the it‘>ls ll1|llll1ll•‘]' 11s 1li1l the lot
l1i11<·;»·~l ef] W ]·l..·.·j1·j11g the siletue 4l|ll`lH! 1h·· \\'lIll·‘I'. _\···t the 1·11.»1 of the
ll1<¤tlT ~1`i.;i “·jHj.·1· ;1111l st1l1HH<‘1' ;:`iliH< \\'ils less \\’ll·*1‘1· >ll:1!•· \\`z1s •·111j1lt1_\‘(·1l
t*il1`l§'··gikl []111·i11g1l11~\\‘lHlt‘l‘&l1|1't1lit in 1·11··h test w;1s1·r111si1l1·1·-
l11~ 1 ··»·~ lil; 1|.]_1· j11 l`;1v·»1· 11l` silstuv. N11 !'l'2|ll| was l'··1l 111 1l1·· \lt‘<'l'$ 1111 11115-
11··5‘ 1l~‘·  11111, \\`1·11i111··1l t·1 .~·‘·‘ttl't‘ :1l··»11t l.?¢iS 111111111ls 1h1il_x· ;;;1i11 per
li`I·'1°l.I `··- · ;11·1·1·1l111·i11z lll*‘ \\'l||l¤‘l', \\`l1lt‘ll t'}lll l1•· 11l1t;1i111·1l witl1 :111 2|\'t,‘l`—
i<1l1. licff 1g.~.l;1i1_v1·111i<·11 1»l` 2* 111111111ls t‘f>l'll sihtge, l.3 ]>f1lllIll'i1\\'. 1·t1·.» :1s th1· >l1‘<‘l'S will 1·111. \\`l1l<‘l1 will be
 l11tlli‘]l<1lllltl< }lt‘l'4li!_\’. \\`h1·11~il:1g1·is1111tz1\‘11il11l1l1·.th1·l`11l—
··111·ii.. if-  1111·i11g11v1·1·;1;·‘·· •l:1il_\‘ 1‘:1tit111 will 111···1lt1··<· iilltllll lj} 111»11111ls
i`·.‘¤‘·l~·  1E111·1·1· tlz1_\‘: l11··»l<··11 ('iil. 1··11·11. (RTB 111111111ls; 1·111t1111se··1l 1111·11l,
 .5p~11111ls;;111·l z1ll 1he 1·111·11 st·1\‘1·1· illltl Sll’ii\\' 1l11· st··1·1·s will
 at. l11 getting ill th1·s1· 11\‘1·1·1:;···s. l»1·gi11 with t'··1·1li11g· ,5 111111111l
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x 7  
y 1:1.5
$   $l`l`lZXlNt1 (',\'l"l`l,l·] l`t >Nl·`lNl·]l) YN. Ol’EN RANHIC DUR-
i   lNti 'l`lll·l \\llN'l`lCl{ IIONTIIS.
l   lll ll1l't‘t‘ 1·1111s1·1·11tiv11 tests 111 the l(t‘llilIt‘l{}' EX]11‘1'llllC‘I1t
Q    lall·’t1l.sf111·1*s 1·1111li111·1l i11 the l1Zll`ll ]ll£ltl(‘ l11*tte1‘ :1111l 111111‘e CCO-
 t11i~11lg11i11s1l111111li1l steers l1il\`lllQ` 111·1·1~ss 111 1l1el1;11·11;1111ltl1e
 11·12'112ll111·1·1· ]NlNllIl't‘. A\lNt1, l1_v k111·]1i11g‘ the steers 1*1111611-
 i111l11~ ll2lI‘ll. 11v1~1· (it} 11111* 1·1·11l. 111111·e 1l12llllll'O wais secured
 a11l·y illl0\\'lllg` the steers shelter 1ll](l 1`il1lgC.

14 (71}*1*111111* N0. 75
1*1GS 1*`O1111O\\’ING STEERS. 11
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110 1)Ol'll1‘ 111 11111111, ll0\\'1‘\'1‘l', t11at 1110 S1<‘l‘l‘ 1lig0sts llltlil ..111..
1101*110ls 111 si1ag0 (‘0l`ll, ll1‘ll1'1‘ littl0 is 10l`t. l`01* 1lll‘ llt)11`. \\`1,.11
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1,000110111111 st001*s will {J[il1ll1‘l' 1111 1110 wast0. ;\<7l'()l'tl1ll! 1»1  
I systcm 111 fL‘Ol1lllQ' 1lt1\'(11'il11‘(1 111 111is L‘ll'1'l1l2ll‘, \\`lll‘l‘1‘ sil11u1· E.
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at wl1icl1 111110 0110 100 110111111 sl1010 may 110 llll‘ll1‘(1 111 111`*1·1*l~”1
steers: t`11111* w00l1s l·l‘()lll 111is 111110 a1111t111·1* $111110 may 110 1111*101
111 with 1110 1111 01 10 st001*s; 111111 llll'1‘1‘ w00l1s 1‘l't1lll this 1111*-· .1
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11111111 tl1at if 100 1ll11ll}' pigs :11*0 {ll10\\'(‘(1 10 1:11€l1*.

Hvllll/fl' I·'rr1/{uy of 1\'{1;r,1‘$ 15
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