xt7w6m333646 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w6m333646/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1934-04-20  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 20, 1934 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 20, 1934 1934 1934-04-20 2013 true xt7w6m333646 section xt7w6m333646 Best Copy Available


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"Early to bed,
Early to rise;
Work like the devil,
And advertise."
Yept You guessed it. Again it Is
an attempt to prove to the world
that there Is a respectable means
of earning the ole' bread and butter
other than being a "fifteen dollar
week" stenographer or an accountant Now, one more gues. Got it?
Well, you're right again; this time
it IS confined to women students.
Seventeen girls In the Department
of Library Science have gone into a
huddle and emerged with the Idea
to print a booklet (we don't call m
brouchers In the Arts and Sciences,
and Education colleges). In fact
the idea has already materialized
and said publication is off the press.
It Is titled "Library Leads" and the
purpose 1' to show what a nifty
group of librarians we have among

Stoll Field Will Re Scene of
First Home Contest
This Year

and Galloway


Fastest Men on Jacket

Five hundred (mind you),
the authorities of 500 library-minde- d
institutions will have an opportunity
of gazing at the lovely profiles of
thee 17 girls from which they may
select the one they consider the best
suited for their particular vicinity.
And if you think that a photograph Is all there Is to Judge by,
you're as far on as the post office
clock I Accompanying each photograph is a line of description as
convincing as a big Irish cop when
one runs a red traffic light. In fact
you would recognize the girl if you
met her In a May Day parade, for
"Library Leads" given age, height,
weight, experience, major subject,
activities, and chief interests.
On the cover there is a picture of
the University Library just to show
'em that our lassies know what its
all about when it comes to proper
library training. And by the way,
if you happen to be a boy friend of
one of these girls, you'd better pack
the graduate students.
Five hundred of these publications your tooth brush if you expect to
will be sent to high schools and see your fraternity pin again they
public libraries of Kentucky, and the might be called to fill a position
educational institutions all over the any where in the United States)

Possessing one of the best teams
that has ever faced Coach Shlvely
and his tracksters, the Georgia Tech
Yellow Jackets will Invade Lexington tomorrow to meet the Wildcats
on Stoll field In the first home contest this year. The meet will begin
at 2:30 p. m.
The Cats were successful In their
first meet of this year, defeating!
Vanderbllt at Nashville, last Saturday by the count of
Big Blue captain, won four of the
five events In which he entered. In
tomorrow's contest he will partlci- - i
pate in only four events, the
dash, the
dash, the
high hurdles, and the
low hurdles.
In the Vandy
contest last week Parrlsh did the
century In 10.4 seconds. The Kentucky team, as a whole, has Improved greatly this last week and
should make an excellent showing.
The entries of the Big Blue tomor- Wildcat Baseball Team Will
row finds Parrlsh and Gilmer in the
Inaugurate Home Season
dash, Parrlsh In the 220,
at Epping's Park,
Kercheval, Cassady. and Long in the
440, and Long and Fields in the 880.
3:30 p. m.
Ayers and Fields will do the one
mile, with Hocker taking the two
mile. The
high hurdles
will be taken care of by Parrlsh and
The Wildcat baseball nine
Coffman; while Parrlsh and Laessle inaugurate its home season will
towill run the
low hurdles. morrow at 3:30 p. m. at Epplngs park
Jackson will be the only entry in the i when they stack up against the
poie vault. The high Jump entries team from Eastern
will be Miller, Olney, and Gilmer. college, Richmond. State game will
Kercheval, Holbrook, and Miller are be the
first of a
entered in the broad Jump. Gilmer, the second to be played in RichRupert, and Kelly are entered in the mond, in the early part of May.
shot put. Rupert and Heckman will
The dope on Eastern is very slight,
heave the discus. Kercheval, Gilmer,
but it is doubtful "whether they will
and Potter will throw the Javelin.
During practice this week, Ker- have a team that can compare with
cheval has shown up well in the the Big Blue, although the day of
quarter-mil- e
and also has thrown miracles is not over. If the Cats
the Javelin 183 feet. Jackson cleared continue the hitting streak they had
the bar in the pole vault at 12 feet. against Mississippi state, they should
Parrlsh is improving In all of hlsj win handily unless the bugaboo of
returns to their midst.
events. Fields is speeding up the
mile, his best time being 4:40.
The last week's practice was tak
In Perrin Walker, the Georgians en up chiefly with fielding, a part
have one of the fastest men in the of the game In which the Wildcats
South. This lad has run the century are a bit weak, although with a
in 9.6 seconds, the
dash few more weeks of practice. Coach
in 21.1 seconds, cleared the bar in Devereaux hopes to have them clickform.
the high Jump at 6 feet, two Inches, ing in
covered 22 feet, five inches in the
The infield combination of Hon-horfirst; Settle, second; Cloyd,
broad Jump, and put the shot 43
feet, 7 Inches. Besides these events short; and either Davis or Wilson
he also Is entered in the relay. The at third probably will start toJackets also possess, in Galloway, morrow, although there might be
the only man able to beat Parrlsh some short notice changes. Wilson,
an outfielder, was shoved in at third
last year in the sprints.
The Jackets and the events they base during the Mississippi series.
will enter are:
dash, Walk- Wilson probably will be kept there
er, Galloway;
dash. Walker, because of his ability to hit, and
high hurdles, because Coach Devereaux has a
Dean, McMlchels; 220 -- yard low number of
in Shearer,
hurdles. Dean, McMlchels; quarter-mil- e, Fuller, Scott, and Gabbard. De
Davenport; half mile, Daven- Moisey and Greathouse are booked
port; one and two miles. West, Ran- on the pitching staff, with Tony
kin; pole vault, Duncan, Smith; Simonl and "Lefty" Johnson as
high Jump, York and Walker; broad support.
Jump, McMlchels; shot put, Williams, Dean; discus, Williams, Dean;
Javelin, Phillips; relay: West, Galloway, Davenport, and Walker.

74-4- 3.


100-ya- rd

EASTERN PLAYS Illness Fatal To
Frankfort Student

220-ya- rd

120-ya- rd

220-ya- rd


100-ya- rd

120-ya- rd

220-ya- rd




George Mahan, Former University Student, Dies After Long Illness
George Mahan, 24 years old,
Frankfort, a Junior in the College

of Commerce, died at 11 a. m. Thursday at the Julius Marks sanatorium
In Lexington. Death came after a
long illness.
Mr. Mahan entered the University
in the fall of 1928, and after two
years left the University, during
which time he was employed by a
company here in Lexington. He reentered the University in the fall of
1933, and in November became 111
and was taken to the Julius Marks
sanatorium where he remained
throughout his long period of illness.
He was a member of Sigma Alpha
Epsilon fraternity.
Funeral services will be held at
2 p. m. Saturday at the residence of
Mrs. G. D. Mahan in Danville. Burial
will be In the Danville cemetery.


220-ya- rd




100-ya- rd

220-ya- rd

120-ya- rd




Basketball Practice
Will End Next Week; Anderson Injured During Last

The varsity basketball squad closes
its second week of spring practice
this afternoon. Coach Rupp has
stressed fundamentals in all of the
drills but has been trying a new
system of offense as an experiment.
Practice will continue at least another week.
Assistant varsity and freshman
coach, Len Miller, was in charge of
the squad Tuesday while Coach
Rupp was in Cincinnati for the
opening game of the Cincinnati

the players have shown vast
improvement in shooting, passing
and handling the
To Be Given by UK started last week. ball since practice
Lawrence and "Slip" Jerome conThe Kentucky High School tinued to dominate the forward poAchievement Tests, which are ad sitions, with Carlisle also showing
ministered by the University through good form at that post.
the extension department will be
The varsity squad will have no
given throughout the state on Sat- shortage of center material next
28. The tests will be year
urday, April
with Lewis back from the last
administered locally under the gen- year's team and Edwards from the
of the chairman of freshman five, passing and feeding
eral direction
the 18 lnterscholastic league districts. the ball as well as shooting In fine
Each public and private high style.
school Is entitled to enter only one
Little change has been made in
pupil in each test Tests will be the guard position except for a vast
given in English, literature, social Improvement which Atchison has
science, biology, physics, chemistry, shown. Andy Anderson, regular from
algebra, plane geometry, general the past season, was slightly injured
scholarship, accounting, shorthand, during practice last week, but was
typewriting, economics, and world back on the floor Monday.
Four trophies will be awarded to
the school making the best showing Shively Issues Call
in each of four groups. It is
pec ted that at least 250 of the lead


All of


Mr. J. W. Manning, of the political
science department, has an article
entitled "Blue Grass State Reorganizes," appearing in the April issue
of the National Municipal Review.
The article is a description, analysis, and criticism of recently enacted state administrative reorganization acts.
Dr. J. M. McHargue, head of research chemistry at the Kentucky
Experiment station, will be the principal speaker at a meeting of the
Association of Chemistry Teachers
at K.E.A. held in Louisville today.

FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1931

Frazer's Etching
'Library Leads' Lends Aid
To Youthful Librarians Is Accepted For


ing nJgll





have entries in the testing program.
Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering
fraternity, is offering gold medals to
the three students receiving the
highest ratings in general scholar-

Any Kernel staff member who is
planning to attend The Kernel steak
supper next Tuesday night and who
Is able to furnish a car Is requested
to report to Elizabeth Baute or
Jack Wild as soon as possible. Those
who expect to go must sign the list
In the newsroom.

Phi Epsilon Phi, honorary botany
fraternity, will meet at 7:30 o'clock
Monday in White haU.
Anyone desiring to work on costumes for the Stroller production
may do so by calling, Elizabeth Leslie,


Ashland 7792.

Bids for senior commencement invitations must be handed in to Tom
Conrey, chairman of the committee,
not later than April 26th.

The Cosmopolitan club will meet
at 1:30 o'clock tonight in the "Y"


The Senior Commerce Employ -ment association of the University
elected officers for 1935 at a meeting
held Wednesday afternoon. Plans
for Incorporating the present association were discussed.
This year their publication, "Bargains in Brains," contained the pictures and accomplishments of 68
graduating students. Out of this
number, 33 students have already
obtained positions.
The newly elected board of directors are Martha Alford, Dorothy
Barger, John Ooad, James L. Ber-so- t,
William Greathouse, and W. T.
Officers of the association are:
James L. Bertot, president and publicity director; William Oreathouse,
businfcss manager; Martha Alford,
secretary; W. T. Thorn, treasurer;
Jonn W. Ooad, auditor.




II. K.


at - the

Greek Conclave Dominates
Today's Campus Activities
( Discussions,

William D. Frazer, Lexington, a
the University, has
been honored by the acceptance of
one of his etchings for the International Exhibition of Etching and
Engraving In Chicago. The print,
"Streets of Women," executed by
Frazer while a student under Prof.
Edward Flsk at the University, was
the one accepted by the Jury of
selection for the official exhibition
of prints for the .Century of Progress 1934.
The display will be held this year
through the cooperation of the Art
Institute of Chicago and the Chicago Society of Etchers. Word of
acceptance was received by Frazer
from the Art Institute of Chicago.
This is the second honor within
the past two years that Frazer has
received, the first being by the Society of American Etchers in their
annual exhibition of 1932.
Frazer ishe son of Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. Frazer, 376 South Upper
street. While a student at the University he was twice art editor of
The Kentucklan, and during the
past few months has been working
on the PWA project, being one of
the five artists selected from Lex
lngton for that honor. In addition.
Frazer won the student award offered for the best contribution to
in 1932; has received
praise from critics of Boston Transcript In the student exhibition at
Boston, and has received favorable
comment from such artists as Wil
liam Welch, prominent illustrator
of Chicago, and Ralph Fletcher
Seymour, noted etcher of Chicago.
Professor Fisk, under whom Frazer studied while making the accepted etching, is at present on
sabbatical leave from the University, and has been studying and doing work in Paris and England. Before coming to the University, Professor Fisk studied in Paris and
spent several years In the hill
towns of Italy. In New York he
has had four
of his paintings at Daniel's and
other Fifth Avenue galleries.

graduate of

University Glee Clubs Give
Musical Program Thursday Night
University professors, teachers at
the University Training school, students of the College of Education,
and many Lexington and Fayette
county teachers left Lexington yes
terday to swell the already laree
throngs in Louisville for the Ken


Founders' Day To

Be Celebrated By
Sigma Delta Chi



Lu-cla- n,

Pitkin club at its regular weekly


The Women's Athletic association has announced that it will
sponsor an inter sorority tennis
tournament, which will begin April
25. Each sorority may enter one
team in doubles and any number in
the ladder tournament, a new fea
ture in W.A.A. tennis.
Last year's winners of the cups
were Sarah Purnell, singles, and the
Zeta Tau Alpha team, Lucy Jean
Anderson and Dorothy Smith,
doubles. Entries for the tournament
must be in by 5 o'clock on April 25.
Points for participating in the sport
will be given toward the W.A.A.
annual award. Sarah Whlttinghlll,
Boyd hall, will be in charge of the
tournament, in which all new girls
are eligible to play.
Other W.A.A. spring activities in
clude dancing classes and archery
practice. The dancing classes, which
began Wednesday afternoon, will
continue for three weeks. Misses
Rebecca AveriU and Marjorie Powell
are in charge. The archery practice
will begin next Wednesday afternoon. Margaret Warren will teach
the class and will also be the manager. The group will meet on the
W.A.A. field, benlnd Patterson hall.

There will be a meeting of
the entire Kernel staff at 1

Smith Broadbent, president of the
senior class, has announced that the
senior ball committee will consist of
Oeorge Peak, Evelyn Orubbs, and
Joe Reister. Preparations for the
dance will begin immediately and a
nationally Known orchestra will be
procured. A definite date for the
dance has not been set, but H probably will be during the last week in

p. m. today in The Kentuck-

lan office. The meeting will
be brief, but it is absolutely
essential that every staff
member be present as plana
will be discussed for a special
edition of The Kernel.



tucky Educational association's 63rd
annual meeting being held there this
The University Olee clubs left at
2 p. m. yesterday for Louisville where
they gave a musical program last
night at a general meeting of the
K.E.A. held in Memorial auditorium
in connection with a speaking program at which James H. Richmond,
state superintendent of public instruction, and Raymond Robins, na
tionally known temperance speaker,
delivered the principal addresses.
Formal opening of the meeting
was held Wednesday night at the
Memorial auditorium with Rabbi
Stephen S. Wise, New York, as the
principal speaker. Special groups
met in the afternoon preceding the
formal opening.
Approximately 6,000 persons were
expected to be in Louisville for the
educational meet, according to
figures advanced by W. P. King,
executive secretary. Interest of the
early arrivals to the meeting was
centered around the probable stand
of the body for more revenue for the
schools and the election of a president of the K.E.A. to succeed D. Y.
Dunn, superintendent of Fayette
county schools.
Mr. Dunn on his arrival in Louisville for the meeting, stated that he
would ask for adequate revenue for
the schools. He spoke at 10 a. m.
yesterday on "More Revenue for the
A similar position was taken by
James Richmond, speaking Wednesday afternoon before 200 persons at
a meeting of the Special Education
association at the Seelbach hotel.
Mr. Richmond said that he was an
advocate of good roads, but was
Kentucky chapter of Sigma opposed to highway public schools. at
expense of the
Delta Chi, national honorary Journ- the
speakers on the program
alism fraternity, will hold spring
Attorney-Generinitiation, and celebrate Founders with Mr. Richmond were
Bailey P. Wooton, and
day, Friday, April 27. The Initiation
W. Nichols, director of the
will take place at 5 p. m. and will Homer
program for physically-handicappbe followed by a dinner at the Patio. training
persons. Mr. Wooton
Members of the Department of expressed
Journalism faculty and newspaper meet the needs belief the stateeducaof vocational
men In Lexington and vicinity and
state with an additional
alumni members have been invited tion In the
appropriation of $20,000 a year.
to attend the dinner.
Other speakers on the program at
Tom Wallace, editor Of the Louismornthe
ville Times, inspector of this region, ing general meeting Thursday
Included Jessie Gray, president
inspect the chapter that day,
associaand will also be the chief speaker of the National Educationpresident
tion; William J..Hutchlns,
at the dinner.
of Berea college, and Henry Clarke,
Those to be initiated are: Arthur superintendent of Knoxvllle. TenMuth, Cameron Coffman, John
nessee schools. Mr. Dunn delivered
Woodson Knight, Ben F. Taylor, John St. John, Jack Wild, John his president's address at this time.
Day, Frank Borries, Walter Girdler, among Jesse Adams, University, group
the speakers on the
Oscar Haight, Carroll Ball, Gene
and sectional programs Thursday
Miller and Dr. Harry Franklin.
Present members of the chapter afternoon.
Wednesday afternoon following a
are: J. Frank Adams, president;
Wesley Carter, secretary; Albln K. discussion on high schools and related problems by
Parr is, treasurer, and Keith Hemp- Special Educationthe members of the
association at
hill. Prof. Victor R. Port man n is
Seelbach hotel, resolutions
chapter adviser.
adopted by the group on the death
All who Intend to attend the dinof
ner please notify J. Frank Adams. of Dr. J. B. Holloway,who the University of Kentucky,
was credited with founding the association.



to r eature hvents of
the Day

to Meeting


James H. Clark
Junior in the College of Agriculture!
and member of Alnha 7io
ary agriculture fraternity has been
warucu uie annual Danforth
Foundation Fellowshlo for KentuR.
ky. It provides for three weeks of
study in St. Louis and two weeks of
American ' Ynnt.W tvWMIBWKI
on Lake Michigan,


"Streets of Women" Will Be
College of Education Sends
Used as Official Print
Large Group of Students
at World Fair

meeting Wednesday at the Maxwell
Presbyterian church, elected the
following officers for next year:
William Greathouse,
Marjorie Wiest,
William Acosta, secretary-treasure- r.
Following the election, the Rev.
George D. Heaton, regular speaker
talked on "The Crime Wave in Lexington." "Our community calls itself christian, yet many perplexing
problems go unsolved," declared the
Another call to report immediate- speaker.
The last meeting of Pitkin club
ly was issued yesterday by Coach
Bernle Shlvely for all freshman for the year will be held Wednesday,
track candidates. There have been April 25.
only a few boys out so far and there
are still positions open to these who
wish to participate in this sport.
J. L. Karnes, Benton, and Earle
Coach Shlvely has had 10 to 12
Munfordvllle, stumen out for the freshman squad but Wood Walton.
would like to have several more. This dents in the College of Agriculture,
are the winners of the J. B. Hag-gi- n
is an excellent chance for a freshmemorial essay prize, awarded
man to earn a numeral. If there is
a first year man in the University by Louis Lee Haggin of Fayette
who thinks he can run, he should county, in memory of his grandreport to the coach at the track any father, the late J. B. Haggin. Each
received $73 for writing meritorious
The first meet is scheduled for essays on the subject of range manApril 30, with Berea, here. At the agement and feeding of beef cattle.
same time the varsity track candidates will engage the Berea varsity.


Noted Exhibition STAFF MEMBERS

For Track Freshmen










Journalism Seniors Mail 1,000
Copies to Newspaper

Ileads Throughout
the Nation

The graduating seniors in the
Department of Journalism have begun mailing out copies of their publication, "The Cub Review" to more
than 1,000 editors and newspapers
throughout Kentucky and the United

In an effort to obtain positions,
the Journalists have put out a
miniature newspaper listing qualifications of the men and women to be
graduated. The paper contains on
the first page, a story on the purpose
of the publication, one on the Journalism department, and an article on
The Kernel. Prof. Enoch Grehan's
picture centers the page.
On the two inside pages will be
found two editorials discussing the
rise In Importance of college graduates In the Journalism profession;
and paragraphs giving the name,

age, address, degree, special work,
experience In newspaper work, and
time of degree of the graduating
The last page Is devoted to an
account of the alumni of the Journalism department who are, at present, active in "the fourth estate"

throughout the nation.
Newspapers and newspapermen in
every state will receive copies. All
inquiries concerning the paper and
the persons listed should be made
to Niel Plummer, Department of
Journalism, University of Kentucky,
who is the official advisor for the
group, and through whose cooperation the paper has been made

Keys Initiation To
Be Held Saturday
Keys, sophomore honorary fraternity will hold initiation exercises
at 5 p. m. Saturday at the Lafayette
hotel. Officers for the ensuing year
will be elected at a stag dinner
following the ceremonies.
The annual pledging for Keys was
held last Saturday night at the SuKy
The following men were
pledged: Lysle Croft, assistant dean

of men; Charles Stephenson, Kappa
Sigma; Jack Nickerson, Sigma Phi
Epsilon; Ben Gaines, Alpha Gamma
Rho; Oly Spence, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Ike Moore, Delta Tau Delta;
Peter Relninger, Lambda Chi Alpha;
Charles Dunn, Phi Kappa Tau;
Walter Riddel, Phi Delta Theta;
Douglas Jakes, Triangle; Curtis
Wllmott, Alpha Tau Omega; Dudley
Cutshaw Murphy, Phi Sigma Kappa;
J. Franklin Wallace, Sigma Nu; John
Smith, Sigma Chi; James O'Brien,
Kappa Alpha, Sid Kelly, Pi Kappa
Alpha, and Larry Rash, Alpha Sigma Phi.

Dr. H. L. Dennis, high chancellor
of Alpha Zeta, national honorary
agriculture fraternity, and head of
the Vocational Agricultural department at Washington. D. C , will be
guest of honor at a banquet given by
the local chapter at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the Teacup Inn.
Doctor Dennis will be one of the
principal speakers at K.E.A. and will
address members of Alpha Zeta at
their banquet on Friday night.
Alumni and active members of
Alpha Zeta will be present. The
results of the election of new officers
for next year will be announced.
Horace Nicholson, present chancellor, of the local chapter, will preside.




Kentucky Home Economics
Association Will Convene
Today in Louisville; "Leadership" Is Theme
Approximately 25 students of the
College of Agriculture will attend
the spring meeting of the Kentucky
Home Economics association which
is to be held today at the Brown

hotel and the Architects' and Builders' association building in Louisville. The theme of the entire

program is "Leadership."
At 0 a. m. today the program will
begin with a business meeting in
the kitchen of the Builders' and
Architects' building. This is to be
followed at 10 a. m. by a meeting of
the student clubs of the K.H.E.A. in
the club room of the same building.
The chairman of this group, Harriet
Williams, is a senior in the College
of Agriculture and
the University Home Economics club.
program at this meeting will
Include a business meeting and
election of officers, club reports on
activities of the past year, a discussion of student club program for
1934-3and an address, "The Consumer and the New Economic Order"
by Mary L. Matthews, dean of home
economics, Purdue university.

Booksellers here and in other
cities have withdrawn
Faulhaber's book "Judaism, Christianity and Germanism" because

Cardinal Faulhaber

Four discussion groups and an
afternoon session, to be held in Memorial hall, will comprise the program of the Greek conclave this
The evening plan of
procedure will include the annual
banquet, to be held at 6:30 p. m.
in the University Commons and the
Interfraternlty dance scheduled in
the Alumni gym from 9 till 1. Dance
music will be provided by Jimmy
Dimock and his
featuring Miss Tex Ann, soloist.
Following the general convocation,
which is sponsored by the conclave,
the various speakers will be entertained at the chapter houses of their
representative fraternities on the
campus. Members of Beta Theta Pi
on the campus, the Lexington alumni of that organization, and the
chapter at Centre college will entertain Doctor Shepardson at one of
the hotels.
The first two of the afternoon
discussion groups will be held at
1:30 p. m. at the Sigma Chi and
Sigma Alpha Epsilon houses. Dean
W. L. Sanders will lead the discussion at the Sigma Chi house on
"The Fraternity Freshman" and
Doctor Shepardson will initiate the
other discussion on "The President
of the Chapter and His Duties."
At 2:30 p. m. the second group will
hold forth with James Shropshire
leading a discussion at the Pi Kappa
Alpha house of the pledge manager
and his duties. Doctor Shepardson
at the Phi Delta Theta house will
talk on "The Relation of the Local
Chapter and the National Organization."
Talks will be included on the program of the afternoon session. The
first speaker of the afternoon will be
Dr. J. Holmes Martin, editor of the
"Sickle and Sheath" of Alpha Gamma Rho, who will speak on "The
Growing Menace of Honoraries."
Next on the program will be Dr.
Francis W. Shepardson, president of
the Association of College Honor
Dean W. L. Sanders, last year's
principal speaker, will give the feature talk of the session. His subject
will be "Fraternity Criteria."
Special sections of seats will be
reserved at the afternoon session
for each fraternity.
Athletic Director Chet Wynne and
Dean Jones, in addition to the other
speakers of the day, will be heard in
short talks at the annual banquet
at the Commons.
The program for the day follows:
10 a. m. General convocation in
Memorial hall. Speaker, Dr. Francis
W. Shepardson, subject, "The Challenge of Life's Loyalties."
12 noon Lunches at various fraternity houses. Luncheon for Doctor
Shepardson given by members of
Beta Theta Pi.
Discussion groups:
1:30 p. m.
Sigma Chi house, leader. Dean Sanders, subject, "The Fraternity Fresh-man- ";
Sigma Alpha Epsilon house,
leader, Doctor Shepardson, subject.
"The President of the Chapter and
His Duties."
2:30 p. m. Discussion groups: Pi
Kappa Alpha house, leader, James
Shropshire, subject. "The Pledge
Master and His Duties"; Phi Delta
Theta house, leader. Doctor Shepardson, subject, "The Relation of
the Local Chapter with the National
4 p. m. Afternoon session in Memorial hall. Dr. J. Holmes Martin,
subject, "The Growing Menace of
Honoraries." Talk by Doctor Shepardson. Dean W. L. Sanders, subject, "Fraternity Criteria."
6:30 p. m. Banquet at the University Commons. Talks by Dean
Jones, Chet Wynne, and speakers of
the afternoon.
9 a. m. Annual dance at the
Alumni gym with music by Jimmy
Dimock and his band.

refers to the

"proverbial indolence and drunk-eneof the early German tribes"
upon whom the new Teutonio Ideology is based.



� Best Copy
The Kentucky Kernel


Nation! Collet Press Association
Kentucky InUreolleflftt Prou Association
Leilnfton Board of Commerce
PublA BMintor of tho Major Collet
ication, represented br A. i. Norrla HIH
Co., 1M I. 3n St.. New York City; 13)
W. Madison Bt.. Chlcato; 1004 Ind Are,
Brittle. 130 Maple At., Lot Angeles: raH
Bldf., San Fraocleco.


Subscription IJ 00
Year. Entered at
Lexington. Ky., Postoffle A Be con d
Claa MaU Matter




Managing tdilot



Ellrabeth Bautr
Jack Wild
John W. Potter
James Bersot
Ben P.


Jane M. Hamilton
Mart Carolyn Terrell
Jack Wild
Literary Editor
. Anit. Socletn Editor
France! Bush
Virginia Bo worth
Lucy Jean Anderson
Mary Chick
Charlotte ColTmsn
Feature Editor
Howard Cleveland
Mary A. Brend
Mary Rees Land
Dr. H. L. Franklin
Eleanor Richardson William Carrell
Newt Sdlfor
Virginia Robinson
Dave Salyers

Delia Holt
Isabel Preston
Earl Bourgeois
T. J. Ropk
Frank Borrles
BUI Huston
Carl Boon
Betty Pennington
Miriam Rosen
Catherine Jones
James Anderson
Margaret Cllnkscales Dorothy Nichols
Anne Phelps
Morton Collins
Morton Potter
John Darnalt
Wallace Brlggs
William Franx
Roy Hogg
Thelma Ooodrlch
Lois Coblin
Ruth Ralston

"The Christian Student and
Ills Influence'
The mast lasting contribution
which any Christian student can
make to his elma mater is the
h" Mt"
school. Whether this shadow
and besses or wounds and curses,
it nevertheless lives on. Influence
is such an Inevitable thing that we
oimht to spare a few minutes to


One morning when I awakened
With sadness in my heart,
Old doubts and fears assailed me
And thoughts of things apart.

The nunny day seemed filled with

sky, though tilue, seemed gray.
on the The flower was an illusion
,ian students' influence
campus is either good or bad. It is Which soon would fade away.
Jesus said that those
never neutral.
up to my window sill
na mlddli around. And then
A little robin flew,
Just go. i think, on the college And stopped and looked and sang to
enmnus. The Christian life is a
and instructor, and if things must definite and positive way to think- - As if my thoughts he knew.
be neu- ing and acting. To seek
oe tH.Ku over suvcr
,g t() declde a(fa,nst Jesug
oe civu aoour, n ana give me pro- - conseauentlv to throw ones lnflu- - His red breast softly trembled with
Fullness of melody
fessor a chance to leave the class- - ence against His program lor me As in his song he put the joy
room aloofness behind.
Of sun, and flower, and tree.
Consider slso that the Christ