xt7w6m33363m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w6m33363m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1944-04-21  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 21, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 21, 1944 1944 1944-04-21 2013 true xt7w6m33363m section xt7w6m33363m Mll

$42.50 Stamps
$1,000 Bonds

Summer Term
New Courses
Are Released
Next Quarter
To Begin June
End July 19


The 1944 Summer Quarter will
begin Monday, June 12 and end
August 26, according to the sum
mer quarter bulletin of the Univer
sity. The first term will terminate
on Wednesday, July 19 and the sec- ond term will begin the following
day, July 20, and will end August

quarter catalog,
which includes courses to be offered both terms, has been released
by the .office of the registrar. The
listed courses, however, are tentative until a definite enrollment
number can be determined.
Courses Offered
The following courses will be offered, although the registrar's office reserves the right to withdraw
courses tf there is no necessity for
them. Courses In the College of
Arts and Sciences are anatomy and
physiology; ancient languages and
literature; anthropology and archaeology; art; bacteriology; botany;
chemistry; economics; English
language and literature; geography;
geology; German language and literature; history; hygiene and public health; journalism; library science; mathematics and astronomy;
military science; music; philosophy; physical education; physics;
political science; psychology; romance languages and literatures;
sociology and zoology.
College of Agriculture and Home
Economics: agronomy; agricultural
entomology: animal industry; animal pathology; farm engineering:
home economics; horticulture;
markets and rural finance, and
rural sociology.
College of Engineering: civil ensanitary engineering;
general applied mechanics; administration; engineering drawing;
mechanical engineering and metallurgical engineering.
agriculCollege of Education:
tural education; business education; distributive occupations; eduThe

cational administration; education
al psychology; elementary education; history of education; home
economics education; industrial education; music education; philosophy, of educations and ( seconctary
P ' aIsoVbe:
qpen in the College of Law and the



1944 Fee
For 1944 the fee for all resident
students, except those enrolled in
the Law School, wiU be $35 for The
full summer quarter, and $23 for




stueither term. For
dents the corresponding fees will
be $55 and $28. For resident students enrolled in the College of
Law. the fee for the full summer
quarter will be $38 and for either
term $25. The corresponding fees
students will be
$58 and $30.
Classes during the Summer Quarter will begin at 7 a.m. The first
hour will be from 7 to 8:15 a.m.,
the second hour from 8:25 to 9:40
ajn., the third hour from 9:50 to
11:05 mm., and the fourth hour
from 11:15 to 12:30 a.m. A few

Friday, May S is the last day
on which application may be
made for graduation in June. No
student will be considered for
graduation who has not filed an
application. Candidates for the
bachelor's degree will be charged
a graduation fee of nine dollars.
This will cover the rental of
cap and gown, diploma fee, the
Kentuckian and senior dues.
Candidates for advance degrees will be charged a fee of
15 dollars, which will cover the
above with the exception of the
eKntuckian and in addition, the
cost of the hood to be presented
the candidate.
Graduation fees are payable
not later than Monday, May 29,
according to an announcement
by Leo M. Chamberlain, dean of
the University.

Woman's college, Hopkinsville. Miss
Buchanan is a member of Phi
Beta, national honorary and professional music, dramatic and dance
fraternity for women, the Women's
Glee club, YWCA, and the Baptist
Student union.

chairmen are:
9:30 ajn. treasurers' group, Ida




rush chairmen and

Panhellenic representatives, Nancy
house mothers and
social chairmen, Frances Lawton.
11:30 a.m. house presidents, Jean
Runyon; chapter presidents, Emily
A luncheon meeting at 1 p.m. at
the Lafayette hotel will conclude
the day's program. Mrs. Warren
C. DmmfTiond, an Alpha Omega'
Pi. Will be gli&'t speaker. At that
tfme, awards till bt presented and
ratings will be announced. ....

French Shows
Tone Qualities
By Myrtle Weathers

Lucille Haney French, soprano,
presented her graduation recital
Sunday afternoon at Memorial hall
showing good tone quality and control throughout her program. Her
usual clear soprano was full and
In her first group Mrs. French
sang. "Bneep May tsaieiy oraze,
by Bach; and three traditional Ulpercourses will meet for
ster airs: "The Blue Hills of Aniods.
trim," "My Lagan Love," and
The faculty will include 156 inBlack Sheela of the Silver Eye,"
quarter. arranged by Harty. These Ulster
structors for the summer
The normal load for the summer airs were sung with beautiful melquarter is 18 hours for both terms ody and pathos.
and eight or nine for one term.
The second group included "Die



Sweater Swing . . .
. . . will be held from 6 to T:30 p.m.
today in the Card room of the
Union building.
Outing Club . .
. . . will leave the Union building
at 3:30 pxn. Saturday for a hike.
Dutch Lunch Club . . .
. . . will meet at noon today in the
YWCA office.
Members are to
bring their own lunch.
Campos Sing . . .
. . . will be held at 6 15 Thursday
in the Music room of the Union
Die RiederUfel
. . . will meet April 26 in room 211
Biological Sciences building.
Edward Rannells, head of the art
department, will speak on German


Mainacht," Brahms; "Gretchen am
Spinnrade," Schubert; "Wanderers
Nach tiled." Schubert; and "Who is
Sylvia," Schubert.
Mrs. French sang the aria, "Adieu
Forets," from Jeanne D'Arc, by
Tschaikowsky, in a finished and
lovely style.
Her final group included "Ob- "El
stination," by Fontenailles;
Ma jo Discrete," by Granados; "The
Cry of Rachel," by Salter; "The
Pasture," by Naginski; and "Sere
nade, by Carpenter. She did a
particularly excellent interpretation
of "The Cry of Rachel."
Ruth Pace, junior music student,
Mrs. French.
Pace played "Intermezzo Op. 117,
No. 1," and "Intermezzo Op. 117,
No. 2," by Brahms. Miss Pace is to
be complimented on the scholarly
way in which she played her solos.

Elder To Speak
On Labor Problem

Charles Elder, an organizer for
the American Federation of Labor,
will speak on "We Take a Look at
Labor" at 6:15 p.m. Tuesday in the
Music room of the Union building
Home Economics building.
This is the second in a series on
Bacteriology Society . . .
Capital and Labor which is held
. . . will meet at 7:15 pm. Monday
in the Biological Sciences building at the regular meeting of the up
Cwens' . . .
D. O. Burke, Lebanon, is in
. . . actives members will hold busi
ness and social meeting for pledges charge of the arrangements. Fran'
at 7:30 p.m. fcuna.' tli'- - jl E:yc ces Kendall, Vanceburg, will pre
side t: trie

Phi Cpsilon O micron's
. . . monthly luncheon meeting will
be held at 12:30 p.m. April 22 in the



State Meeting
To Take Place

Mildred lone Buchanan, pianist,
and Mabel Claire Gumm, violinist,
will be presented by the Department of Music of the University in
a joint graduation recital at 4 p.m.
Sunday, April 23, in Memorial hall.
Miss Buchanan, who is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
Buchanan of Mayslick, is a candidate for the degree of B. S. in
Music. Before entering the University, she attended Bethel

The second of the annual Pan
hellenic Workshops, Initiated at
this time last year, will be held
April 29. in the Union building, according to an announcement made
by Frances Bell, president of the
Panhellenic council.
made up of officer representatives
from the sororities will meet In the
morning. The groups and their

Ross; Scholarship,
Pledge Training,


April 28 ,29

Buchanan, Gumm
To Appear Sunday
In Second Contest

Meetings Slated
For April 29



Music Majors Present Scientists Plan Chrisman, Embry Contest
Joint Graduation Recital Convention For Presidential Post In SGA

Day To Open


The Kernel Tells
How To Vote

FRIDAY, APRIL 21. 1944


May 5 Last Day
To File For Degree






Kentucky Kernel












Mabel Gumm









Beth Caddy of Lexington, student
in the music department, will
Miss Gumm.

The program is as follows: Part
1; Miss Gumm

will play La Folia

Varitations by Corelll; part 2; Miss
Buchananan will play Chorale:

Bach-Heand the Sonata in C
minor. Op. 10, No. 1, Allegro molto
e con brio. Adagio molto. Prestissimo by Beethoven; part 3; Miss
Gumm will play Concerto in D
major. No. 4 by Mozart, and part 4;
Miss Buchanan will conclude with
Prelude in E minor. Op. 28, No. 4
by Chopin, Prelude in A flat major.
Op. 28, No. 17 by Chopin, and
Rhapsody in C major. Op. 11, No.
3 by Dohnanyl.


of Man's



Famed Author
To Visit UK
Dr. Alexander
To Speak On India
Dr."'Mithrapiiram"' K. Alexander.
author of "India and the Four
Freedoms," will speak on "T h e
Clash of World Force in India" at
11 aan. Wednesday in room 303 in
Frazee hall.
At 4 p.m. Wednesday he will dis
cuss "India s Future" in tne music
room of the Union building.
Dr. Alexander has been a prize
winning public speaker since his
boyhood days. He was graduated
from the University of Madras
where he ranked first for his AB
and MA degrees. He has lectured
on India's philosophy, religion, and
political development in many parts
of the world, and devoted himself
untiringly to the promotion of interracial and international amity.
, Among
h i s other interests are
singing and composition of poetry
and music In Malayalam which is
the language spoken on the Malabar coast.

The state convention of the Kentucky Academy of Science, an organization
of scientific workers
located in colleges and industries
throughout the state, will be held
April 28 and 29, at the University
according to Alfred Brauer, secretary of the academy and professon
of zoology at the University.
Affiliated with the American Association fdr the Advancement of
Science, the academy is made up of
the following divisions: biology,
geology, mathematics,
psychology and philosophy, physics.
and the Kentucky Society of
Natural History, a Louisville organization.
j Total membership of the state
organization, which is incorporated
under statutes of the state and
whose headquarters are Lexington,
is 375.
Officers are L. A. Brown, Transyl
vania College, president; Paul J.
Alfred Brauer, Uni
versity, secretary; William J. Moore,
Eastern State Teachers college,
Richmond, treasurer; J. T. Skinner,
former president; A. R. Middleton,
University of Louisville, representative on council AAAS; and Anna A.
Schnieb, Eastern State Teachers
college, councilor
to Kentucky
Junior Academy of Science.
The junior branch of the academy
is made up of all science clubs and
other scientific organizations
secondary schools.

Mildred Buchanan

Dean Named
State Mother

Sweater Swing Today

By Dora Lee Robertson


guide. Pedro, for company.
traveled by train, both passenger
and freight, and sometimes even
rode in the caboose, or on small
track cars. On the rivers of the
interior, we rode in dug-oand grass boats. At times we
were able to ride on river steamers.
Each man had his own hammock
and would have to find a place to
hang it on the desk of the steamer,
when nightfall came. One night,
finding no place to hang my hammock, I found a woodpile and no
sooner had I gotten settled than
the fireman came and wanted the
wood. In exchange, he gave me a
wooden bench to sleep on. Of
course, we traveled on mule and
horseback a great deal, but much of
the tune, we traveled on foot.
"One day, while on a steamer,
near central Peru, I saw one of the
most beautiful sights which I have
ever seen in my life and one which
few men have seen. About 4 p. m.
I went up on deck and suddenly the
clouds began to slowly part and in
the distance, rising 22.000 feet into
the sky was Mt. Huascaran covered
with snow. The mountain is usually hidden by the clouds but this
once. Hie coucu. ivrt-jJ.ut

Lived On Bananas
Dr. Allen said that many times he
lived on stewed green- - bananas as
the natives do. He also said that
once he had the end of his finger
bitten off by a Piranha, which is
a type of fish that will eat any
meat within sight, man or beast,
and that the natives are so afraid
to bathe in the waters that they
stand on rafts and pour water over
"We returned from this expedition after dbout a year. However,
tropical tramps always want to go
back, and in a little while, I returned. This was the Centennial
expedition of 1920. I came home
by way of the Amazon.
"Both of us began to work on the
book; however. Dr. Eigenmann soon
began to lose his health and took a
trip to Florida to rest for a few
months. He took the manuscript
with him and lost it there. He returned to Indiana, and in a few
months died.
"After a while, the manuscript
turned up in a railroad office in the
lost and found department. I completed the book and it was published at the University in 1942,"
Dr. .!iei. state:..




t' '


Norman Chrisman. Independent,
and Bill Embry. Constitutionalist,
are candidates for president of the
Student Government
which will hold an election from
8:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Tuesday
in the Union building.
candidates are
Independent, and
Merl Baker,
Margaret Erskine. Constitutionalist.
Candidates for representatives



one upperclass wom-

an: Charleen Burrts, Paris, Independent, and Peggy Ward, Inez, Constitutionalist.
Arts and Sciences: two lower-cla- ss


Margaret Erskine

Bill Embry



and Mattie Evelyn
Douglas, Lexington. Independents,
and Phyllis Watkins, Cynthiana,
and Nancy Elmore. Henderson,
Constitutionalists; one upperclass
woman. June Baker. Hopkinsville.
Independent, and Brewster Phelps,
Cloverport. Constitutionalist; one
lowerclass man. Jennings Kirby.
Independent, and John
Hopkins, Carlisle, Constitutionalist;
one upperclass man. Jack HilL
Somerset. Constitutionalist.



one upperclass


an. Emily Hunt. Mayfield. Constitutionalist, and Irene Bridgeman,
Wheelwright, Independent. '
Polls will be located In the
Union building. Students must
have some identification, such
as driver's license, social security card, or a University receipt,
was the announcement made.
There will be no campaigning
around the polls, and students
will vote one at a tune, according to Jimmy Hurt, chairman
of the election board.


The program will consist of the
following meetings: General meet'
ing. 7:45 p.m. Friday, room 200,
Biological Sciences building.
speakers will be Dr. D. B. Keyes,
Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, dean of 'chief. Chemical Industries branch.
women at the University, has been War - Production board. Washing
selected as state mother of Ken- ton; CoL Waldo Shumway. chief,
tucky to compete with other state Plans and Training Board. Morales
representatives for the title of Services division, ASF, Washing
"American Mother of 1944."
,.i ton; H. C. Blackmeyer,.direc(or,'lri
the dustrial Relations. Seagrams, Louis
A committee
Golden' Rule foundation selected ville; ah President Henry T. Heald,
Mrs. Holmes, ' widow: 'Of Dr. Percy 111.
Institute of Technology,
Holmes, head of the Department of Chicago.
Hygiene and Health at the UniverBiological and bacteriogical ses
sity who died in 1924, as the repre- sions will be held at 9:15 a.m.,
sentative. fr.Qni,thls.state for the Saturday .room 313, Biological
selection of the American mother Sciences building.
to be made Thursday in New York.
session. 9:15
Past president of the Lexington Saturday, room 214, Kastle hall.
of the American Association
Geology field trip, beginning
of University Women, she is also a
member of the Family Welfare So- a.m. Saturday, room 203, Miller
ciety, and the State Association of hall.
9 a.m. Saturday,
Deans of Women. Also, she is active in the National Association of room 128, Mcey halL
Psychology and philosophy 9:30
Deans of Women, the state AAUW
board, the board of directors of the a.m., Saturday, room 211, Biologi
Red Cross, the Civilian Defense cal Sciences building.
committee, Kappa Delta Pi society,
"The usual dinner meeting will
and the state and Lexington YWCA not be scheduled because of the
food situation" stated Dr. Brown,
Mrs. Holmes is the mother of
four children. Dr. Kendall Holmes
captain in the Medical division of
the Air Corps at Luke Field. Ariz.;
Mrs. Smith Broadbent, Jr.. of Cobb,
The Kentucky Knights will fur
Ky.; Mrs. John Holmes MacVey of nish the music for the sweater
Washington, D. C., and John Hoyte
swing which will be held from
Holmes of Louisville. She has three
grandchildren, the children of Mr. to 7:30 p.m. today in the Card room
of the Union building.
and Mrs. Broadbent.

Data For Book Gathered
From South American Trips
When a man who lives in Lexington, more than 10 miles from a
river, writes a successful book entitled. "Fishes of Western South
America," you begin to wonder how
he did it.
Here is how it all came about.
Dr. William Ray Allen, author of
the book and professor of zoology
at the University, stated that he
first became Interested in South
American fishes through an old
professor of his at Indiana university. Dr. Carl H. Eigenmann. head
of the Department of Zoology there.
"Dr. Eigenmann was planning to
make an expedition to South America and when he found that I was
also enthusiastic about making the
trip, he helped me in making arrangements which made it possible
for me to go. I went as a representative of the University of Illinois," said Dr. Allen. This was the
Irwin expedition of 1918-1Search In Pern
"In the summer of 1918, we
started our search in Peru. Each of
us took a section of this Western
land. I would travel for months at
a time without seeing an English
gDeaking persjn, i.rvX y ith on!v my

Are Nominees

For Vice President




Erskine, Baker

At University


B. S. In Music
Miss Gumm, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. E. Shirley Gumm of Lexington, is also a candidate for the de
gree of B. S. in Music. She is a
member of Phi Beta, the Women's
Glee Club, Philharmonic orchestra,

Main Election On Tuesday

Norman Chrisman

Merl Baker

Accent On Youth' Deserves
Praise As Excellent' Play

Guignol Actors
"Show Skill In
Last Production


y Dnpre Speaks
To Opeii Class

By Morgan Woodward

yandenhos4h-T44- ?


Mr. Frank Fowler's selection of
Accent on Youth," for the current
Guignol production was an excel
lent one. Samson Raphaelson
knows how to write sophisticated
dialogue, and unlike many modern
playwrights, he also knows how to
tell a story up to a point.

Fifth In Series
Dr. J. Huntley Dupre, professor
of history, will give an open class
lecture at 2 p.m., Tuesday, April 25,
in room 201, Frazee halL
Speaking on the subject of "The
Open Door Policy and the Ameri
can Interest," Dr. Dupre will con
duct this fourth in a series of open
classes for this quarter.
On May 5 Dr. Amry Vandenbosch,
head of the department of political science, will hold the next open
class in the series.
Chairman of the committee in
charge of deciding on classes to be
held was Dr. Herbert E. Riley, head'
of the botany departmeht. He was
assisted by Dr. A. E. Bigge, representing the German department;
Dr. H. H. Downing, professor of
mathematics, and Dr. Niel Plum-me- r,
head of the department of

Not Original Theme
"Accent on Youth" is not an
original theme; it Is the old one of
playwright who
the middle-age- d
wins a young girl from a young
rival, a theme always popular with
males who have passed forty!
Being a modern, Mr. Raphaelson
has small regard for marriage or
the marriage state. Everyone except the young actor who loses out
seems to share in this moral chaos,
and at the end, Mr. Raphaelson
makes the young man. who started
as most likeable, very much the
The moral tone of the play is not
improved by making the actions of
the characters at times more indefensible than they really are.
through insufficient preparation for
their actions. The dialogue and
much of the character drawing is
excellent. Although the first act
was rather poorly done, the acting
as a whole was admirable.

Long, Faulkner
Take Positions
On Kernel Staff






sutxeisiul in

op'.ol A tui


Student Meetings

Frankfort, Constituticmflst.
Graduate; bne representative at

large. Virginia Wesley. Lexington.
Constitutionalist, and Bill Gormley.
Versailles, Independent.
. Presidential' Nominees
Chrisman, engineering junior
from Pikeville. is a civil engineer,
a member of the ASCE. president
of the YMCA. a member of Phalanx
fraternity, the Pitkin club. Cosmopolitan club, and Kampus Kousihs.
He is also engineering representative in the SGA Assembly, a University chorister. Social committee
member, and
of the
Westminster Fellowship group of
the Maxwell Street Presbyterian


Embry. commerce sophomore
from Lexington, is president of the
Pitkin club. SGA Assembly representative, advisor of the Freshman
club, member of the YMCA. and" of
the YMCA council. Active in
activities including Kampus Kousins and the Freshman
club, Embry is past president of
tyoth these organizations.
President of Phi Delta Theta. social fraternity, he is a member of Phalanx
fraternity, choristers, and the Men's
Glee club.

YM-relat- ed


Mildred Long, arts and sciences
sophomore from Georgetown, has
been named assistant news editor of
The Kernel by the Board of Student
Elizabeth Faulkner,
sciences junior from Lexington, has
been named cartoonist.
Miss Long, a
Georgetown college, is a member of
the YWCA and has been a reporter
Fopa Amusing
for The Kernel since September.
Ell Popa was both amusing and
Active in the Student Art Club,
poignant as the aging playwright Miss Faulkner is al.so a member of
which he portrayed with his usual the Dutch Lunch club and Theta
Sigma Phi, journaliMn honorary
self ease and confidence. Sarahfratfmity
she was formerly
was sincere and attractive dent of WAA and B member of
as his secretary, while Wallace Cwens.
Briggs as the philosophic butler,
and Dr. L. L. Dantzler as the
actor, gave comedy performances which could not have
All student meetings held in
been bettered. Indeed, a whole
chapter could be written on Mr.
the Union building must be
Briggs' humorous facial expressions.
booked with the hostess at the
Jacquelyn Wiedeburg was likewise
Information desk in the Great
very convincing as a young
hall of the Union at least 24
and Dietrich Roetter fitted himself
hours in advance, according to
quite adequately into the role of
an announcement made by
Dickie Renault.
The play itself, and the acting,
Edith Weisenberger. president
coupled with one of the best Guigof the Union board.
was most
nol settings ever created,
sixty-year-o- ld

Engineering: one lowerclass man.
Gerald Napier. Lebanon, Constitutionalist, and Owen Lewis. Lexington, Independent.
Education: one upperclass woman. Nancy Lowe. Columbia, Independent, and Betty Fraysure.

By Shirley Meister
Question: What has brought yea
to the conclusion that spring is

CpL Bill Svenisb, Co. A.: All the
girls draping out of Jewell hall windows.

Kitty Craps ter. AAS. Junior: Jewell hall roof; sunbaths and blisters.
Dolores Shifflet, A4S. Junior:
The dandelions and the rain.
Susan Fisher. A AS, Junior: I'm
starting to get sleepy all the time.
Susie Capen. A A 5, Junior: I feel
like cutting all my classes.
Casey Goman, A AS, freshman: I
can't believe it; it doesn't happen
in April in Michigan.
Aj.. Junior:
Freckles on my nose.
Elizabeth Shaikun. Ed.. Grad.
student: Girls' legs sans stockings
with leg makeup instead.
Maria Benavides, A AS. Junior:
The girls courting the boys.
Mary Elizabeth Stigall. A AS. Junior: Dr. Scherago allows his dog to
walk to the car Instead of carrying
Miriam Cohen, Com, sophomore:
I've t i iUnbum.



� a

The Kernel Editorial Page


Norma Weaihucspoon

a&rerrO at


Bettve McClanahan

Post Office at Lexington, Kentucky, M
nattai under tne Act of Marco 1, iri),




Intercollegiate Pren Association
Lrxlngtoa Board or Commerce
Kentucky Prrsk Association
National Editorial Association



Vincent Spagnloi.o

4 tO





Managing Editor
News Editor
Business Manager

N. V.







ft ft ft ft

Next month t will lx- - here on the fourth and
Of the 1,400 humans present at the apiear-anc- e in June it will reappear on the fourteenth It's allies influence you. And. above all.
don't think that you have to vote
ot Landman
Herman in lexing-to- coming. You ligiire it out, we can't.
a straight Independent ticket beTuesday, it' a fail thai at least 43 were
ft ft ft
cause you don't belong to a Greek
And may we add that we wish to compli- organization or a straight Constift ft ft ft
ballot because you do.
students. Particularly noteworthy were ment Marge l'almote and Helen Davis on their tutionalist courage to
Have the
stand by your
Herman (This time it's NOT our prexy) fans excellent taste in reading material.
convictions in spite of pressure
from politicians and posters. PlatIdiili Omaut, Marjorie llunsiugcr, and Lelia
ft ft ft ft
certainly, but Dlatituries
N it hols w ho stood in the lu st ranks for at least
The nice thing alxnil mail is that when you with a purpose, the building of a
hours, knocking themselves out at the cx-- an envt
loe you never know what to ex- - stronger and a better SGA for the
UnlversitT- ..
tlai inctist's
mail we re- iiett to find inside. In Tuesday
ft ft ft ft
ceived a nickel from a friend in Texas. SaTd
Carolyn Hill's buddy Sy wanted to give her he, "Go buy yourself an ice cream cone."
his pen and pencil set so they would be
ft ft ft ft

ft ft ft ft
"Remember September IK!" will go in
with "Remember the Maine" and all the
other slogans of great losses. W ith a plaintive
look in his eyes chemistry major Heib Figel
tells the story about the nite white
j cited by nine remnants of the
department. Septemljer IN was the date their
extended deferments would expire live more
mouths of FREEDOM stared them in their rehis-to- r

Mean trick of the week: The gals at one
residence house told a pinch-hittinhouse mother she couldn't leave her room except for meals.
So the poor lady locked herself in the liny
cubicle from Ft iday through Sunday which.'ev-ein the SAL house, can be torturous.


ft ft ft ft


once-prou- d



Next day came a ulegiaiii to Dean Chamber-l.iiIt was all over, the
with a withdrawal.
deferments canceled. "Ha!" says Fogel, "Yoii
can't win."
If it ever hapens again we of this column
w ill Ik gin an immediate campaign to raise funds
lor a monument. It will le a hione fudge cake
mounted on a maible plaie susended alove



Independent party posters
.,..,1 "wi...",,
o.i fi' "iciw.v v.. ........
Merl Baker?" arc the biggest invitation to may- hem we've seen this year. All we're waiting for
is some resourceful Constitutionalist to answer
those questions which so tantaliingly ask for
it. But met with typical apathy, the campaign
has ended without a comment.
We add the reminder thai if these were the
old davs" they would never have escaped.
Sad to think the clays of butchered election slogans and brawling j i l i s have been replaced
by downright neglect.
Seems to us those

By Adele Denman

gave her an engagement
L Chi Omega
Pat McCarty and Mary Gibson That's what I calls fast work,
4. Alpha. Delta Pi
vent round and "round and came
They went
cut here last week-enLooks as if Peggy Ward is off to
to Louisville to see Bob and Bud, the races with Captain Tom Wil- former ASTP, when they should Uamson. Keep your eyes on the
have gone to Cincinnati. Finally horses, Peggy.
they met in Lexington and spent
when two people get twits on
all of two hours together.
tjme jt s
eacn otner
Attention, Dean Holmes! Could iike walking on air. Such is the
arrangements be made for Dick CASe of Marjorie Kelsey and Seot- Yutingrrman to live at the Chi O tjc.
much trouble
house? It's
5. Extra
lor him to go home at night.
What's worse than women fight"IXm't Get Around Much Anymore" certainly isnt Edith Conant's ing over nylon stockings? Women
theme song, for she is really get- fighting over Dietrich pronounced
ting around with Snooks, one of Dietrich spelled Dietrich.
(. Spring Again
our precious
Spring has sprung;
The return of "Chock" Lang
Fall has fell.
brought a few extra beats from the
Winter has gone.
heart of Jane Eyre.
No men what the hell!
Marian Richmond is off to Ft.
7. Alpha Gamma Delta
Ieonard Wood to see Jack, one of
Jean iDeaeon) Tinley went to
our departed ASTP.
visit "Preacher" (AirCorps).
2. Tri Delt
got side tracked with two sailors on
S i s Dozier is taking the first the way to
the USO and ended
train home to see Tom Moore, up at a Holy Roller meeting. Give
lormer SAE at ole UK, who just her
Qr time religion?
pot a commission and a Pair or
Open letter to Derby entries:
Silver Wings."
Make arrangements to win the
Frances Draff rn is off to Hamil- race or about 15 Alpha Gams are
Schuler. going to be bankrupted.
ton apuin with Lieut. Bill
one of the Air Corps boys, to visit
Love and tons of oats.
Ids parents. Looks like serious
I see in the crystal ball, Betty
Before departing for the wars AmOT
w get a ring. She
Farrrl Trumpeter gave Lib Str4 got it. Now Miss Fightma.ster, an- something to remember h i m by, swer tne 64 donaz question is it




namely his Sigma Chi pin.
S. Zet Taa Alpha
It seems as though Evelyn John- son s Herman cant sleep a wink at
l.itht unless she tells him good- lnt lit. Result: she gets a long dis- tance call every niuht from Camp
Yirginia Allen was extremely up- :t l when she received a picture of
her man with a moustache. In fact
Mie was forced to call California to
.A? what was up.
When Betty Warner went to see
K.y at Ft. Dix. she had wonderful
Instead the "light of
her life" only got out one niyht,
but he sent a substitute to take care
her. In the scuffle the friend

going back? We doubt it.
Bill Young, Birdboy, made a
three-poilanding at the Alpha
Gam house. The biggest point was
to see Sarah Bogan.
1. Alpha Xi Delta
Notice to FDR. WW. and Tom
Dewey: Why try to run tor presi- dent with Bill Sturgill, Tom Mose- ley, "Skeeter" Vance, and Kilmer
Combs making speeches like they
did at the open house. As orators
you would make good blacksmiths.
The bride skipped out, why in
the heck doesn't she skip back?
Penny Shively Rose, of course, left
to see hubby, and almost didn't get
Step down. Frank Sinatra, Jim

and Mary Kassenbrock




Hawaiian Hula Is 'Hothing'
Compared To UK Dances
Aloha to the "Women's. Children's
and Disabled Gents , School of
Higher Learning"
that's what I
have been told it is called now, bul
to me it is still the. good old Uni- versity.. It must be a girls' school
now if even th- v
are jnr,abited by the female sex
,ong jfore the men
but it wont
wiU return to once
(?) teke
charee of thine
I'K Message Center
Have gotten an idea In my head
that I want to get rid of; .thought
I would turn it over to you.
blv you naye read several copies
of Yank," the serviceman's maga- zine; In it they have a "Message
Center," which enables men in the
service to regain contact with bud- dies whose addresses they no long- er know. Why doesn't The Kernel
carry one of its own, so that old
U. of K. boys can locate one an- other? Many of us glance through
"Yank's Message Center" because
there is so little chance that any- one listed there will be known by
us, but you can bet that when we
get a copy of The Kernel ever