xt7w6m33361f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w6m33361f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1944-03-16  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 16, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 16, 1944 1944 1944-03-16 2013 true xt7w6m33361f section xt7w6m33361f Extra!





The Kentucky Kernel



Judiciary Committee Declares
Lowery Wins In SGA Election
Constitutionalists Certified
For Other Contested Posts
Handing down its decision on the investigation of the Student Government association election held on March 8, the Judiciary committee today declared that Jeanne Lowry has been elected representative from the graduate school in" a reversal of the
first tabulation results which indicated that Jim Beasley had a
majority of the votes.
Constitutionalists, declared winners after the original count,
were certified as elected to all other contested posts. These are
Emily Jones, commerce lowerclass woman; J. Campbell Cantrill,
arts and sciences upperclass man; Polly Jo McCulloch, arts and
sciences upperclass woman; Claudine Gibson, arts and sciences

First Extra
Although nor edition of The
Kernel was scheduled for this
week because of examinations,
news of sufficient interest to the
student body has developed to
justify the publication of the
paper's first antra.
Shortage of workers and lack
of time has prevented the publication of a
but the staff feels that the students should be served adequately by this sheet, issued in
accordance with its policy of
keeping- the University promptly informed
of all campus


lowerclass woman.
Much Confusion Is Found

500 ASTP To
Leave Campus

"The committee finds that there was much confusion and some
irregularities in the SGA election held on March 8 resulting primarily from the failure on the part of the SGA officers, election
committee, and election officers properly to perform functions
Eggers To Replace
for which they were responsible," the official report of the committee states.
Colonel Brewer
"While there is evidence of conduct on the part of certain
More than 500 of
800 men in
students not in keeping with the standards generally observed by the ASTP will leave the University
the students of the University of Kentucky and certainly not in campus the latter part of this week
keeping with the desires of the University administration and staff, for active duty, the military department recently announced.
the committee was yet unable to secure sufficient evidence to
The move is in line with the polwarrant a specific charge against any individual," it continues.
icy announced recently by the War
Regret Expressed Over Conduct

Department whereby

the present

ASTP will be eliminated except for
possible to advanced engineers and profession-

Expressing its regret that "the SGA did not find it
conduct its election in an approved fashion," the committee declared that it hoped "that the Association in the future will manage not only its elections but all of its other affairs in a manner
in keeping with the generally fine reputation of the University
and its student body."
The election, contested because evidence of fraud was produced, was investigated by the committee during the past week.
Approximately 25 students appeared as witnesses in the closed
sessions of the hearing. In its report, the committee expresses its
appreciation to these students who assisted with the investigation.
Since the question of eligibility of candidates arose, the committee also ruled that a candidate must be a regular
student, as defined by the registrar, in an undergraduate college
or the graduate school.


al students.

A proposed



has been planned with future trainees being drawn from men who have
satisfactorily completed basic military training and at least two
terms of the A-courses.
Lt. Col. Louis W. Eggers, who replaced Lt. Col. Gerald Griffin as
assistant professor of military science and tactics at the University,
will succeed Col. B. E. Brewer as
military commandant upon the lat-teretirement this fall, it was announced.
Colonel Brewer will be relieved of
active duty sometime In September,
it was stated.
