xt7w6m332t31 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w6m332t31/data/mets.xml Wildcat News Company 1985 Volume 9 -- Number 28 athletic publications  English Wildcat News Company Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Cats' Pause UKAW University of Kentucky Men's Basketball (1984-1985) coaches Hall, Joe B. players Rollins, Kenny Packer, Billy Hagan, Cliff athletics directors Chapman, Rex NCAA Men's Basketball Championship (1985) Rupp Arena UK vs. UNLV (March 16, 1985) UK vs. Washington State University (March 14, 1985) recruiting statistics schedules Cats' Pause Combs, Oscar The Cats' Pause,  "March 23, 1985" text The Cats' Pause,  "March 23, 1985" 1985 1985 2012 true xt7w6m332t31 section xt7w6m332t31 SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS PER COPY
The Cats' Pause
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4 %V .^V *
 UK Basketball Statistics
	Overall:	18-13 Home:	11-3	Si	utral: 3-			Away:	4-	1	SEC:	11-f	" '.v;:--1~'.'
Plaver	C-CS	Field Coals	Free Throws			Rebounds		PF-D	A	TO	Points		High
Kenny	30-30	236-426-55.4	215-	281-76	5	307-10	2	84-1	37	54	687-22	.9	36-KAN
WALKER	(C)19-19	152-265-57.4	137-	1U2-75	3	204-10	7	59-1	24	43	441-23	.2	33-TEN
Ed	30-1 1	88-216-40.7	77-	104-74	0	42- 1	4	53-1	80	74	253- 8	.4	27-ETS
DAVENDER(C)19- 5		56-140-40.0	47-	67-70	1	29- 1	5	35-0	56	49	159- 8	.4	22-LSl'
Winston	29-26	80-189-42.3	50-	75-66	1	157- 5	4	103-9	24	55	210-7	.2	14-101
BENNETT	(C)19-19	53-12.1-43.8	30-	46-65	12	107- 5	6	73-7	15	33	136- 7	t 2	14-FLA
Bret	30-30	74-1)5-42.3	45-	65-69	.2	170- 5	7	90-6	28	35	193- 6	.4	13-TEN
BEARUP	(C)19-19	49-101-48.5	28-	..3-65	. 1	109- 5	?	58-4	13	17	126- 6	.6	13-TES
Janes	28-18	68-161-42.2	20-	35-57	.1	39- 1	4	51-1	62	35	156- 5	6	17-T0L
BLACKMON(C)18-14		37- 92-40.2	8-	15-53	.3	23- 1	3	35-1	36	21	80- 4	.4	16-CA
Richard	23- 0	44-109-40.4	30-	35-85	7	68- 3	0	32-1	13	27	118- 5	I	16-ISD
MADISON	(C)13- 0	14- 45-31.1	15-	18-83	3	23- 1	8	14-0	6	10	43- 3	.3	14-AUB
Roger	29-27	60-157-38.2	25-	33-75	8	44- 1	5	58-0	135	52	145- 5	0	12-LOU
HARDEN	(C)19-17	38-105-36.2	20-	25-80	0	27- 1	4	39-0	87	32	96- 5	1	12-VAN
Troy	26- 1	54- 98-55.1	9-	10-90	0	24- 0	9	20-0	18	10	117-4	5	14-0M
McKINLEY(C)16- 1		44- 83-53.0	5-	6-83	3	15- 0	8	19-0	13	8	93- 5	2	14-OM
Paul	19- 4	20- 43-46.5	1-	2-50	0	8- 0	4	24-0	17	9	41- 2	2	8-SMU
ANDREWS	(C)12- 1	9- 22-40.9	1-	2-50	0	3- 0	3	12-0	14	2	19- 1	6	7-ALA
Robert	26- 4	12- 41-29.3	7-	17-41	2	54- 2	1	43-1	5	12	31- 1	2	8-ten:
LOCK	(C) 15- 0	7- 17-41.1	4-	9-44	4	27- 1	8	18-0	3	7	18- 1	2	8-ten:
Cedric	19- 0	4- 13-30.8	4-	7-57	1	27- 1	4	11-0	0	6	12- 0	6	3-VA.N
JENKINS	(C)ll- 0	3- 3-100.0	4-	6-66	7	16- 1	5	6-0	0	5	10- 0	9	3-VAN
Todd	9- 0	1- 4-25.0	0-	4-00	0	4- 0	4	0-0	0	0	2- 0	2	2-VAN
ZIEGLER	CC)4- 0	1- 3-33.3	0-	3-00	0	3- 0	8	0-0	0	0	2- 0	5	2-VAN
Leroy	9- 0	1- 2-50.0	0-	1-00	0	2- 0	2	7-0	J	3	2- 0	2	2-ten:
BYRD	(C)6- 0	i- 2-50.0	0-	0-00	0	2- 0	J	4-0		2	2- 0	3	2-ten:
Team						62				3			
Kentucky	30	742-1634-45.4	483-	669-72	2	1008-33	6	574-20	422	375	1967-65	6	92-TEN
	(C)19	464- 999-46.4	299-	420-71	2	631-33	2 .	371-13	269	227	1227-64	6	92-TEN
Opponents 30.		755-1605-47.0	380-	546-69	6	948-31	6	624-19	455	387	1832-61	1	8 9-KAN
	(C)19	468-1004-46.6	247-	3b7-67	3	593-31	2	392-13	274	217	1183-62	3	82-MSU
MINUTES	PLAYED:	Walker 1103-36.	8. Bennett 827-			28.5, Bearup		799-26.	6, Harden		730-25	2,	
Davender 700-23.3, Blackmon 632-22.6, Hadlson 373-16.2, McKinley 341-13.1, Andrews 180-9.5, Lock 193-7.4, Jenkins 84-4.4, Byrd 14-1.6, Ziegler 13-1.4
Walker 36, Bearup 17, Lock 8, Bennett 6, Madison 4, Jenkins 2, Davender 2 (UK 76, Opp. 57)
Davender 32, Blackmon 30, Harden 28, Walker 27, Bennett 23, Bearup 12 Madison 6, McKinley 5, Lock 2, Andrews 2, Jenkins 2, Byrd 1. (UK 170, Opp. 175) DEAD BALL REBOUNDS:    Kentucky 60. Opponents 72
CAME UK-Opp		Attend	High Scorer			High Rebounder	
Toledo (H, Nov. 27)	63-54	23,129	Walker,	Blackmon	17	Walker	9
Purdue (A, Dec. 1)	56-66	14,123	Walker	Blackmon	16	Walker	9
SMU (H, Dec. 4)	54-56	22,846	Walker	19		Walker	7
Indiana (A, Dec. 8)	68-81	17,214	Walker	Madison	16	Bearup	11
Louisville (A, Dec. 15)	64-71	19,487	Walker	32		Walker	15
East Tenn.  (UKIT, Dec. 21)	69-54	21,300	Davender 27			Walker	9
Cincinnati (UKIT, Dec. 22)	66-55	23,102	Walker	18		Walker	9
Kansas (Louisville, Dec. 31)	92-89	18,920	Walker	36		Walker	19
Auburn (H, Jan. 2)	68-61	22,847	Walker	24		Walker	13
North Carolina St. (H, Jan. 5)	78-62	23,775	Walker	28		Walker	8
Vanderbllt (H, Jan. 7)	75-58	23,432	Walker	22		Walker	10
Mississippi (A, Jan. 9)	57-45	5,479	Walker	28		Walker	12
Alabama (A, Jan. 12)	58-60	15,043	Walker	25		Walker	14
Mississippi State (H, Jan. 16)	58-57	23,628	Walker	15		Walker	8
Florida (H, Jan. 19)	55-67	23,325	Walker	26		Bennett 11	
Georgia (A, Jan. 23)	73-81	10,163	Walker	28		Walker	17
Tennessee (A, Jan. 27)	65-81	12,700	Walker	23		Walker	9
LSU (H, Jan. 31)	53-43	22,135	Walker	21		Bearup	8
Auburn (A, Feb. 2)	49-47 ot	10,672 "	Walker	15		Bennett 8	
Vanderbllt (A, Feb 7)	68-62	15,626	Walker	31		Walker	15
Mississippi (H, Feb. 9)	67-52	23,232	Walker	33		Walker	13
Alabama (H, Feb 13)	51-48	21,125	Walker	19		Walker	8
Mississippi State (A, Feb. 16)	69-82	9,799	Walker	27		Walker	12
Florida (A, Feb. 20)	76-68	10,884	Walker	Davender	17	Bearup	9
Georgia (H, Feb. 24)	77-79	23,230	Walker	25		Ualker	12
Tennessee (H, Feb. 28)	92-67	23,820	Walker	33		Walker	18
LSU (A, Mar. 2)	61-67	13.446	Davender 22			Walker	13
Florida (B'ham-SEC Tourney)	55-58	13,300	Bennett 14			Walker	8
Washington (NCAA-Salt Lake)	66-58	7,351	Walker	29		Walker	10
UNLV (NCAA-Salt Lake)	64-61	9,226	Walker	23		Walker	6
1984-85 Kentucky Basketball Superlatives
Fewest Points Field ^oals Made Field Goals Att. Field Goal X Lowest FG I Free Throws Made Free Throws Att. Free Throw Z Rebounds Most Fouls Fewest Fouls Assists
Most Turnovers Fewest Turnovers
Field Goals Hade Field Goals Att. Free Throws Made Free Throws Att. Rebounds Assists Blocked Shots
92-Kansas, Tenness
34-N.C. State
10-East Tenn. St.
21- Kansas/Georgia
22- Purdue 6-Florld.
30-Purdue, Miss. State
41- Purdue
100.0-East Tennessee St.
42- Alabaaa, Florida
28-N.C. State/Kansas/Washington
25-N.C. State
36-Walker vs. 14-Walker vs. 25-Walker vs. 13-Walker va. 20-Walker vs. Kansas 19-Walker vs. Kansas 12-Harden vs. 4-Walker vs.
Kansas 34-Brooks (Tennessee)
Louisville 14-Brooks (Tennessee)
Louisville 22-Laird (Ole Miss)
Vandy/Ole Miss/Wash. 13-Cadls (Purdue)
14- Cadla (Purdue)
15- Koncak (SMU) Tennessee                    11-Webb (N.C. State) Cincinnati                   4-Koncak (SMU)
Joe B. Hall
The following are Coach Joe B. Hall's postgame comments after UK defeated Nevada-Las Vegas 64-61 in second round action of the West Regional last Saturday:
Coach Hall: A key for us was getting the lead down the stretch. Then we went to a stall tempo because we were a little tired. Everything was going fine until we had those turnovers. But give them (Nevada-Las Vegas) credit, too. Their composure and long-range shooting got them back into the game. It was just sensational.
What about the season overall?
Coach Hall: There's been a lot more pressure this year. Start 1-4 at Kentucky, that's the greatest pressure you can have in coaching. That's negative pressure. We were trying to avoid a bad season. Last year, we had positive pressure. We were trying to live up to expectations. We went from a traditional fast-break team to a more controlled, mechanical team. The other players should get a lot of credit, too. They all accepted the change.
What about Kenny Walker's exceptional block of Richie Adams?
Coach Hall: He's made plays like that all year long. When we've needed a great play, Kenny Walker has been the one to find it.
What about Cedric Jenkins' play?
Coach Hall: He's been playing real hard and hustling. Sometimes you can get a lot done that way.
Jerry Tarkanian
The following are Coach Jerry Tarkanian's postgame comments following Kentucky's 64-61 victory over UNLV last Saturday.
Coach Tarkanian: At times we played really good. But we got hurt giving them three baskets when the game was close. They drove the baseline and we didn't step in to take the charge. That was the game. We played hard, and I'm proud of the kids. This team on December 8 was 1-2 and could have folded. But they didn't, and they've come a long way since then. We had our chances, but the teams that advance are the ones that make the big plays.
Could you comment on Kenny Walker's block shot late in the game?
Coach Tarkanian: We went into a 1-3-1 offense, and got Richie (Adams) at the perfect shot. No one else on the floor could have blocked it. Maybe we should have gone to the other side. It was just a great play by Walker.
What about Walker's overall play?
Coach Tarkanian: There are several ways to play him . . .you can pack in your defense like St. John's did on Joe Kleine, but we don't play that way. And I felt an adjustment at this late date would backfire.
Could you comment about your defensive collapse when freshman Richard Madison was able to dunk the ball?
Coach Tarkanian: When you are pressing and gambling, you're going to give up a couple like that. But really what really hurt us were those three drives down the baseline with about eight minutes left.
At the end of the game, did you want to foul Madison?
Coach Tarkanian: We wanted to foul (Winston) Bennett or (James) Blackmon, but Madison wouldn't give the ball up, so we had to foul him.
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Could fate have the Kentucky Wildcats next week at Rupp Arena in the NCAA Final Four? Could the Wildcats be reliving the Cinderella story of 1958 when the Fiddlin' Five surprised the basketball world by winning the NCAA title in the Bluegrass State?
The obvious answer to those two questions is an absolute "no." At least, until you've thought about the possibilities for a few minutes.
Remember that 1958 team, the team with a mountain boy, a preacher boy and a city slicker among others. Oh, that team ranked fairly high compared to the current Wildcats, but like this current edition, the 1958 champs had trouble in more than just a few games. As the late Adolph Rupp once said, you wouldn't want to take them to Carnegie Hall. "They're more like fiddlers," summed up Rupp.
Joe B. Hall's 1985 Cats best lives up to their nickname. They really do fight like Wildcats. Throughout a season of ups and downs, the Cats kept coming back. Time after time UK was diagnosed as being "near death" by the experts. Coffins could have been ordered after the loss to Florida in the SEC Tourney.
Thankfully, the NCAA selection committee felt otherwise.
What transpired in Salt Lake City, Utah, last week, would have Brigham Young and Oral Roberts both very happy in the Wildcats' faith, faith to bounce back.
Perhaps Salt Lake City is just what the Wildcats needed all along. Out in the open country, the Kentucky players were away from all the pressure and hoopla of the east. Why, some of the reporters out there didn't even know who Kenny Walker was when he arrived.
While all the attention was being directed to the likes of Chris Mullins & Company at St. John's, and Eddie Sutton and his Arkansas Razorbacks, the Wildcats were quietly sitting in their corner. During press interviews prior to the Washington game, UK players were virtually ignored in favor of the bigger names.
For the first time in years, the Wildcats were not in the limelight. They were there only by the courtesy of the NCAA which didn't want to snub the host school of the Final Four, according to some people. Obviously, the Kentucky players didn't appreciate the accusations.
More importantly, Kentucky is beginning to jell like most of Joe B. Hall's teams have done in the past during tournament time. Except for 1981 and 1982, Kentucky usually fares much better than the average school at tournament   time.   Last   week was
evidence again.
When Kentucky upset No. 9 ranked UNLV Joe B. Hall's NCAA tourney record improved to 20-8, which just happens to be the best NCAA tournament record of anyone in this year's event.
There is not a more exciting player in the country right now than Kenny Walker. More importantly has been the play of his teammates who have been improving by leaps and bounds the last couple weeks.
Roger Harden has developed into the floor general that Hall has been looking for the past year and half. Ed Davender has developed into one of the toughest little guards in the country. His confidence and determination are unmatched and his talent is unquestionable. At the same time, Winston Bennett and Bret Bearup are quietly going about their chores, doine their job without all the fanfare.
A couple real pluses have been Richard Madison and James Blackmon. Madison, coming off knee surgery late in the season blossomed out in Salt Lake City and had reporters drooling over his sudden contributions. Ditto for Blackmon, the sophomore from Marion, Indiana, who came in with a great deal of confidence and provided the Cats with that third guard so vital in a stretch run.
With all those ingredients and superb  coaching  on  the sidelines,
Kentucky pulled its biggest two upsets in years. And those folks in Salt Lake City promptly penned UK as the "Cinderella" team of the 1985 NCAA.
For Kentucky to advance in Denver this Friday, upset No. 3 will be required when the Cats challenge St. John's, the second best team in the tourney right now. The Redmen are 32-2, one of only two teams to beat Georgetown this season, and possess a line-up which has four potential pro players on it.
Can Kentucky stop the explosive-ness of a Bill Wennington and Chris Mullin, a pair of Olympic stars. Does UK have anyone to hold down Walter Berry and Willie Glass. Will Florida Gator transfer Mike Moses dominate UK's guards.
Those who make their living at such things as predicting outcomes of basketball games sav St. John's is a solid 4-point favorite. But games are not won on paper, as clubs such as UNLV, Michigan, LSU and Kansas have already discovered.
While UK's bid to duplicate the Fiddlin' Five's feat is a very long shot at best (pretourney had UK a 150-1 longshot), the Wildcats are playing at the top of their game right now.
If there is a right time to hit a peak period, it is March in the basketball world. Remember when Marquette and Al McGuire supposedly didn't deserve an invitation back in 1977?
				PPG		RPG	
F	3h	-	Kenny Walker (6-8, junior)	22	 9	10	.2
F	25	-	Winston Bennett (6-7, sophomore)	7	2	5	h
C	2k	-	Bret Bearup (6-9, senior)	6	k	5	1
G	23	-	Roger Harden (6-2, junior)	5	0	1	5
G	15	-	Ed Davender (6-1 , freshman)	8	.h	1	h
ST.	JOHN	s					
F	21	-	Walter (6-8, sophomore)	17	6	8	3
F	30	-	Willie Glass (6-6, sophomore)	6	9	3	1
C	23	-	Bill Wennington (7_0, senior)	12	7	6	it
G	20	-	Chris Mullin (6-6, senior)	20	2		8
G	2h	-	Mike Moses (5_11, senior)	6	0	1	0
Well, Marquette went on to win the title.
Strange things have happened before and will happen again. Don't be surprised if Kentucky does it again Friday. After all, UK found Cinderella's slipper on the way West.
Joe B. Hall will, no doubt, be getting together with some old friends this week in Denver. It was Denver, if you recall, that gave Joe B. his first college coaching experience at small Regis College. After a year as an assistant, Joe B. was named head coach and compiled a 57-50 mark at the Colorado school.
It'll also be homecoming of sorts for junior guard Roger Harden who was born in Denver and spent much of his childhood growing up in Colorado.
Just when it appeared Kentucky could be facing a long, tough season next year, the younger Wildcats blossomed like a flower in the spring sun.
With the arrival of 6-7 Irving Thomas and possibly another forward and a guard, Kentucky might be well set for next season.
Those concerned with guard play and low post play obviously didn't witness the Washington and UNLV games. Robert Lock and Cedric Jenkins give the Cats a solid future at that position although back-up help is needed. Jenkins looked like a true veteran against UNLV.
And what about those guards. That position will be one of the target areas in recruiting next season, but returnees should have UK in good shape for 1985-86. With Davender, Harden, Blackmon and Andrews leading the way, don't look for too many teams to pick on UK's backcourt in the future.
HITS AND MISSES . . .Wildcat guard Ed Davender says he's eager to face St. John's Friday because it will give him an opportunity to play against some of his old high school buddies. Davender's second choice when he decided on UK was St. John's . . .This week's West Regional in Denver offers a lot of possibilities. Kentucky, with an upset win over St. John's could meet Alabama (if the Tide should beat N.C. State) for a third time. The two clubs split in regular season. If the two should meet, it would be the first time two SEC teams have ever met in a
[Continued On Page 22] 7&e       ' delude
Springtime In The Bluegrass
Basketball Still In The Air
With basketball, baseball, and football overlapping each other these days, a sportswriter's thoughts might be disarrayed to some extent.
During the springtime month of March this Bluegrass state is definitely intermingling in the athletic world.
For example:
*Joe B. Hall and his Kentucky Wildcats have showed the Floridas, Purdues, and West Virginias that they do belong in the 64-field tournament, beating Washington and Neveda-Las Vegas in West Regional action.
Nick Nicholas
Celts' Pause Columnist
*The NCAA championship road comes to its destiny next week in Lexington!
""Kentucky's high school girls have just completed thier "Sweet 16" b-ball tournament in Bowling Green, while this week the boy prepsters gather in Rupp Arena to see who's best.
*Some interesting figures were discovered when the football Wildcats went through a few tests during "Pro Day" drills.
*Coach Keith Madison's Bat Kats were lookin' good before they traveled to Nashville. But like I said . . . before they traveled to Nashville.
+    + +
Kenny Walker.
Kenny Walker is finally getting the national attention he deserves. While a forward out of Oklahoma, and a 7-foot-2 giant out of Georgetown have been among the center of national attention, 'Sky-Walker' showed the maximum ability of a basketball player like no other last weekend.
Against Washington on national television the 6-9 agile forward poured in 29 points and grabbed 10 boards in leading the 'Cats over the Huskies 66-58. Walker's block shot of Richie Adams short jumper in the closing seconds enabled UK to hold on to a slim lead for the 64-61 nailbiting victory over the Runnin' Rebels of UNLV. The second-team All-American (AP) finished with a game-high 23 tallies and six rebounds in 37 minutes of action.
But without the play of Roger Harden, Richard Madison, JEd Davender, Winston Bennett and Bret Bearup, Walker might not be able to showoff his talents in the tourney. All the Wildcats seem to be playing with new life. For instance reserves James Blackmon, Robert Lock and Cedric Jenkins have come on like young lions to contribute vastly to their teams recent NCAA success.
When the Wildcats play with enthusiasm and determination they're a whole new ballclub. It's definitely not the same team which lost earlier in the year by 16 in Tennessee.
Now Walker and troops must try to outstage popular Chris Mullins, Bill Wennington, Walter Berry and Lou Carnesecca and his new cream sweater. Everybody knows these guys, but UK is still somewhat unfamiliar to the national scene.
Last Sunday, CBS expert Brent Musburger noted that 'David Walker' blocked Adams' shot. Brent, don't you know who Kenny 'Sky' Walker is? C'mon now.
As the Final Four draws nearer and nearer, here's who I feel should be listed on the '85 all-America team.
Forwards -- Kenny "Sky" Walker (Kentucky), Wayman Tisdale (Oklahoma)
Center -- Patrick Ewing (Georgetown)
Guards -- Chris Mullin   (St. John's), Dwayne "Pearl" Washington (Syracuse)
Coach -- Bill Frieder (Michigan)
Forwards -- Keith Lee (Memphis State), Carl "The Mailman" Malone (Louisiana Tech)
Center -- Joe Kliene (Arkansas)
Guards -- Steve Mitchell (Alabama-Birmingham), Sam Vincent (Michigan State)
Coach -- Andy Russo (Louisiana Tech)
Forward -- Xavier McDaniel (Wichita State), Alfredrick Hughes (Loyola) Center -- Roy Tarpley (Illinois)
Guards -- Mark Price (Georgia Tech), Calvin Duncan (Virginia Commonwealth)
Coach -- John Thompson (Georgetown)
Tie -- Gary Grant (Michigan) and Danny Manning (Kansas)
+     + +
Rex Chapman.
Rex Chapman will probably draw a crowd in the boy's state tourney. The 6-3 Owensboro Apollo guard will not only be the subject of the opponent's swarming defenses, but a big contengent of Kentucky high school basketball fans will be on hand at Rupp Arena to see the junior sensation.
Last week TCP prep editor -- J.C. Dumas and I ventured down to Owensboro (see Dumas's story on Chapman in this edition) to see Chapman's squad play Owensboro in the Third Region finals. When we walked in the Owensboro Sportscenter, coaches Denny Crum, CM. Newton, Clem Haskins were some of the college dignitaries on hand to see the contest between two of Kentucky's Top Ten teams.
Those coaches were treated to an Apollo victory, who erased a 13-point deficit in earning a spot opposite Somerset in the state tournament.
Chapman lit up the scoreboard with 39 points as Apollo won for the third time in five games this season over the Red Devils.
The Apollo guard can flat do it all; he jumps center, plays tenacious defense, dribbles the ball with extreme deception and takes the jumper with confidence. But most of all, Chapman is a team player. You see, all the youngster cared about was his team winning against their arch-rivals and being able to play in Rupp Arena.
'That's going to be a dream come true for all of us,'' said Chapman about playing in the gigantic UK arena. None of us have never played there. A lot of good teams got knocked off and we've got a chance to go a long way. But we're going to have to play great.
"This was one of the biggest games of our lifetime. It's something that we'll never forget. We just love each other to death and we've come together as a team. That's what it is ... a team."
Kentucky has also been one of the many colleges eyeing the prep recruit. Assistant coaches Lake Kelly and Jim Hatfield were in attendance at the Sportscenter the night before when the Eagles played and beat Muhlenberg Central.
If Kentucky lands Chapman, you can be assured that the Wildcats reeled in one of the country's biggest catches in '86.
Kentucky football.
The Kentucky football team went through a few drills last week in the 'Cats' annual spring "Pro Day."
Several pro scouts were on hand to check the players on their 40 yard sprints, weight, and bench pressing abilities. Also some of UK's current seniors -- ala George Adams, Joker Phillips, Cam Jacobs, Frank Hare, Paul Calhoun -- participated in drills for the scouts. Former Wildcat quarterback/receiver Terry Henry was even at the Shively practice field trying to get the scouts' attention.
Senior-to-be Brian Williams turned in some impressive stats. The defensive back, while weighing in at 208 pounds,s ran an impressive 4.65 in the 40 yard dash. After being suspended from the Hall of Fame game for team violations, Williams seems to be going all out to redeem himself for the upcoming season.
A lot of the Wildcats appear to have been working hard as 35 players on the roster have weighed in with 10 percent or less body fat. According to UK sources, anything under 15 percent is good.
Cornell Burbage and Mark Logan turned in the fastest speeds with a 4.4 time. The fastest player ever recorded in a 'Cat uniform was back Ken Northington with a time of 4.3-plus.
Sophomore-to-be Mark Higgs was clocked at 4.52.
Kentucky baseball.
With three games scheduled against Vandy in Nashville last weekend, Coach Keith Madison's felt his squad was ready to get back in the SEC's eastern division race. UK with a 2-4 conference record (7-8 overall) trailed leader Florida by only 3 games and had just won 3 of 4 games. But after Saturday's  twin-bill  loss  to  the  Commodores,   the  Wildcats' found
[Continued On Page 22] Pa$e 5
- Reprinted from Deseret News
Last-minute blocks by Walker, Wennington lead teams to wins
Next up /or Sf. Johns, Kentucky is confrontation in Denver
By Kurt Kragthorpe
Deseret News sports writer
Kentucky forward Kenny Walker and St. John's center Bill Wennington will never qualify for membership in the Macho Shot-Blockers Club if they keep talking like this.
"I think they were kind of stunned," said Walker. "I know I was."
"I had my eyes closed," noted Wennington.
Their blocks came a little more than two hours apart Saturday in the Special Events Center, as they sent East-bound shots from Nevada-Las Vegas and Arkansas players due West. That's the opposite direction of Denver, where Kentucky and St. John's are now headed for the NCAA West Regionals Friday.
Both blocks helped save three-point victories, Kentucky holding off UNLV 64-61 after St. John's had downed Arkansas 68-65.
Trailing by one point with 55 seconds remaining, Nevada-Las Vegas called a timeout, then worked the clock down into the high 20s before 6-foot-8 center Richie Adams took a pass on the baseline.
"That's what we wanted to do," coach Jerry Tarkanian would say later. "We had been in what we call our overload offense for most of the game, but for one shot we went to a 1-3-1, and got Adams the ball on the baseline."
Adams was in his favorite place, about 10 feet to the right of the basket. Left-handed flip
shots from that spot had made him a two-time
PCAA player of the year and helped carry the Rebels to a 23-3 record this season.
"He got the perfect shot," Tarkanian noted.
Trouble was, Walker made the perfect block.
He knocked the ball back over Adams' head, and Kentucky forward Richard Madison chased it down on the endline and saved it from going out of bounds with a pass to guard James Blackmon. He relayed the ball to guard Roger Harden and, by this time, the 6-8 Walker was streaking toward the other end. Walker got a lob pass for a dunk and was fouled with 21 seconds remaining.
Walker missed his free throw, but Kentucky still had a 62-59 lead and Madison's two free throws with nine seconds left wrapped things up.
"He's made that kind of play all year," insisted Wildcat coach Joe B. Hall about Walker, who led all scorers with 23 points. "His defense, on occasion, has been as great as his offense. When you need a great play, he finds it."
Said Tarkanian, "Nobody else on the floor could have blocked it We should have gone to the other side."
Actually, Walker was on the other side as the play developed, sliding across when the pass came to Adams. "I was able to come in from the weak side and time the ball," noted
Walker, who averaged about one block a game
this season. "I was glad he moved out a Little. If he had gotten in a little closer, he might have dunked it on me."
As if by design, Walker's block was just soft enough. "Everybody just stopped for a minute, thinking the ball would go out of bounds," he noted. "It was a good thing I didn't block it too hard."
Wennington's block for St. John's of a William Mills shot in the lane also had the right touch, the Redmen gaining possession with a three-point lead. They proceeded to run nearly half the remaining time off the clock before Chris Mullin's two free throws made it 66-61 with just 36 seconds left.
After joking with the media  as he had done all weekend  that he had his eyes closed, the 7-foot Wennington admitted, "I knew it was Mills. He drove in and I stepped up."
To cut off the 6-foot-7 Mills' drive, Wennington had to gamble and leave his assigned man, Arkansas center Joe Kleine. Kleine's turnaround jumper had brought the Razorbacks within 62-61 with 1:32 left, before Mike Moses countered with two free throws for St. John's.
On Arkansas' next trip downcourt, the ball never reached Kleine. Mills drove into the lane and went up with a shot toward the "Denver" basket but, just as Walker would do in the second game to UNLV, Wennington sent Arkansas in the other direction.
Kenny Walker
- Reprinted from Deseret News
'Cinderella'Kentucky tops UNLV
By Mike Sorensen
Deseret News sports writer_
It's been a long time since Kentucky coach Joe B. Hall has been carried off the floor on the shoulders of his players. And its been even longer, as in never, that Kentucky has been referred to as the "Cinderella team" in an NCAA basketball tournament, or any tournament for that matter.
But that's what they're calling the Wildcats after their 64-61 upset victory over Nevada-Las Vegas Saturday in the Special Events Center. At the end of a post-game press conference, when a writer asked if Kentucky was this year's Cinderella team, Hall grinned and said, "I hope so. Say that," and walked off in the direction of Denver, next week's site of the West Regional.
It's two down and two to go for the team that wasn't even supposed to be in this year's NCAA tourney. Thanks to Kenny "Sky" Walker and a couple of wet-behind-the-ears freshmen, the Wildcats are just two wins away from a Final Four appearance on their home floor at Lexington's Rupp Arena, after defeating their second western opponent in three days.
Afterward, all the plaudits were going to Walker, certainly the best college player to play on the Special Events Center hardwoods in some time. He was the one who was invited to the interview room to speak to all the writers, the one who was interviewed on TV by Billy Packer and Dick Stockton.
After all it was Walker, who led his
team in points and rebounds, just like he has all season. This time the numbers were 23 and 6. And it was Walker, who came up with the key play of the game, when he came flying across the court to block Richie Adams' attempt to put the Rebels ahead with a half minute to go. But it was the freshmen, who came up with some key plays of their own to keep the Kentucky season alive for another week.
Ed Davender, an 18-year-old out of Brooklyn, who somehow got away from the grasp of St. John's Lou Car-nesecca, came up with the big plays that broke the Rebels' backs and Jerry Tarkanian's heart long before Walker's big block.
It was Davender who scored 11 of the Wildcats' 17 points over a six-minute stretch when the Wildcats went from a 38-36 deficit into a 53-48 lead. Three of the baskets were on reverse layups when he went around the left side of the UNLV defense, came back under the basket for a reverse layup on the right side. Those were the baskets that had Tarkanian stomping his foot on the sideline and lamenting about after the game.