xt7w6m332r4h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w6m332r4h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1949-11-nov19-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1949-11-nov19-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1949-11-nov19-ec. 1949 1949-11-nov19-ec. 2011 true xt7w6m332r4h section xt7w6m332r4h 

     Minutes of the L,.eeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
 of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, November 19, 1949.

      The Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky met in the
President's Office at 9:40 a.m. Saturday, November 19, 1949.   The
following members were present:  Guy A. Huguelet, Chairman; J. C. Ev_
erett, Harper C.atton, R. P'. Hobson and T. H. Cutler.  Absent: Lone.
Also present were President H. L. Donovan and Frank D. Peterson, Secre-
tary of the Board.

     A. Minutes Aisproved as Published.

     The minutes of the Executive Committee of October 15, 1949, were
approved as published.

     B. Report of the Comptroller.

     The Comptroller submitted the usual report consistin- of Balance
Sheet of University funds as of October 51, 1949, together with sup-
porting statements of fund and budget appropriations for the current
period then ended.   The report was examined in some detail.

     The members of the Committee being satisfied with the report,
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, same wras ordered received
and filed.

     C. Letter of Appreciation from irs. William S. Taylor.

     The Secretary reported receipt of a letter from Ers. 'Villiam S.
Taylor, expressing her appreciation to the Board of Trustees and the
University for the very fine honor they have conferred upon the memory
of Dr. William S. Taylor in naming the Education building for him.
Mrs. Taylor also expressed the appreciation of Dean Taylorls brothers
and sisters.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the communication
was ordered received and filed,

     D. Report of James K. Patterson Trust Account.

     Presidant Donovan reported receipt of settlement of accounts by
the Security Trust Company, Executor of the estate of James K. Pat-
terson, covering the handling of the account between November 13,
1947, and November 14, 1949.   He reported that the Security Trust
Company had stated the settlement would be filed in the Fayette County
Court as required by law, and that he desired to report same to the
members of the Executive Committee and have it made a part of the
record for the entire membership of the Board and others concerned,



     The settlement of accounts twas examined by various members of
the Committee, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, or-
dered made a part of the minutes.


Nov. 13    Balance per last settlement:
             Investments at carrying value of $341,988.63
             Uninvested cash ............... e 5 975.34

Dec. 30    Received of North American Company as partial
             liquidating dividend on 400 shs. common stock,
             the following;
             77 shs, Wisconsin Electric Power Co.,
                                       coi:mon     $1,520.75
             84 shs. Potomac Electric Power Co.,
                                       common       1,428.00
             being reduction in. carrying value of North
             American Company stock

Apr.  6    Received of North American Co., as partial
             liquidating dividend 12 shs.Potomac llectric
             Company, common 2151.50, being reduction in
             carrying value of North A.merican Company

July 10    Received of North American Company as partial
             liquidating dividend on 400 shs. common
             stock 12 shs. Wisconsin Electric Power Co,
             common $193.50, being reduction in carrying
             value of North American Companystock

Nov.  9    Proceeds 5 shs. Pacific Gas & Electric Cc.,
             common at 32.11, received as liquidating
             dividend on 400 shs. North American Co.,
             stock, reducing carrying value thereof            160,56

Dec. 22    Received of Dow Chemical Co., 2 shs. common
             stock as stock dividend.

Liar. 30   Proceeds 119 rites Wisconsin Electric Povyer
             Co., at .17681 net                                  21.04

Mlay  25   Proceeds 1 rite Potomac Electric Power Co.,
             at .09898 net                                         .10

July 19    Received of E. I. duPont deWemours & Co., 400
             shs. common stock of $5. par value in ex-
             change for 100 shs. common stock of $20. par


Sept. 16    Received of North tmerican Company as par-
            tial liquidating dividend on 400 shs.com-
            mon stock 100 shs. Kansas Power & Light
            Co., S206.40, reducing carryin!, value of
            .orth mmerican Co., stock

Nov.  14    Interest collected on bonds as follows:
             ."6,000.Pennsylvania Railroad Co.,
                            4 l/4s  1981      510.00
              4,000.Pennsylvania Railroad Co.,
                            4 1/4s  1984      340.00
             10,000.Southern Railway Co.
                            5s of 1956      1,200.00
             84,000.U.S.Treasury 2-1
                            12/15/1967-72   4,200.00
              l,OOC.1U.S.Treasury 2-1s
                            6/15/l967_72       38.32
             10,00O.U.S. Savings Bonds "CT"
                            2A-s              500,00


Dividends collected as follows:
100 shs.Kansas City Poliwer &
               Liht Co.           25.00
120 shs.Bankers Trust Co. of
               Nevr York         432.00
 75 shs.CarolinaClinchfield &
               Ohio Rwy.         750.00
 96 shs.Cleveland Elec.Illum.
               CO.               365.60
250 shs.Commercial National Bank
               & Trust Co.     1,000.00
100 shs. E.I, duPont deNemours
               & Co.,$20.par   1,675.00
         exchan-ed for
400 shs, E.I. duPont deNemours
               &Co.,'5. par      260.00
178 shs. First National Bank &
               Trust Co.       2,136.00
 27 shs. Guaranty Trust Co .,of
               New, ' York       648,00
 40 shs. Louisville Trust Co.     96.00
 400 shs. North 1i.-ierican Co.  700.00
 50 shs. State lat'l Bank of
               Frankfort,K.,   1,000.00
119 shs. "isconsin Electric
               Pov er Co.        212.10
102 shs, Dow Chermical Company   327.54
100 shs. Lonsanto Chemical Co.   250.00
115 shs. Potomrnac Electric Power
               Co.               157.06
100 shs. American Cyanamid Co. _ 37. 50



NTov.  14.



1947    Vou.No.
Dec. 4  Purchase $i,c00. U.S. Treasury 2-.s of
                            6/15/1967-72 at
                            101 net                           1,010.00
1948                                      common
Mar, 27 Purchase 100 shs. Dow Chemical Co./at 40 1/4
                            plus commission                  4,055.33
June 4 1 Lexington Chapter of D.A.R.-1948 contribution           5.00

Aug. 4 Purchase 100 shs.tlonsanto Chemical Co.,common
                            at 54 7/8,plus commission        5,519.29
    18 2 Univrcrsity of Kentucky,upkeep Patterson lemorl-
                            a]. Library                         -O0.00

Dec.22   Two shares Dow Chemical Co.,received as stock
                            dividend charg.;ed to Principal
                            account and credited to Income      96.00

1.ar.24  3 C. Ho-e Hockensmithavrard in lieu of medal to
                            successful contestant in ora-
                            torical contest held under
                            auspices of Patterson Literary
                            Society in accordance with
                            Clause X of will of James K.
                            Patterson                           20.00

        3a Robert \hitrid~,e Still, award of Patterson Lit-
                            erary Society                      100.00

           Subscription 16 shs.Cleveland ElecIlluminating
                            Co.,common at 33 1/2 net           536.00

M'ay 14 4 Francis D. Faulconer,Patterson Society Scholar-
                            ship award under clause XI of
                            will of James K. Patterson         200.00

and. 2 5 University of Kentucky, upkeep Patterson M.1emorial
                            Library                             400.00
        2 Purchase 19 shs. Potomac Electric Power Co.,
                            common at 12 1/2 plus rites        237.50

       19 168 shs. Kentucky Home Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
                            removed from account, became
                            worthless in 1935

       19 Purchase 100 shs. American Cyanamid Co.,common
                            at 44 7/8,plus commission        4,518.34

Nov.14 6 to 13 inc.,Label Pollitt tclarrms,G quarterly annuity
                            instalments                      2,000.00

14 to 21 inc.,Elizabeth S. Short       same



Trustee's commission 5% on 816,860.12 Income

R.P. L.ioloney,Com.FC.G. ,costs of settlement

J. Porter Land,C.F0C.C. ,recordin; and. advertis-
                        incS settlement

  Investments                         Carr
  100 shs.iaerican Cyanamid Co.,common    $
  120 shs.Bankers Trust Co., of N.Y.
  75 shs.Carolina Clinchfield & Ohio
                  FWy, coM.
  96 shs.Cleveland Elec.IllumCo.com
  250 sLs.Ccmmercial Nat'l Bank & Trust Co.
  102 shs.Dow Chemical Company, common
  400 shs.E.I. duPont deNemours & Co.,com.
  178 shs.First Nat. Bank & Trust Co.
  27 shs.Guaranty Trust Co.,of N.Y.
  100 shs.Kansas Power & LiL:ht Co.,com.
  40 shs.Louisville Trust Company
  100 shs.L'lonsanto Chemical Co.,com.
  400 shs.North American Co.,common
  115 shs.Potomac Electric Power Co., com.
  50 shs,tate National Bank,Frankfort,
  119 shs.lYisconsin Electric Power Co.,



84, 000.

ying Value

   206. 40
 1,816. 90


             com.                    2,293.21
Pennsylvania Rr Co. 4*s 1981         6,262.50
Pennsylvania RR Co.14 s 1984         3,905.83
Southern Railway Co., 6s of 1956   11,620.00
United Railways of Havana 7?-s of
             1936                    5,495.00
U.S. Savings Bonds Series F 9/1/1954 7,400.00
U.S. SavinEs Bonds Series F,
             11/1/1954              51, 800.00
U.S. Savings Bonds Series F 3/1/1955 7,400.00
U.S* Savin-;s Bonds Series F 6/1/195519,980.00
U.S. Saving s Bonds Series G 1/1/'1956 10,000.00
U.S. Treasury 2?-1--s of 6/15/1967-72  1,010.00
U.S. Treasury 2.-s of 12/15/1967-72  84,000.00
U.S. Savinf-s Bonds Series F
              6/1/1958              62,9 00.00

.5  5
j? 357, 555. 39

Uninvested cash .,, .*.... .   .... *    ..$ 2,857.34
                                            $2 07.16







    E. Budget Changes.

    President Donovan submitted list of budget changes, and recom-
mended they be approved as follows:

                                     November 15, 1949

     Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

          The following budget changes have been approved on
     Forms 26,

     Budget Unit                     Account    Decrease    Increase
                                     Number       v

    Administrative and General
       Office of the President        20-2                 $1,000.00

     College of Arts and Sciences
     Foreign Language Conference   320-A                    700.00
     History                       410-2                    500.00
     Music                         460-1    $  569.00

     0o11ege of Law
     Administration                900-1     1,998.72
       Instruction                   910-1     1,649.97

    Graduate School
      Administration               1150-1                  1,305,00

      General                      1410-2                     500.00

    Dairy Center
      Construction Account         7020,4

           Totals                            $4,217.69    $4,505.00
           Decreases                          4,217.69     4,217.69
                  Net Increase                                2 287.31

          I am sure that you wish the Board to ratify these chances.

                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                 (Signed) Frank D. Peterson,



     T'he Committee examined the changes, and upon motion duly maide,
seGonded and carried, concurred in the recommendation of the Presi-

     F. Increased Appropriation to the Department of Botany.

     President Donovan explained that much equipment belonAin.- to the
Department of Botany was destroyed in the fire at Norvwood Hall, Re-
placements are necessary, and he recommended an increase in a-propri-
ation to the Department of Botany, to be used for the purchase of
equipment in the new quarters of this department in the Biolo:jicsal
Sciences building.   He recommended an appropriation of 97,500.00.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
of the President was concurred in.

     C-. Purchases bar Comptrollerts Office.

     President Donovan read the followin'j letter concerning the pur-
chases made by the Comptroiler since July 1, 1949;

                                       November 2, 1949

     Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
     University of Kentucky

     IW dear President Donovan:

          I submit a list of state requisitions, advices of
     emergency purchases, special purchase orders, food con-
     tracts and departmental purchase orders which have been
     made by the Comptrollerts office from July 1, 1949
     throuCh October 31st.   These purchases have not been
     approved by the Board of Trustees.   The listing below
     gives the numbers of the documents requesting the purch'ase
     or actually issued as purchase orders, which documents are
     made a part of this record and are held in the Office of
     the Comptroller subject to inspection.   The purchases
     have been made on properly drawn documents at the request
     of the various departments and have been charged against
     available funds.   The list follows:

          State requisitions numbered .......    1 through 536
          Emergency murchase orders numbered..   1 throu-;h 200
          Library departmental orders .....2001 throuv,;h 2373.
          University departmental orders..... 10c01 throuj-'h 1175
          Special purchase orders ............   1 throuwh 41G1.



          The foregoing record of purchases is respectfully
     submitted with the request that they be approved by the
     Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, thereby
     ratifyinr, the action of the Comptroller in rnmking such

                                     Respectfully submitted.,

                                (Si,;ned) Frank D. Peterson,

     Members of the Committee being advised, upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, ratified and approved purchases made as evi-
denced by state requisitions, emergency purchase orders, library
departmental orders, University departmental orders and special pur-
chase orders.

     H. Agreement with Tennessee Valley Authority.

     President Donovan submitted (a) agreement between the Tennessee
Valley Authority and the University of Kentucky, and (b) Agreement
between several universities in the Tennessee valley and the Ten-
nessee Valley authority.   He explained that the contract between the
Tennessee Valley Authority and the University of Kentucky binds the
Tennessee Valley Authority to reimburse the University of Kentucky
up to $6,000.00 per year for a period of two years for expenditures
made in connection with the study on income of counties in the Tennes-
see Valley area.   The University agrees to keep records concerning
the expenditure and reimbursement  subject to inspection by the TVA.

     The contract between the TVA and several universities in the
Tennessee Valley area is a more comprehensive document in which the
University of Kentucky agrees to use a part of its facilities for
cooperative study of county Income, and further agrees to administer
the study through its Bureau of Business Research.

     He stated that the work contracted for by the Agreement was nor-
mally performed by the Bureau of Business Research.   He stated that
the other institutions cooperating in the agreement were University
of Alabama, University of Georgia, University of I.;ississippi Uni-
versity of North Carolina, University of Tennessee and University of

     It was reported to the Committee that the Comptroller and Pro-
fessor Franlk Murray, of the Law College, had examined the two con-
tracts, and that they were thou"ht to be in legal form, with the Uni-
versityts rights properly protected.


     Members of the Committee examined the Agreements, and upon mo-
tion duly made, seonnded and carried, the Agreement between the
Tennessee Valley Authority and the University of Kentucky, and the
Agreement between the several universities and the Tennessee Valley
Authority were authorized executed by the Comptroller on behalf of
the University of Kentucky.

     I. Bridpe at Robinson Substation.

     President Donovan stated that he was advised by Dean Thomas P.
Cooper that he had talked with Kr. Tom Cutler, of the State Highiray
Department, regarding the bridge over the Kentucky River at the Rob-
inson Substation.   He stated that the bridge is in bad condition,
that it needs repairs, and that it is utilized to a considerable ex-
tent by the public.   The State lli.;hway Department has been asked to
repair the road and bridge, and maintain them in the same wray that
it takes care of roads at the University.   There are two stores, a
church and a school in the village.   The bridge is utilized by six
busses and approximately 100 people livin- in the area served   and
some 250 school children are carried over the bridge daily except
Saturdays and Sundays.

     Dean Cooper further reported by letter that Mr. D. H. Bray,
State Highway Engineer, had caused the bridge to be inspected and
plans prepared for complete reconstruction, and that the Department
would be willing, upon request, to reconstruct the bridge and take
it over for maintenance.

     Dean Cooper suggested that an official request be authorized by
the Executive Commrittee and presented to the State Highway Depart-
ment.   Member Robert Hobson presented the following resolution:

          WHEREAS, the bridge over the Kentucky River at Rob-
     inson Substation is in a bad state of repair, and

          WHEREAS, it serves a villag;e having two stores, a
     church and a public school; a population of about 100 peo-
     ple; accommodates six busses and 250 school children daily
     except Saturdays and Sundays, and

          WHEREAS, it is deemed to be essential to the public

          THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the State Department
     of Highways be requested to take over the bridge over the
     Kentucky River at the Robinson Sub-station for complete
     reconstruction and complete maintenance, all for the good
     and in the interest of the people of the Commonwealth of



     The Resolution was seconded by Harper Gatton, and upon vote, was
unanimously approved and ordered adopted.

     J. Agreements with Lambda Alpha of Chi Omega, a Kentuckcy Corpo-
ration, Rescinded.

     President Donovan stated that the Executive Committee, on the
11th day of Mllay, 1949, had authorized the execution of a contract
for the construction of a small dormitory at 456 Rose Street and
that Lambda Alpha of Chi Omega had deeded to the University, under
date of April 130, 1949, a tract of land on the east side of Rose
Street, and contributed $10,000.00 in cash to the University, which
the University had decided to use towards the construction of a small
dormitory on the east side of Rose Street.

     He also reported that the Executive Committee had authorized
issuance of revenue bonds, and that the bonds had been sold:, but, due
to the fact that the low bid for the construction of the dormitory
according to plans and specifications, was more than twice the es-
timate of the architect, that it was now decided that the University
not proceed further toward the construction of the building.

     He reported that it seemed advisable for the Board of Trustees
to give back to Lambda Alpha of Chi Omega the unused portion of the
cash gift, call the revenue bonds, and rerconvey the lot to Lambda
Alpha of Chi Omega.   He presented the following resolution:

          WHEREAS, pursuant to a contract between the hoard
     of Trustees of the University of Kentucky and Lambda
     Alpha of Chi Omega, a Kentucky corporation, authorized
     and approved at a meeting of the Executive Committee on
     the 11th day of May, 1949, and executed Mvay 12, 1949,
     the Sorority paid to the University of Kentucky the sum
     of $10,000.00 and conveyed to the Commonwealth of Kentucky
     for the use and benefit of the University of Kentuckyby
     deed dated April 18, 1949, a tract of land on the eastern
     s ide of Rose Street described as follows:

              Be-cinning at a point on the east side of
          Rose Street for a point of beginning of the
          property, which said point of beginning is 201
          feet in a southerly direction from the south
          line of Rose Lane and at the intersection point
          of the eastern line of Rose Street with the
          property line of the A.rlesford. Land Company's
          Subdivision; and running thence in an easterly
          direction along the property line of the Ayles-
          ford Subdivision parallel or approximately par-
          allel with the southern line of Rose Lane, a
          distance of 179.3 feet to an alley; and running
          thence in a southerly direction along the western
          boundary line of said alley, a distance of 891



     feet to property now owned by Dovwd; and running
     thence in a westerly direction along Dowd's line,
     a distance of 180 feet to the eastern line of Rose
     Street at a point 971- feet south of the point of
     beginning; of the property hereby conveyed; and
     running thence along the eastern boundary line of
     Rose Street in a northerly direction, a distance
     of 973 feet to the point of beginning;

upon the agreement by the University to erect a building there-
on at an approximate cost of $50,000.00, according to plans
and specifications to be furnished by the Sorority, and to
lease the same to the Sorority at an annual rental sufficient
to defray the cost of construction, interest and upkeep over
a period of thirty years, and

     7HBEREaS, in preparation for performing its agreement,
the University issued bonds in the principal amount of
p471500.00 and called for competitive bids for the erection
of' the buildings according to the plans and specifications
submitted by the Sorority, and

     MHEREAS, it was later learned that the number of cubic
feet in the building as planned by the Sorority was about
twice the number spoken of and anticipated by the parties
at the time of the contract, and the bids received wiere far
in excess of the funds available, and

     WHEREAS, it is not feasible or desirable to attempt
further performance under the contract dated May 12, 1949,
and the Board of Directors of Lambda Alpha of Chi Omega
have, by a resolution adopted on the     day of' November,
1949, consented to and requested the rescission of said


     (1) That the contract between the Board of Trustees of
the University of Kentucky and Lambda Alpha of Chi Ome-a
dated Lay 12, 1949, be rescinded;

     (2) That the Secretary of the Board of Trustees be
authorized to call all outstanding bonds designated as
"University of Kentucky Dormitory RevenueBonds (456 Rose
Street)" according to the terms and conditions provided
in said bonds and to deliver the same to the Board of
Trustees for cancellation;

     (3) That the property on Rose Street conveyed to
the Commonwealth of Kentucky for the use and benefit of
the University of Kentucky be reconveyed to Lambda Alpha
of Chi Omega by a deed of special warranty and



     in conformity with the provisions of KRS 56.500 (2) and
     KRS 164.270, said deed to be executed for and on behalf
     of the Board of Trus ees by Guy Hluguelet, Chairman of its
     Executive Committee;

          (4) That the Comptroller of the University be author-
     ized and instructed to refund or return to Lambda Alpha
     of Chi Omega the sum of ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars,
     received from the Sorority, less the amounts paid, or to
     be paid, by the University as the cost of issuing the above
     described bonds, the interest thereon until the time they
     are reacquired by the University, and the premium or addi-
     tional payment as provided in said bonds for the privile-e
     of calling and redeeming them before maturity;

          (5) That the Board of Trustees of the University of
     Kentucky, subject to the approval of the State Property
     and Building Commission, make an irrevocable offer to
     Lambda Alpha of Chi Omega to purchase for the sum of
     _             the above described tract of land, together
     with the building and improvements thereon upon the com-
     Dletion of the building now proposed to be erected by the
     Sororit~y, provided that the building is erected and com-
     pleted according to the plans and specifications now filed
     in the Comptroller's office of the University of Kentucky
     but subject to such changes in the plans and specifications
     a(. may be authorized by a committee appointed for this pur-
     pose by the President of the University and consented to
     in writing by the Comptroller, and further provided that
     written notice of the election of Lambda alpha. of Chi
     Omega to accept the offer be given to the Secretary of
     the Board of Trustees not less than 90 days prior to the
     completion of the building, and provided further that
     Lambda Alpha of Chi Omega deliver to the Board of Trustees
     a proper deed of Generzal Warranty conveying to the Common-
     wealth of Kentucky for the use and benefit of the Universi-
     ty of Kentucky a good record and marketable title to sail
     pronerty free and clear of all. encumbrances, together Writh
     a p'roper abstract of title and plat of said property as
     required by law,

     It wras further agreed and understood that, if Lambda Alpha of
Chi Omega decided to construct a small dormitory at 456 Rose Street,
according to plans and specifications on file in the Comptrollorls
Office, the University would purchase thle property throu,( h the issu-
ance of revenue bonds not to exceed the sum of $74,500.00.

     The members of the Committee discussed the recommendation at
length and, being duly advised, on motion duly made, seconded and
carried, approved same.



    K. Authority Granted to City of Lexington Municipal Housing

    President Donovan read the following communication from the

                                           November 14, 1949

    Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
    University of Kentucky

    1,,y dear President Donovan:

         The 81st Congress amended the Independent Offices Ap-
    propriation Act of 1950 so as to permit the Administrator
    of the Housing and Home Finance Agency to relinquish and
    transfer temporary housing provided for certain veterans
    and their families under Title V of the Lanham Act, Public
    Lawi 849, 76th Congress (as amended) to state, county, city
    or other public bodies.

         The City of Lexington Lunicipal Housing Commission i.n
    1946 requested the Federal Housing administration for a
    grant of eighty temporary housing units, which request was
    approved.   The Municipal Housing Commission did secure
    the eighty temporary housing units for certain veterans
    and their families.   These units were assigned to the Uni-
    versity of Kentucky and the University caused the units
    to be erected on land owned by the Commonwealth of Kentucky
    for the use and benefit of the University of Kentucky.
    These units have, since erection, been operated by the Uni-
    versity in the name of the City of Lexington M1unicipal
    Housing Commission, and all reports to the Public Housinc
    Administration (formerly "Federal Housing Administration@Y)
    have been made accordingly.   Under the amendment to the
    Independent Of'ices Appropriation iot 1950 of the 8lst
    Congress, the City of Lexington Sunicipal Housing Com-
    rission is required either to own the ground or have oon-
    trol of the -round upon which these units are constructed
    in order to legally make a request for relinquishment and
    transfer of the government's interest in the temporary
    housing to the City of Lexington Municipal Housing Com-

         Therefore, it is exoedient that the Executive Commits.
    tee at its meeting on November 19th, authorize the City of
    Lexington M.1unicipal Housing Commission to take full and
    complete control of the land upon which the einhty units
    of temporary housing for veterans were erected under
    Project No. Ky-V-15145.   This authority may be granted
    wit-hout relinquishin; the litle now held by the Common-
    v'ealth of Kentucky for the use and benefit of the Uni-
    versity of Kentucky or loss oaf receipts incident to the



     property.   Such control as granted, shall terminate Decerm-
     ber 31, 1949.

          It is further contemplated by the City of Lexington
     Muinicipal Housing Commission that after the government's
     interest in the project has been transferred to the City
     of LeXington Lunicipal Housing Commission, the Commission
     will transfer its interest in the project to the University
     of Zentucky if they can, legally do so.  If this can not
     be legally done, they will lease said project to the Uni-
     versity for an indefinite period .for the sum of one dol-
     lar per year and without further control by the Commission.

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                  (SI-neca)  Frank D. Peterson,

     The Comptroller further explained the provisions of the amend-
ment to Title V of the Lanham ACt, related to the e0th and 81st
Congresses, and, after a general discussion, upon motion duly made,
secondeCd and carried, the City of Lexington LMunicipal Housing Cormi-
mission was authorized to take full and complete control of the land
on which the So temporary housing units for veterans are now located.

     It wras further stated that the cost of operation of `the units
would continue to be borne by the University, and the University
would continue to receive all income from the property.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
oI' the Com---otJroller was concurred in.

     Lo ScraID Materials Ordered Sold.

     The Comptroller reported that there had accumulated in the
Electric Shop in the basement of the Biological Sciences Building
some scrap material, consisting of pieces of wire, cable, tubing,
etc., too short to be used, and of no value to the University.    He
stated that he had reque