xt7w3r0pw43s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w3r0pw43s/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1923 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Proceedings of the Kentucky Negro Educational Association, April 18-21, 1923 text Proceedings of the Kentucky Negro Educational Association, April 18-21, 1923 1923 1923 2020 true xt7w3r0pw43s section xt7w3r0pw43s  





Negrn fitnwfinnal Azantiatiun


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smanszn CITIlEN-
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APRIL 18-19-20-21, 1 923

Ifnrtg - Seventh Annual
$255M: v9 1923






@“e Kentucky





Certificate Cannes,—
1. Elementary; 2. Intermediate; 3. Advanced.

1. Home Economics; 2. Agriculture; 3. Engi-
neering; 4._ Shoe and Furniture Repairing,

College Course,—
(The College Course this year extends through the
Junior Year

Dormitory accommodations for both males and females
at reasonable ratw.


“Our object is ta produce Highly Trained Teachers and
Leaders in Industry.”

Write for special information.
F. M. WOOD, A. M, President.



 l'his page in the original text is blank.

 K N. E. A. OFFICERS, APRIL 1923 T0 APRIL 1924


E. El Beer], President
A. S. Wilson, Sect-eta]-
Miss L. V. Ranels, Asmstant Secretary .
Mrs. K. C. Blackshear, Treasurer
W. J. Gallery, Historian


Mrs. Virginia B. Alexander, First Vice President
Mrs. Fannie H. White, Second Vice President
W. S. Blanton, High School and College Dept.
Mrs L. E. Jackson, Grammar School Dept
Miss M. E. Williams, Primary Dept.
Miss Emma Minnie, Music Dept. ..

Miss G. A. Lattimore, Home Economics Dept.
W. L. G. King, Manual Training Dept
W. J. Gallery, Social Service Dept
Mrs. T. L. Anderson, Rural School ep
W. H. Fouse, Commercial Dept.
J. W. Bell, Principals' Conference
Mrs. J. Etta Taylor, Parent-Teacher Dept.
P. W. L. Jones, Dept. Negro History end Literature....Frankfort


Bowling Green






' 0. B. Hamilton, First District .
- J. Sleet, Second Distric
. M. Todd, Third District .
. L. Poole, Fourth District
..0. Blanton, Fifth Distri
. S.





Ii N. K. Ward, Sixth Distric
Taylor, Seventh District .
J. W. Bate, Eighth District
W. H. Humphrey, Ninth District .
C. B. Nuckolls, Tenth District
Mrs. Laura Gibson, Eleventh District . .Emanuel

N. B.—At the 1923 session Mr. A. 0. Guthrie served as Head
of the High Schml and College Dept. and Mr. E. B. Davis as
one of the Board of Directors. The K. N. E. A. deeply appre-
clabes the services of these retiring ofiieers.




1. Addresses by Leading Educators:
Judge William Harrison, Supt. Geo. Calvin, Supt. Z. E. Scott,
Hon. Phil Brown, Prof. McHenry Rhoada, Dr. James Dillard,
Dr. A. 0. DeWeese, Miss Minnie Semonin, Mrs. Sallie Stewart,

and others.

Literary and Industrial Exhibits.

3. Afternoon with Negro authors of Kentucky: Prof, J. S. Cotter,
Mr. Henry Allen Laine and Prof. P. W. L. Jones.

Annual Physical Exhibition, Play Festival and Track Meet.

Rural School Program.

Contests in Essays, Declamation and Spelling.

Meeting of the State Musical Association.

Meeting State Parent-Teachers’ Association.

Departmental Meetings.

Legislative Program for the Advancement of Negro education

in Kentucky.


Wednesday, Aprils—2:30 P. M.
Conference of Kentucky Principals—J. W. Bell, Ennkinsvllla,

Opening Remarks—Supt. J. W. Bell, Chairman of Department

Address—Problems in Teacher Training—Dr. Charles D. Lewis, Di-
rector of Teacher Training, Frankfort, Ky.

Rolmd Table Discussion—Opened by Professor S. L. Barker, Owens-

horo. Ky.
Conference of Kentnch Principals—Continued Quinn chapel
—7:l]0 P. M.

Address—How Shall Negro Teachers of Kentucky Secure the Neces-
sary Training for Teaching in Standard High Schools—‘erl. B.
Holloway, State Supervisor of High Schools, Frankfort, Ky.

Discussion—Prof. W. E. Newsome, Cynthiana, K_ : Pres. G. P. Rus-
sell, Frankfort, Ky; Dr. c. H. Parrish, Louisville, Ky.

State Music Teachers’ Association Quinn chapel—8:30 1’. M.
Miss R. L. Carpenter, Bowling Green, Ky., President
Louisville Choral Society



Chorus .
Vocal Solo Mrs. A. L. Ward, Owenshoro, Ky.
Plano Solo A, Moreland, Bowling Green, Ky.

MISS Marie Banks, Georgetown, Kv,
r. S. R. Withrow, Lincoln Ridge, Ky.
Louisville Choral Society

Vocal Solo
Piano Solo
Chorus ..



 ..Mrs Ethel K. Jackon, Paris, Ky.
.“No Stat shone in the Heavenly Vault”
(II Trovuoore)

Mesdaines Addie Dufi and Frances Wheatley, Louisville
Violin Solo Mr. George Bullock, Louisville, Ky.
Song .. Faculty Quartette, Owenshoro, Ky.
Vocal Solo Mrs. Anna Bowman, Mahin
Chorus Louisville Choral Society

Thunday, April lklofiio A. M. Quinn Chapel

Music—Glee Club—Central High School, Louisville, Ky.

Invocation—Rev. Noah Williams, Louisville, Ky.

Opening Remarks—E. E. Reed, President, K. N. E. A.

Address—Dr. Zenos E. Scott, Superintendent Schools of Louisville.

Address—Dr. George Colvin, State Superintendent of Kentucky

Address—Reporting the K. N. E. A. meeting of 1922—Prof. H. C.
Russell, Louisville, Ky.

Music—Glee Club—Central High School, Louisville, Ky.

Thursday, 2:30 P. Mr-Quiim Chapel
MusicAOIchestra—Central High School.
An Evening With Negro Authors of.Keutucky

(a)—Prof. P. W. L. Jones, Frankfort, Ky.
1~Some Kentuckians You Should Know.
Z—Three Short Poems by Prof. Jones. Road by Proxy.
(b)—Prof. Henry Allen Laine, Richmond, Ky.
(IQ—Prof. Joseph C. Cotter, Louisville, Ky.
l—My Lad.
Z—The Negro Woman.
3—The Old Neg-m Teacher to the New.
li—The Ideal Boy.
5—Short Play—<11 S. Pupils.
(ID—Joseph Cotter J11, (By Proxy.)
1—0 Little David, Play on Your Harp.
2—-I’m A—waiting and A—watohing.
3—The Band of Gideon.
Music—Orchestra—‘Louisville High School.
Story Telling Contests‘l’rof. Joseph Cotter, Leader.

Thursday, 8:00 P. Ill—Quinn chapel

Music—Glee Club—Central High School, Louisville, Ky.
Invocation—Kev. E. G. Harris, Louisville, Ky.
Music—Glee Club—Central High School, Louisville, Ky.


Piano Solo
Vocal Duett .




 Welcome on Behalf of Citizens—Mr, '1“ F. Blue, Louisville, Ky.

Welcome on Behalf of Louisville Teachers—Dru C. H. Parrish, Louis-
ville, Kyl

Address—Personality and Teaching—Supt. J. W. Bell, Hopkins-
ville, Ky

Address—Judge William Harrison, Chicaga.

Announcements :—

l‘riday, April ZO—IDISOA. M.——Qulnn Chapel

Music—Mule Quartette—Russellville High School.

Invocation—Rev. c. A. Fisher, Louisville, Ky,

Address—«Professor MeHenry Rhoads, Professor of Education, Uni-
versity of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky.-

Solo—Prof. A. D. Inmax, Frankfort, Ky.

Address—Some Desirable Habits and Attitudes and How to Acquire
Them-Miss Minnie Selnonin, Assistant Superintendent of
Schools, Louisville, Ky.

Declaration of Principles—Prof. W. H. Humphrey, Chairman Com-
mittee, Maysville, Ky,

Announcements :A

Friday, April 20—11130 A. Jun—Quinn chapel
Educational Film—Palace Theater
(Free to all Teachers)

Friday 2:30 P. Ill—Quinn chapel
(Rural School Problems)
Mn. 1‘. L. Anderson, Chairman, Frankfort, Ky.

Music«0rchestra—Bnoker Tl Washington Community Center.

Opening Remarks—Airs. T. L Anderson, Frankfort, Kyl—Outstand-
ing Needs of Rural Life Today.

Address—Agriculture That Encourages a Wider Use of The Rural
Schools—Prof. A. C. Burnett, State Agricultural Supervisor, Lex-
ington, Ky.

Address—Dr. James H. Dillard, President of the Slater and Jens
Fund, Charlottesvillg VA.

Address—They Teacher and His Work—Dr. Rnbert Mitchell, Lex-

Report on they Smith- Hughes Work in the State—Prof. J. L White,
Frankfort, Ky

State Contests in English, Declanmtion, and Spelling—(By School
Children from Congressional Districts)#Prof. J. S. Hathaway,
Richmond, Ky., Leader.

Ptiflay, 5:30 P. JUL—Quinn Ghanel

Conference of Former Students and Graduates of Berea College—Dr.
James Bond, Louisville, Ky., Leader.


 Friday, 8:00 P. JUL-Quinn Chanel

Music—Quartette, Simmons University, Louisville, Ky.

Invocation—Rev. w. P, Ofiutt, Bowling Green, Ky.

Music—Quartette, Students Bowling Green, Ky.

Address—Hon. Phil H. Brown, U. S. Connnissioner of Coneilliation,
Washington, D. C.

Solo—Miss N, K. Ward, Newport, Ky.

Announcements :—
Friday 10:30 P. M.—~Bnoker T. Washingtnn Community Center7 S. E.

Corner Ninth and Magazine Streets.
Reception to all TeachersiAll Teachers Must Wear Badges.

Saturday, April 21—9:00 A. Jill—Quinn Chanel

Music—General Singing—Lend by Miss M. S. Brown, Paducah, Ky.
Invacntion :—

Election of Oficersz—
Address—The True Teacher—Prof. J B. Csnlder, Lexington, Ky.

Sole—Mass Maggie Dede, Adairville, Ky.
Address—Physiology in the Public Schools~Dn A. o. Deweese, Dept.
of Physiology, University of Lnuisville.

Sshmhy, 2:80 Pl M.—Qui.nn chapel
Music :—
Address—«The Recitation The Center of the Educational Arena—Prof.
Nathan Hill, New Albany, Ind.

Reports from Departments :—
Committee Reports:—


Legislation, Etc.
Awarding of Exhibit Prizes.
Announcement of Contest Winners.

Sztlmlay Evening—Armory. sixth mu dem: Struts

1—State Athletic Meet—7:00 to 8:30.

2—Physical Exhibitinn and Play Festival—8:30 to 9 :30.
3—Sbcial Hour—9 :30.

Music by Booker ’1‘. Washington Center Ban.

Final Adjournment.



We Have Plenty ofMonep

You my not need any today;
Before you do, be sure you

The First Standard Bank

And Keep It Growing
0n the Corner Sixth and Walnut Streets



Brights Pharmacy

Tenth and Chestnut Streets. Louisville, Ky.
Bath PthaI—City 2700; City 709; mm 9142
”We Carry 111 Mates of (Jointed Products"






202 Republic Building Louisville, Ky.
We can furnish anything needed for your school. Ask for
catalog and prices, Your business will be appreciated.

Kentucky Representatives





Thursday, April lei—8:30 A. M.
Primary Department—Room 104 Central High School.
Miss M. F. Williams, Frankfort, Ky., Chnirmnn.

Opening Remarks—Miss M. E. Williams, Chairman Department.

Eleation of Ofi‘icers.
Address—The Adjustment of Elementary Education to the Project

Method—Miss Mary E, Hunter, Frankfort, Ky.
Address—Finding, the Individual-«Mrs. Leander Snowden, Lexington,

Address~The Influenee of the Kinder-garden an the First Grade—
Miss Nenn'e Williams, Cynthienn. Ky.
Discussions :~

Grammar School Devamnent— Roma 102 Central High School.
Mrs. L. E. Jackson, Bowling Green, Ky., Chairman Department

Address—Health and Sanitation—Mrs. L. B. Fonse, Lexington, Ky.

Address-Soma Recent Investigations in Mental HygienhProf. G. H.
Brown, Louisville, Ky.

Demonstration—Curing for Baby—«League of B. T. Washington
School—Prof, A. E. Meyzeek, Louisville, Principal.

Discussion :—

Election of 0mm :—

High School and College Departmental-Room 202, Central High School
Prof. A. 0. Guthrie. Owenslmro, Ky., Chairman Department

Opening Remarks—Prof. A. O. Guthrie, Chairman Department.

Address—Minimum Requirements for a Standard. High Sellaol—
Pznf. G. Jackson, Louisville, Ky.

Address—Socializing the Teaching 0? English in [lie High Schema
Miss V. VA Andrews, Bowling (keen, Ky.

Address—{low to Stimulate Home Reading on the Part of High
School Pupils—Miss Enrline Goad, Winchester, Ky.

Address—AdvantagES of the 3-3 Plan in High School Organiza—
tion—Prof. E. S. Taylor, of Winchester, and Prof. W. S.
Blanton, of Frankfurt, Ky.


Social. 3m Dq-arhnmb-Baom 305 Calm! High Selmal
Prof. w. J. Gallery, Paris, Ky., Chairman Department
Opening Remarks—Prof. W. J. Gallery, Chairman Department.
Address—Maxim the School H. Social Center—Prof. E. B. Tow-

les, Paris, M...
AddrEm—«Snnitation and Health as it Applies to the School—
Dr. R. W. Oliver, Louisville, Ky.



 Addressilmproving the Morals of the School Through the
School—Mrs. Bessie Allen, Louisville, Ky.

Home Economics Depsmnent—Domesfie Science Room 200,
Central High School
Miss G. A. Lattiniore, Louisville, Chair'nian

A Class Room Demonstration‘Mrs. Josephine Smelling, Inuis~
ville, Ky.

PaperaDiateties—A Vacation for Women—Miss A. 'M, Peyton,
Louisville, Ky'.

The Relation of Domestic Science to the Other Work of the High
School—Mien Eleanoru Ward, Oovington, Ky.

Thursday. April Ill—8:30 A. M.
Rural School Department—Western Library

Mrs. T. L. Anderson, Frankfort, Ky., Chm. Dept.

Song#Rural Department.
Song—Rural Department.

Opening Remarks—Mrs. r. L. Anderson, Chm. Dept.
AddressiWhat Industrial Work can he Successfully Attempted in
the One-Room School~Mrs. Sallie Stewart, Evansville, Ind.
Address—In What Respect are our Schools Failing to Prepare

Children for the Actual Responsibilities of Life—Prof. W. C.
Davis, Hopkinsville, Ky. . . > V. ,
Demonstration—A Model One-Room. School—Mrs. A. C. Ingram,
Louisville, Ky.,—(Room fitted up by Central Supply Co., Louis»
ville, Ky.)
Election of Officers :—
Principlls' Continence—Quinn Chapel
Prof, J. w. Bell, Hopkinsvllle, Ky., Chm. Dept.

Address—Outstanding Features in Kentawky’s Educational Progress
HDenn Kirk, Smith, Lincoln Ridge, Ky.; Prof. H. C. Rulsell,
Louisville, Ky; Prof. R. L. Yancey, Covington, Ky.; Prof. L.
W. Gee, Pembroke, Ky.

Address—Necessary Experience and Training for Principals for High
Schools—Prof. J. I“. Majors, Bowling Green, Ky.

Discussionfil’ruf. C. L. Timber-Lake, Madisonville, Kyu; Prof. J. B;
Ward, Owensboro, Ky.

Manual Training Department—Room 203 Central High School
Prof. W. L. G. King, Louisville, Ky., Chm. Dept.

Addre35#Some Values of Vocational Education—Prof. W. H.
Hunter, Louisville, Ky.
Address—Art in Manual ArtyProf. J. E. Hanaer, New Albany, Ind..


 Address—The Educational Content of an Industrial Subject—Pm?
E. J. Hooper, Winchester, Ky.
Business Session.

Commercial Department—Room 201 control High School
Prof. W. H. Fouse, Lexington, Ky., Chm. Dept.
Opening Remarks—Prof. W. H. Fouse, Lexington, Ky.
Address—The Correlation of Business Courses with the Active De-
mands of the Business World—Jilin J. R. Ray, Cashier First
Standard Bank, Louisville, Ky.
Address—The Need of Training in Solesmanship—«Mr. H. T. Keetoll,
Ashland, Kv.
Address—The Ethies of Business—Mt. J. A. Buford, Paducah, Ky.
Business Session.

Thursday, April Ill—8:30 A. M.
Music Deoartmeut—chapel Central High School
Miss Emma Minnis, Louisville, liy., Chm Dept.
Demonstration of Primary Grade Music-The Teaching of Rota
SonggMiss Lillian Graves, Western School, Louisville, Ky.
Demonstration—Gunner Grade Music—Miss Emma Kay, Booker T.
Washington School, Louisville, Ky.
Demonstration—Music of the Public Schools of Bowling Green, K52.
Miss R. Lillian Carpenter, Bowling Green, Ky.
How to Organize and Develop the Public School Orchestra—Miss
Goldie Hammond, Music Supervisor, Louisville, Ky.
Business Session.

State Parent Teacher Association—Sunday School Room
Quinn chapel—Thursday, Ami! 19—9 A. M.
Mrs. J. Etta Taylor, Hun-ids Creek, Ky., Chm Dept.
Prayer—Rev. Munford, Shelbyville, Ky.
Opening Remarks—Mrs. E. J. Taylor, Chm. Dept.
Address—What Knowledge is of Most Worth—Mrs. L. B. Silent},
Louisville, Ky.
Chorus—Phylis Wheatley Society, P. T. A. Louisville, Ky.
The Need of the P. T. A. in the Rural Communities—Mrs. W. P. Of-
fett, Bowling Green, RV.
AddresF-How to Increase Membership in Local Associations—frof.
J. B. Cooper, Mayfield, Ky.
Business Session.

Friday, April 20—830 A. M.
Primary Department—Boom 104 Central High School
Miss M. E. Williams, Frankfort, Ky., Chm. Dept.

Address—What Education Gains by Grouping Children According to
Their Abilities—Mrs. M. B. Luneir, Shelbyville, Ky.


 Address—Present Day Tendencies in Education in the Kindergarten
—Miss Ruth B. Johnson, Cincinnati, 0.

Demonstration—Spelling in the Grades‘Miss Quidn Wilson, Louis-
ville, Ky.


Grunmer School Department—Room 102 Central High School
Mrs. L. E. Jackson, Bowling Green, Ky, Chm. Dept.
Address—The three Functions of the Class Period—Mrs. Virgie M.

Edwards, Oakland, Ky.
Address—The Lesson PlanMMiss Belle Alexander, Louisville, Ky.
Demonstration40mlating Ancient History with American History
—Miss Earnestine Wilson, Louisville.

High School and College Departments—Room 202 Genre] High School
Prof. A. 0. Guthrie, Owenshora, Ky, Chm. Dept.

Opening Remarks—Chm. Dept.

Address—Modem Education: Its Tenants and Tendencies—Prof. A.
0. Guthrie, Owensboro', Ky.

Address—What Steps are Being Taken to Give High School Training
to the Colored Youth in Rural Communities—Prof. J. H. Lyons,
Greenfille, Ky.

Amines—Fatigue us a Factor in Education—Prof. A. E. Meyzeek,
Louisville, Ky.

Address—The Supervision of High School Pupils—Mrs. M. J. ng
ter, Paducah, Ky.

Report on High School Conditions in the State—Prof. W. B. Meta
thaws, Louisville, 'Ky.

30cm Service Depuhnent—Mm 305, Gemzal High School

Prof. w. J. Gallery, Peris,.Ky., .Chm. Dept.

Address—Prof. W. J. Gallery, Ohm. Dept.

Address—Games and Their Value in the Social Activity of the Com-
munity—Prof. W. M. Wilson, Bowling Green, Ky.—Pl'of. Bryant
Perkins", Faduoah, Ky.

Address—The Duty of the School to the Orphan Child—Rev. O.
Singleton, Louisville, Ky.

Address—Thrift: Its Place in the Public School CIuTieulum—Mr.
L. D. Williams, Hopkinsville, Ky.

Discussion—How the Newspaper Functions in the Larger Life of the
School and CommunityHMr. I.‘Willis Cole, Louisville Ky., Prof.
llKLyJ. sleet, Hopkinsville, Ky., Mr. William Warley, Louisville,


 Friday, April Ell—4:30 A. M.
Home Economics Department—Domestic Science Room Central High
Miss u. A. Lattimore, Louisville, Ky, Chm. Dept.

Address—Miss Ola E. Johnson, State Supervisor of Home Economics,
Frankfort, Ky.

Address—Utilizing the Community Interest in Teaching Home Ear»

nannies—Miss E. A. Mundy, Henderson, Ky.

Address—Simple Problems in Clothing Designs—Miss s. B. Snowoen,
Lexington, Ky.

Principals' Conference—Quinn chapel

Prof. J. W. Bell, Hopkinsville, Ky., Chm. Dept.

Address—Planning the Modern High School—Prof. E. M. Wood,
State High School Supervisor, Frankfort, Ky.

Discussion—To What Extent Should Prineipuls lie Independent iu
Administrative PoweriProf. J. s. Hathaway, Rilihmond, Ky,
Prat W. o. Nuckolls, Providence, Ky., Prof. c. B. Nnckolls,
Ashland, Ky., Prof. E. B. Davis, Georgetown, Ky.

Business Session.

Mum Training DepmmenF—Room 203 Central High School
Prof. W. L G. King, Louisviue, Ky., Chm. Dept.
Address—Ideal Shop Conditions—Prof. Thomas MeNeil, Richmond,



Address—Developing Mechennel Intelligence—Mrs. Emma B. Ben-

nett, Louisville,1 Ky.

Address—The Need of :1 Drawing and it Bill of Material for Each
Project—Prof. w. H. Evans, Pan's, Ky.

Discussion—Drawing in the Gtaznmer GradesiLed oy Prof. a. L.
Bulloek, Louisville, Ky.

Business Session.

commercial Department—Room 201, Central High School
Prof. W. H. Fonse, Lexington, Ky., Chm. Dept.

Address—A Survey of the Business Training Being Given the Negro
Youth of KentuckyfiPi-of. W. H. Fouse, Lexington, Ky.

Address~What Our Business Schools. are Doing to Solve the Place-
ment Problems for the Negro Youth—-Hon. Phil H. Brown, U. S.
Commissioner of Concilliation, Washington, D. C.

Address~Budget Making in the Home mid its Relation to Business—
Miss J. Frances Green, Hopkinsville, Ky.

Address—Commereinl Education in Secondary Schools—Miss C. V.
Harris, Louisville, Ky.

Discussion—Spelling and English in Business—Mrs. M. E. Taylor,
Winchester, Ky., J. L. White, Frankfort, Ky.

Business Session.

' (13)

 Friday, April 20—8:50 A. M.
state PmnhTenhet Amdafioh—Bnnday School Room Quinn
Mrs. J. Etta Taylor, Harrods Creek, Ky., Chm. Dept.

Opening Remarks—Miss Alma Rhodes, State Organizer, Louisville,

Reports of District Organizers and Local Association.
AddresséThe Effect of a Parent-Teacher Association on 3. Com-

munity-Mrs. L. B. Fonse, Lexington, Ky.
Plans for the Ensuing Year—Mrs. Rebeeca Tilley, Christianshm'g, Ky.
Election of Officers,
Business Session:


(Pm of K N. E. A. Program, 1923)


I rise to offer friendly greetings,
Teachers of Kentucky;

That we’ve been spared in health and strength,
To meet each other here.

Through busy scenes, and anxious cares,
And many unseen dangers,

We’ve safely passed and reached this point,
of one more busy year.


How have you fared since last we met?
Has true success or failure

Attended you in that great work,
Instruction of the youth?

Have you done all that you could do,
And put forth every effort,

To make this year, your banner year,

In spirit and in truth?


I know you have, your presence here,
Speaks plainly your devotion,

To duty, in the highest sense,
Your yearning, strong desire,

To take the lead, here, in the South,
In public education,

And on her alters keep alive,
Its everlasting fire.


There sit before me able men,
And many cultured women,

Whose lives would honor any race,
However dark or fair.

But one here, stands out, clear, distinct,
Aggressive, bold, untixing,

0f vim, and force, and brilliant parts,
Our worthy chairman there.



We all are race inen here, I hope,
To that high Work devoted,

Which seeks to lift our people up,
And hasten on the day,

When man to man shall brothers be
Here in our great free country,

And every form of racial hate
Forever pass away.


This body stands for school reform“
We’ll not retreat, not waver,

Till such reforms are brought about,
As set forth here below.

We represent the highest thought,
The most’ advanced ideas,

of public schools, Whose rising forms
Advancing shadows thrnwr


We want free schools in reach of all,
With most advanced equipment;
Extended terms for rural schools,
With text books furnished free,
Compulsory laws, that will compel],
Small schools consolidated,
All classified in proper grades
of high efficiency.


We want more high grade normal schools, -
Equipped for training teachers,

To meet the strict requirements,
of this advancing age

Where all that’s best in the teaching art,
With highest skill imparted,

By experts in the lecture rooms,
And of the printed page.


In all the schools there should be planned,
A course on “Race Relations,”

So whites and blacks might study facts,
In light of truth divine;


 So that where racial interests blend,
Urge justice, full, impartial,

So that good will may drive out hate,
Along the “color line.”


Search history with impartial eye;
Present the whole great story;

Include why Crispus Attncks fell,
When teaching Paul Revere.

And when you sing great Putnam’s praise;
Don't leave out Peter Salem;

And so on down the shining line,
Teach facts, complete and clean


Search musty nooks for hidden truth,
Turn on the light revealing

The mighty deeds by White men done,
But don’t folget to tell

The glorious part both mes played,
In pens and war together,

And how brave, loyal, Negroes served,
Their country lung, uud well.


Let thoughtless youth he taught to see,
True worth in life is being

A wholesome elevating force;
Let this he taught in school

That one safe course leads straight ahead,
To inter-racial conenrd,

Ami all our unknown future hangs,
Upon the “Golden Rule."


So, let these aims be kept in view,
When hawk to fields of labor,

We go, when these brief sessions close;
Let every teacher do

His best, by word and thought, end deed,
To honor Old Kentucky;

And may she Wake out of her sleep,
Ami rise, to life, anew.



Ille National Benefit lite Insurance Co.

1858 At the Head of the Nation—Built unon a. capital Idea. 1923
609 F Street, N. W,, Washington, D. G.

Our Service measures the Difference Between Just An 01'—
dinarily Good Company and the ‘flxattly Right company, Make
Us Prove It!

Modern Endowment Life, Health and Accident Insurance
up to $5,000.00.

Licensed to operate in 23 states, Desirable New Territary
Available in Michigan, Texas, Colorado, etc. Attractive con-

Capital Stock $250,000.00. Assets over $750,000.00. Insur-
ance in Fame Over $20,000,000.00.

You are Cordially invited to visit our Branch Offices at
Louisville, Lexington, Hopkinsville, Bowling Green, Paducah
and Owensboro.




Multigraphets. Himeograpllcls, Typists and Printers ,

Special Attentinn Given to the erk oi Teachers in Any Put a! the Stile

1006 \V. Chestnut St. LOUISVILL 7. KY.

We are one of the Ofi’iclal Printers for the K. N, E. A.

We make a specialty of getting out Commencement Pro-
grammes, Tickets, Schoal Souvenirs, class Reports, Diplomas,
Merit Cards, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Small Circulars, Dodgers,
Statements, Business Cards, Copying Resolutions, Bylaws,
Essays, Manuscriots of all kinds. In fact we are prepared to
handle all kinds of Printing, Mimeograpning, Multigraphing
and Typewriting on short notice.

We kindly refer you to the Secretary of the K. N. E. A.,
Secretary of the Kentucky Masons, Secretary of Pythian
Mutual Industrial Association. Pastors of Quinn Chapel A.
M, E Church, Jacob Street Tabernacle, Emanuel Baptist
Church, Chestnut Street C. M. E. Church, Domestic Life and
Accident Insurance Company and many other leading business
organizations all of whom are our regular patrons.

BROWN a BROWN, Proprietors





“What’s gwine ter came 0’ dis Negro race!”
Said Uncle Eben, with troubled face,

Seated beneath a. cherry tree,

Hunting ground of the honey bee.

Turning swift, while the days are warm,

Tr; shield itself against the winter stem

“I wonders, sometimes, lookin’ raun’

Efi dis heal: we aim losin’ groun’.

’Pears we's leamin’ awful slow,

De very t'ings dat We ought (Set know.”


“De fust mistake made, soon as we's free,
Mistook de meanin’ of Liberty

Thong“; dat de word meant, ‘du as you please;’
Work when you has to, take yuur ease.

To work and to save is a, wicked fling;

Hnb big met’n, shout and sing;

Servin’ dc Lo ‘d in de light all day;

Sean’s its da’k, th’ow ’ligion away]


’nother mistake made, ev’n now,

’Stead o’ showin’ our young uns how,
Tet stir like we did let ’91:: do,

Any Way day went to ain’t dat true?

Daughters playinZ “rag-time,” sons pluyin’ uynrds;
Munm in de washtuh, in de back yards;
Daughters off at college dressed to kill;

Mumma in de washtub payin’ de bill.

Son, he s cigaretwsmokin’ dude,

De 01’ man furnishin’ do. clothes and food.


De 01’ Folks stmglin’ let pay for Ian
Young folks pnttin’ on, Mfin’ gran',
01’ folks die. Fnst t’ing you knaws,
Back in de white man’s han’s hit goes!
So Ilwonders, sometimes, lookin’ rmm’,
Et' dis heuh race ain’t losin’ groun’.
’Pears we's learniu’ awful slaw,

De very Pings dat we ought ter know!



By JOSEPH s. COTTER, Principal of the s. Colefidge—Taylot School
Louisville, Ky.

I slw two urchins,

A Negro and n Jew,

Sitting on a curbstone.

Each held unsold newspapers in one hand
And was juggling pennies with the other.

The Negro’s smiling face and swaying body
Seemed to sing to his pennies:

‘ ‘FIy away

And bring me back a good time."

The Jew’s sober )nieu and steady poise

Seemed to whisper to his pennies:

“Go the way 1 have taught you

And bring back the world captive at my feet.”

The res] boys vanished

And in their places sat another,
A child of my fancy.

He was not a Negro

With a passion for ease

And a genius for joy.

He was not a Jew

With a prayer seeming the past
And a thought sealing the future
He was just a child of nature,
Waiting to be shaped by circumstances

I sang him this song:

My lad, you are an Arab of the gutter,
A rag-tag of the tenement.

You are these, my ind,
But you are not poor;

For the sun gives you courage by day,
And the maon‘wnsolation by night.

You are these, my lad, but you are happy,
The flowers give you their perfume,

And you thank them with svsmile;

The water kisses your body.

And you bless it

With the benediction of motion.


 You are these, my lad,

But you m not ignorant.

You sit on (he eurhstone,

You dream gtent dreams;

They tingle you: being,

And yen: heels and toes
Write their story in the gutter;

Because bf all this, my lad,
There is a plus fur you
In the wt of human achievement.

Find your stall,

Display your wares;

Put God en one side of the sable

And yeur commndit‘y on the other,

Then Success will pen a lyric in your honor,
And the stars will sing

Of a just man made perfect.

You are an Anb of the gutter, my lad,
A rag-tug of the tenement;

And believe me,

It will take your own brave snul,

God and filial-tune to decide

What you shall be.



Kentucky Negro Educational Association
APRIL 23, 24, 25, 26, 1924

Theme 1924 Meeting:

Present Membership—'IISZ
Desired Membership for 1924—1250

Splmdid Speaker: of Both. Ram on 1924 Pmnun

Membership payable January 1, 1924. Send $1.00 to A. s.
Wilson, Secretary K. N. E. A,, 2518 Magazine Street, Louis-
ville, Ky.

APRIL 26, lSfi—Prawa Your Ell-Elm»





iflalare lflittnte 13min:

Eleventh and Walnut Street:

Owned and Opezeced by

Home Phone City 8063 w. L. Sanders, Pres. & Gen. Mgr.



“wmm 3111511151an

Apr. 24-25, 1924.WAS m “away."




 A CLOVER annex acnooh noose
Breckinridge County, Ky.

In a hill-bound and somewhat rustic pocket,
Like a rough picture in a costly locket

With scarcely room enough to train a mouse,
Stand a few boards the trustees call a house

The floor and ground meet on the western side,
But on the east :1 drove of hogs might hide
And make their beds within the mellow ground,
And dwell day after day and not he found.

The windows that front on the east and west
Are much like pockets in h ragged vest—
Pockets that have been worn out long ago,
And cling about the garment just for show.

Like to a hole cut in a massive bin

Is the large door at which you enter in,

And once within you need not peep about
To find the many places to look out,

For on each side, in front and at your back,
Yes, everywhere you look. you’ll see a crack.

Close to the wall a. pulpit stands in View;

(For this is both a church and school-house, too)
And here and there, fastened with wooden cleats,
Are a few boards the pupils use for seats

About the, middle of the time-worn floor,

And on a straight line with the barn-like door,
Silently stands a large old stove, of yore
They say it heated, but it heats no more.

A blackboard hangs upon the southern wall,
And all day long- the curtains rise and fall.
With every gust of wind, And that is all.

All save a lad who dreams that he
Is great among the great

To him this makeshift is a. part
And parcel of the State.

To him no wind can be unfair,
No fate can be unlucky;

No soul too poor to wed its stun,

If bred in Old Kentucky
Principal S. Coleridge-Taylor School.




If You Should Ilia Tonight What
Would Your Estate he Worth?

Could your wife lift the mortgage from the home!
Would your children ’5 education he continued?
What will be your situation when you are am
Oh, you are saving for that purpose.

But how much cash have you now?

If all your debts were paid WHAT WOULD YOUR ESTATEV

Here is the difierence between Insurance Savings and other
ways of Saving:

A $5000.00 policy would require a saving say, of $35.00 every
three months, and you would have a cash estate of $5000.00
as soon as you make the first deposit.

Any other Way of saving, your estate would be worth only


Life 8: Accident Insurance

CAPITAL $200,000.00


