xt7w3r0pw30g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w3r0pw30g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-01-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 10, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 10, 2001 2001 2001-01-10 2020 true xt7w3r0pw30g section xt7w3r0pw30g   



Weécratm UM?“


New I

You made it back for
some more. I am proud
of you. You decided
that A)You could get
off probation this
semester. 8) You could



Keeping your mind, body and spirit in sync for a new year I Page 4




continue your success
in school. C) Or you
just happen to be at
the Kroger or Subway
where Kernels are
distributed. Either way
I am glad you picked
up the best student
newspaper on UK's 1
campus! 1



Here are some things that .
you may have missed I
or are glad you didn't t,
experience while i
away. .


Snow, snow, snow was the i
theme while campus j
was, for the most part, I




shut down. It seemed

at times that the city
would never be gray

and dirty and it would i
be all pretty and white I
forever. Not only were ‘
there a ton of
accidents, I saw three
and was victim of
another (minor bump
in the rear, nothing
serious). It seemed as
if sledding was a good
idea. Although the I
snow was not deep, it ‘
was still enough to

tickle the underside of

one of those wiener

dogs and enough to

slide down a very

steep slope on a bit of
plasticized cardboard.


I know of at least one
person (yours truly)
who discovered a very
fun place to go if you ;
enjoy dancing to great i
music and having an all
around good time. It is I
a place where you can i
dance with someone I
as old as your mom or ‘j
dad and yet not care I
because of the great
atmosphere. No. it is
not the basement of
your parent‘s house
where you play DJ, it
is the Blue Moon
Saloon. Not a cut on
any of the other fine
establishments in the
city of Lexington that
cater to the same kind
of crowd, I was just ,
out of the loop in not ‘
even knowing that it I
existed. By its name
alone, I always
pictured a dark and I
dingy bar with wafting ‘
cigarette smoke and a
free whiskey shot if
you had a bad day. (By I
the way, I was not "
solicited to make
these comments of
praise for a local
establishment, just
honest opinion.)


-Ron Norton
You got what it takes to I
do my job? Prove it
and do it! I (the
Kernel) am looking
for an assistant slash
future replacement
for myself. If you
think you have what
it takes, e-mail me at
the above address
and tell me why you
would be good at my
job! Applicants should ;
be willing to help and ‘
learn the tricks of
the job, if there are
any. and have the
desrre to do it after
this semester solo.

5.4 3.?

It might be cloudy. I
but the walk to your ‘
second day of classes
won't be so cold.


.2 ,‘

VOL. #i06 ISSUE 3375




Call: 257-1915 or write:



Wednesdaytenuary 10., .2001




Cabinet work
Get the latest

scoop on Dubya’s
transition to
president I 3





Bassett admits to violations

Confession of a coach: UK and NCAA investigations take a
new twist after former recruiting coordinator admits guilt

money orders that he sent to Memphis
('l‘enn.) Melrose High School coach Tim
Thompson. and the other involving a $500
check that Bassett endorsed that was
mailed to the University by Vernon Coop-
er. a retired banker from Hazard. to help
with a summer football camp.

liasst-tt had denied ordering the mom»
ey orders to be sent to Thompson for
weeks. but after being questioned during
UK's internal investigation. Bassett ad


Metnbers of the UK football staff have
committed NCAA rule violations and stu~
dents are not pleased with the potential
penalties that could result from UK and

NCAA investigations.

Former UK recruiting coordinator
Claude Bassett admitted Friday to two vio-
one consisting of $1.400 in blank




Friday night.

from Melrose.
C urrent

Fighting snow and ice

Prepared: Grounds
workers keep campus

accessible in bad weather

By Patrick Avery

When it snows. some UK students
wait anxiously in their dorm rooms
watching local television stations to

see if classes are canceled.

Unfortunately . UK almost never
closes. according to Jack Applegate.
the director of fiscal affairs of the UK

Physical Plant Department.

“The general stance is that you
don't close the University because of
the medical center.“ Applegate said.
“anti because lots of students live on


Applegate said the decision to
close UK comes from President
Charles Wethington and Joe Burch.
vice president of University Relations.

"However they do get advice from
the UK Police and me." Applegate said.

With the help of Applegate and
the PPD. UK students need not worry

about classes being canceled.

PPI) uses a three-phase process to
handle the winter weather. The entire
PPD works to clean up heavy snows.
but in cases of light accumulation the
grounds department handles it alone.
If one to two inches blanket the
ground. then custodial services help

the grounds crew.

Applegate said the PPD uses
other University departments. such

as custodial services. to help with the
preparation around their buildings

when it snows.

George Riddle. superintendent of
the UK Grounds Department. said his
crew tries to keep an eye on the

See WINTER on A2



UK was forced to cancel classes in 1998, when a winter storm produced
several inches of snow on campus. UK PPD workers recalled having to use
their manpower to make campus accessible for students and faculty.

We do our best to keep the University open.”



mitted wrongdoing to a group of reporters

Bassett said he did in fact send the
blank money orders to Thompson. He also
admitted to cashing Cooper's check that
was intended to help sponsor a football
camp. Bassett said he never made person
al use of the money.
bursed the $500 to UK.

Thompson had reportedly been con-
sidered for one of the four vacant coach-
ing positions on UK coach Hal Mumme‘s
staff. Muinme has since ruled out hiring
any coaches or recruiting any players


DeWayne Robertson attended the Ten-

nessee high school.


and that he reint-

defensive tackle

Upon return many students are still
uninformed of the allegations and viola-

“Everyone who is found to be guilty
should be punished. if not terminated."
P‘awbush said. Fawbush also said he was
not surprised by the reported violations.
“In college sports today it seems cheating
goes on at a lot of places."

UK Athletic Director Larry Ivy re
leased a statement on Dec. 28 stating that

engineering senior William


candidates to

meet students

Narrowing the list: Names of candidates

I By Tracy Kershaw


kept private until they come to Lexington

Students will have an opportunity to meet the candidates for


the next UK president. Candidates‘ names and details of the visits
will not be made public until they accept the offer to visit UK‘s

Jolitta Wicklitfe. committee chairwoman. said the committee

: chose several candidates to invite for campus visits during a meet-
I log in Cincinnati on Saturday. The committee met for nearly 13
I hours with possible candidates at the Westin Hotel in downtown


i The candidates. who all have academic and research back-
grounds. will also meet with faculty. staff. alumni and trustees.

The student meeting will most likely be at the Singletary Cen-

ter for the Arts. said Winnie Humphrey. administrative assistant

for the search connnittee.

E Local media have not hesitated to speculate who might be the
i successor to Charles Wethington. who will retire when his con-

tract expires in June.

Three men. including two with Kentucky ties. have surfaced

I as possible candidates.

before coming to Maryland.

tion Great Teacher Award.


to decide. she said.


John Whitmore. provost of the University of Iowa. was recog-
nized by reporters as he left the hotel Saturday. He declined to say
whether he was interviewed by the committee.

Other candidates are believed to be Lee '1‘. Todd. a UK alum-
; nus and former UK engineering professor known for founding two
I high-technology firms. and Gregory L Geoffroy. provost at the
University of Maryland. College Park.

(,‘yeotfroy received a bachelor of science degree from the Uni-
versity of Louisville in 1968. A nationally known researcher. Geof-
froy served as dean of the Eberly College of Science at Penn State

Todd. who is a native of Earlington. Ky.. is the CEO and
founder of [)ataBeam. a company that specializes in sofiware that
allows users in different locations to work on the same document
or drawing. While a UK professor. Todd won the Alumni Associa-

The media speculation could hurt the search. according to
Wickliffe. She issued a statement asking the media not to print
names of any possible candidates until the committee releases

Wickliffe said a decision would not be made at the Jan. 23
Board of Trustees meeting. The board may call a special meeting


What happened on campus while you were gone

Robbery arrests made

Arrests have been made in
three of the eight robberies on or
near campus last semester. UK
police said.

Police arrested two men on
Nov. 13 for the Nov. 9 robberies
at the corner of Woodland Ave.
anti Hilltop Ave, and in the yeI~
low lot of(‘ommonwealth Stadi
um, Another man was arrested
for the robbery behind William


‘ The wrap up: UK Police arrest three in robbery
I cases, UK Hospital tries new radiation treatment

T. Young Library. None were
students. The three men arrested
may be responsible for the five
other robberies. police believe.

llet. Greg Hall said it does
not appear the robbers targeted
students in particular. “They
were just looking for someone to
rob." he said.

Limited supply of flu shots

Because of a nationwide flu

“WV "WBJW Qisrsitv 9t Kentuckvv lexinqton

vaccine shortage. UK will only
have a limited supply of flu
shots for students.

Students with a [K II) will
be able to get the vaccine at
9 a.m.-l pm. .lan. 16 at Univer»
sity Health Services. Those al-
lergic to eggs. feathers or chick-
en or have a fever cannot get
the vaccine.

Health Services hours

University Health Services
will extend its hours for the
Spring semester. They will be
open from 8 a.m.-6 pm. Mori-
day through Friday and 9 am.-
11 am. Saturdays for primary

care. gynecology and mental
health services.

New radiation system

UK Hospital used a new ra~
diation system for the first
time Jan. 3 that could help pre.
vent arteries from reclogging
after angioplasty and and ulti-
mately prevent many heart by
pass surgeries.

A team of specialists at the
Linda and Jack Gill Heart In
stitute performed vascular
brachytherapy. which uses
Beta radiation to keep arteries
from renarrowing after they

have been opened through an-

Judy Wasson. 50. a resident
of Bourbon (‘ounty was the
first UK patient to undergo the

The radiation limits the ac-
cumulation of fast-growing
scar tissue and keeps blood
flowing through the artery un-
til the healing process is com-
plete at four to six months.

The Food and Drug Admin-
istration approved the Beta-
Cath System in November 2000.
UK is the first center in Ken-
tucky to make the procedure












“I haven’t
been in a
ship for
like five
was so
hard the
was just
forget all
that, man,
let’s just

- Keanu
Reeves, 36, ad-
mitting that
he's “looking."
to Vanity Fair.





The Low-down

Environmentalists oppose Bush choice

WASHINGTON Gale Norton. President-
elect Bush's choice to head the Interior Depart-
ment, once suggested that government recognize
property owners' “right to pollute“ and that they
be compensated for losses when forced to protect
the environment. Norton's staunch support of
property rights and ties to industry has prompt
ed opposition from environmentalists, who argue
she is ill-suited to head the agency charged with
stewardship of 500 million acres of federal land.
rescuing endangered species and managing the
nation‘s parks.

Kentucky newsman dies of cancer

John E. Lindgren. 55. news anchor for
WTVQ-TV. died Saturday morning in his home
after a 20-month battle with cancer.

In April 1999, after covering the news in cen‘
tral Kentucky for two decades. Lindgren shared
the news that he was battling cancer. Despite the
effects of chemotherapy, and complications from
the disease. Lindgren maintained an active
schedule as a local news anchor and public fig-
ure. He continued to perform his duties as main
anchor for Newschannel 36 and shared stories of
his diagnosis and treatment on the air.

Lindgren was a devout Christian and mem~
her of Porter Memorial Baptist Church. He was
also the chairman of Celebrate Jesus 2000, a mis-
sionary campaign to spread the word of God
throughout Central Kentucky.

Lindgren is survived by his wife Suzanne
and their three children John. Kirsten and Na-
talie. He is also survived by his mother and sis-
ter. both from Nebraska.

Court rules in favor of KSU students

FRANKFOR'I‘ _ Kentucky State University
violated the free-speech rights of its students by
suppressing a yearbook it deemed objectionable.
a federal appeals court ruled last Friday.

KSU students at the time. yearbook editor
Capri Coffer and Charles Kincaid. who sued uni-
versity officials over confiscation of the 1994 edi»
tion of "The Thorobred" presented sufficient evi»
dence that their First Amendment rights were vi—
olated. the court said.

The yearbook covered the 1992-93 and 1993-94
school years.

KSIY officials. including then-President Mary
Smith and Betty Gibson. who was vice president
for student affairs. forbade the yearbook to be
distributed. They said it was of poor quality. and
much of its content had to do with state and na-
tional events. not the university.

Strip clubs regulated

There may be just a month left in a four-year
free-for-all at Lexington strip clubs.

If a court ruling handed down Monday has
not been appealed by then. club owners and en-


Lara Flynn
Boyle embraces
her bad girl
image but says
she had nothing
to do with the
breakup of
Harrison Ford's
17-year mar-
riage to screen-
writer Melissa
Tabloids linked
Boyle, co-star
of ABC's legal
drama "The
Practice." with
Ford after pho-
tographers took
pictures of the
two chatting at
a party late last



Chuck Norris
plans to walk
away from
“Walker, Texas
Ranger" after
eight seasons
of the CBS
action series.
The TV show,
which stars
Norris as a
tough Texas
lawman, will
officially end its
run in May with
a two-hour

tertainers will need G-strings, pasties and the
city’s seal of approval to keep operating. That's
all part of an ordinance passed by the Urban
County Council in 1997.

If no one appeals the latest ruling, Lexington
strip clubs must comply with these rules:

Stages must be at least 18 inches high.

Entertainers must wear at least a G-string
and pasties.

Nobody in a strip club can engage in or sim-
ulate sexual acts.

Dancers must stay at least 6 feet away from

Strip clubs can be open only between 3 pm.
and 1 am.

All owners and entertainers must be licensed
through the city by providing detailed informa-
tion about their work and proving that they don’t
have serious criminal convictions.

Protesters fight police in Thailand

BANGKOK, Thailand w Hundreds of people
fought police in protests over the results of Thai-
land’s elections, but officials blamed Tuesday’s
unrest partly on disgruntled bettors who had lost
wagers on the vote. Police sent reinforcements to
10 provinces, mostly in the south, where demon-
strators blocked roads and laid siege to offices
where votes were counted, said national police
chief Pornsak Durongkapibul. “They burned po-
lice cars and other property and injured several
officers." Pornsak told Ruam Duay Chuay Kan
radio. Saturday‘s elections saw the apparent
ouster of Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai's Demo-
crat Party by the Thai Rak Thai (Thai Love Thai)
party led by media tycoon Thaksin Shinawatra.

Explosion injures 30 customers

SRINAGAR, India ~ An explosion at the
gate of the main telephone exchange in Kashmir
wounded at least 30 people waiting to pay their
bills on Tuesday. police said. Five critically
wounded people were hospitalized in Srinagar.
the summer capital of Jammu-Kashmir state.
said Ashok Bhan, inspector-general of police.
The explosive device. hidden in a handcart. went
off against the wall of the building as nearly 800
people crowded outside the main gate to pay
their telephone bills. Bhan said. There was no
immediate claim of responsibility.

Compiled from wire reports.




Continued from page Al


rule violations had been found
in the University's investiga-
tion. but would not reveal
specifics until the NCAA‘s in-
vestigation had been complet-
ed. Ivy will turn all of UK‘s
findings over to the NCAA.

Ivy's investigation began
Nov. 30 when he was informed
that possible rule violations
might have been committed on
an unofficial visit by Thomp-
son and several Melrose play-
ers to UK.

UK is expected to propose
self-induced penalties that
could include loss of scholar-
ships and official recruiting
visits. Mumme may be faced
with losing scholarships as

Mumme may face more
than the loss of star recruits.
Mumme's contract has a
clause that permits the Uni-
versity to terminate his con-
tract if Mumme commits “ma-
jor" rule violations or if they
occurred under his supervi-
sion by an assistant. Ivy has
supported Mumme throughout

the investigation.

The firings in November
and the investigations have al-
ready resulted in two of the
Cats‘ top recruits revoking
their oral commitments to UK.

Louisville Male wide re-
ceiver Montrell Jones changed
his mind after Bassett was
fired and did not include UK
on his new list last week.

Linebacker Joe Dipre of
Erie, Pa., backed out of his
commitment on Jan. 3. Dipre
and Jones were highly touted
and formed one of the top20 re
cruiting classes in the nation.

“It's kind of funny, or at
least ironic that Kentucky had
jumped into the ranks with
Florida State, Florida, Penn
State and Ohio State in recruit-
ing," said Eric Thornsbury, a
fifth year education senior.

“If we go by the stan-
dards set by Eddie Sutton
we would fire (Mumme), but
I don‘t know if that is in the
best interest of the school,"
Thornsbury said indicating
little promise of finding a

“If Mumme knew about
the violations he would have
to go, but otherwise maybe he
should just get a slap on the





Continued from page Al

weather. If they see snow accu-
mulating. he starts to call their

“Sometimes we go to bed
and then we'll get a call in the
middle of the night with some
one saying ‘look outside.” Rid-
dle said. “We do our best to
keep the University open."

The PPD uses many sup-
plies during snow removal.
which they get from different

“We get our salt from the
city because there is no place to
put salt here on campus,"
Applegate said.

In addition to large
amounts of salt. they need
transportation to get the salt on



i._ p.


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. ”ya 3

bwwef'é ; .0 W



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Across from the Business and Economics Building. next door to Alfalfa


the streets.

“We use tractors, four-
wheel drives that we put a
blade on the front. dump trucks
and snow blowers," he said.

One problem the PPD faces
when it snows is people falling
because of the snow and ice.

“There is always someone
falling regardless of the weath-
er conditions." he said.

“Reports go through the
Board of Claims and it is inves-

While some decide to sue.
it doesn‘t happen often. Apple-
gate said.

Applegate insists, for the
most part, things have gone

“This year has been unusu-
al with the duration of the
weather," he said. “Our work-
ers are tired from working over
time but for the most part it has
gone smoothly.“








by l
a [it

an: Ag]







9 al-



a of

3 re

r at
y, a

g a

3 he

1 a













W W's memes! tom II Momentum W


Under tire: Bush's choice for secretary of labor takes heat for
housing an illegal immigrant in the early 19905, withdraws


by President-elect Bush's polit-
ical team. Labor Secretary-
designee Linda Chavez made
plans Tuesday to withdraw as
a nominee for Labor secretar).
three Republican officials said.

The officials. speaking on

cottdition of anonymity. said
(‘have/. intended to say she had
become a distraction to llush
because of questions about an
illegal ttntnigrant who stayed
in her house in the earl) limos.

Meeting behind closed
doors and refusing to discuss
her situation. officials urged
the conservative commentator


Meet the


On Tuesday, President-elect Bust:
completed his l4 cabinet

positions, inclining one Democrat.

Attorney General treasury


Paul O'Neill
Chairman oi
aluminum mater


Spencer Abraham
Senator from




Gale Norton Ann Veneman
Former attorney Former Caiitornla
general at Colorado agriculture director

State Detense


Retired Gen.
Colin Powell Rumstetd
former lolnt Former defense
chiets oi statt secretary

Health, Human


Linda Chavez Tommy
Former director Thompson
of the civil rights Iisconsin
commission governor
Housing Veterans Attalrs


. s

Mel Martinez Anthony
Chiet executive at Principi
Orange County. Fla. Former deputy
ot Veterans Altair:
Commerce Education


Don Evans

Roderick Paige
Bush campaign Superintendent at
chairman the Houston
independent School



to withdraw.

()ne of the sources said
there would be no discussion
at the news conference of a pos-
sible replacement for Chavez.

(‘havez was withdrawing
because of the illegal alien cott-
troversy just one week after
Bush nominated her to he sec-
retary of labor, Since the issue
arose on Sunday. Bush had
said publicly that he hadn't
changed his mind and believed
she would be “a fine secretary
of labor."

But by Tuesday. the presi-
dent-elect got word to his nomi~
nee that she should step aside.
It was a quick step to cut politi
cal losses.

With his nominees to be at-
torney general. John Ashcroft.
and for secretary of the interir
or. (lale Norton. drawing inter-
est group and Democratic op-
position o\‘ct‘ their views. a
(‘have/ ttproar over her past
conduct would have been a sig
tiilit';ttit distraction.

Chavez. Bil. has been a toe
of affirmative action programs.
an opponent ofminimum wage
increases. and a fiery conserv-
(llin' commentator whose
targets included Zoe Baird in
199:1. when she withdrew as
President (‘Itnton's nominee to
be attortttw general because
she had illegal aliens as house
hold help atid did not pay so-
cial security taxes on their
wages. (‘havez said at the time
that the illegal alien aspect of
that case was more troubling
titan the tax issue.

l‘have/ apparenth had not
disclosed lter arrangement
with the alien from Guatemala.
saying she gaVe the woman
refuge anti money at times. but
had not employed her as a
household worker.

(‘haVex headed the LS.
(‘ontnttsston on (‘iViI Rights
during the Reagan

Chavez will withdraw as labor nominee


George W. Bush.
lett, shakes hands
with Secretary ot
Commerce Norman
Y. Mlneta during a
news conference to
name three more
Cabinet members
Tuesday, in Austin.
Texas. Bush named
Mineta as secretary
at transportation.



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. an
















































Mind, body and spirit

For your own good: Taking care of yourself now can save you stress later In the semester

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It all starts WI

Staying balanced: Student Mental Health Clinic offers
counsel for students who feel the pressures of school

By Ashley York


Students often haye trouble balancing
everythin: from their checkbooks to class
schedules and social ll\'es

Dealin: With these imbalances c in lead
to added stress and anxiety Ihiou JllIIlIl the
semtster Timothy \‘olan. Ih diII Inn of
thel K Student .\lent tl Health I‘lliiic. helps
students stay IIalaiIIId. but he doesn‘t put
the emphasis on their checkbooks

lnstead. he stresses the Importance of
creating a balance of the litilltl. body and

One reason Nolan says students haye
problems staying III mental and
physical health throughout the seIIIesII-r Is
because many fail to exercise their bodies

“Exercise Is number oiiI .Ihe list.”
he said about the problems In lll‘x students
experience. "Not t‘Xt‘l'L‘lSlli! ti‘ezttes prob
lems for anxiety. depression and stress ‘

Nolan realizes the detrinients of Ignor-
int: exercise. He laughed \yhile mentioning


.soine ofthe cases he has seen.

”Ninetyliye percent of students \\ould
say they get I'Xt‘l‘t‘lM‘ from \\£Ill\'llij.1 across
catiipus." he laughed \\ltile I‘\I)litllllllL{ that
simply tyalkinu across campus does not stif-
tice IlIe e\erci.se needed to creatI :i healthy
iiitndset. He said pulse rates iiiust uo up In
order to be I‘lli‘t‘ihe

\IIother faI tor that can Iontrtbtite to
IlI Ie IIIIlIal mm of tthe Iiiind. body and spirit
of students Is lack of sleep .».olan said
man\ student.s yyorsen their condition by
lfJIiIII‘llItl sleep. \\ll.ti liI claims to be one of
the most important bodily I'IIIII Itoiis

"Many students haye bad sleep habits
and are cyen sleep depi'iyed." he said.

lack (Ill sleep “lien slt‘ess III‘I'tIi‘s. he
said. Iiiaunities the et‘leI Is on the body,

Naturally. he reconimeitds students try
to regulate Ilieir slI~- l‘ l'jyi'l‘. Iheuuh this en
tails \leat he calls bortne patterns. he said
coin: to bed at the .s Illll‘ ‘lliit‘. as ytell as
uettinu tip at the same time Will create a

Nolan attributes these IIIcIiIIsisteiicIe.s
in itiany students' liyes: to the lifestyle col

Staying fit: Risky college habits like smoking and drinking
could lead to future health problems for young students

By Tracy Kershaw

NEWS 3‘ ‘9

lt‘s Iiot an unusual conyersation
topic' What \\ Ill you be (lltll‘r! III :{II years"
Workinu. married. or with children aren‘t
unusual ansyyers. either

But “hill about
obesity or addiction"

For many college students. their risky
lifestyle habits paiiit a bleak picture for
the future

"l’eople do not tend to change until
stimt'tltlti: has affected them or someone
else." said -llll Kindy. the health educa
tion coordinator at University Health

Talking about the risks of Sliitikltlil.
alcohol and unsafe sex is akin to recittnu
the lyri I s to ‘lce. Ice Baby" eyeryboIh
knows them.

So we'll spare you the lecture

But if you are using: the Next Year as .i
kick-off to a healthier life. here are a fee.

- Alcohol and smoking

fishtincv cancer

Both are sei I

ous long-term health risks I'niyersity
Health Seryices offers free substance
abuse counseling~ .lust call sign 3.".ll tor 'Ili

- Sesually transmitted diseases .\I~
I‘Itl'tlll‘iL’ to llr. H. Spencer 'l'urner. director
of l'niyersity Health Services. lll\' is Just
a Very small concern for the clinic. The
biggest risk Is llttnian papptlloinayii‘ttses.
\\lll(‘li ca