xt7w3r0pw16w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w3r0pw16w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-03-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 1987 1987 1987-03-10 2020 true xt7w3r0pw16w section xt7w3r0pw16w  

Vol, XCI. NO. 114

Estnbiiomd 1894

W of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

Independent since 1 971

Tuesday. March 10. 1987


Arington ticket

announces bid

liy tilt \IH tNll’Flt
'\\ sistaiit \ews rlditor

l'roiinsing a student government
that .\'.ll pla‘. an acti\e role in do
iendeiii: student rights, Kenny Aring
st. \ senior vice president.
l.tlllitllt’l2 iiis campaign for presr



“some the adiiiinistratiye turn»
.' 'he I intersify will witness

Kw mining months. Armgton.
new .5 of 'lie Student Govern
'ii-if \ssiuia'ioii Senate said this
most important in re-

Kit 'li.

t i'i 'liii. ‘\ illt‘
tt‘iil iiisivii‘y

\tl’.i_‘iitll told more than 7o sup

- i.l\l inalit ii. jot; Student (‘eii-

'. ;. 'ia 'ime to begin his

reia'ioiisti.ps with the [K
s'r i' or;

‘ne \t‘lt‘t tion of a new [)l‘t‘Sl'
trustees and a new
ior stiidciit affairs.

said he will striye to keep
italits -iiil student colt
w. hanging ill the balance "
.- an: to do for students what
iii. \ need done but cannot do in
"w: it’ll‘iltlllttl tapatities. said the
and Russian area

s-\ l‘t‘U.


““ I ".1l \t 't’llt‘t'
.‘.i*s si"tiiil'

!‘ tvs titli‘sl ior the s(;.-\ presiden

\l 'igtoii w ill be accoiiipaiiiid by

l‘.t' 'li i‘iai‘y as a candidate for se

“mil \iee president and Brad Dixon

«.iiididate ioi executive vice


.I\ it

\i-ngton would like to

'c ' i:.e to .is Nit president is

. 1- .i‘rittitit‘lll of a strong student
iob‘m tie effort lll lt‘i'ankfort



lli2= effort. Aringtoii said. would

Political, ethical choices

help ensure that any tuition increase
is fair tostudents.

stlA Senator at Large Dixon advo-
cates a "tuition stabilization pro-
gram" to ensure fairness to students

This program. Dixon said. would
ask the General Assembly to keep
tuition at the same rate during a
student's four»year term at the Uni-

"It is unfair to change the rules in
the middle of the game." Dixon
said. "Once you agree to a tuition
fee. that is the one that stays with
you all through your college ca-
reer "

Clary. in assessing his ticket‘s
platform, said its goals are "realis-
tic and attainable."

"For me to sit up here and make
promises l can‘t keep would hurt
you and would hurt student govern
ment.‘ said the SGA senator at

t'lary said he has the ingredients
of a successful senior vice president

"enthusiasm. experience. and
most importantly. dedication.“

Arington said that as president. he
would like to develop a relationship
with t'K President-select David P.
Roselle Ariiigton said he hopes he
could work with Roselle in maintain-
ing I'K's reputation as the state's
leading academic institution.

"We want to make sure that a di-
ploma at l'K has the same market
yaluc it not more than ~ as any
university in the state of Kentucky."

(‘ombining these promises with
the “excitement. enthusiasm and
dedication" of his ticket. Arington

made in similar ways,
Newman lecturer says

fly I) \\ ll \SSI‘IRT
.‘wmor Staff Writer

People iiiakc political decisions in
if. they make ethical and
miisiinier tlt‘\l\ltlll.\. said Harrison
iliikiiian, a partner in a political
ioiisulting firiii based iii Washing-
ltlll. l) (‘

Hickman spoke last night to about
To people during the fourth and last
at the \ewmaii t'eiiter's 1986-87 Dis
biigiiished Speakers Series.

During his speech. titled “Voters
conception of Right and Wrong."
lliekmaii spoke for about 1‘: hours
the way the public makes politi»


lllt‘ sti'tii‘

i it iltt
\ltisl people assume that right

and ‘.\:H.".L‘ play yery little role in po~
Hickman said But

Elitti we call political decisions are
not yer). different. it at all. from or-
-lity.Il‘s ili'i‘httlll"

l‘t'ttlllt‘ have a conception of what
is right and wrong and base their
‘.,s.oi:siipoiithishc said
l’eoplc don't come to politics
without prior beliefs and people
ili'lll ttlllit‘ to formal religion «with-
out iliesaiiic . llickmansaid.

Just as people make ethical deci-

'.i .a tlt't 1s;o:is.


cide with a set of morals they have
developed. so they vote according to
how well a candidate fits their gen—
cral predispositions.

People also approach candidates
with a stereotyped view of the candi-
dates themselves. The goal of poli-
ticians is to reinforce those precon-
ceptions that are beneficial and get
rid of the negative ones. Hickman

If you're a candidate. "what
you‘re relying on is the voter paying
attention to what you‘re saying." in—
stead of these preconceptions.

Today in the t'nited Sates. the em-
phasis on the separation of church
and state causes religion and poli-
tics to be held as conflicting,

Nonetheless. there are similarities
between the two that are worth con-

One similarity is that “religion
and politics are both omnipresent,
but are visited seldom." Hickman
said. "We have designed a political
system so that people can occasion-
ally be interested in politics. and (in
the meantimei elect people (to rep-
resent them i."

Religion and politics have sacred

Suoborfers applaud iust after Kenny Ariontoo iCenteri

Brad Dixon

and Keith Clary (far right). announce their candidacy for the SGA

said that if he is elected he will
make SGA more of a student
oriented organization.

.‘\rington's supporters believe he
will succeed.

"I am a firm believer in that if
you surround yourself with the best


and controversy." he said. and both
have "varying degrees of lead-
ership. all the way from charismatic
to dangerous."

Also. "people who are cynical
about politics are not all that differ-
ent from people who are cynical
about religion." Hickman said.

These similarities help to explain
why people approach religious and
political decisions in much the same

Religion "instills an ability to
make ethical decisions instinctive
ly." Hickman said. People learn to
make their political decisions in the

aims according to how options coin» texts that "provide both guithnce sameway.

Speaker discusses splits
in parties’ memberships

Senior Staff Writer

The split in ideology between the
elites and rank and file of the major
polifital li-ayes both with
major iltlt'\'.liii‘l.‘~ to answer for the

lam delighted l will be studying

.ind not .idyismg them." said
waiien \lillei nights 1%?
ltla/ei l.t't tiirer .iiid professor of po-
litical science at ,\ri/.oiia State l‘ni-

He said il the Republican Party
l iiit‘tlltwl’ of the lilt‘rl‘lglll
the party which has
been intreasiiigly active since 198“

is ‘ll.ltl1‘t‘\ of nominating the
iii-\t president are relatively slim '

\t the same time. the Democratic
l‘arty has serious questions to an
swer about the relations between its
leadership and rank and file

\eeordiiig to the data on party ac
'o M and rank and file between 1980
.itltl iiiiit there has been a slight
sliifl of the electorate to the left
Iloweyer Miller said the electorate
Ibis yon-d on the baSis of perfor
iiiaiit e eyaliiatioii and not a change
in political policy in the last two

He said that iti onto while there




l.li'l'iitl‘ til

was a “marginal demand for an ide—
ology change in the direction of
more conservative policies." the re-
sults were largely due to criticism of
President (‘artcr's handling of the

Likewise. in 1984 the deSire for a
shift back to the left was overshad-
owed by Reagan's successful perfor-
mance in his first term

The increased polarizalation of
the two parties could cause that to
change in the next election. he said.

The statistics presented during the
lecture showed both Democratic
leaders and followers as shifting to
the left while Republicans in general
have shifted to the right.

Still. Miller's data showed a lack
of rapport between the leaders and
followers of both parties. which is
the cause of their problems for 1%8.

He said the Republicam also have
a problem in that there is virtually
no way for the Democrats perfor-
mance evaluation to suffer between
now and l988. Yet the Democrats
have questions concerniig where the
ideological struggle will take place
in their party.

Miller pointed out that in I”.
(‘artcr and his supporters were clos-


er ideologically to their rank and file
and still lost the election.

Miller. who spoke to about too pet»
ple in the Recital Hall of the Center
for the Arts. is a professor at Arizo-
na State University. He conducts
studies of American politics for the
National Election Studies and has
written several works on politics
and voting behavior. This lecture
will help form the basis of a new
book published by the University of
Kentucky Plus sometime next

people and hit the ground running.
there's nothing you can‘t do and
we‘ve done that." said John En
gland. chairman of the tickets 55-
member steering committee.

SGA President Donna Greenwell.

Senate unofficially supports
two ‘dead days’ before finals

Assistant News Editor

The t'niversity Senate yesterday
expressed support for a proposal
that could give l'K students two
"dead days" before finals begin.

A senate ad lltx‘ committee will
now be named and proceed with
studying the feasibility of such a pol-

The study stems from a resolution
calling ior two days without classes
before finals brought to the Senate
Council L'i\l month by (‘yndi Weayv
er, Student tmveriiment Association
Arts and Sciences senator.

The two free days are designed to
give students more time to study for

Because the t'iiiversity‘s schedule
would haye to he changed to accom-
modate the proposal. Senate (‘ouncil
(‘hairman Wilbur Frye urged Weavs
er to carefully consider the impact
of the proposal.

To measure the senate's sentiment
toward the proposal before conduct
ing the study. Frye brought Weav-
er's proposal before the senate as a
discussion item.

In a show of hands. only three of
about 73 faculty senators indicated
they would not support the proposal

“ARK IERO‘ Kwnet ‘stat'

exei oiive branch last motif in the Student Center Arington's ticket
Is the second to announce i. »r the executIVe branch

who attended Arington's announce-
ment. said she is confident that if
Arington is elected he will fulfill his

"He's got a few things that can be
obtained through his aggressiveness

if it had been officially voted on yes-

Faculty support in the long term.
however. is contingent upon proof of
student support

'iiii its merits. I think I could sup
port it said Jesse Well. a professor
of physics. "but if it was something
student body would oppose. I
‘rnink lcoiild

\\eil asked Weaver \yhat
pi isitioii on the proposal was

.\tv toti-d l.;T. with live absten
tions last month to endorse the res
olut oi. before it went to the Senate
( tllllit':l for consideration

“layer acknowledged that there
was debate on the senate floor about
the policy but said that it focused
on whether students' opinions should
be solicited in a referendum in the
\prii elections

‘.\. l\t‘l said she did not think a
'i'!i1i"tltllll lit the SGA elections
was practical because of low voter
turnout and the lobbying the issue
would draw iroiii candidates run
mug ioroflice

Joseph \' Swintosky. dean of the
(‘ollege of Pharmacy. said he would
be willing to help inform students in
his college about the proposal and
solicit their opinion about it.

Frye said he was astonished at the
senatc's overwhelming support for


as president." she said

he'll get it done "

Although (ireenwell said she will
support .\l'lllL‘lllll s caiididaiy
said she will help .lll_\ ('.lll(l‘ late who


the proposal and the lack of atten
tion it paid to possible logistical

“I was a little bit surprised. not
from the academic summit because
I think faculty are \ei'y supportive
of students in .icadeiii;c matters]
Frye said

"I was little bit surprised there
wasnt more concern for all the
changes in the functions of the l‘m-
\ersity that this requ1res. he said

Weaver. however. said she was
not surprised at the senate's sup

"I wasiit entirely surprised.” she
said. "because it had so much sup-
port from the Senate (bunch and
that‘s pretty indicative

Frye said he thinks the support
demonstrated at yesterday s meet
ing could be interpreted as the sen
ate‘s willingness to work out the pro
posal's logistical problems “in order
to benefit students "

Weaver agrees that the policy has
logistical problems that will have to
be worked out. but said they should
not prevent the proposal from being

"I realize there are logistical pro.
belems. but when you conSider
something with academic impact,
you can't let the tail wag the dog "

IFC recommends its alcohol policy

Staff Writer

t'K‘s lnterfraternity Council pre-
sented its position on the responsible
use of alcohol within the UK frater-
nity system to the alcohol policy
committee three weeks ago.

But knowledge of the proposal
among I'K‘s greeks is a growing
concern among lFt‘ officers

Hob lliiiin. lFt‘ premdent. and Les
Fry. [Ft' vice president at large.
said fraternity presidents are ”very
concerned" about the safety factors
involved in hosting fraternity funcs

A, a result of that concern. the
we and all the fraternity presidents
got together and formed a commit»
tee to draft a proposal.

The committee. made up of frater-
nity presidents. “drew up a proposal
which they took back to their chap-
ters for renew and discussed any
flaws with the rough draft." Dunn

The statement presented to the al-
cohol policy committee states defi-
nite rules that fraternities must fol-
low when hosting functions involving

(inc of the proposed rules states
that “all parties are to be invitation
only All nonmember guests are to
be signed up beforehand on a guest
list that is checked at the door.”

"We're trying to limit the number
of people coming in tin the par
ties Dunn said

Dunn said many acmdents can be
avmded if the crowded atmosphere
that has been so prevalent in the
past is cut down to a reasonable
level. ”The officers are really wor-
ried about the liabilty," Fry said.

And "cutting down the risk of lia-
bility is snimiwrtant."hesaid.

Someone bringing sUit against a
fraternity can "go right on down the
line and sue anybody." Dunn said.
In one case. "the fraternity mem-
bers got their wages garnered for

“We are taking this matter very
seriously." Fry said

"What we are wanting to do is to
inform all the fraternities as well as
the campus so that they will know
what we‘ve proposed and that it will
be easier to enforce with cooper-
ation fromthenifhesaid

The proposal also calls for carding
at the door and closing of the bar to
individuals if it is apparent that
problems are being created due to

The proposals guidelines list nu-
merous rules for the fraternity func-
tions. It even includes possible fines.
social probation and loss of voting
privileges for failure to comply. The
fines could add up to SLmO "for

some of the bigger fraternities."

Education has its part in the pro
posal. also "We‘re gomg to work
closely Wlth BAACIII'S iHoosting
Alcohol Awareness (‘oncerning the
Health of Ltmversny Student5i be-
cause the education part of this is a
big thing." Dunn said



The UK tennis team faced

off against West Virginia and
Mississippi last night. For re-
sutts. see SPORTS. Page 3,

Breaking Circus otters post-
punk with a Midwestern
sound. See DiVERSIONs.



Ctoudy and cold today with a
high around 35. reciting the
tom 40! tonight. W to-





 2 KENTUCKY KERNEL, Tuesday. March 10,1987

Foster and Powell convicted in murder trial

r“ Mihh EMHHY

. .i'ml l’l‘t‘ss

. v:.i run Foster and Tina
m2 l'tlnt'll were convicted yes-
. . or 'he brutal murders of five
. .s'oi. residents last April and
'II( possibility of being sen-

. tlt'iflll
.u .‘lst‘ .ittorneys. who had never
: 'lll‘ woiiicn‘s involvement in
was had hoped to win con~
lesser charges. such as

.. .glJt‘l’

But Fayette Circuit Judge James
F. Keller‘s instructions to the jurors
gave them only two choices — con-
viction or acquittal of murder.

The defendants registered no reac-
tion when the jury returned with the
verdicts after 2‘: hours of deliber—
ations. and lawyers on both sides re-
fused to discuss the case. Defense
attorney Kevin McNally said he was
under court order not to comment.

The jury will begin hearing testi»
iiioiiy and arguments today on what
sentence should be imposed.

pages of instructions that it should
consider whether the women were
so intoxicated by alcohol or drugs
they would have been unable to
form an intent to commit the slay-

During the trial, witnesses gave
conflicting testimony about the level
of the women's intoxication in the
hours before the murders of Carlos
Kearns, 71; his wife Virginia
Kearns, 45; Trudy Harrell, 59; The-
odore Sweet. 53, and Roger Keene,


:rJudge begins oral arguinents
; in North’s counsel challenge

I: l \fili\'\l\R(i.\S\l\'

.:'t‘il l’l't‘SS

«.s::l\li'l‘ll\ A federal
,i 'ikiiig unusually qutck ac~

wean hearing oral argu

- w‘tertluy in It (‘01 ()ll'

v': \ challenge to the legal

~ "rift“L' til the indetx-ndent counr
“Tm”: into tfie irancontra

-Il.‘.i’l'it' {iii presidents
irr'wr ..i.li- lenders. Arturo
lr‘\LL{.’:t‘t‘. IEI> post as a di-

i! 'm- lnited Nicaraguan
2".» son said Arturo
uiw no details other

\il'\ Ill\ father was fed up
riolc mentality of the

. "rumor. court arguments
.. v .::‘i-r ‘ttt' independent coun»
Walsh. filed a
tract asking {'8 District
lurfui izirrington Parker
":‘<~ .4 second iawsutt by
..i,L:r:;»; :t .i desperate"
t’l‘iltittlul lII\‘t’>Il-

liii K‘. l‘t‘l fl‘t '

ft't tit: ..

limit the inyestiga-
‘I't‘ force of his argu-
sriould not be per»

Li. ll\ tbw mgr»? forge

and volume - of his rapidly
proliferating lawsuits." Walsh
wrote in response to a suit filed
by \‘orth's attorneys on Friday.

Walsh. noting that the suit was
the second challenge to his inves—
tigation in 11 days. said North
"continues and expands his de-
termined effort to disrupt an on-
gillllg criminal investigation. "

North. the former National Se-
curity Council aide who was in-
volved in the arms sales to Iran
and efforts to channel money to
the Nicaraguan contras. first
challenged the legitimacy of
Walsh‘s probe on Feb. 24, argu~
ing that the law under which it
was begun. the Ethics in Govern-
ment Act. was unconstitutional.

Last week Attorney General
Edwin Meese III, in an effort to
safeguard the investigation, di-
rected Walsh also to proceed
under the authority of the attor-
ney general.

However. North filed a second
challenge on Friday. arguing that
Aleese‘s action also had been un-

At the White House. mean-
while. Maureen Reagan said yes-
terday that her father was very
angry when he saw the Tower
commission report. which she
said showed that aides had de-
ceived him.

As for her owti feelings, she
said Pomdexter and North, both
military officers, should be court-

She said that “a member of the
[rated States iiiilitai'y who lies to

their commander-inchief is
guilty of treason and should be
court-martialed.“ And she added
that “by omission or commission,
they did not tell the president
what they were doing. And that’s
a lie."

The Tower report, released
Feb. 26. portrayed Reagan's Na-
tional Security Council staff as
Virtually out of control and crit-
icized Reagan for not keeping
closer tabs on what Poindexter
and North were doing in connec-
tion with arms sales to Iran and
possible diversion of some profits
to Nicaraguan rebels.

Also at the White House, presi-
dential spokesman Marlin Fitz-
water told reporters that putting
together a legal defense for Rea-
gan in connection with the Iran-
contra case “is not necessary.”

Reagan has said he had no ad-
vance knowledge that weapons
profits might be going to the con-
tras. And Fitzwater reiterated
presidential adviser David M.
Abshire's Sunday statement that
Reagan couldn‘t have been told
about a diversion of profits and
then have forgotten it.

In another development, one
member of the Senate‘s Iran-con-
tra panel. Paul Trible, R-Va.,
predicted yesterday that the com-
mittee would probably vote “this
week to grant llimited) immunity
to some of the major players" in
the affair. and thus compel their
testimony about the apparent di-
version of funds to the contras.

1‘7. All were shot. stabbed and apa-
prently run over by a car. Two of
the men also had been burned.

Russ Baldani, Foster's lawyer.
cited testimony that described her
as extremely dependent on chemi-

“The most telling point is that the
commonwealth charged, tried and
convicted Fay for being publicly in-
toxicated that night.“ he said.

Baldani also referred to Foster‘s
defense that abuse by her father.
who “beat her, pimped her and shot

herfuti of drugs." made her mental-
ly unstable.

“Fay couldn‘t kill herself, and she
couldn‘t kill her father. She went un-
controllably crazy“ the night of the
slayings, he said.

But Commonwealth's Attorney
Ray Larson said Foster‘s father was
not theoneon trial.

"What this trial is about is what
occurred on April 23. 1986. What this
trial is not about is what happened
to defendant Foster when she was 2
years old.” he said.

He also said the arguments about
intoxication was "a manufactured
defense. They can‘t get away from
that videotape. That’s worth a mil-
lion words."

The prosecution had showed the
jurors a videotape of the women
being booked into the Fayette Coun-
ty Detention Centers after the slay—

"Were either of those defendants
so intoxicated that they didn't have
an intent to commit those deaths?"
he said. “Of course not."

Chrysler to buy American Motors

Associated Press

DETROIT — Chrysler Corp. an-
nounced yesterday it has agreed to
buy out Renault‘s interest in ailing
American Motors Corp. and to buy
all outstanding AMC shares for a
total of $757 million in cash and

The No. 3 automaker also would
assume $767 million in AMC debt.
said Chrysler spokesman John Gui-
niven. The deal must be approved
by the US, French and Canadian
governments, the three corpora-
tions‘ boards and AMC stockholders,
but analysts saw few obstacles to

“For Chrysler, the attractions are
Jeep, the best-known automotive
brand name in the world: a new.
worldciass assembly plant at Bra»
malea. Canada, and a third distribu-
tion system giving us access to a
larger market,” said Chrysler
Chairman Lee lacocca.

Under the terms of a letter of in-
tent signed by Chrysler and Renault.
Chrysler would trade $522 million of
its stock for outstanding AMC
shares. give Renault a $200 million.
loyear, 8 percent note for its AMC
interest and pay Renault $35 million

iii cash. said Chrysler Vice Presi-
dent James Tolly.

Chrysler also agreed to a payment
ranging from zero to $350 million to
Renault based on future AMC profits
and sales.

(‘hrysler has been fighting to build
its share of the US light truck mar~
ket and has no sport utility or spe-
cialty vehicles of its own. while Jeep
is the best—known name in that
arena. Jeep also would provide
Chrysler with a compact truck.

In addition. Chrysler has run out
of North American production ca-
pacity. With the purchase of AMC. it
would get four assembly plants.

AMC President Joseph Cappy. in a
terse statement. said only that AMC
received a letter yesterday detailing
the purchase proposal. "We are
studying the proposal." he said. add-
ing that AMC would have no further
comment until later.

Renault. owned by the French
government. bought into AMC in
1979 and holds 46.1 percent of' its
stock. making it AMCs largest
stockholder. Renault has invested a
total of $645 million in AMC, said
AMC spokesman Edd Snyder.

Six of AMC‘s 13 board members
are Renault representatives. mean-
ing only one additional vote would

be needed for A.\l(‘ approval of the

L'nder the deal. which could be
closed as early as June. Chrysler
would leave AMC an independent
subsidiary for a while but eventually
would absorb the No. .3 I'.S. auto-
makers manufacturing and product
development operations.

The purchase would drop the num-
ber of American corporations l)UIltI-
mg cars in the l'nited States to three

General Motors Corp. Ford
\lotor (‘o and (‘lirysler compared
\\'ll' four foreign companies building
cars in this country: Honda. Volks-
\\ agen. Nissan and Toyota.

.»\\It' has lost $838.6 million .n the
past six years. It earncii ll: first
profit in two years in the fourth
quarter of liltiti but lost Slit :i inii:ion
for the year.

(‘Iirysler reported $22.59 billion in
sales in 1986. and A)It“s sales total-
ed 53.46 billion Together. the coin—
panics“ sales last year would have
totaled $26.05 billion far short of
second~ranked Ford Motor t‘o. s

(‘hrysler‘s net earnings for 1986
were $1 4billion






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Forms are available at the Sturgill Development Building and must
be returned by 4:00 pm. Thursday, March 12, 1987.




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needs editors for the 1987-88 school year.
' Must be enrolled full time on the UK Lexington campus during the term as editor.

' Must be in good academic (2 pt. GPA), disciplinary and financial standing with the University
at time of application and during term as editor.
' Must have a minimum of one year's publications experience and be familiar with the operation

of a daily newspaper.

' Persons applying for the position who have not worked on the Kernel must provide a
recommendation from previous employer, adviser, or both.

The Kentuckian Yearbooic

needs editors for the 1987-88 school year.
" The following paid positions .are available: Editor-in-chief; chief photographer; sports editor;
academics editor; campus editor; copy editor; portraits editor; organizations editor; and

managing editor.

‘ Students must be in good academic, financial and disciplinary standing with the University at
time of applications and during the term as staff member.
' Applicants for Editor-in-chief should have some previous publications experience.

Applications are available in Room 026

Journalism Building

Application Deadline: March 23, 1987



KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. March 10. 1987 - 3


Andy Dumstort
Sports Editor



UK men
take two
in tennis

Staff Writer

The UK men‘s tennis team
wrapped up 12 straight hours of
action yesterday with Victories
over Mississippi State and West
Virginia at the Hillary J Boone
Tennis (‘enter

Coach [X‘IIIIIS l-Imery IldlI
planned to host the matches on
the outdoor courts but when thi-
weather (iiiin t cooperate he u a5
forced to move them lllSld(’ Be
cause there 15 .1 limited number
of courts IlLSldt‘, the inatche5
lasted longer than originally 111

1n the fir5t match. the ('at5
overcame a 1115s 11) their top 5111
gles player ltii'haril Benson to
take 11 712 decision over 3115515511)
pi State Benson, ranked 115". 111
the nation. was beaten tit State 5
Mitiaeti 3115111511. 711 1‘1 1

The second St't‘dt‘tl player
Greg \‘an tlmhurgh. ranked Ran,
took three 51% to iiispo5i- ot llti‘i
Herman. 74). M, 7—5 Steve I)en~
ney. Adam Miilik Andrew \'ctl‘flil
and David KH’VIILS also captured
singles victories over the Bull

In doubles. BL‘IISUH and \‘an
limburgh. ranked 7th nationally.
tell to States \atase and Jeff
Frantr 71»? H4. 741 However. matcluxfl w .1:
Kentucky 5 secondseedeii team In 1111 \1-11' :
ot Denney 11an \‘arga and .\'o .t 115ml lllt 11 «111.:
duo of .\'1alik and (ireg (‘ook won tent “es \ IL‘
both of the remaining doubles lltliSl”

D-l. it‘l'i .'

(3mm {it 't;



Wildcats’ successful weekend

Staff Reports littlS

The {K \v-men 5 1‘1-111115 lt'iilll 711-111 [1'1~-
1111otni-r \II'II 111:1;11‘11 it» an! 1?
breaking into the iititiiiii 5 11111 11
the Indiana Quart 'i‘iiiirntiment |.1\‘

l)t'\pilt' .1 M5» ‘11 111111111111 :11 'hi- :1

4"”! ‘C’l;/A

itt’tm ”422$






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paves road to tennis Top 10

CL AV OWEN .1 “wt “ta“

match Over Gary Fr; 6

1.11, t'iiIi-t 73. (+2. making; a
'31115 mid 1111in match uiiiimet.

5111-»- IR 5plit the ~1\
t 1 1 'v “21-‘1'1-5 with the \‘1Slttit\

Gymnasts set records
in loss to LSU Tigers

(‘ontributing Writer

The Kentucky gymnasts continued
their record-setting ways Saturday
at Memorial Coliseum against [SC

The (‘ats had just finished assault
111g the floor exerc1s‘e records two
‘1‘1l‘t‘KS earlier. 5ett1ng an all-time
:uiiii best 111 that same meet, Junior
Kendall Lucas set a new L'K individ-
11111 mark with a tit; tloor pertorr

\gnnis' LSL. howmer. L'K con-
centrated on rewriting the uneven
litir5 record book

Lucas st‘t a new till-time L'K mark
on him with a 9 55 ['K's team score
iii 46 «I lied 115 all-time best set Feb

Apparently Lucas. the holder of
three I K iiiilniilual records. doesn't
like to we her 1ilil 1'eciirit5 broken

(in Feti .71. 5iiiihiimore Theresa
Schneider» 11 '13 broke Lucas‘ old
mark 111 ‘1 that stood for two sea-
511115 Lilt'itS ltit' last of 51x Kentucky
'ioor pertitrmeiS countered with a
'1 ii that (in)

It was deya vu this Saturday for
l.uc;15 1n I'K's ilual meet with the
51xth ixiiiki-il Tigers

Freshman sensation Su Su Sea-
man 5 {1.} beat Lucas two—year
mark (it 94 on the uneven bars

Lucas. the final L'K performer.
came through as she scored a 9.55 to
reclaim her school mark.

Despite the records set the Cats.
they dropped the dual meet to LSU.
1856-1823 The Tigers' score was
the highest team mark recorded in
Memorial (‘iiliseiim this season

LSI‘ did not have an individual
pertormer 11110 could match Ken-
tucky‘s Seaman The L'K freshman
stole ‘1 close race for the all-around
honors from LSl"s Angie Topham
Seaman r