xt7w3r0pw14q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w3r0pw14q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-02-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 1985 1985 1985-02-28 2020 true xt7w3r0pw14q section xt7w3r0pw14q ___________________—_________—_______________———
:5 é. , , 2 ,' s 2????- QT‘K‘II,&_§ p72 , hacks—2 , ‘e «ti ,1. A, _ _ » . , .. N". 2 - .2 ,
" ; iraif mfsfi :fig"*§.gsé it}??? “saw & .4. £9: a v33 ’ 7’ :1 " i W“ ’ I I w 2- ’ 2“" W M“ 'w' " ,r M. W”. I” I
Council appro ' d t l
. By DARRELLCLEM The Council last year rejected the “It‘s kind of a chicken and egg," toral program, which also must be ment efforts. When a faculty mem- The College of Nursing last fall re— 1 -‘
Senior Staff Writer pupae] and.asked the college for Williams said. “You need good fac- approved by the University Senate, her is considering coming to a uni- ceived a $518,000 planning grant '
specific details about the recruit- ulty for the doctoral program. and the Board of Trustees and the Coun- versity, he said, “about the third from the US. Department of Health ' 2 ‘ F
_ The University Senate Council ment of qualified faculty members you need the doctoral program (to cil on Higher Education. question they ask you is where is the and Human Services. and Williams ..
yesterday voted unanimously to ap— into the chetoral program. Also of attractlgood faculty. doctoral program" ' ' ,
prove the first doctoral program concern were the types of research “I'm wondering if there’s a way “When I havetosay where we are said a doctoral program would en» 2 '. ’2 -
ever in the history of the College of theprogram would encompass. we can address your concerns with- and what the next steps are (in get- “It's a seller‘s market out there." able the college to be more compet- '- g . " .
Nursing, But Williams said yesterday that out slowing down the process," she ting the program approved), it Williams said. “we will make an ef- itive in getting additional research .' 2 '
'l‘hecollege has worked out details admimstrators in the college had toldtheCouncil. Williams asked that sounds like it will take a while." fort to get strong people who are grants , 2 , ‘ 2
for implementing the doctoral pro- been actively recruiting faculty the program be approved with the Williams said. going tobem‘mei-sj' ' , ‘- h
, gram, said Carolyn Williams. dean members. “It‘s a competitive situa- stipulation that it would not be im- She was enthusiastic about the - .2 . ' -
. of the College of Nursing, but tion." she said. and recruitment ef- plernented until “all concerns are Wimberly Royster. Vice Chancellor She said the earliest the program Council endorsement "l'm absolute ' I ' I "
“we‘ve come to the point where l forts would be enhanced if the col- addressed." for research, attended the meeting could be implemented would be 1986 ly delighted I think it‘s a wonderful - " ' '
. think we need some help from you.“ lege had University backing for the The Senate Council endorsement and stressed that having a doctoral depending on how smoothly the ap: vote of confidence and I am a - ' ‘ ' ' -
. . . . . . , ppre 2 2
. shetoldtheCouncil. doctoral program. is the first step in approvmg the doc program in place would help recruit- proval process goes. ciative “ - > ‘ . '.
SGA passes rm" . :2~_—;:+— ' " ‘ ' * " ” -, , New advisor to t 7
. l .. ' "' 22” 1 yg up 2,‘ 2 '
candidacy ‘ . ta. . ., , , t . t b 'd , .
.. , 22. , , nos 0 r1 gegap
revrsrons . ... 2» .7 ,. _,
*2 ' b t -
BySCO'n'WARD ) ‘ t 1» e ween ‘ " ' I I
Senior Staff Writer i ’ '* 0 ~ ' ‘ , ' '
r . , ! pl , . . ,2 ,3 .( . . . ‘ . , , . , .
n... Student Comment ma. , 2- y t; ,1 2- 2&2 », 2 2 Organization helps give needed vatce . ., ..
tion last night passed amendments 7 ' _, 22., .* 1.? ‘ ” . 2 : ,, . ,, t . . ' .
to its constitution and bylaws revis- i ’ Pi» ’ i i ' {5' , '2 for communlty callege, dlrector says . . . '
ing spring election guidelines. The ’ , 34’ ’ ‘ \‘ , "s2 '“ ‘22 ,: . g ,9 ' , ,
new rules will raise the amount of _ 2 ‘~“ . ‘J {2.4 ' ’ By ”mm-moans The growl discussed publishing ‘ ~
. money it costs to file for candidacy, g , ‘ . i. t ',. h Contributing Writer teacher evaluations “It could set off _ .
how much a candidate can spend - 2 S I 2‘ .i 3 a trigger.“ said Ken Morrison. act- ' . 2 .
and affect'how campaign violatiors i ' 2 h . 2 LCC‘s newly established student "18 vice Chairman and a representa- . 2.
aredealtwith. ‘ . 1t 2 ~\'\ \ ‘ ' h advisory council wants to increase tive 0‘ bUSineSS teChHOIOSY- “Every- 2 , ,
There were only 2-1 members left 1" . ‘ ‘T ft» .' communications between main cam- body would want the same - ~ -,
on the floor of the senate — Just two '. . - J i ‘ ’ , ,1 pus and the Lexington Community teachers" . . ,
more than the reqwred number to '- ir , 2 . 521 .. iris ,, ‘ College, according to acting chair— George suggested surveying stli- ' _
pass a constitutional amendment — " it ~ ~ " , ‘ 5., \ g r man PhilTaylor. dents and printing those results if ’
by 8:30 pm. when a vote came up to ' 2t ' ' "‘ 6 WA " l ' ' ’ i the administration opposed publica- .
raisethecostof filing for an election _ " 2 ‘ 9 2~——-1 . l \ ,_ x E “We've never had an organized tion of LCC evaluations
from $5 to 830. Of that cost, $15 ‘ l r .1 ’ “s. , ‘ 3 , . ‘ :2 a student voice." said Taylor. also the Other problems discussed included - ' .
\ would be nonrefundable to help pay ‘ -. s. 2 C '2? _- " .. l, .‘- LCC senator in the Student Govern- poor academic advising and difficul- ‘
for cleanup committees after the 2 2 ' \i yr: .. ' my , h . , is, r merit Qassocia‘gon, dutriltig a tmeeting ty in getting funds from SGA. ' ‘
election. 5 . i - ' / ‘ ‘t , yester y. " e wan o ge across . 2 _
But before the senate passed the f . O r ‘5 4 y .22: I 1 2 . _. ‘2» ,. w... to students at LCC. that while they l'tEiemhgel said his‘adVilser‘ offered . .
final resolution with the filin fee at I s ' ~ 9 . a not,» . , .. are LCC students, they are also UK 1 e e p in course se ections.
8 _~ . _ x - . ended u makin m' own dec 2
$15 SSofwhich is toberetained for 2 st 2 ' 2 - '3 if ‘ students. All the rights the UK stu- . .. P, . “8 3 l , -
. _ . . . ‘ t i .. srons he said. Some of those deCi-
cleanu there was a 1 debate. 2 ,g E , 2 ,t _. . , -~ ‘ denthas.theLCCstudentalsohas. . f , , ' ,,
, P~ , ong , 2 g..- 2. . , - e. t ....,~2.2.. 22 sronswerentvery good.
Phil Taylor, Lexmgton Community , i i - X , ”:3 R \ 3', 9;. . . ‘ h _, .l . ks . ‘ '
0011988 senator, asked why the ‘ . h i - , ..l ’ - ‘2 ‘2 3' Taylor 3150.52“?! LCC lac inter- Also. George pomted out that last
money was being reserved this year it "" 3 2 ‘fi " l ' " ’ o' ' “31 communication between stu- academic year. an LC(‘ student who ‘ '
. when it hadbeennot inthepast. l 2 1’ i 3’- ' 4f"! 2 . 2 , I dents and we administration. “We needed $500 to attend a national con- ,
SGA President Tim Freudenberg 1 . ’ .~ 2i \ i a, " ”‘25; W ,5 ' ‘ are consumers 0‘ a h% hlgere, elm: ference only received the funds after
said the University administration ; h, i l ‘x - , ' £ ‘3: ;;°:§ofl‘t‘e‘;h‘;f&at good zgngisfs much debate in the son Senate. - ,
giggiuséhatlatrte [2‘31 beclrifiepziédh l ‘1? . 3‘? tot; £3“ .37" i of". A150 defied 1° the advisory com2
materials were left on cam . 4 -¢ . 2 1- r; ‘s is“ ’ ‘ . _ . ' mittee last week were Amy Keller of
n da 2 me 2 t pus L , 5‘ . 2,:2.,';‘f°~'.:i‘: .. ”’2': According to an unselentiflc sur- radiological technology. Tom Grego -
wa ls. maglmg pain ' l : 'i “3‘s 3% A ‘ VEY diSCUSSEd during the meeting. 94 ry of the Data Processing Manage-
? ° "ac an‘ 23 sew-t" at "Se‘ 2 . . x - “is; iii“; ’2 “its percent of the 364 daytime LCC stu- ment Association; Cheryl Eadins of
said she was against this part Of the 2 '5’ £2 “lgs‘flx” ' 2 dents P0118d want teacher evalua- Phi Beta Lambda business honor- 2 2 ,
revrsion because other groups arent \ ‘ . is“ it ’ tions made available to them. The airy; Susan Spaulding of the Associa- . ' .
required ‘0 pay for cleanup and the l ’ *2 ‘ 5,2, "3 we: 2 P0112 conducted by SFOUP member tion of Legal Secretaries: Sherry ' *
cost was too high. i , ) \ ’2 W k“ V ‘. * William A119" George. 3150 shgwed Hampton of the Kentucky Associa- .
- - . . 22 t“ .5" W, 12', . .. " / that 66 percent 0f e stu ents tion of Nursin Students: Barbara ' ,'
£215 sentiment was epr‘grsrfd b3 -. ‘ , ‘ ’ : ., ' 3% 5's" " , s thought some instructors at LCC are Dickerson of mi dental hygiene divi- . _ '
0 hr sena °fim§°fligtw adiat; 2 N 1 _ a. 3‘ 13: "a ’ unqualified because of their inability sion; Tim Garnett. representing the . - . -
5‘” a “52‘ c ‘ ‘ ' ca" ' ~ - : - 2“ «ta-22"" 2 2i 2' to teach Ninetyeisht percent of National Business Honorary; and 2 2 4 _
“om runmng' Senator-at-large Brad ' 1'- 1‘? . ' ,4" f 8““ those polled said the administration Ann Wessels, also an SGA senator '
Dixon “l“?‘efi the measure to a poll * I _ ,, 3‘2 ',,_ ,, . " _..____;..-__ , - , ,, . J ; should make a greater effort to for LCC. ‘ '.
tax and said it would exclude a lot of ”mum“ “Yuma” meet the needs of students. . . . . ‘
lower-incomepotentialcandidates. C0 in a feel Sharon Jaggard. director of LCC. .2 ' -
Afte t lea t two other amend pp g dr“We thifi there ought to be some said the group will help unify the " , 2' ’. 2 .
l‘ a '5 ‘ 2 . . astic c n es in ose areas." 3' d ' 2 . '
merits and several points of order, Catherine Lawhead, a psychology senior. talks [0 Mitchell Smith. an officer with the Lexing- said George.8 a representative of ggffifme9xefitilrligfwé.abfittiligf'lgtriii ‘ " ~ ‘.
SGA Senior Vice President and Sen- ton Mounted Police, outsrde Blazer Hall yesterday. The police horses are kept at the Ken- Veterans for Equal 1‘reatment. need a voice. You represent them. ‘ ' . '
ate Chairman John Cain asked the tucky Horse Park when the officers are off dutv. "We‘re Shaking things up and pe0ple You could come up with suggestions -2 . 2 ‘ . ‘ ,
senators to be quiet “please.“ add- ' are beginning to notice.“ to enrich their lives“ , 2 .
ing simply “---damnit" with a loud "’ “‘“ "" "' "”“’“"“‘“‘—‘——'” ' "“ _._._.__..._.__._._______ - 2 _ '
bansolhisgavel. -—' "H" '“ T” _""“"_'—q ——————————————-——-——-— Ed t. »_ . ,
O O —— _.._.__.,,_..-. 2 .
Cain had to do this several times OfflClal SBBkS - Ombudsman . , “ca Ion , 2 , 2
througlmtthecmrseofthemeeting . » ' _..jt . . 2-
to 'et the senators duri thel . t I ‘
.622"... “s “‘8 re-election to , . enters contest —- . V] a issue, .. .-
e e e e l . ‘ x
The internal affairs committee , ' ‘ t ° . ' '
the“ m, a packet of m tn. City Councrl it“ _ for City office i , Chall‘ says . ,
aimed at revising the constitution :. ,. -2 " . , 2 ‘ l _ ‘ , . I
and bylaws with regards to election mam?" ; .2 , x By PARRELL__CLEM l' ,. 3 snan oavaoo E , » -
rules and membership status. Most . 2 . «2 SeniorStaffw.iter ' , N ' , seyniorsmflwmer M 5 , . ,
0‘ uzm'tiiirfu Wkediisémw me 3°” Babbage is quite a busy ‘ til-h» Don‘t call Dr. Charles w. m2 ' .g. ~
sena wt l eorno mlon' nian'these days. _ _ _ ’ 2‘ 3"» , i linger during University working , w {i To have higher education as a de- . -
Of these the one with the most Aside from being asSistant to ._ hours to discuss his plans to run fit bate in the next gubernatorial cam- 2 _ -
im ct on‘ future election disputes President 0‘18 A- Singletary, 33d . , ‘.,’j;t2 e fortheUrban County Council. .5.— _fi’ paign — that's the goal of the chair-
wagea bill creating intermediate Pe- a student at the Patterson wChOO' 1 w Ellinger is careful not to mix ' w -‘ .22..” ,_ man of the Governor‘s Council of ,-
nalties for election violations As the of D‘Piomacyt Babbage is a lex- ' . .5 his role as UK'S academic - 2 2 ‘ ' Higher Educational Reform. , ‘ -
bill was ssed a candidate. can be lngtonrli‘ayette Urban County ombudsman with his political as- “Higher education will continue to '
fined pa 'miinded if a candidate Councu member at large Ahd he -’ pirations. BMt Friday afternoon. have a backseat role in funding until
or ‘ l t' that did not clear- has recently announced that he 2,5”. .~‘ while eating fried banana pep the question for public schools is
makes :91”th oftheel tion “in ”e“ “mi“ ‘0 a second $6" 2 . 3 pers and sipping on a Coors dealt with,“ said Al Smith, who also _
‘3’ 3“” '°“ °me °c ‘ fairn-y'llisrtjzorbm , ta t Bab - Light, he relaxed in a booth at - is the publisher of the London stun:
ls ‘ as assui n, , Rogers Restaurant on South nel-Echo. "Then w m
bage, 33. solic1ts funds for thes9 BOB ”ABBAGE Broadway. and talked about his DR' CHARLES W. ELLINGER goal. which is to 521%: 33,82: f0: '
million Maxwell H. (Tr-luck _Equme lice on foot in neighborhoods." he interest in launching a campaign because of the rapid growth of higher education for the next gover-
Research Center, WhtCh Win play said. “However. even better pub- for the 10th District seat on the thecity andthecounty. nor‘s race."
an international role in the men he safety must continue to be our Urban County Council. ““23 been a beautiful growth of Smith gave a speech titled “A
,__-./ie;..:;.; a; .shs ,|_ .~ w trficreaearchof all breeds. aim. Ellinger, who has been a pro- .. 2 ~ ~ _
., ow..-“ 2.2 A.-. . . . . . . , the downtown area. he said. Strategic Plan for Higher Educa
2: w, or: v 2 :, sugar“: . Although the 3 million has His second priority Will be to fessor in the College of Dentistry .. 2 - .. bef bou ,
“w _ ,3 1 - 2 . 2 . My concern, like some of the tion ore a too people yester
m _ . . .t2.2st2&,,..2. been donated for the building. strive for a live Within our for 20 years. contemplated run .
t; 2 . ., , . ,. . . . .. otherpeoplelve talked to. would day at a forum sponsored by the
rim ,. 2 . 222w... - Babbage said additional money means philosophy toward gov- rung for the council position for . - 2 2
- , 2. , 2 2 . be that we don t do the downtown United Campus Ministry.
, , z: ...._,, ,5, must be raised to endow chairs. emmentspending. the past couple of years, but he at the total “W of forgetting He said that b next summer
"ugh“; t. 3-2:?" :1”: find projects and buy equipment. Chairman of the council‘s Bud- officially decided to take the po- thesurburban areas .2 when the can di daths will start an:
;s%;>:2~:§§sn-’;tsat’§ am All much as $114 million has set and Finance Committee. Bah liticalplunseiusttwoweeh 880- ' nounc' their bid for the overnor‘s
was“ ' 2.2 .. ~ cw!” '4 beengivensofar,hesaid. bage calls for no tax increases Saying that lexinston hid been Noting' that Versailles and Har- officemgrrmmnnendations asbout high~
t;22More“serves-”sweetie” “We don’t want to live anyone and pledges “to swd the Meet V“? 80°“ ‘9 “'5 ‘9'"“Yv Elm“ W'mds — W °‘ Wm" er educa' tion will have been made to
is; 2 2 .23” with; g' '2 the impression that we‘re fin~ surplus." described his “dull! to do some- border the 10th District — contin~ the ov
2:: ‘Xg “it‘s critics W, lshed."hesaid. “We must always allow for the thing that was comtructive “Ck ually face traffic congestion, El- “8 ernor. I tions will be
Wir- , kfltgflé Babbage, who in lfll became security of knowing we have totliecltyandtothecounty-" linger said he would like to see made the l
fiil-‘wsyl’v’hyphéi: it; go“; the yotngest member of the some savings set aside for emer- , Issues 0f concern to him are the traffic light system changed tudi ham council mf'w' severe
.‘z‘fijjg'hi‘fi’fif‘f§;‘§§‘2”§3“ 2 “are? cotmcil ever elected. said in his genclee."Babbegesald. unprovms traffic condition. the became there seems to be too ‘ 5 m W . by m'
'“""""‘" ‘ " "‘""""‘ reelectionannomeementthathe Histhlrdareeofconcernwill Mo‘mlhdm- mudutopplngandstartlngatln- “mmm'mmvs'ntth
will concentrate on the same be constant emphasis on basic ban areas, the comm 0‘ tat-section. “For whatever ree- said.1hestrateglcplan ‘3 tobefin-
commitments for 3 next four services — “from road pavingto mmfitfin the 103; son. it seems like the next light mlgythisyrerhd from me
years that he me thl'll' the I lie." he c con In control W tas there." he“:
43., its; was Egress. lustful. imam“ M q" M d ' planningandroning. its ’0" “a governor a to look into all of then.
sweat-ta} ‘ MW‘MQ He m .. safe wl ‘ “I‘ve talked to some of the W 0n the issue of planning and strides." he said. The committee re-
. 22.» it a}. 2}...;.;_.m.,..,¢s.,£ public safety for all citizens“ his in 1m. he ted that the city ple in the my. District, m m m, . ‘we wan ported to the governor in the bqln-
t iswi’ ' reit~ ‘7 first priority. “We have realised repeve every road dining the seems to be some of their eon- "'0 "It the areas remain with ning of the year on the joint study
; ~ , fi' ‘- 3 ' ; tin which I repeatedly four years. "We will come very ~91?” Emmet laid. "I ttfink "I” “’9 m" 1°" °"' fine in.” by ”I. W on m Education
1 .. . ._ s,, . 2 . _ “stencil: years ago —— more po close ”hesald. the traffic situation will probably 0‘ the men N“ W the horse and the State Department of m
, 22 ~5..’¥,I"'""“.2"'.T’f*"f"*'“" lleeenthestreetsandptmiio- summer beone tissue) thetwllleeutime. Snowman“ tion.
7 ’ I

 z-xmvxmu My, Wyn I“
Am Editor
':>I;If;:‘$.:fi'f;;i'=""' , ' ' ‘ ' V ' " :3":Si???:§?‘*:Ii5?'53<‘?§5'_'.d.a‘-s‘ii?stem. ‘s «Wsmmshhsam‘sss“masses:Mohammedan“ ._ ;:.: .f-3:...-.;.»tries--oasis.eighth?s5{thisissgsffhiissfeeefe._....-._.. _. , .>
-. - ., »» , .- s . esxasms‘ssksmwsemxesmoestesmmwwmstwnewseem“
Critic makes Lung O r o t’ d I]
sweeps month . .
predictions /, . e s y es 0 Morrison Curtis
. I / \
/ ' \ ’
~ been _ ‘ / Perhaps ian Curtis is not dead Records. Dutch East India Trading. must have a natural sense of
mat]: in?“ msmpzrhnsogihe ral: \ \/ after all. Rough Trade. and Important re- rhythm. After a successful stint as
as first second and third I predict . / Curtis. lead singer and guiding cords. Its initial pressing of 1,000 percussionist, Warman left the band
that NBC will come out oh top by a ‘ / spirit behind the great neo-psyche- copiasisnowsold out. in late 1984. and was replaced by
"d - CBS will ‘me - ’ delic British band Joy Division. I _ Asnes. whom Smart. Semmes and
very 2’23ng"? 1 b ARCS m l committed suicide at his parents’ Lung Overcoat includes bassnst/ Kernaghan had metinAustin.

. secon . o ow cosey y ~ home a few years ago. but his 6- vocalist Christopher Smart. 21- gui- ‘
Srggmemgicmfiliernghm‘; sence has been PiCked up by a young tarist Mark Semmes. 20‘ drummer NOI 8mm”. Lung Overcoat
d8 . lg will “The Bill C b\' ® band out Of San Antonio called Lung Jason ASHES, 18' and Richard Ker" soon discovered they could achieve
Shzwrggh‘h‘amlly Tics" itCheeorss" 0mm“ new“ 19' “’h° Plays keymlds only limited popularity in the Lone

, “N’ .t Court" d 2.th Street , Lung Overcoat performs tonight and backs. Smart on vocals. High Star State. and are currently doing
' Bldg all in a may?) Tuesday nights ( ‘ ‘ atCafelMNOP S?h°°' 1mm” 5”" and 59mm” all the touring they can stand. bring-
also are locked u with the ular l l This foursome from San Antonio {"53 lemme“ ”39"” 3‘ 5‘“ A“ ins their smoldering brand of back-
“A T " d t: t popul 1 \l t convened in mid 1983 and by Jan- tomos Apple Quality Record Store beat angst from sea to shining sea.
b ‘- earn 0:: "R: no as grill 33 / uary of last year had released a as the Jumor Vacuums. They even- After they finish sweeping the South,
Sllratveziycally locatendmatlxweese {he / 7-inch single (on its own Scolex tually formed Platform 0‘ Youth they plan to tour both coasts, and
l ‘ ' u, ‘the ul 00d label) which included two songs and ”98““ building a devoted local hope soon tocutafive-song EP.
ff“? ‘5. e, nei r pop ar nor g / ( "Internal Silence" and “Past followmg. Kernaghan eventually
Egtédelike all the other networks Lives." These show L0 as a band joined Platform 0‘ Youth, and 30°“ With fine bands like Lung Over-
this month offered a wide selection , . .s definitely influenced by such psyche- after the ”an,“ was'chosen to open coat refusing to bow to the demands
f miniseries but 1 think with such “’1": ‘ ” delomelancholic ensembles as Echo for the 3'5” at "5.1983 Perm." of an increasingly promiscuous lis-
. fhings as “Hitler‘s SS: A Portrait in nmmu herncH-raphi‘ and the Bunnymen, The Gun Club 'rll‘lfegctir at San Antonio’s Majestic tening public that lusts more and
' EVil." NBC probably netted the "——————_ late night news and provided some SaganBilfildal’hse as “1133:2383; ' "Lore alter "Dali‘s lJtlhter‘iallltlitor;i . .
. . _ - . Doors . . _ . c eoseca e. per ps is
' {gggm‘g‘fiTgfiflfig‘fi‘ng’g’i gfigfimmfi?‘ what shows it is invariably compared to Jim Mor- Havmg lost its old percussmmst. chance that MTV and AM radio will
which aired earlier this week sma" broadcasts however an indepen- “50".” b“: possessing its own Platform Of Youth went into the stu- “Oi enslave the higher analytical
' . - ‘ N ~ ‘ ‘ ~ seamless.sinuous style. dio with a session drummer to re- and lower libidinal functions of all
- couldnt have hurt much in the rat- SCREE dent station would offer variety. And “In 1 S'l ,, ll “Di cord “Intemal Silen ,, D . the .

. ings area either. in the television world. variety is der "til-2:1 theenjzy 3:22:11 81$; recording the band isles-0 changmmged its Americans.
onC?:engSl-t:3]lélgot: €53; feedigl'altcsk _ :Ifilhat’s Shatthgiar:0:imi%:u§0 d' “unknown Pleasures," but has none name. having decided that there L0 musw is a potent elixir of
where it had begun to waney over the a certain time. then the stations The city does indeed have access of JD’s slamdance beligerence. It is we: mmanlydother groups around sleepless dreams and bright. empty
past year or two as audiences tired simply can‘tstay on past that time. to an extra television frequency, 62 filled mm a dark, broodinghrglare w1 Aswto theyouth . 1“ {methle nights; EMI America and IRS. re-
of their old lineup of “Alice.“ “The In light of that. what I would real- on your TV dial, that is not being gkégytegrlgosgnors‘ullikleefthzcgmnollfiih 22$:me anart egfim (”)‘Lung corgs hat:v both expressedhaintertfist

, . - Jeffersons“ and “Trapper John lIv like to see is another TV station used now that WTVQ broadcasts on . . . I . _ ' 3 v in ung ercoat. so per ps IS
MD." CBS also has some other h an independent station modeled 36. I also was told by John Towns- mutation of a Giorgio De Chm“) Overcoat'is the faithast frthmnkmgan- young ETQUP Wlll fWilly get the rec-
good shows like “Newhart” and after the type that is common in end, cable communications officer ”1‘33? Lives" smacks of some of inganything. “"3 33’0“ 1 ~ ogniltéogie it st:i richly deserves. Ian

. “Simon & Simon" bill it just doesn‘t major metropolises across the coun- for the Urban/County Government. , . , _ _ Ki wI . W011 prou .
‘ haveanightlocked up. try An independent station offers that two groups are vying for a li- $2585.?Jounfi ficNgu‘s’; andofha: a d def; to 3:31; eu‘paZS muggy Lun Overcoat will rform to-
They'll also benefit from the bad what the network affiliates don’t cense to broadcast on the station. e r 1' 83 at' {y ry k Smart saw her dancing at one of - tgtCaf LMNOP cope - 52
press the Atlanta Child murders have time to: reruns. and plenty of One of them wants to make it a reli- young gee 5'ng ;:81{°m, alcrac LO's shows and decided that she “18h a e » veris .
‘ miniseries received. Atlanta preach— them gious station. not unlike Christian “3 :2: ey :1 9:? "b t'e Singer/as was such a good dancer that she ELLEN BUSH
ers actually ‘01“! their congregations Not just the classics. like “Get Broadcasting Network, fandl the P“: up or 5t“ u 1°“ Y em
not to watch the s ow. And any time Smart" and “The Twilight Zone." other one wants to start a ami y en-
preachers tell People h0l to watch but some trash. like “Good Times.“ tertainment station. Townsend said. A t M e 0 to
something]. that‘s enough to spark Anything a budding TV station can If it were up to me. I‘d like to Silae r useum acqulres new paln lugs
most PeOP e‘s interest. get its hands on can be put up the latter. I just can‘t get into re i-
ABC has some p0pular shows. but against the other stations‘ worst gious television, even though I get _ _ . . . .
like CBS. doesn‘t really have a night (like Saturday nights at- 7 here in into television religiously. gip‘zfgtEY MH‘LER lgzigtstegdamnniliclro: Bother {gafg 353631;? 3:13:31: zfiféugfit
l ked . Th t t t' f ‘ ‘ . ' . ,, . . .
slicks :20 foiytlgi: sage? BE»? at“; u1¥h:§;9:):123d{:: 2:222:12? car- But it's not up to me. it‘s up to the dian .Landscape. Guiseppe-Maria were crafted in the 19th century by
some of their other gala extravagan- toons WTVQ runs "He Man and the Federal Communications Commis- The UK Art Museum has recently Craspi’s :‘Self-Portrait," William Kentucky quilters:
zas but I don‘t think it‘s going to be Masters of the Universe" and “The sion. Townsend said some of the added Six new paintings to its per- Powell Fnth’s “Honeywood Intro “This .‘5. the first time that the
enough to catch up to CBS Adventures of Fat Albert" weekda things that organization considers manent art collection, according to ducing the Bailiffs to Mrs. Rich- great quilting tradition of Kentucky
‘ hfternoons but no one around her: are the financial stability of the museum director William Hennes- land" and the anonymous work “A has been documented." Hennossey
- . .‘ .. . -~ .. group applying for a license and the sey. Knight of Santiago and His Lady" — said. “I don‘t believe that many peo-
. :23“ SFilgnds?‘op::e.“SuBuEfiiErlggnx community’s need for the proposed The museum also is presenting an were acquired with funds donated ple are aware of the importance of
Fine afternoon TV all of am ' programming. exhibition documenting Kentucky by Lexington horseman John R. quilting in Kentucky’s cultural histo-
' ‘ quiltmaking in the 19th century, Gaines, the UK Annual Giving Fund ry."
Lexington needs some changes in Independent stations also can The FCC. also avoids duplication of along with an exhibit of 20 bronze and through gifts of other area resi-
its television operation. One of them offer a wide variety of movies ——.old programming in a particular mar- figures from the French sculptor dents. A pair of films. “Quilting Women”
would be that the stations we now movies. new movies. good movms. ket. Rodin's“GatasofHell.“ “A museum‘s permanent collec- and “Quilts in Women’s Lives." will
have broadcast later in the eve- bad movies — somtimes three mov- So anyway another Lexington TV The acquisition of the new paint- tion is the foundation upon which all be Shown at 2 pm. March 10 at the
nings. However, I realize that tele- ies a day. There also is a variety of station might‘notbethat far off ings. which date from as far back as its programs are built and is ultima- Worsham Theater.
vision. like most other media. sur~ talk shows that can‘t be seen any- ' the 17th century, is expected to fill a tely the standard by which it is
vives on the advertising it sells and where else. WDRB in LOUiSVllle I I . voidinthemuseum‘s art collection. judged,"Hennessey said. Bronze figures from the 19thcen-
that if clients don‘t think it will be used to carry “Thicke of the Night.“ _ Senior Staff Writer Scott Ward is 0 “We're a new museum. and as a When a museum decides to pur- tury French sculptor Rodin will be
worth their money to advertise past a talk show that was up against the 1°” "a“sm soPhomO’e- result. we haven’t had the opportuni- chase a painting, it must fulfill seve on display from April 14 to June 2.
ty to develop a large permanent col- ral different needs. Works are so The figures are taken from his dra-
B h l t h d l d t e ht lection.“ Hennassey said. “These lected for the museum on the basis matic work “The Gates of Hell.“
- paintings represent the first steps of artistic quality, historical impor— and this is Lexington‘s first opportu-
ac eSS concer SC e u e onlg toward putting together that collec- tance. and the interests of the mu- nity to view pieces from the re-
tion." seum’s audience. nowned artist.
Staff reports Sigh gafgtlgrgomns (igudvuglksabfslezil? gamma} ‘12:“ Orrego-Salas and “Portrait of a Lady,“ by Peter The final showing of the Kentucky
' If v0“ are tired of all the attention including Beethovere's “Sonita in F‘ berto mas ra. Lely. was presented to the museum quilting exhibition will be on display The Rodin exhibition hascohleen
paid'to Johann Sebastian Bach dur- Major. Op. 10. No. 2" and several The recital begins at 8 tonight in 3:33 “3' ymle John Vanderhank's “m” March ,24' (Named by , the drawn from the B'G' Cantor ec-
. ' ing his tricentennial year. tonight‘s Chopin pieces including his “Fanta- the Recital Hall of the Center for the ortrait 0 Lady Portsmouth ‘5 0“ Kentucky Quilts Proth and circu- tion.
' tree piano recital maybefor you. sy in F Minor. 0p. 49."_ Arts and is sponsored by the School M.-. ._, W, . m,
‘ Patricia Montgomery. of the UK Montomery also Will play some of MuSic. The performance 15 free l :
. » School of Music faculty. will per- rarely—performed works by Enrique andopentothepublic. K'm':;;_‘;2;“e" .
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Andy MOM
Sports Editor
.Id t . C“) t R t . ht
W1 ca seniors say goo - ye o upp onig'
By WILLIE HIAT’I‘ it will be a great experience for ing success of the Wildcats this sea- forward. “lie continues to shoot the got something we owe them. So that games in 8 row. In their most recent I
StaffWriter me." son. ball with electrifying accuracy. He makes it doubly sweet." outing. the Volunteers defeated Mis- .
Bearup almost echoed the thought. "Both of them really came is kind of an unsung hero. who came sissippi State soundly. 7%4. ' ' ,
UK sailors Bret Bearup and Troy “It’s going to be really special,” he through for us this year and have on in his senior year and distin- The Cats are looking to 5thK off a “I expect that type of play in the ‘ .
McKinley slipped out of Rupp Arena said. “It's something that l have definitely been. key players in all of guished himself as a great c