xt7w3r0pw03k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w3r0pw03k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-03-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 07, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 07, 1975 1975 1975-03-07 2020 true xt7w3r0pw03k section xt7w3r0pw03k l'til. LXVI No. 135

Friday. March 7. L975



(Ht independent student newspaper

Six may face iail sentences

21 University of Kentucky

[text ng ton. K yx 40.506

Grand iury witnesses cited for contempt

Hy RUN .\ll'l‘('lllil.l,
Managing Editor

Six grand jury witnesses were cited for
contempt of court Thursday when they
refused to answer questions posed by the
l' S attorney and assistant attorney

The contempt hearing has been
scheduled lor 9:30 am today when the six
witnesses w ill be requested to show cause
why they should not be held in contempt

’l‘lll~3 SIX PERSONS. who are former or
present l'K students. are James (‘arey
Juiikiii. Marla Seymour. llebbie llands.
Linda Link. Jill Raymond and (fail t‘ohee

The six were subpoenaed to appear
before the grand Jury in connection with
the FRl's iiiyesligation of two alleged
lugitives who supposedly lived iii
Lexington last year.

The two. Katherine Power and Susan
Saxe, are sought in connection with a l97tt
Boston bank robbery in which a policeman
was slain. Both are on the FRl‘s Ten Most
Wanted list

\\ l'l‘NI‘ISSKS S.\ll) they were questioned
at Thursday's session by LS. Atty,
Eugene Siler and Asst. Atty, William

Junkin said he was asked personal
questions which “had nothing to do with
the two women they a re seeking " (‘ounsel
tor the witnesses. l'K law professor Robert
Sedler. and Judy Petersen. of Tampa.
Fla. instructed the six not to divulge
specific questions and answers

Although some of the witnesses an
swered questions. Petersen said other
witnesses did not answer any questions

'l‘llRtil‘tilltll'T THE day-long hearing.
interrupted at mtdafternoon for an ab
breviated hearing on the contempt
charges. witnesses beat a well-worn path
from the grand jury room to a consultation


area in the hallway on the fourth floor ot
the Lexington federal building

The hallway was crowded throughout
the day with some (it) persons interested in
the case

Although the witnesses were granted
right to counsel. no attorneys for the six
were allowed in the Jury room After each
question was asked. the witness would
the with their
counsel on how to answer

prepared answers and statements which

leaye room to consult

w itiiesses also had copies of
they were instructed to read in response to

some questions

SHORTLY \l-"l'l-IR
from a

one hour

N'tllt‘l‘ and Siler became engaged in a

returned recess.
heated aigument over the procedure for
taking the witnesses

l’nlike the procedure used at the mor
ning session. Kirkland began calling other
witnesses w hile one witness consulted w ith
Sedler and Petersen

Siler explained the procedure was being
used to speed the process “'l'here would
be no problem it you speed it iiop and take
no more than two minutes for each wit
ness." Silt-r said

SHHlI-IR SUI) the situation would be
remedied it he and Petersen were allowed
in the Jury room with the witnesses "We
cannot advise five witnesses at a time
l'lither stop tth or we'll go down and see
the judge."

Follow ing the exchange. witnesses were
called one at a time as had been done

Sedler said

during the morning session

The 3% pin contempt hearing began
without Sedler, who had returned to the
l niversity to teach a class w hich began at
the same time

PETERSEN BEGAN the hearing by
contending that the Witnesses had not

l't‘t't'l\ ed proper notice for the hearing.
Hiily threeol the witnesses had been cited
for contempt at that point

“We received the motion for Junkin at
I'Ito p m . tor Seymour at 2'30 and at 2:40
were told to be in the courtroom in lo
minutes tor the hearing,” Petersen said.
“There was no opportunity to reply in
opposition and there w as no fth'tlit)’ notice
as required by statute "

l' S ltistrict Jildge Bernard Moynahan
argued the counsel should have been
prepared tor such a hearing because they
had known all along a contempt hearing
probably would be held

ltl"l HEDIJ'IR. who arrived at the
courtroom after being notified of the
hearing. explained they had no “way of
knowing that the grand Jury would not he
silllelfil with the answers from the wit—
nesses "

When Sedler also questioned the im-
inediacy ot the hearing and suggested that
live days notice was required by statute.
Moynahan replied. “You‘re not entitled to
live days in this case " .

Sedler contended that advance warning
was needed because the witnesses wanted
three l’lll agents and a
woman named Letty Ritter.

t'ontinued on page 6

to subpoena

Senate endorses legal service:
won't support defense fund

B_\ \.\\(‘Y I).v\l,\'
Associate Editor
The Student Senate voted Thursday to endorse a $H.t)00 student
legal service program but refused to lend Student Government
:86: support to the Lexmgton (irand Jury Defense Fund
The legal service program. as outlined by (‘raig Meeker. SG
director of political affairs. is an expansion of the current legal

referral service

’I‘III'I I'ZXI'ANIDEI) PRIMERAM. which will be proposed today to
\'ice President for Student Affairs Robert Zumwinkle. would be
stalled by a full time attorney. three law student interns and a

secretary. Meeker said

The existing Sf; legal referral service provides an attorney for
students one and one half hours each week but does not involve any
litigation Meeker said the present attorney has been "swamped"
with students requiring legal advice and receives four times as

many as he could handle

Sti‘s proposal would permit legal advising for anything except
cases involving personal financial benefit and would provide court
representation tor misdemeanors and landlord-tenant. contractual
or employment problems. Meeker said

Kernet statt photo by Lee Thomas

(‘ontinued on page 4


Kentucky psychic Dr. David "0)
spoke to a full crowd at the
RlaiidiiigKirwan ('omple\
('oniinons Thursday night.
He included some predictions in
talk on ".\ Practical .\p—
I‘ZSP.” .\mong his
prognostications were: Kentucky
will win the \(‘.\.\ basketball
tournament and neither
President (ierald Ford nor Vice
President Nelson Rockefeller w ill
be a presidential candidate in

II is
proach to



Edna-lull". Lille Cemes
Men-"lg “Der, lee Mitchell
Mseclete eater. Nancy 0er

Student Government tSG) deserves
what praise it can get for coming up
with a good idea, since such are
commonly in rare supply. We refer to
the proposal, which was endorsed last
night by the Student Senate, to set up
a full-time legal service for students.

The proposal includes the hiring of
a full-time attorney, three law student
interns and a student secretary from
the Lexington Technical Institute. A
three-member committee comprised
of the SG president, an administrator
and a law school faculty member
would oversee the program. A
tentative budget was set at $14,000
which, it is hoped, will come from
general University funds through the
Office of Student Affairs.

The report containing the proposal
justifies the legal services program
by the response which last semester’s

Fedora emer, Larry Meet!
Arte edlor, Greg Hohllch
Sports edlter. Jim Menoml

limited referral service received.
According to the report, the present
program, in which a lawyer is
available for one and a half hours a
week, receives four times the number
of requests it can handle. The
proposed expanded program would
also allow the lawyer to be involved in
actual litigation of cases—something
which is not allowed under the present

The program offers some obvious
and visible benefits for students and
will probably receive wide campus

It will undoubtedly need much
student support if it is to have any
chance of administrative approval.
Administrators are not particularly
concerned with how SG spends its own
money. but the pursestrings on the
general fund are not readily loosened,
unless some sort of research is



Nicholas Von Hoffman

Television's ‘first real woman of the 705:' Cher


Editorials represent the opinions at the edmr‘

Editorlel page editor, Den Crvtcher Phaegrephy editor, Ed Oereld “

Proposed 56 legal service needs support

involved. It is a safe bet that $14,000
will not be handed over without a good
deal of pressure from students.

If the necessary active student
support for the program does not
materialize, it may still be possible to

obtain a smaller amount of money in
hopes of gradually expanding the
program over a period of several
years Whatever happens with it, it is
a good idea which deserves the
chance to grow.

Political candidates:
Anyone for debating?

The gauntlet has been thrown and
the annual Kentucky political
challenge issued once again, as
Jefferson County Judge and
Democratic gubernatorial candidate
Todd Hollenbach has challenged all
candidates in the governor's race to
meet in an open, public debate of the

Debates are powerful political tooLs
and have become exceedingly
popular among politicians It is the
underdog or challenger who almost
always is eager todebate. for it is the
challenger who has the most to gain
A front runner has little to gain iii
debating opponents and a good deal to
lose. A case in point, is the 1960
presidential election and the Ken—
nedy-Nixon debates.

Of course. if a political debate is to
be productive and useful it must deal
with issues and candidates‘
positions. Too often in the past what
has been billed as a debate of the
issues has been nothing more rhetoric
among candidates. as we saw in the
gubernatorial race of 1971 with the

muchpu blicized debate between ’l‘oni
Eiiibeiton and Wendell Ford.

Governor Jullian Carroll has
publicly stated that he expects to do
little campaigning during the race as
his position as governor will occupy
most of his time. It is true that (‘arroll
has respmsibilities to the citizens of
Kcntuck y to carry out the duties of his
otl‘ice. and we would not want him to
ignore those duties However, (‘arroll
also has w-rta in responsibilities to the
\ otei's of Kentucky as a candidate for
the tilllt't‘ of governor He must openly
and thoroughly dLscuss the issues of
his campaign and articulate his
position on those issues

In this light, we strongly urge that
cart-oil. llollenbach. and other
serious ca ndidatcs for the governship
meet lll a public debate which would
openly display the differences among
the candidates. as there appear to be
real and major differences It should
be a debate of the issues. It should be
a debate of specifics and not rhetoric
.\nd. it should be a debate which
would inform the voters of Kentucky
on the issues and the candidates,



LOS ANGELES — Cher is on
the set of Television City's Studio
31. She is about to do a complicat-
ed bit of comedy stage business in
which she must pick up a
baseball bat and successively
smash a rug, a rubber spider, a
lock, an alarm clock, a bottle, a
cantaloupe and a birthday cake.

The routine is routine slapstick.
It can only be as funny as the
oomedienne can make it; and,
although it may look easy, any
actor will tell you that to remain
in character, while handling so
many props so quickly, is an
accomplishment. All the more so
for an actress whose previous
comedy experience has mostly
been standing still and delivering
one-liners set up for her by a
straight man.

CHER. THE NEW star, Amer-
ica’s latest sexy lady, gets cued.
Wack, smash, bang — spiders,
clocks and locks go flying. “Won-
derful," the director‘s voice tells
her from the control room, while
an audience of 20 or 30 friends
and hangers-on clap "Let‘s do it
again," the director then adds

The props are replaced A
makeup man powders a gleam

off Cher’s nose, and the skit is
repeated, only this time the bottle
she‘s supposed to smash rolls on
the floor. George Schlatter, the
producer, crawls after it and
attempts to hand it back up to
Cher as she perseveres to a
garbage-strewn climax of
smooshed melon and devastated

Again the voice from the
control room says it was wonder-
ful, but they’re running the tape
on the studio monitor for Schlat-
ter to see if it was. One of the
cameras shooting the skit has
picked up the producer on his
hands and knees and they want to
intersplice him into the scene.
“I‘m not sure the American
public is ready for a gorilla like
me," says Schlatter, who has to
put the Cher show together in
dribs and drabs and short takes
every week.

MOST OF THE big comedy
shows are performed in front of
an audience and taped from start
to finish as thotigh they were
polished theatrical productions,
but that can't be done with Cher.
Every week Schlatter has got her
doing something new. something
she‘s never done before. which

she doesn’t have the experience
to run through without commit-
ting gaggles of gaffs and glitches.
As a result, part of the show is
taped in front of a live audience
while the rest is done in a
rehearsal situation with the best
snippets of performance elec-
tronically put together on the
tape editing machines.

For George Schlatter. who
produced “Laugh-In,“ such
patching presents no problem
and he finds it the best way to
perfect his star. “She never did a
monologue before, she never
danced before, and this is a star
vehicle as opposed to ‘Laugh-In‘
which was a producer vehicle,"
George explains, while a choreo-
grapher demonstrates the proper
way to do the bump and grind to a
Cher who is sitting on her
haunches. smoking a cigarette.
drinking a can of pop and
studying the man's movements.

“She’s a worker," George says,
admiring an ambitious nature
which motivates her to do 10
retakes of a minute segment
without squawking. “Not many
people in this business who’ll do
that. Have you ever seen Dean
Martin rehearse?"

well of their stars to visiting
reporters. but George‘s appraisal
of Cher conveys something past
public relations: “Until Cher.
women have been the joke. not
done the joke. They have been
used as the butt of the joke. if you
don‘t mind a slip into chauvin-

George should know lle‘s
worked on a lot of woman comedy
shows going back to Lucy. the
savagely humiliated. female
clown. To him performers like
Carol Burnett and Mary Tyler
Moore are transitional figures.
but Cher, he says. will be the first
female star to carry a show in the
same way that many men have

There are a lot more women in
the production unit than you’ll
usually see. (me of the writers.
the assistant director, the stage
manager, one of the choreo
graphers, even one of the grips
are women “We‘ve tried to bring
women in." Schlatter says “I
was the first male chauvinist to
surrender. women are smarter
than men “

ll.\\'l.‘\‘(. S\lll that, George
doesnt wan‘ to get himself

tabbed a caUSIst so he tells you.
“I'm not a social worker. I'm not
a philanthropist, and I'm not into
that with (‘her. She's not into the
movement. but she is a product of
the movement. The first real
woman of the ‘70s“

As he speaks. (‘her has begun
to do a very difficult act with
Freddie Prinze, the young star of
“(him and the Man.“ As George
studies them working together he
says. yes. it is also true that the
first real woman of ‘705 attract:-
many female viewers with the
splendidly and expensively crazy
costumes she wears. Such are the
complexnies of these things

Just then Freddie and the star
t3.” tangled up in each other while
dome a comic song-anddance
number, “Let‘s pick it up from
the jOke.” George shouts “(‘her
When you went over to the piano
that time it lacked some of the
Precision of a Polish parade."

(‘her nods, makes a eiown face.
and resumes her place, read." l“
try again.


Nicholas \‘oii Hoffman is 1‘
columnist for King FNIUW“








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Eugene Mlhacsco

Get out of town!


After reading Marcus (‘oon‘s comments
kernel. Feb 25r concerning Luther
Langsdons comments t Kernel. Feb. 20). I
feel compelled to do some commenting

Basically. as I see it. you rBrother
Man-usr were generally right on most
things you said but it was all for the wrong
reasons You don't seem to place much
faith in being idealistic. at least when it
borders on fantasy But don't our drams do
that to us every night'.’ And I'm told, based
on several psychological experiments
done to date. that when people are
deprived of their ability to dream they go

PEOPLE ARE interested in being happy
but they let someone else tell them what
happiness is. Youth personifies vigor and.
from a materialistic viewpoint. modesty.
Youth works hard and perseveres to gain
the material conveniences normally
associated with persons who have worked
hard and. over a period of time, achieved
success. When they finally reach this stage
and have the freedom. financial and
otherwise. they have lost the vigor of
youth. Besides, while maturing they are
subjected to the ever-present
dehumanizing factors of “the system."

So what to do if it is the only game in
town? The answer is simple: get out of
town! If you can‘t do it physically then do
it mentally; and you can only do that if you
have the qualities generally associated
with idealism “hope. faith, love and trust.

HOW (‘AN WE as city dwellers do this?
You answered the question yourself.
Rather than destroy our emotions, which
would be impossible short of lobotomy. we
should learn to control them. Since our
"ego“ seems to be the basic dominating
force of our emotions. it is the thing to be

The more of your ego you can destroy.
the more you are reborn and as this
rebirth grows your capacity for hope,
faith. love and trust grows also. Try to
watch your ego for a whole day and ob-
serve the daily jams it gets you into. Don‘t
feed it. know it for what it is and by un-
derstanding destroy it piece by piece
Eachone of us is the most important peson
around because our self knows more about
us than anyone else. If we quit trying to
fool ourselves and strive for perfection. no
matter how impossible, everyone and
everything would benefit.

Of course this is not simple and by no
meam is that all there is to it. Answers can
come from anywhere but the answers that
are inside our minds, locked in there by
socialization and culture. are the ones to
seek. As Stevie Winwood so aptly puts
it: “Do yourself a favor. look into your

THIS ()LD l'NlVERSE is changing and
Earth, with its inhabitants. is no ex-
ception. We seem destined to undergo
spectacular change in the very near
future. Ecologists and demographers are
saying it, the Bible, Sioux, Hopi and Aztec
legends are saying it, and the distinct
possibility of World War 111, due to
worldwide governmental instability and
the energy crisis, is definitely saying it.

The choice is up to each one of us as an
individual whether or not to meet life with
the optimism of youth or to let life meet us
and succumb to being nothing more than
walking zombies. Either way things will
workthemselves out. Just like a sick body
with the means to cure itself changes for
the better. so does Spaceship Earth. We
can be a part of this change if only our
minds can be tuned into it, rather than
being completely oblivious to what is
happening around us.


Steve llutt is a junior of undisclosed

THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. March 7. 1975—3



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 rte—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. March 7. 1975

Senate ok's legal service;

BEFORE AFTER won't help defense fund

(‘ontinued from page l
”‘8 ATTORNEY “‘til'lil) be prohibited from handling lawsuits
against the t'niversity, Meeker said, because of possible conflicts
of interests.
SG wants the student affairs office to fund the 314.000-a-ycar
program. Meeker said and added he will ask Zumwinkle to in-
clude funding for the program in next year's budget.

Most of the senate meeting was spent discussing the Lexington
Grand Jury [)efenSe Fund ~ the fundraising group for six persOns
who face sentencing today for refusing to answer specific questions
of a federal grand jury.

Defense committee member Margaret Shanks. BGS senior,
spoke briefly on the current court battle sparked by the [ears
investigation ottwo women on their "most wanted" list.

LEXI N GTO N BA R BER COLL £6 E SIIAN KS SAII) SHE came to the senate not to seek a resolution of

support but to explain the defense fund's claims of l-‘Bl

I o l harassment.
For T¢°Chlng PUI’pOSCS only Senatorat-Large Reid ltippetoe later said he objected to the

‘7‘ E. High Q fill 8 zoo-4:30 252.2460 defense fund‘s use of St} envelopes in a fundraising letter mailed
last week
ltippetoe said St; shouldn't be tied to the defense fund Wltlltiut
receiving an St; endorsement and the letter "gave the impression
Student Government had endorsed this effort "


'l‘lll-T SIAIN \‘l‘l-Z \l’l’lttiVlIl) ltippetoe's motion to prevent the

defense land from using St; enwlopes or stationary unless it w as to
receive an St; endorsement
'l‘he seiia tors suhseqiieiitl} \oted dow n a resolution to endorse the
w. t I Lexmgton (irand .liir} ltefense Fund sgoals in a 11H} vote
Whiskey Train

Senator ill'ldll‘fl‘t‘ tiieg Kendrick moved to endorse the defensi
tunds “Statement xii Support” wth an .iiiiendiiienl to allow use oi
St; emelopes .Iiid stationai‘)

'l Ill-i "s”l‘ \ l'lz\ll-L\l oi Support calls tor ‘hroad based suppoz”
oi resistance to the NH s ettot‘ts to isolate and intimidate peopie
\\e resist l‘ Itl hai‘assiiieni Illith' ot the grand llll} process .il"l
denial oi constitutional rights

Mini-concert 'l think i' would t-cd.tiii1ei’oiis to support this. ‘ said .lt'itlil'
Itachtord litil‘sitttl senator linei'sthiiiu that was presented i
Friday , March 7
ltll’l’lu'ltil: S \ll) Ill. .ilMi oniected on the basis that he (lltlll'
SOC. Ballroom know enough about the case Kendrick countered that enough \\.is

known since there has been widespread ptll)llt‘lt}' of the case iii

.00 state and national publications
8. p.m. . .
St. l’resident ll£t\l(l Mucci said he regretted the senate \otcs
s 2 so \\'lll('ll in etiect seek to pl‘t'H‘lll any connection from being dram
. between St; and the defense fund

Mucm said the senate needs to draw up guidelines for groups who
use l'nn'ersity facilities under Sti's name

Shanks \ias hifihi} .'ii'cLiii.st.iiI!i;Ii and there s no reason to twin-I..-

the Flil hasa i'....sterplot 'illi'tlilill'.l\>.il1§lititl}



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ng lawsuits
ile conflicts

l,000-a -year
inkle to in-

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six persons
ic questions

GS senior,
' the FBl's

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Children's books begin to deal
with controversial subjects

Kernel Staff Writer

“A book is not worth reading as a child if its not
worth reading as an adult," said British
fantasy writer and moralist CS. Lewis. And new
trends in today‘s children‘s literature are
[roving him right.

Racial prejudice, sex, sibling rivalry, love and
death are all subjects in today‘s kiddie books.
“Nothing has been left out of children’s books,"
said Anne McConnell, children's literature

ED(‘ 542, AN education curriculum and
instruction course required for many education
majors, acquaints students with literature for 5-
to 13-year old children.

“Children's lit is not aside from the main-
stream of life,“ McConnell said. “Whatever is
important on the adult level comes to children
through their literature and helps to indoctrinate
them into the society."

Present trends in children‘s literature are
“bold and straightforward,“ she said and added,
“people are beginning to realize the importance
of dealing with formerly taboo subjects in a
child‘s reading material.

UNI-2 OF THE MOST important trends in kid’s
lit today is directed towards the inner-city black
child “Black children need the chance to
identify with success and must learn not to view
prosperity as a result of being white," said
McConnell, a part time library science instruc-

“If we rub our noses in black literature we will
come face to face with our own prejudices
children have them too. you know." McConnell

Eve Merrian's The Inner (‘ity Mother (loose is
one book which speaks to the black child's
tweriences in the ghetto. It deals with street life
of the inner city child. For example:

The (‘ow Jumped Over the Moon

"The cow jumped over the moon
(in the street in the afternoon.


Pedal Power
409 South Upper


'Ihe junkie laughed to see such a sport,
With his bag and his needle and spoon.”

”THERE IS NO NEED to hide things from
children anymore,“ McConnell said. “They are
exposed to violence, dirty language and similar
inature’ material through television.”

Stagger Lee, the traditional black folk hero
who lives off the profits of crime, has been
ignored in kid's lit. He was considered too evil for
young children.

“But not anymore,” McConnell said. “Stagger
Lee is no stranger to children in the ghetto.”
Another poem from Inner City Mother Goose
acknowledges such a character:

There Was a Crooked Man

“There was a crooked man,
And he did very well."

Americana.‘ “ McConnell said. Not only does it
deal with controversial subjects, but today’s
books rival adult novels.

Biology library moves
to Rose St. location

The Biological Sciences Library has basically
completed its move from Funkhouser Biological
Sciences Building to the new Thomas Hunt
Morgan Biological Sciences Building.

About 50.000 volumes and 700 journals are
contained in the library, according to Elizabeth
Howard, biological sciences librarian. The new
facility. however, only houses 30,000 volumes
and joumals from 1960 to present.

The remaining materials are in storage in the
r‘urkhouser building, Howard said. The stored
material is available on request through a daily

An audio visual room is also being established
in the new biology library.


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 t'r—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. March 7. 197%


Grand iury witnesses
cited for contempt




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l \\i I'\l{l\l\l, \I Hi \H hook

[not been
because he did not know when the
IliOilI‘lng woqu be held

(‘ontiiiued from page i

Ill~2 SAID 'l‘IIH subpoenas had
issued in advance

The agents Wayne McDonald.

John (lill and John Mct‘auley

will be subpoenaed to testify on
Sedler‘s claim that the Htl used
Illegal electronic surveillance

The hearing w as then recessed
until today to allow the witnesses'
lawyers to issue the subpoenas

.\'l‘t)f\'.-Z I’DIN'I‘ in the hearing.
Moynahan became irritated at a
shirt worn by .lunkin and ordered
court recessed for 13 minutes
until the problem could be
resolved .

The racy black

'I‘-shlrt had

letters across the fron which
H.ad. “Stop FBI harassment.“

In consultatioon with Kirkland,
siler. Petersen and Sedler.