xt7w3r0pvz91 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w3r0pvz91/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-02-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1971 1971 1971-02-11 2020 true xt7w3r0pvz91 section xt7w3r0pvz91 . , . ‘/ ,- - , a 1‘7 I
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t .. ,, ‘ " 'n o _‘ ,8“ ",- .3 ; ". . . I § 3 7' a?) 9 i,! ‘ I 3-,“: I: . l , . . - 't‘ , I‘V‘V ,‘ y
.. .» f t 22-; “3:5 1:. , 3 - ~ :‘a’ -:» wine-cs ..- ,4”: .. -‘x.‘ f . t ' I h - WM“ ' ' ' =‘ ’ - U" ;'- ' 5.’
X .- ’1“ - t6? -‘ ‘ . I' ‘ ‘~§"‘%31A 5th 33kt? ‘ ~ iii 1 l ‘\ . l i (I t' If. 1‘ '~' A‘
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a 2., - " . J; ("v-£3, Aggaxaits ‘ '1 - 1%- ‘g . “ "“‘- ' ‘ “ ‘ . ,‘
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. ' ‘ ‘ Q ~ . ""u‘ '- .:<;":- x ’2 II?" ~ 15. “A N I i L . . I ‘5 ’ '- "4 I ' V,
,9 » '. . ' ' ‘ . i ‘ a. .. E'“§‘;3r"w E" *. :ttrim'l :'.-' t ..va 5h», ' - : '55-'ng ’t"..'-,
.,‘:j‘ _ ,. t . A '. 5 “$255 ,5: ‘,; .%§» {1“ «3);. .. -— , - .- .t .: 1-,, f ..
. 1p ' .~ A .- 3's. --=>?-. t t . .5 . ' , -.
i j xix-£3 ' .. 3 A. V. “gala -’ J” .t’_" tt!:‘l l‘tl‘tltlt in It, \'V'I T ‘ t ‘ i ' ‘ .l-V‘ i: 'Jlt‘iu
« I“ .12.“? ‘ ”It a . ~X\&: ‘5 ,1 '."\' .1 I Illtl‘, \’ lllll"’l'9 ’l lt’, ' i 1. "ll. ‘ l
. Q fi‘ ‘1 r A l i i ' * ’2‘; \‘*§‘“3 I\- \ l " 1" l I]! l H' i l _, . z - . w - . - , , 5; ' ' E ’ ‘
a . M . .- . . ., W‘xk - 3 ast- - mt»: = : =r---~ « u- - - -
. - ’k , " ' .39" , ’,::._‘._ v 5': \m x - . \t , ; . t .j . , . _ .‘, -,‘ 3': ' ,- ‘
” \ l' Q l: “We“ ' ‘ . "- .33, '* E ‘1‘“..- " '9 ,3 «.unpu» pohu- --.:.hu-ii th: x, .117: 1 -"-- ‘ ' . - '5 ".~'-.'
I s -. :.- y‘all”: y "'e, ”>575: a l a - ..1‘1 '; \>\ V 'r‘ ‘ 5' \ _ , V ‘ l , i I 't r t V t- .I. ' ":3“:
5% .. 9. ..ma 5 5%., \ ,5 “i 5‘ sky“ i-dh pimp,“ the “Tum 1,, it“ , , , . _ ,1 ,, -':,‘-1.: 5-. L, ‘
--. »} --'"’”‘ ‘ ' Vime=e=fi= a ' ' “2233" X" t%" ‘ *‘ % ()ltl -\ l'ttl it! 'l‘l Ii 4: t. t ‘f' i:'_?:_’ t-Hv- t-u‘ 7H ‘._- l. ',L, t"
\ , Ma 0 5 _ “fiwm ; \ Ll: l llt filllt .llk flirt ..u , V
‘ . v- . 34,. » , _ . - _‘ 5. s » a: H4 _‘ I" ,i .: . ‘,',1'-'-‘,' _‘
"‘ - - -' ' ‘- ~- «A ‘s*“*i:;.,~&‘ A 32?", \t‘lll the e\it Hl .t lt't lttttt'l lltllll \ "’[““1i“""l~" ' ' - thg. -' L
_ . ., . ‘ _ i l . t H . 4 ,,‘|4 l» .i .V‘ ‘:§;,-_‘v\.’
A demonstration protesting recruiting by Bethle- resulted m the arrest ol two students. (More pit B‘ ”'1‘ I” ”1 5“ t I» 3}!" ”I' V "I ”31' f, \" ‘ ' ' ' . -
hem Steel on (‘ampus and the (‘ompam‘ s prat-tues tures on page 12)_ (kernel photos I“ keith “mu.” lla l\\:l \\t It .tslAt-(i to mutt "" “‘ hm” ‘1 " A: ~ km“, .3 ,_
' ‘- “ .' . ; , . :2," :27 n...
b,\' members ot the dean ot st'i» “mm“ t"“" 'g‘ "‘ ‘ .w 7' ' ""
‘ - ' , ' ‘. . . ., ‘l‘ ': ' '-
dents statt. but i‘ettlsed tn order I“ “’1“ Lu” "’1'” m“ " 4' .-." ' t": 7w
to speak \\itli the i’et‘ruitei‘_ the "H ”1’ H” “mm"? "-1". V 'T' ”it“: I
~ arrests ot-euri‘ed about 1.3!) I‘m“ """ t“! " -" - -' . 2,72. '. s «-
p.m.. after all but 1") of the il'" ”Hm“ :‘e' ‘ ‘3,
- ' . t" i . ., : ,- -" - - .‘ '
demonstrators tiad h-tt Mm“ - M i” ".~ ‘ ' « -‘ ~ . ~w'.,.‘-.- .
()iLtaiu/eis said the demon "H ”‘ -'-1'--'~ i -' “:3 "-lxiglit‘ 'c
. ‘ i . l 1' ' ., ,. ’ ,, ‘ .3» .I l, i tut .
stration had been talled to pin- t” I‘ “l M" I‘ ' I C r'
If“ tllt‘ Slt’llfllllltllt! Ht l‘ittslt‘t'l '\\‘siit Lilltili 7:-::' to =‘. ’ 'i, ,‘l -_ '
l\t'lttllt'l\\ tn the t’ttllll).ltt\ and t”“"""" "' “ » -' " .t ' R on;
I l ‘t it t. .- .‘,.. . . . “‘2‘
to protest the tanipus :v-i ttttt- ls!“ “""" l “”- -- ' ' " .~
iut‘itt Ml Iii-isoiiiiel tux liithhu d" ““‘l‘ "}’i1 {’il '13., _'_:V' ,
T, . , ..-.~ ., .,,
.. . . . , , . h”, in: A. -- -
Thursday. Feb. ll, l9/l Unwersrtv of Kentuckv, Lexmgton Vol. LXII. .\o. 84 T‘} } ‘ t ‘ H ' , , ..,; ‘ .- .- ‘-
I I I k H‘ 'H‘tvttWt :lt"'.tIl I-,:t“ \\ .:i‘ V ‘* ‘ ‘72'7’ 1': . .. ’. ,V' - "“1;- -‘ li' ’-
, _ . . . ,
W ~ . D" - : A l '9' .“‘1 : ll ‘
(l.t\ .dh‘tlamt: Ht ttie- \twfw‘ '-~ “4 ‘ ‘ ' .. " 5
., J . ()‘,. , , _ . "ll’LEil-Zfll'i
Lat : "..v ,._' -
(H' III a 0'“ 1n CXIH” '
9 P lb — g— 11 ~ .. ,
. . .- :73} -”
-/ .r ‘ . ;: , ; r,
V A A . o 0 i ,3 1 . 1‘ , _ ’ MS‘L‘K‘ '4 :2
(1()nll)8 (Itt(I(-If8 (.tmilis 11,1“.qu l‘t)r(l With F()r(I 1.181,“. in boom -3” stYit-stit't‘t. ‘)‘} me 1 -,.‘ 3:: _.
. . ‘ ' , l . ., = 'g - - , \ lr‘vr; :~'.,_ . .-
. 1 9 I hum“, to “lllltt’” proposed hi‘tl' 7 - \Otinf a){lllt‘krtlt\ tor t (it; .1... -. .
4 I i . . . .—. . . . i « .t v ~n. .,. . ' ' .'-' -
[401(15 3 ()g('n islation in 19.0 \\‘hieh he said I 1‘ ((1111,)"3 } lilthtnm‘ ‘t‘liii’ *‘d‘ -'-‘ t r 3- . ,~»
., l‘ord now einbodtes in his )lat— “‘1‘ ‘ aknn: LA“ ‘- “W ML“ ‘ , .>= ;
Bs DAHLIA HAYS form I By RON HAVHslNS sweetie-s.” as t :ird talked \s‘ith ' 1 '- ," =7") ‘.-
Kernel St-tl't \Vriter ' \. - - . - - . “ ‘- " t: . ’
‘ - . . .‘sss an t Er) *- 3-! H t 7:...” ‘ .
“ll“ “Hf“. ”mm: to m” “.5” Aeeordmg to (.ombs. l‘ord al- I ta t anag ng d l( r stt;dtt.ts {m siti. note “it" an. . :2
, h | t . — \ ) a ‘. . '. . ,. . 1‘ , .1 ., q. 1 r w 3‘. .‘ ~ 5‘ I ,
(15” Ford l tighter lot the no loved mans slush measures to ‘l‘ (.ndtll lord. btmmtfi ‘ f’“ l“ “W T” “ mt“ “4&9" ‘ ‘- ..= r» u‘
. ~ ~ . . - . >- , . A ,.r i“ s
I = I - 1 t ll 1, (lie ”in the “raver-1rd of the \‘en- lieutenant 11‘" ”W” 4“" UAW "‘ "Ml” ' m. ' " =-, - .-
l i l ‘3 ' “'L »~ ‘ ‘ h - ‘ . ~ — , ~ 1 ‘ y . ' ,. :‘. '
l “ Y3” ”m“ l l h \H \i. h ‘ ate I{||l(i\ ('oiniuittee “ d‘tepii“ dictate tor gm enior. brought his -\5k‘3‘l bl d studenttthe “mutt? ‘ ‘ .‘ ~ ". - - -. '
‘ ‘ f 1' ’ -. ' ' - ' ‘ ‘ ‘ . . . ,» . . , Y 2.: f ‘ Q‘
pan o )()\lllL eons on it :1 } ‘f. . }= l-' I“ t . ‘t gubematortal campaign ((1, . 5. haxe 44.3 the \art-wttdt ‘ Harri (“mme .5 5,”. t e .. .1 . _
\l _ 1 ,, ll l \1 } '1 t It att t tat Ultt tat UHltlUl o , , l H I, , .- A: x 5.,
tnl‘d kl]]( («l lllll ll )Ltl‘ll].(( } ‘ ‘ 4 \‘0n(la\. itltltt fhy 1 l\ k}tllll:‘tl\ l‘thl 15‘th ‘. : .4 .1. '- ',. -.
\li ~- the ltua-s (.onnntttet- 4' ‘ 5 x , ”,er N t _ ,. \H H J‘s”. .- -, -. y:
' Tl , f ., q. ,, , ”at lord mingled u'tth potential A ‘7‘ ‘ 1“ “H" "“1 ““‘- . , . . .. ‘7. RV"- ‘ '
'l‘lt‘N ‘lK‘ ‘_ t _ ._ U _ It ()Iilit. H«i‘\tlttt). (tut . _ tort ftK’it‘ , _ “A" _\ . ,.’,,,-A,-.-,A,, . W‘
t pta (l \.as oinni ho\ l l tl Voters tn the \tndent (enter ”1,. ( re 1 H. H kqtlllltt n. sagng. ,= , n. , ..
.. _ ‘ .. . s(-\'t')‘tt want )t‘\ .unonu tent , . ' ‘ ., . . _ 7 . -
(”101 Heit l. (.ombs. \\ho , I . _ ()tfiee tower. the last \ehoot. that s tie-mud to ‘iskefl .? ) '
l- .1 ,1 t} -. l tl |, ’1 4, J an t‘lt‘t‘thll reform bill \\‘hnh t» ,. ,, J +1 1 a“ \x . . t g l“ ..- W, - ' w"
aunt ltt us ant o It! iat u t. “HIM rer nire ”W eleetimi ”f llaggan and Donovan Halls.and “HIM: or sun‘- Natal. t «I I :«K; , g'; R: '
.tttaelA's on his major opponent “Um“ 06.1.“ H m )ltnl‘ll\ h the (Ioniplex, Ho also mddp I, \unn in a sunitar sttiiatm: :2 ,‘f 7 3’ 72”! _
- : = ' ‘ i ‘ (“ene— . - . . . ~ . ~ . ’."‘-'.'4-".‘
In the Demoeratte gubernatorial 1, , . l ' . short jaunt to the transxh-amd the tnture. i or" stitt retitseri :, l-oret‘ast tor la-xnuton .* .7. :.:-' - --
-..- , .. . .3- i g I tion da\ Instead ot at preeinr-t . - ' , . 4 : 1’3-
ptimai) at a $-3-a-ptate .unt.» , ~ _ - _ College campus. eonunent elonds, “max, ant. x-xarmt-r in" ,
., , 1- ,. “- 1 ,1. , . l elections \\‘lll(.‘ll (.ombs said were . , .0 ‘ 'b’l‘ . . - , , 5; . ‘ ‘5’ _ 1-;-
tttISIllg(1HIlLl etnest a) ing it. I .. 1 tt 1 1,, lord arrived late at the st“. ur rt sponsi I It) attemoon. Consideraah (imam-z [a l _ _’
. . on \‘ s also - '1 em *(. . = . _ , 3 - - - -.I 9- I:
A crowd of about 3.000 C lp 1" ‘ tt ldd tl dent (renter. He was expected tord “as asked b) reporter and warmer with the possibilth J ,' I,
(,ombs supporters gathered at . on 1510 ‘11th (l 1;: enf to rap wrth students in the If he ”101W.“ DOlmCH‘Jl‘v Wit: of a fess showers late tonight 3,; ,' m _.-a
- v ' -‘ “ ‘ ' s . - ' , - ' .'. “5“ A 'I "i V
the Phoenix hotel for a roast illoginmittlf‘ atu t F. d :1} O (vnlle at 10 a.m.. but dld not as .\unn and himself. new and early Friday. High (”das‘ ‘t ,
. _‘ i ‘ g : 1 ) . . , . . 4 . . 3 ._ .. . ,‘y _. . " .
beef dinner and a half dozen tU‘r S p ,1 mlm‘. 1‘15")!" lat l" reach the Student Center ttll qualified to (31’1thth use ofdnrzs. 00. lovs tonight .32. mth a high . ‘v ,,. _: -
- . s ri minin V e Tis a ton was in— ~ . .. . . . . - - - = :3 1' ‘
(WHEN-5” 51"‘(‘(‘ll(‘5~ (‘l‘ma-‘Wd b," t [1) 1 . g” 5‘9 ‘ t , 19—0 10:30 a.m., lle cut the (-nlle I think it is our respon- “WWW” 1“ ”‘4' mld '70 ‘- 2. * - '. =5:
3 . . r0(U‘e( 1n lair. * .- -- - . .., ~- ,.. " ‘-
(,ombs sharp ('ritieism of his ( f 'U l ( m ‘ ‘ v151t and headed immedtately for sibility. responded l- nt't. :ls ‘~ 2" - .- g "
rival‘ Lt (10y, \Vendell Ford. (‘nntinned on Page 3, Col. 1 a reception and a short speech (‘nntinued on Page s, ('ol. 1 -- ’4 «- »’-~~ "-" " ' ’ ' 3”“ -, t’ 3-. -= "
‘4 V_ ,‘c '5': 5: ‘2‘; . )3 V.
. . ' C‘ . ‘ g. .5. s,; .
I q .‘ _ . . , ‘ "('1‘ $.51:
1 man I” n 81117006 ta = “It I \lll( (’NIS =
9 9 .4 . L= . l .: :1- : T: .'
a ‘ :' ,- - x
. v - :‘L r..
d a -, . x i ” ‘~ I,
, B.‘ FRANK 5- “OUTS l” students new "under attat-le‘ troin the l,(‘\* under athn-e built the I'K “humid: :‘t i 'i'.-,'. 7-
film)" ”“(lh't‘l inuton ('(Hllllll‘illltV. althonuh KineI elaitned. \\ith ieuards to the mass mm NJ in o: '_:-. . .-
" . ‘ .- ‘. . , ,_3 .. - ' . .. . '-}4~-‘.-.-'
lliiee ot Lexingtons more eontimetsml .\lost ot the people l lia\e talked to art- pohee on tampus hut added \\. : ttttli‘d _"'5 i,’ ,' ‘ 1‘
publie ottieials braved the elements and a (-oneerned \\ith the aetisities ot~ some stur eontixn-t .t\\a\ iiiunnipal l.t\\ ” l txniau ttli «If ‘
rather hostile 1"v\\(l \\ednesday to partlei— dents. Ile mentioned Hotltttl and arson .is phtied this. MUHIL'. lhe l til\t‘lslt\ t\ in . t f,
pate in a forum entitled ”The Student (fonl- examples of these kinds of t1('tl\ltl('\. \\ith the (it) of la-xinuton and the (ninth wt "‘ 5 . 1-?" ~ ,tfi; ~'
nnnnty L"‘(l(’1'A“M‘k- loud applause breaking out at the mention lioette and am time there is .i (inne oi ‘ *g , 5' . ‘1 . j
u . . n u n . “Eff-«.5. '.>-'~ 't’ '?
1:]..qu l-‘rVin'ui l esington “1“.“th in- of rioting and arson. tumor of tlltllt‘, \\e are obliged b\ hm 3 now 13‘ . ; , ' , ',
\‘estigator; E. Lawson hing. l‘ayette (Tonnty RINK “t "t 0” t0 sat, lht l.t\\-.ll)l(llllL‘ to att. 4s .. '. 5. ,r. ‘.
Prosecutor, and 10m L “(ha-“DWI. Lexmg» student lshou}ld lhaslt “Lat tltom tht (om \t lltlll (in: stludt nt .tslu d undii \\}t at \ ‘ __ 2,. r9 g , .I
. v )- . )1 -.-- --s -\‘= -: , . - . 'I‘i . I' v \ . _ -.. s." ‘ ,'. ' '
ton mayor pro tem, responded to questions i‘nu'nltfs )llt t It rim )r( a (Lts tau itason to liltlttltdt t nl lpo |t( “It It .ipt iatini. A\ It in . , ..Q I“; 1‘, , ~ ,
. \) sv-<. t-- . --. t - .- v - ~ ‘ ~' ’;{"
and eotnments from ”H. standing-room-only H ties titty-HIM ( r attat . . tint aiit st: ti uni ha 01]“ inn. on (.tnipns W . -. _ . .J V: ,1 5
("rowd in the (lrand Ballroom ot the Stu- Although lung said students “me not dis. ”m-m “‘1‘ “"“‘“””””-‘ - 3.3 ”I" . ‘3‘, .5 , , ‘. . -.
dent (jmmm eruninated against. he named. lt the -'\““”“‘ ‘m‘l‘ “t '“h‘ ‘l “ l“ ”’“t‘ " m" I ”a ' -. ..:’ _ r u, t ‘
trends of the past {5“ nuts eontinue l l"’l“"' ‘-“'”' "““lNl ("l WWW“ l7“““'“‘““" ~ ' . V ‘. ' " l- i i
t . h ' --- n' - 3) e o- ~ . . ' ‘. . . -. . -‘ .. . t’ , ‘ '
lastn 1n md lung. hau gumd \( m 1}} tlllllls' legislatuies \\lll enaet la\\.s that “I” “.‘ll'th‘thttlt.lll\ itspondtd. l tttl Nu m\ - k - 's’ 3 .~' - , , 1‘ '
tonety on eainpns ll| ieeent months \\iti .tppt'kn' (liseriininatoi-x- in ”H, M,“ ”f stir httpplunw I. l‘lltltlt‘d and ”1,‘ ”HM. ”I,” 5 s ,_ ‘. -: f .5
”I“ ”N‘N‘Si‘t‘ ”I (It'll: ”“1““ “Ml tl'“ prose— (19,”5'“ He said N. thought some legisla- Him is bugged \\e probabb sliaie want of " ' _ g; it ~ ‘ ,t .
(““0“ ”l “1‘ l1 hum” 4‘ ('1'” ““5”” H'll'l’ my” in other states have alreath passed the same problems eaused bs soiin ot tbs . _ A ' ‘_ ' - .~ Q
‘ . ..‘ , _ . ' ‘ . . ' ‘ ' _ .7 ‘ ~ . ‘ ‘ ._. , l .i ‘ .
("MMH and ~l"-\ \\tstlnooL. [Hm l ml“ dis‘tt-tnnniators' how “1’” l“"l‘l‘- - ' , g j - ‘ . .
wood has been embroiled 1n t‘t)lltl'()\t‘l.\‘_\ Kim: “I“, “ML ”W time to defend 1m \ h.“ ””4””. (“Mahmud the ”mm“: . _ -, ‘ ,
. . - . . _ - _ ., 5‘ t. ‘._ , . ‘
sinee his tat-tion gained eontiot ot lllt ( it} proseeutiou H, lth “4“”)!me and .ittat-lA lH-lillltl ieeent tlit‘sls ot students and mi» i - ‘ .
, (mmmswm ii". “Hui \\lltt‘lt he ,..mmi h, J. ”H, tt-mtttt that the laws um: tn HIL' wtetnwtx ' -- 1‘ -. _-
'l‘lN‘ program had a tarimal-like an to kt'llllllls} linale. toi supposid ltt.lt(ttt "'f""“1 H" “"“ “‘t‘m'“ UH“ l“ m” 3.- Q _ “ ' .. -;‘ '
it. Th”? \\as t-oiistaut let-HIM on ”W part A”... m ”Ht t‘epol‘ttnu Hi the \\‘rqimmk \\.ts that tltele \\(‘lt' not enough ottni-is ‘ ‘ ‘ .
. .' :.~ : : t - ' - ’
of the students and both students and speak- ttial. ““ tl" l“‘!“~ l‘W‘ t“ ml“ :Iit ”It": \ _- . . .
ers lnade politieal statements phrased as -\ number ot questtons dealt \\ltll lot at “W“: “-“ ‘llw “ 9““ {IV-ll “l ‘1'“; ”\“h‘” " *0 Q i - i ' , .'
questions \\hilt‘ lil‘Vltltlli, King and l'nder- l"’ll"" on (‘.llllpll\, 1““. students maintained toner-innit; \\liMht'i stin.t-i:ts eoiilt. \ittt ~ ,. . _
wood skirted as mam‘ questions as they ”1“ “""P'ls [Wltt't‘ ('Hlttd eontiol most en” hint! t‘\pl.llnt‘(l that under lsentm-tu ta“. 1.. \ ' .
answered outright. The tone on both sides ations and wanted to know if there were students “"“M "”t "7‘5“” t“ “‘t“ ”' tl‘“ -.
was often antagonistic and occasionally in— any guidelines in fmut as to when loeal (-ounts' \\ here the) attended st-hool llltlt‘ss .. -
SUltlng police could come ()ll ('illllpllS. tllt'} plilllllt‘d lt) (‘St‘tll’lIQll r(‘$l(l(‘ll(‘y. \\lllll‘ 4;. ‘ .
None of the {catnred speakers felt that [widens-ood said the eity tried to operate Continued on Page 3. Col. 1 PR.\Y\I\ FR‘ \|_\\ . .
x i - x s >- I .
. \ ,

 ' 2—THF, KENTI’CKY KERNEL. Thursday. Feb. ll, 197l _____—____—____________________
. ' ()
' ' 11] A ([113 {(3 a tCI'matll From AP reports
, S(‘
' ‘ ' . .. . , , .. l)eillonstrations were held in se\eral l'S. eities \Veduesda} wt
. , H" '\ \(ilVl'lVS “ \l" ‘ lhe level tell. due to draining. lhe probed the steel and concrete to protest the South Vietnamese niilitar) ineursioii into Laos. ‘ w‘
. ‘ toll Of dead continue to “51‘ and 80.000 persons evacuated from rubble of two collapsed three- ;iiid \‘iOlt‘llt't' broke out in Berkeley. (Paid. and Baltimore. di
7 I . ’ ' property damage mounted into the area were [_mt allowed to r& story ward buildings. Most of the derrionstr'atioiis were peaceful, but tear gas was
-. ' ' =' ' the hundreds 0t "““““.““ ednes- turn but thCials said only a . _ used to break up demonstrators .it lierkelei. and six poliee- St
' V. day as Sonthernl y‘lhhlrmd CO”— powerful new ShOCk could cause “ ell overIIOQ patientsandem- men were ll()Splt‘lll/.(‘(l atter a liminute nielee as a emwd es
. ' ' . tinned to quiver from aftershocks trouble. Di . ployes were inside when the 6.01 iii-arched on a federal building I.“ Baltimore. . ha
. . . I )f lllt‘gdlly \ (lth'dStutlllh'. (’drtll‘ sas‘or amt! II 3."). temblf‘f‘ 'SI‘OO'Ik the 40:)ear' ll] ;l(l(lltl’()ll‘ [llt‘l‘t’ \\il.\ it ”I”: lllll'l‘lllL’ Jlll(l \(‘llttt‘l't‘d “’(‘k K"
-. quake, . . \ice l’resident Spiro 1. Ag- old stnict=i*- uih"I-I Scoreswere throwing at Boston as .i l‘l'i)\\(l lll.ll'('l:t‘(l to the ieiitei ot ‘ .ei
» . ,I wort-m searched the nuns of new. sent here for consultations lnlllff’" and additional scores “m.“ after an mnjwiir rally in lloston (.till‘illrlll. I‘
- - 3 \eterans WNWMI where the and (“l inspection tour after ”all” 13‘ :iea'ly L4 hm!“ \ Dl'lrnied l"lll\' l the l'iiwersih oi \lanland i=i ('ollege ‘ it
I . ~ ’ . i ‘, - s _ 'i - ‘.. — l \I' p"). ‘ \l‘, A. .- i . .1, vai:‘ HI" A.’ " ‘- I ‘ »‘ ‘ —-— i I i if
'_ ' ’ bad!“ ”l 27 patients and (m .IreSident \lsor‘ d‘Ll‘” ' ' ' ' ‘ l "U 5.! “'ne .I.Om l.“ l’aik li/./,led alter int .0 persons were told the} eould not ,1 wr
' ' pliwees had been toiirid. lhe)‘ tornia a desaster a. art: 3 "‘. it.” l 'dllVC. \iany "1' use the Student ‘, ii, hill-..oiii, 'l‘hei‘ milled around the lohlw i eer
- ' , ' said l5 iiei-wns still are missing for a hehtopter look at Tn {"3}; t jlunfl . re .‘ricated and flown iiid distributed l. .iet' ,
I . in all «Hitllumw‘ {silllt‘tl 4" areas with (an. litill‘dhl lieaga, by helieopiu‘ to other hospitals. ‘ ‘
I ,. . i. ., . l» l. - .ti“ ; K‘i‘ - .. . .
. ‘ 1. :lIedliis ..llitI .)\II .lt.lli llIikls itiI\ld}(?Il i, I \()l’t\I. . . I . 1 I II 351”- will“ llA(-l I. I'I. \)y\dhl ”i,“ Hf \iilt I”, l lillI\ 'rjlllt'V‘ii .
' is: . more than :slil‘w 'i-H‘i “*‘ll‘ " "H‘ at ion ~I'eret. on ti *\ .i \n. -_ : _ ‘ sa t tiert V‘ ~ . - ~ ‘ l » ' ll t t... tl .
' . . . . t. . i . . . , . ,1 survi- sanetioiis against So: .. \llll'i' H't.lll\t it \\|. no ltt ll
., inure“ MUSl‘vlld. at .\ aunt in the west tl_- (‘li’dlKr " adwtlmld . . ,. . .
w ' . ' ‘- territor\ oi Souiri—‘v \ll'lt'a
‘ . 7 -_ '3 ‘ i ii i “ire ‘I. the ~iiii .-s the Mn lernaiidii \alles \ors. , ' . . , i I l . l l (. [_t t
~ 4 . . ._ _I {I I. - , _I M . . , . lwpres‘eiitiiig the t. i iriuoie t It llli inatloiia .oi.i o . I
-. a, ., stats it ..i;.. ._ . ._ .t\ s not rust .w llllles ”Hill the quake s .. ,I. 5!. t\" I l r . ‘H _ .} ‘ (0
I . ., .. _ , . I, _ i. t“ y. . .. D Aftersh 3.: ’l1\l1('(‘. l.l\i.ill l. his H. lLt‘lH \llt siiln .l«ll.s \\H lt lllt all I it ..
. , . r-st Zes- r\ .. ‘ w '1 “ i~ - i 'riter Some -00 workmen ,ozcn. > A ~ - . , . - u] Hp
‘ \f l k b tl . e\pulsiori in Smith .\lll’..l ll~ilil the l \. lvl‘ln‘lill .\sst'lllll\. w I
. II . - t »I - 1 s L -. I' l‘ , I .~ , ()
. " . . ters “K g l t . - .rliLl this would rman abandonment oi south \\est \lrlt‘a to l
' - ' - emanated from the region or !.e , . _ - '.'.'l.
. . 'V T T o o 0 . . » ~ South Atriea liil't'X‘xlX
«‘ '» ’ ’ / . , q . quake s center in the San (vabr .. . . , . . . . . I eiiri
—- m" ‘ .; / ) . . _ O . . . llie l .\. (.llill‘lt‘l iontiinis [)l(i\l\ltill\ tor sani trons again» .
. ' ‘ .. . ' I “L r . iel Mountains -6 miles nonh- , , , . soli
I » . P a , , , _, ’ . , eoiintries sllt‘ll .ls Smith Aillld \\lll(lt ieliise to tornph \\ltll
' . west. \ dozen or more fairly tl ll II i/ ti . i ii I ,
~ , .' .. ‘ "‘t ( [\‘l ‘ lll \ ((’('\(Il\
Mg. strong ones kept the area _iig- “ ‘ ” ” H ‘ ‘ iliii
‘ i w ' 7 ° . \\ 1 ‘ ' I ~' ‘ d ..
, - . i e( riesdai rut cause no . ‘ . , , , _ in .l
. ’ . ‘ K" ' D ,-" S I/ 18 t 088 l ble illeiwgdam'lge ' \lu“ Alilx. \.Il.~.\n explosion \\lll('li shook a 2.~blotl\ tn
‘, . ' k 0 I 9 ' k I area and shattered windows for miles around ripped through 'I
. / , . . . ') |
i ' i . v \lagnitudes 0f the stronger a t'lienireal plant eaih \\ednestlaI\. lliree per «ms were llll\\~ it
. . _ . \\ \Slll\(ulll\ \p —\en- alitl\. ”Mire lx-(‘Il no sign an) shocks were around 5 on the iiig, Four others sustained minor iniuries. iii-r
. ., . . IN llefense Department offi- _I, thew torus hau‘ been sent to liiehter “I“? comparE‘d with 6.6 Among the three iiiissiiiLr was \Valter (lilewie/ oi ll‘\illL’* \t I”
. ' . \lttlS “mi \Vt‘tlllt‘StltH 11A,“; ma) .iidtlie 1.3.000 North Vietnamese for the first tori. \._l.. owner oi the Radon ( heniieal (iorp.. where the \
i ' ‘ he deterred troni sending l't‘lll- troops in the Southern Panhan- blast iii-curred. kii
' toreernerits to < hallengetheallied tile-area of Laos. . Authorities began themass‘ive The company foreman said (Lilewie/ and two eniployes. I I .
. ‘ - H ' ‘ ' otteiisn e lll Laos heeanse iii tear 'lliis is where the Soutlr\1et- job of assessing damage most Mark Mart-ianiek “ml (him. Sowul. both Hi paw“ (Ills. “(.H. IIIII
. . V. that the South Vietnamese may nariiese. aidt‘sl ll)‘ ”lib-Sh t‘ of it within a 40-mile radius of helieVed to base been in the plant at the time of the blast. "xi I
. . ’ ln\‘t(lt' .North Vietnam Alllt‘llk‘dll «ill and artiller) MIP- the qllake'g center Police said the cause of the explosion had not been de- . ‘i
. I I i ‘ . ‘ ‘ I
' ‘ w“ . t are drivmg to sever the Ho terrnined. l .1
~~‘-—erI—~‘W~"—"“ lllt‘ t‘llt.‘lll\ has girl in l)(‘ tull‘ in” ‘ . V , H . ‘ . . , . , no t
‘ . uned “mm pissihleStiiitli\'it-t- Chi Mirih trail-the rietwrok of Los AngelesLountyestimated llie plants two l)l'l(‘l§ buildings were destroyed, llie firm .
4 u,“ ' t 1 _. . _ . . . . i , , . , i _ ‘~
V I ' naniese oper itions ‘icltlss the llll'l-ll" “’A‘IN paths and “"9“ damage to public facilities at lllauulaetllres‘ elienneals used in making [)(‘lllt‘lllllL lll'l
' i' I (ltlnll‘lt‘drlYLKl [one separating long “Md bl the North Vlt’l’ $125 million. It had no estimate li‘our persons from homes adjacent to the chemical eom— hei
'1 ‘ 1 south and \‘th “emu“ ”m iiaiiiest to run men and supplies of damage to private stnictures Drill)" were taken to St. James Hospital for treatment and H
‘ _ ”d ' from the North to Cambodia and but said the toll would be high. were released. The} suffered shock and ents. nus
- ‘ ' .. South Vietnam. .
. , However. one ottitial enipha- . - - . ~~ ~ ‘ . s w .. - "”1
j 4 - od‘ t l _ l Although the allied push ill 3 186 million ABOARD [SS .\l2\\ ()liLluAXS—lhe Apollo H astro— tl w
i _; ,v' s in i ll’ . ~ - . .. ~ ~» . "
- ‘ at ‘: )I In“)? f £11“; Laos has )et to meet any major The City made a preliminary riants. described as' perieeth okaV erinsed across a remote
- r | 'u s eoi em ) a e(. u - . v .. a ' .
‘ . noting? i ”I it it I l )I x it ill «rm-rm TOM-SUNNY. “illCldlS 581d estimate of $186 million forhomeg streteh of the South l’aerfie \\ edriesdav toward Samoa and an
; . - , ' t .. ' i s a l. s ) ~ - . . .- . ' i .
. ‘ tv ”I; yrm )llll II}! I“ rl it is too earl) to tell what the and huginesses plus additional airlift home. :‘istronauts Alan ll. Shepard ]i.. ludgar 1). Hit-
. , i - we to r . i t (it .~ 4 ~~ - . .. ~ ‘ . ' ‘
. . ' ' _ toot er- 4‘ ' enemy “ 1“ d“ ”at Bl” ”it-‘59 tens of millions for public fa- ehell and Stuart A. Roosa underwent extensive lllt'tlH‘Jl
.I .‘ -, . W ' officials are optimistic and note cilities. TheCalifomia Division examinations. They will be flown to l’ago Fargo and then to (V
. . _ .' .:I e comment at a Pentagon the North Vietnamese have yet of Highways reckoned $15 mil- Houston Friday. on
b“ ”111ml llt’W‘Im’l‘I IlUlltM (I11 11 to mass an) troops II) the area. lion damage to state roads.much Meanwhile, heartened bx the sllt‘i't‘ss of Apollo ll. the Sim“
. ‘ 5‘1“»rlth{tatenientb} Solitll\lt'l- These IOEICialIS say they €IX- of it attributed to collapsed Apollo 13 astronauts are beginning final tr‘aiiiiui.r tor a lunar they
‘ . ' ' “‘“W‘C l“ “99‘1"“, WNW“ pect the SOUth \ ietnamesefl “"11 bridges and freeway overpasses. athenture in Juli during which thei'll prowl the moon in a llt‘l‘t‘
' .- . (I'm K) ”H” M ”NH“ ”(U)” “ham“ at least to Route 23» 1‘ wire-wheeled (lune bugm. four
4"- .~ . may be llt'tt'sstll‘} tor South major north—south road in the L'mitieg suffered damages as ' I .
j . I _ Ilt‘illulliest‘ to attack the \orth trail network about 40 rnilesdeep timated in the tens of millions. (ili()li(Ll§'l‘()\\f\fl K\s~ 'l‘he Seott (Iouiity grind iiir\' in- i . l‘l
._ ~ — 'x ietnarnese at loss the border. in Laos. andperhaps evenfurther, . . dieted Lexington Minor (fliarles \\'\lie and the four-member I tripe
- _ The enemy is helieied l(7i1d\t' The South Vietnameseobjee— A City SpOkesman said there I , ~ _ . ' . . '. ' Ii _ . . tod
. . , . . h . o aslneton (it) (.oniniission \\(dn n ., '. .,, V"
m-utlut might. ll l land to llt‘ \leistei‘xinzer. lt .ui} nosk \tiuiiiu-il t'oi \\ .xgmi 'li' ,- - 2,. ll 3 ‘5, .i-Jfig ‘V i ~-.V ' » 1,. _ .
\t‘lilu' the pertormunee in the Should \lli)‘»\ oil ;i tull .unl \t'illllli‘ \\.i tl‘mlw » guo’w 'll :‘i7 “from. i l‘l‘h‘" - - 2“ . ,w fl 3 ’ 5'
“(mix or lest thew titlit’ethes rounded String \(IlllHl uiul .i w'n— in tlw \iillifl \m tron ll! i hurl qt .1. ,. in-mi mg, '2’. - ~i" g3 ' ' , ~" ‘ "‘ '3 :,?_“_ «V

' \\(Jill(l tit: polished, hut kiml.i erul teelillu tor (lruina on the (lie \t‘tlllili oi the work it" [Mule-rim“). 3;: 'F _‘l t. :2! ll "" V ' ' t' ' ,, ' l 7' .

(lull. part of tilt orehestru. .tll_\tllil|'_{ \ii'lliLN i'\t'i| \l|()\\'t'(l tlu inwlm x to pl“, H}, u; mm", '. . oi .,g, " "- 'l 1' : 3.. 4'-
. t . - « i . iv "-' ‘ i "v . Y V
to fine (lue ‘4}lill).ltll}' to \iit lii‘ “uglier \\'oul