xt7w3r0pvz8f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w3r0pvz8f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-02-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1971 1971 1971-02-26 2020 true xt7w3r0pvz8f section xt7w3r0pvz8f \I -
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Friday. Feb. 26, 1971 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON \‘ol. l,\H. s., «r. . . -'.1"-
“M——___— 7 i, {I
o o o o ‘ -I'III_ VII:
SG abollshes 11m1tatlon . 2
.,.. ', 3‘(.~ I
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O n (33 m P 31 g n l n g C O S t S , " 1' ,.
J-Board declines to rule 33;“; .2 .
o . I .. 3 236$? 1"». ' . I. i T"
. , 1 .- on contested fall elections I. -:~ -.,'-
£31135 ‘ 'u-. 3 h ‘ '4 ...%»""§.€4"“. ‘ I. ' j. " " v' .i 1‘ . .
The Student Government Assembly that the UK Judicial Board had declined I m I f ”I 37;, IUI"
voted Thursday night to allow unlimited to rule in the case of last fall's contested w ‘ 1“,§‘.-' " ‘: 1'
campaign expenditures for presidential SC elections. >’; I" .
and vice presidential candidates in the The Elections Board under the chair— it» x‘ -_ ‘2"; l'
upcoming student elections. manship of jennifer (Iarda, has submitted , ‘3‘ I i: 7 1""; L i’
The action came as almost a direct a strict proposal recommending that cam- it“ ‘I‘i’;
contradiction of an earlier recommenda- paign expenditures in SC elections be 'f {13; ‘15., " ' I": .‘ I'
tion by the SC Elections Board. which limited to a platform statement from i W?»
favored strict limitation of campaign each candidate. to he distributed bv the ' "‘ '1‘, Ts."
COStS. Elections Board. They had also advised i 59-. 5.";
In addition. four new representatives that elections for senators and president :‘j i ’8- half-R43
were sworn into the Assembly after and vice president he held on the same ‘ g»; . '3 71:
Speaker Bucls'Iv Pennington announced days—March 30-13]. » , "f y . I.I 5 *I~ Is
. Student (Lovernment President Steve , '.I "II. - :1:
()II 9l7(llll/(ltl()’l.8 Bright, however. introduced a counter— » #31513; iji: I ‘
——-——-———-———— suggestion which would have moved all i« ‘ “ -.‘ -L' I“ 1
j g ) elections to the advance registration pe— (“If ‘.', 5,
Ln “1] Sh l‘OfS riod. The Assemhlv finally voted to hold I g}. ,.:.-'Q r. iI‘ ‘» I
b I) ' elections for president. and Vice president ”I , » "I?” f ‘ 5.5:? I'. 1;. 3: ‘- Ii-
. March 530—31, and elections for student :5] 3‘»: Ta" ‘I ‘J x: 5 '
. , . 3-1-1: -~ 1:0 ’Osals senatoisI dining the tvto-ts eelt advanct .. I «:w» . II 1. II I II IIII .§ . I
P registration period. » I3 I ('1! ; .
i The deans of the individual colleges. ‘ 3235513 I: I‘ II -= '3
B,‘ “VENT“. 1" WRIGHT under the adopted rules. will be en- ' I}: . ‘I-i 3W5“. ‘ 3 .
Kernel 5”“ “'riter trusted \tith the ballots and will .see that . X ‘ it“; ’- i. I 3‘in - _ '
\l‘ld’ ll”“‘"‘t‘i““ ““5 ‘7‘“in ”““" workers at the advance registration proc— , I 323%“; h“ .._i‘ 'r ‘t 3 3"
-M.-- problems aired. and no \Imull auIiquutI (it (.55 conduct 1}“. I.Ipmm. fun-1y. students \ £9, 9 I I
heat was generated at the English He: will probably ‘10“ for senators when they . I . 95:35: \I I ,
partnient's forum ”“ “IMMM‘ "“ l""'l~‘l‘~' turn in their lBM schedule cards. This "P‘s, " 7 , :I. .. :l t. T '.
held Thursday night in the (flassrooiu disetif‘ranchiscs seniors and 0me not if I i} -“ 3‘ :7",
“Ulldilttl- I planning to return for the next semester. - I j i .- "
Th“ “”1““ featured D"- (f. “1““ The issue of campaign expenditures ‘ ‘ I "
\ioorer and Dr. Stephen Manning. dc» was killed when Assemhlv members I t
partment chairman. speakingou the prob- “,th to eliminate all mention of costs I ' ~‘ , II’ .III I," -_ .4
lems of the English Department and their from election rules, leaving the door open a A, ‘ I I" 3 , I
suggestions for alleviating those prob- to unlimited campaign spending. A 3: 3. ,
l““‘5-I ,. I Some representatives, however, called \ ’1‘ {.1' 1' "
u“ hi“ 1 d9“?! 54ml MU‘W‘T N" ”Mt the move “completely irresponsible" and ~63 _ 1‘ -
the system (academic life) '5 becoming supported the Elections Board proposal NM... ’-“ “T ‘ ~.'~ ,‘ 'i .’ 3‘
more like the marketplace in putting an that costs be limited, maintaining that it ‘ M ‘ ‘ ‘ , I‘.’ ., I“- “I- I‘ 3 -.
objective value on the amount of research would make a more “mature. ideological This student seemed more («interned Hi!!! an upturn-Ln; .~ #3331 Qty-=45
turned ()Ut- campaign.” mid term examination than Mith the m ershadou ing a, f: ‘ 'I’II
"This is not a phillipic against research. Rationale for the adoption of separate Shades Of presence of former Interior st-tretarx Walter ”it tel. ‘ TUE—Hflimw
I assumfil When I went into the profes- elections centered around the Assembly's . who sluike \Vednesdm at the Student (.enter. \ ston on III":
sion that l was going to ht3 a scholar- wish for "increased student participation Wally HICkel page 5 details a pioposed .‘siasitan oil pipeline in Hithl‘s ‘U. " ‘ _" i .9:
person,” Dr. Moorer said. and enthusiasm.” tormer gubernatorial domain. (Kernel photo lH Bob _‘;,I' ' " ‘. i;
Sees cynicism . Brewer) , ’- 'I' -
“But I see an air of cynicism in schol- Continued on Page 8’ CO" 5 '—————_——-—-——-———-——-————-—-— } if; " ’i I.
arlIv work that worries me. This could he i. I, -. 'I I I
dangerous. \Ve have ended up with the . 9 . ', “. I: I‘: :
trappings of intellect instead of the real 1 , ren S l '7‘ ' 35 "I 23;.
thing—a real intellectual philistinism." . . VI; 3 1 ,
The system “5 it now stands, h” “i‘l‘l- Wonlen’S L11) day care C(‘lll9r IS a cut ah0V0 [he liVCragt‘ 1.; ‘ J i 'i .,
doesnt give the new faculty member a , . ‘ 3 j _‘ . I5 ‘I ,
chance to develop. because “almost be- BY JANE BROW'N 5"“le time 3” ”W PHR‘lli‘hl‘il‘l ‘ H “P- \\ i“’” ’l‘” ““‘ "‘ “mm”! "““ Li": ‘ii 7 ‘73.? .u
fore he's had a chance to show what I“. Assistant Managing Editor .lftt‘rllt).)l| .in.it-l(s~gi'ali.iiii ("littlst‘l5 and «hilthcn unit it 3:: \aznms rln. x fnv' s i 'iI-II I» If?“ .1
can do, he must pm“, that the depart- "We're having a tea party," stated a punch—eagerly eaten va 16 children un» some thuntm‘i. “IN“ UN hm: tho”. I' I'., II.II.
ment should keep him." little girl. “No, no, we're having a meet- der five Ivears old. the middle oi the iltnll anti , fin w h» I Hi 'I-I t'
“\Ve tend to [00k askance at the 100. mg," her neighbor at the table corrected Ther were being hclped va four old to «NW Ht tlu‘ ldilH‘H. I- If‘ . »"I I~ ’I'- -.‘
Ivard runners as opposed to the fellow her. "\Vell,’ she conceded, "we're hav- er people—three parent-types and one :VU‘I‘ HHH'" ”Ml“ d \UH “i Y’“'“-’"~“» it". '.~' If }
with a lot of spring and bounce," Moorer ing tea at a meeting, then." volunteer. They were the nucleus of the telephone calls and PLUHIHH: V'Nc‘h‘n il“ 'I, . I, ' f .53 'I
said. Despite the conjectures, the official (To—op. And ther seemed to bc cnjming l’arcnt-(‘hild (‘o-op is hnalh HI lull mm‘; 3 I - U, 1 _I 'I
Continued on Page 8, Col. 1 designation of the meeting-tea party was their position. and from the long writing list it am‘vvi‘w '- '. TI.
to be grcatlt applet iatcd ‘\' I 'I-' 'I'II‘ -,."'
-' i *8“ ‘- figs,“ {' .5a,§é§.i7*' I . I ' I . I “.7 “ . ; ' V. 7
‘2‘? “I? ., . ':--. ”*Vsfiiaw‘ 5:3 group, After three lllt‘ttll‘t‘t\ \ mar-n .r I‘ g u - ‘j‘ -.
i9 9’33”" , :--- -' E‘ffihENZ? *:§§’ (la) 1 are center In Him unington. lnd . ,1. II I_ , . . ‘ II‘ I
I I . igsij“ -x . gjtiitrh I 0“ ¢ I tllt‘ curb part “I 197”. st'\ H .ti ml.” H It.“ "I I‘I II , I I s. , ,a v'.I
diff .»,- "0’ .3"--. 3“" ‘- . ' ’, _,." g: , , __ .... . “is. '- 3 .;,_-".):- -:* . ‘ _ ‘ ‘ i . I . ‘ . .
1 wt, *‘Huwfwifig‘gfw 3§§“”§“:» 3°“? ‘3, Tiff,“ in April lUTU the\ printed a statctncnt I 'I i i I.
7. «3“ ‘i gs‘f'm I I “g 9 ."W‘ 3 i. gi ' ' illiltl-t .ll'c H‘Htcl and a l‘l , hill Hllilllu‘ til ‘. , ~ . I.I
N ' stat . . 1‘ . ' Ia 3 . :55 llH‘ L'HHlHIk' W ”H IN” lt i”“~'»3”'~ ' \“‘ i“ :1 '- .. i. '1 1
oiMWWI- _ cams ....n ,«I I: . , ._MM WI V‘ “mg" -.-... 2“ . w. I II I II II II ..a. In : 1 II I .r :t.I;.c;..--.II.?.;:...;-:.-I....I,
f!» .34."; ”I: W "" 1°? . . M}. if“ q . h -*;;:?I:;:-xx_. .I;:. I' " . “2.x “ml“ “’ '3’ ll" "‘ 1“" " "‘ “‘ .T‘ " II‘ ‘
«If ' a“. .. § fl ‘ i : ("mm““l "" "“2" "- VOL 1 -' - . ‘ ‘ i
?' w’ ‘% I“, " ,fi Mf‘jg}; *3; ' w ,,- , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 3 , , , , . .. .. c ’ ‘
. RIM. I ;.. § 4.” I it III *9; I \‘ H I . . . I 1‘ II
I 1 ' .. ”I 7. '3 ' . ‘ I i ‘2» i ( (ll H I . I . .
“8% i if TM“ 4 a \ i ,k; : . i, I " i‘iot l (wington and \n iIiIi\' \lild, \sith ‘- v- .V '
n . ”ii/”1., . “a; “ - ,. ~. . . 3 periods ot ram and .t lets thundctshoueis 3 » 'I I ‘ I
-I sink“ vvt 15:3“; if VTWT‘T‘K‘ w‘ .. l -; 3%? todav .IlHl tonight. l'aitls t hunts and _I t - '
.3 ' :Iit-eng‘ 1:3» “Ia-s ‘ 3“- _, " i I II I »I i . (older Saturdm. High lt)(l.l\. upper 60's; 'I ‘ ' f ‘
.4: 3" 37:“ V at, I'I -' 1“}: I»“‘ ' “ ‘ a i "" IItII. .. I \ low tonight. mid 10's: high Saturdat. near 3 ~
2;; ”‘2'", K13“ ”a B i '3- 1' M 40. Pretipitation probabilities: 80 per g . .
' ' H ' ‘ . (ent todav and tonight. '20 percent to . , '
These two happy-looking tots are playing under the watchful eye: of substitute moms—and dads—at the Parenttlhild (200p. spon morrow. I .
sored by Women’s Liberation of Lexington. (Kernel photo by Mary Brown). ,N,,,,,,,,,,,,,,----,,-----
t. |" ». 'I—; :1»

 2 THE KETUCKY KERNEL. Friday, Feb. 26, 1971 _—________.___—————————-—— '
. . , I
House group introduces l
. “1' . news kerne s l .
m r. to re orm cam at ns .
. From AP reports
‘ ’ “ 'l\5ll.l‘\(' l()\Ile\l’l —“ ”h ,lhe, drive to tn. to hold dow'é can laid” Hugh 5C0“ 0f Penn- SAlCON—South Vietnamese paratroopers heat off a fierce
the arrertIion that nererIbeforIe spiralling campaign C03” an sylvania. _ ~ assault 'l‘hursdav by eight North Vietnamese tanks on their
. has the time been so ripe, a bi— force a more complete account- Both the House and Senate l‘ . . I‘ . l ' I I ‘1]. I . t ”I k .. 1x h l l)
partian group of House mem- ing of candidates‘ receipts and bills include strict reporting and km‘wkm “u? wilful?" arti (.r" $5.1m}? .. ”mold"? {mlfl
, bers introduced Thursday a expenditures also picked up disclosure provisions for all noc out W? P t em, U'S',” 1f?” “K‘ , .(n. fell? .0"
V - package of bills aimed at elec~ steam in the Senate with the in- campaign financing, provide tax “* Abrf‘m5~ L-h- command” 11} \ lf‘hmm, said the (’Pt’li‘t‘O" a
‘ U0“ L"dikiltii‘l'l reform. trodiiction of a bill by liepubli- credits for small campaign con- was going well despite heavy fighting and some setbacks. n
I tributions, and give reduced b
- . ' . mailing rates to candidates. PARIS—~Communist delegates to the Vietnamh pealce talllks
- charged President Nixon lied in contending T urs ay t at
I ' ' Sples Spy 01]- SP1689 Spending ceiling North Vietnam has broadened the war into an Indochina
In addition, the House pack- conflict. The North Vietnamese and Viet Cong accused Nixon J
. o 0 age would put a ceiling on cam- of preparing to attack North Vietnam. ,
' . * ’ intelligence head says in." spending and mi. I. . . 1
. b 11"“th amount 0f free teleVi- MOSCOVV—Tlie Soviet Union called the iricursron into .
‘ , ‘ “ASHIXCTUN (AP) -(Tori- tween various military intelli- sion time, paid for by the gov- Laos uanother criminal act by the United States" and warned
‘ . gress was told Thursday that gence groups was so great the emment, to mayor party 03‘3“" Thursday against resumption of large-scale American bomb- (t
. - - the military's domestic surveil- agents were watching each oth- dates for preSident and Con- ing of North Vietnam. i:
. ( lance often is a case of spy vs. er to determine what the others gress. .
V “P? like the time 53 agents were watching 50 W9 (‘Ollld 59" Afey facéo‘r inItllilefutCl—pmeff VVASHINCTON—The W'hite House is quietly seeking to n
‘ . . watched 0119 BHOthf‘f 31110112 66 what “’35 important."I 31:58 ogrphexgttwi“ ’6 tl’creii: eliminate legal restrictions which bar persons convicted of ti
' civilian demonstrators. Lane, who wasaSSignedtothe dl u :9- e- l e- ousiIn 1‘ campus disruption from receiving federal student loans and
‘ . .. liven the .\avy was said to 5th Military Intelligence De— ent filemr m vetomglaI 1 ast loan uarantees g
' -. . have sent two intelligence ex- tachment at Ft. Carson, said he eraIr llmlted to Icontrc.ling tele- g t L
a . ‘ perts from "somewhere on the once found himself named on "510" .COStS’ hailed the goal Of KEY WEST, Fla.——Four Cuban fishing boats were hauled n
I ' ' West Coast" to infiltrate the another agent's report as a campaign reform bl,“ has "Qt into port on poaching charges Thursday after a bitter, high 1]
t ’ I peaceful. mid-September 1969 ”dissident soldier" because he proposed any legislation. . seas confrontation between the US. Coast Cuard and Florida a
_' . ' 7 ' antiwar gathering outside Ft- was spotted attending a civilian W §COtfil “,0!de (3105le Wish 311‘; Marine Patrol officers. The Cubans are charged with violat— I I
' . Carson, Colo. an Army istalla- antiwar meeting. Lane said he b lg“? .131“: m Ira :ng as 1 ing Florida and US. territorial waters. They were intercepted V
' . tion. was there on surveillance duty u an e O wm 31 3A83 orse- while fishing near the Drv Tortugas, about 80 miles south- 0
I , I‘ . . That account and other such himself. ment. Rep. John . n erson, west of Kev \Vest - I
. l I 1‘ examples were advanced to the Lane, like several other for- 3411-. due}; spellsofalkfil wtilffi - ' :1
' E ': I 59'3“" subcommittee on consti— mer agents. testified .thal he housewpla: g}? a so d th \VASIIINCTON—The Federal Communications Commis—
. ' , tutional rights by Lawrence and his colleagues maintained t e _ 1 e ouse unng e . . , . -l< . f h . . l’
'. - . Lane, former intelligence coor- extensive files on civilian drafting process but was unable 81011 said Thursday that automatic ta e-mer o t e major u
»I II . , dinator at the post and now an groups and individuals. to say whether he Will get f\ix- news Wires for nationalIemergency announcements Will be a
_ ' aide to Rep. Robert N. (liaimo, In one case, he said, his unit on 5 support. temporarly discontinued in the wake of last weekend 5 system
. ‘ ‘_ D-Conn. was to monitor a ”symposium Has base of support failures. The news desks would relay the alert messages to all n
I . ‘ L'nder questioning by Chair- on violence" at Colorado (101- Besides being a more compre- radio and t€l€ViSi0n stations on their wires. treating them as n
g I . man Sam J. Ervin Jr.. D-N.C., lege, and ordered dossiers on hensive measure, the House top-priority news stories. tr
. ‘ ' . Lane declared, ”Rivalry be- the scheduled speakers from Ft. package of four bills has a c
- ' Holabird, Md. broader bipartisan base of sup- LOUISVILLE—Pro hasketball's Kentucky Colonels center y
. I . -“ He said the intelligence back- port, With 31 Repllblicansi in- Dari Issel was called in Thursday for his Army phvsical h
I I I ‘ THE KENTUCKY KERNEL ground Y§Cfi3lV€d from II‘tI HoIla- eluding minority leader Gerald exam. At 6 foot 9, Issel was too tall by military standards a
. u ' I‘ I The Kentucky Kernel. University and on Clvll rights aChVISt chl‘ R- Ford, and 27 Democrats I and was turned down. “Thank goodness. he hasn’t shrunk." r p
. . sramn, University of Kentucky, Lex- (iregory was so tainted that it backingit. said .1 Colonels spokesman . (
‘ “ ‘1 "‘glon' Kent‘m‘y 40.5% 5930“" 919“ was unusable." It was ”com- In the Senate in addition to l ‘ A I ‘ i . l V
I. . : DOISItaIge paid at Lexmgton, Kentucky. _ , d _ l S bll l] U
$5? 3.2;: £2233 figfiggfisdggfixfi pletely subjective, base on an he CO" 1, ’ t ere 3,” two SPACE CENTER. Houston, Tex.—A 22-year-old woman (l
. I- 4 periods, and once during the summer Substantiated information and other campaign reform bills pend- l' b 't , , k -t d . f. , ,. l " ll) 41.1) h
. session unreliable sources," he said. ing. One, a bipartisan measure a ora ory Iwor er punt are a inger witi a neect w lt
. . I pfbapcléspggsIbg£i§05?08;gcgfagiug:&r Lane said that, typically, at- cosponsored by Sens. MikeCrav- working With lunar material and is being placed in quar- Vt
itzfiinIiInd as the cade} in 1894 and tempts were made to link indi- el, D-Alaska, and James B. antine, the space agency said here Thursday. Moon samples (l
. . 51:9(3‘SlglsI‘ontlnuoush as the Kernel viduals to Communist organiza- Pearson, R-Kan., includes the are kept in isolation as a precaution against any moon germs
: . ' mfg???Igglppligleisggdgergg; isAieriV-I tions through a process of guilt federally subsidized television which may live in the material from being spread to earth 5
’ 4 false or misleading advertising shoulii by aSSOCiatiOH." provision in the House package. creatures.
. - be reported to The Editors.
. . . I Yearly, by mail — $9.45
, I . Per copy, from files — $.10 S . E d l . k f
.» . crentls ts eve op quzo cancer cure test -
-. . . I . 7 Editorial Page Editor.
.' , ' eI AgfffiEff;‘Egfigf5é5§?%flma.2574?“ KT\'().\'\'ILLE..'I‘enn.. (Al’l — animal cancer test in five years ”Now the physician can know the patient's blood.
. . fl . » . “0"- . . 258-4646 A way of detecting the success of research and now is trying almost immediately if he has Ifa patient has notdeveloped
~ , ' ' ~1I ——__‘——- of cancer surgery on humans a test on humans. achieved a surgery cure." (log- an antibody in his blood against
'. . -. . . may: ”3 Kg"... Iggfigigf- within a month's time is being “There is every reason to be- gin said. his own cancer, Coggin said, the
- 7-; "33533;: 3.9.?{Iytfi . developed by researchers at the lieve this test will be effective." In applying the test to hu- cancer cells will increase in the
. . ‘ - : t3; ' ' ' * ‘ ' ' its? L niversity of lennessee. said Coggin. mans. the patients malignant hamster. Ifhe has developed an
- t ; ’5 Evefy 55.317; .‘ijIj The usual current method of ”We propose this as a diag- cells are collected at the time of antibody there will be no
I. C . . * i - - fit" ””2 determing the success of cancer nostic test for the persistence of surgery and sent to the universi- growth. "
= - . {21-3 litter bit it"? , . _ , -, , , , . - - ._ .‘ . 7 . -- ~ . _ - . . l
. -,..<- .. %, surgery 18 the thIWdFdHW UT malignant tumors. l58f01'6. phi ty s rrucrobiology laboratory lailure to develop this anti-
I . if? hurt-$19!! ,‘ ’ .- ' non-reappearance 0f the disease sicians COllld Cle say after SUT- Where they are grown for study. body in the animal is an index ‘
, “ ‘ ' -‘ . I‘Ir: - ¢.~...., .. .,.., pm," within five years. ‘ gery, ‘The operation went well Three to four weeks later. that he has a progessive tumor
' ‘ ' I. :(f 'f‘k‘wt“ 6:53; 5c 560 The university scientists. and based on the type of cancer some of the cancerous tissue is disease." Coggin said.
’I - ‘ ‘ I ’::II-;:.’:I:'§E?:= a. headed by Imicrobiologist Dr. you have. 1 would guess your implanted in a hamster. which ”If the patient has developed
. , ‘I - . =' ‘ "vi ~"-= - U" “’5’ Joseph H. (loggin. perfected an chances are good. is then injected with a sample of an antibody to his own cancer.
I there will be no growth. and this
. I. I , , is the index that the patient has
, I-I . . been freed of his cancer by sur—
' II,I . gery."
' I -' 1 . An antibody isa substance de-
' ' . - veloped by the body to combat
I foreign material such as cancer
I . . Icellsand disease germs.
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 ' | I, I 5 ’
l ___._ _._ ____._______._—__.___—___ THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday, Feb. 26, l97l —.‘5 .' . ,zl _ '
‘ Fl' 16 l
. i . .- - I ‘
lC capsu 8. ~
. W eekend mov1e fare runs from soapy to super _ .~ '.
BY MIGUEL CU§DRA screened in Lexington's Sparse Sackler's screenplay does notlive of how a black fighter ’james ”Hio Lobo" Entertainment ': 1'3 -‘
Kernel Staff Writer collection of cinemas. I'leres up to his Broadway success.()ver- Earl Jones) is defeated by white . . .right between the eyes,” And . g ’
For the weekend movie buff, a (111le summary Of what IS burdened with director Martin man's fear of the strengthofXIan. not much else. Directed and ‘. j ' i. .. ;
a rare selection of new releases, Worth pawns for and what t0 Ritt's fever to stage a big and One of the best produced by Howard Hawks. . - ; 3 -,
re-releases, and shouldn't-have- avord: noisy production a-la- llolly- “F‘ 1‘. . l" ces"- Bravo' ”Hi0 Lobo" features more ‘good t '0
been-released-releases are being “Great White Hope": Howard wood, the film drowns the story ‘Ye .asy 16.? ‘ '. . ' guys vs. bad guys' and makesymi ‘ » 4
lack Nicholson dorng his own ' ' , ‘ ’ . 4 .‘r
'h' .- d he's reat' wonder how the \\ est was ever 4. - .
t. "‘3 agam. ' .an ’ g. ' won without the help of Iohn f, '-
»‘ ’ 0 Nominated for the Oscar, Mch- Wayne > _. l, v = -, .0, -
t aSt ew exlco 0 Skin Olson portrays a gifted musiCIan ”song of Norway" Beauti‘ "j: " ; ~. .- '-
9 who extravagantly wastes hislife f 11' h hed . . . p \ .3.“ . .‘ f
‘ . . and talent u y p otograp . against . or- ., fl- . ’_ . .
l" a t l b d . .. 1 .. .. ' way s breathtaking fjords and ‘- _’
r C asses 18 a nu es LOVQMOK 2h r’hal Gala/3:11 snowy heights, ~Song of .\or- _ 3 C's!
_ , . , , . say . . . —w ic as not H wa brin s to the screen the "'~'.".;'? W - *‘s-‘s:
PORTALES. {\EW MEXICO for some time now, and Presn- allegedly having been seen at a said before—about a movie that melody an?! romance of 1-;d\ ard '4 f‘ : ‘
(CPSI—QOCS (“Hilly have aplace dent Charles W. Meister W85 local pot party started discontent is breaking all box-office records? (:rieg'g muqic and life. 0-- " . . t_;
in the univers1ty classroom? quick to toss the matter to the in the Art Department. The . . .about Erich begal's screen- Yet, the splendor of Robert
. [he answer at least for the ENMU regents rather. 'than dismissed faculty member sued play which gave birth to one of Wright and (Leorge Forrest's gfi' ‘1 .- '. ‘ 0’ \.
moment in New Mexrco appears makingthe normal administra- the university, the dismissal was the most successful best-seller music. the majestic gcenew‘ and .f .. .5 J 4. 1
to be no. tivedeCISion himself. . declared illegal and ENMUre- ofuall “mes-”- g 5850“}, hrancts director Andrew Stone‘s screen f“ _' i; .‘
Last .week the Board Of Re- Last spring regentdispleasure gents are appealing the decision I . Klan andfla Woman, lee f0: story and screenplay of a great i j , '. .
gents of Eastern New Mexico resultedin the removal of a nude to the state Supreme Court. The Life, I L315 tOUChmll muSic. man are not enough. They are '1 . ‘
University in Pmlales ruled that paintingfrom the campus library university may be censured for lfyou are abletodigest all this unable to salvage thl‘ candy- I I 1'
nude models are not‘to be used and the banning of an award violations of academic feedorn and see throughyourtear-flooded covered film from drowning in ‘ ,.'
1n the stateuniversity sadvanced winning underground film series. by the American Association of eyes. you might have a chance it“ 0W“ q)Tllp. lorlv \laurstad ~ 2- .
art classes. Chairman of the 1111968, dismissal ofan art faculty University Professors (AAL’P) 0f seeing fine performances by and I‘lorence Henderson in the “‘5‘",
Board 0f Regents Ernest member by the regents for because of the dismissal. Ali .\Ic(lraw and Ryan ()'\eal. leading roles. ‘ .. " f i. .
:T Wheeler— who doubles as the Arthur lliller directed. l3brhkl9 I’oint \n— 3 . g . '
only mortician in the county— T q 0 ”TheStrawberryStatement" l‘ullm‘llal his Imk‘est..i‘\fterbring- ' _‘
declared he would favor closing ranS' CthIl COffeehOllSC If you missed It then. make II mg ”8.. 1' .\\entura and. 1““ ‘ I‘- - ’
down the entire university art . . N f‘§()intf;(i see it \n‘ou-U'l-holtodben Dodge -—among others—thisi‘sa _'_. . ., it .;-
broglarn rather than allow the q l H“ f [d L] ‘f arto rvm ~-‘.n'cr pro ‘1" ”w” isappomtment. \porama . 3:1 f”
“t. W W118 .-.. o ens w1t 1 at 1e an . m... m: 1.9m”... :f rigging....,{..::..t((if. . .2. ..
. ,. . . ,,, . . , . . . . m(m* ' t -- ' . )r n min s .1..em7. ,_ ‘ w»
adyancedart sl‘cififi- . . ‘ By SANDX HAL Bl lluy \ rec-land ot Trans—Aution mahcéls'] ‘32:: afttret}::ftm};eh:;r] fo portray .‘Utltflta todax I 2 5. - I - I L"
lhe regents decrsion came m Kernel Staff Writer said Lexington lacks places for campus and contest h me it)?” Still worth seeing a...” .m. -. ."' 3 ;
responseito dimly?“ by I! fill. In 1698 coffeehouses became tiiiy‘ersity' students to meet in an altered. to dislike it I.
{2“Jf’l‘:);‘m'f{ 4: ‘;.if‘“)“"ife\:;‘.“’l Popular in Boston. New York Integral setting. . g, ,‘
‘H ' t (‘ ’7‘”: ”‘1 ‘3} and Philadelphia as centers of lney ”CHI W'W‘PIUU‘ l0 LU) .‘7 "V‘s‘fi'nLL \NAQZEN am: that” :~ ' . 3
course. “0Q Alnnlng l'dlll. ii :1. . . . ‘ p . and L M“ rt()“ ‘17.“ it .. H H.- Aflii‘? .f.".‘tTCftr.‘/.L.‘_: With r3.“ ‘1 s-Er.:s CL :- '4 . '. .
I . polltlcal. social. and littrary ‘ ‘17 H ” “d 30 U ~ r: n"; ; . C-L .. \C.a -. 0 . , .~ s
lear'OId 3” force veteran who activity. anything. he said. The coffee- { 3; “AU“ F F \ A I 0 ER I .V
has been the Spokesman fol the ‘ house “as formed to he ”run I); 'é‘wv rxrr m ssavtts :m - e". ‘9 I’ ' f I
art students. espresscdallsap- lhey’ sported coffeeto"quick- students. for students to meet. III Q - c n- ,. t t ». . ;. ‘v ' ' x . '
t pointrnent at the regents action. en the spirit and make the heart rap. listen to music. ()1‘ Mint jg??? .3) . \ , .1». . V" n I t: = ' " U7.
Cunningham said I10 (1005 IlOt lightsonie.” Iiexingtoirs newest ever they want to do.” g’rg‘fg 571%.. .t t I . L, .I /\/\ = ' . -, ,
0 . y H ‘, - 7 . as.» .,, ..1(.u. Acwsnrv. , . r. . - -
understand hovy the 4.090 stll- coffeehouse, sponsored by lrans- Friday nighttheHatfieldClan HERSCHEL WARREN ¢ TWPM} (-1(..11..,.. ' g . “ l _ ‘1 .
dent “DIVSTSU' Cd” claun to action and opening February 26 will be featurul. Guitarists, A WK I, I \ ‘7" 'l.’ 1'. I
have a legitimate art curriculum in the basement of the Canter- painters, or scultors are urged to R g ‘F “M" l. perry :5 f ’,‘
Willlkflll CW“ Ullt‘ CUUIfC ”I bury House, has the same pur- contact the Coffeehouse if they ””‘R 5””(5 ’"f’- . 5' 11" -- "xiv; 4
(ITHWV'U‘P? the ”MIC 11111113" figure. poses as its ancestor establish- wish to share their talents. The ‘ ||l€ . welers ‘ . Elf ‘A ., .. 3 ‘
Nudity has been acont rover- ments and also serves coffee and coffeehouse will be open on Fri- J2 f “H 1m; affirm (1 (“I ' 'l .' '
sial topic 0" the ENMU campus other refreshments. day and Saturday nights. 159 EN Mm sum ’1‘“ a" “I I ‘5; '3 ' "I l
1 ' - ’ y, ' .
3 I‘l'fi.‘ .'
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. remendous Se ectron of S rrts . . . . . . . 8.50 and up ,
_. Dress Trousers...................... 72.50 and up _
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i “E .. I I.“ l 7-. f.“ V . v; ‘
81 9 E I'd AV ‘ l ' I ’
266-6 7 11 . . ,

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‘ ‘ ov1n owar
, . . / , ~- h g . -' Service (
7 ' ,- port (lriv
. ' ' p ‘\ pipeline a
‘ - ', l . ' ‘ ing that A
* - . / C ‘ . ~ ’ " . gallon-a-d
. . II I . ’ I a n e W ‘ 0.» produces 4
' - .. i I . a day. In
. .I ~ .. 4‘ . M ‘ is the rea
‘ i . ' ' , I l I , of the Tia
, Ii IiIt: ' , ” '., I ‘ Extrat-
, - I-‘I-"f . _-I ‘ i], ‘ . I Alaska's
. I‘ 3 ,I‘I ’ l . 1' 4/ merl ca ' . . a prime t
I , ‘ ., I l.“ ‘ l i Q L i i I panics sir
- a , e. 1“ 1 v l ., 1" " Curren
. 5 , . ' , l‘ \ o ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ~ “4". line fourl
. ' ‘ s it" ti ///’ \ ~ \ : v~f “J‘ ”t” “
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I . . If ‘. I , - /, \ < . ' ‘. . [I ‘ icelrecpt;
. . .. 3‘. I , l': ( III \I - . . — ‘- . .._ it can be
, . . ~ . y E -. M, ' . , . states.
.1 _ - A’ _ t g ,7 l\ . But U
-. . - \ ‘ ~ , Th. .2 h . » I junctions
- ‘ - - .. l . ' , . ._ construct]
. , CPS , “$17.5,- if}, $ ‘ l . .I if" "e, that the
‘- I j " " ’ ' " " ” “ of the p
. . . H . . fully rcse
, the NC“ 1'08“." dOUt "99d t0 ht‘ us into the war and continue to black liberation, the ecology move- and rightly so. There is presently the :“ti‘i
' . . 1' r(‘1)(‘ilt<‘d anymore ilhOllt tht‘ 111(10- keep us there. ment, the (3.1. movement, draft re- the possibility of Nixon sending lstgainttge
, f I ’ Chum war. What mUSt ht‘ 82ml An Alternative America Confer- sistance, the poor in Appalachia— American ground troops into Laos from issu
- j ' f g 7 again 15 th(’ fact that thC 0111)" thlhf-E ence, sponsored by the UK Student all representing people working or an invasion by ARVN troops 5990“] h
,, which can Ipnd the war, is for the Mobilization Committee, promises with different priorities, but all into North Vietnam. 31:18:31,111:
J g _ “idiom." ”t the American Pllhht‘ to be more than just an anti—war heading in the same direction. Th
I' it" make It PerfE‘CtlY clear t0 the rally. \Vith films, workshops, speak— Presently all must act as an “Alter- IIt ImUSt be remembered that releaszd ,
_ ' _ _ NW“ admlmstr‘dtlon that thf’ ag- ers, and music, it will serve as a native America,” but remembering bringing an immediate end to the pact" st:
I' . ' ' $395510“ against the P901310 0t V 19t- look in the direction of the con- that when enough people join the war 15 Vltal to the struggle for )uIs- “In“ beg
r . “am (rilmhmhit and L305 must cerns of the movement for a new alternative it becomes the main- hoe and peace at home. The 1311' 312:5?
II . de America. stream. lions of dollars which are being In I’m
I A ("illllp Poll in eruIIrV showed Several groups and issues will be. The new escalation of the Indo— wasted m Vietnam could be secur- StatC’I'C"
. a f _‘ ' ‘ . represented at the conference this china War into Laos will no doubt ing JObS’ adequate incomes, med- 'f‘rgu'm'"
- . . that 1.3 percent of the American , , , , , ical facilities be] for the environ- 1" the A11
. . _ . we eken (1. Womens liberation, be the key issue this weekend — ’ p finds the
, . people want the US. out of Viet- ment education and other social fl 1,
I 1 . . I . . , . ie groi
~ .r . ““m b} the end "If 1971' It has needs for the people of America. United SI
' been and Will continue to be the ll‘ K U U.S. dep
” , ' , job of the anti—war movement to HE ENT CKY ERNEL The mottos in the fight against supplies-
. : , . . ) .I I. I . . I - Certai
. . -. lll()l)lllZ( this growing maiorit’} UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY the war are growmg 01d 13‘“ the politicalh
I into an answer of protest to Nixon s ESTABLISHED 1394 FRIDAY. FEB. 26. 1971 energy 0f the movement must grow "mm a”
. . - . .’ Ir I . , I u ,- . . . W , , W , .. . __ .. ”WA- , WW WWWWWWWW WWW. --. _____, W, - . ' ' not l l
' ll10t()l‘l( lbnllt “Hiding (10“11 thf Editorials represent the opinions of the Editors, not of the University. In power’ “US weekend’ the UK 30 ( l
. . - ,, y, . , mes, ,, , S d M b'l' ' C - $1.9m)-
: I war. a V .. _W_ . W__,, .,._,_._.._.WW.. tu ent o iization ommittee Whil
_ . T . ‘ V ' ', v o o o C
~ - This weekend represents a time- J I . I?“ , l P 2‘:ka 5' C00“ 111‘ Ed'fm'l'l'Ch'd k must co-ordinate groups and 1ndl' pol iticall
, - ‘ , - _ , , "TY WW“, 3 ”mg 0516’ 4 i107 Jean Rena er, Managing Editor - . . . I.

. f . . . l.‘ opportunity ff” htudenti‘ arouvnd Mike Tierney, Sports Editor Keno liosa, Cartoonist Ylduals to form a. Strong coahtlon 9.11:,”0m,"
‘. , ‘ , the state. and particularly at UK. DaVid King, Bu-“m’ss Manager m Kentucky against any further d3 Tl pa
. I I , , v , . “ I ‘ ' 1 r ‘ ‘ u ‘ u - I l i

g . . .I - . to educate themselves “1 altema- Jam Brown, Ron Hawkins, Bradley Jeffnes, John Gray, Mike Wines war escalations and to demand an wl I ’(P
-_ ,_ . ,, Assistant Managing Editors K“ r
' -, - , . il\'(’ answers to the ones that got —————————————————————————- end to the present war. normally
I . . thick, sp‘
1 tion. Exr
I. . . , . .. - layer, a l
' . a],'..-....135.3:351:12flisfsgsiszsrs-.223235555:3;Is