xt7w3r0pvx8w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w3r0pvx8w/data/mets.xml  United States Housing Authority 1940 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 2/10 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing September 3,1940 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing September 3,1940 1940 1940 2019 true xt7w3r0pvx8w section xt7w3r0pvx8w . / ( I
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Federal Works Agency — John M. Carmody, Administrator Vol. 2, No. 10 - September 3, 1940 U. 8. Housing Authority - Nathan Straus, Administrator
F ' ' H 0 ' F '1 O ' F'
aII‘VleW Omes Pens» Georgla aml y couples 1rst
Flrst USHA PrOJGCt S L R R l D 11
‘ I Ch 1 N C l l ] IA OW- Bllt ura W6 111g
11 ar Otte’ ' . Into the first farmhouse to be constructed
' Fairview Homes, low-rent housing Pl’Oj- In the first half Of .1940 more than under USHA’s new rural housing program
ect of the Charlotte, N. C., housing author— 240,000 new dwelling units havmg a per— moved Farmer Vernon Ellis, his wife May,
ity, was formally dedicated in ceremonies mlt valuation 0f apprommately $825; and their 2—year—old son, Vernon, Jig, late
observed Monday afternoon, August 19, at 000,000 were prov1ded 1n the hohfal'm last week.
which J- M. Broughton 0f Raleigh, Demo- areas Of the United States, according to The Ellises of Thomas County, Ga., who,
.. " cratic nomineefor governor oer-orth Caro- a recent release 0f the U- 5- Department in the 4 years of their married life, have ,_ ,.
lina, was the principal speaker. Mayor Ben 0f Labor. .Compared Wlth the first half braved hard times in a 40-year—old pine
E. Douglas acted as master of ceremonies. Of 1939; thlS represents an 8-percent 1.11- shack with inch-wide cracks in the floors,
In his address M11 Broughton paid high crease in the number Of dwelling units consider themselves very fortunate indeed
tribute to the public housing movement in prov1ded. _ . . to be living in the neat, substantial USHA
the United States. He emphasized again USHA-alded prOJects accounted for home to which carpenters have just given
and again the importance 0f the USHA 21:486’ 01' about ,9 percent, of all non- the finishing touches. “Just think,” said
program in building good American citizens farm dwelling unlts prov1ded 1n the first Mrs. Ellis one day last week, “screens and
at a period in world events when good citi— 6 months Of 1940- a covered well. I guess we’re the luckiest
zens are most essential. He stressed the folks in the world.”
impossibility 0f developing good citizenship city’s population, while the number of dwell— One important thing about the new house,
in surroundings which breed disease, crime, ing units constructed by private builders according to May, will be warmth in the
and delinquency. fell 1,806 short of that number. Moreover, winter. “One night last winter, Vernon
Also making brief talks on the program little of this new construction provided and I were asleep in there,” she said, wav-
were John P. Broome of Washington, Direc- housing within the reach of low—income ing into the rude bedroom of the old house
. tor of Region IV of the United States Hous— families.” where the sun shone in through cracks in
ing Authority, and Langdon Post, former Mr. Post said that the opening of Fair- the wall boards. “I woke up so cold that
New York City tenement house commis— view Homes marked the beginning of a new I just had to wake Vernon.
sioner and now with USHA. way of life for all those families who are “ ‘Get up and let down the windows—the
In the course of his remarks, M1”. Broome living there now and will live there in the wind is about to blow the covers oil us,’ I
said, “Charlotte is still in the forefront of future. T. S. Johnson of Raleigh, Presi- told him. He got up in the dark and fum—
American development, for today we are dent of the North Carolina Council of Hous- bled around for a minute and said, ‘May,
witnessing the beginning of another chap- ing Authorities, spoke briefly. The entire the windows is down. That Wind’s coming
' ter in its history. The opening of this proj— proceedings were broadcast over Radio Sta- through the holes in the floor.’ ”
ect may well be said to mark a new phase tion WSOC of Charlotte. The Ellises were given a unique house-
in the service which a government can ren- Members of the Charlotte housing author- warming with delegates from all the 125
der its people. Charlotte’s population has ity are Edwin L. Jones, chairman; W. rural housing authorities in the State of
quadrupled since the turn of the century, Frank Dowd, Jr., vice—chairman; Earle J. Georgia present, along with the Chairman
but the building of homes in that time has Gluck, L. R. McEliece, and John Tillett. of the State Housing Board and Treasurer
not kept pace with the needs of the people. Harold J. Dillehay is executive director. of the State of Georgia George Hamilton,
During the 9 years since 1980, 4.500 fam- The Fairview Homes project will con— USHA officials, representatives from the
ilies are estimated to have been added to the tain dwelling units for 452 Negro families. (Continued on page 4)
J ._ Now they live in a sturdy, comforfable
- j . ‘ .- home like fhe model below. chf: One
7.; . “."fié‘fé—l'? : I ' 5 acre of round /us 50 a ear.
4:3 "3““..ZgW fig . _. s c 3 , 9 P is y
’ in}: ~ ’ .3.- ‘ ' i . . “Hem“
74% f ,f’fi“ ”$313 ling»; .. r: If / ~ r , -' . , 1 .
. . . . rim ’ Hi-.. ‘I- '
For 4 years the El/rs family (srgnrng deed, fr iii“ , j; i ...,.-= .. ‘4‘ "P t‘;
confer) lived in fhe dismal shack above. '- 3‘ . , u 1 a”... ' " I ' .
Then they heard about U SHA's rural hous- H , nggi g‘i,i§i":§i‘i‘i"~s: ,wg jS-jg. .-"-.;.~:“.' . .
mg program. .
,. UK LiBRABiE8 .

 ———————’ N e 'ment
ursery School Begun as Exp r1
l I . L k
A dm 27/! 2.?de to 7, Proves Boon to Families at a eVIeW
Unlike the old lady who lived in the shoe, opportunity for frequent informal talks . .
fl the management at Lakeview Terrace, 620— about the child’s habits and health.
family low—rent housing community in After medical inspection by the nurse,
Greetings: It has been suggested by several Cleveland, Ohio, knew just what to do for each child has cod-liver oil and fruit juice.
local authorities that a weekly message from it’s 260 youngsters under school age, and Then he is sent outSide to play—as much
the Administrator would be of interest Con- did it—encouraged a local agency to estab— time is spent out of doors as poss1ble.
. . ' , lish a nursery school. About the middle of the sessmn, the children
duclmg a comm“ ‘3 new to me’ but I W111 Started in 1988 as an “experiment," the go into the nursery for washing, toilet, and
try 1t- 30# school is now a going concern which has a glass of milk. Some rest for a while, the
Greetings and Salutations: This is written proved its usefulness to the parents and others play games, listen to music, stories,
on the plane returning from Los Angeles. children at the project and to the city of or nature experiences. .The afternoon
I have spent 4 days in California, conferring Cleveland as well. It is one of at least 24 schedule is, With slight variations, the same.
with the housing authorities of San Francisco, nursery schools now operating in low—rent Meetings are held frequently for parents.
Oakland Alameda Los Angeles City and Los housing prOJects throughout the country. There talks are given by experts on child
’ ’ _ , ’ . The school was established as a demon— care, and the administration of the nursery
Angeles count?" I met With pubhc °ffi°18_ls’ stration center through a grant of $1,380 (funds, fees, equipment, etc.) is discussed.
groups 0f businessmen, labor leaders! somal from the Cleveland Foundation. It is oper— Parents attend the meetings religiously.
WOFkCTS- I inSPECtEd several ProjeCtS under ated by the Cleveland Child Health Associa— To them the nursery school means healthier,
construction and One fine project, Opened for tion and receives practical assistance from brighter children, a minimum of doctor bills,
tenancy a few weeks ago and now one- the National Youth Administration, Work and (especially to mothers) more time to v
hundred-percent occupiedgHolly Courts in Projects Administration, the Cleveland do the thousand and one things that are
San Francisco. housing authority, and Music School Settle— required in running a home.
The news from the coast is good news Two ment. The chief of the staff was formerly The walls of the nursery are decorated
. , _ '. in charge of Junior House Nursery School with Earl J. Neif’s murals depicting well—
years ago, When I 15151: “51th cahfom‘a’ the of Western Reserve University. known characters in children’s literature.
USHA ngram was little underStOOd- Space was provided by the project man— One, showing a sly wolf, an Indian, and a
Today, there is an enthusiastic and wide- agement; most of the equipment and some very unfortunate bear, tells the story of
spread endorsement of the program. opposp of the assistants are supplied by the Na— how the bear lost his tail. Around the top
tion has practically vanished. The President tional Touth Administration; a piano, vic- of the room is a frieze 82 feet long, show-
of the Chamber of Commerce of the largest trola, scales, and other equipment were ing the Brementown Music1ans, Cinderella,
. . . ” donated; toys were given by a WPA toy Peter Rabbit, Big Billy Goat Grulf, Trolls,
City summed it up when he said: At first . .
. . shop; and the staff is pI‘OVlded by the Cleve- and Elves.
.We were suSplcmuS' TOday’ film new homés land Child Health Association. Members Direct benefits of the 24 nursery schools
1“ Place Of Slums! 10‘” conStruCtlon COS“! bus“ of the staff include a pediatrician from now operating are not always confined
neSSlike administration 0f the hOUSing P“;- Western Reserve University Hospital. to project residents. Many of the schools . .
gramAthese have converted the Chamber The school has two sessions a day—one take a large number of children from the
from skepticism to active support.” in the morning, the second in the afternoon. surrounding neighborhood—chi]dren who
My congratulations to the local housing UDQH bBing taken into the school, each child habitually play on the project playgrounds.
authorities and citizens’ housing groups for is givena thorough phys1cal examination by TillSdS espeCially true at Laurel Homes in
this change in public opinion the pediatriCian. . . Cincinnati where, during a recent 3-month
' Each day the child brings a note from period, 2,244 nonresident children, in addi—
home with information as to any irregular— tion to 6,600 from the project, attended
ities in his eating, sleeping, emotional be— nursery sessions.
havior, etc. The note is presented to the During the same period, 56,160 children
nurse who gives him his daily check-up of families in the 24 projects which have
before sending him in to play with the other nursery schools were receiving the benefits
children. Parents come with or call for of trained supervision. These nursery
their children at least twice weekly. In schools were attended by an additional 5,658
——‘—————“—-——'= this way, nurse, teacher, and parent have nonresident children.
. . l .. ’ “33%;???1; ”X w":1 -.
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.' .7 . 4 s ”If , 4,7, j i g V j ' ,~ . ' i 0' § '3" ’ (.13. .
(a’ifi’fis ‘ . . $343 3 .1; t wars ~ ' '
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a , #3 3»; ‘“ 5 a. g; = ‘ ‘ K _ ' ,. i
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8kg“ 9%» has? _ mtg .. * g A ,r. . . ,
. ' gas”. « - er a .’ . Jw~-!¢ . - '
A ln‘fcred alley Is a bad place for children to learn fhe ABC's of Nursery schools and playground supervision on USHA projecfs
crhzcnshrp. consfifufe a valuable fronf line of defense.

 ‘22: "2:22 55 35:5 2 .55
222222 222.. . . 2 i 9
22523222 3""??2222‘2’22 “23 3" 2 2... .1 2‘52". it " ‘ i i l W 2 ' '
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mufi’of’is‘io/ ”2 32’" 61%” 2 2‘3“?” 22-222 22 :2 W‘émm/ 2. '
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I l
SCHEDULED to open in September, Bostafi liOZlSZfig P707661 tenement houses line the 1drab streefis:3
Charlestown, Boston’s largest low—rent , , , where $10 a month rents a tiree-room a
2 housing community, is located in the shadow at Hlstorzc Buflker Hill in a wooden fire trap without heat, lighting,
of historic Bunker Hill Monument. On this , , running water, or indoor tOilet; and where,
exact spot Where the Minute. Men of i5 ZS syflZbOZ 0f leeft'y along Mile End Road, on the dump, are the
herOically defended American independence melancholy shacks of men who can pay no
and the right to “life, liberty, and the pur- percent of the dwellings had no private rent at all.” .
suit of happiness,” stands the Charlestown bathing facilities, 77 percent, no central The Charlestown area was settled in the
community, dedicated to the same demo- heating, and 27 percent, no indoor toilet. late 1620’s by John Winthrop With a party
cratic ideals. The Charlestown district had the highest of some 800 persons. Indians and brackish
Into this planned neighborhood, replacing infant mortality rate of the city, With 86 water soon discouraged the party, and at
more than 1,100 neglected, insanitary, tene- deaths per 1,000 births, as against 60 for the inVitation of William Blackstone, they
ment firetraps, soon will move 1,089 of Bos— Boston as a Whole in the 5—year period, moved to his estate on the western slope of
ton’s low—income families. Their new 1930—34. what is now Beacon Hill.
homes Will have from 3 t0 6 T001115. They In addition to Charlestown, the Boston Thus Charlestown has had 300 years to
will pay from $14 to $25 a month for rent, Housing Authority has three other proj— develop into one of the City’s worst slum
including the COSt 0f heat, light, water, l'e- ects underway: South Boston, Mission Hill, sections. Since the arrival of the first Eng-
. . frigeration, and cooking fuel. Among the and Lenox Street. The four developments lishinen and their families, who called their
outstanding community facilities in the will provide 8,291 homes for low—income settlement “tri-mountain,” Boston has been
neighborhood available to tenants are a families. expanding—thrusting long. tentacles of
municipal gymnasium, a public playground Boston’s public housing program was structures out in every direction. But until
and ball park, a community health center, begun before USHA was created—when the last few years, there has not. been a suf—
and one of the largest boys’ clubs in Emergency Relief Administration funds fiCiently articulated need to inspire an effec—
America. were set aside for the development of Old tive slum rehabilitation program.
Charlestown is one of four USHA—aided Harbor Village by the PWA Housing Divi— In the first place, there were no homes, no
projects now nearing completion in Boston. sion. One of the largest of the PWA I-Ious- place for their inhabitants if slums were de—
It is located in one of the city’s most ing Division projects, Old Harbor Village, molished. In the second place, only a few
crowded and substandard areas which has provides homes for 1,016 families. It is people had time to concern themselves with
long been considered a fire hazard. Ac— managed by the Boston Housing Authority slum clearance. Like most American Cities,
cording to the Boston Real Property Inven- under lease agreement with USHA. Boston was so busy growmg it had no time
tory of 1934, '79 percent of all the buildings Boston is a paradoxical city, comments to regulate its growth.
in Charlestown were wooden; 31 percent of the Massachusetts Guide. It is a city of Things are different now.“ The local
the structures were more than 80 years old; wide streets, spreading elms, fine public housmg authority is pushing its program
and 25 percent were in need of structural buildings, and magnificent parks. But it is Vigorously forward. It has the backing of
repair or unfit for occupancy. Fifty—three also a city “Where acres of ugly wooden CIVic groups and local institutions.
hefiefig £5“ E‘s ._ , Plcfures on Hus page are convmcmg proof of Hie / '
3,2552; is ¥%§ "‘2 . fhorough slum clearance [ob done by the Charles- ,2
22* 22.5 ”a: 2 s: f ' f ' H; h d f B k H'II /
,24422kga 522g. $252 . . own prolec m e s a ow 0 un er I . ,
5‘25 2‘22 $2 2: . ._ ,2 .
F223“; “‘2 22‘ “‘52 22.2 5.” ‘3 f; '
“3222* $2322 ~23»? 2. 2“?! :5» 2%. '
ifmrftmgg‘” «2.22.2. “2"” 52m ”‘3 $2.2 2. ‘f ' I
”$.22 “2.2 . 22%;”32‘2222 2 ~. .2 2 : . .
*2 .. 22;" ”.2... 2 ‘il {5- 2.2
f“--—. .3 2' 2 . 253% a :5 5': 2 up i ' "W i 2223‘“ 2

 Georgia Family is First to S Carolina lewspaper Pres1!eanproves Loans
Live in USHA Farm Dwelling - To 20 Local Authorities
0 Ct . . .
(Continued from page 1) Urges DBfense Pr J6 The number of public housmg proyects
Department of Agriculture, and other State Complimenting the Housing Authority of under USHA loan. contract reached 459 last .
and local notables. Speakers stressed the the City of Columbia, S. C., for doing “an week, when President Roosevelt a’ppioveld
fact that to the hundreds of Georgia farm— intricate job admirably,” The State, a C0- loans totaling $42,646,000 to 20 IOCdl 110115‘
ers who have seen years so lean that their lumbia newspaper, recommended on July mg authorities. 4 "8
net cash income was often less than $5, the 27 that an immediate request be made to ULSHA loan contracts now total $6 3,911,-
new Ellis home represents tangible evidence Washington for another large—scale, low— 483 L0 184 131119110 1101131112? agencies “HOUg 1-
that their Government means to help them cost housing project in Columbia. The quo- OUt the COUHEI'Y- f _ 90 ‘ »
escape from such housing conditions as may tation from The State follows: Last week s loans gm t? dfe 4:371 , 1361;
have inspired “Tobacco Road." “In view of the imperative new demands, Zent ~0f thedesllmatel cf): 0 ro'ecotz—legf
In their old home, the Ellises had no bath— arising out of the large and enlarging use tlfigsiilgnlaigr 282umroc'eiztlsaafig fewj. 22-were
ing facilities. Their only source of water by the Army of Camp Jackson a request sanctioned in ref/103$ loan contrabts which
for household use was a crumbling well in should be made now to Washington for p . . 1
. . . . , . have been reapproved in consolidated feim.
the back yard. Yet despite these primi- another large—scale, low-cost housmg pl‘OJ- . . . ,_ . . . _
. . . ’ . . . . . . Followmg is a lle of Cities, local author-
tive conditions, local officials pomted out ect in Columbia. The needs of eligible it loans and number of units to be built‘
that the Ellis family was enjoying much civilian families for such accommodations y ’ I N I i I
better living conditions than many of their are. such that more than a thousand appli- City 00;???“ of}; 1:39
neighbors. cations_had been filed for the 236 apart— Birmingham, A1a1_____1, $9,705,000 2,246
The new Ellis home is built on an acre “99.11135. ”1 Gorgzaltesl Garden? 12101“ to the San Francisco, Calif111 620,000 150
plot on the Ellis farm on “Pummy Road” leerSIOD 0f 6 0 tiese to t e rmy. Daytona Beach, Fla_11 194,000 65
about 14 miles northeast of Thomasvillc. “If and when Camp 330118011 Shall be made Orlando Fla 756 000 254
It is a modest structure of three bedrooms, a permanently garrisoned post, as it should _ v 9]: 00 9
a living room with an open fireplace, a be, quarters on the reservation will even- 001110113115: Ga1111111,1 3,1 ,0 8 8
kitchen, and dining space. Sanitary facil_ tually be built for married noncommissioned Macon, Ga._________________ 2, 560, 000 690
ities include a pump, a sealed well, and a oflicers. But that’s for the'not-tOO—near fu- Decatur, 11111111111. 1, 663,000 440
hygienically located pit privy. For these ture; the present 13011037 Is to b11114 01111' Henry County, 1111111 467,000 128
conveniences Mr. Ellis will pay a cash rent temporary—type structures at Camp Jack— Madisonville, Ky11___1_ 321,000 95
ofdflbout $50,atyea1'- He dwill do all 1311: $211335 $231550 gin gigging; $211935 if; Baltimore, Md1_111_1,294,000 286
or inary main enance an repair wor — . - ,- r
himself. additional low-cost housing project in Co— Builington, N' J“”""'" 343900 1:10
The Ellis home constructed by Price E. lumbia were authorized, it might be found High-Pomt, N' C111. 1’ “328’ 000 4'90 _
Jinright Thomasv’ille contractor will finally practicable to make further accommoda— Wilmington, N» C11111,737,000 464
cost about $1,324. This figure includes tions available to the Army, without depriv— Beaver County, Pa1_____ 805,000 192
cost of the structure, electric wiring, ing too many civilian applicants.” Erie, Pa 895,000 226
kitchen sink, and sanitary outside privy. ——_—*—— Puerto Rico Housing n .
The plot of ground upon which the house as to take advantage of existing improve— AnthOl‘ltY-—-~--~~~~—~ 6701000 0'81
will stand was donated to the Thomas ments, such as good roadS, power lines, san— Pawtucket, R. 1%.... 1, 275, 000 310
County Housing Authority b Mr. Ellis. itary ditches, and a good water su iply, Charleston, S. C11111 3, 194, 000 728
y I
For some time to come the Ellis home will While the County authority’s $357,000 Memphis, Tenn1_-_._.11 8, 073, 000 1, 878
serve as a demonstration building for low- loan contract was for an estimated 200 Nashville, Tenn1_1_1_1 3, 155, 000 866
income farm families who have made appli- dwellings, indications now are that it will
cation to the Thomas County Housing Au— be able to provide about 250 dwellings with , . 1
thority for similar homes. The authority, the same outlay of money. This is due to Schedule Of Bld Opening Dates
flooded with such applications, will adver- the fact that first estimates of the net con— _—_‘———
tise for construction bids for 50 similar struction cost of a home such as was I’mjoflinlfffifliflgvnillfilbfilfifnd l Nfuml’ffl Dated,
farmhouses within a very short time, and built for the Ellis family would be $1,460, 11‘ ‘ “ L am a L , 0 um" PODmmE’
for another 50 soon thereafter. They will as against the $1,324 actually bid. The . 1 ,
be located on acre sites on farms which the Ellis home is the largest of three types HOPCWCU (Va.:5—1).,_... 96 946—40
Department of Agriculture has found to be planned in the Thomas County program. gersey (“t-‘39: J‘Eg’m‘ :50 ‘ 946—40
economically stable and to offer the possi— The other two types are a small and a fimreéltceé} a§§610_.])' 91 - 9717740
bility of a fair return sufficient to maintain medium—sized home for adjustment to the €115, $101,331; A )' l 108 '1 9_10*40
the family and defray the rent charges. size of the family. The. construction cost Marietta ((3311012)‘
Sites Will be distributed as equally as pos- of the three types is estimated to average Fort Hill HolilCS11111_.j 120 ; 940—40
Slble over Thomas County and selected so only $1,100. New Orleans (Larlel, }
Pt. II): I ,
_ St. Thomas Street111‘ 36 29*11—40
W eekly Construction Report
EM Newport News (Va.—3— I
, . Y 1 , V. 1): l
1m“ Aligeuoskt griffin Aligligl: iiid 160140 «mils? 329190;; Harbor Homes......_...‘ 252 9— 540
_ 1. ‘fi—__fi Newport News (Va.— ‘
. , 3—2, Defense 350 . 9—12—40
Number of projects under construction 1__1111 255 . 246 89 Pelly (Tex.~l2~)1)_1__11 30 12 9112140
Number of dwellings under construction 1__11 94,433 90,866 38,583 Pellv (Tex.—l2~2)_1111 30 129112140
Total estimated over-all cost? of new housing. $410,444,000 $395,275,000 $179,542,000 Philadelphia (Pa.—2—3) 1 l, 250 9—17—40
Average over-all cost 2 of new houSIng per unit_ $4,346 $4,350 $4,653 Washington (D. C1
Average net construction cost3 per unit__1___11 $2,729 $2,730 ‘ $2,916 1_7);
M Navy Yard-._11________ 314 9—10—40
1 Includes projects which have been completed. m
7 Iiicludcsg (a) Building.r the house, including structural costs and plumbing, heating. and electrical installation; (b) 1 . , . . .
. dwelling: equipment. architects‘ fees. local administrative expenses, financial charges during construction, and contingency . _Thcre 1595113113. a 30-day period he!“ ccn bld adver-
expcnses; (c) land for present development; ((1) nondwellinz facilities. tismg and ma opening.
3 The cost of building the house, including structural, plumbing. heatin‘z. and electrical costs. 2 Information not definite.
.‘l’ublication is approved by the Director, Bureau of the Budget, as required by rule 42 of the Joint Committee on Printing.
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Subscription price $1 domestic. foreign $1.80 per year. Single copies, 5 cents. ~
Material for PUBLIC HOUSING should be addressed to Informational Service Division, U. S. Housing Authority, Washington, D. C.