xt7w3r0pvw2t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w3r0pvw2t/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2012-01 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, January 2012 text GLSO News, January 2012 2012 2012-01 2019 true xt7w3r0pvw2t section xt7w3r0pvw2t il‘
A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization Jan 2012 WI 34 No. 1
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 Letter from the President pen at our Pride Center, it’s a safe place
By Aaron Baker, for kids to be themselves and enjoy the ‘
Contributor company of others in the GLBTQQIA
A Happy New Year to our GLBTQQIA community. l
community! As the confetti settles to
the ground, it is traditionally a time Of course, our youth are always busy
to reflect back on the year that has Planning an event. Following on the
passed and look forward to the year be- heels of our successful 2011 Pride Prom
fore us. For the GLSO, this has been and Halloween dance! the YOUth are I
an eventful year. We were out in the Planning a Valentine’s Day dance for
community throughout the year, put— February 10th at the Unitarian Univer- I
ting on events to raise money for our salist church. Our youth dances are al-
Pride Festival. The festival itself was our ways a good fundraiser for the youth, i
biggest yet, and we heard lots of feed- as well as providing a positive, fun en-
back, both positive and negative. As vironment for them to enjoy jUSt being
a nonprofit organization, we are dedi- themselves and dancing the night away!
cated to listening to our community. As
a result, there were a lot of changes The YOUth aren’t the only ones With
at the GLSO at the end of this year. plans for this year, though. Our an-
nual Pride Festival, now in its fifth year,
AS we move forward this year, we’re go- iS scheduled for June 30th, 2012. The E
ing to be making even more changes If Pride committee this year has made it
you have any suggestions for the direc- their goal to reinforce the family-friendly
tion that you'd like to see the GLSO go, nature of our festival, while putting on
please give us your thoughts. We can’t jUSt as big ofa ShOW as last year. Expect
serve the community uniesg we know to see lots more activities for kids and
what the community needs! families, with just as much visible pride
Here are some of the things we are from our community as you’ve come to ‘
already committed to doing this year. expect every year! That’s the plan for
Starting at the end of January, our Gay the Lexington Pride Festival 2012: Blue-
Straight Alliance for Youth (GSA) will be grass Family Pride. If you want to help
conducting the Youth Empowerment in the planning, come to our Planning
Project. This is a series of workshops meetings, every second Thursday at the ,
designed to transform the young people Pride Center at 7Pm- '
in our community into our future lead- There’s Plenty more Still in the works as
ers_ The project is supported by a grant We start this new year, but expect to see
from Just Fund KY, as well as matching a new way to make your tax—deductible
funds raised by the Imperial Court of donations to your favorite charity, the
Kentucky. If you know a youth mem- GLSO. We’ve been listening to sugges— ‘
ber of our community who isn’t involved tions from the community, and we’re 90‘ ‘
with our GSA, encourage them to at— ing to make it easier than ever to sup- i
tend. port the community that supports you!
In addition to the Youth Empowerment
project, we also have regular GSA meet— Finally, I want to present our new ex-
ings every Tuesday night at 7pm at the ecutive committee. Starting in January
pride Center on Waller Avenue. Thanks 2012, I have the pleasure of serving as i
to the generous help of our youth men- President, alongside our new Vice Presi- -
toring volunteers, we’ve also begun hav— dent, Jesse Howard. Tommy Brodbeck
ing Fun Night for the youth every third is leading the charge to secure our fi~
Friday of the month. While our normal nancial stability as our new Treasurer,
GSA meetings provide a supporting and expanding from his role as Pride
environment for the youth to discuss Festival Chair, Paul Brown is our Secre- ‘
what is on their minds, the Fun Night tary- Along with the rest of our vibrant ‘
is just a time to get together and talk, and engaged Board of Directors, I want
play games and watch a GLBT-themed to thank you for your continuing support
movie. Because these Fun Nights hap- for the mission 01‘ the Gi-SO-
_ I

 Issue 1 20 12 Feature Story
GLSO ready
CONTENTS for New Year Page 2
GLSO’s 2012 GSA Meeting
Page 2 Every Tuesday, 7 pm.
Pride Center
Trans Kentucky
Saturday, Jan 7, 6:30 pm.
Pride Center
What Are We Lexington Pride Festival Meeting
Afraid Of? 5 Thursday, Jan 12, 7 pm.
Pride Center
_ _ Imperial Court of Kentucky Meeting
Domestic Violence
Sunday, Jan 8 & 22, 6 pm.
Support Group 6 Pride Center
GLSO Board Meeting
Thursday, Jan 5 & 19, 6:30 pm.
Sister Sound Pride Center
It’s A New Day 8
Kentucky Bourbon Bears
Board Meeting
$533 Years Saturday, Jan 14, 9 pm.
10 Crossings
GLSO_ _ Domestic Violence Support Group
Classrfieds 12 Monday, Jan 23 & 30, 7 pm.
Pride Center

 GLSO News Issue 1 2012
The GLSO News is published Aaron Baker President
monthly by and for the Lexington Jesse Howard, Vice President i
Gay and Lesbian Services Organi- Paul Brown Secretary
zation members and community. Tommy Brodbeck Treasurer
The mission of the Lexington Gay GLSO DIRECTORS
and Lesbian Services Organization
is to provide support and services Mary Crone, GSA
t0 the GLBTQQIA community. Jeremy Law, At Large

Don Lowe, At Large
The vision of the Lexington Gay Ginger Moore-Minder, At Large
and Lesbian Services Organiza-
tion is to empower the GLBTQQIA GLSO STAFF
community through voice.

Chad Hundley, Office Manager
The Lexington GLSO is founded
upon the core values of fun, in-
clusion, respect, integrity, dignity, EDITORIAL NOTES
serwce and competence. The GLSO is currently looking for
389 Waller Avenue d't' @ | e es ’ a
Suite 100 e i or .g so.org.
Lexington, Ky. 40504 Pride Center Hours
859.253.3233 \SlllIJQJ Mo3n &7TuesTH Clc3ised,

e nes m- m urs m-

www.glso.org 7pm, Fri P11afi1-5pm andpSat


2012 GLSO News sponsorship packages are now available!
Email editor@glso.org to pick your package today!

 What Are We Afraid Of? tent fear. There is so much in this one
By Pastor Karen Taylor, verse I’m not sure where to start. For
Contributor one thing, when we accept Christ as
There is a lot of fear going our personal Lord and Savior, we are
i on around us these days. Fear of our adoPted 'hto His royal family. We be-
foods and their source, fear of what come Joint heirs to the King. There is
lies ahead in terms of our economy, nothing we need to fear because we
fear of losing our jobs, and the list have the power of the King of the uni-
goes on. The Bible tells us that per- verse at our side, watching our back,
‘ fect love cast out fear. Perfect mean- looking over us all the time.
ing mature. You have probably heard , 1 Timothy 1:7 “For God has
the acronym for fear: false evidence not given us a spirit 0t fearfulness, but
_ appearing real. Henry David Thoreau one of power, love, and sound judg—
i once said, “Nothing is so much to be ment.” Itotally understand that there
feared as fear.” It can paralyze you seems to be times in our lives when
from moving fon/vard and more often everything looks to be falling apart. It
than not, it is a false concern, or at all seems hopeless, no way out, but
the very least a concern that doesn’t we must never forget that God is al-
materialize. There was a time in my ways, 24/7! fighting for “5' It’s not
life that fear ruled me. Iwas afraid of that we won’t have hard times, bt‘t
everything. I couldn’t drive in Lexing- that when they hit we can know that
ton for fear of getting lost. I couldn’t all Will work out in time because the
go into a restaurant or movie theater creator of the universe is in control.
for fear of what people would think of , Hebrews 6 tells us that the
me being alone, I was afraid of being Lord. '5 our helper and that we have
destitute, afraid of commitment, you ”Oththg to fear. There is absolutely
name it I was afraid of it . It wasn’t .hOth'hg man can do to me that God
until I was delivered from a spirit of 'shlt there supporting me, helping me,
fear that I was able to live. The Bible bringing me through “ht"- The only
has much to say about fear and most th'hg we need to fear or have tremen—
of it has to do with fear of the Lord. dous resPeCt f°r ‘5 G°d because He ‘5
Don’t let that throw you off because all powerful, all knowing, ever pres-
it doesn’t mean fear as in frightening, ent, and 't He is on our side Who or
but rather reverence. One cool thing what do we need to fear? Nothing or
about both Greek and Hebrew is that no one. .
they have several different words to . , 50 't you are currently expe-
communicate more clearly what they rrencrng some W of fear, whether
are trying to say. We love pizza, our it be feat of losrng a Job, fear of not
mother, and Dances with Wolves, but hhd'hg aJob, whatever, you can know,
in Greek they have a different word ”got here and now, that it you give
for each of those different types of yourself to God He will take care of
love. Same with fear, we have the you. Not that it will work out neces-
one word but they have several. Let’s sarily like you think it should or would
take a look at some of those verses. but rest assured He will take care of
Psalm 111:10a “The fear of you. If you would like prayer support
the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;” please call me 502.545.6355 I will be
I looked the word up in my concor— more than happy to pray With you.
dance to learn that the Hebrew word Remember to attend church
is” yiraw” and means reverence. So on Sunday. It’s the time during the
to revere the Lord is the beginning of week you can get tefreshed, uplifted,
wisdom. The book of Romans tells us supported by Cht'St and fellow be—
that as Christians we did not receive lievers. It y°.u.d° h°t have a thteh
a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear home, F9me 10‘" us at Open Arms 0t
but rather the spirit of adoption. The God M'h'Stty' we meet in the Pride
word fear in this text comes from the Center on Waller Ave every Sunday at
Greek word “phobos” where we get 10:30. God bless you this week and
our word for phobia, irrational persis— throughout the month.

 Domestic Violence in - - - -
Same-Sex Relationships Sfiflgésapsfléflfiaér'il‘érlaiifith‘fil
Th . d t f pfFE/iR of imminent physical
astglgrvli/sitfiirn lsélgglignoms a0 injury, serious phy5ical injury,
bisexual, and transéengde/r 322%] afg‘fiffi' Oggfif'ggl‘g b3;
FLGBTE relationships are simi- members ofyunmarried cou—
ar to [1059: Of other forms 0f les. You do have the right to
li‘él‘fifi?” grit; Threw: file fordan wergengv. protec-
sexual assault, and emotional T'fig Ogrifidae arlNafi p'Coali-
angllS’r psychological abuse, tion for Kentucky is offerin
LG Victims _of domestic Vio- a domestic Violence su p03
that: “tastings: egogip for member: of the
discounteaydue to myths and Wm sweatpants, 2%,958‘1‘3
assumgtiothfs dregaicggq. PFer' at the GLSQ pride center. The
222:] ' lg? [thee fgllowin' 0" meeting Will start at 7pm and

P I . . 9 are last for one hour. For ques-
false assumptions. tions glease call Samara Bak-
° Women cannot rape. er: 8 9-276—4457 or email:
' Men cannot be bat— sbaker.bcc@$mail.com. You
tered ogafi‘lfigex relation- are not alone.
shi s are alwa s e ual in
goiter. V q LEXINGTON

o exert power and control, ’ ‘

the abuser may: ART

0 l Threzgctecn to rfeyfial the

sexua orien a ion 0 e Vic-

tim to friends, family mem- LEAGUE

bers, employers, church com- . .

munity, and law enforcement $X.net Opening PreVIew

OffiCla s. arty for 30d! I Figure

3f t ItIhfeCt gr thjreateint to l N" e

wiacHlflngas'use pa ner Be the first to see_LAL's most

0 reaten to tell others antICIpated exhibition of the

that the abused partner has year, In Its new form BOdY I

HIV/AIBIS. _ _ t'fy igure | Nude.

. inimize or us i . . .

abuse by stating that it can- Catering With Executive Chef

not be_ omestic Violence be- Sam Sears, CEC AAC 0f_50Uth'

cause it is a same-sex rela- Va.n_EventS' C35“ bar WJth _fine

tionship. spirits and beverages; live fl)azz

- Make the victim feel W'thbDe‘éourg‘h? lgndIHOW'

shame about sexual activi ers Y reg or an ine 0W-

or gender identity. . _ ty ers and Events.

Domestic Violence is a crime

regardless <3; seéualt.tc;/rie1nfja- LAL @ Loudoun House: Jan-

ion or en eri eni . n i-

Vidualsfio not have _to be in uary 13/ 6p — 10p

a married relationship to be $40 EDMembers $30)

a Victim of domestic Violence. LAL Loudoun House: Janu-

In Kentucky, Domestic _Vio- a 13 6p— 10

lence means phy5ical injury, $26 (Members £30)

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‘ i‘ It ' i to become a contestant
1| I I please contact
$5 flflNATlflN tworshomégmoitcom
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 GSA Valentines Dance FREE EXERCISE
By Mary Crone, CLASSES!
Tuesdag and Thursday eve-
The Gay Straélght Alliance is nings, |£1m-7pm
having our rst Valentines Weight oom available Monday
Dance on Feb_ 10 at the Unitar- — Friday, warn - 8:45pm
ian Universalist Church. We William ells Brown Commu-
will be In need of Chaperones mtg Center
again. This time please con- 54 _East Sixth Street
tact Aaron at aaron@glso.org LeXIngton,.Kentuck_y
to volunteer. We wrl ne_e For more information, contact
people to work several shifts Mark at 859-288-2391.
msrde the burlding and out.
We could also use someone to
organize the kitchen and serve
food. Although we_ don't plan
to get excessrve wrth decora- “It's a New Day"
trons, we could also use_ some- for SisterSound
one_to assrst an adviser by
staying late, helping Wlth clean SisterSound has lots of new
UP, and making sure all Of the things to celebrate: new ear
teens are Pleed UP YOU WI” (their 16th), new director (Rob
hOt, be 5'9th UP 0 work the Vanover), new rehearsal space
entire time. (Centenary Methodist Church),
new concert venue (Tates
Creek Presbyterian Church)
and lots of new musrc and new
Join the Sisters as they pro-
mote the “new dag” heme
With “A New Day”, “ ad Day"
“It's a Lovely Day Today” and
“One Fine Deg”. Thea/l travel
south wrth “ e Islan ”, “Matil-
da” “It's Too Hot to Samba”
and “Grumble Too Much” and
, . , round out the concert wrth sev-
GSA '5 also beginning 01” eral new numbers and some
Youth Empowerment PI'OJECt in favorites as well.
January wrth sessrons on every
other aturday or so throug 50, ather up fami|y and
March. friendg, shake off the post-
Christmas blahs and 10m $15-
We have a IOt planned for the terSound for their winter con-
youth and are excrted about cert on Saturday, Janua 14,
he number of teens interest- 2012, 7:00 pm, at Tates FCreek
ecl- Vl/e so appreCIate JustFun_d Presbyterian Church, 3900
for givmfifus thegrant that IS Rapid Run Drive EMan 0' War
making '5 DOSSI le. Thanks Blvd east of Tates reek Road).
3'50 0, all Of YOU who have Tickets are $10/$5 (age 5 and
made financral donations to under) and are availa le from
SUPPOFt the GSA and the Em- Sister ound members or at the
powerment PFOJeCt- door. See you there!

  ICK 30 Years Strong The “King of Drag” contest will be
by ShOtZ/ held Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Contributor et Pulse Nightlife. Come see your
The Holiday Spirit is sometimes naavn‘igfie t%;a%i'§g'gofc°§:§§ite ’30,???
hard to find In the hustle and bUS' miss what is sure to be an amazing
tle ofthe season. However, the contest! If you are interested in
Imperial Court Of Kentucky found competing or know someone that
a way tolhelpeach 0t ”5 find It, is, contact Emperor XXX Fred Wor-
AVOL K'd 5 Christmas! sham at fworsham@gmai|.com for
Each year we host this heart details.
E8Ugh'ehEgfiihgrvé’rtoolgrtf’ggfiiggefiem; Our last show of the month will be
, held on Sunda , Janua 29, 2012
W'th and/or affected by HIV/AIDS at the Crowrtle Plazary Campbell
This past ”0“an Season, unfor- House Bogart's Lounge. This show
tunately, the list of children and simply titled, “Monarchs Ball", will
families that needed assmtance highlight the past and current Mon-
grew _and we were EVOV'ded W'th archs of the Imperial Court of Ken—
the biggest “5t we ave ever re- tucky. Our organization has a rich
celved from AVQL- We are proud history in the Bluegrass and we are
to report that mm the SUPPOVt 0t proud to present this show which
our community we were able to will highlight 30 years of fundrais—
Prowde gifts for every child on our ing and community support! Our
ISt! Brava Lexmgtoniii! College of Monarchs is a living
history of the Imperial Court and
We have several new shows com- each of these Reigns have dedicat—
Ing up for you in January- First UP ed their time and energy to their
on Sunday, January 15/ 2012 at community. We hope to see you at
the Crowne Plaza Campbell House Monarch's Ball to help us honor 30
giggaflbtrsthgusgfinvdleygfl igeahge/t‘ years of dedication and commit—
the Inner Diva Pageant. This is ment to community serwce.
unlike any‘of our other pageants, The membership renewal grace
our biological female friends get period has begun! If you are a
the opportunity to be a queen member of the Imperial Court of
for a day. These ladies, With-35' Kentucky and you did not renew
Sistance from local drag artists, your membership in December
will be transformed into ‘queens” 2011 please see a member of the
and compete toisee who has the Board of Directors or the Reigning
best, Inner Diva.' Interested Monarchs to renew.
and/or know someone who is,
contact Empress XXX ShOtZ at Memberships were due Decem-
shot_zmthaz@llve.com for more ber 31, 2011 but we allow a grace
details. periocrl1 of one month so thatzgou
. . now ave unti anua 31, 1
The Imperial Court Of Kentucky '5 to renew without a lag/5e in your
Widely known for our drag queens membership. You may also email
and philanthropy, bUt our organl— us at info@imperialcourtkentucky.
zatlon con5lsts of both sexes, all org for more details on how to re-
sexual orientations and all gender new deadlines or how to join for
identities! In other_wor s, we the first time!
welcome the community! As always, join us on Facebook to
. . . stay up-to-date on all fundraising
Th's year we .W'” be hOSt'hg a C0”' endeavors and opportunities to
test for the first time for our Drag support the community with The
King brothers in the community! Imperial Court of Kentucky.

 fig Goin‘)
r. a j
l 3°13
‘ i “:3
G LSO ( v ,. J
E-Newsletter Subset-influx:
In a mission to ”Go Green” the 6150 Newsletter is giving you the op—
tion of helping the GlSO to save some “GREEN” by reducing our
printing costs. We’re doing this by offering the option of receiving
your newsletter as a monthly e-blast through your email.
If you wh to receive your FREE ehlast newsletter, please send your
info including your first and last name and email address to
chad@g|so.org or sign up directly at glso.orglnewsub.php.
Since we will still send our paper newsletter to anyone who wants it,
you may help us to cover our printing costs by making a tax—
deductible donation to the 6150. You may send your donation to:
GlSO, 389 Waller Ave, Suite 100, Lexington, KY 40504.

 GLSO CIaSSIfieds Will even her? you load during
January 2012 the week a er 5pm. Conta
the Pride Center for pictures
1 Bedroom Apartments for and more info. Serious ianI-
Rent ries only.
North Hanover Avenue, just off Physician Needed
East Main Street, near Wood-
land Park. Kitchen and bath. Localtransgender patient seek-
Private entry. $550 per month ing a local physician for medi-
Plus electric. $ 50 depOSIt, pet ca treatment. If you or anyone
riendly, Section 8 _Welcome. you know can give a_referral,
Laundry room on Site. Please please contact he Pride Cen-
call Nori at 859-230-8079. er.
Volunteers Needed LGB Health Study
. . Survey
The GLSO Pride _ Center IS
in search of InlelduaIS who Be Part of an important study
would like to help update the of esbian, gayt and bisexual
Pride_ Center library. We use health. Go to h ps://www.sur—
the Library of Congress system veymonkeycosz LGBhealth
All of the necessary egrwpment to participa e an be registered
and materials are avai able but to win a $100 gift card 0 Ama-
just need volunteers Willing to zon. You must complete the
donate some time and talent to survey by February 15, 2012
catalog some new additions to and it on y take 15 minutes to
our library. Please contact the take. For more info, contact
Pride Cen er for more informa- the Pride Center.
In search of: VHS to
DVD Converter In an effort to add even more
_ services through the Gay l__es-
Looking to borrow, rent or buy bian Serwces Organization,
a VHS oDVD Converter. Please we are opening our pages to
contact the Pride Center if_ you the community in the form of
or someone you know is Wil ing classified advertisements. All
to lend, rent or sell one. claSSIfieds should be directed
through the Pride Center and
Canopy Tent for Sale shoul .be_ short but contain ’
_ the ba5ic information of who,
A screened tent for camping or what, when, where, cost, etc.
backyard use for sale. As ing .
price is $35 With the proceeds For personal protection, in-
gomg to the Gay Straight Alli- guiries can be directed to the
an_ce for Youth. _Come by the ride Center 59 your gersonal
Pride Center during normal of- information Will not e pub-
fice hours to take a look! lished. For more information or
. to place_a classified ad in our
Whirlpool Washer & next edition, please contact
Dryer Set for Sale Chad at chad@8|so.o_rg or call
_ . 859-253-3233. eadline for all
Excellent _condition. Hardly submi55ions to the GLSO News-
used. Asking $399, no less! letter is January 20, 2012.

e G U fidiiiWV¥¥ wwwihx\t
The Imperial Court of Kentucky
impclky@aol.com Vva.ImpelialCounKemucky.org
GLSO News Monthly Sponsors
SisterSound 859.806.0243
Diverse Music for all Women
D! Fix My PC! Technology Support 859.368.2734
Debra Hensley Insurance 859.276.3244
1513 Nicholasville Road
Lexington Faimess—www.lexfair.org 859.951.8565
Unitarian Universalist Churdw 859.223.1448
3564 Clays Mll Road
Scott Ackerman, Keller Williams Bluegrass Reality 859.338.8483
GLSO Pride Center—www.glso.org 859.253.3233
Lexington Pride Fesfival—wwwlexpridefestorg 859.253.3233
Open Arms of God Ministry 502.545.6355

 GLSO Phone Directory
A community resource page for gay and/or Sister Sound 859.806.0243
gay—friendly organizations across Kentucky. Social Services, Lexington 211
_ _ Speaker’s Bureau 859.266.5904
TransKentucky cassiemtf@
AIDS Volunteers Inc (AVOL) 859.225.3000 yahoo.com
Cumberland Region, SE Ky. 606.864.3776 United Way 859.313.5465
Health Dept., Fayette 859.288.2437 W
877-505-2437 Integrity, Ky. Diocese 859.369.9691 1
Health Dept., Jessamine 859.885.4149 Integrity, St. Martha’s 859.533.9851
Health Dept., Woodford 859'873'4541 Interweave, Unitarian 859.266.5904
HIV/AIDS L995" ”019“ 502-584-1254 Lex Friends, Quakers 859.254.3319
Louisville Region 502.574.0161 Mercy Ministry Church 859.358.3357
Moveable Feast 859.252.2867 MCC Paducah 2704433339
“Miler” KY- RegiO" 859341-4264 Open Arms of God Ministry 502.545.6355
UK Adolescent Medicine 859.323.5643
Comma-m, and Sag-a, 5mm: We:
24-Hour Crisis Line 800.928.8000 33% “”899 ACE 859958-3533
24-Hour Teen Crisis Line 800.999.9999 centre C°”ege BGLA 859238-5332
Alcoholics Anonymous 859.967.9960 Morehead State University 606.783.2294
AA/Alcoholic Teens 859.277.1877 1/“
Bluegrass COLTS 859.225.9169 ref
Council for Peace & Justice 859.225.6999 ( ’1
Discussion Group 859.253.3233 ' 1011619, 33;.)
Fairness of Louisville 502.893.0788 ‘22-. 609:606“; 2
Gay Straight Alliance, Teens 859.266.5904 3% 636603216
GLSO Pride Center 859.253.3233 “$169231 L,
Imperial Court of Kentucky 859.619.7521 3:3 39939809“) ‘
International Gay Bowling 859.276.3058 :1 (’6 \,
Kentucky Fairness 270.703.1582 2"» .
Lexington Fairness 859.951-8565 _\/, ,. "
Lexington Human Rights 859.252.4931
Lexington Insight Group 859.230.2428
Lexington Pride Festival 859.253.3233 GLSO News Deadline
MACT 859.358.8335 January 20
PFLAG Lexington 859.338.7393 Send articles and ads to
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