xt7w3r0pt91b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w3r0pt91b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1988-11-11 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, November 11, 1988, no. 539 text The Green Bean, November 11, 1988, no. 539 1988 1988-11-11 2014 true xt7w3r0pt91b section xt7w3r0pt91b ‘ 'IE GREEN BEAN   NE E    
Number 539 November 11, 1988 ‘
YI?he impetus for undertaking restructuring in Technical Services in
the Fall of 1988 was the need to analyze vacant positions to determine if they
should be filled as they were currently structured. Namely, these positions
included the Head of Cataloging Dept., Head of Online Cataloging Unit, Head of
Order Processing Unit_and several searchers and receivers. The plan was to
... 1. Articulate goals for Technical Services; 2. Establish action plans to
reach these goals; 3. Gather recommendations fronn unit heads on workflow
enhancements; 4. Develop conceptual framework for restructuring based on
recommendations and action plans; 5. Present the framework to the staff for
input; 6. Refine the framework and gain staff approval; 7. Present to the
Director for approval; 8. Develop implementation plan based on existing `
resources and the approved conceptual framework; 9. Present the implementation
plan to staff and the Director for approval; 10. If all goes well, _
implementation takes effect and positions are filled according to the plan.
The time frame was set for us to initiate the process in July and complete it
in October. With the unit heads working closely with Mary McLaren and Miko
Pattie, the whole planning process was completed on time.· Best of all, the
new structure has the support of the entire staff as well as the Director.
The most significant change comes in two areas: serials control and
bibliographic maintenance. In order to better coordinate all issues »
pertaining to serials, be it pre—order searching, checking—in, cataloging, `
bibliographic maintenance, conversion, etc., the new structure calls for the
Acquisitions Department to shelter and manage this operation. In this next
setup, rmonographic sets and serials (MSS) will be coordinated within the
serials control unit and will process MSS materials from the beginning to the
end. The rationale in making the serials and MSS processing more
self-contained is to develop staff expertise in these particular formats so
that material can be processed accurately, efficiently and timely. The new
Bibliographic Maintenance Department (BMD) is established to maintain the
integrity of the bibliographic and item record databases and to complete the
local database via conversion process. Through our experience with the
— O O
'IBL Newsletter of the Umversnty
0 t y iraries °
f Ken uck L b  


 _LS/2000 system, we realize the importance of database integrity and our need
to strengthen our attempts to correct and link headings in order to make them
retrievable. Hopefully, by setting up this new department, we will be able to
undertake more meaningful and more structured approaches to provide effective
access to a clean database.
l Assistant Director for
Technical Services
 11115 I3 1VG
»     .»..   A o
’ , uisi ions  ea ,  ata ase Head,  Catal og  V
Dept. Maintenance Dept. Dept.
(McLaren) _ ( (open) V _ o en _
- sis . t to Head Assistant to Head ‘
(Welch) (Doutt)
Head, Head,  Head, Head, Hea ,  ead  n V .
Serials CSR OPU Acc'ting Orig. Copy
Control ; Cat. Cat.
· (Welch) (Depp) (Cline) (Taylor) (Webb) ( ichener
Libr Library Library Acc'tin  Libr  Profes. Library
  Techs Techs Techs  lerk  echs  ibrarians Te hs  _
  ea , `
Bindery —-—= ·
i; 1 ‘“"
  Ac uisitions De artment ·
  --- Serials Control Unit _
_ MSS_ & Serials: pre-order searching; cataloging; conversion; _
Q database maintenance. MSS: check-in; claiming; invoice-
} processing.
j --- CSR Unit •
; Serials: check-in; processing; routing; claiming; invoice-
§ processing.
E --- Order Process' Unit
3 Ordering for all. Monographs: pre—order searching;
( receiving; claiming; invoice-processing. ‘
{ --- Account' Unit
E Fund accounting for all.
Database Maintenance De artment
Database maintenance (except MSS & Serials); Authority `
maintenance; conversion.
Catalo ' artment
Copy & Original Cataloging of new or uncataloged materials.
--- Catalo ' Unit
--- Ori inal Catalo i Unit .
Binde Unit
In-house repair; contract binding.
2 .

Zivailable on reserve in the Department of Special Collections and
Archives, M.I. King North, is a collection of newsletters, journal articles,
essays, pamphlets and catalogs on the conservation and preservation of library
nmterials. This collection was created by the UK Idbraries Preservation
Committee and is intended for use by the entire library staff. The collection
is available during Special Collection's regular hours and may be requested at
the Department's reference desk.
C)n Sunday, November 13, Dr. Doris Wilkinson, Department of Sociology,
will present an exhibit and lecture "Forgotten Pioneers in a Southern
Community: Black Physicians in Lexington from 1890-1950" at 2:00 p.m. in the
Peal Gallery, King Library North.
Dr. Christopher Ridgway, the librarian of Castle Howard in York, England, will
lecture at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, November 14, on "The Sociology of the English
Country House Library, 1700-1918" in the Peal Gallery. Both presentations are
free and open to the public.
Gfhe Academic Library Section of KLA is receiving proposals for a _
professional development grant. The project must be completed in twelve .
months or fewer, and not later than February 28, 1990. The grant will range ¤
from $250—$500, with one—half paid at the beginning of the grant and the other
half upon completion.
The grant may be made for a variety of projects including innovative program '
implementation, research, education, course development or materials
development. Grant applicants must be a member of the Academic Library
Section of KLA. Funding will not cover the cost of any nmterials which
become the property of the grantee or the grantee's institution.
Proposals should include the purpose of the proposal; objectives or the
project; a discussion of the need or benefit to the institution oi to other
libraries; methodology; evaluation methodology; itemized budget, and beginning
and ending dates.

 Three copies of the proposal should be send to Ms. Eileen B. Hart, Hutchins
`Library, Berea College, Berea, KY 40404, before December 1, 1988. The awards
will be made by January l0, 1988.  
Zkppalachian Educational Laboratory, Inc., will sponsor their third
annual state educational policy symposium "Risky Futures: Should State Policy
Reflect Rural Diversity?" December 4-5 at the Seelbach Hotel in Louisville.
, The conference will address rural schools and their economic and social
i context, the consequences of state-level decisions on rural schools,
alternative ways that rural schools can achieve the excellence intended by
state-level decisions, and ways that rural school concerns can be reflected in
state policy decisions.
Registration for the conference is $50, including Sunday evening's reception
and banquet, breakfast on Monday, conference materials and a copy of the
symposium proceedings. Registration deadline is November 21. A copy of the `
registration form is in the QB office, 204 King Library South.
I? IE Il E5 C) IJ Ii I3 IL bi (B TE' EE Q3
, STAFF ACTIVITIES Rob Aken, Reference Librarian, has
2 an article, "Meeting the Patron at
T the OPAC Crossroads: The Reference
Q U?oni Powell, Agriculture · Librarian as an Online Consultant,"
é Librarian, presided over a published in RQ, Fall, 1988. ·
j presentation on "Advances in .
Q Information Technology: Overview of ~~—~~—
i the Information Industry Today" for *
g the Library and Information Science Bill Cooper, curator of the Modern
{ Section of the Kentucky Academy of Political Papers Archives, has
Q Science. Toni is chairperson and prepared an article entitled _
E secretary of the section. "Presidential Campaign Goods" for
l Photo Press internatic1al's new
3 Together with Lillian Mesner of the Japanese publication Sgjw Magazine.
Q Agriculture Library, Toni also made a Bill was· also the luncheon speaker
{ presentation entitled "What Happened for the 17th Annual U. S. Army
F to the Card and Books? —— museums conference in Louisville on
.j Bibliographic Retrieval in the October 25, 1988, where he spoke
{ 1980's." about the importance of oral history
E interviews in the preservation of I
Q ——--—— military history.
  4 .

 ABOVE AND BEYOND service and sincere concern of
` patrons is very unusual, which is why
the staff of the reference room is
Mr. Willis received the to be commended for a job well done!
following letter recently: Keep up the great work! Thank you.
Dear Paul and members of the Library -——-—— .
Your beautiful sterling silver box The staff of the Maps Department
is displayed prominently in the received the following letter: '
living room of Maxwell Place! It has Map Department:
enchanted both of us with the During the week of September 26 I
beautifully hand engraved logo of the was in your department looking for
University. Dave is thrilled with it history on Rose Street. You could
and we will both cherish it forever. not have been more helpful and I
Thank you so much for your wanted to say thank you very much.
thoughtfulness and generosity. Thanks.
Sincerely yours,
~ Scott Prather
Louise Roselle ·
On November 12, 1988, Cecil Madison,
Y The following note was sent to the the library's mail clerk and printer,
Reference Department staff through will celebrate his twentieth year
the suggestion box: with the University Libraries.
I would like to cormnend the staff v
of the reference room for their ‘
service. I am a regular patron of NEW STAFF
the library and have always observed
A superb service. The staff is very `
eager to offer help to all of the. Roland Taylor. .Microfilm
patrons. They are sincerely Center _
concerned about their welfare. They
will go to great extents to assist a A
patron. On several occasions I have ¤
observed several staff members asking STAFF TRANSFERS
patrons if they needed any help in
locating something. In this day
and age, this kind of personalized Gina Douglas..Ac¤3.1isitions ‘
Rick Gay ................... Cataloging
C A I.- E ZN` D A R
November 11: GALLERY SERIES: "New Age Music": Sam Holland, School
of Music, 12 noon, Peal Gallery, King Library North. Free.
, 5

of Sleep Apnea in Healthy Older Persons": David T. R. Berry, Psychology
Department, 12 noon, Room 112 Sanders—Brown Building. Free.
November 18: GALLERY SERIES: "The Fabulous Fiddle": Ron Pen and Friends,
School of Music, 12 noon, Peal Gallery, King Library North. Free. I
December 2: GALLERY SERIES: "Music of the Baroque": Collegium Musicum,
Jonathan Glixon, Director, School of Music, 12 noon, Peal Gallery, King _
_ Library North. Free.
. CT C3 I3 C) I? IE IJ ]Z Ii (5 ES
V UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Head, Acquisitions Department. Emory
University, Atlanta. Salary: V
g Library Tech III, Grade 7, $22,500—$2,500, ndnimum. Deadline:
_ Acquisitions. November 21, 1988.
: Library Tech III, Grade 7,
1 Circulation.
2 Library Tech IV, Grade 8, Business
Q Library (75% of time in Business ILLINOIS
{ Library, 25% in GPD).
E Persons interested 511 the positions Serials Librarian. Illinois Institute ·
Q above should get in touch with Ann of Technology, Chicago. Salary:
.i Howell in the Director's Office $20,665, minimum. Deadline:
(7-3801). December 1, 1988. .
  Science and Technology Librarian (two Social Sciences Bibliographer and
1 positions). Colorado State Reference Librarian. Purdue
Q University* Libraries, Fort Collins. University, West Lafayette. Salary:
{ Salary: $22,500, minimum. Deadline: $22,000, minimum. Deadline: l
2; February 15, 1989. February 1, 1989.
Head, Original Monographs Cataloging. Head, Catalog Department. University
University of Georgia, Athens. of Oklahoma, Norman. Salary:
S Salary: $22,000, minimum. Deadline: $28,000, minimum. Deadline:
January 20, 1988. February 1, 1989.
{ 6
ii .
L;   . 1... -.---.---..i-   I .   . . _

 _,,, _ , 7, ,l,_,_.rl,.- .-,7 r..r. -7.7 7. 7 . 7..7. 77 . 7 . 7 . 7  
Q .
E · Department. Texas A & M University,
l College Station. Salary: $23,000,
§ Head, Mathematics Library. Penn minimum. Deadline: December 12,
H State University, University Park. 1988.
Salary: $27,000, minimum. Deadline: Head, Original Cataloging Department.
January 15, 1989. Texas 11 & PI University. Salary:
$24,000, minimum. Deadline;
Assistant Director for Technical December 12, 1988. -
Services and Automation. Bloomsburg Head, Resource Development Division. ’
University, Bloomsburg. Salary: Texas 11 & M University. Salary:
$28,238-$38,000. Deadline: December $32,000 minimum. Deadline: December
17, 1988. 12, 1988.
4 Head, Documents Division. Texas A &
M University. Salary: $32,000,
minimum. Deadline: December 12,
Director, University Libraries. .
University of South Carolina, WASHINGTON
Columbia. Salary: None listed.
1 Deadline: December 1, 1988.
Head, Hulti—Campus Library Services
Program. Washington State
. University, Pullman. Salary:
l TEXAS $20,000—$25,000. Deadline: February
Q · 15, 1988. A
Head, Automated Cataloging
Y NEXT QB: Friday, December 2, 1988. `
i DEADLINE: Monday, November 28, 1988.
Bonnie Jean Cox, editor and typist.
Cecil Madison, printer. .
_ 7