xt7w3r0pt88w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w3r0pt88w/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1949 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. 25, No. 1, Summer 1949 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. 25, No. 1, Summer 1949 1949 1949 2014 true xt7w3r0pt88w section xt7w3r0pt88w The Quarterly Bulletin
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Bowlingtown, Perry County, Kentucky
With Kentucky Patent Pull-Gate
Photograph taken by Helen Stone
  x 3;
Published Quarterly by the Frontier Nursing Service, Lexington, Ky. . ",,
Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year _ "
"Entcred us sccoiid class niutter June 30, 1926, at the Post OiIl<:e ut Lexington, Ky.,
under Act of March 3, 1879."
Copyright, 1949, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.

 { INDEX _ i
I Annual Report A 2
l Beyond the Mountains 59
I Field Notes 65 A
Frances Bolton Nursing Center ` A
(Photograph) Inside Back Cover
Friday at Possum Bend Center Aiwa May January 21
p International Congress of Nurses Doris R. Schwartz 45
é Letter from Mr. E. S. Jouett, and
, ‘ photograph 19 .
gt Letter from Newfoundland Guest  
£ A (Illus.) 58 ‘
` Margaret Durbin Harper Nursing  
Center (Photograph) Inside Front Cover ‘
Old Courier News 25
n Old Staff News 49 4
Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting 18
We Build the First Outpost Nursing
Center (Illus.) Gladys M. Peacock 35
A Tribute Anna Taylor Howard 17
Announcement for Frontier Nurses in `
i Great Britain 20
‘ Britain’s Para-Nurses R. N. Magazine 64 ‘
Early Bird London Weekly Chronicle 64 · _
  I Five Generations (Photograph) 48
  Frontier Nursing Service Baby
{ ( Photograph) 33
  Frontier Nursing Service Babies
I (Photograph) 79
( Just Jokes—Dwellings 24
  . Masque of the Merrie Months 34
_  Nurses on Horseback Louisville Courier-Journal 20
  Surprised Doctor 48
  Swarm of Bees Old Rhyme 57
· Which Class Are You In? Ladies-in-Waitiizg 57
 _ White Elephant 63

 ' {
W. A. Hifner, J 1-. Helen H. Fortune
To the Officers and Directors, I
Frontier Nursing Service, I
Lexington, Kentucky i X
Gentlemen :—    
We have made a detailed examination of your records and lh]
accounts for the twelve months ended April 30, 1949, with the il
results as disclosed by the annexed Exhibits and Schedules. ;
During the quarter century since your organization, you
have collected a total of $3,233,599.15 from the following I
sources: I
Contributions and income ............ $2,707,177 .30
Endowment .................................... 499,236.05 “
Borrowed ............,......................... 27,185.80 l
Total Receipts ........................ $3,231%,599.15 i
For this you have accounted as follows: I
Invested in endowments ................ $ 499,236.05 ‘
Invested in Realty, Buildings §
and Equipment ............................ 280,077.76 g
Paid Operating Expenses ............ 2,443,990.66 i 5
Cash on hand .................................. 10,294.68 _ E
, $$,233,59915 .  
These impressive figures portray a scene more magnificent ‘ E
than any artist ever conceived. Its background is the wooded 1 #
hills and verdant dales of Eastern Kentucky, interspersed with 1 [
dogwood and laurel. Its impelling motif is the alleviation of the V i
suffering of countless thousands thru the ministrations of the
Frontier Nursing Service during a quarter of a century. It is _
lovely in and of itself, and inspirational in its spirit. It aiiirma- ;
tively answers the question propounded by Cain-"Am I my »
brother’s keeper ‘?" , I
Respectfully Submitted, ‘
Certified Public Accountants Ei
Lexington, Kentucky, Q.
May Twenty-0ne,_ 3
Nineteen Forty-nine.  

1 Fnonrmn Nunsmo smnvicm 3 ·
I ~ of the
j , for the Fiscal Year
  May 1, 1948 to April 30, 1949
2 As has been our invariable custom for a quarter century,
is lacking one year, we present our annual report of the fiscal
KQ affairs and of the Held of operations of the Frontier Nursing
  E Service to our trustees, members, and subscribers. ,
mj We have, as in previous years, divided our report into two ·
ll; sections. One section is about money, and one section about ~
l { work. 1
I. ·
It has been many years since we have been able to print ~
_ our annual audit in full, for lack of space in this Bulletin or
, any other publication we could afford to issue. However, all
i of the figures that follow are taken from the exhibits and sched- /
§ ules of the last audit. To make easier reading we have divided
3 the figures into four categories, each one blocked off into one
5 page. The auditors’ own Summary is the first category; the `
5 second is their list of Endowments. The third category covers I
, all Revenue Receipts. The fourth category we have divided into
, two columns-—to the left, the Expenditures of the last fiscal —
y ; year taken from the audit; and to the right is our Budget for
Q the current fiscal year, based on last fiscal year’s expenditures. c
`¥ This Budget is always presented at the Annual Meeting of
»   Trustees and adopted before it is put into operation. Time was
g ‘ when we presented a budget that worked out in the course of
E E the year to within a few hundred dollars of actual expenditures.
l This has not been possible for several years because prices have
Y risen annually beyond our anticipations. Such has been the case
; especially in reference to purchases of hospital and district
Supplies; to Feed for horses, cows, and mules; to Maintenance
_ of our vast properties; and to Replacement of essential equip-
‘ ment. It is our custom to list particular needed items annually
‘ in our Spring Bulletin as "Urgent Needs." Friends from all
, , over the country read this list and send us money for many of
~ these things. Such special gifts make it possible to prevent
‘· excessive depreciation.
l . Under a fifth category, called Inventory, we account for the
QT properties which our auditors value at $280,07776. All five
  I categories are given in sequence on the following pages.

1. li
From Oiiicial Audit for Fiscal Year  
May 1, 1948 to April 30, 1949  
RECEIPTS (not including new endowments) :  
Donations .............,_...,......c........... ` ..,.. $112,347.28  
Income from endowments, bene-  
fits, fees, et cetera ...................... 54,422.60 $ 166,769.88  
EXPENDITURES—for operating ex-  
penses including repairs, re- *1
placements, and upkeep ......______ 166,872.14  
Excess of Expenditures over Receipts $ 102.26 li
New Endowments and Reserve  
received ............................................ $ 12,608.04  
New Land, Buildings, Livestock, and ,  
Equipment ........................................ $ 11,507.74  
Less Charge-Offs for deaths of ani-  
mals, depreciation, et cetera .......... 815.55  
Net increase in physical property ...... $ 10,692.19 ll
Value of Land, Buildings, Livestock, _  
and Equipment .................................. $ 280,077.76 1 
Total Endowment and Reserve (This _  
is the value of the gifts at the  
dates they were received. Present  
values would probably exceed this  
amount.) .......................................... $ 499,236.05  
Total Contributions and Income (ex-  
clusive of Endowment) from Or— ·i
ganization to April 30, 1949 .......... $2,707,177 .30  
Total Expenses (exclusive of Land,  
Buildings, and Equipment) from ji
Organization to April 30, 1949 ...... 2,443,990.66  .·
Excess of Total Income over Total ‘l
Expenses .......................................... $ 263,186.64  
This excess is represented by p`
Cash .................................................. $ 10,294.68
Land, Buildings, and Equipment. 280,077.76
290,372.44 4, 
Less Indebtedness .................... . ....... 27,185.80 $ 263,186.64  5

   FRONTIER NURSING smzvrcm 5 · ·
it 2.
g The total endowment funds of the Service at the close of
  the fiscal year are taken from Exhibit D of the audit and are
  as follows:
  Joan Glancy Memorial Baby Crib __..____.... .. _,........_........ $ 5,000.00
L, Mary Ballard Morton Memorial .................................... 85,250.83
g, Jessie Preston Draper Memorial Fund No. 1 ............ 15,000.00
  Jessie Preston Draper Memorial Fund No. 2 ............ 50,000.00
*1 Belle Barrett Hughitt Memorial .................................. 15,000.00
S Isabella George Jeffcott Memorial .............................. 2,500.00 ’
  Bettie Starks Rodes Memorial Baby Crib .................. 5,000.00
  John Price Starks Memorial Baby Crib ...................... 5,000.00 "
Lg, Eliza Thackara Fund .................................................... 1,405.32* _ 
ET Children’s Christmas Fund in Memory of Barbara ‘
ig Brown ........................................................................ 1,000.00
  Marion E. Taylor Memorial .......................................... 10,000.00 ,
QQ Fanny Norris Fund ........................................................ 10,000.00
  Marie L. Willard Legacy .............................................. 3,127.36
L; William Nelson Fant, Jr., Memorial ............................ 78,349.52
gl Mrs. Charles H. Moorman Bonds ................................ 1,100.00 ·
. Lillian F. Eisaman Legacy ............................................ 5,000.00
  Donald R. McLennan Memorial Bed ............................ 12,750.00 1
§ Lt. John M. Atherton Memorial Fund ........................ 1,000.00 ;
  Mrs. Morris B. Belknap Fund ...................................... 10,000.00
  Elisabeth Ireland Fund .................................................. 12,120.00 _
  Louie A. Hall Legacy in Memory of Sophronia
  Brooks for a Center and Its Endowment .............. 40,336.09*
  Margaret A. Pettet Legacy .......................................... 1,953.70
  Elizabeth Agnes Alexander Legacy ............................ 5,000.00
  Richard D. McMahon Legacy ........................................ 943.23
  Anonymous General Endowments .............................. 102,400.00
  Mrs. W. Rodes Shackelford’s Fund in Memory of I
  her two children ........................................................ 6,000.00
  Cassius Clay Shackelford (a boy)
  Rodes Clay Shackelford (a girl)
j  Total Endowment ...................................................... $485,236.05
j i Mrs. Louise D. Crane ........................ $ 4,000.00
  Mrs. Frederic Moseley Sackett ........ 10,000.00 14,000.00
. Total .......................................................................... $499,236.05
in  * Income added to principal.
  All others at original amount of gift.

Statement of Donations and Subscriptions Paid g.
May 1, 1948 to April 30, 1949 5
Benefits and  
SUMMARY Contributions Bargain Box Totals ii
Alpha Omicron Pi Social Service  
Fund ....._,..,_..., - ....,,._.__.,,._...__._______.. $ 4,743.87 $ $ 4,743.87 ei
Baltimore Committee .......__....._........... 1,141.50 1,141.50  
Boston Committee ...................._._._.._.... 6,649.50 6,649.50  
Chicago Committee ______________________________ 7,558.41 7,558.41  
Cincinnati Committee .......................... 10,823.50 10,823.50  
Cleveland Committee ............................ 5,867.00 5,867.00 i '
Detroit Committeeii .............................. 9,038.43 9,038.43 `
Hartford Committee ............................ 1,836.00 1,836.00  
Kentuckyzt  Q g
Blue Grass Committee ................ 3,674.00 3,674.00 yi
Louisville Committee .................... 6,205.85 1,050.25 7,256.10  
Miscellaneous Kentucky .............. 1,662.67 1,662.67 ,,
Minneapolis Committee ........................ 1,574.00 1,574.00  
New York Committee .......................... 15,946.51 8,500.00 24,446.51 . QE
Philadelphia Committee ...................... 3,246.00 3,246.00  
Pittsburgh Committee .......................... 10,456.50 10,456.50 l .,_ Z
Princeton Committee ............................ 1,120.00 1,120.00  
Providence Committee .......................... 1,279.00 1,279.00  
Riverdale Committee ............................ 1,244.00 1,244.00  
Rochester Committee ............................ 4,709.67 4,709.67 ;
St. Paul Committee .............................. 589.50 589.50  
Washington, D. C., Committee ............ 6,473.53 1,273.25 7,746.78
Miscellaneous ........................................ 6,507.84 6,507.84  
Totals ............................................ $112,347.28 $10,823.50 $123,170.78 if
* Includes $3.100.00 to pay for land.  
** Total for Kentucky $12,592.77.  2
Fees for Frontier Graduate  ,
School of Midwifery .................... $ $ 5,180.00 $  Q
Payments from Patients:  
Income from Nursing Centers .... 7,360.40 `  {Q
Medical Fees .................................. 4,211.50  
Hyden Hospital Fees .................... 2,998.50  ‘
Hyden Hospital Clinic Supplies. 3,430.26 18,000.66  
Wendover Post Office .......................... 1,763.90  `
Investment Income ................................ 18,293.16  
Sales of "Organdie and Mull" ............ 353.13
Miscellaneous ........................................ 8.25 43,599.10 \  Q
Total All Revenue Receipts ........ $166,769.88
Used Jeep .............................................. $ 800.00  ..
Note Payable, canceled by bequest .... 1,262.50  Q
Total .............................................. $ 2,062.50  if

=g= SCHOOL OF MIDWIFERY: $ 1948éE4;3 $ g’;96§;)5g0
_ 1. Salaries and Wages .............................................. 20, . . -
  2. Running costs (food, minus board of residents,
=¥ cows, electricity, fuel, laundry, freight, haul-
  _age, et cetera).. ..........................,....................... 11,127.28 11,000.00
  3. Dispensary Supplies (Note 1) ............................ 11,869.81 11,500.00
  4. Medical Director (Note 2) .................................. 3,482.58 3,500.00
tl  ‘ ’T——
2` , $ 46,721.40 $ 48,000.00
  DISTRICTS (Wendover and Six Nursing Centers) : 3 O2 47 35 000 00
g 1. Salaries and Wages ................................................ 6, 8. , .
·. 2. Feed and Care of Horses (Hospital, Graduate
A   School, Wendover, and 12 districts) .............. 10,251.18 10,000.00 ’
ij 3. Jeeps, Truck, Station Wagon Ambulance I
· (Ditto) ._.............................................................. 3,637.13 3,500.00 _
  4. Running costs (food, minus board of residents,  
5; cows, fuel, kerosene, candles, laundry, ’
I gg freight, haulage, et cetera) .............................. 10,756.26 11,000.00
  5. Uniforms ................................................................ 362.48 500.00 .
esi W W
  $ 61,035.52 $ 60,000.00
  Salaries, accounting, auditing, office supplies,
g. postage, printing, telephone, telegraph, et .
 __ cetera .................................................................. $ 22,412.78 $ 22,000.00 A
 , 1. Social Service .......................................................... $ 4,770.29 $ 3,500.00
  2. Insurance (Fire—$229,000.00 coverage, Em- -
  ployer’s Liability, full coverage on truck,
 i seven jeeps, station wagon) ............................ 3,§93.68 4,500.00
  3. Interest .................................................................. 40.82 350.00
  4. Quarterly Bulletins (covered by subscriptions,
 Q with small surplus) .......................................... 4,018.90 3,500.00
  5. Statistics and Research ........................................ 3,240.00 3,300.00 T
  6. Miscellaneous Projects such as: Doctors,
if Nurses for study and observation; profes-
  sional books and magazines ............................ 539.83 650.00
 —_* 7. Miscellaneous Promotional Expenses beyond
· the mountains .................................................... 227.03 200.00
- $ 16,630.55 $ 16,000.00
Equipment and Livestock (Auditor’s Valua-
 _' tion: $280,077.76) ............................................ 19,256.34 14,000.00
 , $166,056.59 $160,000.00
  Note 1: Approximately 1/3 of supplies relayed to districts.
  Note 2; Approximately 1/4 of his time spent on districts.

5. ‘
(From Exhibit C of the Audit) ?
Our auditors set a value of $280,077.76 on these holdings,  
after adjustments. Among the major holdings are the following:  
A stone Hospital, one wing of which is the Mary Ballard   .
Morton Memorial, one wing the Mary Parker Gill Memorial, l
and the frame Annex, a Memorial to "Jackie" Rousmaniere; Joy k  
House, home of the Medical Director, gift of Mrs. Henry B. Joy; gl
Aunt Hattie’s Oak Barn, gift of Mrs. Henry Alvah Strong;  
Mardi Cottage, the Quarters for the Frontier Graduate School  
of Midwifery; two water tanks; two tenant cottages; and out-  
buildings such as garages, work shop, pig house, forge, engine  
house, fire hose house, and the Wee Stone House. · ;
Wendover `  
Three log houses, as follows: the Old House ("in memory of  '
Breckie and Polly") ; the Old Cabin and the Ruth Draper Cabin;  i
the Garden House; the Upper and the Lower Shelf; the Cour-  
iers’ Log Barn and Aunt Jane’s Barn; numerous smaller build-  i
ings such as the heifer barn, horse hospital barn, tool house,  »
chicken houses, forge, apple house, smoke house, engine house, 3 
fire hose houses, water tanks, and the Pebble Work Shop.  
Georgia Wright Clearing  3
A caretaker’s cottage and barns; extensive pasture land  
for horses and cows; a bull’s barn and stockade.  f
Jessie Preston Draper Memorial Nursing Center  ;·
(Beech Fork; Post Office, Asher, Leslie County) `
Frame building and oak barn; water tank and engine house;
fenced acreage for pasture and gardens; deep well. T;
Frances Bolton Nursing Center ’
(Possum Bend; Post Office, Confiuence, Leslie County) »_
Frame building and oak barn; pump and tank; fenced acre- ’_
age for pasture and gardens; deep well. X

. Clara Ford Nursing Center
‘ (Red Bird River; Post Office, Peabody, Clay County)
Q Log building and oak barn with electricity; engine house (
  and fire hose house; deep well; tank; fenced acreage for pasture
  and gardens.
  Caroline Butler Atwood Memorial Nursing Center
  (Flat Creek; Post Onice, Creekville, Clay County)
  Frame building and oak barn; tank and fire hose house;
  walled-in spring; fenced acreage for pasture and gardens.
v .
_; Belle Barrett Hugliitt Memorial Nursing Center _
5 (Bullskin Creek; Post Office, Brutus, Clay County)
  Frame building and oak barn; tank; {ire hose house; walled- i
  in spring; fenced acreage for pasture and gardens.
  Margaret Durbin Harper Memorial Nursing Center I
(Post OfHce, Bowlingtown, Perry County)
  Frame building and oak barn with electricity; tank; fire
 .· hose house; deep well and pump house; walled-in spring; fenced
 ` acreage for pasture and gardens. ~
  Subsidiary Clinics _ —
J;  Five small clinic buildings on the following streams: Bull C
 ° Creek, Stinnett (Mary B. Willeford Memorial), Grassy Branch, _
  Hell-for-Certain Creek, and the Nancy O’DriScoll Memorial on
 I Cutshin Creek.
 l. Twenty horses; one mule; one bull; fourteen cows; four
C heifers; over three hundred chickens; pigs.
 i Equipment
4 Equipment includes: seven jeeps; one Ford station-wagon-
. ambulance; one half-ton truck; tanks; engines; pumps; farm
. implements; plumbers’ tools; sixty-two pairs of sadlebags; sad-
__ dles; bridles; halters; hospital and dispensary supplies and hos-
~ pital and household furnishing in twenty buildings variously
C located in a seven-hundred-square-mile area.

The data in this section are supplied by the statistical  
department of the Frontier Nursing Service; by records kept in g,
the bookkeeping department on guests and volunteer workers;  
and by the social service secretary maintained by the Alpha li
Omicron Pi Fund. The work carried during the past year has  
been very heavy. It is our hope that you will take the time  
to read this accounting of it. H ,
. 1.  
Dr. Maurice O. Barney has been our Medical Director for  
the whole of the past Hscal year, his second year with us. F
While he was on vacation he was relieved by Dr. C. Milton  
Linthicum. For all major emergency surgery we have continued
to depend on our devoted and kind friend, Dr. R. L. Collins of  
Hazard, and on Dr. N. F. O’Donnell who often comes with Dr. (
Collins or comes in his stead. It is impossible to express fully Q
the gratitude that we feel to these two men for the free services 4.
they have given us, and to other Hazard colleagues of theirs if
to whom we have relayed patients from time to time. We can  ‘
only say that it would have been impossible to carry our work ,
without them. l.
Dr. F. W. Urton of Louisville, with Dr. D. M. Dollar as  i
anesthetist, came up at the beginning of the iiscal year for one _—
of the free tonsillectomy clinics they do for our children
annually. Dr. Francis Massie and Dr. Eugene Todd have given ..:
us two of their free surgical clinics, one in October and one in  
April. On the second of their clinics Dr. Arthur B. McGraw  S,
of Detroit came too. It means health, and often life, to have i
these distinguished men give their time to serve many of our ·
people who cannot afford to pay hospital costs outside of the I
mountains. . .
The Sisters of Mount Mary’s Hospital at Hazard have con- [
tinued their kindness in taking many accident and gunshot  
cases that we have had to relay to them after emergency treat-
ment. They have reduced the hospital bills to a level that the ~ Q4

g FRONTIER NURSING smrwrcs 11 ‘
i people could meet, and in some instances have charged nothing
1 for patients who could pay nothing.
  We wish, as always, to express our thanks to Dr. Harold
  G. Reineke of Cincinnati for his reading, without charge, and
ix reporting on the X-ray pictures our Medical Director sends him -
  from time to time. The Children’s Hospital in Cincinnati has
  continued to give free care to the children we have transferred
Fl to them, care extending sometimes over weeks and weeks.
  The Kentucky Crippled Children’s Commission gives, as
*` always, prompt, free, and most effective care to all of our
ll crippled children. The Louisville and Nashville Railroad has T
  given passes to indigent cases and their attendants. .
  A number of physicians not only in Hazard but in Louis- E
fl ville, Lexington, and Cincinnati have attended without charge e
  patients and members of our staff sent down to them. We could
i not ourselves take care of the costs of so many services, and our ,
5 gratitude to those who give them comes from our hearts.
? 2.  
I- The Hospital at Hyden was occupied 6,576 days last year 4
 _ by 694 patients with a daily average of 18.0 patients. This was _
“ the same daily average as we had during the preceding year, ,
[ and high enough to mean overcrowding at peak periods of
l- occupancy. Our Hospital has only 18 ward beds and one isola— `
 L tion bed (in the Wee Stone House) and 8 bassinets for the
— new-born. _
Of the 694 patients cared for during the Iiscal year, 125
  were sick adults, 252 were obstetrical patients, 154 were chil- l
 fi dren, and 163 were newborn. There were 18 deaths in the Hos-
1 Q pital during the fiscal year, of which 5 were newborn, and none
"  was obstetrical. There were 100 operations performed. At the
, = Medical Director’s clinics in the outpatient department of the
. Hospital, there was a total of 8,893 visits received during the
Q past fiscal year.
 V, In the 12 districts operated by the Service from the Hos-

pital, Wendover, and six outpost centers, we attended 9,763  
people in 2,152 families. Of these, 4,983 were children including ,
2,445 babies and toddlers. The district nurses paid 19,597 visits  
and received 18,339 visits at their nursing centers and at their  
special clinics. Bedside nursing care was given in their homes it
to 315 sick people of whom 6 died. At the request of the State Q
Board of Health, the Frontier Nursing Service gave 6,709 inocu- W,
lations and vaccines against typhoid, diphtheria, smallpox, _°“
whooping cough, et cetera, and sent 4,108 specimens for analysis.  
This part of our report has reference to general district  
nursing only and does not include the midwifery carried day  
and night by the nurse—midwives along with their district nurs-   ,
ing. The figures for midwifery are covered under the following  
Registered Cases i`
The nurse-midwives and the midwifery students of the  
Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery (under supervision of  ;
their instructors) attended 461 women in childbirth, and gave  r`
them full prenatal and postpartum care. Of these 461 women,  jj
14 were delivered by our Medical Director and our consultants.  A
There were 448 live births and 9 stillbirths; 4 deliveries of twins;  
366 new cases admitted; 437 closed after postpartum care; 8  .
miscarriages. After more than seven years without the loss of .2 
a mother in our district midwifery cases, we went through the 1 
grief—and there is no greater grief—of losing two mothers on  v
the districts during the past fiscal year. One mother died on  
the Confluence district in May, 1948, and one mother on the Red  
Bird district in February, 1949. ` 
Emergency Cases——Unregistered  {
In addition to these regular registered maternity cases, the T
Medical Director and the nurse-midwives were called in for 38 i
emergency deliveries, where the mother had not been registered ·  
or given prenatal care, which resulted in 9 live births, 1 still- l
birth, and 28 emergency miscarriages (17 early and 11 late).  
They also gave postpartu