xt7w3r0pt86q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w3r0pt86q/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1941 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. XVII, No. 1, Summer 1941 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. XVII, No. 1, Summer 1941 1941 1941 2014 true xt7w3r0pt86q section xt7w3r0pt86q O
I The Quarterly Bulletm of
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The Frcmuer Nursmg Serv1ce, Inc.
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See "OId Courier News"
Published Quarterly by the Frontier Nursing Service, Lexington, Ky. `
"Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Oflice at Lexington, Ky.,
under Act of March 3, 1879." ;
Copyright 1941 Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. }

We came to try to help, though we  
Had never done the job before, }.
But in this day of world despair §.
A We hoped to aid our people more  
  ` These sturdy people, poor and proud  
Who do not wince at poverty, Q
Who give the meager that they own ‘ i
Endowed with love and charity.  
One day we rode for twenty miles  
On lonely trails by beauty stalked ;
To talk about a little child 'Q
p Who needed care to learn to walk.  
One night we drove along the road,  
Late, Late, for eyes are made to be ;
Of use, and there were ten who must  
Go into town that they might see. =
A man had died, and left behind  
Four children, young and all alone, {
Who had no place to lay them down, ‘ ;
No one to keep for them a home. °
U A boy had been twisted and bent
By infantile. A brace must hold g
His only hope till he was sent _  
To Louisville. We were not old :
In work like this. In fact I wot  
One never could become so wise
_ _ That things like this would cease to make
Him Hlled with pity and surprise. 1
l   The mountain setting is so fair,  
‘ f The world is now so iilled with pain g
That one forgets that man’s despair  
No matter where, is just the same. Q

- 5
‘ E
—— E
A Junior Courier’s First Impressions  
(Pictures) Barberie Whipple 44-45  
A Letter from Alpha Omicron Pi M, D, Drummond 31  
Annual Report of the Frontier .· Q;
Nursing Service, Inc. _ e. ·` 3  
Beyond the Mountains 70  
Courier Conclave (Illustrated) F. Booker, N. Cadwaluder, 28  
M. Shouse ·;-
Detour Private Bath (A Picture) Barberie Whipple 16 {
Field Notes A 75  
From Athens to Cairo Lady Dusany 26 I
Helping M. Shouse and E. Campbell 1  
In Memoriam V 46  
Old Courier News · 38  
Old Staff News 49 i
Saddle—Bag and Log Cabin Technique  
(Illustrated) Vanda Summers 17 ·
Yarb Lore in the Kentucky Mountains 5
_ (Illustrated) 33  
Christmas Bulletin Subscriptions 43 {
Cowboy and Dude 74  
From Magna Carta English-Speaking Union News 30 E
Isolation Living Church 69  
Knitted Goods for Sale 30  
Nerves Damaged by War Noises British Journal of Nursing 27  
Nervouus Passenger 74  
Of Reprisals C. R. Cammell 48 " —
"Oh, Captain" 74 (I 
"Pin a Piece of Grace" _ 25  
Plenty A 74
Toto and Dair 32

 5  W  
  I T
_ 1
E 1
i l
E ‘ M
  cmmvirino poetic ACCOUNTANTS ;·
  Lmxmcrom, xmmucxy  
  To the Oiiicers and Trustees,  
ti  Frontier Nursing Service, Incorporated, Q
S"  Lexington, Kentucky. li
  Ladies and Gentlemen:  
  We have made a detailed examination of your records and  
  accounts for the fiscal year ended April 30th, 1941, with the  
Z result as disclosed on the annexed Exhibits and supporting  
I Schedules. W
  Endowment and Memorial Funds, both principal and income, p  
  were certified to us by the various Trustees therefor. il
Q Contributions and gifts, in cash, have been checked against  
* the Treasurer’s receipts and reports and traced into the bank. f
{ All disbursements have been verified by means of canceled T
l‘ checks and supporting vouchers, and the bank accounts have ¥
E been reconciled and found correct.  
{ In our opinion all monies have been duly and properly '
, accounted for. ` ,
[ .
P Respectfully submitted, pi
L i
  Certified Public Accountants. .
  Lexington, Kentucky, ¤
t _ May Twenty-fourth, ,
‘ is Nineteen Forty-one. . ‘  
I . . A  ll

 xr .
of the  
May 1, 1940, to April 30, 1941  
The sixteenth fiscal year of the Frontier Nursing Service  
has been so involved with the second World War that it is diiii- Q
cult_ to appraise its activities in any other way than as efforts, ip
in the main successful, to meet a very grave emergency. Last I
summer and autumn several more of our seasoned British staff  
returned to the Mother Country. Many of their letters, printed  
in our Quarterly Bulletins, show their high spirit and their fine  
The heaviest strain put upon our nursing service in making g;
its readjustments was during the lirst nine months of the past  
fiscal year. We were short-handed all through that period and  
in December and January we had an extensive influenza epidemic  .
which closed down the Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery  
and aHected so many of the staff that we were barely able to keep  
enough nurse-midwives on duty to answer maternity calls. Our  
gray-blue line never wore so thin. There was only one nurse-  
midwife on duty at each nursing center, only one for the three  
Hyden districts, and none for the Wendover district. The Assist-  
ant Director, Miss Buck, carried the maternity work there as ’
well as her regular duties. The Hospital was undermanned and {
I overcrowded. On the districts we had hundreds of influenza pa- _
tients, including some of our expectant mothers.  ,
We survived this period and with the coming of the spring,  ·
for the first time since the war began, our load was lightened gp l
somewhat. The districts are fully staffed at present and, al- is 
though we still haven’t enough "floaters" to cover emergencies Y »
and vacations adequately, we begin to see our way through the - 
woods. To great emergencies are always added the minor emer-  
, gencies of pioneer work. Among such usual emergencies were {
the Hospital Superintendent’s fractured arm which made it nec- ,

 i 1
. 4
P 1¤·1>.oN·i·1ER Nunsmo smzvxcm 5  
Y - l
essary for her, Miss Lyda Anderson, to leave us for extensive
i treatment. We could not have gotten through the first half of
z the year without her, but at the time she left we were able to E
L spare Miss Vanda Summers to take charge of the Hospital. One l
j of our nurses had a bad horseback accident with concussion of i
q the brain, which kept her off duty six weeks; another received a
  serious leg injury; and we had the usual run of minor accidents.
  It is because of the inevitability of these accidents that we must l
  have extra nurses and extra horses constantly ready to take
.y over. Horses haven’t the resistance of nurses and are laid up
  longer as a rule from their accidents.
i The Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery has now trained ,
three classes of nurses in midwifery and frontier technique.
T Through the courtesy of the Kentucky State Board of Health,
the final examinations given these young midwives are conducted
» by two physicians of the State Board, and they must pass them
successfully before receiving our diplomas and the certificates
to practice as midwives from the State of Kentucky. These
. young graduates are doing good work on the districts.
Q As our iiscal report will show, we have had widespread and
  generous support in carrying our emergencies as well as our reg-
  ular needs from the thousands of members of the Frontier Nurs-
 , ing Service. Our endowment also has been increased. In addition
  we have had considerable funds given us for new construction
  and new badly needed equipment. Major gifts have been Joy
  House, the new residence for the Medical Director; money for a
§o building for the Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery which
i will be ready for the early autumn class; an X-ray machine and
  additions to the clinics at the Hospital; new gutters and a new
  maids’ dining room at the Hospital; some of the linoleum
  badly needed; and much else besides. Our major needs are as fol-
  _ lows: Continued additions to our general endowment funds; an
1 increase in the more than three thousand members who support
ll the Service; and new construction. Pending the time when we
' l have the money for another large building at Wendover we must .
{ add a couple of rooms to one of the smaller buildings because
  Wendover is our guest house and our records will show that we
  have hundreds of guests and volunteer workers who must be
i housed. We also desperately need Nurses’ Quarters, separate

from the Hospital, in order to turn the wing of the Hospital now   i
occupied by nurses into a maternity building. The Hospital is Qi
seriously overcrowded and we have to refuse maternity cases  
from beyond our area because of lack of accommodation for  
them. ·  
We would have had a deficit on the past Hscal year but for a Q
large special gift early in 1941 from two devoted friends of the  
Service. As it is we face the new fiscal year with all bills paid up <§,
and a bit of a bank balance. Q
Here follows a summary of the past fiscal year which closed  ·
April 30, 1941. The fiscal statements are taken from the exhibits  
and schedules of the audit, which was duly made by Hifner and - 
Fortune, certified public accountants; and the figures in the re-  
port of operations are supplied by the statistical department of  
the Frontier Nursing Service. g,
We received this year from all sources, including donations  
and subscriptions, nursing, medical and hospital fees, investment  
income, sales of books, revenue from the Wendover Post Office,  
benefits, and fees for speaking engagements, a total for running  
expenses, new construction, retirement of debt, and new endow- .
ment, of $144,764.15.
The total number of subscribers to the Frontier Nursing  
Service during the year was 3,037, the largest number we have ’
ever had. Total gifts and contributions were $104,874.86, inclu-  
sive of $2,642.10 from the Alpha Omicron Pi National Sorority  
and chapters for Social Service. Included in this total also are  
the $11,000 for Joy House, new residence of the Medical Director; .;
$5,000 for the new Midwives’ Cottage; $1,500 for a new X-ray _ 2
machine; and money for enlargement of the Hospital premises ’
and other new construction. Our grateful thanks are due the ,·l 
chairmen of several Frontier Nursing Service committees for  
benefits and special appeals, by means of which they raised funds `
during the past year. The total sum received from benefits was K, ‘
$7,354.36. Of this sum $2,545.48 represents the Frontier Nursing f
Service share of the receipts from the Bargain Box in New York.
Special mention should be made of the personal appeal sent out ~
annually by our Pittsburgh Chairman, Mrs. Charles S. Shoe-

 A     YP 1
  Fnowrimn Nunsmc snnvrcm 7  
1 ‘ l
_j c maker, in lieu of a benefit, which brought in this year $4,542
  (included in total gifts and contributions).
  Other sources of revenue during the past year have been  
V as follows: l
  Fees from Nursing Centers ....._....,,._.,,,,_____,_______________,_,_______ $ 2,655,37
1, M di 1 F ............................................................................ 1,602.67
_; Hdspigal Eggs ................................,........_._..,_,._,_,_,_____,____________ 1,247,19
rl Wendover Post Oiiice ............,.,..................,.._..._____,_____,________ 912,94
it Investment Income .,,,,,,_,___,_,_________________________________________________ 10,355,76 -
  The Frontier Nursing Service received $15,000.00 in new
_ · endowments during the past fiscal year: $10,000 from the estate
  of the late Miss Fanny Norris of New York; $5,000 from the A
  children of the late Mrs. Bettie Starks Rodes of Kentucky. The
,1 endowment funds of the Service to date are: ,
  J Gl M ‘ 1 B b B d .......__..._.__,...,_,__.,,,__,______ , ,
  l\/ggpy Billil.1 l$[Id11ftId1aiMgm¥>riai .,..........._.._,___,____,__________,__ $ 52,332,23
l Belle Barrett Hughitt Memorial ............................,,,.,,,,_. 15,000,00
1 Jessie Preston Draper Memorial Fund No, 1 ________________ 15,000,00
{ Jessie Preston Draper Memorial Fund No. 2 ......,....,,,,, 50,000,00
{ Isabella George Jeffcott Memorial ..........,....................._... 2,500,00
5 Marion E. Taylor Memorial .....,.,,,.,.,,,...,,.,_.,..,,.,,,_,,,,,,_,___,_ 10,000,00
4 Bettie Starks Rodes Memorial Baby Bed ....,,.,..,,,,,,,.,,,, ‘ 5,000,00
5 Fanny Norris ·Fund ......,...,.,...,...,...,,.,,,,,,,.,.,,.,.,,,..,,.,,,,,,,,_,,, 10,000,00
  General Endowments (Anonymous) ..,..,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 102,400,00
Total ...............................................,....,,.,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, $267,924,53
_ (From Exhibit C of the Audit)
  The Frontier Nursing Service owns realty, equipment, and
Q livestock conservatively estimated by our auditors, after adjust-
i ments in values have been written down or up, at $232,26673,
`* all without lien.
  ` An inventory is taken every spring of the property of the —
i Service. Among its major holdings are the following:
I A stone Hospital one wing of which is the Mary Ballard
Morton Memorial, one wing the Mary Parker Gill Memorial, a
l frame Annex a Memorial to "Jacky" Rousmaniere; Joy House,
1 home of the Medical Director; Aunt Hattie’s Oak Barn, gift of
I ‘ 1

Mrs. Henry Alvah Strong; water tank; two tenants’ cottages  
and out buildings such as garages, pig house, forge, engine house,  
fire hose house, Wee Stone House; and (under construction) a   A
house for the Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery. *
Four log houses, as follows: the Big House ("in memory of  
Breckie and Pol1y"), the Garden House (The Lydia Robinson if
Building), the older Cabin, the Ruth Draper Cabin; Aunt J ane’s »   .
Log Barn (gift of the late Mrs. Anson Maltby) ; numerous   A
smaller adjacent buildings such as the Upper and Lower Shelf, i
heifer barn, horse hospital barn, tool house, chicken houses,  
forge, apple house, smoke house, engine house, fire hose houses, ,
water tanks. i
A caretaker’s cottage and barns; a tenant cabin; extensive g
pasture land for horses and cows; a bull’s barn and stockade. I
(Beech Fork; Post Oiiice, Asher, Leslie County) Q
Frame building and oak barn; water tank and engine house; i
fenced acreage for pasture and gardens; deep well. (
(Possum Bend; Post OfHce, Coniiuence, Leslie County) 1
Frame building and oak barn; pump and tank; fenced acre- ,
age for pasture and gardens; deep well. `  
. i
(Red Bird River; Post Office, Peabody, Clay County) ,
Log building and oak barn; engine house and fire hose  
house; deep well; tank. j
(Flat Creek; Post Office, Creekville, Clay County) g `
Frame building and oak barn; tank and fire hose house; li
walled-in spring; fenced acreage for pasture and gardens.   .
(Bullskin Creek; Post Oflice, Brutus, Clay County)
Frame building and oak barn; tank; fire hose house; walled- p
in spring; fenced acreage for pasture and gardens. .

  i ‘ 1
j  (Post; Omce, Bowlingtown, Perry COl1I`lty) TN
  · Frame building and oak barn; tank; fire hose house; Walled-  
i in spring; fenced acreage for pasture and gardens. _
ii Five small clinic buildings on the following streams: Bull j
  Creek, Stinnett, Grassy Branch, Hell-for-Certain Creek, and the
  % Nancy O’Driscoll Memorial on Cutshin Creek.
  Thirty horses; one iilly; one mule; twelve cows; eight heif- 1
 ` ers; four calves; one registered Jersey bull, "Elmendorf Fron- F
  tiersman"; over four hundred chickens; and four pigs (three bar- c
  rows and one spayed sow). H
  Equipment includes: three old Ford cars (two Model A’s
e » for district use) ; one new Ford station wagon; tanks; engines; (
Q pumps; Hospital and dispensary supplies; Hospital and house- V
  hold furnishings.
l The current accounts and salaries of the Service were paid
{ up in full at the close of the last fiscal year, and the cash on hand
; in banks was $9,564.94, of which, however, $5,000 was money
} recently given for construction of the new Midwives’ Cottage
{ and not for a drawing account.
' V The Frontier Nursing Service owes $10,000.00, left from a
  total of $50,000.00 loaned by its Trustees during 1930-1932, to en-  
J able us to tide over that difficult period. The Service is also in-
V · debted to the older members of its staff for the sum of $17,655.55,
  representing the amount, on a 2/3 basis, of unpaid salaries dur-
  ing the same years of adjustment and reduction.
  The budget for the current fiscal year is again $98,000.00.
, It is doubtful if we can operate within the limits of the same
( ll 

budget this year as last, because of the rising cost of living and °. 
demands on the Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery for ex- ji
pansions that will considerably increase the $3,000 allocated to ‘ Q_
scholarships for it. We cannot tell how far the costs of such es- i
sentials as carload lots of hay, Hospital supplies, gasoline, sta-  
tionery, and material used in repairs, will rise. We are sure,  .
however, that the funds needed to meet increases in price will Q,
be forthcoming from the more than 3,000 members of the Fron-  
tier Nursing Service and from new friends. I
There is nothing that can be taken out of our budget to 1
offset the increase in prices. We have learned from long exper- L
ience in running a remotely rural piece of work, under circum- »
stances of the most careful accounting, to evaluate the purchas— y
ing power of each dollar and keep costs at a minimum. An - 2
analysis of the budget will show that $51,000.00 of the $98,000.00 2
is allocated to salaries and yet no one in the Frontier Nursing i
Service, except the Medical Director, receives a salary of more · j
than $125.00 a month, out of which each member of the staff `
pays her living expenses.
We give here an analysis of this budget, accepted by the .
trustees of the Frontier Nursing Service at the seventeenth  
annual meeting, at the Lexington Country Club, on May 28, 1941. Q
Field Salaries .......................................................................... $51,000.00 i
Field Expenses (General) 5
I (Bulletins, stationery, stamps, printing and ap-  
. peals, auditing, advertising, telephone and tele-
graph, office supplies, etc.) ...................v . .................... 9 ,000.00  
II (Dispensary and Hospital supplies, freight and I
hauling, car expenses and gasoline, laundry, j
etc.) .................................................................................. 14,000.00  
Feed, Care, and Purchase of Horses .................................. 6,300.00 · _
Social Service Department .................................................. 3,500.00 A
Interest on Borrowed Money .............................................. 200.00  
Repayment of Borrowed Money ........................................ 1,000.00  
Insurance (Fire, employers liability, car insurance on  
, 3 cars and a station wagon) ...................................... 1,500.00 +
Repairs, Upkeep, and Replacements ................................ 7,500.00  
Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery (scholarships).. 3,000.00  
Miscellaneous Promotional Expenses A
(Invitations, stamps, petty cash sent outside city '
committees for annual meetings and benehts, etc.) 1,000.00  
TOTAL ............................................................................ $98,000.00  

 1 Y Q
.  - FRONTIER NURSING sianvicm 11  
ji Field and Hospital A '
I , The district nurses carried during the year a total of 8,471 4
, people in 1,745 families. Of these, 4,840 were children, including ·
  2,217 babies and toddlers. Bedside nursing care was given to 258
_·  very sick people, of whom 13 died. The district nurses paid
y 18,983 visits and received 17,726 visits at nursing centers. In
  addition, 5,871 visits were received at the Medical Director’s
  I clinic in Hyden. The Frontier Nursing Service Hospital at Hyden
1, was occupied 5,794 days by 663 patients. There were sent to
1 hospitals and other institutions outside the mountains 52 patients H
_ who, with their attendants, were transported on passes given by
, the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company.
I Under the direction of the State Board of Health, the Service
z gave 4,113 inoculations and vaccines against typhoid, diphtheria,
I smallpox, etc., and sent 2,377 specimens for analysis.
· 1 During the year 108 field clinics were held with an attend-
l ance of 3,143 people. I
. Registered Cases
1 The Frontier Nursing Service admitted 437 new antepartum .
3 patients into its regular midwifery service during the year and
Q closed out 392 mothers after postpartum care. The Service de-
§ livered 387 patients, thus making this year the fourth consecu-
l tive one in which the regular deliveries have been well over "a
baby a day". ‘
_1 Of the 387 women delivered, 308 were delivered in their
Q own homes—283 by nurse-midwives and 25 by pupil midwives
Q under graduate midwife supervision. The remaining 79 women
;, were delivered in the Hyden Hospital. This means 20 more Hos-
l_ pital deliveries among our regular cases than last year—last l
  year having had more than any previous year. The Medical
  Director delivered 8 of the Hospital cases; the Hospital nurse-
  midwife, 19; and, under her supervision, the pupil nurse-mid-
1 wives delivered 52.
€ There were 4 women who miscarried. The other 383 women
§ were delivered of 390 babies including 7 pairs of twins. There
I were 24 babies born prematurely, 366 full term; 14 were stillborn.
, 1
I · 14 

There was one maternal death. This patient lived in a min- .
ing camp, but we do not classify her as an outside-area case
because she lived in our territory before her marriage, and came f
to stay with her mother in one of our districts for her confine- ‘—
ment. Our Hrst contact with her was the day before delivery  
when she registered and thus became one of our regular patients. {E
The next day she sent for the district nurse—midwife but not until  
labor was well advanced. During the third stage the patient died il
from hemorrhage before the arrival of the Medical Director who  
had been called.  
:El’Il€I’g‘8IlCy Gases I
‘ The Frontier Nursing Service was called in for 20 emergency ,£
deliveries. Of these 20 women, 10 were delivered in their own 4
homes, 10 admitted in labor to the Hyden Hospital. There were  
9 women who called the nurse—midvvife because of miscarriage.  
The other women were delivered of 4 full term babies and S  
premature babies including 1 set of twins. Among the pre-, §
mature babies 3 were stillborn. There were no maternal deaths  
in the emergency group.  
Outside-Area Cases  
The Frontier Nursing Service delivered 34 mothers who  
came from outside its territory. Of these 19 were delivered in 2
the Hyden Hospital, 15 in homes where the women were visiting A
within the district. These mothers were delivered of 28 full  
term, live babies, 6 premature live babies including a case of ,
‘ twins, and 1 full term stillborn baby. There were no maternal H
The Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery  
The iirst set of examinations, given by the Kentucky State  
Board of Health for the Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery.  
was held on August 13, 1940, by Dr. Charles Crittenden and Dr.  
Oma Creech. The four pupils in our first two classes took these F?
examinations (written, oral, and practical). One of the Indian  {
nurses who trained with the Frontier Nursing Service for a year,  
1934y35, and who is now working with the State Board of Health g
in Perry County, also stood for the examination. A Lobenstine  
graduate who had recently come on our staff was allowed to take E
. I

 . l
’ l
I Fnourima Nuasmc smnvicn is  
1  the examination at her own request. All six young midwives l
passed. Q
. With the third class which began on December 1, 1940, the  
  course was lengthened to six months and 3 pupils were taken =
  into the class instead oftwo. This has proved satisfactory. Be- I
ig cause of a widespread influenza epidemic, to which the Instructor ,
  ‘ and 2 pupils succumbed, the School closed from December 27,
> 1940 to January 20, 1941. A
l . j
  Medical and Surgical `
Z. The regular medical work was carried by the Frontier Nurs-
i ing Service Medical Director, Dr. John H. Kooser. Dr. R. L. Col- i
  lins and Dr. J. E. Hagen of Hazard, Kentucky, performed
§ numerous operations during the year, those on indigent people
3 as a courtesy to the Service. None of the doctors in the various
] cities to whom the Service sent patients made any charges for  
  their services. We are deeply grateful to Dr. Josephine Hunt and
i her associate members on the Medical Advisory Committee in ·
  Lexington, Kentucky, for the attention they have given, gratui-
Z tously and so graciously, both to patients and to members of the
{ staff sent down to them on various occasions. The Service also I
  expresses its grateful thanks to the Children’s Hospitals of Cin- `
  cinnati and Louisville for the care of 25 children sent down to
Q them by our Medical Director. ,
  The regular tonsillectomy and gynecological clinics in which
* Dr. R. W. Urton of Louisville and Dr. Scott Breckinridge of Lex-
  ington have given their marvelous services for examinations and
i operations over a period of years, were held again during the
  fiscal year just closed. As this report is written for the annual
{ meeting on May 28 the condition of Dr. Breckinridge is so grave “
ii that we know now that he has given us his last clinic. Hundreds
_i‘ of our women over a period as long almost as our existence, owe
  their restoration to health to his skill and generosity.
 , Pellagra Clinics ~
all Dr. Kooser’s Pellagra Clinic, held in cooperation with the i
  Perry County Health Department, at Hazard, Kentucky, treated
g 53 active pellagrins with nicotinic acid during the past year. In
i addition to the cases treated, others were examined and were
S .
i J J 

W 3
found to be free of pellagra. The patients made 355 visits to the  
Clinic. In addition to the Perry County Clinics Dr. Kooser also E
held clinics in Manchester in cooperation with the Clay County Q
Health Department and admitted and treated with nicotinic acid j
11 active new pellagrins and 7 subclinical cases.   -
Medical Studies {
Following is a list of the scientific articles by our Medical  
Director, Dr. John H. Kooser, which appeared during the year V;
in medical magazines:  
Recent Developments in the Treatment and Prevention of  
Pellagra. The Kentucky Medical Journal, January, 1941.  
Observations on the Possible Relationship of Diet to the  
Late Toxemia of Pregnancy. American Journal of Ob-  
stetrics and Gynecology, February, 1941.  
Pellagra and the Public Health. The Journal of the Amer-  
ican Medical Association, March 8, 1941. (This was {
written in collaboration with Dr. M. A. Blankenhorn of '
Cincinnati.) p
- 4
(Alpha Omicron Pi Frmd) I
Service and aid have been given in connection with the fol- E
lowing numbers and types of cases: .
Dependent and neglected children: 14 cases  
· Handicapped children: 11 cases  
Medical-social cases: 52 cases: of these Q
30 were sent to outside hospitals j
· 22 were given services of other {
_ kinds *
Assistance to families, usually to '
meet an acute need: 20 cases
Miscellaneous services 13 cases (
Total cases 110  
Service has also been given in connection with -the following 1
group or community activities: ` iw
Knitting classes: beginning and advanced ~
Circulating libraries
Christmas celebrations
Tuberculosis and Crippled Children’s clinics ·
Christmas Seal Campaign ‘
Red Cross Drive

 i I
l . l
2 .
I !  
  The Frontier Nursing Service entertained at Wendover 131
j overnight guests who stayed 311 days. In addition, Wendover (
Q _ entertained for meals 192 guests for 240 meals. Included among *
  these guests are both outside and mountain friends. No exact
V record has been kept of the guests at the Hyden Hospital and
i; outpost centers.
  Twenty-seven couriers and other volunteer workers (Christ-
  mas Secretary, volunteer clerical assistants) worked for the
é Frontier Nursing Service a total of 1140 days. They lived at
3 . Wendover, the Hospital and the outpost centers.
i It may be of interest to our members to read a few totals
{ covering the whole sixteen-year period of our work.
l Patients registered from the beginning ..........................._._.... 21,858 '
Babies and toddlers .................................._._._._.._ 8,975
. School children .................................................... 4,958
j Adults .................................................................... 7,925 _
Q Midwifery cases (reg.) delivered ..........................__.._.._..,,,__,,,,, 4,540
3 Inoculati0ns—Total ..............................................................._..,, 113,114
; Typhoid .................................................................. 78,112
- T.A.T. or Toxoid ......................_....._........___,.._...,_. 21,091
. Other ...................................................................... 13,911
j Nursing vi