xt7w3r0psz5n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w3r0psz5n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1945-05-04  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May  4, 1945 text The Kentucky Kernel, May  4, 1945 1945 1945-05-04 2013 true xt7w3r0psz5n section xt7w3r0psz5n Best Copy Available


War World
By Dr. Charles M. Knapp

Peace Rumors:


At seven o'clock


breathless radio
new commentators announced that
Nazi leaders had agreed to a general surrender of all German pockets of resistance. Celebrations had
barely started throughout the country when President Truman branded
the reports as unfounded. German
soldiers had been surrendering by
the tens of thousands all week. The
Russians held all but the very center sections of Berlin. There was,
therefore, good reason for accepting as probable the many rumors
of peace negotiations which had
originated during the week in
and Sweden. That
there have been efforts by German
leaders to open peace negotiations
in recent weeks cannot well be

There has been one great stumbling block in the way, however,
and that was the incapacity of the
individual Germans to guarantee
the surrender of any more than the
troops and the areas immediately
under their authority. They could
not enforce a general surrender
upon all the forces still offering re-

sistance to

Anglo-Americ- an


Russian armies. Other rumors will
come in the days ahead and one of
them may prove to tell of an au-

thentic general German surrender,
but it is entirely unlikely that even
such an agreement will terminate
all local German resistance to Al-


For May



V-- E

Student response to the National

Clothing Collection drive, sponsored
on the University campus during
the week of April 8 by Mortar
Board, senior women's honorary,
netted two carloads of old but usable
clothing for war victims, Martha
Ringo, drive chairman, announced
The campus drive
reached 1.500 persons not contacted
drive, Miss
during the down-tow- n
Ringo said.
Shipped Overseas
All contributions received in the
National Clothing drive, which was




Mary Elizabeth Mason, Mat-ti- e
Evelyn Douglas, and Rita
Redden are planning the

YWC A Cabinet

carried on throughout the United
States, will be placed in a common
pool, and no donations may be earmarked for a specific country. All
Phyllis Freed
clothing received in the University
drive will be sent to the Lexington
depot for packing and then will be
shipped to a regional collectional
center to await shipment overseas.
Members of Mortar Board assisted in collection of garments, and
"We must learn from each other, Mr. Bart Peak, University YMCA
trust each other, and adapt our- secretary,' supervised collections.
Clothing Collected
selves to each other; without these
things we cannot have an enduring
Types of clothing used in the colpeace," said Dr. Robert J.
lection included women's overcoats,
president of Centre col- jackets, skirts, sweaters, shawls,
lege, at an assembly of University dresses, underwear, aprons, jumpers,
students, faculty, staff members and smocks, robes, nightwear, and knitfriends in a convocation talk Tues- ted gloves; men's and boys' overday in Memorial hall.
coats, topcoats, suits, coats, jackets,
Tlic program was arranged to shirts, underwear,
work clothes,
recognize the newly-electofficers sweaters, robes, pajamas, and gloves,
of the school's Student Government and durable shoes for persons of
association. The speaker said the all ages.
Student Government association,
and the World Security conference
now in session in San Francisco

SGA Installs

New Members'



groups "in that
were inter-relattoday all of us are faced with international problems."
Speaking on the subject, "Student
Government ana World Order," the
Kentucky college preside ni who
served for 12 years as president of
Changchow university in China and
who spent seven months in a Japanese prison camp, told his audience
that "lack of confidence, one- - In
another, makes agreement at San
Francisco difficult even now, because laws have been flouted,
agreements torn up anil confidence
lost in the years just past, but in
the rubbish and rubble of the cities
of the world one finds reason for the
security meeting so that such things
may not happen again."
William Embry of Lexington, outgoing president of the Student
Government association, introduced
the speakers, and presented Marvin Chumey of Louisville, acting
chairman of the Judicial committee
of the S.G.A., who administered the
oath of office to the newly elected
Dr. Herman Lee Donovan concluded the program with a charge
to the officers, in which he said
that "student government on a university- campus is a .laboratory in
democracy,, and if you are good
students and good citizens on the
(Continued on Page Three)


YM Officers, Cabinet

V-- E

Plans are being made by the
Baptist Student Union for
vesper services to be
held at 6:30 on the evening of
Day in the amphitheater.
If the announcement of victory
is made after 12 o'clock noon,
however, the program will be
held the following evening.
Special music, devotionals and
a special speaker .will be featured in the outdoor exercises.
Libby Landrum, Martha Wel-lc- r,

Will Be Sent
To War Victims

The University, in a united effort
to recognize scholastic achievement,
will sponsor a convocation at 10
a m. Tuesday, May 15, in Memorial
hall as the first in a yearly series
of scholarship programs. Students
recognized will include members of
honor societies, members of groups
requiring a standing of 2.0 or better
for membership; graduate fellows
and scholars; students receiving
general prizes and awards; and stu
dents, listed by colleges and classes.
who have made a cumulative University standing of 2.3 or better.
Freed Represents Students
Phyllis Freed, Passaic, N. J., Arts
and Sciences senior, has been
chosen by a faculty, committee to




Services Held
For Colonel Skain


135 AST's

Arrive Here
Men To Begin
Training May

Is Installed
The University YWCA cabinet for
was installed at 5 p.m.
Tuesday in the music room of the
Union building. After the ceremonies the old and new cabinet mem
bers were entertained by the YW
advisory board at the home of Mrs.
Sarah B. Holmes.
New officers and cabinet members
are: president, Claudine Gibson
Betty Fleishman;
vice - president,
secretary, Betty TSVis; treasurer,
Joan Scott.
The new cabinet members are:
Alice Freeman, membership chair'
man; Mary Keith Dosker, freshman
advisor; Jean Ritchie, social serv
ice chairman; Anne Biggererstaff,
Nancy Lockery,
worship chairman; Ruth Anthony,
Interracial chairman; Elizabeth
foreign affairs chairman; Ruth
Perlmuttcr, economics and labor
chairman; Maria mne Cross, WSSF
chairman; Mary Lillian Davis, publicity; Helen Hutchcraft, Live
Margaret McDowell, posters; Jean
Crabb, Barbara Allen, and Melrose
McGurk, members at large; Patsy
Burnett, sophomore program chairman; and Jeanne Bureau, senior
program chairman.

Mc-Ne- al,


Dr. Hill To Address

Baptist Convocation
lAt Banquet Tonight




Students Approved

Broadway Takes Back Seat
For Guiunol's Kiss 'N Tell
By Blllie Fischer
Once again Broadway takes the
back seat as Guignol hits its stride
hi its delightful interpretation of
"Kiss and Tell."
The play, by F. Hugh Herbert,
which is in its third year on Broadway, will be held over until Saturday. There will be a Saturday
The play, involving the feuding of !
rcendshlp over
families of life-lo-ng
the misconstrued, actions of their
teen-ag- e
daughters. Is chock-fu- ll
hearty fun.
Johnny Renfro, a junior at the
University, seen in several previous
Guignol productions, portrayed the
role of Dexter Franklin with sparkling force. It's worth going to see
"Kiss and Tell" if only for the
privilege of watching
facial contortions.
Corliss Archer, the feminine lead,
is expertly played by a
to the Ouignol stage, John Rehm.
of Lexington. Miss Renin's talents
will undoubtedly be further ex
ploited in coming Guignol presentations.
W. B. Wrench, who has appeared
in every play this season, and Eva
Singleton, in her first role, appear
and Mildred
as Lenny Archer
Prlngle with very satisfying results
Director Wally Briggs did not
only a very fine Job of directing, but
also stepped into the role of Mr.
Archer, the father, only two weeks
ago, upon the withdrawal of one of
the members of the cast. Despite
his double headache. Mr. Briggs
comes through with flying colors in
both responsibilities.
University students appearing in
the play are John Renfro, Eva
Singleton. Mary Mulligan, Hugh
Collett, Conrad Richardson. W. B.
Wrench, and Alice Dean.
The cast, is as follows: Hugh Collett, as Mr. Wlllard; Mary Mulligan,
as Louise; Joan Rehm as Corliss
Archer; Bruce Glenn as Raymond
Pringle: Eva Singleton as Mildred
Prlngle; John Renfro as Dexter
Franklin: Betty Dickerson as Mrs.
Archer; Wally Briggs as Mr. Archer;
Conrad Richardson as Pvt. Ear-haMills as Uncle
George; W. B. Wrench as Lieut.
Lenny Archer; Jewell Doyle as Mr.
Franklin; Alice Dean as Mrs. Franklin; Carolyn Schoeffler as Mrs.
Pringle: Wallace KeHey as Mr.
(Continued on Page Four)


SGA Amendment
On March 2
The amendment to the constitution of the Student Government association which was voted on and
passed by the student body on
March 2. is now being considered
by the Rules committee of the University Faculty. It was announced
by SGA President Bill Embry at
the meeting of the assembly on
The Rules committee suggested
that the SOA faculty advisor and
four students should be members
of the Judiciary committee instead
of five student members.
amendment, as passed by the stu
dent body, changed the original
membership of the committee of
two students and three faculty
members to a membership of five





new-com- er


May Try For Awards

Kernel Service Flag
Gold Stars
Honoring Ex Staff


New Guignol Hit

UK Faculty Rules Committee
Considers New Amendment
Passed By Student Body

Rands of civilians may be alleviated.
The terrain with its network of
canals has made direct attack althirty-fiv- e
adOne hundred and
most impossible, at least without
vanced engineers of the ASTP artremendous casualties.
rive rt- - the University this week
Newly-electI lair: One dictator is no more.
to begin the new term on May 7,
President Edward
Dr. John L. Hijl of NashvUle,
Benito Mussolini was captured by Bary, Arts and Sciences junior from
according to Capt. R. L. Stivers of
leader in the Southern BapItalian partisans sometime Thurs Bellevue, and his officers and cabthe Military department.
tist convention, will be the guest
day. was tried by some kind of
inet were installed by retiring presThese men will replace the 34 ad speaker at the Baptist student
court and with others in his party ident of the Advisory Board, Dr.
vanced trainees who completed their
banquet to be held at 6:30
trying to reach Switzer- L. L. Bradford, to serve the YMCA
who were
work at the end of the last term, tonight at the Phoenix hotel.
land, was shot, ltis body mutilated for the coming year, Tuesday night.
and graduated. The new AST's
Another feature of the program
thrown in a van and carried to
The installation, which was held
have been transferred from Texas,
Milan where they were dumped in in the YM-Ylounge, followed a
California, and Arkansas and will will be the installation of new BSU
a heap in a public square in Milan. dinner given by Mr. Bart Peak for
study at the University for three council members. They are: Libby
Landrum. president; Amelia Mason
Mussolini's delusions of grandeur the old and new members of the
Bevand Joe Ward,
were ended in the same city where cabinet and Advisory Board, and
Thirty-fou- r
advanced engineers erly Ritchie, Joyce
Gilbert and Jimhe had started his career of a mod the regular Y meeting. Dr. David
51 ASTRP trainees were honand
my Williams, social chairmen; Mary
ern Caesar.
C. Clark of the Church of the Good
ored at the battalion retreat grad- Elizabeth
Mason, Mattie Evelyn
The American Fifth Army and Sheplicrd spoke at the meeting on
uate parade held last Friday on Douglas and Rita Redden, devotionthe British Eighth Army which had the "Qualities of Leadership."
the parade grounds. Co. A. ASTP; al chairmen; Anne Biggerstaff, secfought such a costly battle up the
Before the installation the newly
Co. B, ASTRP, Co. C, ROTC,
retary; Wilma McMullin, treasurer;
Italian peninsula early in the week chosen Advisory Board elected its
and the University band took Eva Singleton, artist; Janice Shep
broke the line of German resistance officers. They are as follows: Dean
part in the parade.
herd, editor; Carol Jean Terry, Elizand commenced to roll across the Leo M. Chamberlain, president; Dr.
Col. William G. Johnson, who has abeth Haydcn, magazine representy.
Po valley and the plains of
W. P. Garrigus,
recently succeeded Col. Guy Chip-ma- n atives; Gene Whicker, chorister;
some ele- Niel Plummer, treasurer, and Gene
At the week-en- d
as professor of military science and Nora L. Johnson pianist.
ments had reached the Swiss bor- Whicker, secretary. The Tie w board
and tactics, presented good conduct
on the way will serve for two years.
der and the Piave river
Church representatives are Marawards to 14 AST men.
to the Jugo-Sla- v
frontier. Genoa,
garet Rogers and George Campbell,
The new Y officers are: Mr. Bary,
Milan and Venice fell into Allied president; James Williams, AgriCalvary; Hazel Kennedy and Joe
Junior-Senio- r
hands. More than 100,000 prisoners culture junior from Greenville,
Ward, Immaouel.
had been taken and the retreat of
from Porter and Hillcrest have not
Gene Whicker, Arts and
the remainder to the south German Sciences sophomore of Lexington,
been announced.
fortress through the Brenner Pass secretary; and Richard LeGrand,
The program, carrying out the
Junior and senior women workimprobable. The end Agriculture sophomore of Owens-borhad become
theme of the Old South, will ining toward a degree who are interof the struggle in Italy was at hand.
clude a skit by Johnny Violette and
The Southern Fortress: Gen.
Funeral services for Col. John ested In pptylngfosthe Delta Deta negro spirituals by the BSU male
Delta scholarship for war service
Skain, 77, treasurer-emeritu- s
of the
Patton's Third Army advanced into
quartette made up by Jimmy WilUniversity, and former mayor of projects should see Assistant Dean liams,
Czechoslovakia and into Austria and
Joe Ward, Howard Stewart
Lexington who died Monday, were of Women Miss Jane Hazelden for
toward Munich which was captured
and Gene Whicker.
held Wednesday morning at St. additional information.
late Sunday night. In Munich the
The program was planned by
The Delta Delta Delta award, to
Peter's Catholic church, the Rev.
famous beer hall in which Hitler
Thomas B. Ennis officiating. Burial be made July 1, 1943, are given on Anne Biggerstaff and Merl Baker,
founded his Nazi party was taken
campuses where the social sorority social chairmen. Committees workwas in the Calvary cemetery.
Gold stars on the service flag of
(Continued on Page Four)
Colonel Skain died at his Forest has chapters, to women "who will ing with them were: program: JimThe Kernel's news room now total
avenue home. He had been in fail- be useful in the war effort or may my Williams, Joyce Gilbert and
10, an investigation by staff memdecorations:
be valuable citizens In the post war Margaret Skiiuier;
bers shows. Service flags in The ing health for the past several
reconstruction period, and who are Libby Hayden and Ann Webb: proKernel's printing shop and business years.
Colonel Skain succeeded Mr. Wil- in need of financial assistance be- grams: Martha Welier, Eva Single
office carry additional gold stars.
cause of economic dislocations re ton and Janice Shepherd.
Only those men from recent liam McDowell as treasurer, and
was made treasurer-emeritin sulting from the war.
classes are included because of lack
Application blanks may be
of complete information on the June of 1944.
Active in political, business and
from Mrs. F. D. Coleman,
many otliers who have lost their
civic circles, Colonel Skain attended 3050 Stratford, Lincoln 2, Nebraska,
The annual art exhibit of the
lives in World War II.
Sweater Swing . . . from 6 to 7:30
From the class of 1942: Robert Fayette county public schools, the and completed blanks must be in local Brush and Pencil club, which
p.m. Monday in the Bluegrass room Amnions, editor; Harold
Winn, Walnut Hall school, St. Mary's col her hands by June 1. The Delta was scheduled to close this past
of the Union building
managing editor; Fred Hill, sports lege at Lebanon and the University. Delta Delta committee on awards Sunday, will be held over through
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. will be the sole judge of the merit this week-en- d
in the art gallery of
wUl be given at 6:30 editor: Arthur Sanders,
BSU akit
Nellie Skain.
of applicants.
p.m. Thursday in the Union and oaks Calwell, reporter.
the Biological Sciences building.
Class of 1941: George Lawrence,
Koffee Klab . . . will hear Dr. J. reporter.
Class of 1940: Leslie Gross, reHuntley Dupre at 4 p.m. Tuesday
in the Music room of the Union porter; Walter Bolts, reporter.
Class of 1939: Sid Buckley, re
By Mary Louise Patton
interviewed agreed tliat it was "a than we have now. She said she
Chi Delta Phi . . . will meet at 3 porter; and from the class of 1938,'
As the Allied forces have driven good idea" and the American peop.m. Thursday in the Union Oscar Wisner, sports writer.
believed that our congressmen will
deeper into Germany, tales of hor- ple would benefit from it.
These men were
come back from the tour of conbuilding.
tliroughout most of the major thea- ror and unbelievable cruelties have
Vesper servteea . . . will be held
Tills answer was given to the centration camps and draw up the
in France, or
of war,
who have
t 6:30 p.m. of the day the an- ters Pacific, and died North Africa, come and, us from those in German question in discussion, "Yes, I think peace plans more intelligently. "We
perhaps, lived
failed to do this in the last war,"
nouncement of victory is officially the and various places in Europe. concentration camps.
we will gain by sending our conannouncement comes India
made if the
gressmen to Germany for this pur- she observed.
Harold Winn
Robert Ammons and
"Is it propaganda?" The United
Some students Interviewed stated
before noon. Otherwise the program lost
their lives sometime after
States Congress has decided to send pose. It will give them a clear view that they believed that the Amerwill be held the following evening,
of just what our boys have gone
to visit these
in France. Oscar Wisner and our congressmen
ican people will gain nothing by
in the amphitheater.
Walter Botts were killed in planes camps to find out and to see with through and it will give the consending delegates to view Nazi
Methodist Student in the Pacific. In planes over Eu- their own eyes what the Nazis have gressmen some points in the peace
planning." The speaker added that atrocities. "It will gain us nothing,
S to rope, Leslie Gross
Movement will be held from
and Oaks Calwell done.
and it will make our congressmen
? p.m. today at Castlewood park. were shot down. Sid Buckley, who
On this campus the question, they will be able to establish the come back blinded by a passionate
Will meet at the Union building.
was a member of the Royal Cana- "Will we gain anything by sending truth of these tales we have heard hate for Germans," one said.
Pictures . . . from the Kentuckian dian Air Force, lost his life in Can- our congressmen to view the Nazi and will decide or us between proA senior argued that we will gain
Office will be distributed between ada. And Fred Hill and George prison camps?" has become a regu- paganda and fact.
nothing because we are sending the
12 and 2 pjn. Thursday at the
Lawrence died in the invasion of lar topic of conversation.
Another coed said that we needed wrong persons we are sending
Most of the students who were stronger feeling egsfcist the Nazis
North Africa.
who are net traissd ue!!

For Coming Year
Installed Tuesday

'Kiss And Tell

4, 1943

Vesper Services

01 Clothing





University To Sponsor Drive Nets
Annual Honors Program Two Carloads
Convo Slated







represent the students at the "Honors" program in a message to the
assembly of students. Dr. Charles
J. Turck, president of Macalcster
lied arms.
college at St. Paul, Minn, and forBerlin: All except the very cen- mer dean of the University College
ter of Berlin has been overrun after of Law, will deliver the principal
hard fighting by Russian troops. address. His topic will be "ScholarThe city is little more than smok- ship in the Service of Democracy."
ing mass of ruin. According to reDr. Herman Lee Donovan will
ports most of the high ranking preside at the program. The comNazis are in that city, either alive mittee in charge of the convocation
or dead. Thus far it has been en- plans to distribute badges to all
tirely a Russian operation, with the students to be honored, and those
American and British forces re- students are asked to go to the
maining west of the Oder River line. office of Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes on
Russian and American May 14 to receive their honor
patrols officially met and celebrated badges and instructions for the
on the cast bank of the Oder.
program. A special section in the
Front: front, center aisle in Memorial hall
British troops captured Bremen this has been reserved for all students
week and pushed closer to their at- to be honored and they are retack on Hamburg and the narrow quested to occupy these seats.
pocket along the Baltic sea. The
Program Committee
Canadian First Army had some
The committee in charge of ar- -'
50,000 Germans in a pocket in
rangements for the program Inwestern Holland containing Rottercludes Dean
dam and Amsterdam, where they man; Dean Paul P. Boyd, chairEdward Wiest, Mrs.
held the Dutch population as starving hostages.
By an agreement Sarah B. Holmes. Dean T. T. Jones,
reached with the Germans there Dean L.Prof. Horlacher, Prof. John
C. C. Ross, Prof. Roy
food packages were dropped by
parachute to the population. To Moreland, and Miss Maple Moorcs.
some extent the starvation of thou


Art Exhibit Open



Phi Delta Phi
Reestablished Here
Phi Delta Phi, national honorary
fraternity for lawyers. inacUve on
the campus since the beginning of
the war, has been reestablished.
On April 30. they Initiated the
following members:




story in last week's Kernel
about the introduction of a new
method of teaching French and
Spanish at the University said

that Dr. Alberta
Server was acting head of the
Languages department during
the absence of Dr. Hobart
Prof. Blaine W. Schick
has been acting head, and will
continue in that position until
Dr. Ryland returns June 1.

Students Discuss Congressmen's Tour







nard Jobe, Lexington; Alvarado Er
win Funk, Jr, Frankfort: Joseph
Clinton Covington, Bowling Green;
Harry Haden Bohannon, Greenville; Julian William Knippenberg.
Lexington; Robert Doyle Preston,
Sico; Jolin Coleman Covington.
Richmond; Frank Selby Hurst, Lexington; Francis Cecil Henry, Lexington; Viley Offutt Blackburn,
Georgetown: and Halpin O'Reilly
Hackett, Louisville.








Joan Rehm









Adviser Nat T VaU
After discussion the assembly decided that the SGA faculty admember of
viser is an
all SGA committees and therefore
is not allowed voting privileges on
any action taken by a committee
of the assembly. William Buckler
made a motion that a statement
1 explaining the assembly's interpretation of Its constitution, verified
,4ri by the Interpretation of Kilmer
Combs, chairman of the Judiciary
committee, should be drawn up and
presented by two SGA members to
the Rules committee with the suggestion that the faculty adviser
should serve on the Judiciary committee, but without voting privileges. The motion, seconded by
Norman Chrlsman, passed the assembly and Embry appointed Gwen
Pace and William Buckler to appear
before the Faculty rules committee.
Vacancies FUle4
Buckler, whose SGA membership
expired May I. was reelected by the
assembly to flU a vacancy in the
Graduate school, and Mac Pewitt.
Fulton, was elected to fill the Arts
and Sciences vacancy as lowerclass








Jack Banahan gave the treasurer's report and announced that
ap1383.57 remains of the 1944-4- 5
propriation to the assembly. Action was taken to give to the con-

vocation committee money which
was unused by other SGA committees. Other unused funds were
transferred' to the Forum committee
to meet an overdraw.
Lucy Meyer. Lexington, appeared
before the assembly and asked that
SOA make a $25 donation to support the two delegates from south
ern universities who are being sent
John Renfro
to the San Francisco peace conwere
chosen at a meeting at the University of North Carolina and have of
ficial recognition from the State
department. Joe Covington made
a motion that SGA give the 125. and
High School musicians from 32
(Continued on Page Four)
central Kentucky schools are on the
University campus today for the
regional High School Festival.
The program, which Prof. Louis
Clifton, director of University Extension, said Monday had been arranged so that ail events could take
place hi just one day, includes vocal
solos, piano
girls, and boys,
trios, male quartets, a capeila
groups, and events lor stringed,
By Shirley Meistcr
brass and percussion instruments.
Question: What to yar reactivn
Beginning at 8:30 a.m., piano
will be held in Memorial hall; t the I'nlted Nations eonferrm-eirls' trios in the Music room of the In San Franc tocoT
Marjorte Smith. Education, seaUnion building; boys' solos in the
ler: I believe the "big three" should
Music building; and brass instruments in the Bluegrass room of the give the smaller nations more "say
so" in the decisions.
Union building.
Pvt. Robert Conner, AST: There
Girls' solos will be heard In the
Music building at 9:30 a.m.; and the doesn't seem to be much enthusiasm
something Is lacking.
male quartets will compete hi the
Phyllis Freed. A AS. senior: I
Music room of the Union building
at 10: a.m. Stringed instruments think that if they don't get tlungs
will be heard in Memorial hall at straightened out this time, the lart
10:30 a.m.: a capeila groups will be hope for a peaceful world will be
heard in Memorial hail, and wood- gone.
Theodore E. Logan, A A 5. senior:
winds in the Bluegrass room of the
I think it is a good tiling, but it.
Union building. Percussion instruments and twirlers will be present- doesn't seem to be as well organized
ed on the playground in back of the as it should be.
Alice Freeman. Ac. junior: It
Union building at 3 p.m.
Judges will be Mrs. Era Peiuiiston. seems to me that this is America's
Wilmore; Miss Helen BosweU. sup- second chance to build an organlasting world peace, and
ervisor of music in the Louisville ization for
we simply must not fail
public schools; James E. Van Peur-scLibby Landram, A ft 3. junior: I
Richmond, member of the
believe the conference can be a sucMusic department at Eastern State
cess in making a world peace if
Teacliers college: Miss Jane Campwe pray for the leaders.
bell and Mrs. Blanche Seevers. also
Virginia Bernard. A AS. junior;
of Eastern: Mrs. Oscar T. H. SchIt's up to the peoples of the world
midt, supervisor of music in Covto support the conference in its aim
ington public schools, and Mr. J.B.
to build an organization for lasting
McKenna, band director at the peace
our future depends on its
Highland high school. Ft. Thomas. outcome.
Cecil Taylor, A AS, sophomore:
Every nation is going to have to
sacrifice something to come to an
President H. L. Donovan attended agreement.
a meeting of the National AssociaL R. Ba rile jr. A AS. freshman: I
tion of State Universities in Chi- don't think they should solve the
cago Friday. He was named a mem- petty questions now, but should set
ber of the executive cwnmitte
of up a plan to settle important futvirs

Musical Festival
Slated For Today;
Schools Compete




enough to view the tilings they may
find with understanding.
"It's already done and there is
little we can do about it now. It
will only make us more severe on
Germany in our peace planning,"
was one opinion expressed in opposition.
Other students who strongly favored the tour were shocked that
there would be disagreement with
it. One junior said through this
trip of congress we can gain a better concept of how we should reeducate the Germans. She stated
that she believed that only through
knowing just what has gone on
within Germany, can we formulate
a usrkafcte peace plan.

Donovan Returns



� owl uupy



The Kernel Editorial Page


..Managing Editor
News Editor
MILDRED LONG ...Business Manager
Circulation Manager
Entered at the o8t Office at Lexington, Krnturkr, u
or. a fiitsa matter under the Act or March 3,
Managing Editor
Sports Editor
rTenturky Intercollegiate Presa Association
Society Editor
Lexington Board of Commerce
Assistant News Editors
Kentucky Press Association
National Editorial Association






The Horizon

Marvin Zukerman
Twilight of the "Aryan"
The Third Reich is thrashing in
Catherine Ooman, W. B. Wrench, John Vlolette, Edna, CrawNational Wvertising Senice,
her final death convulsions. The
ford, Marjorle Wvant, Martha Hasan, Jane Hunt Clark. Patsj
CWfaW PmHitm tUwrmum
Burnett. Juliette Jones, Martha Vates, Marilyn Mitchell, Jane
cost of tota, war is beating that
Olsh, Ruth Perlmutter,
Hammersley. Al Reynolds.
Oeorge Beckwlth, Edwin Gaines.
once arrogant nation into the rub-la
ble of her own broken cities. The
coatMmst ifce
All Henri articles end col must re to
' eeesserlla
flsloH al the writers themtelvet,
bread which .,c cast
$1.50 One Year
reflect the opinion of The Kesnkl.
I .SO One Quarter
upon the waters of Europe in 1939.
is drifting back across the Rhine
in quantity.
JIUy IWC11T Jtrnia ntrn "ci nmuj
as a united nation set out on her
career of Nazism. With pagan-lik- e
school children have been brought
the man who introdutcd this political society. bon-ftr- e
rites and throaty crys of
had met his death in its very birthplace. .
"Siog Heil," the Germans turned
liisiot i times.
back in their country a
The three American divisions that swept into civilization vears. Turnind their na- Id okii a historv book and lead altoul ihe
Munich, ihe birthplace of the Nazi party, an- - tional inferiority complex into one
l ights in I77i
I:. ii. I. urn ni.il ((iM(fs of
other enveloping disease, paved the way lo al- - of superiority, they turned like a
v.imi'i ;ilwas an impressive oideal csH t ially
dog on a world at peace. They
most certain destruction of a second fanatical mad
embarked on a career of slaughter
ii meant that that date had to be meino-);!- :
an(j destruction that would have
the Monroe Doctrine in ISLM was just
he several thousand men and women from made the great GhenU Khan blush



You'll Remember Spring '45




:::io;lur atleuipl to maintain lasting iniVpcn-!ue- ;
and no one will loigel the tragic eta

oi il:


best- dales formed the foundations iijmiii
Iii!i Inline developments del uded. Ainerita
lben was tixing to lo more than ovcieomc a
i hi lilies
oiiijiieror she was snuggling lor



in e.

Vile. Aim leans will remember those dales.
II k iik iiiIht ihem ihougli not liaust- - they
'1 Ik
l ietu ing jiCTsoiiallv the throes of trou-b!-