xt7w3r0psk7r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w3r0psk7r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1949 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 20, 1949 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 20, 1949 1949 1949 2012 true xt7w3r0psk7r section xt7w3r0psk7r I                    
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 ` I
  » They Have Earned Their ‘ ‘L ’ ’ For Loyalty 1    
·- , . - A QUA.
1 Below are listed additional subscribers to the University of Kentucky Alumni ,_,....
Loyalty Fund wl1o have se11t in tl1eir contributions since the last report, published ,
in the August issue of the ALUMNUS.  
As we reported at that ti111e, another iouryyear, all expense scholarsliip has  
i bee11 awarded, and unless contributions come in, in ever increasing numbers, ; Y _mi(_
. . . . . . . 1 tllllll 2
1t IS possible that tl11s very worthwhile project will have to be abandoned, A . rd its [I
., , ·- · · , filllll il  
Ll] I LE GOES A LONG YVAY ii lllfrllly people COl1[1'll)ll[€ a l1ttle. Let s , lu ul
· . . . . . . . wir. 1 - *.
all participate lll this 111v€St111€11l lll K€11tLlClll¤·¤'·  game,] (.1,,
` Louise Freeman .......... 608 Elsmere Park, Lexington, Ky. _S€]€,.[i(m (H
lS made by
‘ Committee,
, _  ~T H E K

  Kentucky A 1  
. The lumnus  
y I it g
1 , ,   V
t A O F 3 (1 vI—l1s lormal education was takenlat 1
            • \\ estern State Lollege, Bowling   ·
All ' S ll 1 }l• Green: University of Kentucky. from ‘
    C O     which 11e was graduated in 1912; Uni·   I
I N_,,,,,,,i,,i,,,,, me ,,0,,, is ,,,.(ic,l its .._  __ iersiw ef “’iS¤<>¤Si¤l M-A· degree iu   i
c[m(li(l;i[C$ l·()1` [ll€ third ilnnlllll {OUT- (lll 1`C(11l11I`€I]1C1l[S set lll) by Lllti A-\l[l]]]]]i   and Foluulbia ljuivcrsity d()C[()r-  
ly-cm-_ all-expense sCll0l211`Shl]> <>|`lerey=¤lty srliolrirsliip maiiitaiii it 2.0 siaiiaiiig ¤=·¤i·>¤'S le=·rs1>e=¤¤¤'1`=·y— 1
 l?unil_ Nl`€$l¤¤l nclhlllcs i¤¤l¤¤€¤¤\l0¤l el fiel-
l6.Pl{;i 0H.CI_c(I by the lyniversity of KCn[u(.ky· Ship 0i`|`€l·€(| by the Aluluni A,\Ss0(»iu_ l.UgC$ 1lIl(l l?Cl)2ll`U1161llS ol 1L(lllC2l[l(ll]§
‘g· KY · Nomination blanks will be mailed mm- $lU(l€Ul$ Ilflllllllatecl may hg l"l`lll€l` ]>1fS1£1i· Y)   A lilgllwlll ()€duUlhl ·\5—
lg0,lll· Standing with [hc general HSS()(;iuti()u7 NUS OT C1Ul) lllillilllg lli(} ]](y|]]i]];i[i();] ?il(:s;U*>!l» {lll?) fylldllllllifll   l1l(j`()Tg;il]-
    1I12l1'll()lll1l12il(5 a prospective 1`I`CSllIIl2ll1 Sll°uld_ ulkc mls Cxlwllfc mm Ul"` LM hui OS' kdm 0 ‘( ummm m
5:111;  miit.1ii,,1 iv-1111.ig to the Alumni or- S·<·ls¤·¤<>¤ W1- l¤‘<>1=<~S·¤s the me "’“ ‘°ff‘_,‘i‘¥°_“·_   _
    is lor   ol   imts. Applica-     ·l~t ¤» Lf? je ··,_i·‘**l·=·*€<' yi'?  
f§,;,‘§;j,  ¥lhU_ lillmmiml
le,Ky» hier than the lirst of March, 'I`he College of Education and University Ll`u_\_i\_(m im_Iml(_ his “_}‘.c MB
flnllllvgl U-l{·1{CS€ilI’C1l Foundation, which is graduate, died of a heart (lll2Il`1< at Holm Iwicphinc Dml__y_ ,l.u\_`lm__  
;x_ Va, ¤1l0ll—|>l‘ol`it group formed oi alumni his residence. ll2 Cherokee Park, .\11g. (luuU_lHC`l_` Mm Numf mlm ‘ ,I.u;rlm_ `
·· "a“‘·  “'“‘ ******1* *0 =·*¤·‘Sl¤ll¤— 26- rails, .-its Il tiiiimay ~».—;.111i2.te.
  lifllelvsllips and gifts to the Univer- The widely known and popular lhréc smcrs and HW bl_ml{cl_;
L N_ _;_  $|l}'»ll1ll1<11es the ,-\lumni Loyalty Fund, dean was a native of Beaver Dillll, Fmmml Sm_\_i(_cs were held Mnmhw
  .l=\ prospective applicant for the liy.. and came to the University as August 29 at [hc—(m\_m_v BIIPUQL
1 ' *3 1 ~— { .. ' , . , , . ' (9* ` ·` T · ¤· ~ ` )— ‘ '
tldaho zb;lIl:ll;`€h'L§l?1dlh1ll]), fI`i(1y`t)1 Ylltly ]]()[ (1'CM] 4111   `lOl10\\1vlI}., il. lf.jl(llll1§ (_hu]_(_h· and burial l.()lln“_cd in the
,m, Ky. <· 51(UU. 0[ Iventuelty, the only tareet at llllrll schools lll Olll(`) count}, I‘(_xi“U_Um (_Cmcu_l_v‘ y
8tlB$gf r€(lllll`€IllCI1L for eligibility being that University of Texas. Cornell Ulll\`€l`· ° ‘
§,v_`vi,. le be il gliiflllillé of an aeeredited high sity. l)CIlIlSyl\'2lI1lil Stale College and *"TT;_—___`i——*— `
SP€¤“· Sdlmll illld be nominated by an Ot-. as assistant director of the Teacher HHITY B- TU€l<61`· ’47. 0fLexi11gt0n.
an` Ky g‘*"l’€¤i¤¤g¤<>¤l eil? S<¢l¤9<>lS· He
Eoilldilf by lhe·U1nve1·sity Stgliblaysliip {bi- the Federal Board ol \1'ot·atio;·ial holds the Mastens dcgnee hom the I y I W
 1 “mm€€· “`ll1Cll bases its selection Education, UIIIVCYSIE}'-
  U M N U S 3 ‘
l , I ( 1 y {

 The Kentucky Alumnus Adopted Daughter {»_~¢/r?w/~\‘Hl 21
Rc•‘ ern H. Hillermeyer, Vice rcsi en -4 . . . yn . ·. J ) U _, . V ‘
Cm-ew Tower, Cincinnati mobllg (Hman by Hllgll Gramm Of ¥1(,lllIC(l 1s·lhL lkl1lp0l·ll} bunld. Mmugky 1
HER'; G;§{§§;§,"°°“““ S°°"*‘“y“m S“y" Afirmfu OM August 11. mg “"‘*' "°*“®§ uml *0 house mm 1,t,m ml I1]
Bernii A. Sgively, fwéeasurer-Ath1ec1¤s De- Kentucky, (’5[}€(`i(lH’\’ alumni mul Tgmi “"°"“’T· "“‘l “`l‘“l‘ Ml IMM following =¤
var ment. mv. 0 y- . ,. . , " · ,. · ><>c·s om uc view UI (my I   I ls
Dr. George Wuaom 200 N. Upper St., Lexmg_ f()?7}?(;) .S[lld(}IfS nfl H10 (/N11/(,).SL[y lh ` U A     lu V I ' _ <¤ wl) O1 <>J
ron (term expires 1950* of l\zrn!m·/cv, rluzm<¢a' »\Iarg·urc»l “ “"“*“¥ * ‘““‘ ""ld***M~  ncvcr rw!.
M.JnN.B `,Ed tRd, - ‘ ‘   _
Emysxgug {mm ;§;§`£g1950) gemtm M J\I1l<·/url! [)(’(`(lIlSI' lzvr lzzzslmnd was lm l·‘|“ "¥· Bun mlacu
·   &érI;?1;¢¥‘éi3g;21£\;;h9rf0rd Ave., Louis- (I ylnjjjgg K(»)[[][(/·]{[·([,)] and (H] glu"'- l{(`Z|(l [IIC (l€[illlC(l I)ll(lgCL l`(*(l[|(·`{ [iglllillg  
James s. Shropshire, Route 4, Lexington {term NUS of thv lf}II·1"(’)`.Si[)’. The Lrxing- “'h¤<`h P1`€$1i` thv .·\I{UMNl`s4 \'ict<>ry il
H. D. Palmcre. Frankfort. Ky. nB¤¤rd ¤f Miss 1\Il·[(T]I£?H’S husbarzd OIIH R. NWN 0ih€Y
Trustees; ’ ‘ '
’ -1-_tH_)Cuu€r’ Fmnkfom Ky_ (Board of Tms_ JUGTSII, who fO7`}7l€1`lj’ was (1 7l'I€H'I- M n* Jhud “'iUl€(l
***5 {mr 0 the Lauder and Herald sta ’s ’¤ 1`¢¤¤}l\’ ’¤`¢
Guy A. Huguelet, Barrow Road, Lexington f , . _   STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP 5;;;. ' A
(Board of Trustees) I/msc pajnrrs your har jrzmvds and gSg%IgEgN'IgY ¤¤¤*¤¤ we memm ¤¤¤¤my> I — ° Novcémber M3 St§§!'E§ ‘ié`é.m‘é2E“°E’u:¢¢
— V C1iiU'_Ba1·keJ·, 2234 East Lynn 5;__ Andgysggh (NIN, U775./)0l[€d by l}I€ gmat sifcccsx of Fayettél J I > ~· °···¤
Indxana. 149 class representative, honorary; Shy (l(·]ll€U(,(], and hm. Untnnel), St;353{0;l;dmib5n?5t;rfy1-gupgc in andlgcm ·
_ 0 SHI . })€l`S01\Zl }' 22-
. APPOINTIVE MEMBERS dggl/I [mg $(].dd('}]6’d ng! ()n[)J [];O5(~ peared Helen G. King, who having beendty ;
Richard Barker, Pineville, Ky. I l_ , I _ V __ _ sworn according to the law, deposesari 
` Lcuis COX, Frankfort, Ky. ZU IO \H(,ZL' IC} /)€}.S()}I(lH>’ [lll! []I().S(? $121;; 1g;a:hsh?{§N2`1§(§cé§v01;x;?J•:%VIlIiIuI§;1sssdm;;;
- Judge Edwin Denney, Mm. Vexinon, Ky, wil!) kilfw IIFT f]H`Ollg]1, [WT f(lm0I1.S nge following is, to me bést of he, k,Q§2\.1;gQQ
L· K. Frankel, McClelland Blcg., Lexington HU1,(,l_" and belief. a true stgxtemeut. of the ownership
W. Emmet Milward, 468 W. Third SL, Laxing~ TIM K I I   H ;¤;¤;;1Fg;;`;€l1T. fhatrgd lffa dai? paglgr,tcircu;·
` ton (*71 N(‘‘·rf__‘
KY- mm y mm] e ark, Russeuvllm %3e1fa;te;'€,s a emard Fmedmam 7728 ;;1gtp¤.t   Bernie A. Shively. Tf¤¤>¤-* ·
McCracken C¤u11ty—Beu LeRoy, 1502 Broad- .t-. exmg On' y` ms; _
W¤Y· Paducah. Ky. _ Chicago Club meets sgggnd Monday of each ansé ggfgr @2*;ul;;;;V‘;;l§§;;d§&£%$;§*0;]*QOm
N°;?°“ °°““‘y_B“"‘“s Sam“E‘$· B“"S“°W"· §‘°¥“"§ §}°°“* B“““*’“ °‘“‘° mst ¤¤¤¤>, 228 1 percent or more of mm {\lT\0\,\I1tOfb0n£: 1
W8·¤¥1`€¤ C0u¤ty——J. Preston Cherry, Helm WaéHi3?Eti¤?‘]§t·C-—L· F`. Colbert, 1778 Lanier mortgages, or Otheryfeckgxieg H§gNI\gmc'
Hotel, Bowling Green, Ky. Place, N.W., Washington D_ C EL ' .. '
Mercer C0u· t.·—Curt.is Park Har1·cd~b s · · V U Exec' Secmtmb - He ]
’°"Vl"Y C"1l‘ V-—L<>ga·1 Brow: sh;·1by;)j];rg E*¤¢**¤‘v·= wmmlttec meets Sewnd Monday Sworn t0 and subscribed before WU ‘ __ M
Cincinnati Gr _ * Fight {JY each months September through 14t.h day of September. 1949. = $|ll()1
( eater) J. H Layman 900 M 6 0 \· L
Temple my Bldg., cmmmgm ‘ I "y· -3 *°·"'·· °°l°¤*¤¤ R<><>¤¤. Lufayecte JANE J. NICHOLS _ · I
° "‘L " 4My commission expires Auguéii U» 1991 “i1lll1;{m;
‘ 4 MNUS '  
>`!* .· U . A

 y .
1"""*’~1 • , ie. ‘
lf/vcr! wjlf l C S a _ E g   . 
' ` _ E', is 
his lv (,,, ., • • lg H Ll IIOII 1    *i» f
lent, 1 Tl 1 E1 1 
CC . IC ~ V' . . , , “`¥ ,_ 
__` IS Undefeated mn or $6 W? clldcmc A l)l€'l*Y UML clghth place. Them yygrg qomc wml), ` ` 
' OSC Ll1`lI1g tl1C I`ClTl'lll](l(fl` Ol li O _ Z
l In Southeastern the $@5011 lhé K€l'll.LlCli\' Cats had 1{g§tu(;}T\OHg‘tlK' mOr€·OPEm1SUC [lm E `i 
Q , · _ , . ’ _1 ` ’,v mlglt $Ul`])l'lS€ ut 110 9113 1 I · 
1 by Ken Kuhn, ·\Cl11C\€d A11 L11V1»1l)l€ 1`€C01“(l 111 quttin 1 (l;u‘e(l [0 ·lv(3 · ' o ` H ·   ` 
J . . . (l0WIl to size [l1€ {00Ll) ll l" ' ‘ g XOICC to Sulh H Scemlngll `  O
lovembm   UK P“bl‘°“Y SP°“S Edlmf L S U Oil _   l¤gP1¤S ol crazy new that by mid_SmS0n [hc .
desi H I E I · · I - ·. ·, C M1SS Find G€O1`g121 011 suc- \\’ildcats would nmvc to b · ’
g cl Eighth 111 [hi? NZIUOH . V . 011 top 1Il CCSSIVC Sz1[ur(l;1y5_ ·· I _, I C a true ` E
l ol [hg the S E Cy Few doubted tl [ [1 _ [ lO1‘)UglllJY€)i Soutl >· " -" ' · · - ·V 1 `
But there \\'2lS [11C I"CCOl`d of lh€ F10I`l‘t _ ` · ` »-   E .
Ti l`Ct[llCSl llgllllllg 49 loorbzlll "V|ldC?it$ lOI' (lll 2111d il “€()1h€y" )V[j;m]i (1T1·l> mam “hi1C I .l u° on li b()ulhunU§'   ,
. . " · ' 21( 1111 1€( · · ; —— V V
mm lm tuscc2u1d21d11111`C clmchcd bv a doubt- The tm ‘· .r· · - . l R mul ”°h°°1 dud l
t emt l\ ld
A rl l H J U W 0 hmuccornin v_*[ _ ‘· C · 1 Cats mnazmg HOC g1\'€I1 11111Cl1 0l ;1 (l1;1]](·q_ wgyc `
_gts mum Cltlblllé ‘..J I g UC OYY PW? $t0I`Y‘b0Ok Use In gud P1`0W€SS startled known to have u [ew "Little All
jludgd in ceotgms defcudmg SEC champlons. thc football world as much as it did American ·· I 1 d A _ 1
_ __ , . . _ _ · S 011 L10 s u· · V. · H;
UM]\L5_ Vlctory lz1m1Sh€d Hll1mS, Wl10 l1k€ ]>HI1€11[ Hlumnl. Pre-season dopesters perts e;t1Il`l 1 l' q d(]_‘m the cx '
, - ~ . ` 2 ) lS1C( xC11[uC 'V :1 > · —
many 0[l1€1` SpOI`[S fans 111 UIC SOUIII Ilfld Wilfy S0l.1ll1CL1SlC1‘11 €0;1€l1es, gtlwuvs tl ·· · ~} · `· · ’ ( S only d V
_ H H _ . ·, utt tout tdou I1 l¤l\Ol`1[€. The [mal
had wmtetl l0I1g [OI` 11CXI yC2lI` Zlfld ZIUXIOUS to plll 2l110ll1C1` LCH111 011 Ll1C SCOYC ;1111'1z€d the Press 1] d ~ d' ]
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RSHIP MM- tuck ,C£)SS€d their fin CYS ¢ · { I , 1'l {1`€i`3ly p1Cd1C[C(l ·1110lllL1` .1\- SCl`\'(:1‘S illld scouts SIS 11111Cl1 us ll (lid
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%U;gA§g.l;; y e con €l€l1C€ stnndmgs .l10l.lll(l (COI1L1l1llC(l 011 Page 6)
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KING, 1 "   HH‘H`   1  »H1=*··¤‘*?·  *-· T»*1"f;i>.  x   V_·v     VH·‘ wei     Q i      _
tary me us Hfffld Coach Paul B ~ h ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ · · `
le me V Sil_ L IYHIII 011 t c s1dcl1nes duxmg the Kentucky-(,e01·g1u game, wzntchcs hlS bows wallop the oppo- .
· 1011. ' · · . ., ' .. ` . ‘ .
,St6 my 2 Wi mfid up w1th h1m, front row, left to nght; Don Dopey Phelps; Bob Bezuk: ]\ll\`2ll12lllgll Rogers: Bull I l . 1 A
us V · -1111 ·. . . , , , _ ‘ ` ‘ 1 1 ‘
amaken, and