xt7w3r0psh87 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w3r0psh87/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1896-05-dec9. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1896-05-dec9. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1896-05-dec9. 1896 1896-05-dec9. 2011 true xt7w3r0psh87 section xt7w3r0psh87 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,December 8,1896 - page 92093

      On motion of Judge Riddell ordered that Mr. E. F.
Brown be appointed to conduct the singing at the Chapel
exercises during the remainder of this collegiate year,
and that he be allowed a compensation of $50.00 for
this service.

      On motion of President Patterson ordered   that the
Board of Control be and are hereby authorized to expend
$600.00 in addition to the appropriation made in June last
for the completion of the Insectory Building already

      Mr. Flournoy moved that the Board elect an Executive
Committee, whereupon the Board elected the following as
members of   -    The Executive Committee

for the period ending June

                           Thomas H. Hines,
                           J. T. Gathright,
                           D. H. James,
                           Robert Riddell,
                           R. A. Spurr, -

      On motion the Board adjourned to meet
December 9, 1896.



at 11 A. M.

      The Board met at 11 A. M. Dec. 9, 1896, in the
President's room.


MIRUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,December 8,1896 - page 93-94

     Present:                     Mr. Gathright  Chairman,

      General Buell submitted the following: viz:

To the Board of Trustees:

      The committee on the report of the President of the
college find in that paper ground for much congratulation
in the increased number of students in attendance during the
current academic year over any former period.

      The President ascribes this improvement largely to
the plan authorized at a former meeting of the Board, of
commissioning members  of the faculty to visit various
parts of the State for the purpose of acquainting the pu'blic
with the advantages which the colleges offer in its various
relations and he recommends the repetition of this expedient
on a larger scale.

      Your committee concur in that recommendation, and
advise that the President be authorized to detail members
of the Faculty on such missions during the next vacation,
and that the committee on appropriations be instructed to
include in its schedule such sum as the President may deem
requisite for defraying the necessary expenses of persons
so employed.

      Your committee find no other matter calling for
special attention in the President's report.

      (Signed)  D. C. Buell,   Chairman
                 J. B. Kennedy

Report received, approved and adopted.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,Dec. 9, 1896 - page 94-95

      The following report of the Committee on Finance was

      To the Board of Trustees of the A. and lMi. College.

          We the undersigned committee on Finance report
that we have examined the accounts and vouchers of the
Business Agent Prof. White and Treasurer Bullock and find
same are correct and true.

      The cash on hand chargable to the Business Agent is
$7980.89 on Dec. 1, for the college account $5322.66 for
the station account.

      We regret the deficiency in the college resources and
urge that all efforts be made to secure recognition of this
matter from Gov. Bradley and action thereon by the

      Without going into particulars, it seems to the
committee that the salary list of the college is too great,
and we invite attention to the very small classes in some
Departments and suggest that retrenchment might be made in
this respect by consolidation of some of the weaker

      We recommend that the Business Agent report specifically
to the Board at their next meeting in June 1897 the various
items of the deficit, if any, at that time; and that his
books shall show when said items of past due bills are
paid in the next fiscal year of college.

      We further suggest that President Patterson take
under consideration the matter of consolidation of Departments
alluded to above and report as to the practicability and
advisability of that step at the next June meeting of
the Board.

      (Signed)  J. C. Flournoy
                 D. C. Buell
                 Robt, Riddell

      The Committee on appropriations had no report to
submi t.e


MIINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 9, 1896 - page 95-96

      In this connection it was suggested that some provision
should be made for paying the expenses of those who go out
in the interest of the College before the next meeting
of the Board.

      The sense of the Board was that those who go out to
solicit students during the month of May will be able to
bear their expenses from private funds which shall be repaid
to them after the June meeting of the Board.

      Judge Thos. H. Hines entered at 11:40 A. M. Capt.
R. A. Spurr at 11:30 A. M.

      Judge Riddell read the following which was received
and adopted.

      To the Board of Trustees of the A. and M. College of

      Your Committee on Buildings and Grounds and from
inquiry made, we report that said Buildings, and Grounds
are in good condition.

      (Signed) Robt. Riddell, Chairman
                 D. H. James
                 Richard A. Spurr,

      The Chairman of the Committee on the Experiment
Station reported, verbally, that all accounts relative
to the Experiment Station had been found to be correct and
that all money expended had been expended in accordance
with the orders of the Board of Trustees.

      After some discussion, in which various members of
the Board took part, relative to the necessity for more
farming land, and to the advisability of renting the farm
adjacent to the South side of the College farm, it was

      Ordered on motion of Mr. Bo swell, that the matter
of buying or renting a farm be referred to the Executive
Committee with power to act.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 9, 1896 - page 96-97

     The Committee on salaries had no report to offer.

     The committee on Internal Expansion had no report
to submit.

      The Committee on Military Instruction and College
Discipline asked for more time.

      The following report was submitted by Mr. Todd.

To the Board of Trustees:

     Your Committee on the Minutes of the Executive Committee
beg leave to report that they have examined the Minutes of
the Executive Committee as carefully as the time at their
disposal would allow,

      1. We find that the accounts of receipts and expendi-
          tures seem to be correct.

      2. We believe that the expenditures have been made in
          accordance with the orders of the Board and while
          some of the appropriations are nearly exhausted,
          none seem to be over drawn.

      3. We   commend the action of the Executive Committee
          in its effort to diminish expenditures by authorizing
          the President and the Business Agent to discontinue
          the services of some employes in the Mechanical
          Laboratories during vacation.

      4. We commend the action of the Executive Committee
          in its effort to economize by failure to meet
          during some of the months since July.

      5. We approve the action of the Executive Committee
          in employing the present night-101atchinai and
          recommend if he has not already given bond as
          a private policeman, that he be required to do
          so immediately.


MI1'NIES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 9, 1896 - page 97-98

     6. We commend the action of the Executive Committee
        in its refusal to grant Prof. Andersonts request
        for the payment of his expenses on a tour of
        inspection, last Mlay, with his Senior class.

     7. We find the record of frequent absences from the
        Chapel services on the part of certain members of
        the faculty during each month.   In some cases
        explanations have been given while in other cases
        of frequent absence, it seems that no explanations
        have been offered, We have made some inquiry and
        we find that the members of the faculty have been
        admonished by the Executive Committee of the
        necessity for punctuality in attendance at Chapel,
        but it seems that no permanent improvement has

     Though conscious of the deleterious effects of a
violated rule we are not prepared to submit any recommendation
or even to offer a suggestion. We, therefore, submit the
question of attendance at Chapel to the Board of
Trustees for its consideration.

      Respectfully submitted:

      (Signed)     Thomas Todd,  Chairman
                    E. H. Hobson,
                    J. C. Flournoy,

      The report was received and its commendations and
recommendations were approved.

      On motion of Gen'l. Buell seconded by Mr. Kennedy,
ordered that the Secretary colmmunicate the 7th paragraph
of the foregoing report to all members of the faculty.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 9, 1896 - page 99-100

      Prof. White the Business Agent entered and presented
an envelope containing two dollars, stating that the same
had been enclosed in a letter to a Catholic Priest with the
request that it be presented to the State College Authorities,
also that the Priest believed it to be conscience money.

      Whereupon on motion, of Mr. Kennedy, ordered that
the money be turned into the College Treasury.

      The following report was received and adopted:

      Report of committee on 1.1ilitary Instruction and College

      Your Committee report that they have investigated the
condition of the Military organization and the instruction
given the Military Corps, the discipline of students generally,
and of those resident upon the grounds, and report that they
find every thing in good condition, and have no suggestions
to make except that the committee is of opinion the floors of
the Mess Room and of the Kitchen be repaired or made anew.

      (Signed)  E. H. Hobson,
                 Thomas H. Hines,
                 Thomas Todd,

      The President of the College offered the following:

      Resolved, That the Committee on Internal Expansion
be and is hereby instructed to visit the college at some time
during the current collegiate year in order to inspect and
report upon the instruction given in the several departments,
the discipline maintained, the efficiency of the instruction
given, and all   other matters connected with the operations
of the college including the Experiment Station which it
concerns the Board to know, and to report the same at the
next meeting of the Board.


      On motion the Board then adjourned to meet at 1 P. M.
June 1st, 1897.

      V. E. Muncy                  J. T. Gathright