xt7w0v89m41v_24 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w0v89m41v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021.dao.xml unknown 6.93 Cubic Feet 36 items, 1 legal-sized document box 6.48 Cubic Feet36 items archival material 2023ua021 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Athletics. Memorial Coliseum Artifacts First supplemental list, R-Y, and second and third supplemental lists text First supplemental list, R-Y, and second and third supplemental lists 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021/Folder_os_8/Item_wwii_24/Multipage47.pdf section false xt7w0v89m41v_24 xt7w0v89m41v l- - Runaeg, Dudleg Palmer ~lllofli:(/omel 1/




,"(Oillard L. ”Vital/elk?
Randolph, David H. ~S‘1‘m/JSon

. Ratliff, Hilbert ~ lJilre

'- Rag, Llogd Benton ~lllul7le17be1y

' Reed, Harrg H.,Jr. ~Slim/.2501)

Reg nol ds , Lester Harding ”re/bolero]?

Reg'nolds,‘Oirgil ~Leicl7or

Rhiners on , Edward J. ~lJav1‘ess‘

RiCh , Lou is (1. ~ lllonroe

Ricks, Ivan S. ~ ‘71?qu

Riedinger, Leo L7). ~Jef‘fe115‘on

Rigsbg, (Gilliam Uernon ~l5qz/c]
Roberts , Clarence ~lJao1‘ess‘

Rogers , Harrg K. ~lllcCi‘aclfen

Rossi, lllark (J. ~lllul7le/2be‘7‘g

Rowland, Charlie ”‘1”. ~ C‘allowq

Rowland, Herman (1. ~Z’Cll7z‘llqz/

San det’ur, Emil E. ~lllc£ea17

Sanders, ”(Gilliam Howard ~Lelcl7e1‘

cott, David R. ”V C‘lnvs‘lfan

ears, Joseph (lndrew ~lJula.5‘lr1'

epel,John Dawson ~Jefi‘els‘on

ewell , Edgar F. ~ Marshall

‘Shaw, Donald J. ~T~Zzlfon

Sh awler, James Chester ~Jeffezson
Sh et‘t‘er, U) i l l i am Eldredge, J1: ~ (Oelasler

Short, Huston Fage ~lllomve

Shultz, Francis Lerog ~017io

Sim ms, George Lester, Jr. ~Jeff‘elsvn

Simpson, John (llbert ~ZUCII‘IYZI?

Sm i leg , ”(Oalter 1?. ~lJao1'e55

g Soper,How‘ard K. ~Jess‘amine

" Sorrell, Ottis R. ~l¥ozoa17


. i f}. Stambaugh ,‘(Qilliam Henrg "’ch/NLS‘OH
' 'j Starzak, Edward ~5fale allialqe

f Stewart, Harold C. ~ @1717qu
Stewart, James D. ~ Fallon
Stidham,Earl Z. ~l5qz/cl
' Stroup , Rag E. ~Harl
Sturgill , (lndg (1. ~lJl‘lre
Sgra ,El 1 is Howard ~lllelcalfe
”Veer, Gllen ~Lioizy.fion
Terrg, Richard ”Vidal/d

. ’i‘hmnas,E*oert S. ~Jeffel‘son
‘Thomerson, Robert G. ~ Barren

' ‘i‘hompson, Herbert R.~ fenlon
Thompson , Joseph‘Par‘oi n ~U171'on
”Todd, Uenis Rog ~wl71'llcfz/
‘Ti‘ogstad , (Oi lliam E. ~Hardin

, ”Tu rm an, Donald E. ~Jel‘f‘elson
Tusseg,‘(0illard R. ”V Curler
Ulmer, Clarence Leslie ~ Campbell
.‘Oanhorn , Gaglord ~l30yd

' ‘Oess‘els , ”(Di 1 l iain H. ~f2’al‘cll'n
J‘Oest , Dreer ~lllolya17

Waggoner, Earl ”Franklin ~Ll‘oyan

,fiQ‘allace, George, Jr. ~ Bell
,. pialkace, James E. riawl‘ence



., .;, 1 ‘-


‘(Qandell , James Latrobe Axleff‘els‘on
”(Gard , lllarvin Estil ~lllason
’(Oaterburg , Chesleg Harold ~Jeffezsvn
’(Qatkins , Ra dor ~lllo/ya/7

’LOatson, Earl Ernest ~llm‘on

”watts , ”Oinson ~13 elcher

(Oelch , Haskel ~lllo/7roe

’(Qellbrock , Charles Franklin ~li'enloz7
west, Charles ”(0i 1 l i am ~lJao1'ess
’(Ohitaker, lllanuel Owen ~lllul7le/7laely/
(Chi tt , Luther El den ~lllo1ya17
IQidmeger, Harry (1. ~ Cam/Joell

IOi leg , Frank ~Hcyalr1‘n.s*

Williams , Newton (1. ~llla1‘fi17
(Gilliamson, Charles F. ~lJula5lr1‘
”(Qillis, Cleo ~ Ballard

IQillis,Luther lll. ~c effe/svn
IQillmott, will i am , (floodlol‘d

‘(Qilson , Harmon C. ~f2’arlan

mooton, ”(Gallace .~lJer1:z/
”(Qright, Carl D. ~l5oz/cl

youn g , Gug Lat‘t‘oon ~HO/J/fi175

4.2, T r n ma— 1 , K u
w.‘ > ’ V ‘l l s

1‘? T '
. lj «. \ ‘1in i— } 0 M 1 \3 u‘ i‘v’ ; ‘
’ A R ,,L.,J7 is}; \c. 3 vi: all-i .334; .‘c; ‘ry J1 l: 1" ‘ 3"! 7M.

lw« 1-1 :l ”32"“

Grines [Fred R ~ Jefferson

Groin, (lrnold D. VLee

(to erg , Jesse J. ~ cleffezson

Brown , Ragmond (Oilt'ord ~ Pike
Clark, Charles E. ~ Pike

Compton, Ramon ~ Russell

Currg , Henrg Lee ~lllonlgome1y
Davis , Carl Edwin ~ Cirayson
Dennison , James Leo ~l3arren
Dickeg , Edward ”(0. ~517er~

Dickson, IOinn E. ”V lllason

Douglas , Georg e Herbert, Jr. ~Jeffeizson
Downs ,Orion Eugene ~Jel‘ferson
Druen, James Oliver ~Jefferson
Durham , Samuel Luther, Jr. ~Jel7'erson
Ferguson , Joseph Frederick ~ pl/TG
Fields, Ben ~ Harlan

Fields, Harold Hobart ~l0/‘ls'e

Giesel , lllanuel lll. ”‘1 efferson

Goo dwin,‘(0illiam Joseph ~5pencer
Groce, Robert E.~ Barren

Hag, Gardner Lucien ~lllu/7/e/7/oe1y
Hilbert, Henrg Robert ~c7€f7hll¥017
Jett011,‘(0illis Gdams ~Jel‘ferson
Long, Quincg H.,Jr. ~ {Cl/ville};
lllarshall , (Gilliam J.~Ol71'o

lllelton, Charles N Clay

llluir, lllarion l3. ~lle'lson

lllurphg , lllarvin J. ~l7elson
partin, Cordell ~ Beg?

Potter, Harold Deal ~Jeffe so)?
Presleg , Dagton L. ”V 10/113 e

Reid fFrank tourrus ~ Til/ion
Ritch, James l5. ~' Owen


Roberts, Robbie Burns ~ Nicholas
Snelling ,George ”(Gilliam ~l7icl7o/as
Stephens .(Ooodroe ”(0.. ~ llladis‘on

Stone, Lewis ”F ~ lllaclz‘svn

'Tackitt, James ”(O.~ Pulaski

“Thomas, George lllarQin ~clefferson
Walker, miles lloel ~ Christian
(Oatson, John ‘(Oard ~Jeft‘erson
‘(QeisenbergerlOilliam ‘(Qesleg ~(lef2‘271s‘on
(Gillis ,‘(Qilliam Edward ~(7‘I‘eenup

,,.. 1Y1 i r} .

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it ._ I. I0. .1, 4 x t i all t w

r . .I,‘ . ,. E:
1 l 3 j ”"1

., ‘o
k, .9. LA 2. '4. .n ,KJ m. 2:; £1. K

laagne, Elmer Louise ~ flatness
Robellaz, Charles Carroll ~Jeflelson
IOheeler, James (lrthur ~10wrence
(Oh i te , Ralph Glexan der ~ 0/7 [0





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