xt7w0v89m41v_22 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w0v89m41v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021.dao.xml unknown 6.93 Cubic Feet 36 items, 1 legal-sized document box 6.48 Cubic Feet36 items archival material 2023ua021 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Athletics. Memorial Coliseum Artifacts Warren to Woodford Counties text Warren to Woodford Counties 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021/Folder_os_7/Item_wwii_22/Multipage43.pdf section false xt7w0v89m41v_22 xt7w0v89m41v 1‘



Erosper, Ollie
’(Qalker, Howard l11adison




. .. *1e1' El‘ois
Hottman Chris Perk ins

Hogu'e ,‘(Llilliam lllaurice

Holder,‘(0endell D.
Howell, 1000 drow ‘(thte
Hudnall , 111a111‘oi1 B.
Hunt, James D.
Hunton,l11el‘0in (1.

Hurt ,Earl E.

Jewell , John

Johnson, (111d1‘ew J.

L 01111s011, Jerry H.
Jones, J.H.

L ones, Roy P.

l1eown, Ernest
l1inslow, Roy ll1.
Lafterty,’(Oilliam (llfred
Long,‘(Oilliam J.

Lynch , Buford ll1orris
llchowell , John Lee
llchuffey, James Earl
lllcl1enzie,T Lewis 111alcolm
lllcl1in11ey, 11eithE E.
lllagers, Howard Scott
111anLo, JamesR obe >r1
lllatl1ews,Earl D.
llliddleton ,Sam Stubbins
lllillei, ‘ Da‘oid

lllonahan, 17 1obertE Eugene, Jr.

1110011ey han , 1"‘1‘a11kE .
llloi‘ris, James J.
111otley, Hub ert

17eel, 7l 11‘0bert Earl
l7eigl1bors, John (Q.
17olen,’i‘110111as E.

\ l7orris.Lloyd O.

Osborne, Garnell E.
Pace,Lawrence B.
Par aer, George ‘(anne
Parks, Henry L . , Jr.
Paschal,Char1es H.
Per 1ins , Orie Dalton
Pickles, (llbert T Lea‘oitt
Register, James (lllen
11 e11icl1,”i”homas, Jr.
110 s,Har old Newman
1o§er ,TOalter Buel ,Jr.
Scott,(l1‘thur Paul
Sherry , Fred Thomas
Smith, Lester 111.

Spr ouse, Paul’TE Ewing
Strong, George?” E‘oans
Stroud, Oi 1an ’(Oilliam
”Taylor, Cl1a1‘lesLeland,Jr.
‘i11omas, Clifton Hudson
”Thomas, Julian 11 enfi o
T110111pson, James E ..





'(Qhobrey, Samuel
’(Qiedlocher, a1111~1 Lawrence
’(Oiley,Henry B.
‘(Oilloughby,Hubert Edwil
’(Llilloughby,Sidney H.
‘(Oils0n, Carl

yount, Dillard H.

W213; 17.11"”711 1

(lube rry,’lE1‘ancis Joseph

Badgett, Richard lllatthew, Jr.

Barnett, James‘wi lson
Bir,d Ll1a1 lesl 1a11del
Blandtord, (111th ony 1 oseph
Carrico, Joseph Robert .
Crouch , Ben 111.

Foley, Earl 15).

Gannon , James J.
Goatley ,Hunter 111ason,Jr.
Harmon , Harry “1”.
Hinto11,Leon (11‘0111
Hood,Cl1arles D.

Hood, Damon

Johnson, James ‘111omas
11ee11e, Joseph (011 1 10111
11elty,1”‘110mas ll1iles
Lay, (ll‘0a171oge1 s
lllclllichael , Hyatt
lllattingly, Hearl T‘i‘eeman
lliedley,1 ThomasR ichard
11l1llLr, Jolm Theodore
Parrott, John Edward
Pea‘oler, Paul

Robinson, James D.
Sharp, ‘(Oilliam G.

Sutton, R obertLee, Jr.
Sweeney,Sterling D.
1011L7atley ,Joseph lllaurice
’(Oilkerson,Lee E.
yeaste,Loys B.

I T ' \\ '7 1‘1 «
\11‘ j 1?
.1— \th $ . {a

Bates,EL1r1 Rankin
Bell, Dan

BeH, Jay

Bell, Reynold
Bertram, Chester Lee
Bolen, Dewey 111.
Brown, Cecil (1.
Campbell, Charles Homer, Jr.
Carrigan , George Fount
Casada,Hobert Lee
Catron , Ernest

Caylor, James C.
Clemons, HomerL.
Coffey, James Claude


+1.”... L... La

‘ y,l1ex Loope1

Coomer,RL1be r119.
' C0rre11, iildon

Crabtree, Oli‘oer J. '
Cross, Hershel Clay
Cunditt Ralph
Davenpor 1, Lloyd E.
Denney , Carl S

T31 y 1111 , James Hayden
Fly 1111 , Robert

Fly 1111, ’i‘homas 11izer
Eoister, Henderson C.
T’ostem’Oirgil O.
Gossage, Grady
Gregory , Robert Estil
Hardwick , Estle LO.
Hatfield, Doyle E.
Hicks Ray D.

Hill, Colonel Clifford
l1endrick,Cecil 1’.

L 7e, Phillip Cleo
ll1arcum,Edwin B.
lllillei, Henry (1111p
l1lou11ce,10illiam 111.

l7ew, Otto H.

Parm ley , John 1117
Patton, Jesse 7111c 1inley
Perdue,11 obert Berry
Pl1illips,1E1rank Saunders
Ramsey, Raymond J
Shearer, lllar tin Gr aoes
Stringer, Henry H.
”Eoler, Jay B.

‘(0alle11, Edward T‘”.
‘(Ol1eele1, Roy lEre eman
‘(Oynn , John Harmon

1 ‘ 7
1 t."
\ J5: .gf - .,.-.-3. .

Baker, John ’Fi‘emon
Blackwell, ”whomas B
Brown, 1Era1111111111‘0be1 1
Campbell, Harry Douglas
Capps, Eugene (11.
Chandler, (1ri nine Stanton
Collins, (lustin

Dig gs , John , Jr.
DillsXOillard H.

Dixon, 171 obe1 ‘11 Lincoln
Duncan,Harold 1E.
”Fletcher, Leo E.
Gi‘0e11s,John 111.

Grant, George 10.
Herron , E0111 my Lee
Hill, Baxter Lonzo

Hill, James

Jackson, Charlie L
Jones,E1‘nest James
Leeper, Raymond Dani e1
lllL‘Dowell, Jack

111111 1111 lllosL 7Lsi'1111e1‘



ll1essamore Jess (1
'lllitchell,Billy G.

Pe1‘ry,E1bert 171.
1ayburn, Claude S.
Rich, LuthL 71

Ringo, John lllorri 1s
Sellers , Paul 111.
Shelton, Junior J.
Sl1elton,Leigl1ton E
Shoulders, Harry Lee
Smith, Jesse E
16101711111112}; E.,Jr.

Caughn, (Gilliaml’ 1utus, Jr

‘Qillines,Har old 11 1a111sey
‘(Qaide,‘(Qillis E.

~(Dells, Robert G.
IOilliams, James (1.
‘(Oinstead, Charles H.
”(Qoodfwilliam Ernest

thrrm‘}: V2:- -.—
W (11.1. 1.111171 .11

(111e11 , l1ermit

(111derson, Debert 11.
Bennett, (lrnold J.
l’7en11ett, l1 10yL

Bolton , Joseph 10.
Bowlin, John P.
Boydfii‘oy Howard
Bradford , (ll‘nold Elbert
Brock,Hobert E.

Broom, Charles Richard
Bundy, GeorgL 77(0.
Byrley,Leona1‘d Odell
Campbell ,(Oilliam Edwin

. Carr, Ellis


Clouse ,‘(Oillard J

Cobb, ”(L’alter Beniamine
Crabtree, Josh Edward
Croley , John Blaine
Croleyl,‘“110mas Gleason
Lum111111sCasss‘ius C.
Da‘ois, Charles Courtney
Da‘ois, Clyde Edward
Davis, Connie T Lee

D a‘Ui s , John Bart ield
Dugge1,Cecil C.

Dunn ,T’rank l7e1son
Eaton, Byrd 111.

Ebersole, (llbert J.
Elliott, Billie

Estep , Howard

Estes ,111arla11 17.

”Paul 1‘111er, George 10.,111‘.

1T1'ee111an , 11ei th

1ayn10nd Leon
Luther Wye
a y 1 01‘ , Jo e 111'.

(hi “ »~» A t 41 1
1L1! 1L15L1 ,


was 1.1.1" 2. .17....

Gibbs,l obe1t
Ha111bln1,17o1‘111a11 . "
Hammons, Charley w.
Hart;(11‘1is Junior .
Helton, Georg eIOillie
Helton, Raleigh B.
Hibbard, Robert (11‘ nold
Hickey,”(0illiam J.

., HigginbothamXThomas O.

Hopki11s,Elden G.
Howard , H. (lsh er, Jr.
Jenkins, James, Jr.
Johnson , 'i‘hom as
Johnson ,‘(Qilliam C‘ e
Jones,Edward 10.
Jon es , Henry ’(Llarren
Jones , Johnny E.
1arr,‘(Oilliam l1.
11arr, ”(Oilliam L
l1eith, Charles 01‘0a1
l1elly, Patrick Jean
l1idd,l1e1111etl1 late
l1idd,10illiam G.
Lawson, Clyde E.
Lawson, Eugel 1e
Lay, Donald
Little, Jack (lllen
L0gan,‘(Oillian1 Uernon
Lynch , Jam es Leonard
lllcCowan,Eugene J.
lllarcum , Roscoe
lllartin , Kenneth Ra ay
l1lartin , Leslie
lllason, Geoi r.ge‘(Ll
lllayne, Billy Ch atsi ’
ll1ays, Ches’ter
111a ys , Hubert
llleadors , H0111 er
lllonhollen, ”Oergil
lllonl1ollen,‘(L1illie D
Deal, Ralph James
l7ichols,Loyd TO.
17oles, R ichaer Lawson
1701“0ell ,Loren S.
Owens, Hubert Edward
Partin ’T1,10111as ’(Ooodrow
Peace ,Cheste1
Perkins, Roy O.
Petrey, Edgar
PhillipsflOilliam E.
Polley, Pleas E. 111
Poweis ‘ ‘ ,Elm er (1.
Rains, Delmai D.
Rains, Evert Richard
Rains, Paul
Ray, Jam es Delbert

11eL'1s‘01Jol1n 1

5 Riley,Laten 1Era11cis

ann D



R obmsLn fig:
Roe,l1e1111etl1 S 7‘74-
Root, Lloyd H.- *
ears ,Edgar James
ar,s Hiram
esar ,10i111a111 111.,Jr.
exton, Bud C.
Sexton, John J.
Shelley, Herman ”IE.-
Sigman , ll1el‘oin Gra11t,J1‘.
Si ler, Gorinan ‘(Oidmer
111 i th , Herman
mith,Ira T . -
mith, Joseph (1.
111i 1 11 , Orris
111itl1,‘Oe1‘lin C.
111itl1,’(Oarren G.
11yder, Russell
tanfield, Charles IO. .
ta1‘ritt,10illia1n Tfrank,Jr.
teel y, James E.
Steely, Ulis Cluud
tephe ns, Eugen eLoren
tephens,Gle1111is C.
tone Eugene
Stout, Charles Gibb
Sutton,“11‘u1na11 D.
Swain , Croley Brance
T110111as,“11‘u111an E.
Thompson, J D.





lomphins, Charles 70y
‘(Oalden , Bar 011 Steuben ,Jr.
’(Llall e11, Pershing George
‘(Oalters ,(l‘oei ry
’(OellstQillard LO.
’(Ohits0n, (lrthie U.
‘(Oingfield, (Indrew Delk
young, Glenn 1’.
young , Sherman

Barker, Bill

Brewer, Ocy L.
Brewer, Granville H.
Buchanan {Oernon L.
Bur ‘hart, Charles Eugene
Bush, 17 10be1 t l”.
Combs, Carl

Crisp, Russell E.

El kins , Steve
Gabbard, l7ed
Hutton, Orville

1 H011011,S1a111ey
1 11ing,Lllfred

1 LindL L11, Da‘oidH

'71L11el1, 11ay111011cl Garrett

LM—L—L—OL- .LM __.-_..L.L __

1‘1» Einley



laylor 10111111111 Jason
1er1, (11 nold '
‘(0a111i11s,Jol11111ie (11‘ 1hu1

mWditt’ul‘d 10111111111 BentianJ


Oldridge, Claude 10111111111

Baber, James ‘(Qilber
Bai11,.Eldred,Jr. '
Baker, James lllar‘oin
Bar11es,I‘Ia1‘old '
Beasley,Leon Otly
Brown ,Ua11e Hampton
Byrd , Elmer

Carl, 111y111e Bell
Carter, James Slatte 711

Carter, RaymondTLenwood '. > . f.“

Curtis, James Col‘e
Duncan, Robert Earl

EllistonJllilton 010311411“ . T T

E‘en ch , Hugh Stennis

Harper,JosephIOallace,111 » .

Howard , E11110
Howard ,Samuel
Johnson, David Bond
Lamont, Burnet 10ay11e

111ason,‘(0a1‘ren 71110111 pson

lllattii1g1y,Spe11cer Edward ,Jr.

llleaux, Charles 1’.
lllobley, Stanley

Owen, Jam es ”(Oilliam
Raid er, Harry Sandels ‘ ‘
Redde11,Lawrence G.
Sa1nuels,T Lewis‘william
Sa ylor, ClaudeL.

S c,l1obe1‘tl1 Harrydnthony
Spencer, Leslie Del 11L1 '
Stewart/Cir gil
‘i’l1ompson,1’1ay D.
11pdike,James C.
(Oashington, David (Gilliam

wells, ’Oirgil TO.
‘(Ol1ite,Stewa1‘|t Edward
’(Oilder, Henry Cairoll
’(Qilhoit, DarnabyHenton
‘(Oilson, Cecil Estle



77,72; A.
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