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11011es,Hube111 T.
l1nucl1les,Cla11de 7
Knuckles ,(Gal1er
Lake, Press

' Lamberi, Ovid
. Lee, Perry , Jr.

L0we,Elme11 11.

maples, Gordon

ll1a111in , Doyle 111anl1lin
lllassey, David
lllcTarland, Huyh , Jr.
111cl1iddy, l1e1111e1h E.
111cl1ew, Orville
111iller,111ilace H.
lllullins, Harry Clinion
llluncy ,(GilliamLoyd, Jr.
l11ur r ay, Charles 1 1ay111011d
Owe ens,Euyene Hardiny
Oxford,(Gelford Lee
Pa111111,C111cil I
Pearl, Joe1 Evans
Phipps, Henry C.
Pierce, Ira

Poore ,Thomas Ira
Price, Herman '

- P1als1011, C1aiy,Jr.
- 171a111sey, 111e0d0re1~

171eed ,(Goodr 0w
l1l1odes, Charles (Gesley ,1111.
~Saylor, Ocey T.
L eal,E110cl1 Howard , Jr.
Sl10ff11 e11, L0 dus E.
S11111h,Lloyd Elisha
Smiil1, P 11cl1ard
0wder, Bruce Clllen
0wder,(Gilliam Jake
S1ewar1, Johnny P.
Summers . Jeese (111111ur
Terry, Cecil C.

111acl1e1, 1 Ever e11 C

1 hacker, l71ay 1101111
Thompson, Ernes1
T110111 p son, Oi 1s lTlcl1L7nley
T110111ps0 11 , 1710be111 B .



“Townes,Buryess 1.
T111111 e11, 111111

Turpin, David Cer e1111s
Tu1 pin Trunk Edwa1111d
(Ga1s0n,Luria J.
(Gease, l1L7aly T.

(Ges’t Sherley _
1111111111117 e11, Bar 1011 111.,1111.
(Gl1i1al1er,(Gilliam H.

(Ghi1field , Charles Harden

(Oil 1 1 a111s , James Leon
(011110111s011,11a111es 011s,11r.
(Griyh1,H0ber1 O.

Beil ,(Gilliam T11an11
Blaaker, l1enne1h Earl
Boo1s, 1101111 Pe1e
Chipley , Clarence Lee
Craddocl1,Harold C.
Day ,James Ciarre11
Edwards, Isaac 11.
Toyle, Cieorye E .
Hey 111 130111 a111, Cieorye (G.
Heidl1a111p,111chard (1111h 0ny
Hu110n, Cecil 111.
Ingram , Leroy
Jarboe, Cleiis
Johnson, Paul Harold
l111Ll1hott Harold Clus’tave
1111031, ClubreyT E.
lllcElroy, Lloyd Desha
Owen ,Tom , 1111.
Purcel,1‘111anl1lin (Gal1e11
7a11es ,Tloyd Calvin
Robinson, Clifford Paul
171 1oyers
10sens11el, Olber’t Joseph
Shears ,P1obe1 1 Ci.
Spe11ce,C11fred C
Siaples, Cla1e11ce elllilion
Sulliva11,(Gilfred Cahnes
11191111111111 7
(Giiham, l7 1ay111011dE11yene


Gdair, Jack Ciibbens
dldridye, Billy 111.

Baies, 1101111 B.
Booih,11esse Colliver, 1111.
Clay ,(Gilliam T.

‘ Cord, Omar Pres’ton

l Couyhlin,Ja111es Samuel
Crowe, 101111L. 1

Dale ,(Gilliam Henry

'1 Davis.1710ber1 Cur11s


s,11a111es1 Edward,1111.


DUsma Omos ,
Tay, Edwa1 d J .
Towle 71, 11e1111e1l1 110Lh
6au11Le,l1e1111e111 S.
Hallis, 61115 1‘
Harris-James Douglas
Hedyes,Evere11 Edwards
Hen ness ey, 1101111(Gi l l iam
Hursi, Ewell C.
Johns1011,(Gillia111 Joseph
Jones, C111 ahamT Evans
l1eller, Henry Joseph
Lail , Henry B.

Lail, Thomas Howard,Jr.
Le110n , James (Gendell
lllcCo 11d , James Edward
111acey , 1101111 Ireland

lllack, Clndrew 111.
’111a111111,Earl S1anley
111a110x, James lllelvi 11
1110011e,S1ua111 llliller
lllorris. Henry Smiih
lllorris, Jesse D.
Osborne, Julian

Owsley, Ulfred Sianley
Parr ish, 171 odes Shack elford.
Paiion , James (Gesley

Per 1ins,(Gilliam E.
Peierson, 1101111 B. , Jr.
Prows , Joseph Smi1h

7eed, Paul

17 701313111s, ll1ar 1011 Ciilke ey

Saylor , Sc011 (1er 011
S111 1 1s , 11011 n
S1euar1, Buford H.

(Gells,111111ard C.,Jr.

(Ohea’r, Clay’ron Earl , II
(Goodward.Tranl1 C

C1dl1ins.(Gallace Cl. , Jr.
Olderson, Clyde E.
(lllen, 111111011

dllen, Randolph

Ba e11, David (1.

B a1 l1e1 1,EJoh11
Bishop, Orville Brooks
Blevins, Georye Hun1

Bl evi11s,(Gilliam Daniel
Blevins, (Gilliam Fivderick
B 0,11 (Garr e11 Clay

BL owliny, l71obe11 1T E.

BL 0yd,1 Thomas H.
Braina1d, Bernard . .
Bruce,Clle:1ander 1 Thomas
Burcheii, Jesse, 1111.
Burns, 171olland T.
Bywa1ers(Gill1am benson


“77' g-‘7C1111dL1



Ca11011 (011110111 Henry, Jr.

' Clar 1.,Howard C111dr7 ew
Clar 1e, Carl manley
Clay,Charles (Gilliam
Coburn, Clifford
Colliver, l70be111 Por1er
Conley ,(Gade lllarion
Conn, Banner

Cope, Paul 11111cl1el

Cope, P 01312111 11 ash
Coplin,C1uy l7.

C01ile, C1a1 land 171a ay
Crisp, Bascum .
Cu1111inyha111,Edward Douglass
Darby.E s111E1ve1 e11
Davis,Harold Edyar
Dicl1,Charles S.
Dyer,(Gi11ford S.
Edwards, Harry Lee

Tai rchild. James Cecil
Tisher,l7ay1110nd Orr, Jr.
T1011 son, Richard B.
Traley , Ciene
T11a11z,(Gal1er C1.

Ciarvin , Cieorye C.

Cia1es . James C1arfield
C1en1ry , Ti1anl1 J.

Cieorye, Trunk
C‘l11eene,Edward Oversireei
C111iffi1l1 , Lonnie H .
Cirizzle, Carl

Cirone, Bruce Preston
Ha1111110n,Harold 171.
Hanners ,1Hen1 y (1., Jr.
Har1, Donald James

Hemlepp, 171obe111 Richardson

Henderson, 11 01111 Harrison
Hensley, Joh11(Gya11
H1111 man, Car 117 11cl1ard
Hicks, Clifford J.

Hill , Jarvey Clarence
Hillman, 1101.1 111.
Hirs1,Cllle11 Cllberi
Hood,(Gillia1n Clarence
Howard, 1101111 Jackson
Huyue1101,Tord E.
Jarrel 1 ,Th 0111as1 1:11e drick
Johnson, Earl

Judd, Russell P

11 a1z, H01 old 171euben

Lambert Hiram (Oillard

Lamber1, (Gilliam Hayer
Leach 171alpl1 Erwin
Lemas1er, 11011 n11y 111.

Le10, l7 1alphT 1.

.2 7011 ClaanLe Douglas .

‘ 1.0111111111,1111111175T, ,-
‘Lowe,James1CQ '

lllcCllis1e1,(llbe1 1 D

' l11cCall, lu1us 111ar11n

11111 Car 1y , Ollie James
llchonald, CharlesT.
lllclJowell, P 110ber
lllclleal,110hn C.
111c11ei l , Haskell He1 rber1
llla1ney,Cui111ss Druper
111eade, James I.
meadows, ChesierT.
lllellon,Leslie Ciar1rell
11111es,(Gilliam Ciordon
111111er, 11 Elba (Gade
lllills, Carl Edwin
lllobley,Lucien D.
11101sberyer.(Gil11am D.
llloyer, Cieorye 11'-
lllullins, Daniel I.
mulvaney, John Jerome
l1 ewm an. James Trank
l1ewson1e,Tivis 11.
l10r11is,111alcol111 Parilow
Oakley, (111111urElwood
O’Bryan, Charles Cur11s
OLeary, 1710be111 1J.
PL111011,Edward 171.
Paiion, (Gilliam Harold
Pickens,(Ga11e1 l71obe r1
Powers ,Tred Edward
Queen , James Evere11
Queen . (Goodrow (Gilson
l71a111ey,(Gilliam Isaac
17101111111, Chauncy Hobari
Rankin, Roy Clifford
17 ayburn Herbe1 11 T.
171 eeve ,Cleorye lea, Jr.
1711c eUe1111011
P1 obel is, (7111 ylil Ever ei’te
1710se ,(Gillie
10,55 Ha11dleyl71111e
s,(Gillia111 Orville
a1yL e,111 (Gilliam P1
,avaye , C1e0rye,Jr.
SL 011,11a1nes O.
Sc 011, Orville Bruce
SL011, 17110be11 S10111ey
Serey,110h11 111be111










loan, leer nard lJ. .
1011e,l71usse11 Howard

1111111, Charles CG.

1111111 , Cieorye (Gal’rer, Jr.
1111111, James Oliver "
pears ,1101111 Paye

1a a111ey_,Joh11 Cox
1epl1ens, (111yus
1epl1ens,Her man Edward
S1ewar1, Douylas

S1 ump, Charles Cecil
S1uryill, Homer

Tha cker. Tra 1111 Ha11en
Thomas , Junior 11.
Thompson, Davis Spencer
Tl10111pson, RuperiLee
Tl1o11nbury,Les1er Lee
”Ounce, Homer D.
UanI‘Iorn , Harold 'J.
”011 u yh 11 ,(Garren S1erliny
‘C’erseyfToney P.
(Gells,Charles P.

(Gel ls,Labe, Jr.
(Gilliams, James Harrison
(Gilliams, Paul (G.
(Gils011,HL7rber1 (1.
(Golfe, Charles (0.

(001111111 an, 1101111 11.
(Griyh’r, ”Giryil
yaies,Charles Edward

Bowman, Josep'h
b11a110n, 1101111 Olexande1
brooks, John
Burye,Ll0yd Thomas
Bur 10 ,Charles Trancis I
Bus1er, 11111111od I.
Caldwell ,(Gilliam Loyan , II
Ca11r,Ha1101d l7.

Clar 1s011 , Cieorye l71ay
Conner, Pe1e

Cooper, Delmus Clo 11da11

' C031, Homer 171ay-

Davis, 1101111 111.
Davis, lllarvin L.

Denny , Charles 111111111111 ,Jr.

Dick, Herberi E111a11d
Elder, Lloyd (G.
E111011,Ea11l C.

Ellis, Cllberi 111cB11'1de
Toley ,He‘nry 111e1v111

‘ Towler,’1110rris EL

Cioins. Claud l7...
Cirasham, Stanley Jason


‘ Lis1e11,01h0



Jones, 1’1alpl . ,
l1elsay,1Tred P. I I
1" 11111011 ,(Galter Ci.
1111a111pe, Earl E.
Le011a11d,Huyl1 J.
Les1e11,l71ay111011d Taylor
L111ney, CharlesT E.

lllcCowan ,Euye11el71 1ussell
1110111111, Donald 111..
lllobley, Lawrence O.
Ow ens,Lee Bryan ,1111.
Penman, Bruce
171,andolph (G1lbe1110yd
171011ey,C11en Hoke
l71oyaliy, Cecil 1T.

Sallee ,Heze Tranklin
Sallee, James (Gilliam
allee, l7 10be111 B.
elby, Shirley

hel1on ,Uauy1111
ou111w00d,l71amon T.
iayy, Joseph Ove1s1r ee1, Jr.
S1011L, S1a11ley loer 111 am
T110111pso11,(Gilliam Ci.
(’01aw, S1ai1ley llli1chell
(Gallace,Leon (Gilson
(Gebb, John B.
(Gisner ,OscarE vans
Zums1ein,Cl111hur Ea1s~

U1 U1U1U1 U1

Odams,T1ce Cain
Bonar, Harry L.
Bruin, Louie Thomas
Collins ,Em 11111 Benne11
Crowe,Lloyd B.
Cum mins , Benjamin Oral
Cur11s, Paul
”F11encl1 ,Harm 011 Ulexan dria
Ciroves, Les1er T.
Heil111a11,Trank Parrish
H111,(Gilliam I. '
Huyhes, Tred l7 .
Johnson, (llva Harold
Jones, Joseph Ernes1
ll1ains,Charles l e1111011 _
111011s011,E ddie (Goodr 010% ”
Owens, l1aleiy11 lllar shall
Ouinlin, Charles . ; 1'



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