xt7w0v89m41v_18 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w0v89m41v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021.dao.xml unknown 6.93 Cubic Feet 36 items, 1 legal-sized document box 6.48 Cubic Feet36 items archival material 2023ua021 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Athletics. Memorial Coliseum Artifacts Menifee to Nelson Counties text Menifee to Nelson Counties 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021/Folder_os_5/Item_wwii_18/Multipage35.pdf section false xt7w0v89m41v_18 xt7w0v89m41v  



Jones , Daniel

111a1‘1 i 11 , Leonard 1?.
lllorrison, Boyd (1.

5all ee, Bu11ler
51an1pe1‘ , James lllerri ll
“i“h 0111 as,Oic1or He1‘l don

(lllen, Condi1 Lisman
(111117 ess,ElzieEllswor1h
Balden ,“(C’illiamEdward
Bea1leg, Leon
Bo110m,Ewell 11.

1301 toms, Johnnie
Bradleg, Johnnie B.
Browning,Edwin P.

Bu1‘1011, Garne11 “1“.
Bussell,“Oe1‘non H.

Can 11011 , lllarshall Condar
Chea1ha1n, Joe, 111‘.
Cogle, James (1.

Crick, (lncel T“.
Crossfield, Francis lllarion
Cull, Dal10n “(Oagne

Cull, LOallace Bren1

Cum 111 ins , 1101111 L., 111‘.
Curd , John ((1,111:
Currens, 1101111 Haskell
Daugher1g, James Pearson
Dean,Lawrence H. ’
De‘oine, Ben

Durham, 171 013171‘1 1”.
Edwards,l71“‘“o1l1well 1.
T“os1er, Charles 17 .
T“os1e1‘, Lee B.
T“os1er, 101113111 Ermal
T“rench,Edward “‘1“.
Gaskin, Car1hel O.
Gibson, James (1.
Goddard, “(Oilliam “(Oi1‘1
G00dpas1e1‘, R 1011 Edward
Hardin, James Leslie
Hendren, John J.
Hu11ga1e,LOesleg Davis
Isham, lllar‘oin C.

' Logu1, 7

James IOeldon
Logue, Ralph J
‘111‘C1‘0sk1g,“(Oilliam Newton
lla1‘1in , James 1‘ ““ranklin
“llillion, Joe B
110111gome1rg, James“(Qilliam
3e1ers 17 1011 511ellg
Po11er, “(Oilliam Henrg
P1‘7 es1on,I 2‘3‘0ere11 l7.
Prewi11, Zell3e1‘1“i110mas
Rogal1g,“(0illia1n H.

l7u e, (lrch B.

Ru uess 7ll,“(Qillia111 (l.
5ampson, Julian 51ewa1‘1
5ca11lon, Jennings B., Jr.
511a1‘ pe,E111ne ‘
511irlleg, J C.




e,He r113e ‘1
1ee1e,1 e011 1., 51‘.

511‘ a110n, Haldon lllaur 1ce

lalleg, 51ewa1‘1 D.

1app,Lamber 1 Ra ag

1171‘ hune, 111111111711
“Ti‘agnor, l7ol3er1T“.

11‘ isle1, ‘ 1‘ Edward “Givion
Can (11‘sdall, George (11g er
“Can T‘“1ee1, Donald
1(1a1‘d,Clax10n O.
10111531111311] George
yeas1,“((lillard l7.

Cassa d g , Jack

Coleman, Be11(1.,111‘.

Cor bin, R obe 71‘1 1 .

C1‘ab1ree,“i11omas Harro
England, Rol3er1 R.

Es1es, “(Oileg
T“er1‘ell, Cecil Owen
T“ields, O’ris Buel

Garmon , Rell g
Hoo‘oer, James Oscar
Hurt, (1rnold T .
l1ing1‘eg , James Paul
Knipp, Kenn e111 171.

Leamons, Billg T“.
Le1“1wi1‘l1,Olneg l7 .

Owens, Leonard “((1.
71i1‘11ardso11, (llber1 Lawrence

Thurmon , Lowell
“(Oilliams, O‘oile
“(Oi11g , David 111.

C011e11,5111i1l1 Carson ,Jr.
Colson , James 171., Jr.
Cross, Drewi eEdu 1 ard
E111111e1‘1, Er‘oi 11
Hagan, 1711ag1Qesleg
Hammer , (llden Hereford
Harlan, (11‘1 lllaxeg
Hagnie, Jess J.
Hollinsw0r1h , Garland
Isenben , Jesse lllur 1
Jones, Julius R.
Jordan, Erlme 17.
11171111,11C755(Z 11.
l’iingerg, Dennis 17.
Lundg, Cordell Hull
Poland, James Landon
17101111 Dennis H.

Pr of 1“ 111,Cass “Thomas
Prof 1111, Evans ID.
1711101011, Clarence H.
Russell, 2‘3“oe1 e11 17a ag
5a‘oage, Ja1nes“(Oa11er
511e1‘feg , Daniel Edward
5110013man, Russel L.
5111alling, “(Gilliam Harrg
5111i1h, Dumas Leslie
51111111, John T .
51epl1e11s,“(()illie 17.
“Thompson , lllaurice
“i“ooleg, Delmas lll.
“i“ooleg , “(Darren Ti‘anklin
“l“urner, T“o11is C.
“T“urner,5elbia D.

“(Ohee1, (lllie C1eade1h
“(C’rigl11,T“red Leslie
(lnderson, George “(Gallace
Baileg, Ragmond

Bo11s, Robe 1‘1 Golden
bran 11am ,2, 1‘ 23a1‘l
Buchanan, Donald R alph
Cas11e, Carl l7ag1nond
Chandler, (11‘1l1ur l3e1‘ nard
Congle1on,“(1)illiam Goebel
Craig, Parl “(Ooodrow
Cur1is, Rol3er1
Du11e1,Da‘1’id Gibson
Gibson, George Glen
Gi‘oens, Jacob “(th1neg
He elri ck,“(Oilliam Clag
Hill, George 1?.

Land , James (Gilliam
Landrum ,“(Qilliam Ra,
Lansdale, Gilber1
Lus1e1‘ ,“11eod01el71os1‘oe
llchuire, 17 1a1eigl1llla31well
lllark, James 1she1~
lllarshall , Lemon “i“ip’ton

“ lllag,(1ndrew Gordon

llloore ,Paul B.
Pa1rick, James Edward
Pierce ,Ches1 er Barnes

Powell, Due1 511irleg
P1‘es1on, “(Oilliam T“.
l7eed, Clgde 51anle eg, ll
17 0gers s,Isaac Da‘oid
5ex1011,l71ol3er1 17es13i11
5orrell , Henrg Brooks
501‘1‘ell ,Joe Henrg
Thomas , T“ran 1‘1 .
”ii‘eadwag , (l1‘1l1ur l7 .
“(Oillougl1l3g,11ack D.
“(Oilson , Homer '

«- 11"

CV 'CU.1.U£1L‘

Gdams,R ober1 1““ .
Barker, Cecil
Blankenship, Joe “(0.
Brooks,Lonnie Paul
Brown ,LQallace Jacks 011
Ca1‘1e1‘, Rich alas
Caskeg,Garlen R.
Conleg Edgari‘i‘ank
T“erguson, Clgde
T“ergus0n, Hul3er1
11171115, 13111117
Euge11, Es1a Lee
T“g1“1“e, Joseph Norman
Griff i11s, lllurl
Gulle11, Oli‘oer Junior
Howard , C11 arleg , Jr.
Howard.E1nerg Lee
l1ellg, Clgde
Lacg,E11ne1‘ L.
Lawson, Ori‘oellEarnis1
Lawson, Rol3er1Bg1‘d
Lgkins,Edwin P.
Lg kins, Henrg T“.
lllcClain , Rol3er1 Bruce
llchenzie, Ora Duell
lllorris, Jesse
l7ickell , Charles E‘o ere11
l7i1‘kell, Herman “0.

710ss,Elmer D.
Rowland, Rog,11r.
5e1‘gen1 , Lonnie
513ence1‘, Ira J.
“T“urner, Buford
(Cages, Omer B.
“(Oalsh, Rudolph
“(Qal1er, lllax1on“((’in1“ield
“(Oel3l3, Charles E.
11117115, (11‘1l1u1‘ Poi1s
“wells,“(Oinfred Dale
“(Qilliams,Ollie Grag
“(Qi11enhagen , “(0.0.
“(Orig 111, Clarence 111.

’D 1"!" ”WT "1‘7 (3-;- re

1 4T ,
11w 1;: ~34‘ '4, .. :41 ~ :1 1, ~«‘ a iii 11. {J

Gl‘oel‘son , Jam es Eric
Bagwell, Er‘oin

l3aize, 17 ea’rhel C.
l3a1‘1on, CharlesT Lee
Bar1on, Joe B.
Bi‘oin,“Oernar Eugene
Blackwell ,“i110mas Clgde,11r.
Blasengane, Paul
Brasher, R agmond lllorris
Browning, “(Ooodrow D.
131 u1“(000d10w“(0
burden, James 17.

bur gess, l1enne1h Dunbar
13ge1‘s s,Joseph ““1“.
Clark,Ha1‘old Dean
Cobb, Paul

Da‘ois, (11‘1l1u1‘Lee
Dickinson, GIG.

Doniel , “(Oilliam ,111‘.
Drake,5helleg Junior
Dukes, llla1‘1in Browin
Duncan , 511ell3g L.
Du‘oall,Charles B.
Ea‘oes, George Samuel
Edwards, Johnng C.
1““01‘ 111eg,l71 1ag T“oleg
1““1‘anklin, llla1‘1oin T“ .
Garre’ti. Leonard “O.
Garg , Glendell “(O.
Gipson, Jessie

Gish, 171 obe11 (lsl11on
Gish, l7 1ol3e1‘1 “(0.,111‘.
Haileg ,Henson H.
Hancock ,James R.
Hages,l1enne1h R.


Jackson , Carrol T‘“ .' 'l “"1““
Jack son, 11101‘011 i'
11a1‘1ois,17ol3er1 1‘ '.
Jennings, Charles (laron
Jessup , Gus

Jones , Er‘o ie Eugene
Jones,Lendell C.

l 1‘e1111e1 1g,‘ Edwin Llogd
1111“1‘pa11ick,l7aumond H.
11i1cl1ens, R obe 1‘1Lu111e1‘
110011,Edwa1‘d G.

Le‘oan , Har‘oeg Lee
Llogd. 11enne1h C.
llchehee, Rolland Gwin
lllchinneg,” 1‘1‘an cis T‘“os1e1‘
1111““10111,John C.

lllalone, Gerald B.

llle1“ ford, Bill g Grobb
lllefford , Earl

llloberleg, James Grubbs
llloore, John“(O
111001‘e,171ag111ond Elbe r1
lllosbngilliamT“ E
lllurphg ,Edward Howard
l7ew1nan, James Ralieg l1
l7offsinger, “i“ed
l7ole,“(Qa11er “((1.
O’Bannon , James E.
Ogden,l?a1haniel H.
Pe‘oeler, James L.
Pe‘oeler,5amuel 11.
Prgor, Leonard

l7 1ad10rd, Deward 17.

17 ee‘oes, lllar‘oin
l7e1111‘ow,l71ag11101111 L.

171‘e,Law1‘ence l7.
RiC1 7,Lucian E.,J1‘.
Rich, Charles 1‘ rank lin
Richardson, Rol3er1 Har 1‘ eld
71013er1son,l710gR odger
l7ol3inson, Clarence, Jr
5allee, James Harlan
5mi1h, Bruce “((1.
51anleg, Ja1nes“(O.
51irsman,Lawrence l7 .
Sullivan, Kenneih E.
5weeneg, Harold E.
1ooleg, 13013
1ur ner , “(Qallace Edwin


l1eg11olds, Gi 1be1‘1 (lurelius, 111‘.

Underwood ,Eugene Henrg


“(Ohihner 1111‘s _
“(Oill1ins,Ed1non C 7 .. i
“(Oill‘ ins, Leonard “(Ol1111ne

firm-’11.: amp“:

1.511 NJU

Baldwin, Gug , 111‘.
Ballard . Joseph llliles
Ba1‘ne11, Lerog
Boone, Joseph 1".
Bowlingfihomas (1.
Brown , E111 111 e11 Hood
Brown , Gug lllarshall
Brown, 511111uel Hags
Bu1‘ge,lllike G.
C0111eg,“(0illiam “Ounce
Crepps, Duane T“ield

Crep ps,T“ra11cis Hardin
D1‘ake,Louis Hus1on

Goben, James Leo
G01“1“,5c011 Lovel

Greenwell , Charles Edmund
Gree11well,T“rederick Hugh
Greenwell , Joseph Harold
Hagan , Joseph Clarence
Hahn ,“(Oillis Bard
Ha1‘des1g , Charles T“os1er
Hardin , Je1son

Hardin , Joseph “Oirgil
Hicl‘man, llla1‘ion“i“gle1‘
Hicl1s,Howal‘d l3.
Hou1cl1ens, Coleman Hinkle
Je11,5l1ell3g Relson

Jurg , Joseph Phillip

Lar 1in , GeorgeElmer, Jr.

lllcCaw leg, Benjamin Holman
llla11inglg,Edwin C.
lllaiiinglgfi‘“ Eugen1 e ““ields
llloore 7,1101111 5u1cli111 ,111‘.
Dalleg , Charles Ignaiious
O’Brgan, George Da‘oid
O’Ha1‘a,11osepl1 D.

Pash , Philip Dempseg
Peake,T“rederick Obrechi
Pro1s1nan, “(Oilliam Owen
l7 1egnolds, John Russell
Robinson ,LOilliam (llousius
51a1nal1or11e,“(Oillia1n l7 ussell
5eag,1“i“l1o1nasEll3er 1


'1 La1011,Har1‘uH.,Jr. (11‘11e11,l71013e1‘1Lee Hollon,Dex1er Jackson l7icl‘1ell,Rog Helsleg, Claude E. Eugene “O. 5111‘ewsl3u1‘g,Oli‘oerwillard

1.1111151111111111 Bar1leu,Lunn Hollon, Leigh10n l1ickell,“(OalkerHarrison Hendricks, Gordon“l“. “Oince111,(11‘nold Jackson 511‘ade1‘, Hillard .
La111kin,“i“l10rn1on“Thomas Blankenship,Carlos 5. Howard, (11110111 Clag Peg10n, Glennon (1. Hendrix,O1‘a “(11). “Oincen1,La1neg E. “((111e1a11, Robert (11111101111
Lawson “(Oilliam Dallas 1 Brown, T“1‘ed Hughes, “Oic1orL. Po11er, RalphL. Hill,E1doras T‘Gncher 1 “Oincen1,Rober1 1. “(Ohi1leg ,“(Oilliam C.,J1‘.

“(Oi 111se11, Josepl1““ 1‘1’1111 cis
l10ung,10illiam 111.

Car 1er ,Cr eed Douglas Hun1e1‘ ,Dudleg “(Oa1kins,Jr. 71a1li171“,O1oa “(Oendell Humphreg, l/{enne1h “Oincen1,“(Oillia1nBeverlg
; Wagoner, (lurg 71ag

. C111‘1e1‘,l1a111nond Dee Joln1son,“((1al1erlllarion,Jr. 171995139 131111le 11111113171111113 1000C] 1


Lag, lllarion T‘i‘ancis
Leonard, T“red Currg , Jr.










l ,_,__. _ _

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