xt7w0v89m41v_1 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w0v89m41v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021.dao.xml unknown 6.93 Cubic Feet 36 items, 1 legal-sized document box 6.48 Cubic Feet36 items archival material 2023ua021 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Athletics. Memorial Coliseum Artifacts Adair to Bell Counties text Adair to Bell Counties 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021/Folder_os_16/Item_wwii_01/Multipage1.pdf section false xt7w0v89m41v_1 xt7w0v89m41v  

_ ognItlon 0? their service 111 state and nation, and 111 testimony to their 51,
Commonwealth of Kentucky has here inscribed the names of the known Kentucky den" 6  
Though every effort has been made to have the list complete and accurate,omlssmns or errOrs may«.-§,_ave
occureol. Information that will lead to greater accuracy will be welcomed. ‘



(1c1‘ee,E1‘ranl1 Ross
(lllen ,Earl

(lustin, Charles Garrnett
Badger, Dallas L.
Bailey,James (1.
Bennett, Kenneth R.
Botton1s.Edwa1‘d C
‘ Bryant, Gilbert L.
Burton,Harold T .
Campbell , 13an d Edward
Cape, (1rl in

Cot‘er, Charlie (G.

Cole, llewman L.
Conooer, James (G.
Cook, (Gilliam D.

Coon1e1, Raymond B.
Cu11dit“t, (Gilliam 171 1.
Enyard, Bernard L
Eloyd,James lll.
fi‘a11l1li11,(lestoi1 (Gallace
lErankum , Burel Hogard

Gilpin, Herbert

Grant , Coby

Gri der, Edward
Harmon ,Eclwin lllorris
Har1non.(Gillia111 ‘i‘.
Harper, (llt‘red

Hughes, Duard Dallas
I‘Iun1pl1ress,T~‘orest R.
Jessie,(Gilliam Paul
Jol111son,Lee Bolin
Judd , Emanuel

her 11s, Glen
Lawless. Curtis ‘i’aylor
llordine, lllarion Paul
Perkins, Russell
. Bolston GuyT ...
eddiCl1s.Cl11dC (Ginton
2:17 1,edn1on OtisE E.
' l1elit‘ord, Charles (G.
Robertsten E.
Robinson, Ivan Haskle
Rogers ,(1oe1 ry C
Rubar ts,Eln1er Ray, Jr.

,Sl1irley,Clrcl1ie (G1 "


MS} 111119, ”Gene .1e1111etl1 1,1...




Sparks .Carl Clyde
Stone, Clyde H.

Taylor, Owen Russell
Thompson ,‘iylel‘L
Todd. James Henry
(Gheat, Doyle
(Gillis,l71a ay (“1.

Beller, Gaynerd Isom
Blankenship, (Gillie Graves
Borde1s,(11cy Osco
Bradley. Hube1t 1.11 yant
Brawner, Gethroe
Bullington , Isom Carleen

Carter, Charles Edward
Carter, E‘a11l1E E .

Carter, Hollis E.

Cherry ,(Goodrow (Gilson
Cockrill , OscarE.

Con 11er,(Gilliam Oscar
Crabtree, Hairm D.
Dalton, Elbridge H.
”Fitzpatrick, Hubert Leo
Eoster, Clarence,Jr.
IEoster, l1enneth lleal
lErost, (Irville H.

Gra‘o es .La‘C’ e1‘11

Gra‘o es, Clarence B.
Harris,(Gillia111 E.
Hatler. Jim Bob
Hudso11,(Gillian1 0.

Jam eson, James lllar‘oin
Jones, Henry C
Jones.“Lutl1e1 (Gade
Law, Charles E.

Lo11C1,Lewie B.

Loyd, Denver (Gright
Lyle , Herschel (1.
lllarsh , (Gilburn (G.
mason , Oscar
llleador, Billy E.
llleador, Cordell
llledley, lllurl llloss
Loyd L

. ’O’llegal, (Gilson Eollis
IKE-€71 (Goodi ow

Parrish ,Louis C.


Payne, 1 ‘E‘hui man Ray
Pe1 l11ns. l 1ay111o11d Stones
1oa1‘l1, James (lllen
Smith, Herbert C.
Sweet, Bernard E.
(Geaver, (lubrey J.

(Gest, (Gilliam Hollis
(Gillougl1by,l1i111ble B.

Beasley ,Ste‘Qe (Oesley

Bruner, James Cole
Buntain . James
Campbell, l‘lays Jesse

Cot tey, l1obe1‘t Earnest
Corley , John T. ,Jr.
Corn.Cl1esley Jay

Cox, Cecil Lee
C1‘osst'ield,(Gilliam lll.
Denton, Calvin L.
Edwa1ds.lllo1 ris hnox
Garner, Howard Robert
Goodlett, Paul (1.

Hahn , (ll‘oin H.
Harris,Jesse (Gallace
Haw 1ins. James C.
Jet‘t‘ries,(Gillian1 Burnice
Jordan, James E.
Leathers ,(lei non
llchrayer, Lucien Scott
lllcCarty,Edward C.
lllurph y , lllar‘oin C.
lliemeier, Howard (Oesley ,Jr.
0131 1e11 1 all (1.

Peach , 11111111111
Per1‘y,(Gillian1 Presley
Riley, John (lllen
Sallee,Coy Kennith
Sea,Sidney Clayborne
Stacker. llorman Samuel
Sutl1erland,Harlett Brown
‘Oaught, (Gilliam L.

(Galdridge,(Gillia1n Cloborn

(Gard, Russell C16”- ,
(Gillian1s,(Gillia11?i Cecil 1


Cargill, lllarion Eugene
Coloin . Jam es Burnle y
Cooper, Billy Owen
Crain,lllor1‘is Eugene
Downs .‘ii‘oy Junior

Eley, Robert R ueben
Eh od. (lrnold (G.
Elro d . James Jackson
G1‘aoes,Ellis Henry
Gray,(Gilliam Clifton
Ha111n1o11ds.l7 1obert lllom oe
Holt, 0101 les Howard
Jones . lllurrell
Jones, Paul Phillip
K1‘aps,Dean S.
Lanier,Leslie Beamous
lllagruder,Lee (llexander
llloore , James H.
Ogren, Jack (1.
Pittman , Gordon Bethel, Jr.
Pool , James
Rayburn , (Gilliam ‘0.
Bass ell, Grady lllilton
Scott,‘ii‘uman (ldrian
Shepherd, Charles Stanley
Sullenger, (llma Lee
Sullivan, John Robert
‘i’homasCharles Selde11,Jr.
‘ii11‘11er,l”ennetl1 Earl
(Galker, Robe rt
(Gilliams, l7osco Grover
(Good, 171 my, Ji
yancey ,Jam es R.

(1bston,James Co yl

(lustin Earl (Dillard

l7 arlow, Edwin Powell
Barlow, (Good 17 1icl1a1 dson
Berry, Jam es C.
Bigge1sIIa1 old C
Bilb1 ey , lllarion Glen i“
Bi1‘ge,Lonnie G.
Borders ,Gene H
Bowles. Guy (G._ '


B ranstord, CharlC sL
Broo 1s, Gordon lo.
Brown. Cleuis l71.

Bush (Gilliam H.
Daoidson, 17 what T‘reeman

Dean, Claude lll.

De 71Eord. l7 1ut‘us l7 .
Denh C1111 , Joseph E
E111berto11 , Garvin
T’arley, Charles Henry
Ge1‘ald,R obert.1 T.
Gibson, lllorris (O.
Gillock. Scott,Jr.
Groce, John T.
Hammer, Ralph (G.
Hawkins. Char lie Holmes
Hawkins. Daniel C.
Hibbitt, George E.
Hood. Philip D.
Horton , George (Gilbur
Houchens, Bossie L.
H1111 t , Dewey ’i’h urman
James , Robert Lee
Jones,Evan Bennett
C ones .(Gi llis T’ranklin
l1 in slow, Ivan Claude
Lewis, Caloin‘ifi
lllartin, Collie 17 .
lllatthews, James Lemuel
lllc Candless ,Henry J.
lllills, Joe (Gillies
Overstreet, Hershal
Pedigo.Larry lienneth
Per 1i11s, IIen1y Paul
Polson , (Twen‘TE E
Parsley , James C.
Ramey, George Kenneth
l1e11t‘ro,Joe Clit‘ton
l1iggs,(Gillis ll.
l71utledge.Carl E.
Rutledge, Lee J.
Sidwell Raymond
Simmons, Omer James
Smith, (llbert Henry
111itl1,Earl (1
St t,arr l7 1obertT .1ee
Sh ode es

1otty Jame dwin


(Gl1ite,LC eroy
(Gilliams l71 olly J

Bailey. Clarence (Gilliam
Bailey , Claude E.

Bailey , Harold Conner
Barber, Dawson (Goodrow
Becrat‘t, Espie
Botts,Setl1 Saunders
buckler, Cleaver 1E.
Carpenter, (lshtoaneed
C1‘ayc1at‘t, Ollie l1e11netl1
Crooks, (111' red Newton III
Downs, Cleoeland,Jr.
Elkins, James (G.
Ele111ing,1~l1ennetl1 (l.

Gr ay, Elmer Owen
Har t, James 17 .

Hickey, Paul lllyers
Ingram, Harold ‘Q.
Jones,En1ery L.
Jo11es,‘Gan Greene
Lynch, (lrnold
llla11st‘ield,Lloyd Henry
Penick ,T~‘loyd Palmer
Perry ,lllarion Powers
Robinson. Highland
l1obinson, (Gilliam J
l71outt,LaRue H.

l7 1,unne1‘ Charles (Gilliam

Smith, (lshpyE‘oans
Snell 111g , Charles
Sorrell, El'zie lll.
Spencel‘lenry Stanley
Sto11e,(lndrew Denton
”Tl1ompson,(lrnold lllelville
(Gl1ite,Jol111 (Oesley
(Gilson. Robert

1111111111, 1E1‘ederick Roscoe

(llley (Gillie .
BelCher, ‘ Bryant
Bla Ckburn , lllon roe I.


lolevins,l71 obertT .1ee
Bowlin , (LB.


Bowman, James

l7rocl1,l7 1ober t (G.

Brooks, Emery
Brosl1ee1,Jol1n Reed
Broyles , Bonnie

Bush, Harry Clinton

Chee 1. John 17 .
Cla1‘l1,‘iom B.

Cornelius, Delbert l7 .
D1xon,G1 o‘oCi Clay
Douglas ,James Dillard .
Dunn ,Elmer J.,Jr.

Ea st ridge C. Eugene (1.
Eld1idge,(Galter(G. \
Elliott, John V

EC) ans , ’lErank Riley
F'owles,(Gilliam Curtis
’Fi11’rz,Dan lll.

‘F‘uson, Clyde E. '
Gambrel,‘i(1el (’1.
Gibson, Carl 1” .

Gilbert, James E
Godbey ,‘Garnie E.

Good , (ll‘oin D.

Goodin , Eloyd

Gray, Billy Jean
Halbert, John P.
Hampton,(Galter R.
Harrell, Clyde (Gilliam
Harrell , L11 ther, Jr.
Haynes,Lawrence D.
H e11 dricks on, (l1nl1e1‘s Preston
Howard , Drexel E.
Howard ,Em me it
Howard.C“1C’01‘ge Cl.
How ard, Jam es Edw ard
Howard, lllorris (1.
Hu11te1‘.(Gadley C.
Innings, George 1el’mr
JacksCm, Clyde 17
JaClnon lllillard

. ' Jenl1n1s,lllartin
Johnson. Ben D. *

Johnson,Ollie,Jn . ‘


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