xt7w0v89kx9q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w0v89kx9q/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1909-12-03  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 3, 1909 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 3, 1909 1909 1909-12-03 2020 true xt7w0v89kx9q section xt7w0v89kx9q WW - . ‘mcwma’kwfl



the Pr r i€I3nt' 3 room
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Lct3vson, Pryor, Anxcfisu
Oi, THTtLp, HOW), 7‘ "

PW) 5:3.






3a meeting w3re r3md anJ
v'r‘: ”’3' 0 min. L" 3d I'LLIIUY'CIVCH.


33313331 gutIVI'wn r3mind3dtheL
nycIat 1113 v:31113 it .3Ii :I13 u
had jallen’
. 3 that he hag
andr3;n133+3d the Iynfix3v3 to give



2L. 'L a- if:


The standing committee 3333 than caiied upon and "3‘0“I


'vrus t 1633 =3C>EF?‘fiIJLt .
Aim cion van
fBEEJCUB’YiB 'v3:“3 'Lt13rfzcty3I1 :Ivtgy‘ idiom:
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33wop3ration of the princl; s3hoolfl

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UP.Sn0w, his ,
n3m3 b3 {darn}


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Comwitfi33 b uu’n Calaniar and Bulls ins reports
'= ‘méount of the exhaustion ‘
pd be 3303333. y t0 iSmH_a

3nfi he askod the m3mu3:
d 3




“J‘IjerLL'ff and “/011in b3 {It‘lhliIiImi in







L7i1‘1:1,i,‘ui‘§‘« oi" lx‘fxcr‘LLM‘LV



H {’1


Me thmittea upon D19 L. , fiflu ,. 0 met
13 the Agriantural Euilaini at $:30 p.m., MLL the
rinxmfacr; being: firmmnfi't. i]‘1«"r'l%;L;'L:".g the 31"} 'Liir‘.mfln: p.30"
iflfiflOfd Inlorqun, Lnffartva “OCWde, Home, and Norm

W130? Gorbusj.er TowoaLQd him Cha.fi?fib affliHSL


stews as given at Lhe Last meeting of the
to Lil-r2 effect that "9.7 LLS'L JCS 2111;; mm
nxw;(n2t Frw>v1 1T’114_ Léugt j72::r :Lrui Lde,(Ll,gu
w him ahnennau Luis yanr, Noon filviag Pr.
m&st9¢£ an order L0 Squad &ril; upon a aartuLn day
vacant)“, Major fiorhnsimr gtutcd L ”r ”a%+e“‘ hfid
1 nv


vfa'fiLSzafi +30 OTM2y 3L r5 0 ALevfs, :11LL20‘;; 1 1(11 i.‘
thr Gowwandant hzxd reported the mntfiar 11.4»
?:L; aréson, Hr Hastars r2t n1rned 60 his office and exm

p7emsed his willingn 3% to obey the ordetge


ALLOF a care ul and axtendei digcus ;i_0n 01 the
nu, it was oriereu urjon motiQn of Professor Anu”lu0fl,
,,on.éd bv Judge Ln; EV, that Hr Hanfiers be T31u3F8d
to 31mm 1 drill upon ”1020"L _ve hutur Jilfs tor
one nowx " per day to once of Hajov



tun conxn m1

c}- 1.). 5.1.


@osdusiu‘, fin” it ‘wma:mluo O’d;|lL nut if onw axflvolma
of this H:n.u1 drFJ L or 0L mm; :2~u4ar*LL 11L ir‘inisscd

L r .
without the cons :ent of the Comma flaunt, the monmiLLee

W111 recommend 7r.Wastevm' dismissal from Lha “Hiverw


u. L.nedg




Pwvfwflgov VilLe:, Chairman of the fiommitteo upon ! hL-Liv ;
t2t») hriflfly “at the Athletic Associaticn was now thn gafit



Li Klan“ 1L (30nd: ,fi had ever expuriencad and what a
ripo?L of the V “gal situation would be published i

ax f‘utnreL
t Laf; u}12 facilL

«Jurtlfi thrir

motion of Proi'essor Anderron it was or uV%J
3nd to tho AthLetic Cwnmfitt =w3 and to L
nceru amp eciution of Lne efiicient manner in



‘hleh Lhe mus inosw of the At hJL 3tin Ass mm 171 NEW ‘m‘ponw )10 LOP prompting“ use 511').
g:nsaion 0° the unanimourv aunrecL tion sf the facuLtJ it
. eted uno a motion OE Professo:r Anuevaon, nawuu‘fil by
.rsov w',“ that a conml fifa 09 appointea‘L, in maing
neon; P 012°‘Jr Whits and onies2)1 NilLer, n5
”THLQ.J‘ fiswzw ciation, to prep-re a set 0;
2 2a Earth the 25h 33L93m which “r. ~
are heLd, It was propoa e<1 chat the se resolua
=nwrozoed 1mm 2:.3 nLPL to Ur.fiw0 3tlLan1
"LL ii; 1 0 Ian {biffill LL) LLLe 3:301, bexll. t‘XiPZ LIL



land. is
at fhm
tut? 3’19




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cfiww—mmxm ” I. .
.g 7 WV ‘ ,
. q . , ,
.. 32.7“ 3
hinun3s o! the HHQKLUV §.ua« ‘iaggiiy bqghgrhflhh
T310 0033133313; ”3; 3" " Enter b.3333 '3 ‘1“2.'2:.>z3~/-332.hintin: 33'?;:::33."‘i..(23.3
'Lh..r:o3.3_'jh 13133.3 (H.335. 3:33 (3:3. 1'01 (Konrmm
.3()V‘I:Lu‘ )1” gilt: , Lilf.)\:)o
" The Committr upon T313112:3r'téxt‘Lr23‘xa3'3.3:; 3‘:on:~~;”:thJ.et'io
3:233:12 .13.. 1.05;”.0 :3.:33.. to (10318 3163.3 the cal-3333.33333tion mi Mr.
We’lol‘i 313(3303.’ on ‘oehai’: 03 3.3.23. 10f1073:3r*;jj_213:3 for:
I)(3.2.':.....,3.)r3 "30 have :3 (1.2.3309: on 3.3735. Lay, D33 (.omwv third, in
tho unvmncm i333: 1333.31.13.133. It 3.2.1. 3 0.303. (333' upon motion 3.3.3433;
this 3:33.1(3r-st be: artwltosi.
Adj 031323.31.
U.‘.uuth(3‘, ”Ad3r3on. “
30:39:35303.’ 20333333037: 33:33.1333. 23323;.(333'11'3031 to 3.33:; m:.<3.;ing oi.‘ the
3733:3103“. of i...nt33ok 377011333353 which 3:»: to 00031 311.3 noon Sart;ur.iz3y
323‘ «‘7o333‘3h at 10:50 in “she 3.;‘33‘33333333332‘: 7‘331 £33.33 2333:}. 131.833
23321313103. which i 1 to ho hold at six" o‘(:‘.l.or":k at H3183": 3 "'
.77. 111': a
13323.233'32’3133 (”"3138 l zzt'ttzmtion 3.03.313 fact that on account of
tho F3Y1(“"0U"}'21T131‘60ft 3 chapel 8:15.377?) 35:33:; upon the third hour
.2133.3::':.33.2'. 3.33: 1_.'(32.r,r23 torm hi.“ (319.533.3843. had .Loot a week's 3311310 in
3.23.3313? 33:03:33. An 1313;333:2631. (iii—'3 :s'ion .L‘o.‘:.10wed with .33of233‘onoo
to moans; of 3333333333.:rti (13 this «3313233 ion 33313; no 2333,301f333 action
3% taken.
Tho attention of tho faculty 233323 (2:311:30. by Profoasm'
21:31.30? to the fact that tho exemptirm of Btudentn oi. the
335.23: School from militarv (11': 1.1 and. 2:333nc3.:331m practio (3 has
233:233i‘2*.33.1 ' occasional. i3..x33~ “honor: of, St3,3.-..i.onts .trom othor
303.17." 333:: 3 2' 33. .1033 333333233 (3 31321313} .353. :3. 323023.15 of evading the
2331333; 3:3. (.2 ,. 4:77}; ("3.33131 ' 33.3 {gyrrxnasticzm Ho thought that the
at .3:3 : (331:. 3:3? 3;.) 13:33.23 Fohool. 33130333.): T.hmf:-3.2;‘-:333.3 be "2313.: on an
3331217331333? 73:; 3'3;;;a':':3.‘2:s the. irrrzz.13'3:3.r:31‘n:3nt:3 of drill. and :3ymnauhv3ca
' thew :3t31:.‘3.~3n'ts of tho Universiflr. B3: commnl. the ”.33. 3,.(13‘
fawn} to tho (7033:2323 H.520 upon 13033308: or? Ht33::i7f for con:
Upon motio the [13‘33:i.r’15-: 22...].j (333.373.333.1‘.
P1353853 want of the: Uni3-z'or:~-
_ ,7 \
\- , 2 3 /.
VI ’ V4 /
”U ”Che/(plan (/31 .x" JL2/
Boogotary‘ of the 312333133333.
7’ [XV/”fl
'— - _ __ '