xt7w0v89kt1c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w0v89kt1c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-07-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 11, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 11, 1985 1985 1985-07-11 2020 true xt7w0v89kt1c section xt7w0v89kt1c m
“ .
Vol. LXXXIX, No. 168 “mm m. Independent since l97] July H. 1985 .
$50,000 donated ,, . I
. New" at " "
. . saw?” at ‘ r. a ._ \ vs -. ‘ '
to Engineering ;,v 32; . a. ~. , e '. . J
f h I he - “’5‘" l. in” »' :. I "" QM '-
or sc 0 ars [ps “a ig It; A F , , u, e. .. s
t I. s. "A! 3‘” ~ 1 ' ‘ 'f ’ V f - i, . .‘ I . .
By ALEX (‘Rnl‘t'll _ ._ «I knit ‘v ~ , "a l .
StaffWriter :‘ . a ;" r ’ ~ ‘. 4-,. {‘9 . ‘ ’ '. 1' ‘ x ‘l V .

The (‘ollege of Engineering's efforts to § “’4" .v‘ J . V \ ‘\ wag ‘ ‘ ,- L R V_ . ‘
increase excellence recently received a 1! l i ‘ , - 1" , ‘~ ‘ g 3 i \ ,, 4s "M l l .
boost when an alumnus decided to lend a -’ y " “ ' W . \ V. ~ ‘ .,
hand. A . ~ »‘ w “n ‘~~~ ~ k l . .- 3-841. ' _ ., ‘\\ é; ‘ .

Ralph G. Anderson. who graduated in a" ‘ .' s: l M; »V . V . _ s. _ é/ a l _ . ,
1950 with a bachelor‘s degree in mechan- ’ at: "' ' " '\ 4:1 i” ' ’ _. fi ' . . , ' *
ical engineering, donated 350.000 for an ». , ' ' .. ~. - é ’ y or; -_ I
endowed scholarship and is establishing , \ ' ‘ 1 - «rig 3 i

. another fund through his company. . ,, .1 ms t ; ‘* .2
. Anderson is president of Belcan, a Cin- v V v \/ :1 '0 I ' l I '
cinnati engineering services firm. ,. ' ' < V. ‘ , V .

The scholarship “supports the dean‘s at ’ J1 _ " " ' _
objective of having more academic ex- 2. M _. .
cellence and some especially good stu— .. . '
dents." said David K. Blythe, associate ‘ "f -' , k I. t t --f«. !
dean for continuing education and alum- g ' , c e M . " » ,
ni affairs. ' ’ fl ‘ ‘- 1': .

Anderson‘s endowment raises the col- : ~, ‘. ‘.. K . . .‘
lege‘s total number of endowed schol- .2 ' . .~ a ' . . -
arships of $10,000 or more to 16. “We‘re . J . . . .
pleased tohave them."Blythe said. ‘ "- k- =5 ‘ u y; ‘ _ _] ' ' .-

Awards from an endowment fund draw "M ”W" "'"e “a"
on the interest generated from the origi- ' .
nal gift. Blythe said at the current rate The heat IS on - _
0f investment he expects Anderson's en- Heather Noble (left), 16, from Breathitt County High School, leads a cheer during the second week of the three- .
dowment to provtde “500 to 35'0“) a week 'JK cheerleading camp. The camp is sponsored by the UK cheerleaders and the National Cheerleaders ’
year. Association. There were about 40 squads at the camp this week and 50 are expected next week. . .

Anderson said he originally signed up .
for $10,000 but changed his mind after 0
Blythe and Ray M. Bowen. dean of the Fall preVlew ,
college, visited him and talked about the
"*dwmemmg" AdViSing conferences offer new students a firsthand look at UK '

He said he “thought about it for a ———~r—*———~———————————-y
while." but “it wasn't anything planned. 3." CYNTHIA .’\.PAI.0RMO , ' ' l
I just felt i should do it. “ Managing Editor 1 1 / l y

A committee of the college will award For eight weeks the words 10 student I gr / \ I
one or more scholarships with the money assistants are practically the gospel I “ . “‘ 1
beginning in fall ‘86. A student in any truth in the eyes of new students and I § ‘ 1
field of engineering will be eligible. their parents. ' r ‘

The emphasis of the $50,000 endowment fines; mlulvliltlzl 1:“?6esaéémnram: «a? t c” , M l . ,
is to find a Kentucky student. Blythe {9“ P “cry Sta ibell '1‘ Tha k , ~5 '
said. but Anderson's Belcan scholarship ‘e a n, n . ‘ racy c er. ’ . I
isnational. John Kyle and Ricky VWatt are working . _' 4 g, l

for UK’s summer advismg conferences. c t c , ‘

The fund‘ established in emperation “We‘re the link between the University ‘ , . 1 1

with the National Society of Professional and the new students." said Kyle. a com- 0. ’3’ . ' ‘ c , {
Engineers. will generate a Sl.000-per- puter science junior. “We’re students ’1 ,9 ’t .. f
year four-year scholarship. jmt like them ~ we‘re on the same level, .. . _ ‘ .

It aka .5 open to any field of engi- 3:3:deth a little bit more about . P V V V

neeringandwillbeawarded in fall 'as. ‘y- . .
The conferences. which are designed _ a J
The 5°!”th are Part 0' the dean‘s for in-coming freshmen. transfer stu- ‘ .
Scholarship Program for Academic Ex- dents and readmission students, last - . .
cellence. which has been in development from June 5 until July 19, By the time “ i»
, over the past two years. Blythe said. and the conferences end next week. UK will . 1°
‘ WhiCh i530“ MM“! ‘08“ funds. have been on display for nearly 2,500 stu- :3? ’ ~

flier-e are two elements necessary to dentsandtheuparents. _ ' ~
increase excellence, he said: “mitstand- The WW 0‘ "‘9 “59m Flo " 'sg; . l
ing students and outstanding funny_" help new students make the trammon 73>.“ _ V 1
Bowen is current) - _ into college easier. The days are de- "t,“ -. ‘ “ ‘\ ‘ \

. y seeking funds for en , . nd ts e . . l
dowed faculty positions. Blythe said. Slmfio 8‘“ “W" ' We“ W * ‘ ‘ ,
portunities to talk With UK students and ‘ , . , .

The COHGEG'S alumni association has administrators about life here in Big g , f ;
its own academic excellence program BlueCountry. V ’ M y , 1
and issolicitingendomnents.hesaid. Each day, the student assistants tell 5‘ \I“ . A . ,

hundreds of people about everything i ‘ ‘ ~ . » = » \"F ~
from academic services and opportuni- , ,4 x V, " . ». _ ._-
TOday last day ties to life as a college student at a uni- - , ~ .m ‘- : ,4” . s,g .
versity of 23.000students. -‘ - ' , ’--. t t , '. . {a
“In the panels. we try to paint an hon- ' -* \ s . . i _‘
to drop a Class est picture of what life at UK is really we: mm!- I-ww-a“
like." said Watt. an EngngSh mean” ju- Incoming freshmen turn in their course request forms during summer

. nior. He said parents a 5‘ it some- ' ' r n in the Classroom Buildin this week. Advisin
Mattrcports times come in with the attitude that they :fifi'zglg":: : tiring: July ]9_ g 9

if . (student assistants) want to “paint a , . . . , . . ,

you 3““ W3“ to m a class, today ros 'cture 0' UK .. “But we try to tell Ann Fister, director of the adVislng have had good parthipation fromVVfacVulty
53’0“? 185' Chflm- it 1);]: it is They're going to find out conferences. said the students are al- and staff in leading the sessiors. l-‘ister

Students who drop a class today will what it‘s really like when they get here." “1"; m'umgmpf'enfiuflugg sage t “I one“, conference begins

receive a W (withdrawal) for the clue. hesaid. gr dd di 'onnghat e can‘t d6 _ ypi ‘th heck '

A W does not affect a student's grade “We stress that parents make the ef- main; .. a mensi W at7.45a.m.wi c -in. .

point average. fort to support their students especially V" - After an introductory sesston, parents
ude ho drop la tode during that first semester. because they dParents and s'tudruiits 8:10 he}? fxom and students attend half-hour interest

Also. at nts w a c as y are oi through a tough transition." at ministrators. ac y a sa . ca- .
receiveawpercentrefmd- said gatrlgneiinanceiunior. demic life is discussed in-depth. “We SceADVlSINGm-W

 i, .
2-KENTUMYKERNEL Mum 71, 1985
lnlormaiicn on this calendar at events is
collected and coordinated through the Stu-
dent Center Activities Otlice 203 204 Student
Center, University at Kentucky The inlarma~
' tion is published as supplied by the OlT'COlhr
pus sponsor With editorial piivilege allowed
lor the sake ol clarity ol expression For stu
dent organllations or UniverSIty departments
a e n r to make entries on the calendar a Campus
Calendar lorm must be lilled out and re
turned to the Student A(tlvl"£‘§ O“t\.P on»
week prior to publication date
'1 THURSDAY mm:- 13 SATURDAY mm-
o r r 5 A it Weekender ' Exhibitions Construction Kinetics 8
,W W W 2,, 2° °° m a
T sen X | l X T if} '
Lojdoun eHouse oFre: :ue-Fri 1302:: -4 Ad’“ charged Iron Works Pike Call 2550835 ("I 362 Walnut 5' MVF 9 a rn A p m
p m Sat8Sunl»4 p.m..Call254-7024 ' Other Christmas m Julv 0' Smoky ' PM” The. “9°“ °' Dwe' 8°°ne “335:2”? h
. o Other The AlhenlOnS' Heroes and Mts Crafts Show Adm. charged, Heritage Outdoor Drama at Old Ft. Harrod, Adm x I itions Student Exhibitor T e LIV
char “‘33:” .m ‘canmJygg‘b ing Arts 8 Smence Ctr SCieme Gallery
Men and the Minds ol Men - Part Ill 8 IV Hall Callm-4567 g p
, . . a 0,59,- 1935 Lex, 1,, Leo ue Horse 362 Walnut St MF 9 o m 4 p,n't Call
, of a TV Series 340 Classroom Bldg. l ' COMPS NCA Cheerleading Camp, 9 252 5222
p m Monday thru Thursday. 8 a.m. ~ 5 p.m., Show Adm, charged: Red Mlle "Mk ‘
0 Plays Lincoln Outdoor Drama at Old Seaton Center 2572898 South Broadway,Call252»1893 H. Sports pOlo MOKh at the Kentucky
orse Park Adm charged Iron Works
” Fort Harrod 5' Park Amphitheatre , Adm ' Exhibitions Artsplace Gallery Pro- Pik l m Ca||233r4303‘
" charged Harrodsburg 8 30 pm, Call gram, exhibit by Barbara Morgan Roberts 'eC p2 1
‘ 606 6686650 Free lbl N Mill St, M»F 9_4 30 pm. Call oncerts Musica Sundays at Wood-
land Park Margaret Gravitt iTraditional
' Other 1985 Lex Jr League Horse 255395] M y F .230 C “255 0835
Show Adm. charged. Red Mile track ' Plays The Legend ol Dowel Boone ”5'“ '99 " pm ° '
Sough Broadway Call252-l893 Outdoor Drama at Old Ft. Harrod Adm.
0Concerts Lex Brass Qumtet (Classmol charged HOFTOdSbWQ 3-30 P-m~3 C0“
8 Popular MUSIC? Downtown lunch w the 606 7343346
Arts in Triangle Park Noon-l pm Call ' Other. ‘985 Lex. J'- League Horse
Ext 2l0255-0835 Show: Adm. charged, Red Mile track
‘ Other Touring Park Arts, Jumpstreet SOU'h Broadway: C0” 2524893
I elec blues heavy duty rhythm 8 blues 8 ' Other: Downtown Alter Five ' Herald
classical soul) Ecton Park Tin-8:30 p.m., Sherman 5 GTOUP 6 (tunes "0'“ ”‘05"
Call 255.0335 l980'sl Central or Triangle Park, 5-7 p.m,,
Call 255-561“
main- @3- m is mason
' 0 Plays The Legend ol Daniel Boone . Other- The Authenians: A Perlor- 0 Camps: NCA Cheerleading Camp: 0 Conferences. Maintenance Manage-
. Outdoor Drama at Old Ft Harrod, Adm. mance by Frank F. Fowle, "I. Worsham Monday-Thursday; 8 am. - 5 p.m,, Seaton ment:CampbellHousei c°||257.4295
- . charged 8 30pm Call606 734-3346 Theatre, New SC' 2:l5p.m, Center: Call257-2898 0 Plays: Shakespeare Festival, ’To Kill a
0 Concerts: Foot in the Door String ' P'0Y53 In” Legend 0‘ Daniel 300'“? Mockingbird, Junkyard Players, Pre Show
Band, traditional: Artsplace; Noon-l p.m.; OU'dOO" Drama' 0’ Old Ft. HONOdI Adm, 8:l5 p.m., Curtain time 8 45 at Woodland
Call 255,295] charged. 8:1!) p.m,, Call 606/734-3346 Park; Call 2527278
' Plays: ‘Lincoln Outdoor Drama' at Old ° P'0Y51 Shakespeare Fes"Wil- 40'“an ' Other: Downtown Lunch with the Arts,
- Ft. Harrod St. Park Amphitheatre: Adm, 0‘ the ShWW'. Junkyard PIOYGFST Pre show Black Wlanut Boys (ACOUS'lC Swing); Free;
V charged; Harrodsburg: 8:30 p.m.; Call giiPC-"lli2sc2l1gzo7l; time 8145 0' WOOleT‘d First Security Plaza; Noon-l p.m.; Call 255—
. 606 “34,650 a : a - (B35
0 Concerts: Touring Park Arts, Pete
Conley (dixieland): Free; Ectan Park; 7 -
' 8:30 p.m.; Call 255-w35
' r
7/ll‘ Lax. Brass Quintet Downtown lunch w’ the A"; in 7/”: The Authenians; Heroes and Men and the Minds at 7/19 8 7/20: Summer Yearling Sales at Fasig Tipton. 2400
Triangle Park Noon 1 p m CallExt 2102550835 Men-Part Ill 8 W at a TV Series 340 Classroom Bldg; 1 Newton Pike, T2Noon: Call253-3456
7 ll Touring Park Arts Jumpstreet Ecton Park 7-8:30 pm, 7120: Shakespeare Festival 'Taming 0‘ "‘9 Shrew, Junk-
pm Coll255.0835 7 ll - 7 13. T965 Lox. Jr League Horse Show; Adm. yard Players, Pre show 8.15 p.m., Curtain time 8:45 at
2 7 l4 Musimi Sundays oi Woodland Park, Margaret Gravitt Charged: Red Mile Track, South Broadway, Call 252-1893 Woodland Park Call 2527278
/ (TraditionalMusic Free 2 3 30p m Call255-0835 7 l2 . 7 l4 Region l4 Silverama Horse Show, Big Barn, 7 2T Shakespeare Festival ‘To Kill a Mockingbird .lunk-
7 l6 Foot .n the 000,- String 50nd traditional ArtsPloce Kentucky Horse Park Adm.charged. iron Works Pike yard Players Pre Show 8 l5 p m , Curtain time 8 45 at
Noon] p m Call 255.295l 7 l2 - 7 14 Christmas in July at Smoky Mts. Crafts Show, Woodland Park. Call252~7278
( 7 l6 Touring Park Arts pete Conley ,jdumiond) 5,9,, Adm charged:Heritage Hall,Ca|l233»4567 7/22 thru 312: LadyKot Volleyball Camp. Monday-Thurs-
Ecton Park 7 a 309 m Call255~0835 7 l2 Downtown Alter Five ~ Herald Sherman 3 Group 6 day, 8am ~5p m. Seaton Center Call257r2898
7 ll - 8 2 Selected works Past and Present exhibit at (tunes lrom l940's-l980's). Central or Triangle Park: 5-7 7 23 thru 7 25: Twellth International Symposium Universi-
the Lax Art League in Loudoun House Free' TUCS.~FH.. l0 pm 'Call25575631 ty ol KantuckV- C0“ 257'397‘
. 01",.49 in Sat, &Sun Hp m Call 254.7024 7 lb The Authenians A Performance by Frank F. Fowla, 7/23: Horticulture Field Day Vlew vegetable I lruit re»
, 7 l2 . 7 3| ArtsPlace Gallery Program exhibit by Barbara ”l, Worsharn "190’”? New 5C. 7 '5 Pflt search, Horitculture Farm, 9am: » 3pm.: Call 257-3374
Morgan Roberts Free lol N Mt” St M-F 9-4 30 p m., 7 l8 Downtown Lunch with the Arts. Black Walnut Boys( 7/23: Mary Kane, Story tellar'all ages, ArtsPlace. Noon-l
Call255-2951 Acoustic Swing), Free, First Security Plaza, Noon-l p.m.; p.m.;Call255-295l
7rl4 - 8 22 Constuct'on Kinetics 8 Assemblagas at The Ca|l255~m35
[wing Arts a Science Q, , 362 Walnut 5.” M-F 9 am. . 4 7/11 s 7/]6: 'Lincoln Outdoor Drama' at Old Ft. Harrod St.
p,m_, Call252-5222 Park Amphitheatre, Adm. Charged: Horrodsburg; 8:1)
744 - 8«22 Student Exhibit at The Living Arts 8 Science p.m.;Cal|6(b/734-6650
Ctr., Science Gallery 362 Wlanut Street. M-F 9 am. - 4 7/‘2‘7/l3 It 7"l5 3 7 '71 'The 1090M] Ol DOM“ Boone 00'-
p.m.; Cal|255-2284 door Drama' at Old Ft. Harrod; Adm, charged; 8:1!) p.m.;
7/": Shakespeare Festival, 'Taming ol the Shraw'. Junk-
yard Players. Pro Show B:l5 p.m., Curtain time 8:45 at
span 1“ Woodland Park; Call 252.7278
7/l2 thru 7/20: NCA Chaorlaading Camp: Monday thru 7/l8: Shakespeare Festival, 'To Kill a Mockingbird. Junk-
nwndoy;ao.m-sp.m., Saaton Cantor; cmnsrm Vimt Plan", PM Show “5 pm. Curtain time 0:45 at
7/l3 - 7/14: Iluagrass Adult Weekender Tennis Tourna- Woodland Park;Call252-7278
mant: Shilllto Tennis Ctr.. Call 255-”35 ‘ ‘
7/l4: Polo Match at the Kentucky Horse Park; Mm. LECTURES& MEETIleb
charged: iron Works Pike: l p.m.. Call 233-4“
7/" 8 7/19: Maintenance Ma'ogarnant; Campbell Home;

 KENTUCKY KENNEL 171m” July 11, 195-3 ‘ .
Professor ‘0 teach Singletary disputes contract transfer
M h l'n 't' ” "
p l 080p y, l guls lcs :di::tihtttttu:ttttt ttDOHtI be embarrassed Singletar} also refuted l‘Ixans I ' =
. - - - . V claims that the l'niversit} felt it . ' ,
0n orlenta] voyage President ()tis A Sin letarv once because .your UHIVCFSII} ”“Inttd th“ tdhttri‘tw.‘ and that ”\I I
. . ‘ 5‘ ‘ g .y - believes m baSlC was reluctant to change the dli’t‘C It '. 1'
. . again described his surprise at the .
3‘ [)aVId Botkins , . . . ~ , H tioii of the research being done at '
StaffWrt Lmversttys loss of an energy con- research. the lab ”0 \md the Frer ‘ (v. t . '.
‘ ' er , ~ \ tract when he met with a Board of . V. . _ II ‘t g‘ ‘t t .- ‘ ‘
. I "E. Trustees ad hoc committee last 0’15-4- -SINRleIar_i'. thetl‘; “mt”; St lfutnding meant tt
hem??? pighmky 3:111 , Wednesday L'K President flit»:ZittKZtiit-L-tirZ-h‘tt “""t the “W“ . . » -_ »
fallpaIarourtitdtIltite “0’:th S k The committee is Investigating — I t a a I
. . . I ’ state Energy Secretary George . Responding to a question bx com . ' I "
{Otzt'tittttSItftlIr d professor . V :-' Evans' decision to tramfer the con- BU! Singletaiy told the committee mittee member Brereton Jones. Sin- ’ ,
S‘p ItasOPh t. and linguis- .1. - tract to the University of Louisville. that recruiting personnel t9 work gletary said if he had done anything I
l’ItS at? c airénan of the V _/ Singletary also continued to ex- under a one-year contract is diffi» dlfferenuy mm the contract he . g . »
wttlglutsttc‘s 'l SeeptttttnftentI w press doubt about Evans' public SUtt- particulary _t‘h9” there ‘5 the "probably would have made a more . .
set tttle .3? h pt. 12 rom . ‘1». g: comments. constant refrain that the contract concerted effort to spend time \Atlh - .
tnétet: ,[age"..t0r,t:h 5}; Poor communication between him- canbeterminated Unit‘Hti’FSHOt‘i'e the secretary himself," but said ‘ . -
University of aPitt:tI)urgth‘s r; self and the UK officials. projects tif Evan‘s contention that re there were "responsible officials
shipboardcenter Th OI h running behind schedule and dis» search was [00 theoretical. Sin \llth (let'isltmrnlaklng atlthtirlt) ~ . .
Aboard the ship which omen ' .W‘kY pleasure With former lab director gletary said. "That‘s a very vague a\'allzlt)lt‘tlttnt>(‘l‘tktth titans “
returns Dec "I‘ to Florid' 'ift r ' t t I' ' (‘h ' l:yle Sendlein are among reasons and abstract ktntt ttt thmt't‘ ttt ptItttItI b"n’le'irx tol‘ -‘ iii» ‘1' .. i . ~ I I ' ' I
Ind” IGi‘eecetI‘s‘ m andtt ‘nn: :btetrItpv 0 . dp(tt)ltth lhkd: Evans nab cttedyfor the transfer _ or disprove " He said t'K is ln\()l\t‘tl hers tth'iI’taItullttIiiit-tt' that“. :I'Stt‘r .
\iilltbe teachiInI 9:" intrixtjtt M; ‘1 I11 “ eenlg it"? -t But not an} 0t. those were et en in theoretical. or basic research. but m (R (58:1, ,. M, bh ttt;ttI1I'.t..tIIt,ItI.tt . ' ‘
'1’ ‘ ‘1 _ g, ‘ uL r, L ass in inguistics. a mentioned to me. With the PO-‘Nhh‘ said that type of research is "tuiiila . t,I II t tItItI tI'IttIIIIIII III ,
(ass in luastMest philOsophy and an introductor} exception of the displeasure With mentally one o,- the great things that lhltt‘l‘lt} H‘N’Mt‘t! with My 'M
etftII‘cS £31858 H"; Studehts WI“ gollect language data Sendlein,Siiiglet§F)'§al '
m with it "naturally nutritious lite fast food“ and $l.000 l ‘ »~ . /:‘ i ‘ l f‘: ,‘l " . I . I ‘
for the ['niversity i 1 "" ' 9 ‘ 't o \1:_ r. \ ~ ‘ ' .

The food Will be available to the public Monday when l i ' _ ‘ ~ .' —.‘“ \ I /' , > Introductory rates:
l)'l.ites of America. an Atlantarbased chains opens its l ‘ ‘ ‘ ' \ x ; . "iii: 55
newest Lexmgton restaurant The money was made 5 ‘ § y, \. h . § . ' j F per session
available yesterday when [)‘liites representatives pre~ . . .1 ‘j‘ , Q s ' /[ ~ ' 1 ’\ . .
sented a check to l'K president Utis A Singletary to go ' - \‘3‘ ' ’ V ’ 1 '_‘ ‘ 7 “55'9'15' $25 , '
toward the Academic Merit Scholarship Fund. __ \ ‘m ‘27 »— ‘ l 1 ‘2 sessions— $36 ' .

In accepting the donation, Singletary said he was . " ' ‘ a ‘ - \ I“ . 'u featuring: . .
pleased D'Lites was giving the money to L'K and wel< : g “~‘ j‘ ~. Wolfl beds - ' _
comedthe franchise to the campus area . ~ . . " '

"We welcome you as our ————— ‘ ‘3 ' Monday-Friday 7 3.21. 9p.m. ,> .
new neighbors and we wish Foranviowof ' sammay 'a‘m" p'm' ’ . ‘
you well." Singletary said D'litos mm. ‘ "Si ~ 276-5538 ‘ " .

Singletary also noted that ' ‘ i: . _ . ‘3'mfijffgm I
the restaurant has hired stu- 000| B 8 “all if“ . .. w - . _
dents to work there and said. — g ' mm
' \k‘e‘think that s a good investment in more ways than . ‘81. ,5 GENERAL CINEMA THEATRES .


John Ilildreth. one of the owners of the local ti‘anr ‘ ’ All SHOWINGS BEFORE 69M- I .
chise. said I)’I.ites gave the money to I'K because the cu: _- ~
restaurant wants to get involved with L'K and do "any» ‘ V “IRELAND I‘ll- xun _
thing we can do to promote good will " 27"“u “W “'- ‘ Mm“ ‘ ,

Ronald W Matheney. president of the local franchise. ; ’ OCCDN The heat IS on at.. '
said the money is being tagged for an academic schol- ' ~ . , . S '