xt7w0v89ks4k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w0v89ks4k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-02-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 1979 1979 1979-02-16 2020 true xt7w0v89ks4k section xt7w0v89ks4k Span/sh most popular .. \.
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UK Language stu res uc na tona tren . _
By SUE TEETER opportunities that relate loreign another country. or staying home to survey in the Aug. 7. I978 Chronic/col _ III... I a a § .
Stall wriier language to some other area of teach English to foreigners, Higher lit/IIHIIIUH reports. Ilie most .I “as? .fiy- ' / '. .
speciali/ation." said Dan Reedy. By enrollment. Spanish is the most notable gain was a 50.9 percent " '1’ afic- . I” - ‘ .
In the I960s. universities acrossthe chairmanol’UK‘s Spanish and Italian POPUli” language it! UK. followed increase in the number of students -_ i .
country began to reduce requirements department. closely by French and (ierman. taking Arabic. 1 atm and French ' ' a 3" .'
in various areas. As restrictions were Helds such asinternational business Russian is more popular than it ever declined nationally by less than .‘I " “a
lifted. foreign languages were in many require knowledge olatleast one other has been. and less popular ol'lerings percent each. while (ierman lost II ‘ .
' case.- the rim mum. etude-m. language. or knowledge of another such as (ireek. lalin. Italian. Arabic percent of its students. ‘\.\I MNW ~W /a...
dropped. country ‘s culture. in addition to and Hebrew have had some UK students did not lollow the * w / I’ "tutti/a
Studies show that language business skills. Some combinations at enrollment gains. Japanese used to be national trends in languages that ) I . // .
enrollment continues to declirte in the [K are Russian and library science. offered here. but was dropped when suI'Iered drops in enrollment. All of a; V II . .1
‘ [Inncd 5mg. But at l'K. more (icrman and theatre and French and enrollment declined. according to the lJK‘s langttagc departments said tltcy lg“ . / '. . . .i M
'. students are signing up for these journalism. Slavic and Oriental languages have had increases or. at the least. " ' / i. ‘
‘ courses again, Education majors with a loreign department. stable enrollment in their courses. I ;
H Many students are combining their language have options besides From I974to I977.totalenro|lment Students in the heavily enrolled ' ' "‘
' language training with other teaching in high school. like teaching in languages at all American Spanish department often comcto UK vngt. .
'." ' . .. -~ ~_ :,' . . ,. .1 .,.' ‘,.I"I t .‘ ' ’.' . . I}.
II disCiplines. lhey are looking for Ingltsh as a second linguagc in universities was on the upswing a (ontlnued on page 8 . WNW -€
By (JIM I AND} RS/Kernel Staff
vol. l.\Xl.,\o. 107 ”mm" "r “muck, language tapes are "the best way of learning." Isays sophomore Diana
1 .. Friday. February to. I970 an independent 5“,de newspaper , LNngmnI “much Stevens. She‘s Istudying I‘rench. right behlnd Spanish as the most popular
_ language at l I"
.. . . ‘ ""' ”4” 14232221'
' ‘ .-' " s . . I a , . -- ‘ ,
, .. .. _ .- yr .. . Seminary neighbor has been across the street smce 1950 -
195' .35: _ By LAl'RA HUBER students. teaching them to open their seminary students tn his classes Ralph S. Carpenter is one of the few _
. y f A ‘4' ll; Stall Writer , eyes to the world around them. Bell because ol the difference between prolessorswho teachesascparate class
-_"1'2V if I 9 ,, V' ‘ ' saie. "Iiiis includes attending I‘K quarter and semester schedules at the seminary. He ts Chairman of
i I fl Few UK students know anything basketball and football games. when "lht‘ ts‘“ \s‘mtn‘dt) StUds‘ntN l have (illnlCi‘l Pastoral Counseling for UK.“
f i .. . , ' V . t. " about the Lexington Theological they can get tickets." he added. gotten are from Southern Baptist College of Allied Health Professions.
' M ii _ Seminary. although it's been right lhe seminary shares I‘K's library. Seminary (which is in a coalition with Carpenter. a chaplain at the Med
' ' ' " across Limestone Street since moving which cross-lists books in l' K and the the l e \ I ligton I echnological Center. instructs seminary students in
3' ..~ from Transylvania Universityin I950. seminary ‘s libraries, Some of the Seminary)“ he said. Daniel explained a clinical pastoral program with the
. I The seminary. funded by the seminary‘s programs are offered that like I'K. the louisiille school is hospital proyiding the field for their .
'- “ i I Christian Church-Disciples of Christ. through I’K. on the semester system. allowing them experiential education, The program .
-.. 23., serves as a professional graduate lhe seminary ts now on the quarter to work l'ls' classes into their involves about I0 students a year. he
g f ‘5"Ii"""j""‘"35l"’3' I'j: school for those seeking Master of system.but ts planningtoswitchtothe schedules. said.
-. . V _ 5. ‘I Divinity and Doctor of Divinity semester system to be “more Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Care Continued on page 6
I . f dEgrees. compatible to I‘K‘s schedule." Bell . . .
' . : " . .9/ ,. 3:“ . . i
_, ‘ . ' '- I“ All faculty members atthescminary said. . . _ t
.‘ i . . . ' have PhD‘s‘in their fields. said Wayne A Double Competency rovram is D t d t 1
i '. l H. Bell. seminary president.“We have set up between the seminariy :nd the [Vlnlty S u en 8 say
a. 2, deep concern with the student‘s lJK School of Social Professions. I'
' development as a person mentally. through which students can work I .'
. . 3 emotionally. phychologically. but we simultaneously on seminary and Stereotypes aren 1' true
7 ' . focus on the development of graduate degrees. " lhis enables the ‘
in. - My; ‘ professional skills.“ he said. “We are a student to benefit from each program ‘
'3‘“ professional school and we approach ina shorter amount of time." Bellsatd. 3) LAI'RA HIIBER added Webster. .
'. / g the Bible as a piece of literature.“ [K has "adjunct professors“ who \t-tlt “Hm "PCOPlC have I0 get to know 3’0““ ;
"- By “I‘m IANDFRS/KnelStaff The school accepts students with also teach seminary classes. Ihey . who W“ are. said Webster. “andthIen ' .
' ' ' h ' ' broad educationalbackgrounds not teach history. philosophy. social Students at 1h“ Lexington they usually saythat 3'0“ dontact l'ke ' ,
on tlptoe only with knowledge of the classical professions. sociology and pastoral lhs‘t‘lttglml Seminary 1W ",IUISt llks‘ a mlmStCt- . . ‘
theological study. but an clinical care. any other students.‘ according to Webster said he has many UK . -I
Three l'K'Contemporary Dancers converge in a m vement during practice understanding of the function of Adjunct Professor F. Randolph Doug l.ofton. a first-year student friends since he is taking classes on .
. last night in Barker Hall. From left are Julie Ann? Stephens. theater arts religion in our culture. said Bell. Daniel. associate professor of history them Htmcwr. he said. it takes C'deUS. and be Is very IntCrCStEd In '
. ‘ ‘ junior; Cindy Hardesty. philosophyjunior and Diane Tilley. Russian studies PartICIpation in the Lexington at UK. said he neverteachesaseparate PCOPlC ii Whtlt‘ to find that out. l'K events. "I rarely go to basketball . -
' - junior. community is beneficial to the class at the seminary. and has lcw MONI students diSCOWr that they or football games. hOWCVCt‘. because
' hayeto deal withastuffy stereotype of it‘s hard for us to get tickets. But I
I I a minister. would love to go if I could." _
D elta Ta u Delta WI ns 20 n 6 Chan 6 ' “My first day ol classes at [K no (Transylvania University provides ',
I one would swear in front 01 me.“ said the Seminary students with free tickets
student Daniel Webster. "I had to totheir sporting events. because ofthe '
' I I swear in front of them first. to show seminary‘s past connection with that .
at can 0 ahead WIth house ex an8|on them I was human.“ Webster is the school.)
., g p only student at the seminary now At 22. Lofton is one ofthe youngest
attending liK classes in the School of students at the seminary. coming ' . ' '
By CINDY MeGEE Frank Thompson. Director of Stewart Fisher. spokesman for the Stephen M. Ruschell. attorney for EMEL :mfcsrioni‘ I‘Ihrf):$h [he 2::g3;:rzngdczlifsgehoflfiigltv; T: V
Staff Writer Planning Services. said the Planning opposing neighbors. submitted to the Delta Tau Deta House Corp..agroup W L ompe cttcyp ‘ngd ' . I , ' I . .
~ ~' - - - - . ()thcr students. such as Joanne somal work. Lofton says he isnt
. Staff recommended the 70ne change Councrl a petition Signed by 82 people of Delta Tau Delta alumni. said the V b r m ‘ntioned the same involved toomuch with UK although .
IThe 70ne change needed by Delta because “the RIC lone was improper against the zone change. ,0“e change would provide mom d'f‘lf‘ultgl’Suite -i Ie'reat uslike it he uses the librarv and the music '.
Tau Delta Fraternity to expand its and inappropriate because the FiSher saidthe new zone would alter parking for the fraternity members. - lt-ISIU. 9,} :inte'sliffnpatid others be buildini “I do haveacouple'of close .
house was passed last night by the fraternity had not been detrimental to the character ofthe neighborhood and He said theexpansion would not mean '5 ' fatf'yeureactsi I‘m- They trv tog ut friendsit UK and I‘m on the campus .
, Urban County Council. the community in its continued use of would be “the beginning ofthe end for getting more fraternity members. but us nchhtI h h (their bII “It fear: Is Often .. . . .
i l ‘ hBy advfne 0f IRIIC 3. the fone “‘15 the Property. private homes near the fraternity." was “an improvement Of what we iliiilnwell in“: coniert thgegm " I Before coming to the Seminary ‘
c ange mm a ‘Ione. or singe Mrs. Clifton Butler. of I82 Forest have." . ' , , . ' ‘ ‘ l .
. family homes. to a R3 zone. for low The decision came immediately Park Rd.. a neighbor ofthe fraternity. He added that the expansion was h AIchorIdiIng “311:6szgzdglilidizry :32:thElnazziiéifeocTIZSnMglafzrn: . .
: densuy apartmentsThe fraternity was after a public hearing was held. said it caused many parking problems needed to increase dining facilities and [_ er 5‘" .'\ Ju“ f I“ lim' attendin' to the seminary to get her'Master of . . ~
in the RIC lone because it was built in Several neighbors of the fraternity at as cars ofthe members andtheir guests provide space for a recreation room. spen t “>de is“ and sometimefi Divinity degree and plans to work on II-I- . r
- I927. before the RIC lone went into the hearing were opposed to the zone often block the streets. making it Ruschell called the council‘s conIcerIZIaIn I'mil alfnd the Red Mile her Clinical Pastoral Program next :1 . _
: effect. As aIresult.they were unable to change because it would “upset the impossible for fire truck and decisiona“tremendoustribule“tothe §°Wm )f‘lntehgnR ckv Horror Picture fall ‘ E.
I expand their house before last night‘s balance and stability“ of their emergency vehicles to enter the current and past members of the S‘ L IgtI ( I (I: rid that it la's‘" ' Continued on p133 .' . . .
action. neighborhood. neighborhood. fraternity. ‘mm “a" we e p )N V .
4 O a TWO I'K PROFESSORS CLAIM a 22 rcent increasein the number to about 2.000 with the evacuation. .
coal haul rates requested by the l.&N Railftciad could have a State The leftists. incIIuding skilled fiu'e‘rhnlla Iflglgters 0f ItIhc , . . .
local $l48 million impact on the economy of eastern Kentucky. . . IPeOpIe s Fedayeen hadtoined wit h OI'TIICInlII ut novIvtdey . . . .
. ‘ The increased rates could also cause a loss of nearly 5.000 TAIWAN WILL GO ALONG WITII l .S. PLANS T0 “fritaéIfi'ISaSILnTS”: Igrivlehfhcefimry I an ' ° re ‘8'0‘5 ‘3 er , -
I . ‘ ; ' j . I ‘ . . 'obs in the Ill rimar coal roducin counties of eastern HANDLE RELATIONS BETWEEN THE TWO a . J ' - _ .3 ,-
' Tllitrnwlogxlilfvl1itlslisilb~vfgsggifdmfif: 3'33; JKentucky. p y p g COUNTRIES THROUGH PRIVATE CORPORATIONS. leftists speakers are now cxhortmg crowds at tehran . .
- . . AGREE TOADEBATE ON TELEVISION in answer tothe - official announced yesterday. But they will stress their Uanersny to OPP”:s members 0f theIRIlstomIeItm-baclted . .
. l f challenge of his opponent (ieorge Atkins but he told Atkins. nat'on COTPOI’MIO“ Will have “05° government ““- .. provisional government to. "MISC :wt‘r‘: Imwdt: $34" . , . " .
in a letter. that he would agree only if all of the other James Song. director 0f Taiwan's information 0m“. arms andIto dd} [he t'ClIBIdOUShca "5 2“: Id). llriancc of . I
' - i candidates who file for the nomination also are willing to GASOLINE PRlCES» ALREADY EXPECTED TO announced that Taiwan was creating the Coordination Khomeini SUI“ comman 5 l I: ““‘IWSI'CU‘C a :IEI I m ts (i. .
I participate. RISE BY UP T0 [2 CENTS A GALLON WITHIN TWO Council for North American Affairs to act agrhc )counterpart the vastImaJortty ofI Iranians. ut soyne cgyn [:10 a I ‘. .I .
' ‘. l Atkins issued the challange to debate on KFT to all other YEARS» may 80 faster if 0th" oil-pruducing nations fOIlOW to the American Institute in Taiwan." believe III m:);(:"l) II” 3| fnrif'urwgrri‘dzcor“bzbe‘ahedgli” . - . . . .
l gubernatorial candidates when he filed his candidacy papers IWO PCTSIM GU" countries In Val-“"8 crude 0" PNCCS SCVC“ Washington has said it Will continue all pacts except forthe film” Ias an OflgflItItt S S? '0 J . . _ .
. i earlier this wcek percent. I953 mutualdefensetreatywhich will betermtnated next year. 81th for control 0 t C nation. . I.
I l The United Arab Emirates and Qatartook advantage ofthe . . II
I‘ i THE KENTI'CKY BOARD OF ELECTIONS decided shutdown of Iran's oil fields by raisingtheir prices yesterday. THE US. EMBASSY ADMITTED YESTERDAY IT weather , ‘ ‘I
' i 9 yesterday to appealadecision that Democratic gubernatorial Analysts said that should have no effect on gasoline and CANNOT PROTECT AIIWERICAN LIVES INl TEHnRAIN 3‘ .
. l candidate (icor c Atkins is entitled to com uter ta s on heatin rices in the United States because the two countries and announced plans or emergency evacu ion ig ts ‘ .
- i VOW "B“tratmgtt P De produseponly about4percent of the crude oilused by the non- Saturday. Heavy fighting continued in Tabriz and a second IO('(‘ASSI0NAL ILIGHT DRIZZLE AND RAIN ». .. '
' Secretary of State Drcxell Davrs said that “what this botls communist world. Tehran embassy. this time a Moroccan one. was invaded by (HANGING TO SNOW FLliRRIES TODAY. With . ~ .
l ‘ l down to is howthe open records law should beinterpreted and Gasoline and heating prices could go up pennya gallon if armed civilians. it was reported. temperatures falling to the upper teens by afternoon.I Lows - I
' . i l I believe it in matter of great importanccto all candidates and other members of OPEC. particularly Saudi Arlbin.also raise There are believed to be 7.000 Americans left in Iran. down tonight around zero. (‘loudy and coldtomorrow With highsin ' . .
. . ' I citizens." their crude oil prices. experts added. froma peak ofabout45.m0 one yearago US hopeto reduce the up?" teens. I ' I ' ‘I' . .'
l . ,. .
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‘ Sine Idling" Thomas (‘llrl Ruth Mottlngly Welter Tunis Joule Vougbt To. Mono
" him» in ( Im'l ° kill/until Iii/um DION! Melhnkl At”. hilmir Spam Iz'dilm [Mann ‘2’ Hui/“gull!" -
F. Juicy Tote (_ W
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Richard McDonald i wait.“ ('u/H ruin.“ 44“th “’- h’m" ,0... (1. l .
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Managing Mum 4umlult‘ fit/mm . m... at...“ Hm," Mam", i
I . 0 “Assistant Spam I-jli'mn
editorials 8: comments
M' ' \ "i
V morlty faculty percentages . .- ,7...
m :7- .
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. . (if a [a . .
are appa mg a m s a e w i
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. lhe findings of the state Human Rights federal investigators from HEW are beginning to ( f, If”..- . ii? I -§
Commission about the number of black faculty take a close look at Kentucky‘s progress in . yd/fffim, ‘ 33.: i
members weren't entirely unexpected. but the desegregating higher education. Just as they have , . g y //’ ”\N . P , 3‘:
percentages should be no less alarming because of done in other states.theinvestigatorscould delivera "\ C.) " morn?) —;,____,_ . . ;_ a;
that. stinging report that would threaten Kentucky with @i’» .Q ‘ PROP ‘)F PT
.' ‘, . . ‘ ‘1 ' . I - - s . I I O - ‘ if
Blacks represented only 2.8 percent of the total losing Iihdtrdl education money unless more ‘9‘ «5‘9. ) ’\ e» J 7 .
faculty population of Kentucky‘s state universities ”We” '5 mddt:_. . . . . d . . . . b' “ . a , , .. '
in l977-78. the commission reported this week. With that possibility in min ‘ “fun“ d n ‘gf E i.\ .., — F} i:
Kentucky‘s population is 7.8 percent black. estrcmc tosuggest.as the state commission sIreport Q ,J,’ ”L ’4 , .
. did. that the low percentages of faculty hiring are ‘ A? .p l I , .
That‘sa IO percent gain from statisticstwo years brought about by “tokenism.” or hiring black I’é‘ , / I
earlier. bl" h h 5“” appallingly 10“ And i" hh‘Ck professors as window dressing without attempting N) / \ , ,
enclaye Kentucky State Uni\ersit_v in Frankfort did complete integration. / ‘ ( \ :
not hate :1 faculty that was almost half black. the Numbers alone are not enough evidence for that [A from \ / ‘
percentages “WM ["0" much “0’56- conclusion. Before sending down the word on a” b] . v ‘
' l'K has the lowest proportion ofall. 0.7 percent. discriminative hiring in Kentucky colleges. the \ I ,’ /
It also has the second lowest percentage of women commission must study how hiring is down. how ’ I" \ li/ / _.
faculty members. nu». The University‘s statistics thorough affirmative action programs are. @éii iI / I , ‘ '
are exaggerated because of different criteria in complaints that have been made and the WM' . A: /77 ‘ _jI.'I ‘
' determining the level a teacher must haye to be qualification levels of minority faculty members “a mu - .. 3;
classified for the suryey. as Victor Gaines. UK who have been hired. The numbersthemselves are . _ '7 fi' :2.
director of affirmative action and employment indeedadamningindictmentofthe state‘s progress . . ‘ . I it
counseling said yesterday. in inte ration. but the word should still be out on i g-
- - - g ion rai -
The commission‘s release of the report came at whetherei hat‘s caused by prejudice.lack ofeffort or A? ;
the time when it would have the most impact. as a lack of competent applicants. ._ . I" . *5." a. N .1. mm“ a...»- .93 .
m.______-—_—.—__fiu___—___ .. * 3 "-33:3‘3‘ : \ Draws. “/3; ‘11. }‘
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(ampus for a photography Univeristy.butlleelalotmoreatease V: .I ‘
. Wants Cheer assignment (shooting building knowingthis man isattheheirarchy of ,-\ 35.“- x ' -
R , , , _ . exposures). After moments of the system. \\ y -e ._ .1 4’ ‘.
. “Whhlhg ‘0 the opinion 0' (Jreg contemplation. I found myself at the Mark Wilbers . ~ T " 4g * if
Scarboro in the IPeb. 9 kernel. I most home of Dr. Otis Singletary. Having Psychology senior "O , \ ’@ i ‘3
heartily second Scarboro‘s well stated no great love for the campus police. I Q, . i‘ \‘ \i . '.
and ObHOUSi} expert opinion. thought proper procedures would be Not Balnes . W“ %\ I,
An open KIWI“) 10 bearboro: AS 3“ to ask permission to take pictures . \Y “08' \ , 2% .
alum. class of 6-1 and ‘67. In the seven around the perimeter of the estate. I In last Friday‘sissue.Greg Scarboro w , NW tx i -
W?“ I spent 0” 'hC campus I did not rang the doorbell and after a rapid wrote an excellent piece in the paper. I . ' \‘(d . / / W i '
mm ?‘ ““318 baSkc‘h'd“ game succession of barks from a household don‘t know how to break this to you '~ «V s ;. ~" \\ w ‘ "C ”‘K 0 iii:
attending with the same Ifervor you pet a smiling. grey-haired man Greg, but Joe B. Hall‘s middle name . Ii“ )3? I- VT?“ - «“2 i l . ., . : §
hate exhibited. My opinions of the opened the door. isn‘t Baines. I know what it is and l W“: 3 T “ .~,- I ’ \ ?
cardiac-set.seasonticket holders agree My GOD. I thought. Otis himself. have proof. AU I i\ %k - -‘ )
with yours poml to point,(| think I’ve At first I felt bad. disturbing someone Eli Simpson i, M9 at ‘ ‘ . v H ,i W i. i
met the guy heh'hd 5'09 With the cane. on a Sunday morning. Asking me in to Journalism sophomore \ Mfi" \‘\ I i i If V i
he ”56d ‘0 "I 'n front IO'I me.) I‘m proud warm-up and for something to drink. #3 fi \ 7 “T _. , I“’ x » f3:
L0 say'mli headtitiplmlfii OIFI’WO’ITS we proceeded to his living room. Bank deal M“. ' "
aventcan" ti tr, . - - ~ - .
My enthusiasm siilizppearsii):fi:dnb pressed '” a P?” 0' khak‘s 3?“ a . . only place you can get one cashed is ridiculous mistakes of the past. The monarchy can but result in the wrath 3‘
my wife friends and those about meat striped deck shirt. he reclined in an . Regarding your article Monday. the Student Center Check Cashing petty bourgeois are not now. nor have of God (or Allah if you prefer). being ."
the games I aiways stand and shout everyday easy chair. while l in my old i-eb.I50nthelocalbanks not offeringa Service (maximum is $50) or a liquor they ever been capable of effective visited upon the insurgents. ’
“GO Blfi Bl Uh‘i' and cla ‘ and flannel shirt and broken~in. beer- speCIal rate for students on checking store. but you cannot write checks on government. Self~assured though they Governrrcnts were instituted ofand .
' remind the refs they need 53“?“ or soallIed Le“ “Why would he '91 SUCh aCCOUMSI You were “king QUCSUOhS them or make deposits. are. within the fortnight that shall fall for the people. chaos is the only result -_ i
where they can put their whistles d kc' arac‘frIflmo hls home. I kept rather than givmg answers. The chart on bank servicesthatthey victim to the Terror ihay have possible when transgression from the . i
110 these many mm Mr Scarboro ds vlvng TIN: dif . . YouIcompare Lexington [’3‘an ‘0 can PFOVidel it failed ‘0 mention why nurtured. Unable because of their system is made! Twenty-five hundred f
l 5n” look forward [‘0 seeing ever): de G. atte .Or aWh'le‘ and as a Louisvdle banks. It '5 "Neal’s“ ‘0 they don‘t offer loans 10 students adolescent ramblings to Work within years of legitimate rule cannot be 1
possible bailgame Ireallya reciate gra uating 59"” he Wm“! to be compare aIgIroup 0‘: bah“ SUChIaS through the federally insured student the legitimate system of royal extinguished by a few parades; .
the vocal student body it. dezgnes th CUOhCICmICd “’“h my “Perle“? at [he lehr‘Y- C't'IZChS Fideh‘y 0’ Flrs‘ loan program. On CBS‘ 60 MI'WIP-l'. government.they signtheir own death without the instigators of this unrest
Sixth Man Award!! be encouraged IIniIIverinty.I Instead of n00d'h8 h'm National. WhICh have as much I35 5' they reported that the reason for warrant and that of the forces of receiving their just reward upon the
Most right-thinking Wildcat fans wit a seaIlullI of grips. I managed to billionIor moreondemand deposus. to decreasing support is the incredible moderation by allowing the mob to end of pikes. i '
agree with us. We do,” and shouldn‘t '2?’_TIOWI_ f‘ 21”“) I“ bundle. "'9 a LCXWSIOh bank. WthhI has one- default rate. WhiCh again is a makeoffwitharsenalsonOtthntury Our concern is for the people. i. ‘
have I0 acknowledgethose who don‘t ”“9,de re iaIitI.I He agreed. and fourth as much. That is in a sense disadvantagetothe amount OfSUPPOFI weapons acculmulated by the shah to Unfortunately they will suffer for the g
I do mm my favorite cheer: what ever- groccc e to speci wahat they were comparing apples to oranges. A large a Lexington bank can render. protect the integrity of his realm. This disruptions fermented by those only 5
happened to“Rip‘emup Tear'emu Forng to counteract such occurances. bank has more options open [.0 them Services a bank can provide in act unleashed the inevitability of a partially educated and irresponsible 5
Give ‘em hell Wildcatst‘h That chef; orthoseofIyou whoarethinking here and can suffer losses more Willingly to Lexington are worth the nominal 52 Terror which will make Uganda hoodlums who will not even if
was great with ”000' ' 6‘0 le , 'ust Comes the fast talk and footwork (so get accounts. btudent accounts are charge- whythat is lessthanasix-pack resemble a garden party. Because of acknowledge the religious hypocrisy i”
I- . -- P P , JI did I). you ll be surprised (I was) to often a bad risk; many students will of beer. ‘ ' f h ' ' 8
think what it would sound like With k . a. , - . . . _ , the worlds interdependence and our 0 t cir actions. s .
23.0009! Why do“ you resurrect this now Otis leveled With me. write checks keepingin mindthatifthe Rocky Miller own dependence on petrol, Before the prescntcyclciscomplctc. t .i 1
good ol' cheer in Section tl‘t After getting back to the real money I8 I10! there now,itWillperhaps Accounting senior repercussions will be felt throughout Kohmeini and his followers will know l
w Nicholas Po e‘ - ~ purpose for my vrsrt. hIe escorted me be there soon. This is a major reason the world. the meaning of penitence but the i
Cliiss of ‘6 4 “Mp.“ arouInd hh'SI home “"16 C’I‘Pla'h'hg {Of “0 student discount rates. T I h d Churches were instituted to advise. message shall be lost upon the people : .
louisville 890 .5 ots I could possthly get. Another pomt In your aThCle W351 error un eas e never to rule! If a monarch will not Who are now severed from their ‘l .
‘ d‘ilecting m: t: dvarious WlndOWS. you advised students to keep their heed the advice of the religious than rightful Head 3
_ ter some in . eparting remarks. accounts in their hometown This is It is with regret and sorrow that we ' l i ..
. - the monarch is perhaps errant. but the M. de Annde -
Big 0 encounter he walked meIto the dooraInd thanked bad advice because. to the best of my are compelled once more to take penin impemnancc of upsetting (he Political Science unlor .
S d , , ' . . II me for dropping by. Hts sincerity was knowledge. no local bank (including hand over the lamentable situation « ,
f hunfflyh m0IrtI1Ing. whileItrying t0 baffling: he was a gentleman‘s the one at which I work) will cash a now developing in Iran. Once more it ;
Iig to tde evilsofthe previous night. gentleman and yet laid—back. There check on an out of town bank in you is proven that those with no sense of ’ Raunchy 405“. For submission! i
, manage to make my way to Central may be a lot of assholes at the don‘t have an account. Almost the history are destined to repeat the Letters . being mailed on campus. please our.
/ ' Speed Sort number. “22!. l
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I RADIO . . A '///I/ l/ / / The Kentucky Kernel welcomes Should b' 250 word: 0' I“: “d
NJ IVE HA“ BEF RE [ml ' ’/ ,’ ' . . rilculari'uua, molar-:07 t
5 E " “ GR. LL 0 9“ '\ fl 4/7”, I / I and cncouragesIcontnbutionsI from $73.13»: ’0'," UKfommqu'ty. l
VIM WAS G RENT—,7 “ I / the UK community for publication on or re mark 3 regarding the operation of
i If I ’ #1] \ f‘ / the editorial and opinion pages. this new: . _
' . a ,I I? ( ‘ / / y / Letters. opinions and commen- ‘ H
x /4 / Q C /= on / mics must be typed and triple- 0PM"
’i: g g / / // / '// / spaced. and include the writer‘s Should be no words or 1:13. Give
‘ if ,/ ,/ J” / / signature. address and phone number. and explain a position pertaining to ,
it". %//// g7/A- , / // ’5, /, / ./ all UK students should include their year low-“1 mun of interim to the UK ,
. . ii / / ~‘ [/W ,/// ”/1 J {‘ and major.and University employees community. \
i l /, / %/7 ’ - l / / O /\ ' should list their department and l
t ‘ / // V/ //7/ l. / fl‘ '_/ / position. CM‘ I
' ’x/ i a / /// «i / fl ‘ Letters. opinions and commentar- ShouldbeMwordrorlns. inks: l
' . ‘ (‘9...— //// " ies may be delivered personally to the previous W’ WM W" "V ,
i I i V ' / jA ‘ ' / Ml Kernel newsroom. “4 Journalism Editorial Editor. "In! pitta I" . .
f-P / I I l ‘ - 222‘ Q / III/l ‘ Building. Some form of identification gmcmd for than writer: WM "'3 - It
‘ f k 1w / , / / ‘ . y l I ' . , ’ i is required.Contributiom mlyalsobe editor: feel W W M“. It
~ - /?7%/ M ////' r’ , . // {El .' //// / , , . I’/', mailed to Mouth] I“, My. experience, training or other i
,. . /=. by” I// ' g j; é/ ‘ / ‘ ,/,,/ l' Kernel, m Joan-ii- Ida... wit/kuiomoudmcgmm -.
,II .. é: / W , //l, , 1: . fl/ "2. 7 UM “lucky. Lam Mk“ I
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 t w r V .
. . llll hl\ll(l\\ lis\l-l.lrida). I-ebruari l6.l979—.i J
" MESS transit dOBS SBVE I770] 79 ' l
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- //( \
I77 0/77/77U BI'S In it i
f l l J l
' 4' l I rt (' r, V‘ ii
i find It too S/OW and mefflcrent ’ I '
By LOUISE COOKE capacity for public transit to she spent more tliiiii .iii lioiii \llit'l-ls’c ”WU"- W“ “1“" i EQM—g V ,
5; Associated Pm wrim handle additional passengers. and quarter on the |ltlllllL'\. loads we could rltLtIiIllttldlL‘ I t i I,“ '
with some exceeptions.“ said iirriiingiilthcolticcliniiniitt-s llfiltli more it this Hie ii: I
. . . 5 i
It Americans who leave their OHara. latte. ciipucits could be cstciided il . . Wpcm g _. s.--
ears home and take public The exceptions. he said. Mum NIH him‘ Iilt’MH/Hl “WWW“ “‘W'll ”W Pmk k. V . V lit-f" k "7‘ V
transit instead tosavefuel as include cities which already “piirlsainduidc” piopiiiins lll period “ “1“” “new
I President Carter suggested have extensive transit systems help commulcis l)ll\t‘ I\lIlM Illt' \N.isliiiigtiiii. I) t _ ‘ “\D i
i may findthat even il'the switch Chicago. New York and Cilllttit public pilikiiipliiiJiicii tiiinsii sisteni is still under
f is possible. it isn't always Bostsn for ex, m l‘ I) . I board it bus. lhc sistcni ii.is construction. with About to PBDDGSB'IO‘S canvasccn do’Three versatile ,
. ' practical. the. (I978 Febr‘iiarriithtigglrrzf INC“ h.‘ 1' N'élltlc L'Ulllllltllci iniles (ll .i print-cred |ii|.m.|.- canvas coversthat you can snap on and off the
An Associated Press transit ridershi in I’Ioston “II; who normally dii\cs the whole \llh\\il\ now in seiiicc straDSfor VGYICW Plus a coordinated “ben
:I spotcheck showed that buses. 19 percent highri‘r than. norm'il wit). spending SI .15 .i d.i\ .\ capital commuter who belt to wrap‘
I? subways and trains in many O‘Hara said rovini tliai llie cost hi piihlie llullsll tried lllc hiis iid iiul sistcni RibboriBeltS4
’5: major cities already operate 31 ca acit , can be ipncreusled in 'i was less Sllll il dirt lliit the spent fill minutes guilt”); to THO 863 $ 28
5. i or near capacity. The AP also irlich 30f course the cars were trip by car my,“ ii m 45 “up my mm. “Um \spen Brown. Natural. Navy. Kelly. White & Brown
found that while masstransit is Sacked .. he added ' minutes. while the hiis trip lllll. Nid . iiikcs .15 to 45
:1 usually cheaperthan driving, it Thelos Angelesare-ih'isihe iiloneonthepiirk—rindiidcisJS minutes it the weather is
g is almost always slower and third largest public tiansit minutes In dtltllllttlt. the good Ilic price ol public HOUl’S The Shop for Pappagallo Phone
more inconvenient and System in the iiniiei suit... W "'mdi Wt “‘m” “"“W‘ W” 10-6 p m 3371 Tates Creek P'ke 269-3421
I- generally geared to those who after New York and Phil'i- capacity during rush hour. and to distance ll'd\L‘lCtl was ' ‘
work a standard nine~to-five del hia But it still handles less weekend and eicniiig sciiicc is higher than the 83 cost ol ,
7.” day. thapn I} ericent if ‘ tli limited. dining
. Earlier this week. Carter commuterspeach day ( And i: Dallas bus scincc which It costs about the same .
. urged p