xt7w0v89kq6n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w0v89kq6n/data/mets.xml  United States Housing Authority 1940 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 2/5 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing July 30, 1940 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing July 30, 1940 1940 1940 2019 true xt7w0v89kq6n section xt7w0v89kq6n 1.-. \V f) ,. , ,3 l ”I
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Federal Works Agency - John M. Carmody, Administrator Vol.2, No. 5 - July 30, 1940 U. S. Housing Authority - Nathan Straus, Administrator
, Thousands W alt In Llne To See DCfenSG PFOJGCIS Wlh
' First Brid e ort Pro'ect Units he Bwh “1 120 Days
g F J Racing with time to provide homes for
’ After inspecting, along with some 8,000 respondence from the Bridgeport authority defense workers, USHA announced today
fellow citizens, completed dwellings at Yel— urges the immediate authorization of addi— that Its first two defense PFOJECVS 1“ Mont-
low Mill Village, 1,25l—unit USHA—aided tional funds “needed to construct 400 dwell- gomery, Ala, and Pensacola, Fla., Will go
project in Bridgeport, Conn., Jasper McLevy, ings for industrial expansion.” up 1.11 120 days—~three times as fast as have
Mayor of the city (see picture, p. 2), said: Yellow Mill Village consists of 3-st0ry Slhhlar projects buht under the agencys
“I am highly pleased with them. They cer- apartment buildings with brick walls, rein- normal slum clearance program. .
' tainly meet every requirement of modern forced concrete floors, and flat concrete slab EVEN {#10ng for time'to plan, deSlgn,
» housing conditions/’7 7» . roofs. It has a separate community build- ah?" receive contractors blds 0“ the PrOJ" . ,
The Mayor, members of the Common ing which provides administrative ofl‘ices, “’55,, h; 1,5 expected that defense workers
- Council, members of the local housing au- maintenance and repair space, rooms for families lirMontgomery and Pensacola W11!
3 thority, and other civic leaders, headed a social activities, and the heating plant. be h‘hhg 1“ the PhOJeCtS ”1 19qu than 0
‘ long line of visitors patiently waiting their ‘ H months from the time the pr0jects were
. turns to inspect the new dwellings. The 800 Slum Houses 10m Down requested. ,
_ line began forming shortly before 9 in the Nearly 800 dilapidated dwellings which .Tlhs tripled construction speed, accom—
morning on July 13, and continued Without formerly occupied the site were demolished plished mahhy by increasmg the Shhts 0h
, a break until 5 in the afternoon when the to make way for the project. In addition, workmen, covers every phase 2f construe;
, doors were closed for the day. Visitors filed other substandard dwellings throughout the tion, irom ground—breaking to movmg-m
through the apartments on three floors. city are being eliminated or repaired in ac— day. . . .
The following Monday, 40 families moved cordance with equivalent elimination re— Nathan Straus, USHA .Adhthtrhtoh’
into the project. Tenants will continue to quirements of the U. S. Housing Act. pomted to the speed Wlth thh the 911?]th—
move in as the buildings are completed. USHA funds totaling $2,282,000 have been nary detF‘lS 0f the Montgomery am 1.61153“
Among the housing Officials who played set aside for a second Bridgeport develop- cola prOJects have been handled as eVJdence
. host to the visitors were Rev. Stephen J. ment commonly referred to as the “South Of the vastly accelerated tempo.
Panik, Harold Barker, John E. Lyddy, John End Project.” It comprises two sites: One, Loan contracts 1.01. the projects: were ap—
J- O’Brien, and Anthony 13- CiI‘ESi (mem— for white tenancy, will have 408 homes; the proved by the I res1dent 0h June 12’ the day
' bers of the Housing Authority of the City of other, about 5 minutes walking distance after the loan application had been filed m
Bridgeport); Thomas M. Coonan, Assistant away, will have 108 low—rent homes for waShlhgthh' Ohe mOhth lat.“ Sites had
Executive Director; Harry G. Lindsey, Negro families. Plans for the South End been acquired, plans and spec1fi)cations pre-
Architect; and Maurice L. Bein, general Project are going rapidly forward, and it is pared, and blds advertised. Lids w111.be
contractor. expected to be under construction before the opened on July 25 and 20, and construction
D f H _ V d (I end of summer. Wlll start next week.
e ense ousmg i ee 6 Completion of the two projects will give ‘C‘mhm'ed 0" ”1““ 2’
. Bridgeport (population, 1930—146,716) is Bridgeport a total of 1,796 new dwellings 7%,yszflgzflawlg .7
a city of highly diversified industries, but built with USHA assistance. Qh“’;éyh%fw,’xmflm%£g§
‘ during the World War it became a muni— fig'wg‘éZmy'ués’}; hféfi:,
tions manufacturing center, and thousands *8 7,1%?}§3{9§ia&¢14_ ““fl'g,
of workers flocked in at that time. . _ Some of Me 8,000 persons who [ lggéigégagflj ggltéfifiéfiiifi- ==g
/ Today Bridgeport faces an. intensification flood in long lines waiting for a ”$3735 345,221.?) -" ”3""
0f the housmg problems Whmh arose as a chance fo inspecf fhe firsf of fhe ,; ' .;.:, , £5355"
result of the World War. The c1ty s indus— 2 1 l h Y // 'w a" - , w ”,3) V
trial plants already have begun to feel the 1&5 new ow-renf omes of e °W w. 9 . ‘ ’ .. em “3% w~«
impact of the defense program. Recent cor- ' M’ll VII/age, B”d3eP°’f: Conn. Renfs ' {W J; a? W“ 3,1" W
here will average $20.70 per mom‘h, ,2 fig ”in y 43,.,,,.-,/~,~/. V
.7 3 Visa-X gyms“ , including all ufi/ifies (wafer, heaf, “2% ‘ fr. , m," WWW“
, . hr?” %‘ _; .7 Jaiggfifg‘é Iighf, cooking, and refrigelafion). «Ra‘s/n , "3 .3435!” ' WE.
; e " gaggfii The esfimafecl over-all cosf of fhe 4”, ., 2 .. .3 f m.
i ,. .thwa prolecf 15 $4,196 Per dwelllng. ‘ [he/2:9”:iW‘h“. 1 I Q...‘
% ,. , a . ‘3 {khpggwffi fi fi fi—e $3,, , N vaif‘fl , ,' "Q
2,5,1? “V . . raw ~ ,, - a. . Io ..
«rm {2%. a wit? a " Q ' ~ 7.: .7 , I, .. a
i ’ , i , X... i ‘1 V fit” '2 ” " 2: a 3
. “:47” g , ‘ _, ’ i . l W3 V 2 M x ’ a a a
h” " ' V ' -, ' if" ‘v- s h ’ " ' 4‘" 7‘ , ’i .. .7, Z"
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 Allen Asks For Defense - - - C. F. Palmer Appomted
Housmg In Connecticut _; W To Defense Housmg Job
In a recent letter to the Honorable Ray- 63% ., .r’ o The National Defense Advisory Commis-
Iéiond E: Baldwin, Governor of the Statebf ffi ‘ 5’ sion recently announced apDointment of

onnecticut, Mi. Russel H. Allen, Executive as \ m if . ,/ Charles F. Palmer, Chairman of the Hous- . .

Secretary of the Housmg Authority of the fig. " A 2“ ~ ing Authority of the City of Atlanta,

City of Hartford, proposed modifications in egg; . .. i EM Georgia, as housing coordinator under the

Eh: Cdonfnectitipt State Housing Law to facili- first; a? w ~ direction of the Commission.

a e e ense ousmg. 2 . . . . _ . . F
Excerpts from Mr. Allen’s letter follow; W5” W Mg I H1? dudtieslwdl mVOIVfl-tlhe expedition 0.-
“1 1 ”.9 . C ~t’- t h ‘ M) ,1 , . .. iousmg eve opments w 101 may be under—

. d n .Oclal 1:5.1.11 onnec i'cu W eie war ‘ :- g; p, ' taken in connection With defense actiVities,

E1 ustriafl act;v1tiei arethgomgv‘ltlo caéiseba , fl { £52? a " particularly where plant expansion may cre—

beeaLy‘iigryxsglizvlp: 1:53;. erefivi t, no 0%ht, . a, .“W ate pressmg needs for new or additional

‘ ing 5 or age. e .. , z‘ ' "if" 12>? 10 ' f 'l't' .

Hartford area today affords virtually no go? ;/ 1 ll/Isil'ni’allrfilei'lsvsill work with existing Gov-

$2,331? alctcgglrgléggifiiihgrtile 3153535532 . 2:” fi’,j,_.j‘,, ernment housing agencies to the end that

housing survey now planned will reveal a , @351: W their various serv1ces‘may be efficiently em—
similar situation in the industrial areas of 13%” :ff‘wfif I“ bloyed through coordination of effort.

our State. . , _ f » “Mme ' :53"? President of NAHO
“In the light of our past experience in W» "i U 7, - My. Palmer has had long and compre-

providinglgousing for war industrial work- \ ' l'” 7 L ' , i’ hensive experience in real estate develop—

:iliisclgilloietlibtdllcblilld 121g:lelrifllt:(lh$filetrilbli -‘ _ ._ w ~ < ‘:. ~ M ment' and management enterprises, and is

such facilities would be initiated at a more Mayor. Jasper MCLfWY 0f Bridgeporf, 13:8:(113$:sgeiilfi‘eéfi:IjchZECliyéjlteglsgz:1:323; l

propitious time and WOUId be provided by Conn., W’H’ Frank Roblnson Of USHA! in- of Housing Ofl‘iciaIS' former President of

[flfalFeidortl (choordinated with the policies of specflng Yellow Mill Village pro/ed. the National Association of Building Own—
.e e era overnment. - - - —-————— {31's and Managers; former President of the

Seven Local Authorities “ . . ,, Southern Conference Association of Build-

“There are today in the State of Connec— Sllver Clty courts Chosen ing Owners and Managers; member of the
ticut seven housing authorities which are For N' thtle ROCk PrOJeCt Atlanta and’National Real Estate Boards;
functioning as going concerns. In the case Early days Of North Little ROCk, Al'ku fg-ngel Plfimdeng (6f the lAtlanétadChgfiiber
of Bridgeport, Hartford, New Haven, Nor— were recalled by “old timers” when it was [1), , orfnngeiceman 0:11;? Oon-t dle St in}:
walk, and New Britain, the local authorities announced recently that the local housing 0e} 0. 10m (3615}? .01 e f tnhl eE ates,

have been established for over one year and authority had chosen the name, “Silver City Clgi‘fiilffl 3121934 agiégnanTo l e d Xficu “8

a half. In each case the local authority is Courts,” for a project to be built this fall. fiontl Un'eted St't_ 1’ 61613700 omest,
now erecting low-rent housing in its respec- At one time, North Little Rock was (:31 t1 e H a .es slum C 88.12.1806. piijtelc

tive community. In each of these com- known as “Argenta” because of an old silver I t an ta). 1 F (115 ago af #19113; e1. 0_ 13

munities there are and will be in an increas- mine about 10 miles northeast of town on Tn elnafiona' ('3 61a 1311- 0; thouanfi‘ anl

ing measure war industrial activities. . . . what was known as the “Hog Thief Trail.” Hown anglilg’ Triflm ei 00 e .1 afilona
“In order for these authorities to be able The name “Silver City Courts” for the d ousmgdan 021N111 inmtllfil (fjm'ildos on<
to be coordinated effectively with the United housing project was suggested by Mrs. R. F. Gon, an wista t: 8%?th (f t f3 I.” e 1 gates

States Government’s efforts to provide hous— Lovell of 1920 Maple Street, who received a . We”??? 0 PI . n einationa M OPS-

ing for industrial workers, certain modifica- $10 prize for her suggestion. 13g ail 98 own anning Congress, QMCO

tions in the present statutory provisions North Little Rock, lying directly across lty’ 9° '

would be necessary. Such modifications the Arkansas River from the State Capital, World War Veteran

would provide for extended territorial juris— was the first city in Arkansas to receive a He was a cavalry officer during the World
diction and additional provismns calculated USHA loan contract. Present plans call War and is a member of the American
to fac1litate effective working relationships for the construction of 1‘52 low—rent homes Legion, the Military Order of Foreign Wars,
between the local authorities and the Fed- in 1— and 2-story row houses. At the time and Forty and Eight.

eral Government. These new powers and the application for USHA assistance was Carl Henry Monsees, former NAHO Chief

functions of local housing authorities submitted, the authority estimated that of Field Service, will serve as Executive As— i
might well be considered emergent in char— some 3,308 families (white and Negro) were sistant to Mr, Palmer.

acter and would be in force only for the living in substandard homes. The com— _

duration of the emergency.” munity has only 5,023 families all told. _

——_h_ Defense Houses Speeded

- TIER 1 M, a ”W,“ p x (Continued from page 1)

, .1 , fingjbi’snps“ JEWEFE/ J . . The Montgomery project will provide 424

HABNER and“ . 1% ““m’V’WY ;, Yes/er Hlll, flrsf USHA badly needed low-rent homes for families of

' 2 0%0’200 ”WWW”? projecf in SeaH/e and in enlisted personnel and civilian workers now

' ”so 2 Hie Norfliwesf explained being brought to Maxwell Field, an Army

R. ff?” by exhibif in [window of allriase'p 1 ' t ‘11 h 200
’ ~ _ e 'ensaco a pr0jec W1 ave

EAL ESTATE - - RENTALS MORTGAGELQAKSgg local real esfafe office. dwelling units to care for increased person-

. _- l S U RA N C E .. , “ng Esfimcn‘ed over-all cosf of nel at Corry Field’ a Naval air Statmn‘
.3!” 1 1 W mm 2,5, , _ _ The Montgomery and Pensacola defense

. ' . - ’ 1333 g ' 1%, ”18 7004”?” prolecf ’5 housing projects, and several others at

£3: it $3,000,000 8 o f I, r o w points where the preparedness program has
. J g _ caused acute housing shortages, are being
Mull 5, >;‘~“!-,j"*;} '1 V 317% houses and ,2 sfory flafs financed from limited USHA loan funds re-
lafvfiij ‘ ‘Efl‘f‘ 1“? CC; . are *0 be bu’lfr and More maining from an authorization by Congress

. flew—r: 'l a“? E'"“""“:l_2 Will be a separafe Admin- in 1937. No relief can be given to scores of . .
.l ”“l lg‘ll tiara iii/‘4‘. - - - - other communities Where defense industries
V fall “3:3" 1”"‘3‘3‘4‘m’ml ”'1 $353, ”hallo" BUI/dmg. and Army and Navy posts are being ex—
p . . , . .. .. .Wsmwwmwwwmw"-'-'-'””"' panded, Mr. Straus says, until additional

‘ ' “meow“w’““"mww’wwwm ' USHA loan funds are made available.
V l

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* ABOVE—Two views of Fe//- ' ‘ ' , we, LEFT.—lnferior of demonsfra-
wood Homes in Savannah. M” i n mfg! fion unif in fhe Fellwood pm].
The ploiecf is composed of «it Q: 1) f , 3%533, - ecf. The local housing oufhor-
1-Sf0fy lWlfl houses and 2-sfory "flap?” ’ f / , .9 ‘9” g a,“ fly urges fenanfs f0 spend as
row houses. The concrefe block ”‘ ' f2 9% V. 1...: . “file as possible f°’ new ””7""
consfrucfion is inexpensive, dur- . ‘ . V 93f” fure, s u g g e s is rennovafion
able, affracfive. ,9 ‘1' «92m: whereva, possible.
Fellwood Homes is divided into two rec- The notes sold were offered by local hous-
. v
FCIIWOOd Homes Open? tangles by an axis in the form of a wide ing authorities in the following communities
‘ . ' central mall on which is located the Admin- and amounts:
. . FlrSt savallnah PrOJeCt istration Building, containing management .

Savannah, oldest and second largest city offices and recreation space for tenants. City Amount
in Georgia, completed the first stage of its Savannah a Planned City Allegheny County, Pam... $823, 000
slum clearance and low—rent housnig pro— ' . Birmingham, Ala,,,,,_.____. 5,000,000
gram recently when the first tenants moved . Savannah 18 one of the few American Camden, N. J 810, 00“
into the Fellwood Homes project. Cltles which was carefully and completely Cleveland, Ohio_,,,_.____,,,.. 6,325,009,

Built on a nearly vacant site on West Bay planned before settlement. James Edward Detroit, MICh _ 1, 200, 000
Street, the Fellwood Homes development Oglethorpe, the CltY’S founder, based hIS Martinsburg, W. Va..,.___., 270,000
will help to relieve housing congestion in deSign fonSavannah 011 a. sketch 1h Robert Montgomery, .-\la_,,,,,__.__, 750,000
Yamacraw, a vicious slum, now occupied al- Castell’s Villas of the 117161677158- Oglethorpe New Britain, Conn........... 800, 000
most entirely by Negroes, but once the site lald Ollt the t9WD 011 a square tract (if 10,369 Paducah, In 800, 000
of the Yamacraw Indian village where acres, eXpectIng to aceommodate 200 faml- Phoenix, Aria”... 55”, mm

‘ James Edward Oglethorpe, founder of Sav- lleS- ThlS ample prov1s1on 0f 0V91‘ 60 acres Stamford, Conn..._..,,,...._._ 700, 000
annah, parleyed with the Indians in 1733. 1761' family IS a far Cl‘Y. from the 0V91“ Toledo Ohio 2 335 000

Some three thousand Negroes live in crowded conditions resulting from Savan— ’ ;«
Yamacraw, among them old men and women nah’s later ngth- 1311th housing DI‘OJBCtS Total $20 363 000
who once were 5133995. are helping to restore the City to its found- ’ ’

‘ _ . . er’s original intention. The notes are noncallable, wholly exempt
Second PrOJect Being Bu‘lt _§ from Federal income taxes and in most cases

In addition to Fellwood Homes, a second - ,0 also exempt from State taxes.
project, Yamacraw Village, is being built Local Anthorltles sell By continued offerings of these notes to
within the slum itself. Rapidly nearing cover the entire future construction in the
completion, this project will provide homes More Short'Terln NOteS USHA. program, the.) local housing authori-
for 480 Negro low-income families. Garden Private capital’s direct participation in ties Wlll save about 5152090009900 01} the capi-
Homes, 314—unit project for white tenancy, public housing reached nearly $258,000,000 tal COSt 0f.l)'1‘0JECtS9 resulting 1“ smaller
is also under construction. recently when short-term notes amounting USHA SUhSldIES per family §1hce SUbSldleS

The dwellings at Fellwood are in one- to $20,363,000, offered by 12 local housing are'computed on the baSis oi the cost oi a
story twin houses and two—story row houses. authorities, were sold at net interest rates PYOJeCt'

All structures are of concrete block con— ranging from .47 of 1 percent to .57 of 1 To Repay USHA Advances
struction, painted on the outs1de and plas— percent. .
tered within. Kitchens are equipped with The notes were the second of two groups With part of the lower-interest funds
combination sinks and wash trays, oil offered for sale by 22 local authorities. Bids obtained fronrthese sales, the local h0us1ng
ranges, and ice boxes. The individual units on the first group were opened on July 10 authorities Wlll repay to the ‘LSHA all

. . are heated by oil space heaters. Average and sold at net interest rates ranging from moneys already advanced on their loan coii~
rents, including the cost of all utilities, are .456 to .57 of 1 percent. Additional issues tracts, together With accrued interest. With
only $10.59 per month. The average family will be offered periodically until more than the remainder, they Will meet. costs of ‘con—
income is expected to be $586 a year, or $700,000,000 of private capital has been struction of their USHA-aided prOJects
$48.34 a month. invested, during the next 6 months.


 Harvard Summer ML"! 011's” ural Housin Contract Is
Has Housing Conference . g
The Harvard Summer School, with the Slgnfld FOI‘ I homaS COllllty IIOmB
cooperation of the United States Housing
Authority, is sponsoring a Conference on Elbert 13- Ellis, a Thomas County, Gav the other rooms—a living room with open
Public Housin to be held on Julv 30 and 31 farmer, “‘1“ 50011 move 1115 famlly Into the fireplace. kitchen and dining space. Food
g ‘ fi-tl s bilt d ‘USHA’ r ralho s— .
in Hunt Hall, Harvard University, The aim inls gerimu Hznwilli a on]S $350 a gar Stefage space has 3150 been prov1ded, 50
of the sponsors in formulating the program ingrfritg ' p y y y d681g11€d that it may be converted into a
has. been to serve the many diverse orgaiii— Approval of a contract to build the house bathroom. ‘
zations whose members find a community 0f on the Ellis farm, about 14 miles northeast Tenant Handles Maintenance ,
interest in the Public Housing Program for of Thomasville, was recently annOunced. , 1
Low-Income Families. Among the Confer- The E1115 family’s new home will be a “ if”: T}? {1.21159 411135 been} compleltegl, thfi
ence members will be found representations sturdily built, three—bedroom house with €0.11“ 3' au 011 -V W1 proxi e a.sea e “e
of teachers, social workers, labor leaders, rear screened porch and open front porch. Wlth hand pump, necessary fencing for gar—
building trades groups, investors, Housing Under the base bid approved by the den and POUItTY run, and three gates. For '
Authority executives and staff members, USHA, Price E. Jjnrjght’ Thomasville con— this home Mr. Ellis Will pay a cash rent of
Citizens’ Committees, architects, regional tractor, will build the house for $1,324. about $50 a year, and will do all the ordinary
planners, and numerous civic clubs. The This figure includes the structure, electric maintenance and repair work himself.
Harvard Summer School is confident that wiring, kitchen sink, and sanitary outside In addition to the Thomas County pro—
the program as outlined below will be com- privy. gram in Georgia, five county authorities in
prehensive, yet detailed enough to aid each This first unit in the Thomas County as many states have received USHA loan
Conference participant in the common need rural program also will serve as a demon- contracts f0? rural housmg. AUthOI‘ItleS
for additional information. tration dwelling for the low-income farm a“; locrated+in %?00§£~90g:1£y:h{3rk-é {3193:-
Tuesday, July 30: families, including owner—operators, ten- 36113:; ifll/‘Ili‘svy: AiAd’Durbli'n VtviinCJ’uiiXt ”SL‘C: '
9:30—10:30: Registration in Foyer, Hunt ants, sharecroppers, and rural wage earn- 0 3’ S" a] a g 0 O y, ‘ '
Hall. ers, who have applied to the county housing -“——.——‘— .
10:30—12:00: Topic: Fundamental Forces authority for similar homes. Constructlon Report Analygs
m HouSing Low—Income .Eamilies. Bids For 100 Homes Soon Roughly $300 has been cut from the aver—
Speaker: B. J. Hovde, Administrator, , , .
. . . . . . . age over—all cost of new housmg per unit
Housmg Authority Of the City Of PlttS— Flooded With such applications, the au- (1 . .
. . . . uring the last year. This figure for July
burgh, Pa. thoritv plans to advertise construction bids 22 1939 .
, u . . . ,, - . . , was $4,705, While for July 19, 1940
1:00—1:30: Housmg in 0111‘ Time, for 50 more farmhouses Within a month, and . . .
. . . . it is only $4,406. During the year the num-
MOthh Picture by the Ulllted States for another 50 soon thereafter. They Will b 1 7 . . .
. . . . . . . er of dwellings under construction has in—
Housmg Authority, 111 the Biological be located on acre 511388 on farms which the , . . .
. creased by more than 60,000 units, rismg
Laboratory. Department of Agriculture has found to be f ,
. ‘ . . . . rom 25,383 to 86,764. Nearly 1,000 new
1:30—4:00: Conducted Bus Tour of the economically stable. The Sites, distributed . .
. . , . _ homes went under construction in the week
Boston housmg prOJects. Sponsored by as equally as poss1ble over Thomas County, endin July 19 1940
the Boston Housing Authority. will be selected to take advantage of exist- g ~ ’ '
4:00—5:00: Tea and Discussion at Old ing improvements, such as good roads, power
Harbor Village Housing project. Spon- lines, sanitary ditches, and a good water Schedule of Bid Opening Datesl
sored by the Tenants and Management supply. _—_—_
of Old Harbor Village. While the original $357,000 loan contract Localmnhority and project Number ‘ Date of
Wednesday, July 31: called for 200 dwellings, it now appears number ofunits ‘ opening
10:30—12:00: Topic: The Economics of that 250 dwellings can be built, since the firv*~———-———-l—
Public Housing. Speaker: Dr. Edith earlier estimate of net construction costs Athens (Ga.—3—1—A).__. 100 l 8— 1—40
Wood, Pioneer Lecturer and Writer on for the Ellis family home was $1,460, as Baltimore (Md.—2—3),,, 688 ' 8—14—40
Housing, Cape May Court House, New against the $1,324 actually bid by Mr. Jin- Bridgeport (C01111.*1* ;
Jersey. right. The Ellis home is the largest of ‘2) 510 8—15—40
1:30—3:00: Topic: Sociological Aspects three types planned in the Thomas County QOhIIDbU-f {Ohm—1’74)— 3-90 8-23-40
of Public Housing. Speaker: Coleman program. The construction cost of the Logfilsfi'iilisfiffik 2'0 8—13740
Woodbury, Director, National Associa- three types is estimated to average only Dallas (TCeE :5_1)’“"" 78021 8—20—40
tion of Housing Officials, Chicago. $1,100. Gary (Ind—1km_:::: 317 ‘ 8720—40
3:15—4:45: Topic: Project Administra— The Ellis dwelling has been planned by Gary (Ind.—11—3)--...... 177 , 8-20—40
tion and Public Relations. Speaker: the Thomas County Housing Authority to ‘Hainmond (magic, 1
Miss Gladys LaFetra, Manager, Red provide maximum convenience. The three , vl—R)._______:___.__,__..... 400 } 8—12~40 ,
Hook Houses, New York City Housing bedrooms Will be grouped about a circulation New Bern (3. 0—0—1). 138 , 8—20-40
-' 1 ll f h' h there w'll be entrances to , . - , ,
Authonty. ha mm W 1c 1 New 1011‘. City (3. 1'; ‘
———-—~——#————.-——————‘— 5—5) 1,156 i 7—31—40
Weekly Construction Report PllOeIUX (Arm—172)..-" 1.30 8— 1—40
__.—.__.—____—_._——————-———— Portsmouth (Va—l—l, l
i Week ended Week ended ‘ Week ended Defense)T"”;T’T"T“’ 400 i 8—14_40
Item ‘ Jnly19,1940 July12,1940 Ju1y22, 1939 SagAn‘DOINO (”AV—b“ '96 . 8 22 40
1.4#17,.77--fi#n_7n;___7,___7717_——_——E——___——,—_m.—_—_ ___._.._...__.__...._..... l i 7 7
, 1 San Juan (P. R.*2’4)... 84 l 8e13‘40
Number of projects under construction 1mm, 232 ‘, 228 57 Spartanburg (S. 0—37
Number of dwellings under construction 1......i 86,764 1 85,800 3 25,383 2)____________.__,__,,_,,,__ 120 l 8—15410
Total estimated over-all cost '1 of new housing,_‘ $382,261,000 $378,372,000 $119,423,000 Waco (Tex.—10~1),__.___ 103 8~l4>40
Average over-all cost 2 of new housing per uniti $4,406 ‘ $4,410 $4,705 Waco (Tex—10-2) "W," 140 8714410
Average net construction cost 3 per unitnwifiul $2,758 ‘ $2,760 ‘ $2,928 Washington (D. Crl—
_____—_.+_—‘.—— 4) 313 ‘ 8—14—40
1Includesrrorgtswhich11m;bCOIiCOTIflICWd-L t 1 t a lu ,. 1 t. m, 010mm immnmon (b) —
2 - w ‘ ' . ' r ' ( san ) mung, 10211115. ' 2 . ; ,. 1 . v v . . .
<1xxxiiifiifidfiiiigiiioliiili higlriittclcttsvlgggg" 113313thilliigiiiiggriitialfgéensc1s, filnéi‘ncial charges during construction, and contin- tidirighdhillgilhsrllgiignzinsgg-GM period bctnun bid mix or-
I“‘5“?thfwdhesllsdlsl)$161)](lllrilfiitil‘ilr‘ iihifscr‘lit‘irlldlh‘rliiiiznsttilitict(i(iizal1,01ril(ti\iiii>ildl§. lightiii; and (\lt'ctrical costs. 2 Information “0t definite. .
______________________ ,________—_(
___________________._—.——— .
Publication is approved by the Director, Bureau of the Budget, as required by rule 42 of the Joint Committee on Printing. ' . _
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Subscription price $1 domestic, foreign :$1.80 per year. Single comes, .3 cents.
Material for PL‘IiLic HOUSING should be addressed to Informational Service Division. U. S. Housing Authority, \Yashington, D. C.
2481101 U. 3. GOVERNMENT nmw'rING OFFICE