xt7w0v89kq52 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w0v89kq52/data/mets.xml Texas Texas State-wide Records Project University of Texas. Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects 1941 viii p., 39 leaves: ill., map; 28 cm UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call number FW 4.14:T 312/2/no.146 books English San Antonio, Tex.: State-wide Records Indexing and Inventory Program This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Texas Works Progress Administration Publications Probate records -- Texas Liberty County (Tex.) -- History Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no.146, Liberty County, Dec. 9, 1850 - July 28, 1939 text Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no.146, Liberty County, Dec. 9, 1850 - July 28, 1939 1941 1941 2019 true xt7w0v89kq52 section xt7w0v89kq52 l -   - 111111111
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i 9 I. No.146

December 9, 1850 — July 28, 1939
Prepared by
The Texas State-Wide Records Project
Division of Community Service Programs
Work Projects Administration
Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences .
The University of Texas, Official Sponsor
San Antonio, Texas
State—wide Records Project
March 1941

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The pubdication_herewith presented,aan index to the probate cases _ '
filed.in Liberty County, Texas, is No, 146 of the Texas series of coune
ties, The publication is intended to meet the requirements of day-to—.i '
day usage by the officials of the county, attorneys, businessmen, and
other citizens who have occasion to consult probate case records for the .
proper conduct of their affairs. Therpublication may be used by histori-
ans and genealogists to obtain references to unpublished source material.

-The names of the deceased persons, minors, and other principals are
arranged alphabetically, with reference to the filing date of the case
and the case number, The notation "no papers" following the name of the

‘ principal indicates that no case papers were located during the inventory.
Differentiation between probate cases assigned duplicate numbers is ac-
complished by the addition of a letter following the case number, The
prefixes "T", "J", "1?, "HP, and "I" are used to denote tuberculosis,
juvenile, lunacy, epilepsy, and infirndty cases. Case numbers preceded
by "0" were assigned to previously unnumbered cases; ”The fellowing hum? ”
hers in the series 1—5145 were not used as case numbers: 104, 575, 597,
619, 621, 742, 965, 979, 995, 1054, 1110, 1291, 1579-2999.

In Liberty County the probate case papers are filed in the county

clerk's_vault on the‘first floor of the courthouse, The papers, filed
' in separate jackets, are arranged chronologically according to filing
‘ date under alphabetical subdivisions corresponding to the first letter of _
surname of the principals in plainly marked steel file drawers.

Since the transfer of‘territdry from one county to another has af-
fected probate jurisdiction and has determined the county in which the
probate cases should be filed, a map and table of territorial changes are
included herein, Notations concerning present location and availability
of records pertinent to Liberty County follow: , 3 g 4 ' I'f“

Harris County, Houston, records extant, 4‘ .

Montgomery County, Conroe, records extant. .

Washington County, Brenham, records entant,




fig By a decree of Jan, 51, 1851, dividing Texas into two departments

in (H, P. N; Gammel, Legs 23 Texas, I, 281), territory of the map areas ArG,
fig L—O, and AA fell Within the Department of Bexar; map areas H—K, P—Z, BBr
fig EE, and the area of Liberty not cross-hatched in the Department of Nacog-
3% doches. ’ . . u . ,

as . .. .

1 (1:9 in Municipality of Liberty from 1851 (1)»to 12/50/1855
“ v n and County of Harrisburg* " , , 12/50/1855 (2) n date
(B) in Municipality of Liberty .3 - from , 1851 (1) H 12/50/1855
n W and County of Harrisburg“ " 12/50/1855 (2) H 12/18/1857-
iv Liberty County " 12/18/1857 (:5) " - date -
Efi 1. Neither the date of establishment nor legal definition of the bound—_
5% aries of the municipality of Liberty is available. ’1851 is here

fig given as,a starting date for the municipality because it is believed
FE that in February of that year Francisco Madero established an ayun- .
Pi tamiento at the thn of Liberty (gee H. n, Bancroft, _T_h_c: Historyp}:
gg Tegas and the Nerth Magican States, II, 116; Eugene C. Barker, Mexico .
fig and Texas, p, 105; see also Arlene Pickett, Historic Liberty County,’
g? p, 15, for statement that Hugh B.Johnstonnms appointed the first

3g alcalde of Liberty in February 1851).. Roughly, the original terri-

Efi torial jurisdiction of the municipality,of Liberty extended from the
3% San Jacinto River to the Sabine, and.from the southern line of the -
pi municipality of Nacogdoches to the Gulf (George W. Paschal, A Digest
5f 2: the lags g: Tegas, I, 178, note 514; John and Henry Sayles,v .
3% Early Laws eg'rexas, I, art.'1555; and see also "Descriptions of

3} Texas by Stephen F. Austin, 1853:".SouthQEEEEEE gistorical Quarterly,
f} XXVIII (1924-25), 118). Fer the western boundary line of the munici—
,g pality of Liberty on the accompanying map, the legal definition of

V; the eastern line of Austin's Colony was used (see Gammel, I, 50).

;j The line shown as the northern line is What isnassumed to have been

11 the southern line of the municipality of Nacogdoches. This line

;} - was apparently never defined. It was platted from careful study of

if legal boundary definitions of numerous municipalities and counties

g? subsequently created from.territory of Liberty and of Nacogdoches

E? (Houston, E22 Cammel, I, 1550; Robertson, 1213., I, 1598; Angelina,

if ibid., II, 1426; San Augustine, ibid., I, 552). ‘
i. 2. Gammel, I, 1022°

f. 5. Ibid., 1, 1426.

E, *Name changed to Harris Dec. 28, 1859 (Gammel, II, 596).



E35. ,
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 _. v .—
Explanatien of Map Areas (continued) ‘ '
GD in Municipality ef‘Liberty -- from -' 1851 (1) to 12/50/1855
" n, and County of Harrisburg* " 12/50/1855 (2) " 1/25/1840
's ” Montgomery County " 1/25/1840 (4) " date
fig?’ C) in Municipality of Liberty from 1851 (1) " 12/50/1855
100 _ W H and county of Harrisburg* W 12/50/1855 (2) H 12/18/1857
5 "’Liberty county: ..~ . " 12/18/1887 (5) " 2/12/1858
" Chambers County " 2/12/1858 (5) " date
ESE: @D in Municipality of Liberty from ' " 1851 (l)‘ " 10/16/1855
5 " " and County of Washington " 10/16/1855 (6) " 12/14/1857
L855 '3, " Montgomery County ‘ " 12/14/1857 (7)} " date
:2::‘, @D in.Municipality of Liberty from 1851 (1)9 " 10/16/1855
_, 7" " and County of Washington " 10/16/1855 (6) " 12/14/1857
, ” Montgomery County ” 12/14/1857 (7) " 12/18/1857
. :" ”Liberty County , * , W 12/18/1857 (8) " date
$3 in Municipality of Liberty from 1851 (1) H 10/16/1855
. " " and County of Washington " 10/16/1855 (6) " 12/14/1857
" Montgomery County " 12/14/1857 (7) " 12/18/1887
1nd_ "_Liberty County . . " 12/18/1857 (3) " j4/ 8/1874
‘ "7 V.San Jacinte County ‘ " 4/ 8/1874 (8) " date
2V 6. , ‘7 " ‘
in? . GB in municipality and County of Liberty " 1851 (1),(5) " _4/ 8/1874
of " San Jacinto County . " 4/ 8/1874 (8) "' date
aglco .
fifi;- CD in Municipality and County of Liberty " 1851 (1),(5) " 5/50/1846
;—-" _ 7 Polk County- 2'1,* " -.5/50/l846 (9) w 1/ 5/1869
,1_ " San Jacinto County T- ' " 1/ 5/1869 (10) " date
the 3 '
Le . ,
gest —“‘""'—‘*"-‘"""‘“““"”*f"‘——-*""“' ' .
- l, 2, 5, see same numbers, p. iv. .1
_ 4:. Camel, II, 596. . ,
EQQL: 5.; Ibid,, 1v, 1064, ,- , -
LE01' 6. The date of establishment of the municipality of Washington is not
’1 known, but it was represented at the Consultation held Oct, 16, 1855
(see Gammel, I, 514). Nor has legal definition of its boundaries been
zen found, but it is believed to have included the territory in the bound—
aries of Washington County as defined.Dec,.l4,.1857 (Gammel, 1,—1591) "
0f plus the territory of the new county of Montgomery created on the same
‘3 day, and described as "All that part of the county of Washington, lying
' east of Brazos, and southeast of Navasota Rivers. , ,"_(Gammel, I, 1575).
a, 7, Gammel, I, 1575, ' , "- “'
‘ 8, Ibid., VIII, 75. ' H ' I
9, Ibid., 11, 1555, p , ,
10, ‘Ibid., VI, 78, . H I .
*Name changed to Harris, Dec, 28, 1859 (Gammel, II, 596).

 _ X

at: .

it? ‘” V1 '
“its: Explanation of Map Areas (continued)

fifi’ CD _in Municipality and County of Liberty from E . 1831 (1) to 12/18/1837 <
:4 “Montgomery, County -- " - 5/24/1888*(11) ‘3 4/ 6/1846

;§§ N Walker County ,‘ w 4/ 6/1846 (12) 37;.1/ 5/1869

Q " San Jacinto County " 1/ 53/1869 (10) ” date (
fig C§ in Municipality and County of Liberty from 1831 (1) ‘H 12/18/1837

4: " Montgomery County " 5/24/1838*(11) " 4/ 6/1846 ‘
fig, " Walker County 7 4/ 6/1846 (12) " date

4; (I) in Municipality of Liberty from 1851 (1) " 10/16/1855

8% n H and County of Washington " 10/16/1835 (6) " 12/14/1837 I
8% " Montgomery County 7 12/14/1837 (7) H 12/18/1837

at . " Liberty County " 12/18/1837 (3) " 3/30/1846

EE " Polk County- " 3/30/1846 (9) " 1/ 5/1869'

4 " San Jacinto County " 1/ 5/1869 (10) " date

g: 038 in Municipality of Liberty from 1851 (1) " 10/16/1855

=3 " " and County of Washington " 10/16/1855 (6) " 12/14/1857

51 " MontgomeryCounty " 12/14/3837 (7) Q -'F 4/ 8/1874

3% w San Jacinto County " 4/ 8/1874 (8) " date

w ® in Municipality of Liberty from 1881 (1) " 10/16/1855

i; " " and County of Washington " 10/16/1835 (6) " 12/14/1837

$8 7 Montgomery County " 12/14/1837 (7) n 4/ 6/1846

gfi ”-Walker County 7 4/ 6/1846 (12) " 1/ 5/1869

g: _”_San .Tacinto County " 1/ 5/1869 (10) " date

33 C) in Municipality of Liberty from. 1831 (1) H 10/16/1835

éfi " H and County of Washington " 10/16/1833 (6) " 12/14/1837

:8 H Montgomery County 8 12/14/1837 (7) n 4/ 6/1846

" Iifalker County "' 4/ 6/1846 (12) " date

fig C) in_Munioipa1ity and County of Liberty iron 1831 (1) fl “P.5/50/1846

L " Polk County " 5/ 50/ 1846 (9) 7' date <
Eé @D in Municipality and County of Liberty from. 1831 (1) "12/81/1837

3? " Jefferson County . " 12/21/1837 (13) n ..,i date

EEC} ,,

Eff-j ’ ' . . ‘ ‘ u

E; 33 828 P. its 5410, 88.6, 10. V- I " .

fit 11. Cammel, I, 1518. .

1 ‘ 12, £931.” II, 1357, . '

E3 13. Ibid., 1, 1452. y.

E 1‘ *This territory was apparently not a part of any county from 12/18/1837

E to 5/24/1838, but it may be assumed that it remained in Liberty until

E , the latterudate. . ,_ _ - .


it '


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Name of Deceased, Minor or Lunatic Date Filed Case No.
_ A _

Abbott, Mrs. Ann 0., deceased Sept. 25, 1910 _ 482
Abbott, Mrs. Ann 0., deceased Dec. 10, 1910 488
Abbott, Reginald, NCM July 6, 1917 675
Abel, Coy, minor June 5, 1922 810
Abel, Irvin, minor June 5, 1911 502
Abshier, Allen Wayne, tubercular Feb. 27, 1959 T 5116
Abshier, Ben, deceased Nov. 15, 1950 1075
Abshier, Earnest, Elison, Franklin,

Green, Nora and Walter, minors June 6, 1904 565
Abshier, Ernest, deceased NOV. 22, 1954: 1228
Abshier, George Ann and Viola, minors April 24, 1884 101
Abshier, H. C., minor April 24, 1884 102
Abshier, Mrs. Idora, deceased Oct. 9, 1956 1504
Abshier, Mrs. S. 8., deceased April 22, 1901 287
Abshier, Sophia, minor Feb. 18, 1956 1281
Adair, Charles E., minor June 7, 1886 116
Adair, I. W., deceased Jan. 18, 1956 1277
Adair, Mrs. wary, deceased . NOV. 18, 1886 0 02
Adair, Mrs. Mary, deceased Nov. 18, 1686 118
Adams, Melza, minor March 15, 1959 1566
Adams, Shad, N011 May 11, 1925 896
Adcock, George W. and I. R. Jr.,minors Feb. 26, 1908 152
Agar, Henry 0., deceased March 15, 1924 847
Ager, John W., minor Jan. 17, 1925 881
Aikins, Mrs. Serena, deceased Sept. 25, 1916 651
Ainsworth, Anna, deceased June 15, 1916 640
Albritton, Cecil, Elizina and

Robert, nnnors Dec. 12, 1899 275
Albritton, Sarah 6., deceased June 18, 1915 602
Albro, James Sr., deceased, (no papers) Sept. 10, 1955 1360
Aldrich, Eliza, deceased Aug. 16, 1897 248
Alexander, Bernice and Gordon

Talmadge, minors Feb. 15, 1950 1054
Alexander, Carl, Konia, Tolbert and

Willie, minors May 19, 1892 ' 188
Alexander, Dixie Julia and Etta

Katherine, minors Dec. 25, 1951 1117
Alexander, Jack, minor June 10, 1696 257
Alford, delinquent Nov. 12, 1958 J 5110

‘ Allbritton, George W., deceased march 8, 1911 496
Allen, Clifton, Deminy and Gladys,

minors, (no papers) Feb. 25, 1959 1365
Allen, William_W., deceased Feb. 4, 1958 1550
Allman, Israel, deceased Jan. 12, 1899 262
Alhnon, Clara Kay and Roxie,

minors, (no papers) July 8, 1916 642

 2 . ; .
lime..0.£.2s£2e§2§11.1’Ii.n_<>.'+:.el;il_fllri€nle__l._.______,_.Dslsi._F..il6.51 ._ Case NO-
Allmon, L., deceased Dec. 50, 1915 626 i
_ Allmon, L., deCeased, (no papers) Nov. 22, 1916 655
Allmon, Liberty, deceased April 5, 1916 635
Alsbrooks, Duran N., Lena Viola and
Marjorie Mildred, minors Feb. 9, 1925 885
Anderson, 8. F., deceased, (no papers) Aug. 16, 1924 Bee
Anderson, Frank 0., deceased Oct. 17, 1951 1115
Anderson, George EL, deceased June 27, 1955 1154
Anderson, Mrs. Kate, NCM Feb. 10, 1905 555
Anderson, Mnrvin Jr., cripple Dec. 26, 1955 I 41
_ Anderson, mary et 31, (no papers) Sept. 22, 1885 100
' Anderson, Nels, deceased, (no papers) April 50, 1925 892
‘ Anderson, Mrs. S. C., deceased, (no papers) July 26, 1926 950
' Andress, J. 1., deceased Ian. 15, 1955 1255
V Andrews, James A. Jr. and
Langdon 0., minors April 24, 1925 829
Andrews (Andrus), Jeff, Jessie and
Robert, minors Ian. 18, 1886 108
Andrews, M. 0., deceased Aug. 50, 1904 566
~ Angele,nnne Belle,minor,(no papers) march 25, 1921 780
' Anthony, James, minor Jan. 8, 1926 917
- ‘ Antoine, Cerese Jane, Fred, Leanna
- and Sarah Lee, minors May 29, 1920 764
‘ Applegate, I. P., deceased April 5, 1925 849
Arceneaux, Paul, minor Karen 15, 1919 725
. Armstead, Delia, Lucy, Paxton and
'- 'Prince, minors Jan. 4., 1909 4-46
_ Atherly, Nathan E., deceased Nov. 17, 1898 256
. Luger, Jeseph, minor Dec. 10, 1881 O8
1 Austin, Evadne, deceased Aug. 1, 1936 1299
‘ .‘iwlrord, Wi‘llicm, delinquent March 12, 1938 .T 23075
. _ B _
:' Bebcock, D. W. Jr. and Margaret, minors Feb. 22, 1924 841
I V Begarly,Catherine, deceased,(no papers) April 19, 1877 20
. Eagerly, 0., deceased, (no papers) April 4, 1877 21
1‘1 Baggett, Bonita, minor Sept. 26, 1918 710
Bailey, Bronson and Mozelle, minors 851
:- Bailey, G. H., deceased Sept. 29, 1957 1525
- ' Bailey, :r. W. IL, Maude, Mozelle,
S. B. and Sunshino,ininors April 22: 1915 597
V} Bailey, J. W., deceased July 12: 1934 861
‘ Bailey, J. W. Jr., Mozelle and
. 4 Samuel 2., minors JUlV 12, 1924 862
V Bailey, 3. W., deceased DOC- 15, 1924 876
Bailey, John P. and Merion S.,
, 1 minors _ July 7, 1955 1155
Bailey, Mrs. L. L., non Time 14, 193-5 601
v ' Baillio, Evelyn, minor 495- 25: 1917 679
-- Baillie, Evelyn, non Dec. 21, 1955 L 42,1174
_ Baillie, o. 13., deceased _ 2.55.11 22, 1917 (3'78
Baines, Jim, NCM May 25, 1958 L 5084:

 ' 5 l .
iniaefiisgsassdiflirnorésesiiai1.1.,Wisteria?“mm Case No. ,
Baize, Maurine Joyce, minor July 1, 1955 1155
. Baker, George 1., deCeased March 19, 1889 14.9 1
, ' Baldwin, Neilo, delinquent March as, .1939 :r 3120 ‘
‘ , Bankhead, Adelia, minor,(no papers) Feb. 12, 1887 124
Banks, Charlie and James, minors Feb. 12, 1916 629
Banks, Elmo and Zelma, minors Sept. 50, 1955 1164
Banks, Henry, NCM June 12, 1917 695
' Banks, Roberta, minor April 24, 1922 808
' Barber, Estelle, John, Mary, Vertie
' and Will, minors Sept. 17, 1909 457
Barch,.Mrs. L., NCM Oct. 9, 1924 868
Barclay, Beth, tubercular Sept. 16, 1957 T 5065
Barclay, Beth, Frank, Naydine
. and Pauline, minors Aug. 22, 1955 1257
Barclay, Mary Lela Flowers, deceased Nov. 20, 1929 1048
Barnes, Sallie, deceased Oct. 2, 1905 585
' Berngrover, George Ir., Mason and
Tiny, minors Dec. 22, 1915 624
Barngrover, George W. Jr., Mason and
Tiny Allen, minors Dec. 51, 1915 627 ,
Barrett, Alice K., Annie L.,
Clara B., Edna K., Hattie B.,
'- Ida may and Robert 1., minors Dec. 9, 1926 954
, Barrett, Jewel, minor Oct. 14, 1915 615
‘ Barrett, Mrs.‘Juno E., deceased June 19, 1918 698
Barrow, 13.1, deceased Sept. 2, 1901 024
Bartlett, wn., deceased July 8, 1958 1544
Barton, Curtis E., Ethel Belle, Leonard
Roy and Hilda Lourice, minors April 25, 1955 1249
' Barton, Leonard and Rilda, minors Oct. 6, 1958 1555
, ‘ Basham, Elmer, juvenile Aug. 8, 1952 J 16
Bashrum, Joseph Andrew, tubercular April 28, 1959 T 5154
Batman, Mrs. D. L., NCM May 1, 1954 L 48
Batman, E. 1., deceased may 25, 1910 474
, Batman, Mrs. One, nee Sept. 26, 1955 L 55
Batman, Paul Roy, minor July 12, 1910 477
“ Baucnm, Mrs. Alice, tubercular March 14, 1959 T 5117
Badman, William, deceased Nov. 10, 1910 485
' Board, Aquilla 1., deceased Ian. 9, 1905 550
Board; J. L., decoascd, (no papers) Feb. 27, 1878 45
7 Bebe-3, Goldman, non Sept- 25. 1939 L 104-0
Becker, Mrs. B., deceased Sept. 17, 1956 1505
V Bell, Mrs. Lena, deceased Nov. 9, 1955 1266
‘ Bellar, Allie, Dezra, Dora and 1
Ezra, minors June 8, 1899 26??
Bellar, Elvira, deceased, (no papers) July 10, 1899 369
Bollar, Bertha B., Eileen L. and
Leonard A., minors May 6, 1910 471
Benard, Fredio, non July 5, 1915 504 ;
Bennett, Billie Verne, Donald'Madison
and Russell Elwood, minors Jan. 19, 1954 1185 3
Bennett, L. B., deceased March 1, 1954 1190

 4 i ,
lisrLaapeseaaen. ‘9 11.1. :nenr_ésrniia__.m-2anflilsd_.11....__Qane__1\19_- ‘
Benton, Mrs. E. 3., deCeased,(no papers) 1000
Benton, T. 1., deceased Sept. 11, 19:55 1162
Beran, Christian, Judith, Marshall, f
Pete and Sylvester, minors May 25, 1955 1252 ;
Bernard, Agnes and Philip, minors,
(no papers) Feb. 21, 1951 1088
Bernard, Lonnie, minor Sept. 4, 1926 947
Berry, Beulah, Cody, Delia and
Henderson, minors April 8, 1907 405 ‘
Berry,Ca1,Mamie,Ollie and Ruth,minors July 22, 1918 705
-Berry, J. E., deceased Sept. 15, 1954 1219
Berry, Marie, deceased Feb. 11, 1918 689 ,
Berry, Wash, deceased Oct. 17, 1950 1075
Berryhill, Bettie, minor Jan. 2, 1882 84
Berryhill, Miles F., deceased March 14, 1914 571
Berryhill, Miles F., deceased march 14, 1914 574
Beshell, H. 0., deceased Juno 9, 1957 1516
Beshell, Sallie F., deceased Feb. 5, 1926 921
Blair, John, deceased Sept. 24, 1905 549
Blair, mattie May, Virgil and
Willie, minors May V 12, 1914 575
Blair, Nellie H. and Pearly, minors Nov. 20, 1889 159
Blair, Pearl, deceased Dec. 5, 1906 400
Blocker, Annie L., Belle, Charley H.,
Lane, Mollie and Sullivan, minors Feb. 7, 1911 495
Blue, N. P., NCM Feb. 26, 1954 L 44
Beettcher, A. 14“., deceased Jan. 17‘, 1935 1257
Bondcsen, Charles N., James W.,
Malvina and Mary M., minors Oct. 25, 1915 616
Booth, Easter, deceased Aug. 29, 1927 994
Boothe, n. H., deceased June 19, 1885 012
Boothe, Arnot 8., minor July 25, 1885 95
Boothe, Douglass and Nannie, minors Jan. 7, 1905 574
‘ Boothe, J. H., deceased, (no papers) Aug. 17, 1895 208
Boothe, JOO Annie, N05 Doc. 6, 1955 L 59 ,
Boothe, Mrs. K. F., NCM, (no papers) Doc. 19, 1919 745
Boothe, Mrs. K. T., NCM March 16, 1921 779
Boothe, Mrs. Kate F., NCM July 7, 1915 605
Boothe, Wilmuth and Winfred, minors Feb. 21, 1954 1195
Boring, Aline, tuborcular July 6, 1958 T 5086 :
Boring, Viola, tubercular March 28, 1957 T 5050
Boulware, Lula, minor Doc. 18, 1885 106
Boulware, Mrs. M. E., dOCOased Nov. 29, 1927 988
Bowers, Charley F., epileptic,
(no papers) June 2‘7, 1906 589 §
Bozcman, Anderson, tubercular
(no papers) Feb. 1, 1957 T 5046 §
Bezcman, Mrs. Dora, deceased Feb. 20, 1950 1055
Bracewell, Carl V., Joseph 1.,
Nannie E., Olga Pearl and
Thelma 0.,minors, (no paperS) M97 4: 1920 760

 AarflfiscsassélHEALQLEEEALML1 Pete Filed Case NO- :
Bracewell, J. A., Nannie and Thelma, S
minors, (no papers) Sept. 2, 1925 907 l
. . Bradley, Lize, non June 12, 1917 6'70 f
Bradshaw, Mrs. N. J., deceased March 22, 1958 1555
Brantley, Jeff, NCM. Oct. 5, 1927 L 984
Brasher, Cora A., Jessie L. and
Spencer A., minors March 1, 1917 661
Brashier, Armanda, Charles, Elizabeth, 3
Mary and Rebecca, minors ' Sept. 4, 1875 27
Brazier, Cora Anna, minor march 25, 1926 926
Brazier, Cora Anna, Jesse Lloyd and
- Spencer Allen, minors March 5, 1917 664
Brazier, Cora Anna and Spencer
' Allen, minors Dec. 1, 1926 955
' Brenning, T. F., deceased July 25, 1914 584
' Bristley, Edna, minor 'Nov. 12, 1892 195
Brock, Hallena K. and Jesse
Lucille, minors July 19, 1902 520
» Broer, Elliott, minor April 11, 1959 1569
Brooks, Wilson, minor Nov. 4, 1881 80
Brotcher, Mrs. Eugenia, Ndd,
(no papers) July 26, 1926 9:51
Broussard, Nicholas, NCM Feb. 18, 1915 540
Brown, A. 1., tubercular July 10, 1959 T 5144
' Brown, Amanda, Benjamin, Catherine,
' Elivira, Hale and Roxie, minors July 25, 1877 55
Brewn, Ben, deceased June 21, 1924 859
Brown, 0., deceased Jan. 9, 1905 529
' Brown, Chas. W., deCeased Dec. 20, 1955 1172
BrOWn, Deaxie, Jay and Maggie, minors Aug. 2, 1917 677
Brown, Fred, deceased Jan. 14, 1914 566
Brown, Jane 8., deceased Feb. 25, 1919 721 ‘
Brown, John, deceased Aug. 14, 1915 608
Brown, Lillie, deceased March 2, 1955 1244
Brown, Mary, deceased June 15, 1907 418 A
- Brown, Monnie and Paula, minors Feb. 4, 1952 1120 ‘
' Brown, 0. M., deceased, (no papers) Sept. 12, 1950 1070
Brown, Robert, epileptic June 25, 1957 E 5057
, Brown, Robert P., deceased Oct. 5, 1958 1552
Brown, Seth, deceased Feb. 5, 1952 1119
. Brenn, W. M., deceased Dec. 15, 1927 989 ‘
~ Brown, Woodrow, minor Dec. 2, 1951 1116
Browncy, D. M., deceased Nev. 21, 1952 1142,1145
Bruce, 8. T., deceased June 16, 1916 641
’ Brunson, Beulah and Blanche, minors Jan. 25, 1906 579
Brunson, C. 0., deceased Aug. 9, 1916 645
Brunson, Hrs. Mae, deceased Sept. 14, 1905 548 v 1
' Brunson, Sallie, NCM March 9, 1924 845 j
- Bryan, Pryor, deceased July 8, 1876 5
Bryant, Asa Bartlett, Leora nay, j
Richard Arlen and William ”1 ‘
Chester, minors OCt- 4: 1935 1250

 6 ,
, w mame_2£*gegeafed, Minor or Lunatic Date Filed Case No.
Bryant, OWen, epileptic June 2, 1951 E 1104 (
Bryant, Robert Owen, NCM Oct. 4, 19:55 1262
Buffington, ’1'. :r., deceased Oct. 4., 1954— 1220 I
Bunn, Arthur Earl, minor June 11, 1914 578 I
Burch, David L., NCM Oct. 28, 1929 104.4 ‘
- Burch, George, deceased Dec. 20, 1918 720%
Burch, Jake, NCM Oct. 20, 1916 655
Burch, Mattie Cora, NCM, (no papers) Oct. 17, 1958 L 5099 ‘
Burgess, Cornelia Jane, deceased Aug. 50, 1881 79
Burk, A. F., deceased, (no papers) May 10, 1920 761
Burke, Henry Jr.,juveni1e,(no papers) Sept. 9, 1958 J 5094
' Burnett, Clyde, Harvey,0da1ee and 0mie; .
Barneycastle, Ester, minors June 5, 1924 857 ‘
Burnett, Irvin, minor, (no papers) March 1880 65,75
. Burnett, Irvin, minor, (no papers) Feb. 5, 1881 75 ‘
Burnett, Lela, nan June 29, 1926 941
' Burns, John, minor Oct. 20, 1884 105
Burrel, Lizzie, MGM Dec. 10, 1926 955
Burrell, Willie, minor Aug. 26, 1955 1160
Burress, Dee, James, Liza William,
. Mary, lfirtle and Thomas, minors,
' (no papers) Nov. 1, 1922 816
Burwick, Gilbert, minor Dec. 5, 1925 916
' Burwick, Howard 8., deceased Nov. 17, 1924 874 ‘
' Busselle, J. T., deceased Aug. 14, 1905 580
‘ Butler, M. K. C., minor Feb. 8, 1895 197
n _ C .
Cadree, Alma, tubercular May 15, 1958 T 5082
. . - Cadree, Chester,juVenile,(no papers) May 51, 1954 J 54. ,
, - Cadree, Otis, juvenile,(ne papers) March 14, 1954 J 45
, Cain, Bertha Mae, NCM April 19, 1959 L 5150 '
Cain, Chapley 8., Everett H. and
Mary A., minors July 21, 1927 982 3
Cain, Chapley 5., deceased April 7, 1927 970 ,
Calagan, Flawvill, deceased April 18, 1916 654 t
, Cameron, Mrs. Gertrude, tubercular July 15, 1912 52?
Campbell, Irma Grace and Roy C.,minors Dec. 10, 1912 554 i
Campbell, Lula, minor ' June 1, 1880 67 ,
. , Campbell, Lula, deceased March 7, 1887 125 ,
Campbell, Perry, deceased Jan. 25, 1902 506
.‘ Campbell, Tulula, minor Jan. 1, 1880 21 ‘
Cannon, William A., deceased Feb. 22, 1927 962 ‘
, Canter, Mrs. Ada I‘dae,NCM, (no papers) Feb. 24, 1956 L 3017 i
, Canter, Blanche, Cyntha, Hester, V
, , J. M. and Orna, minors Sept. 15, 1915 558 g
' Canter, J. 0., deceased, (no papers) Oct. 25, 1918 712 i
- ' Cant