xt7w0v89kq4g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w0v89kq4g/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1995 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 1995 Vol.66 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, November 1995 Vol.66 No.11 1995 1995 2019 true xt7w0v89kq4g section xt7w0v89kq4g a es, _ nov 1995 .» g
. i: a1: ' ‘ 7 i ‘ V,
"r V), (kicking ;&a . ”BRA" i ”WWW: ‘996 *
‘4 t ”5 ’ ,. ’f‘ ' 3,4. KN l, . Volume 66, Number 11
who) ,Qead r' , " 7.- . '4“ 3 ,m -——-—-— -
M ,4, .3 , _ x ”@3355 me Ollblal Publledlon ,,
l T “‘ 3"" November” PERlooicu “ ‘2 e3;f¥*;?l“:5fib‘3 «the ”mum, ' use Seulce 5
‘~ * - ‘ * oxps Board Fall Retreat, — , gymnast! ..
“(3:)": ‘ ‘ I
Mai" November? .. . _~ , \
, “i-v-zwizsm; leneral Election Day . L . \ 2" g; rcn) 71 ..
“1‘ fig (721 a 2 ;
November 23-24 a "1 ‘ . fig}? $ g};
Thanksgiving Holidays in“ ‘4 j E} m 5,3
. KPACentral Office Closed ‘. \ $9; 53,; ,. -'
' I ‘ A \ ’ § (:2) r): X /
(I) A '
. December 3:6 . g 1— ,13 8 A\
Newspaper Assomation ' f is; . ‘
Managers Legislative Issues > -' -
. - ‘ O
p D ember 22 purchases baler ‘ J, . ., g
e 12 Noon - KPA Central Office to recycle ONP .. -.. . _ .. .g
' Closes . ' ‘ ' .
’ By David Fraser - -‘
I December 25 The Paducah 5““ . m . t , 2‘ "
‘ Christmawa Natashamrrsw '7’ ‘“ a“ ~ -* . - -
papers, u no eyus - , . “or , , _ ’ ~ "
KPA Central Office Closed off-the-press copies sent out fresh ev- - . 31~”'~/ ,r’ w
, ery morning. i , . . .*-- £8521: re- a“ W- ‘
December 29 A baling machine takes care of e» , a, _ ,, ’f 2’ i ' . , ,
_ 12 Noon ‘ HA central Office "uxd" Paws mat are returned for re_ / ‘ . . , «it, 5' . . , \ _ ~ I ‘.\;u /
Closes cycling,andthebaler heraldsachange ‘W 'i_ l a. (4‘1“. ’ _ ,4, ‘ ‘D‘ ' ~
, in the Sun's four-year-old recycling or "‘ -- ,,_ “ > "’1 v l , /- ‘ ,
~ 1996 program.Thebaler compresses news- ff ' g3 ; ‘1‘" V... * ,
.y print that formerly was transported ”Aw . 5‘ K _ ' , ‘ 5», - ‘ I: .
loose in boxes to com cted bales “a u , f ,_ 3.; ,. «e- ‘5 .2»
New Year's Day > , .‘iwefimght the baler to l " ,3;an ‘" ~ . ' fi‘ “ "“';"‘}; x; M «:- is
. ‘ KPA Central Office Closed serve'the community in recycling ef- L ‘~ a..;£ u x -V \m(?\
t . - . forts," production manager Larry 3* if}? . é ' V *~ ‘1 :9
‘ it: January 2 Sholar said. "Now we are equipped to ’ ' h \ \ \ "‘ , w‘, .
' ,2 1996 Kentucky General handlernorepaper,andwewould like ”' fi' , l X X ,_ ‘ ‘
.. ' Assembly Regular Session to see more coming to us from the " M ‘ a
' ‘ Begins community. We want to provide the " l .e. W‘ , a ‘ , - “ c
‘ i ;’ ‘ Continued on Page 4 _ , " "’T, 2»? r . _
January 25 - 26 1 7 "i l” W .. a ;
’. KPA Winter Convention, 1 / paper S SEIECtEd ' tr: . - '
i, - ‘ . Radisson Plaza, Lexington -
‘._ - for 1 996 Interns .a \ c . ,
,. i g -‘ ’ March 4 . 8 Seventeen Kentucky newspapers Paducah Sun employee Tommy Campbell ties a bundle of old news- ‘ ' ,
' , ‘ ' Newspapers in Education Week have been selected to receive paid in- papers in the Sun's new balms machine. o
"3'- ’, terns for the summer of 1996 through V V ' ' ,
f 7 ,. June 20 . 21 the Kentucky Journalism Foundation. Forums sell out but only ‘ * '.
I; "r KP A Summer Convention, KPA Past Presidents met October - ‘_ ,_ '
4.: V ‘ Bowling Green 18inFrankforttoselecttheHostNews- half the tICket takers Show up . » ,
papers for 19%-lAlth°“E:d°?g‘r;:] ln‘ The-generalpublicdidn'ttakelong take a head count. Wellman said he , W ' ,
:em page? 2:351:26 th or ‘2‘ to gobble up the more than600 tickets countuil82intheaudience.There were '7'; ‘_ .‘ .‘ -‘
| ”" temfslt thaftlli: m be If e c? - tothe two KPA-sponsored forumswith some 200, then, who didn't show up. ~.
. :._ d‘VMiSin Cldeas ee e. num r 0 qua ”y ap- the gubernatorial candidates. But by The October 9 audience in Pad— 3 ~ 'g .‘ J
. licatIons from news rs and avail- -
g . Eblefundin mad it $5; to hed- the time the forums came, only half of ucahdidalittlebetterpercentage—wise. ,‘ ' a '
T. ‘ Need we remind you? ule 17 in 8 {051936 ve 9‘ those requesting tickets showed up. Seats were available for 256 and the ‘ j . ,
of" . The holiday season is fast ap— Newsluns sel ' include the ln Lexington, all 388 seats were to Infomiation AgeParkshould havebeen A j. l' , ‘f
. ,, ' proaching. To your advantage, Union C03"? dvoceacidBath Coun be filled in the UK Singletary Center filled_8utanesfimteby]ack gramme, .‘ . ‘
“J ' there are five weekends between News Outlets; Benton gmbune C03: fortheArts.About125ticketshadbeen of the Lexington Herald-Leader put ,‘ .. ~. , »
“17 ‘ Thanksgiving and Christmas, giv- fl er Cadiz Record A lachian News Mine-“ed by “‘9 UK Law 5°er UK the crowd at150- ‘ , ‘ ‘
5;)”- ing your advertisers, and ad de- Ex ’ Mt Sterlin Piadvocate Ken- Journalism Department and faculty 1f attendance at both is accurate, ’ ‘ '. ,
.. ' . partment, one more week to hit up tucrkl “saga nda rd Oldgham Era am and administration. About half of the less than half of the 644 who called ; a. - , '
’5.) those Christmas specials. Vole: and Ti mes Jessa mine [Ioum al audience was UK students and faculty KPAtoreserve tickets, took advantage ‘ ’ , _ ‘
.1 And then comes the "After Tom kinsville News Dan ville Advo: but less “‘3“ 200 total made 3‘9 MP 00 of the free ticket offer. , '
, '. Christmas Sales" that was adver- we Elm Wm M _ UK- Moderator Ferrell Wellman, an "Ifwedo these again in four years, . ,
" tisers rid the shelves of ristrnas l uirer 8&5”th Ne mi lEn- 3933“” journalism WOW? at 533" we1lchargesomethingtogetthepeople ' .
stock (Before you know it, Spring 8" “q ' em. Kentucky University, fours! Hm touse the tickets," said KPA Executive
merchandise begins to appear.) Continued on Page 2 While keeping “‘9 forum movmg “0 Director David Thompson. 5 ' s
‘ S
Q , c, c i . o i :7. , ..,., ..,.,,_ ...,.,.... . , k . uptawfi. ‘ -3. ffwf.‘ v. 4 ‘ o, 4 . - _ ~
, ' . ‘ . ' . :1. ’3' I“ '9:- ‘e' _ *- r a a . ' .'
‘1 ' ,. . ‘ .2 _‘ .\’~‘ fpirvr ' 52,: -_.;'. f“ . “‘1_ ”our? );.:.‘ ;‘M* a o a a a ‘
‘ - , .u .. - ‘M: ;\V.‘ P ‘.., ILiKN.‘:‘H4fi3~‘ . €‘~'.O": ‘ .I ‘ V a" ‘h , “ " .
.. ‘ . \ -. 4, ext - . SL:\;'-L' ..'\ ,'_.' 1~ ~‘ ~; .. ' ’ ‘ ' ‘ " J ,

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press - November, 1995
P 1 d P ' th Ne 3
¥ eop e an QpQI’S 111 e W
A Anita Baker, reporter7photogra— joined the staff as a part-time writer. Publishing Company recently pur— vegetables. And Mike? Oh yeah, he
pher for the Princeton Times Leader, Foster served this past summer as an chased theCorbinTimesTribune, along was dressed asacarrot, making sure to
. has been named the 1995 recipient of intern with the Russell Springs Times with the Richmond Register, from Th- stay away from horses and rabbits.
the Kentucky Farm Bureau's commu- Journal through the Kentucky Journal- omson Newspapers. Hurst's responsi- Wade Holland, a sportswriter
nication award to a writer. Her selec- ism Foundation internship program. bilities include offering support ser- Continued on Page 4
tion was based on her coverage of agri- While in college, Foster has also been a vices and overseeing the financial op- . ‘
cultural and agribusiness news in the correspondentfortheCentral Kentucky eration of both newspapers. Joumallsm Foundation
Caldwell Coun area. News Journal. DeWayne Wilson has Corbin Times Tribune publisher - -
Darrell Jortt‘lyan, a 1994 journalism been hired by the CKNJ as a part-time Joe Hardwick has announced two pro- to be gln faculty Intern
. graduate from Eastern Kentucky Uni- typesetter and courthOuse records motions at the six-day daily. Sam program In 1 996
versity, has joined the staff of the Citi- clerk. Milwee, Newspapers in Education The Kentucky Journalism Foun-
zen Voice and Times in Irvine as sports LT. Hurst, publisher of the coordinator, has been named circula- d ation will begin a Faculty-in-Resi-
writer/ photographer. While at EKU, Middlesboro Daily News and the tionmanager.HereplacesJerryAdkins dence program during the summer of
Jordan worked as a staff writer and Clairbome(TN)Progress,has takenon who is retiring after 43 years in the 1996 with the emphasis to be giving
sports co-editor for the Eastern additional responsibilities for Ameri- newspaperbusiness.Milweejoinedthe college and university journalism
Progress- can PDbliShing companY' HurSt has ————— teachers on-hand experience in the
The Central Kentucky News Jour- been named district manager for APC About Jerry Adkins. Jerry got his first newspaper industry.
ml in Campbellsville has added two and will oversee the operation of The j0b in the newspaper business at the The program was presented to the
staff members. Bethney Jo Foster, a Observer-News inNewtaon, NC, and age of '7, selling newspapers for the KentuckyPress Association /Kentucky
junior at Campbellsville College, has the Corbin Times Tribune. American Herald Dispatch in West Virginia. At Press Service Board of Directors at its
—_—————— the age 0‘ 10} he had hi? first newspa- August meeting and approved, re-
Th K t k p per route. His interest in the industry questing that at least two journalism
6 CH uc y 11656 t°°k mm to Arkansas, North Carolina teachers be placed during the '96 sum-
munch“. m. m Md 13 and also to Somerset, domg everything mer period.
» mflywwhmem/PKLW Glenn any, Manchester Enter-pm from (’an a We“? newspaper to The Kentucky Journalism Foun-
huSCWmhnSmtddaamhpddatfimk- managing the Circulation department dationCommittee, composed of KP A /
{3" KY. “53.1.3353? inc-:3: am;- MC. 1. of three wetheS- b.1965", he helP‘fid KPSPastPresidents,metOctober 18 to
. Pres, ioi Comm Lune, Frnkfon. KY. 40601, 602) Stuart Simpson, Pulaski Week combine two weeklies into today s develop criteria and begin the applica-
‘ mam. __ . Md ls-A Somerset Commonwealth Journal. tion process.
WhileatSomeisethe avea' btoJoe - -_
, . office. I.“ m” Tom Caudlll. Lexington Herald-Leader Hardwick’ who “(argue putiiisher of mlgriug‘gmmfifgge: 3;:
1‘”ka 7"” ”N330“ Dun-ta 153 the Times Tribune, and retumed the form the same duties of other newspa-
, . Guy Hatfield, gm Voice and Times favor by narrung Adkins as the Circula- de rtment staff members. Place-
Mdfl“ tion manager. In 1965 Adkins devel- per pa 1 l . - - 1
' Dorothy Abernathy, Chum“ Era 5““ fl “'89 oped a circulation mahual that is still merit will be avai ab. e m editoria ,_ad-
. . . . , vertlsmg sales, busrness, Circulation,
President Elect Ru” Powell, “Mind Dally Independem “sf’d today to "g“camersm theTimes- graphics / design and photography.
. I011" Dd Santa, Ashland Dally Independent Jay Frizzo, Paducah Sun Tnbune Circulation depament' Participation in both the KJF stu—
P‘“ Mdel“ Chip Huidreson, Princeton Times Leader Times Tribune last December after 10 dent 12:1“ 3:86;: facets]?! :1 regsidence
Steve Lowery, Kentucky Standard 'th the Kin rt (TN) Times- P ogr' w . ml 0 9W» papers
years w1 . gspo , partrcrpating in the Kentucky State—
Vice President Jerry Lyles, Benton Tribune Courier News. Jay Stancrl, a 1994 communica- wide Classified Program. Newspapers
Gene Gabe”, Record" Associates Division tions gr aduahe from Carson-Newman interested in joining theStatewideClas
' NewsP‘Pe” Bob Adams, Western Kentucky University College, has been named sports editor sified Program should contact Reba
' of the Times Tribune. He joined the Lewis at (800) 264-5721.
3““;"k A 13 hi Advertising Division Times Tribune in July, 1994, and has 1 7 - h
N22133:; PPa C 3" Teresa Revlett, McLean County News also worked part-time with the Moun- In t ems to J C
tain Press in Sevierville, Tenn. ’
District 1 gmkifgzngflzm’x;k Frank Batten Jr., former associate p 1a CEd In 1 996
William Mitchell, Fulton Leader ' publisher of the Elizabethtown News Continued from Page 1
_ Circulation Division Enterprise, has been named executive
mm“ 2 Todd Rainwater, Appalachian News vice president of Landmark Commu- terprise, Winchester Sun, Murray Led-
" Jed Dillingham, Dawson Springs Progress EXPMS nications,lnc. Batten left Elizabethtown ger and Times,and Henderson Cleaner.
.1 '_ Md 3 Immdism Education in 1991 to become president and pub- ln the first three summers of the
r; Teresa Revlett, McLean County News Dr. Ron Wolfe, £35m Kentucky lisher of The Virginian-Pilot in Nor— program (1993 through 1995), 26 in-
Umymny folk, Va. terns had been placed through the Ken- 5
M‘“ Karla Lanham, a Bardstown na— tucky Journalism Foundation. ,
' and” Portrnann, Franklin F'vome Genet-l Conmlt tive, has joined the advertising sales The internship program, the first
. M“ 5 1°“ “mm“? and Kim Gm“, WW", staff of the Kentucky Standard. She of its kind in the country though now
_ , David Greer,Eltubethtnwn New, Tarnntand comb” previously was a receptionist for a modeled by several state, regional and
_ Enterprise Kentucky P reaa A. aodation Bardstown car dealer. national press associations, pays in-
‘ . 7 ‘ Kentucky Press Service 5““ Elizabethtown News Enterprise tern salaries for nine weeks of employ—
Du'm publisher,and former KPA/ KPSBoard ment With member newspapers.
‘ M“ A“b"P""1"“""“"C°“"°”°“"“' David T. Thompson, Executive Director of Directors member, Mike Anders, In 1993, the Kentucky Journalism
' " m 7 Wflowmr Fume” MIME" was the topic of conversation during Foundation began changing from
‘ KalkyWakaGallattn €00!“me gimmi‘ifii‘fiw Elizabethtown's Heartland Festival scholarship-based to internship pm-
- ' -' Cumin“); “3 Parade. With the festival's parade gramtogive students firsthand experi—
' a m” ”Gm“, Sammy theme "Farmland and Industry Work- ence in real world journalism and to
’ ~ , ~3 K‘“ Meta, 3"“ W ”MW Buffy johmn, Bookkeeping A391,“... ing Hand-in-Hand in the Heartland," attract the students into a newspaper
.~‘ ‘ DI . 10-11 Sherry Harper, Advertising Assistant the News Enterprise float featured a career after graduation.

_; . . MI“? W, AppalachianNmExpress SKM'M‘C‘WrQ'PW‘B MY food processing factory. N-E staffers By the end of next summer, the
' ‘. "“7 W' M‘WN'W’ R‘b‘” dressed the part with Lisa D'Aleaslo Kentucky Journalism Foundation will
is," I_ Dbtrlctn ”M‘s“ 01mg “mum as an ear of corn, Sue Farmer as a have placed 43 interns and paid news-

"..“I mmmhrkcbonnM/ Cm). my”; Clipping ”mm" tomato and Lisa Robertson, Donna papers $107,500 for salary purposes
I .f . WEN“! Ho ' White and M ii Nall as of since the am an in 1993.

.v "1,. WSdsenflwInsM-m-m e m er ans W08? bet:

at " ‘. 3..-

iwitfr“. ' I

run“ A . -

‘ji'rgv “in , "—7-”? . . ,. . j ' "'7““".""m'"""“‘" ” ‘T " ’ T" " _. . , -—-—-—-—-~~—» , -— .

3. 2 ;~~;,*-'r'..;;’~".N-»’ .‘ '. . , . . , :- >\ -» ~ ‘ r

‘fiééfiraigtkw’ Ra‘s'm“ alt)“ ’ ; :. ‘ . ' 1.. ‘ ' I 5 , :1 N, - 1 a J v . I‘ . . " ‘
fféf‘é? ;'“;E“dt;:s‘ol >121... i... .r.!.,‘: w, "t . J . , . H: ~ . ' , ‘ use 4 ‘ " . . I , s . _ , ‘ I

l ~ \ .
l The Kentucky Press - November, 1995 - Page 3
.: Total Newsprint Used Recycled Newsprint Use
; too,ooo.oooo - 80'000-0000'
90,ooo.oooo 7- . 7o,ooo.oooor
80,000.0000 “ W ' '
so , o 00.0 000 WWW —~ WW W ~ WWW WWW
3; 70,000.0000 ' - " , ' ,
i 50,000.0000
50,000.0000 , , . . 40,000.0000
40,000.0000 " ' ' '- 30‘000-0000 _-e___.__ %_ . \ _. f
\\ ‘
30,000.0000 . . . , \f\
20,ooo.oooo » '
20,000.0000 A , .. , .
'90 '91 '92 '93 ‘94 °'°°°° ‘90 '91 -92 ‘9 '94
_ Newsprint levels used by Kentucky newspapers from 1990 to 1994 showed a fairly consistent level. But levels of recycled newsprint increased
drastically in the past five years. The charts were part of a presentation before the House and Senate Natural Resources Committee on October 11
b KPA Executive Director David T. Thom on and Russ Barnett, De ut Commissioner of the Kentuck De artment of Environmental Protection.
1% p5 . . I} y y E
e two presented a report from the Kentucky Newsprint Recycling ask Force, formed by the 1994 Kentuc y General Assembly. The charts show
. that news rint levels have remained in the 8 ,000 to 90,000 tons er ear ran e since 1990 but r cled news rint levels have increased from 21.25 ~
. _ P . P y g ecy P
percent in 1990 to 93.8956 in 1994. ' . l /
Newsprint recycling report may NO] I ”I lat/0’ J t” J ’6 1;
Stave Off mandate to do more Deadlines approaching for UK Hall of Fame,
. , .
By Mark R. Cheugm‘ pnm study comm“ of having at lexmgton Herald-Leader 3 Ed Templm Award
‘ Associated Press least half Of all Kentucky newsprint The University of Kentucky Jour— Templin was promotion director
:.——*——— nalism Alumni Association is solicit- of the Lexington Herald and president
t ‘ Cooperation by the newspaperin- Ithtlfg’k we CCU/d help y oubcu/t beak ing nominations for its annual induc- elect of the Kentucky Press Associa-
dustry in Kentucky in using recycled on 9 amount you use .y (fit/rig tion of outstanding journalists into the tion at the time of his death in 1967.
newsprint may have staved offa man- US 9d” some 0’ your Star ’95, 53” Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame. The award recognizes outstand—
date to do even more, a legislator said. Rep. Mark Brown Established in 1980, the Joumal- ing community service by a Kentucky
Unrest in the 1994 General Assem- “+— ism Hall of Fame, Includes newspaper, newspaper person.
bly almost boiled over into a require made 0f “‘CYCJQd materials on the 38' radio and television journalists. Ken— Nominations should includea brief
ment that Kentucky newspaper use a gregate level ‘5 unrealistic ”8m “OW- tucky newspaper representativesin the description of the community service
certain amount of recycled material in . Only five 0f more than 20 news‘ UK Journalism Hall of Fame include performed by the nominee.
their newsprint. print manufacturers areoeven capable Don Towles, David Hawpe, Russ Metz, Nominations should be mailed by
"We started out with kind ofa 'Let's 0’ making "QWSPmJt mm 50 percent Creed Black, Henry Watterson, Barry November 27, to David T. Thompson,
stick it to the newspaper-5"" said Rep. recyCIOd product, said Russell Barnett! Bingham Sr. Kentucky Press Association, lOl Con- ,
Mark Brown, D-Brandenburg, chair— dCPUtY comrmssroner 0f the Depart- Thepurposeof theJournalism Hall sumer Lane, Frankfort, KY., 40601.
man of the Subcommittee on the Envi— ment 0f Enwronmental' Protection. ‘ of Fame is to recognize persons who For moreinformationmontact Tom
ronment. The COSt 0‘ newsprint and, comcr- have made significant contributions to Caudill, Lexington Herald-Leader, at
Brown complimented the indus- dentally Old newspapers for recycling, the industry. Selection is made from (606) 231-3100.
try October ll for its willingness to has risen dramatically 5mm 1994- individuals, living or dead, who are
research the issue and voluntarily use Th; C02: 2;? ton 0‘ "0:51:13” has Kentucky natives or who have spent a _ _
more recycled materials. near Y ou 1 inayearan 0 ““WS' substantial part oftheircareersin Ken— "1710mm ” ~.
Of the 84,918 tons of newsprint papers thatonce sold for$30aton flew tucky. 9 : .f' . p ‘1’"
used by Kentucky publishers in 1994, to $200a ton,buthas now settled at$80 NOminafionS should be received a. . . s «:1...
nearly 94 percent of it included some to $90 per ton, Thompson said. at UK's School of Journalism no later ‘1?" x". , . -
recycled material.Thatpercentage var~ Barnett 5‘3", 't ‘5 5“" important ‘0 than Friday, January 12, 1996. lndud- . ’ " '
led with some newspaper using paper Kt‘t‘p Old newspapers 0“" 0'! landfills' (“S W’l“ be honored a special rt‘COgnl- \ A . . , .21 . .V ‘. . p ‘
that was completely made from “L wherethey make up aboutfive percent tion program in April. .. . . y . , _ .
cycled newsprint. "f the “’0'th "f "95h Nominations should be sent to f““"‘”"“” W’f‘" ‘ ’ "‘1 . A, ' ,. ‘
Overall, recycled materials made Thompson sa'd Kentucky m‘WS' Buck Ryan, UK thool of Journalism, .' 1.1,. ,, 1f 4 l I . . . ,
‘ up about 29 percent of the newsprint papers have voluntarily agreed t“ ”.V Crehan Building, University of Ken- .i ~ , , ~' ‘ ' .
used in Kentucky in 1994 (on an aggre— to ““9 newsprint W'th 4“ percent ”L tucky, Lexington, KY. 40506. For more . ‘ I I " ,‘ '_ y V, .
gate fiber ton level). That figure is up (Yam “mm“ by mow? 2000. information, mntact the Journalism ' ' l 427 wow '
‘ from about 23 percent in 1993, accord- 'Brown had ‘1 gumvsmm “9’“? how SChOOl at (606) 257-4360 Call 1800722371600
ing to David Thompson, executivedi' the industry can useless newsprint in Templin Award rm a mu 0mm m»
rector of the Kentuck Press Associa- an era 0f rising prices. Nominations are also bein 7 ac-
; tion, y "I think Wbt‘OUId holpyou Cuiback C(‘pll‘d for tht‘ 1995 Edward: M wwgw “.0, ..
Thompson said the goal stated m (in-tho amount you use by letting us Templin Award,sponsored by the Lex- ‘ ‘ ‘ H ‘ .
0191994|egislation thatcreated anews edit some of your stones, Brown said. ington Herald-Leader.
- “‘x % x
i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . r \‘ \.\ ,

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press - November, 1995
Peo 1e and Pa ers _______._
Come“ no... Page 2 p worm. or averting at Western FREE OFFER! H ELP HIGH SCHOOL
Kentucky UniverSlty and daughter,
since 1987 for the Harlan Daily Enter- Donna, a former Daily News staff IOU RNALI SM IN KENTUC KY
prise and then sports editor of the writer, is now editor-in-residence fora | I ,
Corbin TimesTribune,hasbeennamed government agency in Washington, 1 i 1
s rtseditoroftheGeor etown News- D. ,. > ' '
c‘i‘épr... g C E DEATH 3v CHEESEBURGER 398'" By Cheese , i
Louisville attorney 5. Russell Obt r' i Hicuscuom ouauausumnismout ono . urger Is a trea- 1
Smith Jr., a partner in the law firm of I ua' les i :3 fit ‘ Isdure Of excellent j 3
Smith and Smith, has joined the board Kinner i « ' ' eas that cou’d i i
ofdirectorsforNews Publishing Com- Delia Webb Kinner, a retired I 1 Improve hlgh 2 i
pany, publishers of the Bowling Green weekly newspaper publisher, died ; ; ‘ gt SChOOI journallsm» 3
Daily News. Smith joins John Gaines October 10 . She was 88. ' y ‘ S The book wlll
and Pipes Gaines who are CO'PUbliSh' She was publisher of the Licking . ; provlde you the
ers 0f the Daily News. Smith, husband Valley Courier, Wolfe County News V potential for a :
0f MOHY Gaines Smith, succeeds Ann and Elliott County News and a retired § ' , 1 positive Impact In
C. Gaines, as a director. She was a registered nurse. ‘ ‘ EQ & your community
director for an interim period after the She also served as business man- ., it 1 . . I; | and the future Of
death 0‘ her husband, I. Ray Gaines, ager of the Courier Publishing Co. and % . i M, f_ _ 3:3}. l our Indust
who was a long-time director and 9di‘ became publisher of the three newspa— ’ V { . ry. I
tor of the Bowling Green Daily News. pers following the death of her hug- ‘, y ”a; [
Tonia Frye. a 1988 communica- band,Earl Kinner Sr.,in 1980. The com- ' j‘ .. . :3» ' J Ge"? CUShmany ,
tions degree graduate from the Uni- pany established The Elliott County 1" ’ gt ! Presuent. The 5
versity of Kentucky, has joined the News in the late ]9405 and purchased V ht: 3;)“ Bulletin, Bend. Ore.
Wayne County Outlook staff as news the Wolfe County News in 1956. WOFIHEFRQ': .. u l
writer and advertising $3195 represen- Survivors include a son, Earl W W *1
tative. Frye previously served as editor Kinner, Jr., of West Liberty, who is the
of a national bass fishing magazine ublisher of the Lickin Valle Cou— . . .
and asa communications specialism, 59f, Wolfe County Nevgvs andyEmofl Take advantage of The Freedom Forum 5 offer to distribute
Manhattan National Lifelasubsidiary County News_ free copies of the book for you to present to high schools in
of Pioneer Financial Services, Inc. Jennings your area. Send a list of school names and addresses to which
Park NEWSWPeYS has a “W “C9 Dorothy Hagen Jennings, 81, re- you will distribute Death By Cheeseburger to Judy Hines,
Pm'dem' Ralph If m’ “‘0 §Pem tired publisher and authonand was an education program officer, via fax or mail:
33;: meg 3:023:23: owner of the former Murray Demo-
' ' ' crat, died October 10 in Murra .
“0W m late SQPW by anht Jennings and her late hdlsband, Irg1FJVeued0mBll=O§um
Q.Du)ms,pre5ldent ofPark 99mm“ Kerby Jennings, co-wrote "The Story of son V '
mcahons. Parkpublishes30daillesand Calloway County." Arlington, VA 22209
24 weekly newspapers in 12 states, in- FAX (703) 294-351 6
cludingonedailyandnineweekliesin Sun buys ballng machine
imfifiofiflfgfifimflefi “MM“, “0'“ Page 1 ‘ Questions? Contact Judy Hines at (703) 284-2853.
to thecompany's corporate staff in Des means to recycle newsprint. If the de-
Plaines, 111., in 1983. Martin also served mand from people who want to recycle
threeyearsasmeu'odivision vicepresi- their newspapers is there, we will ex-
. dent, overseeing'l‘hon‘son'slargestUS. pand the hours we are open for receiv—
dailies and was then named president ing papers." '
of Thomson's eastern group. Becausecompressed,baled papers C aree r3 1 n Newsp ap e r
John Kelly, who has worked the create more storage space, additional
past four monthsas a news reporter for material canbehandled and processed. . .
theRichmond Register, has takenover The Sun recycled 628,000 pounds of $2332? garish”? fatefin'gs'ty thmuigh a 9'th fg°m|§h°
as sportseditoroftheMadison County newsprint in 1994, and could double .8 Y 880018 I00, '_8 mmUte V 99m?" '8 ' ea or.
daily. Kelly replaces Nick Nicholas thatthanksto the new mechanical cm. high school and college/univerSlty students consudenng a Career in
who hasbeen named sports reporter at ciency. NeWSPaPe'S-
theMyrtleBeach,S.C.,SunNews. Kelly Newspapers are acce ted in the
served as assistant sports editor and drive-through behind thepSun build- The tape features various size and frequency newspaper person-
- sports editor of The Kentucky Kernel ing from 7:30a.m.toS:30p.m.,Wednes— nel diswssing job opportunities in the industry and builds an
While attending“ Univmit)’ 0‘ K91“ day and “Dwaysr and 7130 3-m- to excitement for exploring a career in journalism.
tucky. He has also worked as a news 12:30 pm. Fridays. A workeris on duty
“55‘5““? for the 590'“ depam' 0‘ dunng those hours to help unload Pa“ To order a copy of the tape. at $25 each, and a handout detailing :
Nanny)“ Herald'l‘eader and ‘7“ Pers' , . _ information about newspaper careers, complete the form below
asportscorrespondent for the Bowling The newspaper 5 recycling efforts . Atk' D t f C m n’ t' M h d
Green Daily News. began about {our years ago. and mall to Joan ins, ep . o o mu lca ions, ore ea
Don Stringer, who has been with "We wok an interest when we saw State Universny, BR 101 -C, Moirehead, K-Y. 40351. Make checks
the Bowling Green Daily News since we were throwing more than 30,000 payable to MSU NewsDape' Videotape.
1964, has resigned as managing editor, papersevery morningand mostof them . ‘ ~ ‘
effectiveNovember 21,topursueother were ultimately just ending up in the “9359 send — 009'95 0‘ Careers "" Newspaper Videotape l0-
interests. Stringer joined the paper in landfill," promotions manager Steve
'64 as newseditorbut soon became city Rich said. "Recycling was the respon- Name _________..__._—___— '
editor. He later was named executive sible step for us to take." ' .
editor of the newspaper and was a After thenewsprintiscompressed Newspaper/Assocaatlon —_———————————————
" frequent contributor to the editorial and baled, trucks haul it to Kimberly-
-" page. Stringer joined the Daily News Clark Corp, a paper manufacturer in Address _.._____—————-——-——-———-—--——-———
- ‘ after newspaper stints in Nashville, Coosa Pines, Ala. .
' Atlanta and Hattiesburg, Miss. He Rich said the process works best CW _.____————— S‘me ____.. Zip __.___..
. 5: graduahd from Southern Mississippi. when newspapers are returned in gro-
‘1- We wife,Carolyn,isanuaodate (Jay-type bay, loose and unbound. l
> W . A ‘ ’ > _ ~,.- ~._.. ,_ j
. ‘ . - . :v ‘ 1 l
. ' l
l .

Dela vu all Over
a ' . . The K
g331H for JUdglng 3 Entucky Press - November, 1995 _ page ‘
3 W131 West Virginia 32 (a! , Rismg costs!
i news Mayelisl Several Kentucky V . , ;¢ I . o . —
3 er ' ' - o
3 b83335 P ltona] staff mem- rlslng prlces
l l W 1 fire .S’Chedmed ‘0 lUdge the
33 3 95! \ lrglnia PresS ASSOClitl 3 3 33 I Add the MaVSVlllo W
.3 Contesl in LBXingto n 33333 33‘ < n W , l pendom (3333303333333 333 ger-lndo-
. . 3 S 3 ' 3 2 ,7 ’ {‘5 J ' .l
Judges started arriving 583,839 ., 3 fxltl (moon Daily \mAN 3333 :hifttlrlkiw ,7
3 storms hit the Central Kentuck ‘ '~3 ,: 3 list at? newnpdpt-rx Wh< , ha W3, 353M111:
3:93 and a tOI'nado ripped Y 3 3 33 3 '3 ~ 3 i in Llldtlllh ran-x ll: the may w; d5“;
: rough JessarnineC ' 3 l All thl’t‘t- Kb,“ 33 >’ ‘ or
-ount H‘ i t- . Wk) pa en ,
SChOOI‘ Although the weal/hergh " "1 i ”011211qu hikes ”‘ m“ PdSl mfmh dr
delayed SOme Of the jUd es 3 I 33 3 t‘LedgerIndependentmcméwd
everything went Off Wit}? ’ 3 5 Subscription rate and at the 5,», l
hitch, out a x, 3 3m?“ Changed its billing process Pmt: I
I 3 lShQr Bob . u ,
edit? (3)Ct0ber 5/ WeSt Virginia N " SCribers matfie‘solihson told LI Sub— /
. 113 Staff membe 3 3 3 w, d l , 3 935mm Kentu
1 rs all . ck
5 I cated that deing for 333reec 12?)? I ’ " dail: S:;’°‘“’“g "‘9 process of otheyr
F?" Newspaper Contest The t ‘ ' SCril’tions ‘31”me Charging “"5“” x "
Right before, Hurricane O 1 ' ‘ monthly ba ' a weekly rallier than
came ashor ' - pa H , . 5'5. At the same tim . ‘
f e in Florida and , Uldrlckson anYlOUnced 333 c, 3
Ol‘eCasters predicted . ' SubSCTlption 33a 8 weekly
mo Opal would , . ‘9 WOUld be $2 25 .
h' 3:8 “P the Appalachians with glnning October 1, The in. be-
“:g W313nds and torrential rains It émounmd to a 25{Ont per monctheaste
as SC . ' inc ‘ 1'3 e
333330333 2 Edged to hit Charleston Ben Sheroan, former KP A . mime, th V
morning to 332313395 éwoke that at the we“ Virginia Press Estate At-Large Board member show d scribe“ will aelsowiklhlmetmd’ SUb-
. y rams and so jud e th SOCiation he d ' e Up ~ . . a e to purch
“Md bUt still mad - - me 3 e Kent“Cky Pr . a qumers Octob s“bSCT‘PlJOns for 13 359
, 3 e it m for th Who w k 3 ess ASSOClation Fall N er5to help Se . , , , 26 and 52 Weeks
llldging, much as KP e or ed in Kentu . eWSpaper C mor Ghzens rece' 3 .
. A members and the “‘9’ With the Elizab ”me“— Ben, H . We a disc0um_
had done Just a few m P owe“Sboro Messen _ . ethtown News Enterpris etldncks‘)“ said enormou - _
before. “”15 arkersburg (W.Va.) Ne 8" I"““""1 18 now edito e creases 1“ “eWSprintareth - S m
a Cane, a nece ' 0 ws‘ He “’38 gettin a; . r of “‘9 scm for the in e malor nea-
SSlfy after undergoin g Ound “nth the help of A “‘59- ,, .
g recent knee Surge t the same time H - / '
PI ry. announced som ' endrlckSOn
t0 Off . news ' 9 Changes in the
r SQI I | pa“""”5“""‘atincl d‘ - l
1n tinuin - . ' “ mgdiscon-
n. S or weekl' event: News the mad of l
offer “fl-American press INSfitute will news ka le S 33w: t:3313:Vlsron Sh0ws,
, eel Week-IOng semina PaC 89, enSurin . 80mg to be mo
' - rs ‘ g SOlll'ld f _ - ~ abo re Careful
Many des‘gned f0r week] Spe- gal management, buildin a ma.“ “”30.“ for each pro am i ut"how w? “59 the Space availabl
pers Execu . y newspa- mg mark 8 dverns- Part: 8’ 5 $850. to u5, he sa d "l e
Editing? airing 1996. neWSpapzt fShaat: and positioning the Nov emb: lggnltggé‘IhOuld register by news COVeragl . ‘ll 1 and regional
. e eekly andC 1' 01' efl-lt’Ure, r , 5, for the Editi . . e W] get Priority The
My Newspaper sched mm” A ma' r l Weekly and c . ngthe televismn -d 3 -
. 1 . l0 ‘3 ement of 0mmum N 3 38" 5 run week]
ary 28-Febmal.y 2 3S 8“ 30:32:30: 3313mm Will be an in—depth Cfiéfisrgfram: 3y March4 for Advertistiyng 3:225”, so repeating them daily i: ;n31':5:ua3
Pl’Ogi'am in Strengthen)" - PaCt Participant's “8 93C Hategjos fOI’W kl fig newsprint we . 3 e 0
n editi WISPaper. Mee - . 99 Wow. . . S'mP'Y can't ' "
newsroommanagememgkms-ng and small, Peer—group review 333mg m August 12 for Managemmgersfand Cnttenden Pre55pub1islxsnfy'
to deliver a quality news packal; 0i3'3der members will discuss their sSions, Weekly NeWSpa per 0 the Mick told readers that in pa 3e, Nancy
t'iCipants Will lea 9- ar- per-5' Stren th n9w5p3_ FUrther . f ‘ 3 Week] 5 Years her
rn abOut n g 5' OPPOI'tUm’tieqf - m Omahon about th ynewspapefhadabso
ProaChes to an - - ew aP’ PTOVement and - ‘ or 'm' programs m 3 95" of the ' rbedman ‘
enues to clear eaxrczingfgfgws mix, av- ment ChallengegOPQrahoml/mamge— APl associatvebfj {flawed by calling "in him??? production costs buy;
and editing ways to rodve writing “ RlOrdan at(7(B)620-