xt7w0v89kq3w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w0v89kq3w/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1963 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, October 1963 Vol.30 No.1 text The Kentucky Press, October 1963 Vol.30 No.1 1963 1963 2019 true xt7w0v89kq3w section xt7w0v89kq3w A A- EH—ffi 4
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. Published In the Interest‘of Community Journalism . . . Of, By, and For Kentucky'Newspapers 4 4
. 4 I
4| 4 I i 5,
. 4 ‘ 4 ’l
. I . - . . ..1 : - . ' ‘
7he Kentucky Press Assoczation )‘C(,'()gnl;'-G.S' 4 . . 4 4 4
the furnlan'zental importance of the implied ' 4
trust imposed on newspapers and dissemination ‘ ' ‘ 4 .
of public information. It stands for truth; fair- “ ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ 4 4
ness, accuracy, and decency in the presentation " 4
of news, as set forth in the Canons of Journal- ' 4 4
5isrn. It advocates strict ethical .s-tami'ards in its 5 5 5 . 5 ’
2 advertising column. It opposes the publication V 4 =
_0f propaganda under the guise of news. It (If— ‘ ' I 4 .4‘ 3
firms the obligation. of a newspaper to frank, 2 ‘ i i
'lmnesi and fearless editorial expressions: 1!. re— ’ ' 1‘? 4 4*
SPC’CfS equality of opinion and the right of every . - . - 404- 4 4
4 . , 5 . ‘ 5 5 5 ‘5 l
individual to particzpatzon in the Constitulunml 5545.545 $533.45 5 5 22:24 5.5 {wvfigaw :4-‘""f-£~.;’2 , .55.” 4. Z ,5.5,,55,55555 4 4
,Warantee of Freedom of the Press. I t2 believes 2345mm; : 2444§4¢4éwgg2gwgév 14,52“? ‘2. x 5. ., i‘ 4 ‘ _' . 4 4
- 4 . . . 2 24.222242 4» . ‘ 4. 2 ‘
In the newspaper as a vital medium for 010143224} likflwf‘aw 4:22.21. ,fj‘»;.442554234M"-2422~?1‘3..;” .4 7-5124 ’4‘,‘ .- . 5 - 2 4. 45 4
tcononnc, social and cultural community de— :24"? fig; .lfiiil 4N1? -. 4 5555.5 173;: 244.... «54 z .,. 2 ," i
221221217104” and Progress. g4: 2'22 5;! “‘2’ .2 2 {if "‘4‘ - . i 2
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SChOOi of Jou rho I ism “a - 22 ~~. 1' 2 . g ' i V
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V | , Kentucky 5 Showcase: McHargue 5 MI", 4
1 0 Ume 30, Number 1 4
-_ Levi Jackson State Park, London 4 55
4 ‘23.:4 1A . I
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 1' . 1. , — 1 i ~ ,
11 111,11
14 11 1.1
1: 1 1 111 1 1 1 l
‘ 11 1 1 1 1 1 ‘
1|} 1:1 1 ‘11 11
mm. 1111‘ 1 1 Th K k .
1+ 111 1 e e“ “C Y TESS + As We See It “VB 1111. inquire 11.6 - 1
1 13 11 1 ' v + “We“ “f the New York 1.1110111, at 11. OCTC
1 . 1 ‘ u
1 1 1 311 11 ,1 Olume 30, Number ] ll(_entucky Press CElEbrates ginnfiuel Celler (D., NY.) (3111;. Rep.
111 111 ‘11' 1' l‘lll’l'leth - ie Ouse M0n0p01 sub , 1 1man11i
11 11 1 11 1 Official Pilblication Birthday Today broke off newspaper )iiionocolnmlttee Wllichl
1 111 1'1 1 I Ke'm'CkY Press Association, Inc. Referring to the front cover you months ago, tOld a repori)0y hearings he
11 11 11 Kentucky Press Service, Inc. have noticed that a line says, “VOImay probe the Mirror’s death w? he expects 101 e
11 11 _ ' ‘ 7 um -
11 1 11 11111 P VIC." R. Portmann, Editor Thirtly, Number One.” This brief notic: mlttee resumes hearings Theirsl the SlleOITl.
1 1‘ 1 - 1 . Slm ' ~ \ i
1 111 1 11 1 my 1_ Add“, Assam“ Editor 11 phy states that The Press is entering into OH‘iUdl on-d that hearings Will 1:15 the fin I
1 1‘ 1 :1 1 ‘1 Member is kt math VOl‘lme’ haVing served Ken Because the subcommittee ~ e1res.ume11 I’ h
1 1 1111 Newspaper Managers Association “0 Y newspapers, Kentucky journalis Wlth Civil rights legislation 'tl:9 sh“ hed11111111 m appy
1 11.1 1' Kentucky Chamber of Commerce and Kentucky publiShers for tw t m, several Weeks before th 7 1 Is llkelyt011111hhes conver1
‘ 1 1 1 f Better Business Bur 1 years that have mar en ,V-nine gation ii e DeWspaper invest Its Aug. 8 155
1 1 1 . ecu, Lexmgton kEd the change of ma 3 resumed Rep C 11 _11, .
1'11 1 ‘ 1'1 1 Sustaining MGMber Of Our newspapers from Slee . if 1ny doubt that ClOSin f . e1er expressed w l ()1 COnfu
11 1111 1 1 National Editorial Association newspapers to those of inte py,1 me ectwe the antitrust 111 1g 0“ the Mirror 1110111111 complete ease
11 1 111 1 _‘ '1 1 Associate Mam alert t o h resting format, ' ~ ‘ ‘8' thng COFPOI‘at' ' era] factors, tl
11 11 1 111 1 National N f 1 VP grap y, and Community serv' ale exempted from the a t‘ ions 1
i 11 1‘ 1 1 "'WP" Promotion Association the” Progressive cities The P hlce to the Mirror qu re 1t In 1-merger law1a111/‘full preparatio
i1 1 11 11 1 - Publication Office Ways endeavored to be a parrtess'f as al- million in the red 1:215“ to have been$31§11 Our plans t
:1 1 1 ‘ 1 School of Journalism pointer, of this modernization ’ fl ant a White House Pre ~ 38'3“ 310%. IDES“ were d6
1111 11 1131 ‘ University of Kentucky Content, principles and commO 't Ol‘m‘i‘t, inger deplored the :116Cr1etzlny Pierre S1111'ea1', althoug}
1 1 1 1111 —________ tionship and tak ’ “n1 Y re a- Y k ”TOYS 055 in a we. sometime befi
‘ 1 .1 1 1 ’ CS a modest bow f h 0’ SpeeCh. callin f “ ‘
1 1111 11 part under th 1 1 01‘ t at . 1 _ g 01' a heavy doseature.\\1'epostp<
1 1 _1 111 6 Same ed - . preventive ”
l1 1 11 11 1 Kentucky Press Association, Inc pen for 348 issues. Furtlh::s dlreCtlon and ward fewerme;1 101118 to halt the trend 1111flitcr the Assen
11 11 1 -11 1 1‘ red J Burkhard Pre 'd . same inter t , We pledge the - . p DBI‘S. He aSkedZ “How 1011 hl the meantin
1 11 111 1 1 , C .51 em es and same endeavors for th are we g01ng t0 COntinue t 11. 1
11 1 111 1 C 1 (my County News Liberty future—who knows it m b e cuse of ec 1 0 accept the 111 lam and hls 1'1
111 111 i 11 1 1- eorge Joplin III, Vice-President ’ more of honest eftbrt t ay :1 for 29 years OUT new Onomic factors for the death“11161‘1bl'i1(lir1‘3 l
1 :1 ‘ ‘1 1 i . . 0 S a . i ’ ’ U
11 I11 111‘ 1 Vh'mr R- Pmtmann Sixtfzfynlilealth’ Somerset Whlle Pllblication. pro uce 3 Worth— While thispifglszItthouth remgnlllng tl11 (1)55“ PI‘ESS am
1‘ 1 h 1 1 1 ”my 1. Ashley Ash-m _ anager b1 - rue t ere may be 0th: 6 profited in
11 1 11 fi 1 t pro ems
1 1 1 11‘ 1 l‘lorida R. Garrison, Assi’itafijci'iiz-Mamge' N . ° ° ° ° are we giiiiiltht (Mir newspapem? Hoxv10110h3ngeover1 3D
11 11 1 111 1 University of Kentuck my: - ew R“"“9 Presented as cement %. O .reat newshaper Properfif’t”,“”-"Printing
11 .1‘ . 1 1 . . y’ ““3”“ 0n Delinquent News eye ~ actor-11351 COl'iJOrate farms—i111 T‘mes on theH
1 11 1 1 1 Dlstrlct Executive Committee The . tontlii1 some1 cases as convenient tax lm1 R
1,". 1 i ‘ 1' Ch - 1 . 1‘6 IS no Kent 1 . 1 " e exc usion 1 - 1 . 1
11 111 1 1 1 1 ‘1 d1 etslhrd’rlgn’(¥w3,c)e K1,;1Henry, Daily News Mid- newspaper publicatihlrfké :fiatute forbEddmg Where is the inner Shfllltiirpilihhc' Infre§11tlidlti film re“
1 111 11 1 1 1 1 en ; if“, William T 1 1 nile ft 1 enameso juve- (lust 1 - c mglntisin' 1 v0 connet
11 111 1 1 11 1 3:0" Cili‘nty Hemldi Eddyville- Second 111:5): “id (60:21:15,236 attorrley general’s office Viv-ilrynhliat I felel IS neceSSal-y for its 5111‘“0 heated, ma
1 ‘1 1 11 1 1 ,1 n8, essenger—Argus C ’ - ’ “ . ‘ _ mere y criticism b "'lpositio
11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 entra] C 1 1 11 . ut cr1t1c151111 n room.
11 1111111 1 _1 288111 Caummisar, Courier-Ioumal (11;); Tillred’ E 1:15“. Atty. Gen. Martin Clazer told Ma _ Wthh can lead to innovation?” 11mg and had 0
.1. " 11 1 1 1 1 F::!il<‘liiile;F'ZZWgI, IIjoward Ogles, Favor“: filurfdlce indgle ]- Ernest Jones that die 0 o o . 11)ng layout anl
. 111 1 1 1 1 i ’ , ran C. B 11 - ’ ‘ or re usa to - ‘ Ito - -
4 11 1 1 1 e , Tumble D _ PUbllSh such . -1 - . . Specrficat
1 11 1 Crat, Bedford; Sixth, Edwards M T emo based on the policy of - names 1‘5 ZIp-Iculties Will C i‘ h Y Ithose' T Ions
1 1 ‘ : 1 2 1 Herald-Leader Lexington' Seve th .W emphn, Paper a particular news— 0 C 0“ 1C 111 he Re
1 1 1 : 1 1 1 ' ’ ’ n , arr _ ' ' _-. 1 01"]th .
1 1 111 1 1 Fisher, Mercury, Carlisle; Ei hth _en R He said th 1 1 11 le unifies—people are mistakin 21 1\ews m
1 511 1 1 Rosett, Adair County News 5 1 ’ 540““ De" ers f- d. €116 is a statute forbidding 0th Code numbers for -1ddresse h g IEESted Several i
“ ‘11 1“ James T. - ’ Ohm i3; Ninth, 1 ‘ 10m 1V“ ging infor 1 ' . 1 . . _ l) .1 ‘ 5’ ouse mun-0111111111 .
11. 1 1 1 1 State-at-Lagznés’chi’; Independent, Ashland- Juveniles except to eel-hi???“ congemmg Ned); shone numbers, or What have 10191110161113? Oil]
:1. 51 1 i - - an Curon Stt ’ ba . ‘ I‘SOns, ut not lng you know W ’11 l) - -_ ‘m 1'
1 1 1 1 Frankfort; Stem _ 1 a 6 Journal, nmng the news a er - 1 _ 1.11111 _ , e e In ser1011man1 I
1 :11 Times-Tribune act: Lafge’ James Lee Crawford, ing names. p p Itself from dISCIOS' El culty If peOpIe start “5ng “111' numbalden] n theme
1 ‘1 1 1 1 Schansberg V" mfg); State'at-Large Al I 10m 0111‘ Social Security life insurant 1111 “Stownter
_ 11 ‘11 1 , Otceo t. . ’ . ' " ..- .. " 1 hem '
11 11 11 11 Past President, John B. Gabifl::th;::2 gnmwmte 1 s: s: * * {\Jzzlticies, acudent poliCies, old army sem We afigths in
l1 1 :1 ‘ Bowfing Green. , In! News, Mirror Suspension To Brin Co elans Bureau, bank depOSit’ sallingml’OSitionlm Olde-
1‘ '1 -————_——_—__ Government InveSl'lgafionsg imgntS—dall getting confused, ti'ansl)OStlT111'S qu facilm
i 1 1 1 056 , composed d ’11 d 1- ' “T In
1 1 _ 1 an we en .1sfa
1111 1 . 1 1 Kentucky Press Service Inc (1 The folding 0f Hem-51,5 New York Mi where? Perhaps with a reformatorv nufl'11nfthF1V and 011
11 ‘ ‘1 1 1 George M- WilSOn President I ' eSplte the Second largest Cil‘Cul'lti0n i ”1(1):, her as well. I 1dr:lneved arm
1 . 1 ' - ’ z ' ‘ I] V
1.1 1 1 L1 Breekmndge He ral d-News, Hardinsb n ition, brought prompt l'epercu , 1 1e Perhaps one solution of the ZIP probleli lhe 01lld bettei
1111 1 1 1 Judo“ Wills, First V' _ 1 mg EOVeI‘nment SSlOns 111 Would 1 ‘ Pl‘OdHCti
i 1 1 ice Pr . Bo h be to - On
11 1 M L estdent - t the Department f r UDCle Sam to assrgn each 1191 911101- 1
1 ‘1 ‘ ’ ice-President ee egan im d' 1 . 1' and let ‘h - ' 1 ‘ prove]
111 1 Lyon Cou , me late 1nVe5t . ' 5 e, 01' hlm o throu h life “5 n‘ C l
1 . nt H . . 1 :1thn. 1 7 g g Ind
11 1 . YICtOI‘ R. Portmann, Secrettilry-Te1r‘:izc.l1,~;ui3 ddyvxlle if the antitrust laws had been gviolqtzdto see number—no name needed. 111 11111160d1h1. 11 (
11': 1‘ ' irfn-ydj' Ashley, Assistant Secretafy er Vglthm hours after the Mirror pres Can you Visualize the order 1V0“ 99‘ 111mac1111jm‘11 Fln'
. 11 0h 3 R Garrison, Assistant Treasurer if: tuced the final Edition, a Justice Depicts that Wedding invitation? 1110111 ones-1m Knc
11 1 n attor - ‘ ' ‘S v .
111 . 1 Board Of Directors New Y k ney met With the head of the. Mr. and Mrs. 156,784,642 1111111011111 em
11 1 Chairman M 111 or local of the Amerim N mVlte you to the marriage 1111 a ”he
. 1 3°“: Mau’n'ceii "nggrcyhebsimfiel’hchm Lon-- Guild, who had charged the id“ -BWSpfaper of their daughter 10111911we11111m11
F‘ 0‘0: Niles 0 but ’ my ews, Middles- Mirror result (1 u emise 0 the ‘ _ ‘5 ine 11
:1 S ' . ' lngham, Pro re e from a delib 1 . - 201 654 728 ”Mill - ' t E
1| Dnngs, R0 Gardner Co - 1g 5'3: Daws0n b th N erate campaign ’ ’ it “5 to
‘ iii F 8% Shel N ’ “ner’hwkman; Ruben y 16 ew York News to - to 1line1 “hat
Officio. by ews, ShelbyVille; Officers ex- tablold field,” monopolize the Mister 199 786001 1011:00ft11-pe We
1. 1 . _ 1 1 m1 1
11 A Justice spokesman in Washington said- Reverend 123’456’789 will perform l 11111111111:(:1t0 fl
111 11 ' the ceremonv 1‘5 the g My 5
. 11 ~ ' ‘Chaef -
1 11 1 made 1N 61
11. 511 1 'the Sch

 E . ,,,»_‘_V_.‘.,... ,M.. E, E71350“; E..- E“: _;E E 5,, ‘, . E
i ‘ E r E: 5
. E E
E E lag E‘Er- :
E ' $551 ,9
l l E I .531 if
~ er. . E E . ,
Chairman 01* E E . ‘5’; .
mittee Willtlll . ' E o E l E ’E Z
A e uate reparation oes It onverSIon E .
he expects to E‘ E j {i i
i the subcom.‘ W . . . . . l '
: was the first By RAY R. BAIRD printing you Will need this equipment also. , . f ‘ E .
(Editor’s Note: Tennessee Editor Gives While one of our Linotypes is for sale, we E E E
[be resumed . t re ort that The Rockwood . . b . . . »
9 still tieduE Im happy 0 p if . d ti 1 with some good advise on, corwerszon to ofiset plan to keep our Model 14 indefinitely. ‘ E . “
is likely to ill Times COIWEBFted to 0 set .plf) no of d'fli that the Press has deemed of officient in- and, as we do job work, we plan to keep E
paper invest its Aug. 8 15511? “Elth a nilmmugl O l l E forest. to reprint in these columns. Hape our large Heidelberg, our Davidson Offset, E E ‘ f
ller expressed Clllil’ 01' confusrpnhln tEhe p ant. (1 2:01:23 they will help in case.) our small C&P press for small jobs, our E E A‘i E
. 7as u — , . . E .E .E
irror violated corErpflct: easiEpe tE 1:9: 1E1)1;i:2gV‘EE(EquEEEte rmd fLudloE:v, an: such other equipment needed . E l 3 E
. . .cm ac 01‘s, ' , r ‘ ‘ *" ' 01' jo wor . . E ';
corporations frrll preparations beforehand. Bridgport, Conn. The Harriman Record VVh‘rt about our Coss Comet news a er ‘ ‘ l ; .‘v
:rger law,anEE‘ Our plans to convert our newspaper to had one of these machines and we found it resspt It’s for sale birtuwe‘cert'rinl .11: got i E if: '3
we been 8350393 were definitelv made early in the to be well worth the cost in the saving of p l .. i 7"] f . f . I EyE‘ . E l l -
me. i h l s'lered it for time and ease of asting u the ages ads m a mlly to get “c 0 1t 01 we are pres- l l . '5
w Pierre snlEl'eal’i although we a( coma . ‘ ‘ p“ p p ‘ ’ ‘ " ently running it on occasion for a 40,000 1 E i E 1.; E
' . \l' some time before that. Being in the legisla— news and black base for pictures. run quarterly religious publications and E E l E E E
055 in goseetltmel ‘ve postponed any definite action until Other plants we visited used hand waxers several tabloid publications for schools EE EEv EE EE EE .l lll é} .
Ieavy . . . . 9 .. . '. ‘ ‘ ‘ _ ‘ ‘ 3E E‘E ”E E" ‘ E ‘ 3%. -
the trend EEaftcr the Assembly adjourpid orwlfirchpo? oEi rublfiépgpgit fzpiputfiialirles $111113: IVE/1:11:61 churches, etc. Since the press has long l EEE‘E lEs: ‘ EE‘Il EEE ElE :EEE ,
1: “How EOEEEIII the meantime our neigi or, a er EEu - is unsaE (i bl ,EP th Y . .g since been paid for, we feel it is bringing E El ll'lr EE l|EEEEEE EE
iccept the e1,liam and his Harriman Record had bur t a news E01 a s a on onE e pages 15 necessary. in some return for our investment, but if l E EEEE EE . l EEEE
the death ll new building, bought a huge new Thatcher This is done very easrly Without loss of the we were to receive .1 good Offer we worrld 'E E EE E‘ E Ell E f’l 1E
l ‘ ' ' " r. ' r ' . . E ‘ 1‘ l ‘ ".3, ’x
ognizing EEEE (EiEfEfset EpEEessEaEnd complete oEffsetbiqpiEpnmeEiErEtg. 321:]: mg “ax when the Schaefer Coater is part With it although somewhat regretfully. E EEE EE E E E EE EEE
may be Olli‘ e pro ter m many ways .)‘\ 0 e \ g l ' l Our advice in the matter of the press for . E El E EEE
Echangcover, and still are. smce we are ac- Kept H0t Meta . _ . I E E . . EElE ;
‘s? Howler _ _ , I . . .. . 11 f . your offset weekly is to secure an arrange- . . EE~ E. l E l ~ E; ,
.EEEtriallv printing, our new offset issues of The \l e were not in a hurry to se any 0 our . . . . E E 5 E . E E E E E «x? ,
per properh. . ' K _ , . . f .11 h ment With a nearby publisher, as we did, E . E E EEr . '1
ETrmes on the Harriman Record press. hot metal equipment, and In act Stl ave . . E E ‘; 5'l E .
te farms—Err . . , . . - to have the press work done in his shop. 1 EE ;.E . . H EEE . 1 z
. ti“ lose: Remodeled First most of it. This proved to be smart during The 'i est ent ii '1 00d offset ress be it E EEEE E E E ll EEE E ,2‘ -‘.
‘ ' 1 m 1 ‘ a . El‘ ‘ ‘l . l. l E 7 .
1:1; interesll We first remodeled a portion of one of the first two weeks after our conversron, for the Thatcher Van rgrard or Sthurban is E E El E E E "l llll , .: E},
,l i - _ K , l I < 3 s ‘ l lr ll l‘. I ~ _, l
ring in this if the two connected buildings in which we due to the newness of both offset machinery much too great for fine weekly E E. EEEEEE EE EEE EEEE E "3? E,
. .' . r ' ' ' - i ‘l ‘ e‘ators became more 30— . ‘ . ' E .E lE. “ El .377 ‘
'y for Its SW‘E relocated, making lEt a 51360111! offset chml "1d untr our 0p 1 . l l The Kingston plant prints numerous . ‘ l .Ejl l l ElEE . i ‘
but crificltfllposmon room. We installed my condltlon< customed to them, both our Lud ow ant weeklies “Ind the new ress it Harriman EE_ :‘ EEEEE EE.EE EEEE E
P” Eirig and had carpenters make our ad and our Model 14 Linotype were lifesavers in ll‘l‘ do‘i’e (several s ecial) ch; as well as EEEEE ElE EEIE lEll E' 1‘,
' )a elavmit 811d . bl ‘d' a rush head or “ uts” for a late ad. We ‘5 I ‘ L p .‘ J. i c h l E: ii E El‘ E E El '
I g ' paste up ta es accor mg g other newspapers besrdes its regular task . ll Er . E1 r
Eto specifications we made up from Viewing simply set these lines on the Ludlow or of publishing the Harriman Record and E I: EEEE . E E,
You Ethose in The Record plant and at the Roane Linotype, pulled a good PTOOf and pasted Rockwood Times Lar e dail ublications ll 1 L f , EE-E'E , '
EECounty News in Kingston. Mr. Pulliam 511g- it in. As our operators on the Photo Typo- have combined their“ fintiiigy(§nd compo- j . ll E 1 E E .EE E
mistaking legested several improvements which he felt sitor become more efficient and faster there ‘ltl E) 0 erations “1,1:an ears If there 1 l l l ESE ; ill '-
, house nutr’v'orrld make our tables more convenient and will be no need for our Linotypes or Lud- is 1(1):) offEet nei hbor withy sl/idh :1 press it E . l E E llll _ ,4;
rat have to“ efficient from his actual experience in Harri- low as far as our offset newspaper is con‘ A . i g ‘ l bt d b l l ll l‘l ll lll : El
. senor _ . E . might pay you to go into (e an uy one . EE ‘2 ; . .‘ E ”ll E EEE -',
be in Ema“. In the meantime we ordered our Fn' cerned. of the above or similar offset presses to ‘ E E l E E ll E , .E ’
: nur’ numbfl (lcn lllStOWriter WhiCh We found would be Our Justowriter Operator had been train- ‘i it ()lll‘ news '1 er and offer its services l l‘ illl E 3 ll "ll
life inSUT‘l‘E‘Eilll'ee months in arriving. ing on Fridays on the machine at Harrirnan in I 1y- nei‘ th‘EEEI: plt,§(‘l “f6 bet they’d be 1 E E E E E EEE - EE .
:l armyESGT“ We also ordered a headline and ad com— and 21150 the Friden Company’s office in ifitthlslted g I A ( A l ‘ :EEl ‘ l :l EE 2
Sit, savmg :E‘Epnfilhon machine which arrived right away. Knoxville loaned her a machine for two l ' h H .E R .1 I Rock E E ,‘ E ‘EEE E EEEE
l, h'anSiEiEOSEThiS was fortunate for it was found unsat- weeks experience. By the time we went 80:1 .t 8. :mmEmHE :“EEKE anffs t 0 E E ; E‘ il
1e ll 6“ EE-E‘SfflClOFEV and our plant superintendent and offset this one girl set all the straight mat- wooEc rim“; are Plfimlo ale" (10 :tififd E E‘ E , 3 1 . - El E3
' . . - " ' i ‘3 c ' ( ‘t l l‘ i l l ‘ V l ‘
rmatol’y ""Elionrneved around looking for a model we ter for our lZ-page edition and had copy erations an( no we peaseE an g1 E E E E '. E ‘l E
Efoltworrld better suit our needs and put Out left over over the change. Both publishers feel that E E l l EEEE - E. '1
ll‘ i . l , 1 ' . , , ~ . , ' ‘ ' ' ‘ E EEE 1E ’EEE E.‘EE‘E E
ZIP Pml’le lite production for ads and heads fast and In our entire conversron we hired no new they have imprmed th?” publEicEEations rm E E.E; E . I .‘ ll :
sign encliEElEi’E efficiently. help merely trained the help we had for measurabily, especE-ially 1r; tEhe a)11ty to Erun E I E E 1 E E .~ : EE
'10! ‘ . ’ ~ '- u ' ~i etter re ro1 e1?) 16 Journalist must ganlzation for
1 -' 1 1 .. “me to ave o rt - who as ‘1 1 . 1n anyone " “We 11” e importance of 11' DH
1111‘; 1: 1 1 qualities of m' d e am .pues t0 Journalis - he is 1 ' wa yng papers
11- 1 1 1 1n and heart th t - P 1 - m 01 related fields “mg, to he devotedt ' 1 t 1 -
11 11 111 possible f 1 a make it an Mlller, the re . .. tr 1. 1 _ 0 a sometime. 0 raving the
1 1 111 111 1 Th‘ 1 or them to do superior Work. NewsPaPel. Crou p Sadent of the Cannett )lng1, sometimes exasperating, always d6” the right tin
1 11 11‘ 1 8' Its Is not a new notion. Press says x A p an of the Associated lnandmg and—new and then—noble proltt Work with th]1
11 ‘1 1. 1 ’ " ’ n -'
1 11 1 1 X Y years age, JOSeph PulitZe h to et 11 y young fellow Who Wants “(3111‘ He CfllmOt be a mere word merchant pert - -‘
1 11 1 fOllnder of th P ]- 1 r, t e g Johg. and Who h :1 cm k d n - mm the“
1 11 1 1 ‘ 1 0f the most e u ltzer PrlzeS, drew up one make g00d progress 0 as the Stuff can whichC e kettle, m Flaubert’s phrase, “01 ”“-
11 1 1 1 t I 7 . r , 1
l1 1 11 1 ‘ 1 journalists EgOrous teStS ever deViSed for huStle-” Herbert Bu: 1:: 116V\Sp1aper If he 1] t0 \ hwe beat OUt tunes for bears to dana‘ Recruiting
1 11.111 :11 1 editor for t: en he was searching for an Hartford Courant '1 Sea e.dltor 0f the mh V e111 all the time we are longing ((1 (llSCussion. Q
1 11 1 1 One of his e New York World, He wired American Society 1).an presrdent of the “6:6 t ehstars to pity.” Nor can he be 11 paperboy1 as 1
1 1 1 Frank 1 C fifntsl who had recommended Wants the kind of 0 ewspaper Editors, )1, ngap er, woodenly reporting the dull1 21 strong inter
1 1 11 “What ha 00 bof the Detroit Free Press: Let out the truth quhélgstfr 1who will “fer- 1111121665101“? of events. This basic honest it1111cCep1anC
111 1 11 1 torv sWho b read in American his- James Bestorr the éhief tall lt1to P80pleg, «testilntegrlty is something that no scienfifii ter, satisfacto
1 and (lotrst'hal Works on the Constitution SPondent of the New Y k aShmgton Corre~ (lireI-ltg 1s hkely to uncover With the 5m “1110011 ambitii
1 1 1 Buckle: H'l ltlonal law? Has he read ner of two Pulitz - p.-0T Tunes and Win— t 116 Iless that Joseph Pulitzer devisedt He 1111116111111
1 11 . 1 3 «b S “my of Civilization? . . . What sizes that s - el llzes, uSufllly empha- eStlng Frank CObb- For finally, after all 31‘ C0methrou h‘
ll1 ‘1 heghtl lb; State of his health? How t'lll is “one great qEZlissml Newspaper-men have tesltlng 11nd intervieWing are over 111101111 Officials refill
.5 ‘ . s ' ' ‘ l — ' ' - . z ' ' - . . j ’ I
1111 1 1 1 que h' is voice harsh or agreeable? . , 1 call it What you :v’l‘l/l’lahty’ drive, aliveness1 l“ 15m as In eVerything else, 1t IS the perso: “E“‘ll’flper ach
ii ‘ m:- Ilm 1to (llnner and note his table man- A l 1 1 and personal values that count the “1051' 11111113611 or sc
11 1 11115. 5111113 dISpositiOn cheerful? SOund out 1 ll these things are impertant—Cmi - “A. boy oh 1
1 1 1 1 1 1‘3 “{“hitmns; Whether satisfied or looking Vltahty’ hUStle’ the ability to read anilsuyf, ——_.—" leferentce ( 21‘
1: 011m _ ’ co- 1 (7‘ 0 ., 1. l
1 1 ‘ ' '1) 6.1.51er field‘ ' ' - Descnbe minutesly his 111158, a thowugh education. But flirtill 1 The nations leading builders agree th‘ lhndhng and r
11.11 1 ‘IP dance, color of eVes “‘1 853 the youn our - - . . 3’ they sell most ' 11 learns 1
11 head In 1 . , Shape