xt7w0v89j94b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w0v89j94b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1929 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. Carson-Newman College, October 19, 1929 text University of Kentucky vs. Carson-Newman College, October 19, 1929 1929 1929 2014 true xt7w0v89j94b section xt7w0v89j94b V / / 2 _,
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· U. S_ Militmy Academy Iowa State Florida · New Mexico
P __ Vt _ Wisconsin Pennsylvania
Mme On Gh1<>as<> Minnesota Ohio State
Syracuse Northwestern Illinois Virginia
Rutgers NOM Dame Michigan Georgia I
Carnegie Tech. K _ _ St t Indiana Mississippi _
Pennsylvania State what H Q Iowa Tennessee
Lafayette Oklahoma A. & M. Texas Kentucky
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. i
-———— i
as=a=2=2=2=2=2;;2;2;a;¤e:e2a=z=z=z=z:2s=a=2=z=2are22atéasaazszeaaaezeaaaaa ;=z=z=a;aa;;2;2g;2;;;¤;¤z;;=z;;;  The U¤lVeFSi*¤Y 0f Kentucky which began as  
  Agricultural and Mechanical College of Ken-
 1 rum hed its dried in the Mmm wd e¤·¤¤e i
  ; ed. my 2. 186% under which ea Kenmckye
  donation was 330,000 acres of land. f
  the Morriii Act and combined une new eonege 1
  · with Transylvania, and opened a new institu—  
   if tion to be known as Kentucky University, Octo— I
    ber 1, 1866, This connection continued with {
  Kentucky University until ieee, when e eem- =
  miSSi011 WHS appointed to recommend to the  
·     Legislature or wie and 1880 e bien of organiza- I
  tion establishing an institution including the V
  A€l`lCuU?u1`al and Mechanical College
..14_.   The City of Lexington gave to this eemnne-
‘   sion the park containing 52 acres of land and
  sa0,000 wor-tn or city bonds for the erection or ‘
  buildings. This gift was supplemented by county ,
  ..-,1   eeede ie the extent ef $2°»°°°· I
  July le me e Beeee ef Meeeeemeee fee
  the institution was organized. It elected a new
  faculty or seven members with the late James
 —;~ K. Patterson as president. Degree courses in
‘ M 1880 were a classical and scientinc course of
PRESIDENT F· I" MCVEY four years each, leading to the degree of bach- i `
‘ elor of arts and bachelor of science with degrees of master of arts and master of science `
conferred after an additional year's study. October 28, 1880, the cornerstone of the Ad- `
ministration Building, accommodating 600 students, was laid. I
The period between 1900 and 1908 was an era of growth and expansion. The year 1908  
was also an outstanding educational year in the history of Kentucky. {
~ The name of the institution was changed from that of Agricultural and Mechanical l
Arts College to that of the State University, March 6, 1908. By an act of March 16, 1900, `
the General Assembly appropriated to the University the sum $200,000 to be used for  
the erection of a mining and engineering building, a civil engineering and physics building I
and additions to the chemistry bulding. The same act established a department of edu-  
cation. ·
The period from 1917 to 1929 has been one of intense building activity upon the campus. {
A new building to house the College of Education and a new library building to house a 1
million volumes are now in process of construction. }
* In the fall of 1917 President F. L. McVey assumed duties as chief executive of the
University. He launched at once upon a program of development that has challenged the
interest and admiration of the people of the entire State. During his stewarrdship the
_ property of the University has increased in value from $1,750,000 to more than $4,000,000. ‘
She student enrollment has grown during his stewardship more than 178 per cent. ,
In 1918 the name of the institution was changed to the corporate title of "University  
of Kentuckyf 1
Governing power of the University is vested in the Board of Trustees, consisting of 1
I fifteen members. three of whom act ex-ofncio, and twelve ars appointed by the Governor, 1
also ex-ofncio chairman of the board. From 1917 to 1929 increase in the number of in-
structors and students at the University far surpasses that of any previous period. Oc- 1
tober 20. 1919, the student body consisted of 724 men, 298 women, a total of 1,022. October, J
‘ 1929, the enrollment was, women 1,017, men 1,882, total 2,899. The increase in total en- `
rollment over 1919, 178 per cent; increase in enrollment of women at the same time, 240 ~
per cent. 3

 5 ' 
é ‘·
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s ’ *
l K€HiUCky S i Q ootbaii ( 03.Cil
3   $‘·    Coach Hwy Gamage, Univer-
ii .»V;    sity of Kentuckys grid mentor.
i   came to Kentucky after successfully ·,
1   coaching the freshman football
i   team at the University of Illinois.
{   While at Illinois he was assistant 2
‘   to the famous Robert Zuppke. At  
§ I   `   ~.,._,\V g A I Illinois he developed some excellent Q
` ’   A ` `Y` players who are now 0n the Varsity
.-i;;:<" ‘ `-eg  1    — z » , V H;   `
  ° ’:»·:*. g _ team there. Such players as "Fros- B 
    ·     lg ty" Peters, Judd Timm and Lannum
    »     played on the freshman team he _
  ·.·`l— .   .   ccoahed in 1925. Mr. Gamage
 "  L  `,.. j.   .
`       i.i·     taught courses in the four year _
          ·~ U   $1     _ .
p i     »»»· ` "     coaching course and also in the 1
    ii ei ·     summer coaching courses offered
1     °   ‘‘`A   there
  _,.. _     .     ‘ ··    ‘i¥€%¤`f;eg;~;g.=.;-.-.-;_·._·,_;.·__;e ; Q _.=_=‘=:;_;;.:;;=...-;.;~;:·;¢;{;=a=€;;s§:f;;=§g*zi=:sEé;;;;gZ;?§§"_=§`  W
Z   .=e:·;  iP?i ,»,-; -? e-l_ it   ...,. g games Welle Played against V- M- ;
g   i:‘».·..e·`;’ 1     L· et Che“eS“°¤· ‘"h°‘“ tw d"f‘*"‘“‘
l   _..e.     ‘‘.   =-*;   ‘-t·z   ed 25 to 0, and against Centre at ·
1 - f’=i    ;j§2`z·*£5i»Qe·§E<..;;» ‘‘; Z;4·i·i2&l A i-.·»».·   . `
`   ‘--.,» i   ’ ..;i     Danvluei Wmm they defeated 53 to
J       ‘ii’`‘` 0. This was the leeeeel eeele e
    v.`_   t   Kentucky team had made against -
1   ..~o¤ i -éiii;.“§?2E;¥%:Z3§§$ .t.   Centre elllee 1916
{   `.i‘.   Last season the team won four _ ‘
.     ·~’.l: ’i eee—-   e.».   games lest three ellel tled elle, the ‘
J    {ij. ’ll-;; fijfjfi ii,e. 5   tie game being the last of the sea-
i if '’.»i ¥  g§»EE*·  sen and against the University or
'  iff]? ‘‘·· F--FZ ’;`·.::i i   Aiiv     Tennessee.
 ·¥*§#>—···»,., ‘* ‘ `·,.:T  `·;_···:_;.:__··. ._ .·
A  e‘rl     Coach Gamage is an aggressive
  e `i`. i     leader, who is well liked by the
‘ VY 1 ¢ Y     ; men who play under him. His
V   _   _:   -. V lighting spirit is contagious and he
i   A 2    ’ I 1 always turns out a determined elev-
i   j lg} i en on the field to iight for the Blue
1   A Z TY » . and White. He is rapidly build- 4
 . . J  N ,..... .  U . mg up a new fighting tradition at
I _v;_ ,»  -.=.;   ‘;_.e   ... ,   K 1; k d f ture Wildcat elev-
  .:°`     eé. Bn uc y ee u -
 ikgé ens can be banked on t0 carry the U
l   Blue and White eeiere to their
   [   ie ’``i ·   #·- 4:*  ~‘   ee‘=‘     5   fx:    . . . .
`   ___,   ..~·§     share of gridiron victories.
  ‘``    ··e·-e     e`‘‘1   ·‘l~i   :··i   J
    _,_ Q  .    2 ;- .,-    mx   9  · _>;_:_.:,,.;_*j  V
i KKK.,

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. ~$'f·¤’»·’ VL§}{,.i‘ _§w@M§G»z:'f:' is ‘‘_ ig is g V MHUEQ
? 1
2 The task of coaching the Kentucky Varsity Football squad is in the hands
{ of the above men. .
; .
§ 'Needs Athletic Equipment their first thought is The Sutcliffe Co.
i S0 it is with thousands of other colleges and schools throughout the U. S. A. -
g .3...
l We offer wholesale prices to schools, and the very best and up—to—date
  equipment, and ship orders the same day we receive them.
l . . . . . .
Supermtendents, PI`II`ICIl)ZIlS, Coaches, Athletic Directors write for our
Wholesale Athletic Goods Catalog.
Louisville, Ky.

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i #4*
i STOLL FIELD ‘     ji   _
  The University of Kentucky feels   .-   `  
i a just pride in its beautiful new foot- V .   Q
l ball stadium erected in 1924 and rec-  
ognized as one of the outstanding .. C
grid structures of the South. ` . i
` The seating capacity of the south K _
stand is about 5,500, and the north . R ,,.— A   * VC-»,..».,,,_;
Q side the same number.   __ `   C I p
,»¥3é»..· A B"  I *5
A Many important features of the ..~ W" _, "‘ _‘  .  
. stadium are located under the stands, s    ' Ti ’ im .  _ ·  
2 including facilities for players and   .   0   
I   " _;_ if wm   V.
i °°”‘°h€S· Yi;     ]   ·
  Judge i ard o s u,  lu  University
i of Kentucky, member of Board of Trustees
{ and chairman of Executive Committee.
l .
i Kentucky’s Athletic Staff
i Director——S. A. Boles i
Football—Harry G. Gamage
Basketbal1—John Mauer
Baseball—John Devereaux
Tennis-—H. H. Downing Incorporated . '
Golf-——H. H. Downing _
Golf--J. C. Jones 14 N I- _
’l"rainer—Frank Mann 6 0 th Upper St
. Equipment—Elmer Gilb Lexington, Kentucky
E Publicity Manager — W a y m a n
, Thomasson O
Football Coaching Stag V Equipped to Satisfy the Customer on
Head Coach—Harry Gamage Any Class of Service, Either
Line Coach-Bernie Shively I d D Cl . ‘
Assistant Coach—John Mauer dum ry °r ry eanmg
Assistant C0ach—Elmer Gilb
Freshman Coach——B. L. Pribble
Freshman Coach—Claire Dees `
Freshman Coach—Al Portwood
Reserve Coach—Len Miller

28 Andrews 52 Wright 30 Forquer 39 Colkerv 26 Thompson 51 Drury 56 Yates
, 27 Covington (Capt.)
58 Toth 66 T. Phipps 44 Kelly
Statistics of University of Kentucky Football Squad-No. 23 Abley C, 26 Thompson {E
RG, 27 Covington (Capt.) LHB, 28 Andrews RE, 29 Baughman LT, 30 Forquer LG, 31 >
Bronston LE, 33 Urbaniak LHB, 38 Walters RT, 39 Colker C, 42 Morgan RE, 44 Kelley
RHB, 45 McElroy RT, 48 Spicer QB, 49 Cavana RE, 50 Williams C, 51 Drury RT, 52
wright LT, 54 Rose RG, 55 ivxyers QB, 56 Yates LE, 58 Toth QB, 59 Johnson LG, 60 Kip- ,
ping LT, 62 Richards RHB, 66 T. Phipps FB, 88 J. Phipps FB.
2 Referee ---- - -
` Umpire ---- - -
Head Linesman - - -
It '     ,
i f I ~»   ‘ _  
4   2 Ag
· · ’   o    
FICIA It S »    _’-   · _`,_  
O1!   [  ‘  i(‘, é    
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    (‘(‘` QW , Q.

16 Sewell 11 Kelly 12 Wolfe 15 Poston 27 Waters 32 Allen 17 Manley
31 Bowman
QB ,
r 18 Ward 14 Combs 30 Littlefield
{E Statistics of Carson-Newman Football Squad-No. 18 Ward, 31 Bowman, 26 Iddens,
` 21 Taylor, 33 Abbott, 14 Combs, 30 Littlefield, 16 Sewell, 17 Manley, 13 Howard, 25 Gaf-
fin, 15 Poston, 32 Allen, 11 Kelly, 28 Henley, 19 Lawson, 24 Harwood, 20 Corban, 23 Tay-
i lor, 22 Gambill, 27 Waters, 12 Wolfe. _
- - —----- Mohoney
- - ---- - - Head
- --——-- Wessling
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l · 6 .1})}. V5? ?5Y··_.- I   li \
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I WAYMAN THOMASSON has had charge of athletic publicity for the past year. He has
been successful in getting Kentucky’s athletics before the public in a very impressive way.
He is well informed on athletics as he is a member of the Varsity track team. Hehas cre-
ated a wide interest in Kentucky’s teams throughout the State and Southland.
` JAMES WILSON is senior manager of the Varsity Football team. He has been a very ·
hard worker for the past three years. He is well liked by DDB boys and has