xt7w0v89j28t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w0v89j28t/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1981 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 57, No. 2, Autumn 1981 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 57, No. 2, Autumn 1981 1981 1981 2014 true xt7w0v89j28t section xt7w0v89j28t ,_vw¤—S1~
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Volume 57 Number 2 Autumn 1981 E Q ;
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Us ISSN 0016-2116 { L
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Cover photo:  
Eli Woolf and Mathew Campbell atop a horse led by Molly Lee on  
Mary Breckinridge Day ‘l98‘l. Eli is the son of Amandus Woolf and  
Kathleen Haverfield whois a student in our school. {
—Photo by Gabrielle Beasley Q
1 ·*
Us ISSN 0016-2116 ,1)
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.  
Wendover, Kentucky 41775 ’
Subscription Price $5.00 a Year _  
Editor’s Office, Wendover, Kentucky 41775  
v0LUME 57 AUTUMN, 1981 NUMBER 2  I
Second-class postage paid at Wendover, Ky. 41775 and at additional mailing offices L ,
Send Form 3579 to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, Ky. 41775  
Copyright 1981, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.  

I *‘ Aarrcua Au·moR PAGE
l Pioneer Spirit Lucia Gardner, Courier ’81 2
  Thank You, FNS 4
  Beyond the Mountains Kate Ireland 5
  l . . .And at Home Kate Ireland 7
1 ( Statement of Ownership 8
  Community Notes 9
é _ Talk Back 12
lr Urgent Needs 15
  l . . . A Story of True Devotion Thelma Scott Kiser 16
l Staff Opportunities 18
g God’s Prescence Mary Brewer 19
  Mary Breckinridge Day Revived 20
i Football and the FNS Wayne Goulet, PNP 35
  Awards 36
  Staff News 38
  Alumnae News 43
  October is For . . . Babies! 50
i Courier News 52
  Memorial Gifts 58
  In Memoriam 58
  Field Notes 60
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2 Fnomimz Nunsmo smwics _v§
i Z
by Lucia Gardner, Courier ’81 ,  
The bare autumn trees stood as silhouettes against the purple
sky as the sun set over Pine Mountain. My first day spent at the el
Pine Mountain Clinic provoked an adventuresome feeling in me "
as I envisioned myself in a similar place at so me time in the future.
My fantasies of being an independent practitioner in family
nursing and midwifery, working in a rural area, and being ,
solitary were being explored with this opportunity to spend a few  
days with Trudy Morgan, the family nurse practitioner at the  
FNS Pine Mountain Clinic.  
Since taking the position at Pine Mountain in September, :
Trudy, a quiet small woman with a sense of humor and adventure, ,
has carefully made steps to create a trusting and caring  
relationship with her neighbors: the Pine Mountain Clinic  
patients. Through observing Trudy’s interactions with her  
patients, it is noticeable that her patients like and respect her and J
her work. The comfortable and calm atmosphere of the clinic j
provides a friendliness which seems important to a district clinic  
which relies on patients’ feelings and opinions for its support.  
The clinic sits on a ridge above the Pine Mountain Settlement 5
School, a dark, wood building nestled among pine trees. Inside,  
the upstairs is the nurse’s living area while downstairs is the  
clinic, kitchen, receptionist’s desk, and a waiting room which  
takes on a comforting feeling of a living room, with straight-  
backed chairs, a fireplace, toys, and bookshelves filled with L
interesting magazines. I often sat in this room, talking with 1
people who passed in and out, knitting quietly or waiting to show F
patients into the examining room. As the patients waited I was l
affected by the willingness of some to open themselves to me — a . .
stranger, yet possibly just a "friend" connected somehow with the  
clinic. Again, I felt the gentleness of the language and the ease of · ,
conversation shared among people about children, home life, and g .,
family that I have experienced at other times throughout my stay  
in Southeastern Kentucky. ic
In the late afternoon when the clinic closed I took long walks  
around the Pine Mountain Settlement School and in the surroun- gl
ding woods. Usually the sun was setting which produced a {
striking contrast between the steep mountains in various shades  

gil oumzrsrrtv BULLETIN 3
  of gray pressed against the narrow green sloping hills and the
[ muted colors of the sky. The sheep and cows grazing on the hills
5 ·— reminded me of Vermont or possibly Scotland, yet the total picture
I somehow gave me a definite feeling of ‘ ‘Kentucky. " These were the
Q times when my rustic fantasies of life in the mountains took form.
·l The few days at Pine Mountain have marked a significant
place in my experience as a Courier. I was able to pursue some
W personal interests and remove myself from the role and label of
,“ "Courier" which was important in restoring my sense of in-
  dividual identity. The experience allowed me to observe the
E A extensive role of a district nurse which, besides the responsibility
  ` of comprehensive medical care, involves knowledge of budgeting,
  bookkeeping, and insurance procedures as well as the ability to do
_l general repairs around the clinic. It also enabled me to feel or at
  least think about the possible isolation one might feel as a
  practitioner in a remote area, as well as the strength and
  determination one must possess in order to create a satisfying
  balance between career and lifestyle. I found that although many
] of the romantic notions about the Frontier Nursing Service of
§ nurses on horseback and total isolation in mountain areas are
  outdated, the clinic at Pine Mountain still contains a sense of
  "pioneering" work and a feeling of reaching out to people who
g. may be restricted in terms of distance or transportation. I got a
  clear sense that the Pine Mountain Clinic was serving an
  important need for the people in the area. As a result of the
é opportunity, my interests in pursuing something similar have
  been strengthened and my fantasies have taken on a more "real"
  tone. My "pioneer spirit" is vivid and alive.
Please excuse the typo on page 27 of the last issue: Dr.
;· Zimmerwise should have read Dr. Semmelweis, a Hungarian
  physician (1818-1865) who was a pioneer in using asepsis and
‘ . recognized the infectious nature of puerperal fever.
i* The Quarterly Bulletin is available on microfilm through .
E University Microfilms International of Ann Arbor, Michigan and
** London, England. As storage space becomes more and more of a
5 problem especially for libraries, microfilm becomes more useful as
  a way of solving that problem.

 4 momisn Nunsmc smzvica
The following exerpts are from letters sent to Dr. Anne from  
medical students who came to FNS for their rotation. They are not , 1,
here so much for self-congratulation as they are to show one ofthe A}
many ways in which the FNS reaches beyond its own immediate , 
sphere. Besides the formal program of the Frontier School of `
Midwifery and Family Nursing, the Service is devoted to educa-
tion: through accepting medical students for rotation, by offering
its facilities to the Health Careers Program of the Leslie Co.
Vocational School, by training its couriers and volunteers as
aides, and financially through the newly established Betty
Lester/ Anna May January Education Fund.
. . . It’s been nearly a year since my six week experience in I
Hyden with FNS as a fourth year medical student, and I have
very, very fond memories of my time at Wooton with you, and at I
Beech Fork, and with Dr. Allouch in OR, late night calls from the T
ER, the hikes, the fellowship, the beauty. The train of thought is 1
endless and I hope to visit again in the future. My life now,  
however, is in a totally different world. I’m a fourth of the way  
done with my internship at the county extension hospital of i
UCLA in Los Angeles, California. It truly is a fast pace but my A
strong ties to Kentucky keep an inner peace sustained that allows
me to appreciate both environments.  .
-Linda D. Wrede Z
. . . Thank you so much for all of your thought and considera- A
tion during the time I was at FNS. I enjoyed your instruction so *
much and really learned some valuable things! I also really  ,
appreciated the degree to which you included me at such things as  {
the dinner at Wendover and the Oneida Horse Show. All in all, the _
time I spent was a fabulous learning experience, but really much  _ ,
more than that. I believe that FNS is a special place and I hope it  ‘
isn’t too long before I can come back! `
-Cynthia Shellum
. . . I wanted to thank you and the staff very much for the I
warm welcome that the group of us received the week of July 18th.

 gummznrr BULLETIN 5
( You may remember a group of ten people who were . . . interested
Q in health care possibilities and needs in Appalachia. We were ten
5+ people in med school and pre-med school who were just wanting to
  listen and learn, and you people threw out the welcome mat to us.
, A We were very thankful for that and learned a lot from our time
{·· around Hyden. We saw the movie of the early days of Frontier
»  Nursing and then had a great tour of the hospital. Later we even
` had a good country lunch at Wendover. Not only had food for
thought, but food for our stomachs. That’s a great combination. I
just wanted to let you know that we were very thankful for our stay
and we hope that the work of Frontier Nursing will continue to
flourish. I also think that there is a possibility that a number ofthe
guys who made the trip will eventually give some or maybe all of
their lives in service in areas like yours. What I do know for sure is
» that we greatly appreciated your welcome.
° Fr. Mike Caroline, Glenmary Home Missioners
· by Kate Ireland
T Cleveland
< What fun it was to start off my autumn schedule of city tours by
  returning to my hometown of Cleveland. The Frontier Nursing
. Service Chairman, Edie Vignos, and her husband, Paul, hosted a
lovely dinner at Gwinn, a magnificent estate on the shores of Lake
, Erie. Dr. Anne Wasson presented the many facets of health care
 ‘ delivered by the nurses and doctors in joint practice at the FNS.
5 An enthusiastic and interested crowd asked many questions, and
 . Dr. Anne and I only wish that more of them could visit the FNS
A and see it first-hand.
 f · In early October, Taowee Wilder arranged two meetings of our
 A Chicago friends and donors. Our first presentation was in the
 - Assembly Room at the Westminster Home in Evanston. This was
,· also a very convenient location for two of our ex-staff, Darline
 v_ Wilke, who is now a nursing instructor at Northpark College, and
Elizabeth Washak, a member of the faculty at the School of
Nursing at Rush University in Chicago. Miss Dorothy Andrews
 V arranged a delightful lunch and it was heartwarming to visit with
old friends such as Mrs. Kenneth Boyd, Mrs. William Bacon, Mrs.
Ballard Bradley, and Mrs. William Coleman.

The following day, Mrs. Louis A. Smith, opened her beautiful ;
home in Lake Forest. The slide presentation was thoroughly  
enjoyed by old Couriers and mothers of Couriers, and it was a joy ,"i
to share the FNS with some long-standing friends who were  
present, including Katharine Arpee and Barbara Potter, besides  
several new friends. i f
I always look forward to my annual visit to Boston with great
relish and once again, my high hopes were sustained. The Boston
Committee, under the leadership of Muffin O’Brien and Betty ,
Ann Mead, held a lovely gathering at Pine Manor College to hear
about the status of Midwifery in the United States today and the
FNS’s part in this movement. Unfortunately, due to bad weather,
Ruth Lubic, General Director, Maternity Center Association in
New York City, and a member of the FNS Board of Governors,
was unable to attend. However, Kitty Ernest, ex-staff and ‘
graduate of the Frontier School of Midwifery, and on our Board of -
Governors for over six years, gave a magnificent presentation. ;
Dale Deaton gave details of the Courier Service, and I had the
opportunity of discussing some of the new thrusts of our FNS
program. Sue and Jack Grandin gave a delightful dinner at the
Brookline Country Club after the Pine Manor gathering where I
had an opportunity to renew friendships with some of our closest
and dearest supporters and workers. ·
The following day, I had a lovely visit with Mrs. David »
Dangler, an old Chicago friend and donor, and a personally  
intimate lunch with Mrs. Roger Branham, devoted mother of .
wonderful and fondly remembered Courier, Ginny.  
I thank Betty Ann and Muffin for all their organization and ._ 
hospitality. ·? 
St. Louis  
A new friend of the Frontier Nursing Service, Mrs. Mahlon j
Wallace, opened her unique Trophy Room in early November for a ¤
magnificent gathering of old and new friends of the FNS. Our St.  _ ·»
Louis Chairman, Mrs. James Ware (Emmie Coulter - Courier  i
1940), and Claire Werner Henriques, member of the FNS Board of `
Govemors, helped make the evening a great success. The Trophy ·
Room is in two sections and in the back room, The Forgotten ‘
Frontier was shown, giving a chance for past Couriers and
friends to recount the old days. Later in the evening, I gave an

_ update of the FNS as it is today with the help of our latest slides. It
  was rewarding to find so many people intrigued with our program
  and willing to become supporters.
; Washington
F p The new Chairman of the Washington Committee of the
  Frontier Nursing Service, Mrs. Hal Harker Newell, has added
?‘ some members to this committee. Ruth asked me to share with
these new members the work of the FNS, pictures of our area, and
it was fun seeing old friends besides making new acquaintances.
That evening Ruth and Hal gave a lovely dinner party for me and
our new Congressional Representative, Hal H. Rogers. Unfor-
tunately, Congressman Rogers could not get off The Hill, but he
sent his Administrative Aide, Marty Driesler and her husband,
Steve, who is the Administrative Aide to Larry Hopkins, the
Congressman from the Bluegrass area. It was particularly fun to
see Carrie Lou Morgan — Courier 1966, and George Parker who
. just had their first child. Marvin Patterson was able to attend, as
7 was Past-Chairman, Ann Becker and her husband, Ralph. Great
A plans are underway for another Derby Day Party and Mrs.
Patterson once again is most kindly lending her house for this
. grand affair.
. - - - AND AT HOME
Q by Kate Ireland
€ At the September meeting of the Board of Governors of the
p Frontier Nursing Service, the resignation of Elaine Pendleton
 . was accepted with regret. Penny has given the FNS wonderful
» direction for over a year — a leader in Nursing and Nurse-
· Midwifery and an absolute champion in cost—cutting and
·’ adherence to budget. We are sorry that Penny’s family problems
g made it a necessity for her to return to Falls, Pennsylvania and all
’ of us miss her in Southeastern Kentucky . .. members of the
  community, those on the staff, and the Board of Governors. We
f say thank you, Penny, for a job well done in helping the FNS go
 _ With gratitude and pride, we say thank you to Dr. Anne
Wasson for taking over as Interim Director. Dr. Anne’s twelve
years at the FNS gave her not only experience in making
leadership decisions, but has established a base of love from

patients, members of staff, and Board Members. She has been i
• · . • • • . ·'
wearing many hats: Interim Director, Director of the D1v1s1on of  
Nursing Grant (therefore, guiding our Frontier School of {F
Midwifery and Family Nursing), Physician in Charge of the {
Home Health Agency, and as the Primary Care Physician at the  
Wooton Clinic one day a week. To you, Dr. Anne, we say thank you lp.
. . zi
for what you have done and we appreciate all you are domg to keep El
the FNS not only on a steady course, but growing. l 
A new method of administration is being explored by the Q
Board of Governors with the Toomey Company, Inc. of Greenville, _
South Carolina. The first thrust of this contract will be com- Q
parable to a Search Committee in that the Toomey Company will ·
help the FNS locate and hire a new director. They, along with the  
Board of Governors, will continue to develop the system of V 
nursing outposts, and the Frontier School of Midwifery and `
Family Nursing, utilizing Mr. Toomey’s twenty-eight years of .. 
experience and management skills. We anticipate a successful  
and progressive sharing of ideas.  
Statement of Ownership  
Statement of the Ownership, Management, and Circulation required by the Act of Congress of August 24,  
1912, as amended by the Acts ofMarch 3,1933,July 2, 1946, and October 23, 1962(Title 39, United States Code, _ 
Section 4369), of  
Published quarterly at Lexington, Kentucky for Autumn, 1981.  .
(1) That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor and business manager are:  
Publisher: Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Wendover, Kentucky, 41775.  ‘
Editor: Dr. Anne Wasson, Hyden, Kentucky 41749. i
Managing Editor Barbara Post, Wendover, Kentucky 41775.  
Business Manager: None.
(2) That the owner is: Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Wendover, Ky. 41775 (a non-profit corporation).  
Officers of the corporation are: Miss Kate Ireland, National Chairman, Wendover, Ky. 41775; Mrs. A. R. _ ,.
Shands III, ViceChairman; Mr. Homer L. Drew, Treasurer, 1 First Security Plaza, Lexington, Ky. 40507; Mrs. ·
John M. Prewitt, Box 385, Mt. Sterling, Ky. 40353, Secretary. _
(3) That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or
more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities are: None.  
(4) Paragraphs 2 and 3 include, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of *·
the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name ofthe person or corporation for whom such ,
trustee is acting; also the statements in the two paragraphs show the aftiant’s full knowledge and belief as to ‘
the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the
books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that ofa bona fide owner. _
Extent and nature of circulation (average number of copies each issue during preceding 12 months
indicated with light face numbers, actual number of copies of single issue published nearest to Sling date
indicated by bold face numbers); Total copies printed 4500, 4600; Paid circulation 0, 0; Mail subscriptions
4,000, 4,100; Total paid circulation 4,000, 4,100; Free distribution 300, 315; Total distribution 4,300, 4,415;
Copies not distributed 200, 185; Retums from news agents 0, 0; Total 4,500, 4,600.
Dr. Anne Wasson, Editor :

 QUARTERLY Butuzrru 9
} Yi There are a great number of our readers who have never been to
  Leslie County and who have only met us through the pictures and
is stories of those who have worked, studied, or volunteered for the
gg FNS. While well-acquainted with the nursing and medical work of
 ll the Service, it must often be difficult to imagine what the
Y community is like and how it works. In an effort to better inform
` those readers about the county and about how the FNS and the
1 community work together, we will be publishing a short series of
T articles about different services in the county and how FNS iits
4. into them. In this issue, the article on Mary Breckinridge Day
  should show how different groups within the community and the
  FNS worked together to produce a three day festival. Wayne
, Goulet’s article on working with the football team should show
  one way in which the FNS is involved in school life. Other articles
 l will talk about the the Development Association, the Ministerial
  Association, the volunteer fire department and ambulance ser-
:,» vice, for example, or Hope House, or the Jaycees: all hoping to
  illustrate not how we affect each other’s lives individually, but
A  how group effort works for common good and mutual benefit.
Y All these groups or organizations are involved in service —
.  providing something which is of necessity or benefit to others.
  One very obvious example is the Leslie County Public Library. It
 3 is a library like all others: it is a storehouse of information ready
 j for use. Whether you want to learn about solar energy, about
 I colleges, or just find a good book, it’s all there. But there is also
I more. Through the inter·library loan system, you can borrow
i practically any book ever published — on neurology, on garden-
; ing, on party games for children, on management or business. For
  ·· those who cannot travel into town, often the very same people who
_ are our Home Health patients, there is the Bookmobile taking
. information or entertainment in the form of reading to those who
i ~» cannot come and get it. The library offers movies and stories for
  children during its Reading Hour, it offers materials for those who
want to tape books for the blind, and you can also borrow regular
` full-length movies for those long winter nights. The list goes on.
Upstairs the library houses a permanent display featuring
mining and mining equipment, old and new, herbs and their
. medicinal uses, and a thorough exhibit on the FNS. This case

 io norman NURSING smzvica  
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Library staff: Mrs. Hamilton, Mason Collett, and Mrs. Hood. ‘
shows among other things the equipment the first nurses used,  »
their uniforms, models of the Big House and the cabin at  <
Wendover. The upstairs room is large enough for conferences,  T
movie showings, exercise classes, the blood drive, craft shows,  ‘
model shows, and so on. It’s a plain thing to say that the library is  i
here for everybody, but if it weren’t as good as it is, it wouldn’t be [
the source of enrichment in our lives that it is. ·
Another well-spring of information is the Agricultural Exten-
sion — 4-H Agency. How many children have been helped through l
raising a garden or chickens, or making models, making speeches, , ·
or simply learning about the world around them through what is i 
brought to the classroom or where the class is taken on field trips!  p
The Agency and the FNS are specifically involved in two areas of 1 
exchange: gardening and judging. If it hadn’t been for the effort of
the Agency, the garden at Hurricane Bottom might never have *
blossomed into the full-scale operation which provides vegetables A

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l Rufus Fugate, county agriculture agent, and Cheryl Lowe, 4-H agent, at the stir-off
l for the Mary Breckinridge Festival.
  for Wendover and the hospital through volunteer work. Part of the
l garden also goes to the Agency for a demonstration: like the crop
  of cane raised this year, or showing the benefits of the use of black
  plastic, or raising new or different kinds of vegetables. The
{ Agency also encourages county children in public speaking.
{A Students of ages eight through nineteen can compete in area,
  regional, and state speech contests through the 4-H to learn and
l improve those skills so useful in public life. The FNS is a major
{ source of judges for those contests: its staff members or their
l A spouses take the time to listen to the speeches, judge for prizes, and
sg. make constructive comments on possible areas of improvement.
? Through these avenues and others, there is a great deal that is
y exchanged between the Agency and the Service — in terms of
y practical information and culture. The cooperative efforts of the
_ two organizations benefit them both and the community as a
 V whole.

 12 raomisn Nunsmo smzvrcs I
[Exerpts are taken from the weekly radio phone-in program out of EM
Hazard, Kentucky. The host is Charlie Wilson and the guest for this  
show was our new pediatrician, Dr. Peter Morris.] *
Charlie: Earlier you said a temperature of 102-103 you consider l`
a pretty high fever in a child.  _
Dr. Morris: Fever is something I think mothers like to ask E 
questions about. When I first started being a pediatrician, I  
thought fever was one of the best signs I could ever have as to  
whether a child was well or not. Fever is a sign, sometimes, of  
infection. The most common type of infection usually would be a  
viral infection. Common things do happen commonly with  
children. I’ve found that fever as an indicator of how well a child is  j
doing is not as good as the child’s activity and a child’s appetite.  .
You can have a child with a fever of 105 who is sitting on the floor  
playing, feeling well. That child is doing okay and probably does  
not need to see a pediatrician.  
Caller: I’d like to ask something about seizures. Does the  =
medication that a person would be taking slow down his learning  i
process any?  .
Dr. Morris: Are you asking this about one of your children?  Q
Caller: Yes, my little boy who’s almost two.  
Dr. Morris: What medicine is he on? 3
Caller: Dilantin and phenobarbital.  
Dr. Morris: Let me tell you what we know about seizure  .
medication. Seizure, just for those of you who are listening, is {
usually caused by some irritable spot on the brain . . . . If you think  
of the brain as being run on electricity, there’s some spot on the  
brain which allows the electricyt to go wild. Instead of it sending a . *‘
message for you to move your hand, this information is sent to 7
your whole body to move at the same time. The medicine that ,
treats seizures, or the most common ones used, are phenobarbital ff
and dilantin . . . to try to make that irritable spot on the brain less  l
irritable . . . There may just be a chance that phenobarbital can  ‘
slow the learning process in older children . . . The danger of  
having a seizure is probably more than the danger of the very  ‘
slight problems in learning that it may cause. Your child is two P
years old and I don’t know what caused the seizures — I don’t  

 L know quite a lot about it. There’s a possibility that as your child
  gets older, whatever was the cause of seizures, may no longer be a
,·¤ problem and that your child won’t have to take those medicines.
  Caller: They told me if I took him off the medicines he could
  have a seizure and never come out of it.
i.` Dr. Morris: That’s possibly true. Can you tell me how old was
 . your child with the first seizure?
*  Caller: Five months old.
  Dr. Morris: Was it associated with a fever or not?
  Caller: No.
  Dr. Morris: Did they do brain wave tests and EEGS?
  Caller: Yes, and they found a blood clot on the left side of his
 l Dr. Morris: Did they call it a blood clot for sure? Did they do
  those x—rays called a CT scan?
  Caller: Yes, Dr. Walsh (did) in North Carolina.
  Charlie: Do you know Dr. Walsh?
  Dr. Morris: (A graduate of the University of N. Carolina at
  Chapel Hill.) No . . . I’ve not seen your child; I don’t want you to do
  what I say, I want you to do what Dr. Walsh said .... If it’s
 Q something that can heal, it’s quite possible that a neurologist,
 L several years from now if your child is doing well, growing well,
  and acting well, might stop those medicines and see how the child
 , does. The scar that caused this may not be there any longer. . . . If
  you’re worried about the long term learning, yes, it may slow it
  slightly, but it usually doesn’t. Usually children grow and
  develop very well. The way you pick it up is on very, very hard