xt7w0v89hc4x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w0v89hc4x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1962 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 33, 1962 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 33, 1962 1962 1962 2012 true xt7w0v89hc4x section xt7w0v89hc4x   THE
    U     I • L(lH(/-CJIYIIZY (,v(’Ilt(’IlHi(l[ -1
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`     KENTUCKY  
      Published quarterly by the University of Kentucky on the campus of the University of Lux-  "
{ `“§V , irlgton. Subscriptions to non—members. $5.00. Membership (Type Al in the Alumni Associa- `. 
1 rv;]. zi tion includes subscription to the Alumnus. Member of National Editorial Association, Kell- Y
` lift ‘ tucky Press Association, American Alumni Council. A L
  ij. Q \’()l.U\ll·Z XXX11j { ITI
’>».`  1.
r   I  
g   Ada D. Refbord Y Y Y Y   Y   YY Y Y Editor Hsu;  
if   Helen G. King Y Y YY YY Managing Editor  
—   , _  il
E   Ken Kuhn YY Y Y Y Sports Editor ;·
é   { Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at Lexington, Ky., May 1, 1952. under the  
Tg   act of Aug. 24, 1912. Edited by the Alumni Association. »1
Q   E i
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ii 9V FEBRUARY 1962 _ V _ __ _    s
  fj, 1·..\(. 1·.IiI’l l· Ii( 1.1] .·\ I.], I I I 3· -, 
E ;; ALUMNI swmxn Y   ........ Y ..... Y Y YY Y Y 1 =*** <** *1* 1**** _ ***6* **—·*¤>·  ;,
‘ A l)(’I`S(lll—}`(‘1 sllt· will iilu.n~ ni-;  Q
  A- UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS YYYYYYYYYYYYY.Y   YY   YY   Y Y Y 8 ,.,,.,,1 uml ,l,,.,.,.,,,,,: ,l,,,.,. ,,, 0,,, ,_ Vi
_ . I 4 ,
-`     l‘* '*·z"—‘ —
E — ol our t·xpt*l‘lt·llt·t·s going ll.1t‘lti "  ,1
jj — HOMECOMING l96l YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY YY YY YY Y I4 ,1,,,., ,,·i,,.,, I Wn, ,, ,,,,.,,,l,,.,. Yi.  
  ABOUT THE ALUMNI YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY   YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I5 61*66 *·· *11* <1<·l>=*·‘****<·¤·* =** lh"'  
  ’`‘» ` REUNION WEEK END SCHEDULE OF EVENTS sho and Mr. (;l`t’lIillI orgiinixi  ri
  jg. ` ` Buck Cm/cr then \\'llt‘Il she. I’I(‘l`l)(’l`I (Zr.ili.i::i.  
YI`   \\'. (Z. \\vilson started [lt‘l`It‘LKZ`Q. J. 
      L'111Vi`1`$1tl` (If K¢’*1t1l@'l*}` -’\1‘11l`*I*i    i
Ti .` sociation ill thc early tut-lltit·>. X;.  ·,
· {fj I was closely associattxl with lit: J  I
I   »‘Y·’   EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 1961-62 ***54,*; ···· 5 1;** $; -i·*—·; ··*— *’;—* **·· ···· *’**·¤*,,}g,~;*· ¤1¤<»~=· ~~·1¤<> 1i··1l¤·<1 11*1* 11* <*~1*=V·  ·
_ V   Sail t·S 1 'U, exim; on tr crm expires . ;) ` ~
P X Di-. Harry C. Denliiiin, president, Maysville, Ky. R<>1>1·11 11· H11}¤¤1··1¢>‘1·r~ 11i111·¤¤1¤yvr Nursvrivs. the Lcxillljiml Alumni (Ilnll lnti  {
Ei   L. Berkley Davis, Immediate Past President, 22 L"x*“¤I*·'1*· 1\>'» iBU¢\¥d of TY\151€€$) ` . _
i   gmne (greek Park, Owgngbgrgs Ky_ Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, 2101 Nicholiisville llil., liectnne stiito-u‘l111'<1 of T\'\lS1¢‘¢*S) _ ·_ -  ‘
.` ` Y ment, University of Ky., Lexington Ml'- lilmvs A. Sutherland, Bloomfield, Ky_ Olililllllilllllll. Y;
_? Helen G. King. Director of Alumni Attairs, ,11}******1 ¤*T¤15*<·~·6> __ _ ’]‘h(.,-(i .,,-0 m·m\· im-jilpntt {lit .;
    522 Sayre Avcn Lexington, Ky \\llllill11 H. Townsend. I‘lrst Natlollal Bank ‘ ` · ’ "  »
{   Mrs. jane Irvin Morris, 1553 Leestown Pike, B1<1$Z·~ 1-¢*¤1¤1l1i¤¤. KY. (Life Mcmlwr, limi- m(.mm·\· l·CL.u]]S_ _.\}“·u\-S [ _,;_  »
L. ` Lexington (Tcrm expires 1964) 11ff11’>'1 _ · ·  V_
  V » ¤ George Griffin, London, Ky. (Term expires ll]lll(l(‘(l llltli Ill(*l`t‘ i1l`t‘ 111011*- ·.
· .Y ‘ 1964) , _ _ . . . . » . Y  .:
  » J¤¤f§%4B- A11€¤i “’1¤¢110St€1’» Ky- (Term expires APPOIAI IVE MEMBERS pcrllaps. ot 1‘Ill\'Cl`Sll}' oi ltvlr  »-
r ii   - ) ‘ I ) A I ` V if V  
i j   Richard1(gh!Vclls,]r.,Pikeville, Ky. (Tenn ex- ur. Ililary J. Boone, me ii0li.l..,- ini., Lgt- *“<*1 **1*1 “°*“**1 **1 “l*"*“   =
. ;_ yu pires ) ngtrn , , Y , · . ‘·..‘;  y
I ’,   Dr. GlennKU. (gorroh, 301   Rd., Lex- 5I:.l\Vgll1i\I\] D. Calvert, Maysville unilus `l h°l1""1*l""‘l (hulltm  -
, ’   " ington, y. erm expires Mr. R. R. Dt ·s , lll o fi·ll 1 · · ; ·· ; ·` T I lv ~.Zi‘  ·`
 , ·`   C. C. Clarke, 1203 South Green St., Glasgow, Dr. Gcorgc   2090   Second St., Mays- m(_ “ N) HU" ul In {HL - ` .  ri
' 4 ifi KY- iT¤T1¤ ¢¤1>116S 1963) villc 1')(’l'l(‘Il('(’S as inn l. l`lll‘ 11Il‘*'·`  ;
 , L {Ii DI'. O_· B- M\}1’PhX, 743 WESI Cooper Drive, Mr. Hl'l’ll(10ll j. Evans, The Lexington Herald, . __ . . V I Mi  - `
' 'j ·i Lexington, ky. (Perm expires 1963) l,i-xington llw .‘\lllll1IIl ,‘\SSO(`lil1I(lIl ·lIl( *  ,
%   _· , ]. Piful Nlckell, 3(ig6I;?rt Road, Lexington, Ky. !\·ir&iGi}l>ti{t Kingsbury, 210 Edgewood Rd., Ft. m,liHiHQ i`l.i(,“d< (Of wlmm {IM.  ir
j :1 _ - erm expires · . itc lc ‘ · · .
[ '· . McKay Reed, jr., 1925 Spring Drive, Louisville Mr. Samuel Manly, 111, 1009 Ky. Il » LT- - . · ·'   -· l·l>*1-  ‘
;   5, Ky. (Term expircs 1968) Bldg., Louisville mm H so m`m> i “l“ miss hu V K Y  ,
E. William M. Cant, Masonic Bldg., Owensboro, Mr. Clay Maupin, University of Kcntucky, Lvx- and Ql](\l`ll] plivsieallv lllll 1111** J
  Ky. (Term expires 1963) Itlgtflll _ _ ' ' --  i
st, William R. Black, 300 N. 38th St., Paducah, slr. N.·it·tnii W. Neel, City Engini-1-r’s Oiiicii, lain llcr lIlIlll(‘llL'(‘ and low. {Y
V  ;_ Ky. (Term expires 1962) Ht·nd<·rson  .
[ '.  ‘ Smith D. Broadbent, jr., Cadiz, Ky. (Term ex- ·. ,  E
.  · piws 1952) Slll(‘(‘l't‘l} . {
; Q  _ Richard E. Cooper, Somerset, Ky. (Term ex- Thu UK Alumni Executive Committee met-ts .      ·l
 ,  jr 1 pires 1962) monthly, S(3[)1('llll)(?l' through july, at a time (M LUV xiv "lm A 1
Y  jg , 3 Guy   Huguglet, jr., 1469_ Lakewood Drive, and place. appoilltvtl for the convenience of B, .11 WH    
  gr; Lexington, Ixy. (Term expires 1962) the t·mnmlttt·t·. *“( S O ‘ ·  ·
1   _'*i  V *
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xii: xxxuz I I
  I I 
 iI f I
  I Ii
IIIIIII   All too infrequently, the lives of many generations of undergraduates are IPI I I
~ l· · I   touched by the magic personality of one individual, whose influence is so far-reach- I I ·
  ing, so dramatic and so valuable that the influence is felt and remembered as long I .  
__\I ‘  as life lasts. I I I `
. .l.I!l‘ .  II I
mos lvm. III  Such is the story of Marguerite McLaughlin. I I
0 in our    I" _ _ I
I_I_I_IIIIIII¤     From l9l4 until she was assigned to a change-of-work status by the University I ‘
Q ILICII     in l952, Margie McLaughlin, as she was so affectionately known by University of   I I
,I.IIIIII.I· ..5h I  Kentucky students and alumni, contributed her time, her devotion, her loyalty and   I
it ut tht " Q her leadership to the institution from which she was graduated and of which she   .
orguni/=Z1   was an essential and dynamic part, until her death. I  
      · . I l
I PIII.I;III,;_   Other columns of the ALUMNUS will relate her achievements and her contri-
I. IIIIIIIIIIII . I butions, but to those of us whose destinies she guided from undergraduate days I I
§I~(»IIiIt·,. A;- { until the moment of her passing, she always will be a legend of love and tender- _
1 with lim   ness and compassion and understanding. {  
' · arf; To     I .
I Il.lIIII?lII_III·   Margie, whose devotion and determination over a period of more than half   Ii I
ICH, I IMI.   a century made it possible for the University of Kentucky Alumni Association to   I   I
Q thrive and to function through bad years and good, said her goodbye to life on the I II ·
.I(1t-his tlm  I afternoon of Alumni Homecoming Day, November 25, I96l. How appropriate, that I I Q
nys I .i:.’  I God, in His infinite tenderness, should call her to her eternal home within the I   I
nrc ll¤<*I*`·*  I sound of cheers from thousands of homecoming alumni of the University sne   I
I- (il l{¤`Ilii*   served and loved.   I;I. Q
.] I we  r I I I ~~
Ish:-Il?iII.;E   We will think of her always as one who was young at heart, and while time I . I
III; the slur   and nature and age take toll of that which is mortal, the spirit of Margie McLaugh-   I I
rho KIIIIIIFII   lin will continue to burn in the hearts of those whose lives she touched with the I _
Im and IIIYI   unquenchable flame of immortality.     I -
I\'I]()llI IIUIIII     II  
lwr p<`l`>*`l·I     `
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)\\'II. l\li  5: I I II I
MI_ .lHE K5NTuci¤‘¤‘ill Act has cchhhchh .·\s a result. the large pnhlic nniyersilies of torhi    ` l f  
QQ  Ti Q hcch khc“'h> hl? crchhhg “Thc Ag"ichlhlhh hhd Mcchthh much more than places where the young attend   \»»A  ’ 1 Jl
    ical College of Kentucky” as a college in Kentucky Uni- and gat A wilcgl. r.(lm.;lt{(,,,_ *|`],(.y.' Qm. S(.,~\.m. ih,   ss; 
  _. U VVcl$1?};».}Vhlch lh hhh “*§$_ §Epcch$f)hfh}hchV ch _LhlhSYh*lhhl tions in the broadest sense of that terni. 'l`od.iy nr k, U  Z 
      cf Lcxlhgtch am Ahhcch Cchcgc cf Thhrcdshhlg that the campus ol the t'niyersity ol` Kentneki i~ 1- I   
    The MM €¤ll€g€ was houml <>¤ ¤ f=¤‘¤¤ mst l>¤¤gh* br state of i¤¤m— in “’¤¤d· ' iami-er·rrr.r ariir-ea or rim-.~r—nn~ isirrarn nr., in P,. F   
_ pj    land Park, Lexington. This experunent of attaching a state SiguiHm,,t mir. “nh(,,n img }.(.m.S of u,..,gg|r._ rin i_. 4} 
‘     cchcgc to “ Ph“‘“" Rf Sc°“‘h"" “‘“"?_F`?}fY.fhdht ""”`k» ‘ grant idea was born of protest. and it eonnnncrl ~.=. r`  5
  is and site ‘¤l><>¤t ¤ }"¤ _,§‘?F‘_hlcl€§’_U“h"c"ShY uhh ‘“‘“`cd tc founders. but it was slow in growtlr and only und.  = ·~-- . ani
 g   thé pl€S€1'lt lOL£1tlOI1.;i It \\ HS. I;Ot ll.llvtll`.1$)O§ that the did it gain Sh-Ong Populilr Supp()I·t_   pl`Ol)l`l;1l¢3¤
 it 5*;; A&M Collsgs h"°“m‘”’ the Shu U"""‘hc* "“d at the The purpose ot the Nlorrill Act. or the lnnil.<.r -‘  lxcntii
j    same time Kentucky University assumed the former name, Act as it was pUpu]ul.]\. w]](.(]_ was U, W.,,\.i(](. ig,. y   300_()(i(| ;
 eq   Transylvania University, in order that confusion in names €UdO“.mCnt_ SHm,m.t um ,,m,m.mlm.l. Ur M im .  realize rr.
it    might be avoided college in each state °where the leading ohieet slulif  Q Pm liS si
gh   ` Ohheli state? \V€Ht through Varying Qxperignces in lvithout CXC'll.l(llll§.{ ()tllL‘l' $L'l(‘Iltllrl(' illl(l ('l;lSSlt'itl >llY "   shltcs “'l‘
_ 1. `r-i l estabhshihg thm h‘hd`gmht College O" “"h"""Shl‘*$~ hut and including military taetit·s_ to tear-lr snr-li liu i..` ~  r 1862 hat
`   E j eventually there were _f°“hd€d at least Ohc ih €""`rY Smtc of learning, as are related to ngrir·nlnn·r· and the iiiul>..‘ .2  limit. So
        total bélllg S1Xty-Slght. S€V€l'2ll StE).t€S, €Sp€Cl£`l.lly tl”lOS€ arts e U l in Ol-(lor to prolnotl. Hu. ]il)(.l—u] uml pI_nfl..   sp€('lll;lto
    l1'l the South, have two SL1Ch 11'1StltLltlOIlS. I1'] K€DttICl(}'. education Of the industrial CIHSSOS in Hur S(.\—(.m] pnrii  rim ilCl`t* {
 E       both the University of Kentucky and Kentucky State Col- amd pmfcssions of m(__·~  —· acre
      lege arcland-grant{Hst1tL}uOnS· ' I To C2ll`I`y ()lll§   ptll'l)()SC lll(‘ Si;ll(‘S. llptlll Ullh .‘  i hw l
2     What do ih€$€ $1XiY·€lghI limd-gl‘am institutions stand eeptance of the provisions of the Act. were calvll ll i'   hmh will
  ii   for? what is their significance in American higher educa' gI'Hllt€(l   i\(`l.(`$ l:()l` (‘1l(‘ll lll(‘llll)(‘l‘ {li. (ltllliil"   Est Huh]
Q     tion today? ln number they   lcss than 4 P€I`C€IlI of StL1t€S llOt ll2l.Villg lzuitls oli the piililie (lllllllllll lhiivv  imnhllhl
  §._ — · Amchcan °°h"§"S and “"'V€*S“*€$» Yet they ww}! 20 per- their own borders were gr-antcrl scrip {or n·r»sli·rii lirl  J Collar \
_  iv ._? C€Ilt of th€ 1l¤ti0H’$ ¤¤d€1‘gI`iid¤ai€ €0ll€g€ Students. They The land could either he kept as an lll\'(‘Sillli`lll *’l` ri   pmhuhhl
    i have   Pcrccht of all (Engineering Students,   Percent   SOl(l, tl`l€ Ill()IlC}’ \\';tS (() “(‘()|]$tlt|][(\ il P(*|'pt‘lll·ll ill?   hump  
.   j,_ 0f all h°m° °°°¤°mi€S S*“d~‘¤¤*S» Md 80 percent of all the capital of which slrnll rcnrnrn l`nrr·rr·r rrrirliiiiiiiiii   Amir
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Uh 1. ~ . N Jann} nlnn innh·1n·~t nf xxhnvln ~In.nll In- nmiulnnlwlx .np- Kvnntrnokn \\.n,~fn>nn1ndvd011 F&‘b1`l1;l1'}`22. 1565. Consider-   §
pmp1·1;nh·IlL`il lnnxnnncnnvs of lG;ln’nnin1gZ as anne n‘€1L1f€d tO zlgfn-
nw!. 2 · ?>U1Ul(lli;nn·rn·~ nn} Lund, "l`lnn· h·gi~I.ntnmx fwlinnu nnblignml nu n··v}tn11·n· .md tlnv nncchnunic urts." it seems curious that
M n, n· r<·.n}11n· \\lllli(`\(‘I' >nnm~ nnnulnl Inn- g.nim~¤I (nn ~t.n1t nn n·n»Hn·!<·. nm u>¤:1‘>n· inn gngricnnltnnru was ofnered before 1880, though `
WU nj pnnl its sannp nm nI.n» m_nr]·`n·[_ l`nIn>rinn1n.ntn·}n_ 111.115 n>[}ln‘I <*;nn·}n nm) inn school \\`;ns n`<‘qnnnn’c’d to work pzlff time 011 `
Mm] < $t¤*T<‘* \\¢·n‘n· Gwim; i]nn· ~.nmn·. n\Isn». tho }In»11nn~~tn·nnnl .\n·t of tho mllviv ialflll. A {
my Q, lbfwi had t.nkn·n thv mlgv mln ilu- m.nrLn·t har \\\‘>t(‘l`I| Thv snnnnv nuns csscutiully true of instruction in the
Ilan- mn`: ]***¤¤¤11nn· ~t.1t¤·¤ n‘n·¢·n·i\n·nl ]n·>> thm SU n·n·nt> nnth~n1· nnzns (lnmnppnninntnnniln >nnn;nH. \•‘\(‘I`II1n‘ln'\>_ tInn· inner- nic [)nn`n‘n·lnnn‘ of Exfvnnsnnnnn inn L‘lnanI`gC. _
U1 ( ,·_ W [10111 ll sn`n‘\‘n·Iis}u·n] .1t that tnmn: .lIlll ing nlw (`oupcn‘;1ti\‘o Extension Son‘\’ic¤· inn .\gn`ic1n]tnnn‘e and
,,l,»,,n nn- ~ pmb**l’l}` not inn mnmx \¢·;n1‘>. xxitlnmnt Hu- prinnninu on nhn- Hmnv Ecwnuonnnius. '1`Inis nvt pm\‘idvd for the ;nppn‘0pn‘i;ntio1n ` 1 ,
1 · · , . n
.I-un·Inn.nnr D“ml)I¤)‘ (luv gnknnni ul nnnlnlnv I.nnul>. ni |¢·nl<‘1‘.n] fnnnnnns. to nw nnnaniclnvml bv stanlc and Umnnntv
n1nnI1mt*¤`~` —‘1l¤| so llnu ;\5;n‘i<‘n1Iln11‘;nI uml \lm·}n.nn1in·.n| (k>Hn·gn· on tnmnlsn lun k';ll`l`§`Ill§ on cxtvnnsnonn work nn the countics. I
_/  ;_ n
` \ n
¤ ~ n
{ `

g   li  W
§   @1  
—   2- i
A   In each state the work was to be ud111iuiste1‘cd bv the amd lwforc thc cud of thc 1880-Sl scssiou ·-li} xvmnwu h;  
  M l ' "  " Alumx
if   ) land-grant college. curollvd. 'l`hc first \\’()lllllIl gru·_©a§§. 5; In Kentucky the Hrst county 1lg1`lCllltlll'&ll agents were (·Um¤» “¤tl1 {lil Bb- *`!—€¢¤¤¤%¢’ll<·;:<~. gf  -
> _   ls _ · °’_ _ , · .. _ . ~ . , _  , lpms ul
’ "   li 120 counhes, amd ll home agent 111 00. 1`oclny there are ihv *~‘l¤\>S<‘>¤, l1l‘l' U) UW $\¤l>i¢‘<‘i Ul l<¤¤l¤.  Z; ml] xl
*§:;_ . . .· ,   . ·       1** -'
»_   i ants O1. associates m m;my_ In mm] there zu-C 210 County In 1910 th; 1)(]_).\IlIlll\l( ol llmm lL$()lI()HIl(h xmas .ul Quia ¤<¤¤·¤¤1¤<·¢` \¤\¤¤$£¢’< 'l<>   Viv wl .·\u1·1-  E (m_dmII\_
=¥E—· search, amd off-cum us extension within the luml-*1·;111t Cumw _‘"“ Hou"` l`*°°"°m""”‘ "ml "' U"`; l“` |)"l""*l‘    
  - · - · · uwnt oi Home Fa.-amomics l>u··um· thc Qvluml ul ll __;·i 1 . . . `   1 1 I ._ I U Y I   ct the h(ll\ lllg lOl lllgllCl (IKHIIII} g(N.‘S (H1. 5lIl';|L|]|¥ ·
r   universities mc opeuec t1€1I (0015 to xxomen, 110t.1bx , . . . . _  . tlwwulm
.   , _ _,. , _ _ 9 at thc (.cmcmua¤l of the ;\ll\(`l`l(`2Ill .·\SS()(`l&lll()ll ul Luml- ‘ -
,_.·_1 Iowa, Utah, and \\21Sl]1llgtOl]. By 16zO Bllfilllgilfl, 111111015, . . , . . . .  K Bnmlm,"
. _ _ _ _ __ Grzmt Colleges amd Sum; l.‘lll\'l'l`Slll(.‘S lust full. Tlrcmlmy  { _
_ _ California, and BIISSOUII all had u few women enrolled, , . . . . , . . , glll€lll’(l1
  _ _ ___ , _ _ . \\. Schultz ol thc Uunvcrsuv ol (.lIl(`LlL{() pmmul mu uhm  _v `
 —_   z and durmg the 40s a mnyonty of the eastern schools ‘ . ‘ y glwmjm]
  , there are now more than three umcs us mam umlm- »
 , » l adopted the practice. . . · ~ the (jolh
 .,   ndumcs and cn hm umcs as munv nuuluuxe suudclm ih ,
  V}   . . { V · I I . . _. h * ¤ · S   U _ L
 3*   I mlsslou O “'Om€“ *u0“S€( S¤<>¤g_<>1>1¤<>S1¤<>¤— “lt in 1930. but that it is "vcry mislcauling to think ul 1I1i~  j, _ mm
 T1   l lnuch heated d€bat€· From the St““dPOmt_ Of the "d“?m‘ growing demand for higher cducunimm us if in were simylx *”_fmZ;"m‘
Z;    *·`" lstrators there was the <1¤€S¤<>¤ of h<>¤5¤¤g, at *1 tune il demand for more of thc sumc insarucuimn uhm was Iwiuv   m {mm
  sp . . >  - f  
    when m€mY Of the Colleges were $¤‘¤ggl¤¤g with the supplied in thc [NIS!. The demand is cslwcizxllv strong lm . or 'ugg
  7,*51 ` ' - ' ·` · l · > w · · . . . . _, ' ` L ·
 ·_ M problelin of obtamuag d01m1t011es fm the boys. Tlxmf qlmmy m hlghm. cdm.mm“_ _ M1. St
i   **1 tczruuettzt ·   t ‘t‘ ~ ·· I · . .. .  is X  
 -;l tbl “l;S_ H ‘tg I; **1 “ ‘;l°“‘§“ “t"‘€' “‘; 5"i"g_°"°“gL‘ with quulny ol (-(lm-mlml pl-mlmt uu- Lunwmtx _ gl`] ‘“*‘”
 G ‘t'¢¤ S1 ‘ ' ll ' V " i 'i ‘ ' ' '. V . . V ` _· >
 gx   P   (la y O S n( up un gl ]€_S ldul O_ ui 1( Cnllc “ Ol _ of I\()lltU(.`ky IHIS 2l.l\\`ll}'$ l)(‘(‘Il ('()l\('(‘l`Il(‘(l, l)ll[ \\`]tl] lIl· - C \g(H
.~.  ·   Smtablc courses were lackmg: few consndercd the POSSI- _ A _ l H · I _ _ . A _ . 5 m€11t_ \\
    _ · · (.l`€JS€( llU.Il(`H.I bll]_)p()lt ll] l(‘C(‘lIt }'(‘ill`5 It l]ilS l)(’('Ul|ll  '_
rj Q5; b1l1ty that women nught want to study the same sub- __»} I _ f _ I _ T ._   _ _ -  ; m£ll§(‘ uy
,.. W _ _ _ pOhh1) ( on t u L nmvnsnty to stop forth moro lmldly  = .
 · qt; ]ects us men. But Oll the part of the general pubhc the in _1 qulllih, pmgmm »l-()“_u_d Hm lim tht um I it h0n {nm
 Y »,·i _ _ _ _ ¢ e _ 4 . 1 . A ‘ `("5 `¤ =
 `- FE overmdmg quest10n was the moral 1SSll€. It was thought _ ·, - _ · _ . -‘ . ·  F Elmv jo
 U   __ _ _ _ xzuscd 1ts ucnclcmuc stamrlmnls m l$):>!s. wntll the l'(’({|lll'l`·  — ·_
r  1e·   by many that the enforced fHIl'l1ll2ll'1tV 111 il rmxed college l _ I _ . . ..   _ .- Mklvlmxmu
_,;; » · _ ment tmt il stm cnt must mauntum nt least u (A uw- ;
E-   would corrupt the mzumers and morals of both the bovs - _ _ _ . . ( , = memlycr
J _ _ · age m order to remaun m school. In l.)(>() Ql pml;nun wl  _ _
·— 1-l and the g1rls. _ — _ . . . `  _ ¤Dp<>mtm
» ._   czueiul counsclmg of low-r;mlr¤¤  ‘ Els lull
Y 2   Iowa State College took the lead by Qsmbllshmg H Course Tll€S€ measures, along with lll’lpl'()\'(‘(l ubilitv m lnttmui 3 along “`i
 _     l m ‘?Om€St1° E¤<{¤¤mv _ m181§§’9· gzlnsasg begm} lt? (lo' 21-lltl l`€t2lH1 C1lp21l)lL* lHStl`llCt<)I`S. 1lI'L‘ ;1l1‘¢·;1(ly l)l'()\`lIl}[ vllvv   he [kl
 — ,   mf? 1Cd€c0HOmY wllrse m *· > an In 1 74 UIIUOIS d€· tnve nn crcutmg nucl 11mintuiniu;; u selnollnsticully im-  a Dr Nl
l   __ YB 0P€ a Wstematm and thorough Dmgidm in thdt Sul) pressed student body nt thc Unnvcrsnly ol l\l‘Illl|<.'l(}`· 3, plOl°$$01‘
  1 `_ _ ]€c't' l1`lll}' (110 UK Allllllm 0:111 t;1l<(· Dl`l(l(' t()(l{[}’ lll lllrll   Pallelwll
Q gr   ·In Kentucky, however, lt was not domestic economy Alma Mater us :1 lamcl-gmnt unix·¢·rsity with u rich iral81‘tm€Ht, which evcntu- Hllmcnt of the vision of thc L;m"_]¤1-0]), (·iU`|lillli|l| House llus moved [U ¤
"’ll"glf1 §1111111111l11· U. S. i11 W111‘l1l liC0l1()ll1}' Sl°""ll“l"ll Hllll 011 the Iron Works _
(lt)l`l]|l-   will tw tht, topic of tht. ]?jft]l AH, ll11411l |1<'4||` LCXIIIQIUI1. The m1)v(; wng .  
l""‘l”·   mm] _~\l111l1l1l Sl‘l11ll|iU` U1 l)(‘ l1l‘l(l llm(lC4Hc€(iSSlllly by lllc gl`UWlll of tl1C   W  1
1 il(l<-1-11 ¢'111Dl<1}’€111·1·11.·\ss111’i¤1i<‘$~ \\=1sl1i11111<111. l)-(Z $l.ll(lll.(lllU. Xlrs. Pansy Yt11111t_ 3111111-       t  
HSV hr   D1-_ [{11151111 has S('l'\’l‘(l as 1111 assist- 1111111t, ,l`(’XilS_ l`111·1111»1· 11vv11(·1· of gpj,,(]]t._   1 1 l l
_ _` `   11111 $1-1-1·1-11111-;:1-111·1‘al to the ll11il