xt7w0v89h97k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7w0v89h97k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1905-01-may30. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1905-01-may30. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1905-01-may30. 1905 1905-01-may30. 2011 true xt7w0v89h97k section xt7w0v89h97k 



                   JUNE -i 1905-
                  DECEMBER S, 1908

May 30, 1905
     Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Kentucky State Collep
held at President's office and Trustees Room on the College
Grounds, at Lexington, Ky., at 2 O'clock P. M., Tuesday May 30,
1905 being the reg-ular semi-annual meeting.

     Present: Messrs. Barker, Carpenter, Nelson, Clay, Kin-
kead, McOhord, Brooks, Frazee, Hopkins, Nichols, Stout, Patter-
son.  12

     Absent:  Messrs.  Ferguson, Hager, Bell and Ramsey.    4.

     There being a quorum present, the meeting was called to
order by Judge Barker, who nominated Mr. Frazee as Chairman,
which motion was duly seconded and being put to vote was carried,
whereupon Mr. D. F. Frazee took the chair.

     Upon motion of Judge Barker duly seconded. and carried all
absent members were excused.

     President Patterson stated that he had the resignation of
Judge Hagar as a member of the Board, and upon motion, duly made
seconded and carried, after appropriate remarks, said resignation
was accepted.

     Upon motion duly ma e and seconded the Secretary was directed
to transmit to Judge Hagtr, the remark made by President Patter-
son, upon his resignation.

     The Chairman then announced that nomination to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation of Judge Hagar were then in order.

     Thereupon Judge Barker placed in nomination as a Trustee Judge
Lafferty of Cynthiana, which nominated was duly recorded.

     Mr. Nicholls placed in nomination Mr. John Wood of Ashland,
which nomination was duly recorded.

     No nominations further were made and upon a vote by ballot
the votes stood as follows:

           For Judge Lafferty   5
           " Mr. Wood          3

     The Chairman therefore declared Jucge Lafferty to be duly


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Jane 1, 1905- Page 4 (cont'd)

    At this point an informal discussion was had as to whether
Mr. Ramsey, - he having removed from the State,- was still a
member of this Board, and upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried the Secretary was directed to communicate with Mr. Ramsey,
and ascertain whether his residence out of the State was Permanent
or not, and what he desired done about his membership on the

     At this point the Secretary read the minutes of the last
meeting of the Board of Trustees, which without objection, stood
approved as read.

     The Secretary here read the minutes of the various meeting s
of the Executive Committee since the last meeting of the Board,
which, without objection stood approved as read.

     The reading of the minutes of the faculty since last meeting
of Board was by consent postponed for the present.

     At this point President here read his Report, to the Board,
which is in words,-and figures-as follow, to-wit:

                                       Lexington, Kentucky
                                       May 20, 1905

     To the Honorable Board of Trustees:
        of the A. and M. College of Ky.

     The collegiate year just closed has been one of average
prosperity. The matriculation is not quite so large as that of
the preceeding year but the material enrolled judging from the
reports of heads of Departments and Deans of Courses of Study,
herewith submitted and made part ofthis report, has been above
the overage of preceeding years.  This is gratifying and due to
the gradually improving conditions of th e public schools and to
the good material received from the Accredited Schools. These
latter send us many good students. Their affiliations with the
State College and the credit allowed pupils who complete their
respective courses give them dignity and prestige at home. They
show a desire to meet the requirements of the College in the
thoroughness and compass of work done. We do not hesitate to
acquaint them with any deficiencies which we note in the prepara-
tion of students sent. These suggestions are welcomed and acted
upon. The consequence is that we are gradually bringing these
secondary schools to a higher degree of efficiency, thus bene-


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June A,, 1905- page 5 (cont td)

fiting the communities in which they are established as well as
securing for ourselves a better preparation in the graduates
sent us. One of the great necessities of the Commonwealth from
an educational point of view is a high grade of High Schools.
To the realization of this end the State College through its
accredited schools systems is contributing and important part.

     I desire to call the attention of the Board to the necessity
of increasing facilities for agricultural education.

     Some weeks ago I received an urgent request to attend the
meeting of the Shelby County farmers in their annual Institute.
A special message came to me saying that our assault had been
planned upon the State College, because of its neglect of Agri-
cultural education, the inadequacy of its instruction, the in-
sufficiency of its staff and its failing to realize the just
expectations of the-farmers of the State. I attended the Insti-
tute. Meanwhile, measures were taken to disconnect the attack,
I addressed the meeting with results even better than I could
have anticipated. But for a time the danger.was real. The
danger still exist, and its recudescence before the Legislature
would seriously embarrass us. The fact is we have not provided
adequately for Agriculture education. This course of study is
attracting students in annually increasing numbers. We are
bound by the obligations of the Act of Congress of l162 establish-
ing the College, to mde adequate provisions for those branches of
learning relating to Agriculture as well as for those relating to
Mechanical Arts. We have fulfilled our obligations fairly well
as regards the latter, but I regret to say that as regard to the
former we are justly chargeable with neglect. This fact is PAGE
openly charged that we are building up the Engineering,especially
the Mechalical Engineering at the expense of the Agricultural.
I have called attention to this neglect on former occasions and
now on this desire to urge and emphasize the necessity. I have
urged that a Professor of Agriculture should be appointed, and a
Professor of Horticulture. I now add that a Professor of Animal
Industry should be appointed, and that these be paid their
salaries out of the fertilizer fund.  I am quite sure they can be
legally paid out of this fund. I have taken the opinion of
Hon. James Wilson, Secly of Agriculture on this subject. He
holds that any expenditure designed to benefit the farmer can be
legitimately paid out of ogr fertilizer fund, and that there is
nothing that can benefit the farmers more than thorough theoreti-
cal and practical instruction in the College course of Agriculture
I am quite sure that if so appointed and paid the legality of the
expenditure will never be questioned. But whether paid out of
the income from fertilizers or not, they must be appointed if we
have regard to our duty. We must entrench ourselves in the good
will of the farmers by the good work that we do in the Experiment
Station on the one hand and on the good and adequate education in
soientif.c A;.criculture which we provide in the college on the
other.  On this subject I beg to commend to your careful considera-
tion the excellent report of the Dean of Agriculture.



      The authority given sometime ago to appoint a competent
man to organize and conduct Farmer's Institutes in conjunction
with the State Commissioner of Agricultuze, and while not so
employed to do experimental work in the Experimental Station,
has not been productive of the results antickpated the Agricul-
ture side of State College claims your attention and urgently
claims it. If you ignore or neglect it, you fail in your duty
and the interest of the Institution will suffer. The farmers
will aid us if we do our duty to them. If we do not, we shall
come to grief.

      I again call your attention to the very disadvantageous
conditions under which instruction in the various departments of
Engineering is given. The recitation rooms, the drawing rooms,
and shoes in the Mechani cal building are crowded beyond their
capacity for comfortable and effective work. The Mechanical
Laboratories is so congested with machinery that pass ways
scarcely exists, and some pieces are practically useless because
of the lack of space and power for their operations. The fewest
facilities exists for the Mining Engineering and these are the
most meager kind. A little wooden building, improvised at small
cost, contains all that exists in the way of equipments. The
parsimony with which this department ezpected to do work is a
disgrace to the State.

     The department of Physics is in equally evil plight. We
possess a lot of good physical apoarattus but the Laboratories
and classrooms, areso small and overcrowded that satisfactory
work cannot be done. And lastly the Normal Department is in
great need of enlarged quarters. A new building with all the
appliances for instruction, elementary, and advanced, is in-
dispensable for the growth of this department. The indication
are that increased attendance, in this Dept. will embarrass the
College still more. The air is full of rumors that the State
Teachers Association, inspired by hostility outside our own
organization, and by disaffected persons within.

              are organizing a movement against the present re-
lations of the Normal Department of the State College with a
view to the severance of its connection and its establishments
on an independent basis.

     The meeting at Maysville adopted resolution last year look-
ing in this direction. Copies of these resolutions have been
sent by certain parties connected. with the State College to
every Superintendent of the County Schools in Kentucky, urging
their adoption by the institution of their respective counties.

     The forth coming meeting at Mammoth Cave will take collective
action on the reports received and this action is not likely to
be inimical to us. It behooves us to be on the p.lert.in order



to prevent disintegration and impartment of revenue. I be-
lieve that the Board can truthfully say that the Normal Dept.
equally with the others has shared without prejudice in the
provision made for the instruction, and in the free and un-
restricted use of all the advantages offered by all the
associated Deoartments of the College. The College is still
straightened by the reason of the failure of revenue to keep
acc  with the expenditures.                             Page 10

     While honeful of a favorable decision by the Court of
Appeals on the Constitutionality of the appropriation made by
the last Legislature, hone in this case as in others is not con-
vertible with certainty.  Our estimates must therefore be based
on existing facts of income and expenditures.

     Last year I succeeded with the concurrence of the Board of
Trustee in reducing expenditure by economies which did not im-
pair the efficiency of administration or instruction.

     I believe that more economies still could be introduced with
like satisfactory results. The perfection of modern industrial
production is due largely to the economic use of power through
improved mechanical contrivances for its transmission and for
its dynamic efficiency. The same principles should be applied
in administering such a trust as that committed to us by the
Commonwealth. The same principles should guide us in these
matters as control a prudent householder in his domestic concerns6

     Though circumscribed in its operations by limited accomoda-
tions and equipments, and by lack of means to provide assistants
for several courses of study, the results obtained are most
gratifying. Our graduates in Science, in Classics, in Pedagogy,
in Agriculture, and in Engineering readily find remunerative
occupations and stand well to the front in their respective ad-
vocation.  Indeed when they enter the list as competitors with
the best men and women graduated from other institution, their
success is no less surprising than gratifying. But with more
means we could do more and better work. Assistants are urgently
demanded in English, in Modern Languages, in Physics, in the
Normal School, in Botany, in Chemistry, in Biology, in Geology,
in Physiology, in Civil Engineering, in Mining Engineering, in
Mathematics. It is painful to see the straits to which our
heads of Departments are reduced, in their efforts to place their
departments on proper basis, and still more painful to know
that their appeal to the Board cannot be met with an aopropriatiow
needed for meeting the most urgent necessities.

The estimated revenue for the coming year is $73,046.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,May 30 1905 - page 11 (contid)

     The estimated expenditure on the basis of appropriation
(asked for) $79,210.

     With an existing deficit of $23,100, it is easy to see what
the result will be if all asked for be allowed in the budget.
It behooves us then to project our expenditures on the most
economic basis, making such provisions as is absolutely necessary
for instruction and such appropriations for current expenditures
as are indispensable in order to make education effective. Some
must be disappointed. This is to be regretted but cannot be avoid-
ed. You are administering a great trust. The college is growing
in usefulness and efficiency every year, No man in its governing
body is indispensable, no man in its administration. Men serve
their time and pass away, but Institutions remain.

                                                             PAGE 12
     Those who serve will be held in grateful remembrance as bene-
factors, and their work will live in the perpetuity of the institu-
tions which they serve. They may be exposed to obliging and to
ignorant or malicious construction, but the good will remain and
the evil will pass into oblivion.

     There is a power that works for righteousness. You give of
your time and your thought to serve your generation, not for
material personal gain, but for the good of your contemporaries
and posterity.

     You sow and others will reap, but meanwhile those who follow
will recall the services of those who went before and "praise
the deeds of great men and of the fathers who begat them."

     Thanking you for your continued confidence and support.

                                 I am
                                    With much respect,
                                       Your obedient servant,
                                            James K. Patterson.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, may 30, 1905-page 13

     Salaries of President, Professors, assistant Professors,
Tutors and Fellows for 1905-06.

James K. Patterson           $3300.0O
J. K. Neville                 2000.00
Dr. Chase Palmer              1500.00
Prin. Normal Dept.            1500.00
Prin. Academy                 1500.00
Paul Wernicke                 2000.00
Jas. G. White                 2000.00
F. P. Andeerson               2000.00
A. M. Miller                   2000.00
M. L. Pence                   2000.00
J. P. Brooks                  2000.00
A. S. Mackenzie                2000.00
C. W. -Mathews                2000.00
J. W. Pryor                   1700.00
J. M. Davis                   1000.00
Miss Kinkead                     OO 00
Asst. in Normal Dept.          1000.00
J. T. Faig                    1700.00
Asst. in Acadamy                600.00
W. W. K. Mustaine              1000.00
V. E. Muncy                    1000.00
J. L. Logan                    7200.00
A. M. Wilson                   1300.00
L. A. Mollan                   600.00
2nd Asst. in Mathematics        600o0o
Mrs. Stout                       00.00
T. T. Jones                     600.00
Joe Dicker                      700.00
M. A. Doyle                     400.00
Gordon Thurman                  400.00
Te WI. Freeman                  600.00
Asst. in Agriculture           1200.00
Fellows                        2400.00
Tutors                         1000.00
Drawing                         150.00


Stationary & Printing         $ 700.00
Fuel and Lights & Water         7000.00
Insurance                        200.00
Repairs and I-pnrov's           2000.00
Mining Eng,                      750.00
Mech.   "                       3500.00


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEEB,-My 30, 1905 -page 14 (contid)


Civil Eng.
Geology and Zoology
Military Instruction
Traveling Expenses
Gen'l Traveling "
Trustees Meeting
Student Labor
Pol. Econ. and History
Modern Lang.
Ancient "
Contingent Fund
Class Day

Athletics Assoc.


 R. S. Bullock
 D. C. Frazee
 Miss Hedges
 R. A. Milliagn
 L, D. Moore
 John Smith
 Pier Whiteman
 A. Mitchel
 G. D. Ellis
 Chas. Turner
 J. T. Friley
 Mrs. Blackburn

$ 250.00
$7 50-0


  PAGE 15

      $ 100.00
        300 .00
        300 .00
        SOG 00

      29 050.00
      46 850.00
al   $0,3S0.00


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,May 30, 1905 Page 15 (cont'd)

     This budget was adopted by the Executive Committee and is
the same as in the Executive Committee Book.
                                              D. C. F.

                                                         Page 16
     Upon motion of Judge Stout duly made recorded and carried
the Report of the President was received, and referred to the
Committee on the President's Report.

     At this point the Report of the Treasurer was read and was
upon motion duly made, secconded and carried, referred to the
Committee on Finance.

     At this Point President Patterson announced to the Board thRt
it was invited by Mrs. Wallace, the Matron of the young ladies
dormitory, to supper at 6:30 o'clock this evening, and was also
invited to lunch with President Patterson at one o'clock to-morrow.,
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried both invitations were
accepted with thanks.

     The Report of the Business Agent for the past year was here
read, and after discussion, upon motion of Mr. Clay, duly recorded
and carried, said Report was referred to the Committee on Finance,

     At this point there arose a discussion concerning the action
of the students in refusing to nay gymnasium fees, and the division
of same with the Athletic Association.

     Judge Kinkead made a motion with reference thereto, but action
on same was postponed until the Chairman of the Athletic Association
could have an opportunity to make a statement, and said motion
will appear in full at the point where action was taken thereon.

                                                              Page 17
     Thereupon the following resolutIon was offered by Judge Barker:
It is moved that all honor graduates of high schools be admitted
to the college without payment of fees throughout the Stateand in
addition thereto that the President of the College be allowed to
waive the payments of fees in all cases where, in his judgments it
ought to be waived, to the extent of one hundred. Said motion
was duly seconded. by Mr. Clay, and after discussion, was put upon
its passage and carried. At this point the Chairman announced the
standing Committees as follows:


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,May 30, 1905 page 17 (conttd)

Committee on Salaries:
     Strut, Chairman, Nelson and Barker.
Commitee on Minutes. of Faculty and Minutes of Special faculties
     Messrs. Barker, Chairman, Brooks, Stout.
Committee on Internal Expansion:-
     Messrs. Brook, Chairman, MCChTod, Clay.
Committee on Experiment Station:-
     Messrs. Nel sn, Chairman, Nicholas, Carpenter.
Committee on Appronriations:-
     Messrs. Kinkead, Chairman, Nelson, McOhord,
Committee in Building and Grounds:-
     Messrs. Brooks, Chairman, Clay, and Stout.
Committee on Military Instruction and College discipline:-
     Messrs. Clay, Chairman, Brooks, Hopkins.
Committee on-Finance:-
     Messrs. Nicholas, Chairs n, Stout and Kinkead.
Committee on President Resort:-
     Messrs. Hopkins, Chairman, Nicholas & Barker.

                                                   Page l1
       Upon motion duly made recorded, and carried the Board at
this point adjourned to meet tomorrow morning May 31st, 1905
at nine thirty otclock.

     Met pursuant to adjournment at nine thiry o'clock A. M., on
Wednesday, May 31st, 1905.

     Present: Messrs. Frazee, Clay, Brooks, Hopkins, Nicholas,
McChord, Carpenter, Barker, Kinkead, Stout, Bell, Nelson, Ferguson,
Lafferty, and Governor Beckham.    15   Mr. Clay in chair.

     A committee of ladies from Lexington, representing the various
ladies organization of Lexington, came before the Board to make
statements in behalf of the establishment of the Department of
Domestic Science in the College: among the ladies present were the
following: Mesdames. Morton Gratz, Hamilton Scott, Beauchant;
Winston, Arnspiger, Hay, Oldham, Warner, Kinkead, McConnell, James
Headley, Vance Nicholas, Wictliffe Preston, and Miss Laura Clay.

     Statements and talks were made by Miss Clay, Mrs. Warner Kin-
kead, Mrs. Morton, Mrs. Beauchamp, and other ladies.

     After various greetings from members of the Board, and some
informal discussion, the ladies retired.


Missing report(s)