xt7vx05x9q8k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vx05x9q8k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1930-01-20  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, January 20, 1930 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, January 20, 1930 1930 1930-01-20 2021 true xt7vx05x9q8k section xt7vx05x9q8k T‘,‘YTT-,1'.'I

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Room of Mchv Hall, Monday

The University Senate met in toe filcc
January 20, President Mc7e§ presiding.
en The micutes of the December 19, meetiLg

The folio
were app:

wing recommendations of




‘ ‘1
conomics 5, Rural Vn’Lhfilt"



4 Home Econozics l
Prerequisites: S

haw 17 a


Daily m 2 h


Law 169 e


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Committee on Duplication of

sych. 202 ~ Clinical Psych. changed to Psych» 1 9

flmunity Prfi; lezasl - 3 crcdi
MN. /


44 « Adxence_d Home Mary
ociologéla, Economics la,

Studv f .aw a Su

Senate def

mate arvroved the request for ?o
constitution to be Dr) V la e:

ard of Control of Student Puolicrti ions




Problems 5 3 credits

mics; Ag culture (Econ mic (either

3 credit
Home Economics 42

agcznent w

mine I‘ 38 S t? ion

The Committee in Duplication of COJ:ees made the following recommendations
concerning prerecdieites:
1. That prerequisites be considered under two healings:
a» ClessifiCation b. Prescribed

ine prereqfiisites as to

concerned specify

3» If tne abO'e Vie" is ac:ept:d, the Comgittee re ommendsl
3- Th t junior clesqificauion be required for admission to all
co“rse: that may be : ounted foh 7T”“1&BP work;
on The: the departments concernei prcecxibe the COJTFGS
required, and tr nsmit them to the Heeietrq? V0” DuLlicetion


The Senate voted that the ac ove recoml endation be mim .eographed and sent
to tie meme :9 of the Sz-nete and considered be: ore the next meeting.

Senate for an wrofal-





























February 1






The Senate
Duplicati o
frow the 1













The Universi



ccoiii -e~ -ox c~rzid~tcr for "”Vkficed defirees at o is i
At 336 Dec» her mee“1nr of tLe Unixe‘eiz' Senate, the Universit"
L l't _ ‘ “ I. I I7 ‘
echoii me asked to leke recomgcndotlons at 3?: “E‘T meeting
‘ ' .0 mt} .fl-‘ ~ " -.,.. _. F": n— '
concerning Lie time o; co 1er-1n5 dogiees. in— OMwittee msde the
:ollowing reconneniEEian which we: so iOVGdZ
. ~ ' 1 , q a ,- 1 Lu 1 L 2 -, i 1
The council voted t, recommend to use @enate tnau degiees oe
onferred, at the CTOSe of ‘he first senester, the c‘; ose of Um
secoid seme:te‘, and the close of the elmoer ees si on-



February 10, 1930
by Senate met in the lecture room of MoVey Hall Monday,
0, President McVey presiding.
3f Janna dry 0 wére approved as reads ‘

considered the recomm endatisn of
n of Course<
ast mee

the Committee on
concerning prerequisites which held over
ting for cons ideration. the
tion was approved as follows:

After an amendment,

That prerequ151tes be considered under two headingss'
ao Classification b. Prescribed

That the University Senate define prerequisites as to

classification, and that the departments concerned specify
the courses.

f the above View is accepted, the 60mmittee recixmends:
a« That jfinior calssification be rruiired for admission

to ali CO;T:?€S that may be counted for graduate work, Ex=
ceptions to this rule iri particuie,r cases may be made by flm
Dean and the Head of the Department concerned. be That Mm
deDar rtznents concerned prescr ihe the courses required, and
transmit them to the Re3istr ar for publication in the UniVm

efisity catalog.