xt7vx05x9n8g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vx05x9n8g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-10-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 18, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 18, 2001 2001 2001-10-18 2020 true xt7vx05x9n8g section xt7vx05x9n8g Tailgating

Tricks of
the Trade

Yes. I know Kentucky's
football team isn't
doing that great this
year, but I am still
planning on making
the trip down to
Georgia this weekend
to watch the game.
I'm a big Cats fan
and hope for the
best- but I do have a
few realistic bones in
my body. The joy of
tailgating is what
draws me away from
the Bluegrass this
Saturday. I plan on
partying with my
brothers who are
experienced in the
art of tailgating.
Heck, they'd even
cross a police barrier
just to make sure
that their wings
weren’t burning (true
story). Here are


Student robbed at gunpoint

credit cards, let them have it Yes
it‘s a loss. Yes you are violated

"All that‘s replaceable.
you're not ”

Saylor said if he were being
robbed he would ttirn over any
material possessions. but Would-
n't allow himself or loved ones to
be threatened.

"It‘s a personal
would advocate they

October 18, 200

Lexington-Fayette Urban County

UK Police Detective Alan
Saylor said students should avoid
areas where car and pedestrian
traffic is low.

“Even in daylight yoti need to
be where people are." Savlor said.
“Most criminals don't want an

If confronted. Saylor said the
victim must make a decision

“If someone wants money or

dumpster. He pointed a gun at
Hagan and asked for money. “I
told him I didn‘t have any."

The men took Hagan's bank
card. He was held hostage while
one of the assailants went to a lo-
cal ATM When he returned. Ha-
gan was told to stay on the
ground. The men left.

Hagan went to the UK Feder-
al Credit Union and told them
what happened.

A representative notified the

In broad daylight: Student held hostage
while robbers took his bank card to local ATM

ter turning on Prall Street, Clay-
ton noticed two men standing on
the sidewalk.

“The way they were stand-
ing. I had to walk through them."
he said.

One of the men grabbed his
arm and pulled him behind a

., Jim was

s‘txrr wmitn _

A UK student was robbed at
gunpoint Tuesday while walking
to class near Wildcat Textbooks.

Shortly after 2 pm. Clayton
Hagan. 21. left his apartment. Af-

choice I

some tailgating tips.

Transportation: Anything
big will usually work.
RV's are nice. but
why not go all out
and rent a Greyhound
so you and your
buddies won't have
to draw straws for
the designated

Parking: Sometimes the
efficiency of a
parking lot is not
always present. You
may be forced to
park in an off-road
location, like a
median or atop a
smaller car. so be
prepared to explain
why the underbelly of
your car is broken

The Setup: A large grill
would be nice but it's
not very mobile.
Settle for anything
that you can build a
fire in. A crappy
parking lot with large
enough potholes
works great.

The Food: Basically, all
you need is
barbequed anything,
as long as it is meat.
Barbequed tofu just
doesn't sound
appealing. Chili is
also acceptable as
long as it's spicier
than curry, but
without that gastro-
intestinal bleeding.

The Drink: Some people
might say that you
don't need alcohol to
have a good time.
Okay, so I lied,
nobody will ever say
that, especially with
the way the Cats are
playing this season.
Drink up!!!

Dealing with the Five-0:
Assign a spokesman for
the group, usually
the one that is able

to "8.5." well. Have
them explain that the
Porta-John was
already tipped over
when you got there.
Trust me, it will make
more sense after
you've downed a

Jonathan Ray


7.0 5.4

Where did the sun



VOL. 8108 ISSUE 8338


News tips I
Call 2574915 or write to



Powder puff


Kristen Stebbins of Kappa Kappa Gamma attempts to score after catching a pass. The Kappa's defeated Delta
Zeta 6-0 in their flag football game last night .



Hate crimes unusual, ;

leave students tense

Across the way: Other local universities have not
had any reports of racially motivated crimes

By Andrea Uhde

UK suffered four ethnically mo-
tivated crimes within the past
month. Other local colleges say hate
crimes have not been an issue.

Detective Alan Saylor of the UK
Police said these are the first ethni-
cally targeted assaults he can re-
member in his 15 years at the de-

Hate crimes are crimes motivat—
ed toward people of a specific race.
gender. religion, sexual orientation.
ethnicity. or disability. These
crimes have lead police officers to
instigate a special investigation for
the criminals.

Saylor. who is investigating the
crimes, calls the acts deplorable and
said the department is working hard
to catch the criminals.

The first of the four crimes. in
volved an international student be-
ing pushed and called names by sev-
eral individuals on Sept. 29 Two
other crimes on Sept. 28 and Oct. 5
involved an international student
being assaulted by a man in a black
truck. The last one. also on Oct. 5.
involved an international student
being chased by a man in a black

truck yelling racial slurs at him.

Officers at the University of
Louisville. Morehead State Univer-
sity and Transylvania University
said no ethnically motivated crimes
have been reported there.

Transylvania University‘s Po—
lice Captain Robert Gowdy said two
students from the Middle East have
left Transy recently even though
there haven‘t been any assaults.

Chief of Police Rebecca
Langston said UK's campus may be
more prone to assaults because the
population is larger. and the campus
is centered in an urban area.

Until the suspect or suspects at
UK are caught. the police are urging
all students to remain cautious for
their safety.

For now. international students
are left wondering if they will be the
next victims. “Everyday you take
precautions not to get in a tight cor-
ner." said Beshan Kulapala. an elec-
trical engineering senior from an is-
land south of India.

“I used to walk around late at
night to the computer lab. but now I
don't." he said.

Kulapala said many of his
friends now carry pepper spray for

See CRIMES on 2

For your safety

Communicate the message
that you're calm, confident
and know where you are going.

Stand tall, walk purposefully
and make eye contact.

Don't overburden yourself with

books, packages or groceries
that make it hard to react.

Have your car, office or house
key in hand.

Be careful if anyone in a car
asks you for directions

If you suspect you are being

followed by someone on foot.
cross the street and head for
the nearest well-lighted area.


Answer Day
raises awareness






Jesse Gilbert, an undeclared freshman, asks Pam Silvia. a Student Affairs
officer for the College of Architecture, about what he needs to do to get

admitted to the college.

Can I help you: Session answered questions
about changing majors and registration

Iiv “stuns

{rm VleER

In a perfect world a student
could get pizza by handing in a
pastel colored sheet of paper.
Well. it was a perfect world yes»
terday while UK Advising spone
sored Answer Day.

One table for each college
at UK lined the halls of the
Classroom Building Wednes
day. Students could pick up an
Advising Awareness Question-
naire. which was a quiz that
covered the procedures and
dates of advising appointments
as well as priority registration.
There were also questions con
cerning students who want to
change their majors or with
draw from classes,

Mo Holloway. a somology
junior. said the quiz helps stu-
dents‘ academic understanding
of UK. "It is not only important.
but vital." she said,

After answering the ques
tions. a person at a booth would
grade the quiz and stamp the
paper if all answers were cor-
rect. The stamped quiz could be
taken to a table and the student



could turn it in for a slice of piz-

Melinda Edgerton. a profes-
Slfinfll advisor at the College of
Arts and Sciences. was the per
son checking the quizzes at the
college‘s booth She said grads
ing the quiz gave her a chance
to talk to the person about the
questions they got incorrect.

"If an answer is. wrong. we
impart some information to
them to help them understand."
Edgerton said

One fact students may not
be aware of is that they can
meet With advisers all year.
There are two types of advisers.
faculty advisers and profession-
al advisers. Etlgt‘r‘trm salfl

"Professmnal advisers
main assignment is to be avail-
able to students and answer
their questions on academic ar~
eas." Edgerton séllfl

Suanne Early. an academic
advisor in (‘entral Advising.
said Answer Day helps stu-

“It raises awareness of
things they need to know about
changing majors and registra-
tion." she said,

Womens commission
progressrng steadily

By Mark Baxley


For a group that hasn‘t
even had its first meeting. the
Commission on the Status of
Women has quite a history ex-
tending behind it.

The commission is one of
two that UK President Lee Todd
recently created to help pro.
mote diversity on campus.

Professor Carolyn Bratt
has been appointed to chair the
commission and has great
plans for the group

The STt Newspaper at the University of Kentucky, leington

'I would like to see
progress in women moving
frotn the assoCiate professor to
full professor," Bratt said. Bratt
also wants to start public fo-
rums where people could come
and talk about what they think
the major issues facing women

Before her appointment
Bratt was it member of the Sen
ate (‘ounCil Ad Hoc (‘ommittee
on the Status of Women The
committee did several reports.
starting in 1990 focusing on the

See NONE! on 3



 2| THURSDAY, OCTOBER is, 2001 | itinrucitv KERNEL


The Low-down

if you


- Stephen VI.
Hawking to.
1942). British
physicist. key
area: black

is a. 4;

Don’t Be left Out ofthc flit-Crowd a:

Ky. authors to be featured at reception

l'K lingiish piotcssor and Kentucky author
.iiid photogi' iplier James liakci' Hall will sign his
new book .\ Spring Fct/ I’oiii/ at the [K .\rt Mu
sciiiii tonight ll’tlitl ,i .til to {to Both hard coyci'
.illtl leitlici bound collectors editions Will be
.i\ tilibli- Students w ill i'eceiyc .i discount on the
book with .i \.ilid student lll .\n e\clusiyc road
ing by authors tiiii'iicy Noi'iiian. liobbie Aim \ta
son lid Mct'laiiahaii itlltl Wendell Berry “1” tol
low ill it on pni iii Siriglctiii‘y t‘eiitci' tor the Arts

Afro-Colombian to speak tonight

.\l.ii‘iiio t‘oiiliilia \\lll speak .it filtl piii
iii‘llglll ll the l'k’ Student t enter. Room ‘Jao (‘oi
doba is the president ot the 1\\\tlt'ltlll(lllUl‘lll\
pi i. t‘tl .\tio l 'oloinbiaiis The topic ot his spcei b
\y 'il be ilie ltltll‘.tlll\ oi \nici‘ii .i's War on Drugs
i'ltl how it .illecis t‘oloniliia s poor The speech is
tinided by l'ly’ Studciii tioycrnnicnt. Latin \iiiei
ll .iii \‘tiidiesllcpaiinn-iii l'nitai‘iaii l'ntyci'salist
l‘l‘iiii'li oi l.c\in;:toii. and central Kentucky
council toi‘ l’eacc .iiid vlll\llt‘|‘

Israeli tourism minister assassinated

.H-‘iti'S \l.|-‘..\l - lsr.iel s tourism minister .i
i‘cta‘cd Qt‘llt‘i' il \yho ilil\l‘t‘lllt‘ll the expulsion ot
l‘ iEt‘Slllliiilh llllltl tiic \\'cst Hillll\ and (ill/ti. was
.iss.iss1ixiti-d \\t‘tlllt‘\tlil\ ii1.i hotel hallway .i
l\lllll‘i:! t ’1iillll‘tl by i ixidiciil Palestinian group
l\'I'll.i\.iill .',cc\i T» was lllt‘ in st l‘aliinet iiiiiils
tcr to be sl.tiii by l‘ilcstiiiiaiis llis killing pro
\olwd utilittgc iii lsiacl Hill i‘ used the specter ot
a new outburst ot \ioleiicc .it a lililt‘ \yheii lsiael
hid the Palestinians .iri- tiyiiig to patch up a
shaky l' S supportcil ti‘tti'c deal lsracli l'i'iiiic
Minister .\i'icl Sharon pledged .i war to the tin
isli against the terror isis their helpers and those
who sent them "

Emmys rescheduled for November

l,(lS ANGTZLTIS The l‘.itliit\' _\\yards are
gn ing it another in The show delayed in ice by
last month's terrorist attacks. has been resched
uleil tor Noy lit the Shiibert Theatre in his \n
:elcs. the Acadc 11“ «it 'l‘clcyisiiin \rts \\'- Sciences
and t‘ltS said Wednesday lCllen Itcticiicrcs \\ ill
remain as host The Emmys won‘t hate .1 satcl
llit‘ \llitllll ill Xv“ Ytit‘k (‘ttv .ts \\':ts tilttiitii‘tl ttil‘
eai lier this month The bioadtzisi. scheduled tor
it p m to ii p in . would conflict with a possible
scyciiih and deciding game ot the World Series
litil \liti'liyi-s’ l‘illll‘tl tliat sct‘it‘s git llii‘ iliii‘.tltiiti
onl\ about 31! percent of the time

Airport security bills stalled in Senate

\\'.\Slllf\3ti"l‘tl\‘ House members split
Wednesday iiyer whether airport security scrccii
crs should bccomt- t'eilcral ciiittloyces. ensuring a

rougl‘. roiid for legislation to boost the security ot~

.ill iiii‘is hid the \IliI‘H otXiii tiziycl (inc measure

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Afghanistan may
have been the
breeding ground
tor last month's
terrorist attacks.
but Hollywood
served as a
source of inspir-
.ition, says
ttiiettor Robert
Altman "The
names set the
pattern, and
these people
have copied the
rnowes," Altman
said Tuesday by
phone tiom
lontton, where
he's tinishing his
film Gusto/d Park
"Nobody would
have thought to
commit an
atrority like that
unless they'd
seen it in a
inOVie " 50
Violent action
niowes With huge
amount to
training films for
such bold
attacks. as
studios spend a
lot of time and
money trying to
appeal to young
males. the 76*
filmmaker said
"How dare we
continue to show
this kind of mass
destruction in
said, whose
directing credits
include M-A‘S'H.
NashVi/Ie and Dr
78 the Women. "I
iust believe we
created this
atmosphere and
taught them how
to do it."

would give the federal government control over
supervision and training ot‘aii'poit screeners btit
would keep them off the federal payroll. The avi-
ation security bill. unlike other legislation
passed in the aftermath of the Sept. l1 terror at-
tacks. has exposed deep political discord. House
Democrats also introduced a lull Friday that is
similar to the Senate legislation

Cipro isn't the only anthrax antibiotic

WASHINGTON t‘ipro is not the only an-
tibiotic that fends off anthrax. Two other drugs
are widely available. have fewer side effects and
are much cheaper. a message the government is
struggling to get out. The American Medical As
sociation urged physicians Wednesday to quit
prescribing unnecessary (‘ipro Pediatric special
ists warned that it is especially dangerous for
parents to stockpile because (‘ipro is not ap
proved for children's use. The (‘ciitcrs for Dis
ease (‘ontrol and Prevention will produce a .spe
cial Webcast Thursday to teach thousands of lo
cal doctors how to t‘t‘t‘ogltl/t‘ anthrax and proper-
ly treat people exposed to the bacteria And the
Food and Drug Administration announced it is
about to issue specific instructions on how to use
two other widely available antibiotics N doxycy
clittc and penicillin to preyciit anthrax infec
tion t)nly people who haye been exposed to an-

thrax are supposed to take the till-day course of

antibiotics to prcycttt iiitection

Internet sales tax moratorium ends

WASHINGTON Facing a Sunday deadline.
Senate sponsors said they will strive for unick
action on a House passed measure to extend for
two years a moratorium on taxes that single out
the lnternct The bill. which the House passed
'l‘uesday on a voice vote. wotild extcnd until Nov
l. 2003. the ban preventing taxes on Internet ac
(‘f‘SS and multiple and discriminatory lnternet
taxes That three year moratorium. which does
not address sales tax‘es. expires Sunday. Under a
Supreme (‘ourt decision. businesses cannot be
forced to collect a state's sales tax unless the
business has a physical presence in that state
The court also said (‘ongrcss could authorize
states to collect these taxes for other states. but
lawmakers haye neyer done so.

Mata Hari, nai've spV, researcher says

l‘ARlS Mata Hari. For decades. the name
has coniurcd tip images of beauty. sc\ and be
trayal. against a backdrop of high stakes
wartime espionage in truth. a historian says. the
tabled exotic dancer who was executed by France
as a World War i spy was an elegant but naive
woman. who liked living and spending big and
wasn't very good at either dancing or spying His
research has prompted an elT‘ort to l‘t‘\‘l(‘\\' Mata
Hart's 1917 death sentence in (‘tliii‘t. on the claim
that the Dutch dancer and courtesan worked in
effectively for both Germany and France and was
sent to the firing sound by Fri-itch officials eager
for a wartime scapegoat.

‘Danny Boy,’ booted from R.I. masses

l’RthlDl‘JNt‘l‘I. RT The ballad “Danny
Boy" has long been played at funerals. wakes and

Some of Bubba
Sparxxx's family
and friends didn't
understand at
first that he
wanted to
become a rapper.
Spariorx, whose
real name is
Warren Anderson
Mathis, is a white
guy from La
Grange. Ga. Now.
he's a protege of

"i had family
members who
were extremely
racist, but I'm
helping them
understand that
things are
changing," he
told Spin
magazine for its
November issue.
"A white kid from
the rural South
doing hip-hop?
I'm proof positive
the world is

The video for
Sparxxx's first
single, "Ugly," is
getting lots of
play on MTV. It
celebrates all
things Georgia.
with guys riding
pigs in a mud-
soaked pen, girls
in bikinis eating
peaches and
bulldogs longing
at the camera

"i hate country
mm. but I really
am a country
dude," the 24-
year-old said. "I
grew up on a dirt
road, and my
closest neighbor
lived a mile

memorial services. its mournf‘ul strains conjur-
ing up images of lreland's green pastures and
windswept hills: New York Fire Chief Peter Gan-
ci. killed in the World Trade Center attack. actor
Carroll O'Connor anti John F. Kennedy Jr. all
were laid to rest with the plaintive melody. So
when the Roman (‘atholic Diocese of Providence
banned “Danny Boy" and other secular songs
from funeral Masses. it raised the ire of Irish-
Americans "1 want ‘Danny Boy' sung at my fu-
neral Mass and. if it isn‘t. T‘m going to get up and
walk out.“ retired Pawtucket police officer (.‘har-
lie McKenna wrote in April to The Providence
Visitor The time has long been cherished by po—
lice officers and firefighters. who identify with its
message. McKenna said. “Danny's answering a
call. and it‘s uncertain whether he‘s going to re-
turn or not." be said. “If you think about it. a po-
liceman and a fireman. they do the same thing.
What happened in New York is a perfect exam-
ple "

Muslims executed in Chinese province

BEIJING China has executed two accused
Muslim separatists in the far western region of
Xlnjlliiig. a state newspaper reported. The repoit
comes as Beijing asks for greater understanding
for its fight against alleged terrorists following
the Sept ll attacks. The pair were taken to an ex-
ecution ground and shot immediately after being
sentenced at a public rally in the city of Yili on
Monday. the Yili Evening News reported. It did
not name the men. Their crime'.’ "Splitting the
nation." the newspaper reported. For years. (‘hi-
na has been fighting militants seeking a separate
state in Xiniiang. which borders on central Asian
states. including Afghanistan. Radicals among
the Turkic Muslim llighur natives. who are cut
turally and linguistically distinct from the (‘hi-
nesc majority. have waged a lowlevel campaign
of bombings and assassinations against (‘hinese
rule (‘hina has responded by strictly controlling
religious life and harshly punishing all real or
perceived challenges to its rule (‘ritics say (‘hina
hopes to use the global fight against terrorism as
a cover for increased repression

Coal spill was avoidable, report says

PIKEVTLH‘). Ky. The coal company that
owned the mountaintop pond that spilled more
than two million gallons of black goo on eastern
Kentucky communities last year could have
headed off the disaster. federal regulators said in
a report released Wednesday The US Mine Safe
ty and Health Administration cited Martin Conn
ty (‘oal t‘o for failing to respond to indications
that water and sludge were slowly leaking from
the Tllracre impoundiiieiit into an underground
mine beneath it. investigators claim the company
could have corrected thc problem before it
reached the magnitude of the Oct. 11. Elliott. spill
that marooned residents along (‘oldwatcr and
Wolf creeks. killed fish. fouled drinking water.
and inundated roads and bridges ()riginal esti-
mates were that 27in million gallons of the mix-
ture of coal particles anrl water spilled from the
pond. but MSHA increased that figure to about
.‘itlii million gallons.

Compiled from wire reports



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-ltl. IHE SKY.

Warplanes still pounding
targets in northern Kabul

Battling: Residents say Taliban fighters
handing out weapons to civilians


KABUL Afghanistan
IRS. jets intensified attacks
Wednesday on Kabul and the
Taliban stronghold of Kanda-
har. striking an oil depot in the
capital and sending a huge
plume of smoke into the cloud
less sky.

Taliban fighters and oppo-
sition forces were reportedly
locked in a seesaw battle for the
strategic northern city

Meanwhile. international
humanitarian organizations apr
pealed for a pause in the bomb
ing campaign. now in its lltli




day. so they could rush in food
for millions of Afghans before
the harsh winter sets in next

Throughout the (lay. war
planes pounded targets in
northern Kabul. including a
fuel depot near the airport

A huge plume of black
smoke rose in the clear sky as
the thud of detonations rattled
the city

Attacks continued the
early hours 'l‘hursday. with
strong detonations shaking the
city before dawn, (the blast ap
peared to have been in the area
of the presidential palace. but it


was impossible to determine

the precise location because of

the nighttime cuifew

US, military officials.
meanwhile, said special opera
tions troops capable of clandes»
tine waifare are poised aboard
a US. aircraft carrier in the ln-
diaii ()cean. ready to launch
searchand-destroy missions.

()ne of Tuesday's bombs
crashed through the roof of a
boys‘ school but did not ex
plode. according to a ll N
spokesman in Islamabad. Pak
istaii. Hassan Fairdous

There Were no injuries. and
demolition teams from a l'..‘\'r
affiliated mine clearing team
rushed to the school to defuse
the bomb. Fairdoiis said

In Kandahar. ['8 jets

struck military targets through
out the city. Taliban officials re

ported, Residents said by tele-
phone that Taliban fighters in
the city were handing out
weapons to civilians

The residents said about
lfitt men armed With rocket pro
pelled grenades and Kalash
iiikoy rifles were guarding the
Kandahar compound of the Ta]
ibaii‘s’ supreme leader. Mullah
Mohaiiiined ()iiiar. which has
been attacked repeatedly (llll’
mg the air campaign

Taliban officials claimed 47
civilians were killed in the Kan
daliar area in the past two days
They included seven civilians
who died when l‘ 8 jets at
tacked two trucks tiiey were us
ing to flee the city. the Taliban

The reports cotlltl not be lit
dependently verified


Students protest in
support of civil ser-
vants in Rio de Janette
Thursday. The govern-
ment has offered a
three and a ball percent
raise iron the start of
next year. The workers,
who have not received a
raise in six years, want
a 70 percent increase.


Employees begin second round of treatment


it( )( ‘A RATt ).\'. Fla.
About (ltto employees of a
tabloid publishing company

where three workers were ex
posed to anthrax began receiv
mg a second round of blood
tests and additional antibiotics

Meanwhile. preliminary
tests results show the anthrax
sent to NRI‘ in New York and
American Media lnc in Florida
appear to he of the same strain.
said llr l)avid Fleming of the
(‘enters for liisease control and

It was not yet clear if the
Washington anthrax came from
the same strain. officials said.

Matching strains do not
necessarily mean the anthrax
came from the same source.
More tests would be needed to
confirm that. officials have

AMI employees and free.
lancers went to the company‘s
lielray Beach offices Wednes
day to be tested and receive



Continued from page i

protection. “I would feel safe if
the police got a hold of the
guy." he said.

Kulapala said people need
to understand that interna
tional students come from oth.
er parts of the world and just
because they are from other
countries doesn't mean they
are terrorists,

Prince Kowsuvon. an en
yironmental engineering
graduate student from That
land. said he feels unsafe be
cause there is not enough sea
curity on campus and because
he thinks campus is too dark.

He tries to avoid walking
around campus at night.
which is forcing him to alter
his lifestyle

creased patrol on campus

brochures to teach students
how to protect themselves.

their second 1.". day supply of
antibiotics Health officials said
the It‘si results could be avail
able as early as Friday

The workers also will be
given a ‘todiiv supply distrib
uted in the next few Weeks to
complete their re: ommended
twoinoiith treatment Another
7ott visitors and family metii
bers of AM] who were screened
for anthrax were being asked to
pick up their second 13-day
dosage of ant ibiotics

Results from the blood tests
“I” help investigators deter
mine the extent of the exposure
and how the bacteria spread.
Health officials said anyone
who tests positive is not at risk
of getting sick because they are
already on antibiotics that fight
the disease

The latest round of blood
tests included employees of
companies connected to AM].
who demanded to be examined
Several employees from US]. a
West Palm Beach based compa
ny that distributes and markets

“1 don‘t know what‘s go-

ing to happen to me." he said.

To protect students. the
department has in‘

The department has also
forums and made

With 36 members for all of

campus. the department can

only do so much. said Bobbye
Carpenter. the captain of Ad-
ministrative Services for the
UK Police.

"As a police officer. I hate
that it's happened but I do feel
like officers here will do their
best to find out who's commit
ting the crimes and to stop
other incidents from happen-
ing." Carpenter said.

Officers urge students to
walk in pairs. tell someone
where they plan to go when
they leave. call (‘at Walk and
be suspicious of strangers

AMI publications. arrived early
Wednesday to get their first
blood test and dosage of :iiitibi

Vickie King. who works ha
a DSI yite president. said the
examination and supply ot
t'ipro gave her "peace of mind "

Also \K'ednesday. an i: year
old boy with some low dark le
sions on his arms has tested
negative for exposure to any
bioterrorism agent. including
anthrax. Broward General Med
ical (‘enter officials in Fort
Lauderdale said The litt‘. \
name was not released

The FBI believes the an
thrax that contaminated the
American Media building n
rin in a letter because tr ices
oi the bacteria were found in
the postal building that handled
the company‘s mail But lll'vt‘s
tigators may never find the
mailing because it was proba
bly thrown away

The tainted letter was like
ly burned with the rest of the
company's trash. meaning an


flaws .


Continued from paqet


employment status of women at
I'K Ri‘att said the reports
found Significant problems.

The two~year study found
that women not only were dom
main in the most junior ranks
of faculty. Bratt said. but also in
administrative positions Bratt
also noted that women were
found to hold Jobs more often
with the lowest status and pay
across the board

The committee asked for
mer President ('harles
Wethington to create a commis
sion on the status of women In-
stead. Wethington appropriated
82 8 million to fix the problems
found in the report

In 1994 the committee con
ducted a followup study that

important piere of the inyesti
gation punle may be lost. said
spokeswoman .ludy tirihuela

tirihuela said that without
a letter, iiiyestigators trying to
pinpoint the source of the an
thirix are relying heayily on
employee interviews and swab
test results from the building

‘lt's like not finding It botl'.
when there‘s a murder.” she

;\t least two federal investi
gators in white hazmat suits
and pink face masks re entered
the closed headquarters of
American Media on \V'edi‘tesday

for the first time since the
Local firefighteis. ll\’t

wearing protective gear rarted
off pink garbage bags contain
ing materials froin the building
and placed them yellow


Urihuela declined coi iiiieitt
on why the Fill was insale 'he
building She also said she did
not know when its investiga
tion there would be complete

Bi‘att said did not show anx m:
nihcant improyr-ments

When Todd became pres;
dent of I'K. Rratt said he was
interested from the beginning

In lt't‘t‘t. a list of bent hinark
stl‘iools was compiled to help
I'K reach its goal of being a top
3o university The list shows
that. along with (K. only the
['niyersity of (ieorgia was with
out a (‘ommission on the Status
of Women

Todd charged the commis
sion with several tasks It is to
report to Todd on issues. poli
cies and practices that affect
women at I'K. as well as otter
recommendations to redress til
forms of gender inequities
The commission will propose
initiatives to ensure that I‘K
fully engages the talents of its
female employees

Bratt is excited about hxii
ing Todd's support "Its differ
ent than what we have experi
enced for the last dozen years "



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(AMIUS (Illiilili

Week of October 75 27, 2007

..‘ 4,); V'.‘



" ' ' ' ' ‘ 'FREE' NE
. , ‘ * I - ‘ i, .- . http:/lwwwukv edu/Campus
Calendar 257 8867 ' , t'


against», ,.

'Froshmon Focus. ‘
‘Cinema Committee. ' now
:Reliqion Studies/Institute,


