xt7vx05x9n0s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vx05x9n0s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-10-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 05, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 05, 1993 1993 1993-10-05 2020 true xt7vx05x9n0s section xt7vx05x9n0s  





Kentucky Kernel

Chancellor discusses waste site issue

Women’s program, mandatory student attendance
also mentioned during yesterday’s town meetings


By Lance Williams
News Editor

and Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


Screams and accusations were re-
placed by pencils and paper yester-
day during a presentation in Seay
Auditorium, where a campus ad-
ministrator answered questions
about UK and its plans to build a
toxic waste storage site.

Unlike a meeting held in the
same building nearly a week and a
half ago —- when audience mem-
bers yelled angry questions about
the proposed on-campus facility —
those in attendance yesterday sub-
mitted most of their questions on
slips of paper.

The meeting was the second of
13 town meetings between campus
groups and Chancellor for the Lex-
ington Campus Robert Hemenway.

One of the slips of paper asked
Hemenway's opinion of the waste
site and what staff and faculty in
the College of Agriculture could do
to let the administration know how
they felt about the project.

Hemenway responded by saying
there were a number of notions
about the plan that he hoped to
clear up.

“First the University has to be
environmentally responsible with
this new site." Hemenway said.

He also said UK must make sure

the facility will be safe.

“Bottom line, we have to have a
facility," Hemenway said, because
tighter state regulations require the
University to use an on- -campus
storage site.

“I have a lot of faith in the per-
mitting process and there will be
other chances to discuss this thing,"
he said. “There are still questions
that need to be answered The one
thing that we must remember is that
the permit will have to come from
the state."

Hemenway said he believes peo-
ple in the College of Agriculture
may be changing their minds about
the toxic waste storage unit.

“The University should not treat
this as a case where you say, ‘not in
my backyard] ‘Hemenway said

“Once you accept those principles
then it all becomes a case of logis-

Earlier in the day. Hemenway
met with about 50 faculty from the
colleges of architecture; fine arts;
communications and information
studies; and social work in the Otis
A. Singletary Center for the Ans.

During both meetings, Hemen-
way proposed a number of innova-
tions for the University. One was
the establishment of a women's
center on campus.

“In talking with other provosts
and academic heads whose institu-
tions have a women's center. I've
come to the conclusion that a wom-

en 8 center would perform impor-
tant eduatticnal and support func-
tions on campus " Hemenway said
after the first fleeting.

“It would bemme kind of a focal
point for women's issues and for
women's concerns on campus. It
would be a support center for wom-
en having problems in the work-
place, in the classroom or in resi-
dence halls."

Hemenway said he didn't know
what form the center would take.
but he said it wouldn't be a segre-
gated unit.

“I don't think a women‘s center
should never see a man walk
through its doors," he said. “it
should be educational."

Hemenway also proposed re-
quired attendance for classes, tell-
ing the audience that “we have too
many students not learning now
simply because they’re not going to

“I certainly have no illusions that
this will make me popular with the
student body." Hemenway said

He told the group at the College
of Agriculture that the policy would
probably only apply to freshmen.

Hemenway used several figures
and graphs to illustrate that UK has
made progress even during recent
times of budget reductions.

“We’ve had some obvious suc-
cess despite the budget cuts, and
now we must ask, ‘Are we on the

See MEETINGS, Back Page


United Way efirort
still $237,000 shy
of this year’s goal


By Erica Patterson
Assistant News Editor


Eleven days remain in UK's
United Way fund drive, and the
effort still is about $237,000
short of its goal, a campaign or-
ganizer said yesterday.

Paula Pope, co-chairwoman of
the UK effort. said about 40 per-
cent — or $158,000 — of the
$395,000 goal has been raised so
far. The campaign began Sept. 9
and is scheduled to end Oct. 15.
about a month earlier than usual.

Pope said she is confident the
goal, which is $2,400 higher than
the amount raised last year. will
be met

“it‘s going well," she said of
the campaign. “We are not ner-
vous yet. We think the money
will come in and we'll meet our


Fund raising continues


Goal: $395,000









Pope, a library development as-
sistant, said her top concern is en-
suring that University employees
know about the “hundreds of peo-
ple at UK“ who benefit from
United Way services.

United Way of the Bluegrass
provides funding for more than
100 community service agencies
in Lexington and surrounding

counties. These agencies include
the Child Care Council of Ken-
tucky Inc. the Lexington Rape
Crisis Center and various

Pope said giving to the United
Way is the most effective way to
help a large number of people be-
cause the organization “provides
so many services to so many peo-

To generate interest and raise
extra donations, three special
events will be held on the Lex-
ington campus and at UK's Al-
bert B. Chandler Medical Center.

These events “are geared for
people to come out and have fun
and at the same time (they) help
a worthy cause.” said Michele
Ripley, director of Public Rela-
tions and Marketing for the Col—
lege of Fine Arts and publicity
chair for the campus United Way

Two festivals will be held Oct.
13 from ll am. to 2 pm. at the
medical center courtyard and on
campus. There will be food, live

See DRIVE, Back Page



12 Americans reported
killed in Somoli fighting


By Reid G. Miller
Associated Press


NAIROBI. Kenya — Supporters
of a Somali warlord yesterday
dragged the body of an American
soldier through the streets of Mog-
adishu, where at least 12 Ameri-
cans were reported killed in the re-
cent round of fighting.

Pentagon officials. meanwhile,
said “a small number" of US.
Army Rangers were missing in So-
malia and may have been taken
hostage or killed in the latest phase
of a UN. operation against warlord
Mohamed Farrah Aidid.

In light of the American casual-
ties and possible American hostag-
es. Washington was preparing to
send about 200 infantrymen, tanks
and armored vehicles to Mogadi-
shu, Pentagon officials told The
Associated Pius. Other news re-
pms said about seven Rangers Ind
been captured.

Two other Pentagon officials.
speaking on condition of anonymi.


ty, said initial reports indicate at
least 12 US. soldiers had been
killed in Mogadishu since Sunday
and 75 had been wounded.

The soldier dragged through the
streets of the Somali capital today
was one of five Americans who
major UN assault on Aidid' s mili-
tary command. It was not immedi-
ately clear whether the five were
aboard two US. Blackhawk heli-
copters shot down in the UN.
search for Aidid‘s key lieutenants
or killed in a subsequent gunbattle.

A Malaysian soldier also was
killed on Sunday. the Malaysian
Defense Ministry said, and an un-
determined number of peacekeep-
ers were wounded in the operation.
which entered its second day yes-

The combat died down overnight
in the Somali capital. but shooting
could he heard from the area where
Sunday s battle took place. includ-
ing appaent cannon fire from US.



It's dltflcult to believe Jesse
Jackson meant some oi what
he said in his speech at
Memorial Coliseum when he
deserted UK to attend a
Democratic Party fund-raising
event in Frankfort Ky.
Editorial Page 4.


Because oi an editor‘s error,
the day of UK's Homecoming
parade was incorrect in a
photo caption in yesterday' 3
Kentucky Kernel The parade
took place Friday.


~Sunny today; high around 70.
Clear tonight; low in the

mid— 4013.

~Sunny tomorrow; high h the
mid— 703.


Diversions................. ...... ..... .2
Viewpoint......... ..4
Classifieds ........ . .................... 8
Word Puzzle. ................ 5



Chancellor tor the Lexington Campus Robert Hemenway ad-
dresses a town meeting yesterday In the Otis A. Singletary

Center for the Arts Recital Hall.

Security to be increased after
woman hit by bottle at stadium


By Ty Halpin
Sports Editor


After 3 Louisville, Ky., woman
was struck by a whiskey bottle
thrown from the upper deck at
Commonwealth Stadium Saturday,
UK Athletics Director CM. New-
ton decided enough is enough.

“We‘ve got to do something to
make Commonwealth Stadium as
safe as possible," Newton said yes-
terday. "It's become a problem, and
we've tried to address it in several
different ways.“

Sandra Holliway. 31, was treated
for the injury at Humana hospital
and released.

“I want whoever threw the (bot-
tle) to know that they did hurt
somebody.“ Newton said. “This
should not go unnoticed."

The incident did not go unnoticed
to Holliway.

With about two minutes left in
the game, Wildcat fans began filing
out of the stadium and throwing
cups and and at least one bottle.

“I was leaving the game. and the
next thing I knew something hit me
in the head," Holliway said. “I

found out later that it was a pint-
size Maker's Mark bottle."

Humana officials contacted Holli-
way on Sunday to tell her that she
had a fractured skull. After more
testing, Holliway found out her in-
jury was less severe.

Cup throwing at ball games is not
new. Last year, during UK's Sept
19 win over lndiana, students also
tossed cups.

"That was really scary to watch."
UK Director of Administrative Ser-
vices Rodney Stiles said. “lt‘s been
a problem ever since."

Newton said he wants to stop
these actions before any more inci-
dents occur.

“I really want to call on students
for their help in this situation." he
said. “(The last incident) went way
out of the bounds of good taste. I
want to thank those students who
are being cooperative and ask them
to keep an eye on their buddtes.’

Games will be more tightly con-
trolled starting with the LSU game
Oct. 16. Newton said.

“We will be making much more

See BOTTLE, Back Page

OCT 5 I993



watch as

By Julia Rubin
Associated Press

MOSCOW —- They may
not like Boris Yeltsin. They
may disapprove of parlia-
ment But Russians say there
is one thing they mlly hate:

They came out by the hun-
dreds yesterday to witness
the latest episode in their tur-
bulent history. And while de-
ploring the storming of par-
liament, many hoped it
might finally bring peace.

“The most dangerous thing
of all was having those 3, 000
people with weapons." said
Sergei Trifonov. a 28-year-
old computer scientist. re-
calling hard-liners’ assaults
Sunday on the mayor‘s of-
fice and TV broadcasting

“It‘s the govemment‘s
fault though. for not acting
more forcefully sooner, " said
Trifonov, who took the day
off to stand in the crowd and
watch the battle for the
White House.

Away from the gunbattles
and tank fire at the Russian
White House. Moscow was
calm. But many stores and
roads were closed, as were
several downtown metro sta-
tions, and many people
stayed home and listened to
the news.

Support for Yeltsin is
much broader but more dif-
fuse than that for pmliament.

Throughout the nearly two
weeks since Yeltsin disband-
ed parliament and hard-liners
holed up at the White House.
the public largely went about
its business. The biggest ral-
lies for either side drew
about 15,000. and mostjust a
few thousand. in a city of 9
million people.

Even at the height of the
firefight. many commuters
ran hunched over. clutching
briefcases and purses as they
scurried to work

A telephone poll by the
Public Opinion company on
yesterday morning —— after
hard-liners' overnight ram-
page but before Yeltsin‘s
tanks went to work on parlia-
ment —- showed an over-
whelming 72 percent backed
the president.

Only 9 percent said they
supported parliament. while
19 percent “refused to an-






Visiting Arabs say peace accord
Viewed with mix of hope, fear





>- «woman "

By Brant Weich
Senior staff Writer


War wezy Middle Eastemers
view the peace accord between is-
rael and the Palestine Liberation
Organization with a mixture of fear
and apprehension, according to a
group of Arab joumal-

dan News Agency. said people are
optimistic but wonder what the
treaties will mean to them.

“A lot of people are suspicious.“
he said. "They want to know if this
first step in resolving the problems
we have."

Saddam (Hussein) in the Persian
Gulf War.“

During their visit to the United
States. the Arab joumalists also are
leaning more about the way Amer-
ican media function.

They already have spent two
weeks in Washington. DC. visit-
ing offices of The Wmhington
Post. CNN and The As-


ists visiting UK.
“We've had a history

East but I hope peace
will now come with this

latest agreement." said
Saudi Arabia Press
Agency reporter Khalid

We' ve had a history of war in the Middle
or war in the Middle East, but I hope peace will now come
with this latest agreement.

sociated Press.

“in the United States
you am bmically say or
print anything you want
because the First Amend-

— Khalid AFAtM, ment gives you protec-

Saudl Arabia Press Agency reporter

tion," Al>Greib said
“We cannot write arty-


Al-Atmq. who. along
with seven other journalists. is at
UK this week for a writing wort-

but people are hoping that men
treaties are signed." he said “I

Omar Yahya Nablt. of the Jor-

Anwar M. Al-Cneib, who works
ft! the Kuwait News Agency. said
he isn't interned irt what‘s going
on with the peace talks.

“I have a different point of view
“We don‘t really care what the
(Kuwait's) sith. They suppomd

can‘t do. You can‘t cross the line."
Al-Ateeq agreed: ”There is no
real difference as far as msmit-
ting the news. But here you can
criticize the government of the
president to a certain exam. The












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Alan Ala
Contributing Columnist


It's Friday. Your last class.
“Rhythmic Underwater Disco." has
just let out.

You step out into Lexington's
gleaming autumn sun and say to
yourself. “What am I going to do
this weekend?"

If this seems to be your problem,
then you're not alone.

Many UK students never plan
their weekends entirely and find
themselves mentally distraught as
Friday comes around the corner.

So you want to know what it is
that students do when they make up
their minds?

The best and most popular way
of figuring out what‘s going on
without missing any of the action is
to read the Kentucky Kernel classi-

For example. in the personals

'I\"\ XIII? PM)! HI.) PR]. \I \ / \

l 99 3
OCTOBER 3. ll)


.. and MUCH MORE 3

the Kernel

for more details

For more infonnutinn.
please call 257-8867.

UK weekend excitement waiting

section you may find the following:
“Attention all Alpha-Zeta-Beta-Phi-
Theta-Chi's from hell. Saturday.
egg-throwing contest. 42nd annual
at AQW house featuring the ‘Weed-
killers.’ wet-hair contest —— 8 pm."
Or: “Tonight only, dance free for
one dollar at the Ritual, 50-cent in-
telligent drinks. bring 111 ID."

cially oriented and choose a more
entertaining and sober lifestyle, the
personals also contain plenty of in-
tellectually stimulating ideas or
events to enthrall your mind.

For example: "Tonight at the Li-

Sherman's Alley by

brary Aid Student Union. free
pamphlets on computer-transmitted
viruses. better safe than sorry — 7
pm." or “Saturday and Sunday at
the Virginia Theater, ‘chhing for
Amy Fisher' at 7:30 pm. and
‘Menace to Socialism — The Fidel
Castro Story‘ at 10 pm."

Now, there are those who fall
into the trap of hearing their moth-
ers‘ sobs over the phone and
scrounge up change for gas so that
they can go home and sleep in their
real beds. Some have to visit their
eighth-grade boyfriends or girl-
friends. who know they can't possi-

Gibbs & Voigt


bly be cheating on them — not in
college, never.

Whichever of the categories you
fall into or whatever it is that you
choose to do. you know there's al-
ways something to gain from the

One exception. If you fuid your-
self congregating at the only Arby‘s
in your hometown or cruising
through your town's only stoplight
in a pick-up, turn around and head
back to UK.

Alan Aja is a journalism fresh-
man and a Kentucky Kernel con-
tributing columnist.

Submit To Limby






'Limby 6. Friends" was going
off when I left Iggy’s Diner.
What's this?

A tape. 1 watch each show
several tlrn'es. Flus.l tare
his radio shows and l listens

to his bookmtape
as I sleep.







for only 50 bucks a year.
my newsletter will tell you
all about that horrible 20
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Hey 8055: some pinto
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Clown. eh? WclLl have aooj
million Viewers in the US. alone.
And to prove l have real
influence, I'd like my fats to

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hitting themselves

in the head!

Maybe this will show
you liberals.

You're smart for
me. ltrgo. Just let me know
when you move to the















Baby Brooks latest
release from Garth


Associated Press


Garth Brooks and his wife.
Sandy. are expecting their second
child. The due date has not been

I don‘t know the details," manager
Pam Lewis said yesterday.

The Brookses have a 15-month-
old daughter, Taylor Mayne Pearl.
During her pregnancy, Mrs. Brooks
collapsed in Les Angeles Intema-
tional Airport as the couple arrived
for the Amerimn Music Awards in
January 1992.

"The condition was described as
a threatened miscarriage," said
Scott Stem. Brooks‘ publicist.

As a result, Brooks did not ap—
pear on the nationally televised
show or on the Grammy Awards
show in March.




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 W I E 5







USA lunar

1.Florida St. (57) 5-0—0
2. Alabama (2) 5-0-0
3. Miami (2) 44)- 0

4: N6&9 Dame (1) 5—0- 0
5,=Néb1’as1ca 41-0—0

6. Florida ' 40-0
7. Ohio St. . 4-0-0
8. Penn St.- . 5—0-0
90331101113 V 40—0
10. Michigan 3—1-0
11. Arizona ' 5-0-0
12. Tennessee 4-1-0

13. Texas A&M 3-1-0
14. California ...._. 5—0-0
15. North Carolina 5-1-0

16. Virginia . 5—0-0
‘17. Louisville _. 5—0-0
18. BYU 4—0—0

19. WisconSin .. 4—0-0
20 West Virginia 49-0-0


21. Colorado ' 2—2-0 21
22. S racuse 3—1-0 13
23. resno St. 3—1-0 24
24. Clemson 3-1-0 --
25. Indiana 4-1—0 -—

Others receivin votes:
North Carolina t., Oregon,
UCLA, Kansas St., Boston
College, Michigan St.,
Mississippi, Virginia Tech,
Kentucky, Wyoming,
Oklahoma St., Memphis St.,
Hawaii, Stanford, Arizona
St. ,Arkansas, Georgia,
Oregon St, Rutgers, Iowa,





Cats receive votes in polls

Associated Press gives UK 3;
USA Today awards Wildcats 19


Staff reports

The UK football team garnered
national attention this week after
two consecutive Southeastern Con-
ference victories.

The Wildcats received three
votes in The Associated Press poll
and 19 points in the USA Today

UK would be ranked the equiva-
lent of No. 30 in the AP poll and
No. 34 in the USA Today poll.

The Cats haven't been ranked
since Jan. 3, 1985, following their
20-19 win over Wisconsin in the
Hall of Fame Bowl on Dec. 29,
1984. UK f'mished 9-3 that season
under head coach Jerry Claibome.
UK has had only one winning sea-
son since.

Sports Illustrated ranked UK
80th in its preseason college predic-

UK is coming off back-to-back
SEC victories over South Carolina
and Mississippi. The Wildcats last
accomplished such a feat in 1990,
head coach Bill Curry‘s first season
in Lexington, when they defeated
Georgia and Vanderbilt in Com-
monwealth Stadium.

There were no major shifts in ei-
ther the AP or the USA Today p011.


Soccer team takes on
Miami at Cage Field

Cats hope to improve on 3 -4-2 record


By Brett Dawson
Stall Writer


Last season, a struggling UK
men's soccer team reversed its for-
tune in a big game at Cincinnati,
knocking off the Beareats by scor-
ing with less than 30 seconds re-

Last week. a struggling UK
men‘s soccer team looked to be
headed in the same general direc-
tion before it was thrown off track
in a big way by a 3-2 come-from-

The loss left the Wildcats 34-2
coach Sam Wooten searching for
answers after his team blew a 2-0
lead by allowing UC three goals in
the final 20 minutes —— two of them
in the last six minutes.

“After we got the second goal our
guys were already in the locker
room before the game was over,“
Wooten said after the game last

“I‘m disappointed in the team
and in their effort"

Effort, individual defense and an
ability to finish offensive opportu-
nities near the goal are the main ar-
eas Wooten said he hopes his team
will improve upon heading into its
game with Miami (Ohio) today at




Cage Field.

UK's defensive midfield will
have to step it up for the Cats to
knock off the Redskins, who come
into today‘s 4:30 game sporting a 7-
2-1 record.

Wooten was was particularly un-
happy with the relative ease with
which Cincinnati players were able
to sneak behind the UK defense in
the second halfof last week's loss.

“All three (Cincinnati goals) hap-
pened from the midfield." he said.

“All three came from the middle
third of the field, where we let them
get by us and get into our defensive

“Our defense broke down at the
end because the pressure on them
was just incredible because our for-
wards and midfield just quit playing
hard defense.

“We just let them in our defen-
sive third, and that's a cardinal rule
that you just don't do that"

Despite the losing effort last
week. the Cats found bright spots in
the play of freshman midfielder
Greg Lobn'ng. who netted his third
goal of the season in only his sixth
attempt; and in the play of sopho-
more striker Brian Dausman, whose
sixth assist of the season was a
school record for the fledgling UK


The first five spots remained the
same in the AP poll, with Florida
State taking all but one first-place

Alabama remained second and
had the remaining first-place vote.
Miami was third, followed by Notre
Dame and Florida. No. 6 Ohio State
and No. 7 Nebraska switched spots.
and No. 8 Penn State and No. 9
Michigan also swapped positions.

The USA Today's first 12 spots
were the same as last week. Clem-
son and Indiana were new to the na-
tional newspaper’s poll. IU, which
beat UK last month. debuted at 25.

Louisville rose one spot to 17 in
the AP standings and jumped two
spots to 17 in the USA Today poll
The Cardinals (5- 0) beat Pittsburgh
29- 7 Saturday night.

Syracuse was the team that
dropped the most in both polls, fall-
ing 10 spots in the AP to No. 23
and nine spots in the USA Today
poll to No. 22.

,1 .. - - . p -. 'o«- --‘v'-' ‘»¢--w‘*’.~-.o F‘r .- - a. - “ow-o. own-e»... “45.“.-. A. ,__,.,.,._-~...- -‘-,wv-u—Hm ~p.....,..'



AssocurEn Pnrss I
1. Florida St. (61) 5—0—0
2. Alabama (1) 5-0-0
3. Miami 4-0-0
4;?Notre Danie 56-0-0
oOhioSi ooh-
7. Nebraska , 440—0
8. Penn St. 540-0

9. Michigan 3-1—0
10. Oklahoma 4—0-0
11. Tennessee ' 4-1-0
12. Arizona 5-0-0
13.Washin ton 3-1-0
14.TexasA M 3—1-0
15. North Carolina 5-1—0
16. California 5-0—0
17. Louisville 5—0-0


18. Vi inia 50-0
19. BY 4—0-0
20. Colorado 2—2—0
21.Wisconsin 4-0-0
22.Aubum 5-0-0
23.5 racuse 3-1-1
24. est Virginia 4-0—0
25. UCLA 2-2-0 —

Others receiving votes:
Clemson, Ore on, Fresno
St., Indiana, entucky,
Michigan St., North
Carolina St., Memphis St.,
Rutgers, Stanford, Virginia
Tech, Army, Oklahoma St



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Students with payment extensions through
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that the extension is good through October 15
only. All fees must be paid as of October 15.
Please contact your counselor before October 8 if
you are still unable to pay by this date.



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Editorial Board
Tyrone Benson. Editor in (‘luef
Gui: MchVId. Editcnal Ethtor
Mary Madden. Managing Editor
Dale Grea. Exeamve Editor
Lana Williams. News Editor
Brian Bennett. Senior Staff Writer
Angela Jones. Senior Staff Writer
Meredith Nelson. Columnist ‘
Anne Saint-Aignan. Staff Writer ,‘
Jerry Voigl. Editorial Cartoonist :

Kentucky Kernel
Established in 1894
lndependeu since 1971









Jesse Jackson used UK
student money to further
political, personal agenda


$125 per minute.

That's how much the Rev. Jesse Jackson's speech was worth to

Not that it wasn't a compelling speech. Jackson knows how to
fire up a crowd, and the power of his convictions hit the mark.

One would find it hard not to cheer for the elimination poverty.
equal representation on local school committees and just treatment
of all people.

Unfortunately. one may also find it hard to find a solution to
these problems within J ackson’s speech.

Even more unfortunate for UK students is the lack of respect
Jackson showed them when he decided to do the least amount of
work required of him on his trip to Lexington.

As it has already been well publicized. Jackson did not attend
campus activities planned for him by the Student Activities Board
and Student Government Association; instead he visited a Demo-
cratic Party fund-raising event in Frankfort.



To be fair. Jackson was paid to make a speech at UK. and he did
that. However. the UK itinerary offered Jackson a chance to inter-
act with students and instill in them a desire to work for true
change in our society.

It is difficult to believe that the Rev. Jackson is sincere about the
idealism he espoused to the UK and Lexington communities when
he shows such little concern for them compared to that he seems to

\\\ have for prominent political figures.

Perhaps his detractors are correct in their assessment that Jack-
son is a politi