xt7vx05x9m6r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vx05x9m6r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-09-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 06, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 06, 1990 1990 1990-09-06 2020 true xt7vx05x9m6r section xt7vx05x9m6r  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCN. N0. 21

Em 1894

Unlverslty of f mac. Lexington. Kentucky

' . Wm slnee 1971

mm, September 6, 1990

International students, others continue to oppose fee

Staff Writer

The UK Board of Trustees’ deci-
sion last month to suspend a contro-
versial international student fee -
instead of repealing it — has drawn
renewed fire from several campus
groups, who say the board’s deci-
sion is “unsatisfactory.”

Adrian Smith, spokesperson for

an “umbrella” organization repre-
senting the lntemational Student
Council and Graduate Students As-
sociation, has sent a letter to Chan-
cellor Robert Hemenway and has is-
sued a press release, which shows
the groups’ disapproval.

“The argument we have been
making all along is that the fee is
discriminatory," said Smith, a geog—
raphy graduate student from the

UK sets record
as enrollment
climbs again

Contributing Writer

For the fifth consecutive year.
UK has set a record enrollment ——
63,700 students — including a
small increase on the Lexington
Campus and
Medical Center.

figures released
showed an en-
rollment gain of
about 1 percent .
on the Lexing-
ton Campus and
Medical Center,
climbing from
1989’s 22,957 to this year’s estimat-
ed 23,100.

The 7.2 percent overall increase
._- up from last year's 59,411 —
swelled once again from another en—
rollment surge in the University's
14 community colleges. where an
estimated 40,600 students have en-
rolled this fall.

These figures also include an in-
crease in the quality of students,
said UK interim President Charles

“Academically, this is the strong-
est class we’ve enrolled." he said at
last night’s Student Government
Association senate meeting at the
Student Center.

“This year‘s crop of students will
continue to attract better and better
academically (qualified) students
and that will affect faculty.“

Paige Foster, former SGA vice
president, who now works in the
UK Visitor’s Center, attributed the
higher numbers and better quality
students to recruiting efforts.

“We contact students and schools
and let them know that a student
panel, college deans and admissions
directors will be in the area,“ Foster

”We go to them instead of mak-
ing them come to us."

And Foster said that participating
in college fairs, sending admissions


officers to target certain areas of the
state and region, and more personal-
ized calling and follow-ups give
prospective students a better image
of the University.

Although no specific grade point
average or American College Test-
ing score is required, every academ-
ic factor is weighed individually.
Foster said.

“1‘m pleased with the UK system
—— that they look at the whole stu-
dent," she said. “We want the very
best students."

Perhaps another reason for UK's
growing numbers of academically
oriented students is that every fresh-
man who qualified for an academic
scholarship received some funding,
Foster said.

Sean Lohman, SGA president,
said: “being listed in ‘How to Get an
Ivy League Education at a Public ln-
stitution‘ is an example of how UK
is perceived nationally.

This record enrollment and in-
creased number of academically
oriented students just backs that up."

The average ACT (American Col-
lege Test) composite score for the
freshman class this year is 22.6 com-
pared to 22.5 last year.

That is a full three points better
than the national average for en—
rolled freshmen of 19.3.

1n the freshman class are record
numbers of National Merit Scholars,
26 compared with last year’s 12;
high school valedictorians, 77 up
from 66 in 1989, and Governor’s
Scholars, 99 compared with last
year‘s 88.

Students in the top quarter of the
freshman class have an average
ACT score of 27.9.

Other highlights in UK's prelimi-
nary enrollment count include:

-A 13 percent increase in the num-
ber of black students.

-A 12 percent increase in the num-
ber of community college students
transferring to UK.

-An increase of 234 international
students bringing the total number
of international students on campus
to an estimated 950.

United Kingdom.

The fee, which applies to all inter-
national students at the University
on a 1-1 or Ft visa, was $50 per se-
mester and $25 for the summer ses-

The fee went into effect in the fall
of 1989.

Recommendations by the finance
committee prompted the board not
to repeal the fee until further study,

partly because the fee already had
been figured into the 1990-91 bud-

The vote only to suspend the fee
prompted Smith and Mohan Muni—
rathinam, president of 13C, to write
letters voicing their disapproval and
to continue to light the fee.

The letter calls for Hemenway
and the new committee investigat-
ing the lntemational Student and

Scholars Office to address the “dis-
criminatory nature” of the fee and
the selecuon and improvement of
services provided by 1350.

Smith and Munirathinam also pro—
pose that the investigative commit—
tee be composed of 50 percent inter-
national students and 50 percent
faculty and administrators.

“The letter was thoughtful and
makes good points,” Hemenway



WCHAEL CL} VENGER '\»-' ,1 ya"

DANCE THE NIGHT (AND DAY) AWAY: Rayma Beal, right, and Kelli Sorensen stand next to .1
wall while members of the UK dance ensemble practice in the background. For story. See Page 5.


_. ._.._/_.___J



Interim chief continues to not disclose status in search

Senior Staff Writer

As he spoke to the Student Gov—
emment Association senate last
night, Charles Wethington spoke
about the past but gave no indica-
tion about his future.

Wethington. the interim UK pres-
ident. advised senators in a 10-
minute speech to live up to their
campaign promises. just as he said
he lived up to his promises as a
leader in the eight months since Da-
vid Roselle resigned as president.

No senators asked the 54-year-
old whether he is a candidate for
the presidency, even though Weth-
ington offered to answer questions.

After the speech. he still would
not say whether he is a finalist in
the campaign for the UK presiden—
Wethington is reported to be one
of three finalists for the job. The fi-
nalists will be brought to campus
individually next week to meet with
members of the University commu-

One set of meetings will be with

UK officials.
Despite Weth-
ington's status
as interim presi-
dent and as corn-
munity college
chancellor, he
said last night
that he has not
been invited to
those meetings.

man Sr., who chairs the Board of
Trustees and the presidential search
committee. declined last night to say
if Wethington is a finalist. He said
he did not know why Wethington
was not invited to the administrators
meetings and he would not be the
person to ask, because he did not
plan the meetings.

Ockerman said the names of the
candidates will be released Monday.

After a long pause when asked
why Wethington was not invited to
the meetings, Ockerman said: “Well
1 don‘t know the answer. I did
not arrange those meetings. 1 did
not extend the invitations.“

A president is expected to be cho-
sen at the Sept. 18 Board of Trustees

meeting, ()ckeriiian has said previ—
ously. The presidential search com-
mittee Will meet earlier that morn-

The Couner-Journal reported last
week that three people will be
brought to campus. The finalists
were reported to be Wethington.
Peggy Gordon Elliott, the chancel-
lor of Indiana University‘s Gary
campus. and William V. Muse.
president of the University of Akron

Elliott would not say whether she
is a finalist, but said being a finalist
“certainly would be a high honor."
Elliott said she was nominated by
former lU president Herman Wells.

SGA President Sean Lohman said
that finalists will be on campus
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday of
next week.

Lohman, who is the student trus-
tee. said that trustees will have din-
ner with the Visiting candidate at
6:30 pm. each night at the Hyatt

UK officials wtll meet candidates
on Tuesday at 8:30 am. Wednes-

See WETHINGTON , Back page

said. “We Will take a renewed look
(at the foe) and respond to the stu»
dents who wrote H

Hemenwa) \tlld that he personally
will respond to the organizations
that sent him the .ettcr.

In the press release. the interna-
tional students listed \t‘VClel com—

See STUDENTS, page 3

Fund drive
starts for

United Way

Contributing Writers

More than "~00 United Way volun~
tcerx celebrated the start of die
l‘Wll-‘ll l'nitcd Way of the Blue-
grit» lunl drize yesterday. lllt'llld’
ing scxcral l K leaders involved Ill
the effort.

Ihe .onimunity organilation.
which contributes funds to several
local and national needy programs.
1\ gomg ior a record goal of
96.389603 and involved in that
effort will be an expected heavy do-
nation from the l‘niversity.

“l'K has been very supportive of
the [Tinted \\:iy" stilt! Gregor} J.
thwe. the N‘Xl-‘ll lfnited Way
campaign chzurmzin, .‘xho \poke at
the Red \lile,

Dime told .: kitPLIcll\ .. to“ d that
meeting the “)9” .;impaign goal
necessan .n valor to continue
funding Past; \QT‘JCeN ',‘f(‘\'lLthl M
177 United \Vav agencies in Ander-
son. Bourbon t‘liirk. i‘iiycttc. iCthf
mine, \litdixon ‘xfonigomcry and
Scott counties llc .hallenccd the
volunteers to personally .onvex the
importance of iTnited Way.

'1 K \ goal Is to misc itit‘i: ha."
S—HNH). according to (iaxlc for!
ner. academic .tdtiscr to the (‘oilctzc
of Home Economics and the current
coschairrrian of Ills"~ drive

The itimptis drive will start \‘cpt
13 former \ald the celebration will
son: .is a thank-sou tor :ric Ni“
LLHIIDU\ \Ullt‘llllrs .ind tillllptll‘gllt‘h
The Ic‘\[l\lllt‘\ Will include L1 lunch-
con tor campus lTnitcd Wav repre-

the luncheon W1“ he tollowcd ls
guest speakers. including Dunc
l'K football coach Bill (‘um and
lil\' interim President Charles “1‘th

fhe l'nited Way provides sen lt'c‘\
dealing with problems thai rance
trout substance abuse to L‘rl\l~ iriier~

’(T‘ntral Kentuckyx ~ill‘;‘(lrl ‘ i
been \ xcellcnt." I)’JV\L‘ cud "‘xit ..
u hat really makes it diltsrt‘ntc

Ihc .iniiotintcnicnt «t .ctrl‘x
piiiii ..tniptiign results caxc

:1. 3"

din ~ meeting .1 boost. '3

See UNITED Bacn page




Staff Writer

It is very likely that students
\Hll no longer vote separately for
president and vice president in
the next Student Govemment As-
sociation election.

.\ bill changing the SGA race
to one in which the president and
vice president will run as a ticket
passed the senate floor last night
by more than the two-thirds ma-
Jority required to amend the con-
stitution. The bill will take effect
pending a second passage at the
next senate meeting.

“People elected together tend
to get more done,” said SGA
president Scan Lehman. He said
that when students voted last
year on a referendum conceming
the ticket race, they voted 374 to
198 in favor of the proposal.


SGA senate approves budget.
election ticket amendment

Senator-.111 .utic \shle) lloyd
agreed \\llfl ? ohnmii. suing, ’lt
l.\' in the best ‘llltic\l ‘l .11] I K
\llltlt‘llls. ’

lying that :itlit'i toil
tinic \Illtlt‘lll\ ina} mu.

.iiticiiduicut to the

.t shitc’iiit nt tlitii-
or part-
.I\ \(1.\
senators mo .uxo ll.l\\‘tl last
night. lhai hill .llxt! ”not be \otr
cd upon .it Ihc ncxt incl lung,

The senate last night unani~
inousl)‘ approved the 1990-91
SGA budget. The overall budget
for this year IS 511*.lol,;isteep
drop from last years “46.097.

The budget cut. due to .1 great-
cr carryover from the 198889
fiNL‘Jl \e.ir than from lltc 1989
90 war. “.1” call for mine dc-
crcascs lll student \Cl\ltt'\ this
year. I ohnian \‘dltl. lltit he added
that additional funds are being

See SGA Back page





_'_ . __g__w . ,

'l'llc‘ [K {\SStlc‘ltllltltl
for \loii-“l‘i‘itditionit
Students (LKANS:
will hold an open
meeting tonight from
5 to 7' pm. at the patio
in front of the new
Student Center. .\11
are welcome to come.




Bush wants
to give So-
vrets econom-
1C aid.

Story, Page 8

Classmeds. .







 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, September 6, 1990

Hussein asks for Arab aid;
allows some hostages’ exit

Associated Press

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein
urged Arabs yesterday to rise up in
a holy war against the West and for-
mer allies who have turned against
him, and he claimed that intema-
tional trade sanctions are killing Ira-
qi children.

Western women and children de-
tained in Kuwait and Iraq continued
to trickle out in small groups, al-
though they left behind hundreds
awaiting permission to leave. Iraq.
which has been criticized for block-
ing the releases with red tape, said it
was doing everything it could to ex-
pedite departures.

As a multinational armada in the
gulf grew, US. Army officials in
Saudi Arabia said the military was
using night convoys to move heavy
firepower —- including ground-to-
air missiles and rocket launchers —
into the northern Saudi desert.

Although officials in Washington
say its troops are deployed to de-
fend the Saudis. the recent moves

increase the offensive capabilities of
US. forces,

President Bush indicated yester-
day the United States has not ruled
out an offensive role, telling law-
makers back from the gulf that if
sanctions do not succeed, “we will
review our options."

Secretary of State James A. Baker
111 was headed for the Middle East,
where he said he planned to discuss
a proposed new regional security
structure for the Persian Gulf.with
US. allies.

In the Gulf of Oman, US. forces
released an Iraqi-flagged freighter
that they had intercepted and board-
ed Tucsday as it headed for Iraq
with a cargo of tea.

The Navy said the ship was al-
lowed to proceed to an unspecified
port after a 30-hour search.
Shipping sources said it headed for

Taleb Subah, an American teen-
ager from Davenport, Iowa, arrived
in Jordan and gave a chilling de-
scription of life in Kuwait since the
Iraqi invasion Aug. 2.




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“Kuwait was living hell," he said.
“You go to sleep to bombing, and
you wake up to it There are lots of
dead people. They throw them in the

Saddam has promised to free all
foreign women and children but to
keep the men as human shields
against attack at strategic sites. In
another attempt to play on Westem
anxiety about the captives, he re-
leased messages Tuesday purported
to be from seven such hostages, in-
cluding an American.

Also, London-based Kurdish dis-
sidents from Iraq pinpointed six in-
stallations where they said hostages
were being held. They included a
chemical weapons factory, an air
force training college and other mili—
tary bases.

in other developments:

— Britain pledged funds to a
U.S.-led effort to help nations suf-
fering from the U.N.-ordered sanc-
tions against Iraq. Prime Minister
Margaret Thatcher made the com-
mitment at a meeting with Treasury
Secretary Nicholas Brady.

—— Diplomatic efforts continued,
with King Hussein of Jordan flying
to Baghdad for talks with Saddam
and Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq
Aziz meeting in Moscow with Mi-
khail S. Gorbachev.

The Soviet president meets Bush
on Sunday in Helsinki, Finland, to
discuss the crisis. Sen. Bob Dole of
Kansas, who met Gorbachev yester-
day, said later he hoped Aziz would
pass a message to Gorbachev to re-
lay to Bush at the summit.

— Bush placed a morale-boosting
call to US. Ambassador Nathaniel
Howell at the besieged U.S. Embas-
sy in Kuwait City. where a skeleton
staff remains in defiance of Iraqi or-
ders to close.

Saddam, in the latest of a series of
televised statements since the inva-

pick up the Kernel

and pick up on what’s




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Students who waited until the last minute to pay fees were met with long lines yesterday.




sion, called upon “all Arabs, within
the teachings of Allah and accord-
ing to the Moslem Holy War of Ji—
had, to fight this US. presence of
non-believers and to fight the stance
taken by Arab agents who have fol-
lowed these foreigners."

He was referring to Saudi Arabia,
which has allowed US. troops onto
its soil. and countries such as Egypt
and Morocco, who have sent contin-
gents to fight in the multinational

Addressing the people of those
countries, he said: “We call on them
to revolt against the traitors and
fight the presence in the Holy Land
(of the Western force.)

He also claimed that the UN.
sanctions are resulting in deaths.

“The trade embargo on Iraq is
depriving the people of food and
medicine.“ Saddam said. “The chil-
dren in Iraq are dying because of a
foolish decision taken by certain

The White House said it had it
“no evidence to that effect.”
Spokesman Marlin Fitzwater dis—
missed Saddam‘s remarks as “an-

other rhetorical diatribe."

Saddam reiterated that his people
would defy the boycott and emerge
victorious. “They will never let you
down, they will survive and resist
this boycott the land of Iraq will
always respond," he said.

Flights carrying more than 150
Westerners from Iraq landed in Jor-
dan yesterday.

A French-chartered Iraqi Airways
jetliner arrived with 145 Westerners,
including 10 Americans, airport of—
ficials said. Earlier, two scheduled
Iraqi Airways flights brought l4
Westerners, including six Ameri-

A grOup of Americans who had
reached Jordan Tuesday were treat-
ed to a free ride home by British ty-
coon Richard Branson, who flew
them to London and then Newark
on his Virgin Atlantic Airways.

The plane that took them to Lon-
don had carried 40 tons of supplies
for tens of thousands of desperate
Asian evacuees from Kuwait and
Iraq, now stranded in the desert just
inside Jordan as they await transport

In Baghdad, 306 British women
and children who arrived in a sev-
cn-bus convoy from Kuwait after a
long trip across the desert were
awaiting exit visas, diplomats said.
Embassy officials said 30 British
women and children trying to join
the convoy in Kuwait were de-
tained, but it was not known why.

About 11,000 Westerners are stiIl
believed stranded in Kuwait and

The Iraqi News Agency said the
hostages who allegedly sent the
messages it printed were “at a vital
installation." It did not say where.

The agency, which for weeks has
issued a stream of anti-American
propaganda, gave no indication of
how statements from the seven men
had been obtained.

It said Briton Richard Wimtley
“wondered why the American boys
or Yankees’ were protecting emirs
and oil sheiks” who deposited bil-
lions of dollars in foreign banks and
“chased girls in nightclubs, while
millions of people in Arabia, Africa,
Europe, Asia, America and Britain

City gives leniency in Pralltown ban

Staff reports

Students who park in Pralltown
7~ which includes Prall, Montrnullin
and Colfax Streets off South Lime—
stone Street — and Winnie and
Congress Streets, may receive warn-

ings this week, instead of parking

But the Lexington-Urban Fayette
County Police Department will start
issuing citations next week. accord-
ing to Lexington Police Officer
Robert Larimore.

As of Sept. 1, Pralltown parking



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was restricted to residents with
stickers, Monday through Friday, 7
am. to 7 pm.

Pralltown is a residential area, lo-
cated near UK’s main entrance.
Many students park there —— instead
of buying parking permits —— be-
cause it is convenient and close to
many classroom buildings.

This week, many students have
returned to their cars to find wam-
ing letters on their Windshields.

Larimore said the warning letters
were the only fair way to inform the
violators of the new ordinance and
to give them time to make other
parking arrangements.

Larimore said the new ordinance
will be strictly enforced by the Lex—
ington police, as violators may be
ticketed or towed.

UK Police
to impound

Contributing Writer

The UK Police Department.
which regularly has to contend with
several kinds of parking violations,
has a new problem to deal with: bi-

Several students have been park-
ing their bicycles along wheelchair
ramps leading up to several campus
classroom buildings. making it diffi-
cult for wheelchairs to enter, accord-
ing to Garry Beach. UK‘s safety de-
partment manager.

In order to remove a bike, the po-
lice department will cut a chain or
lock. Many cyclists are using spe-
cial locks that cannot be cut, in
which case the police department
will have to cut the bike frame to re-
move it.

Beach said impounded bicycles
will be taken to 305 Euclid Ave.
where the owner can pick it up at
his or her own expense.

But Beach hopes it won‘t come to
that. He said he would like students
to show more consideration toward
others. He said there is adequate bi—
cycle parking around or near every
classroom building within the cam-


You might forget

this...‘ but don’t

forget the Kernel,
every morning
before class.







Students summer mouseketeers

Contributing Writer

M-i-c-k-e-y Moo-u-s-e spells
more than just the name of a popular
four-legged rodent. As some UK
students have discovered, it spells
career opportunities, too.

In program offered by Walt Dis-
ney World this summer, eight UK
students were given the opportunity
to earn their own income and get
on-the- job training.

“I was just looking for a new ex-
perience," said Brett Leichhardt, a
communications junior. “Everybody
always talked about Disney and how
great of a place it is, and I just want-
ed to see for myself."

The Walt Disney World College
Program is a 10-week internship
that gives students experience in the
business world.

“I am going to try to use it (the
work experience) in public relations
in the future and try to get a job
down there in the future,” Leich-
hardt said.

The program is encouraged be-
cause of the educational experience,
plus some majors offer credit for
participating in the program.

“It’s an exciting program,” said
Penny Medley, of the Experimental
Education office. “This program is
excellent because it combines real
world learning about people, skills,


by crime

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — A foren-
sic specialist said yesterday the
three apartments where the bodies
of five college students were found
“the most difficult” crime scenes he
has ever seen.

Dr. Michael West made the com-
ment after hunting for fingerprints at
the apartments with high-tech equip-
ment. West, a dentist and deputy
medical examiner from Hattiesburg,
Miss, did not elaborate.

Students in Gainesville remem-
bered their dead classmates at a me-
morial service in a 10,000-seat
sports center. Also yesterday, the
University of Florida announced
scholarships in memory of the stu-

Three of the victims were students
at the University of Florida and two
were from Santa Fe Community
College. One of the two later en-
rolled in the university but hadn‘t at-
tended classes. Their bodies were
found late last month.


Continued from page 1

-While the group acknowledges
that the suspension of the fee was a
step in the right direction, it says the
board did not go far enough. The
choice to suspend, not revoke, the
fee rejects the recommendation of
the International Student Environ-
ment Committee, which was set up
by Hemenway last spring, the group

°The board’s decision contradicts
the unanimous agreement by the
GSA, Student Government Associa-
tion, the Senate Council, the Student
Organizations Assembly and the
ISC that the fee is discriminatory
and should be removed, the group

-Comments made by some mem-
bers of the Board of Trustees (are)
surprisingly insensitive and unsym-
pathetic, not only to the intemation-
al students at UK. but to the larger
academic community, the group

-The group supports the board‘s
decision to form a new committee to
investigate the services offered by
the 1580. But, “we believe that the
financial burden to support these
services should not be placed upon
international students."

-The group is interested in seeing
a solution to this problem through
fully democratic means. This means
involving as many representatives
of international students as possible.

Smith conceded that the 1550 is
valuable and does provide important
services for international students.

“It‘s a supportive network for
people who have traveled some
10,0)0 miles to a new place. In a sit-
uation like that, it‘s necessary to
have people here who are sympa-


“Everybody always
talked about Disney and
how great of a place it is,
and I just wanted to see
for myself.”

Brett Leichhardt,
UK student

and work habits with an inside expe-
rience with one of the world’s most
successful corporations.”

UK has been involved in the pro-
gram since it was founded in 1981.
Since then more than 200 UK stu-
dents have participated.

Twice a year, Disney representa-
tives visit UK to interview candi-
dates for the program and tell them
about the jobs, living arrangements
and the business seminars.

Students who are still interested
should Sign up for an interview the
following day. If selected for the
program, the students find a UK
sponsor and attend an orientation

Once at Disney World, students,
paid a minimum of $5 an hour, are

assigned jobs at a theme park. Work
assignments range from food servic-
es, attraction hosts and merchandis-
ing hostesses to lifeguarding.

The students also attend a three-
hour business seminar once a week
for 10 weeks where they learn about
Disney management policies and re-
sume writing.

In the seminars, students are split
into groups and are assigned a pro-
ject. Snyder’s group project was to
design an attraction for the United
Kingdom at Epcot Center.

Leichhde assisted in making a
commercial for fall customers. Each
group had to present their project to
a Disney supervisors and directors.

Lisa Michele Snyder, a junior,
changed her pre-pharmacy studies
to focus on hotel and restaurant
management courses because of her
experience at Disney.

“1 plan on moving to Florida and
finishing college down there and
work for Disney," Snyder said. “It’s
a good experience you learn to
be professional.”

The other six students that in-
terned this summer were Jeanine
Miller, Courtney Ann Rae, Brian
Casey, Richard Dynis, Amy Su-
zanne Taylor and Brian Pearce.


Jeanine Miller, a psychology junior, was one of seven UK students to
intern at Walt Disney World this summer.

Kentucky Kernel, Thursday. September 6, 1990 - 3


UK college
after fire

HAZARD, Ky. - At lewt ()0
firefighters battled a chemical blaze
at Hazard Community College for
at least three hours yesterday as the
campus and a nearby car dealership
and golf course were evacuated, au
thoritics said.

Lt. Sam Gibson of the Hazard
Fire Department said there were no
reports of injuries but toxic fumes
were reported blowmg downwind
from the school.

A spokeswoman for the college.
Lori Kincaid, said the fire started
with an explosion in a laboratory
portion of the main campus build»
ing. Witnesses said the blast blew
out windows near a biology lab
about 2:30 pm. EDT.

Kincaid said the fire was con-
fined to two rooms on the lower
floor of the twovstory building.

Kincaid said school officials be
lieved phosphorus in a chemical
storage room exploded when it
came in contact with water. A fire
department official reported the fire
was contained to the storage area
but still burning nearly four hours
after the initial report.

Classes were canceled at the
school last evening and ttxlay.




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Former co-stars remember Dunne for her timing, attitude

Assocrated Press

NEW YORK — Irene Dunne
filled the screen like a good vintage
champagne in a Baccarat crystal

She was bubbly, of course. But
like that line champagne, hers were
small, neat bubbles compacted with
years of llavor and refined ever so to
explode not all at once but slowly
and smoothly and surely.

Dunne. who died Tuesday night in
her Los Angeles home at 88, was
one of the last of that great breed of
film actors who delighted genera-
tions with those romantic frolics
known as screwball comedies.

Her portrayals were spontaneous,
unexpected, flirty and winsome.
They were tantalizing. frothy and in-
telligent. Above all, they were
downright funny. She may have
liked her dramatic roles more (“I Re-
member Mama," “Magnifi