xt7vx05x9h4x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vx05x9h4x/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2002 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers, Recognizing Outstanding Writing, Photography, and Design 2002 text Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers, Recognizing Outstanding Writing, Photography, and Design 2002 2002 2002 2019 true xt7vx05x9h4x section xt7vx05x9h4x .7» ~- ‘2'... ' .. 9 ._ — . 9 .2. «a .. 2 9 -- I -, . . ' - -- - .. . 9
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 Page 2 - 2002 Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers
PRISE, Edmund Shelby NEWS, Kelley Warnick ARGUS, Henry Anderson
kl The ”conversation with” profile is a Good article. I liked the size of the picture. Some
Cy terrific idea. Lead is buried in third Third Place—BEATTYVILLE ENTER— papers seem afraid to use big pictures-
gratbutetherwiseweudone. PRISE, Edmund Shelby Haviagapeeoainreapius.
Needed comments from some other Second Place-FLEMINGSBURG
Cla881 Category 5 - BEST COLUMN related professionals to go with the GAZETTE, Charles Mattox
First Place-FULTON LEADER. statistics presented to "break up" the Interesting picture. the second picture
’ ' Eunice Clark statistical monotony. below helps. I like the people in it.
§:::%?381_ LECEEIEN $8311??? Interesting columns, great flow with Third Place - FULTON LEADER, Glen
NEWS Clint Had den the words. Category 10 - BEST INVESTIGATIVE Ivey ‘ .
Interesting twist on the ”Mayberry Second Place - BEATTYVILLE ENTER- STORY OR SERIES I like showmg people domg some-
Myth” line of thinking This is just a PRISE, Anne Shelby Certificate of Merit — FULTON thing. Nice shot.
really great editorial ‘ Interesting columns. LEADER, Joe Dacus/ Glen Ivey Honorable Mention - LAKE NEWS,
Second Place _ HICKMAN COURIER Third Place - LAKE NEWS, Neeta Neeta Keeling Hale
John O’Neal Jones ’ Keeling Hale Category 11 - BEST ON- Good color in picture.
This is a really great local commentary Great work. The letter to your grand- GOING/EXTENDED COVERAGE
and one that gets right to the point daughter was especially moving and STORY Category 15 - BEST GENERAL NEWS
' thoughtful. First Place - GALLATIN COUNTY PICTURE
NEWS, Kelley Warnick First Place - GALLATIN COUNTY
antgliyAzG-EBEST SPOT NEWS Category 6 - BEST SPORTS Great coverage from beginning to end. NEWS, Kelley Warnick
1. First Place _ FLEMINGSBURG COLUMNS Second Place - LAKE NEWS, Loyd Second Place — CENTRAL CITY TIMES
' GAZETTE Charles Mattox Certificate of Merit - CENTRAL CITY Ford/ Neeta Keeling Hale ARGUS, Mark Stone
Beautifully reported and written. TIMES ARGUS, Richard L. Deavers Good articles. Third Place - FLEMINGSBURG
5 Impressive interviewing. A riveting Tl'urd Place — FLEMINGSBURG GAZETTE, Charles Mattox
story I literally felt the hair rise on the Category 7 - BEST SPORTS STORY GAZETTE, Charles Mattox
back Of my neck. First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY Good articles. Category 16 - BEST FEATURE
: Second Place - GALLATIN COUNTY NEWS/Toma Spelbrmg PICTURE
_; NEWS Kelley Warnick Fantastic lead..Really captured the Category 12 - BEST First Place - GALLATIN COUNTY
Thorodghly reported. Nice judgment emot10n of a lugh school football BUSINESS/AGRIBUSINESS STORY NEWS, Kelley Warnick
in calling attention to daughter’s quick game. Three stories rose to the top of First Place - GALLATIN COUNTY Very well done. Captures a moment,
1 . l . g. tIliis clategory, but the lead on this story lNlEWS, Kelliy Weirnick 1 tell?< a story, nicely gionli‘posed.f 315d
. _ c ear y set it apart. e story ta es a ong, comp ex envi- tric to getting goo p otos o ' ren
Agra]??? cthdNLr 1131:2133 TIMES Second Place - FLEMINGSBURG ronmental case in court and presents it is to shoot on their level. You've done 1
l Good descriptive detail of fire scene. GAZETTE, Brent Risner in a clean, organized fashion. well with this technique.
5 Good sense of history comparing to Track is a hard sport to write / read Second Place - FULTON LEADER, Congratulationsll Easily best feature
previous fires ’ about, but this story flows really well. Glen Ivey . . photo among entries. *
1', ' Honorable Mention _ HICKMAN Really enjoyed seeing comments from » While the story could have used more Second Place - HICKMAN COUNTY. __
l COURIER John O’Neal Jones the athletes. = reaction from the other side, the effect GAZETTE, Jerrald Chandler
l Nice handling of the sort of small Third Place - CENTRAL CITY TIMES of how cuts in Amtrak could have an This is one of those candid moments, .
calamity that be devils every communi- ARGUS, Richard L. Deavers impact on one small town. Well pre- captured well. Hint to design person:
Sometimes the history leading up to a sented. This is really a two column shot. Crop '
i ty. game is just aks11 newsworthy as file Third Place — FLEMINESBURG Alghter.
l _ game itself. T '5 story reflects t at. GAZETTE, Carolyn Sc wartz 'rd Place - FLEMINGSBURG
giggglry 3 BEST GENERAL NEWS C BEST SPO Ts I was t{’Ilarticularly intrigued 13y lngk SAZETEE, Ch3r1es Mango: d h d
. . _ ategory 8 - R some 'n as cosmetic as co or, ac , ice an varie eve s a ept an
1 f5: gfiialfiggfsMAN COURIER FEATURE STORY in this cafe makes a difference in a sense of realism to the photo. Good job
Great story enhanced by a great photo- First Place - FLEMINGSBURG busmess as sc1ent1f1c as cattle. of getting a mce moment onto the
graph IC/EVAlTETTE' Brent Rlsner th h c 1 BEST HEADLINE page
' _ e written story, very oroug cov— ategory 3 -
iimfifig LAKE NEWS’ Neeta erage. A good interest story. First Place - BEATTYVILLE ENTER— Category 17 - BEST PICTURE ESSAY
Lots of informative details great arti- . Second Place - CENTRAL CITY TIMES PRISE, Edmund Shelby . (SPOT, GENERAL OR FEATURE)
cle ’ ARGUS, Richard L. Deavers Unique way to present a ”Back to First Place - MCLEAN COUNTY
. Third Place _ G ALL ATIN COUNTY A good beginning, good content School” issue. Highlighted by a great NEWS, Gary Emord-Netzley '
NEWS Kelley Wami ck throughout the story. type font. You can get a real feel of What is going
Good all-tide Third Place - OLIVE HILL TIMES, Second Place - LAKE NEWS, Loyd on.
' * Denver Brown Ford Second Place - CENTRAL CITY TIMES
_ Good interest story, easy to read and Good headline. ARGUS, Mark Stone
3:31:— figigArgAgggfingom follow. Third Place - FLEMINGSBURG Third Place — GALLATIN COUNTY
NEWS Clint H a d den Honorable Mention - FLEMINGS- GAZETTE, Charles Mattox NEWS, Kelley Warnick
Good Storytelling. Good sense of nar- BURG GAZETTE, Carolyn C. Good headline, could have been con- Honorable Mention - TIE - HICKMAN
rative. Suspense. In a novel this is Schwartz densed with fewer words to make it COURIER, John O’Neal Jones
called a p a g e—tum e r. ' Good story, shows the dedication more prominent. Honorable Mention - TIE - HICKMAN
Second Place _ FLEMINGSBURG required to be a cheerleader. Honorable Mention - CENTRAL CITY COURIER, John O’Neal Jones
GAZETTE, Brent Ri sn er TIMES ARGUS, Richard L. Deavers
Lead arouses reader’s curiosity Taps Category 9 - BEST ENTERPRISE OR The ”Civil War" headhne was great. If Category 18 - BEST SPORTS PIC-
. t th . f th b‘ O: t— ANALYTICAL STORY other two entries had been stronger, TURE
EroMfkiirg’e‘fges; ”31:13:“ 3‘: First Place - FULTON LEADER, Glen would have placed higher. First Place — CENTRAL CITY TIMES
' Ive ARGUS, Paul G. Moore
not frivolous Does not condescend t0 Greta article with both sides of issue Category 14 - BEST SPOT NEWS PIC-
the students. expressed well. TURE See Weekly Class 1, page 18 1

 2002 Excellence In Kentucky Journalism - Page 3
£9»; 2 I 22922 F ‘
g” ’1 % «3%fl2’fiflé Left In WEley Class 12 P3111 C- Moore, 0f the Central 9-
, 23.35555335335255:.22 522522-22! ’22523.22?2253-5523232525222-2222 2:32-22 r”/“ ”"'"'2" — ‘
‘23,; :2- zigzé, {234. Clty Tlmes Argus, tOOk top honors 1n the BESt Sports f.
2a.. 23333“; 5.2234,, - Plcmre category Wlth thlS ShOt- Bottom 16ft: Charles
' - .5 2a,.” ‘ Mattox 0f the Flemmgsburg Gazette captured first 3

,3 ;;,;.;;,;;yg, 2 2 ”3,; place 111 the Best Spot News category w1th thls story {a
2» H - 23;; -- on a hlgh speed chase. The Flemlngsburg Gazette was
,.:; ,W,°‘ ., 2 g z 32:“ - ' the flrSt place General EXCBHEHCE I‘€C1p1€nt. Bottom 2
Q . . 222 . . . .. ., 2 . 2 - - 2 -
MW“;f rlght. The Judges seleCtEd thls plcture essay entry from
N, 33%” the McLean County News by phOtOgraPher Gary 3.-
- - t
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59,33; ,"J’szwg’fig fiyfigfi" - 23,5 225/ '
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 Page 4 - 2002 Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers
. Second Place - CARROLLTON NEWS A good story about a tough subject. NAL, John Shindlebower
‘ Wk] DEMOCRAT, Carrie Bryan Sheds some light into a coaches prob— Excellent, extended coverage of public
‘ l cc y Carrie Bryan’s fine prose style, sharp lems when coaching their children. funds being spent to build roads on
eye for detail and strong sense of htsto- This was a tough category with lots or private property. The series certainly
; ry and context make this feature a entries. had to increase circulation. Good job!!
Classz pleasure to read. Honorable Mention - TIE - LARUE Second Place - SPENCER MAGNET,
’ ‘ Third Place - BEREA CITIZEN, Connie COUNTY HERALD NEWS, Linda Kara Kuczun
' V V V V V V I Esh Parker Detailed information on a topic which
FlingIgel-TTIENRS 12:35:13.? L What could have been a fairly com- A good story about a controversial affects many families. Perhaps some
. LOCAL Brooke Melville mon story of a new patriot turns out to issue. graphics could have dressed up this
Great lob k at the problems and also be unique, thanks to Connie Esh’s Honorable Mention - TIE - CADIZ series. Also, the ”three-part series” info
. the good works of Governor Paul interview skills, which are evident RECORD, Scott Brown should not have been included in body
Patton... plus a plea for voters to be with every detail of this profile. Good opening paragraph, good in copy.
- held accountable too. Honorable Mention - TOMP— depth story. Third Place - HENRY COUNTY
‘ .5 Second Place _ L ARUE COUNTY KINSVILLE NEWS, Ronda Jordan— LOCAL, Melissa Blankenship
, HERALD NEWS Linda Parker Elam Category 8 - BEST SPORTS FEA- Good background information on an
‘ Fine look at the way newspapers work Lead delivers on its promise: This is a TURE STORY interesting case. Good quotes from
g and how they respond to reader com- colorful story with plenty of quotes First Place - HARDIN COUNTY various spokesmen.
. 3 plaints. The last three paragraphs were providing vividness and texture. INDEPENDENT, Martin Hepner Honorable Mention - OWENTON
‘ hilarious' This story comes out on top in an NEWS HERALD, Molly O’Connor .
Third Place _ LAUREL NEWS JOUR- Category 5 - BEST COLUMN extremely competitive field. Well writ- Covering young and older drivers and
l N AL John Shin dlebower First Place - HARDIN COUNTY ten, very interesting. their unique situations is intriguing.
‘ Wonderful look at voter apathy and INDEPENDENT, Gerald Lush Second Place - HARDIN COUNTY Having both perspectives in one issue
; what brings it on ’ I like the different subjects you use in INDEPENDENT, Martin Hepner ties it together.
- ' ' your columns. Good opening para— Very good human interest story.
_ graph. Especially liked the first couple of Category 11 - BEST ON-GOING/
First Place _ L ARUE COUNTY HER- HERALD, Carrie Bennett Third Place — HARDIN COUNTY First Place - LAUREL NEWS JOUR-
l ALD NEWS Linda Parker Good, thought provoking. I enjoyed all INDEPENDENT, Martin Hepner NAL, John Shindlebower
j Good work [Use of multiple interviews your columns. Excellent story, good in depth look at Good coverage of an ongoing political
‘ exceptional: Well written, terse and to Third Place - LARUE COUNTY HER— both the individual and sickle cell ane- squabble. ‘ '
J the point. You tell the story well. ALD NEWS, Linda Parker . nua. . Second Place - CRITTENDEN PRESS,
. Second Place _ PROVIDENCE JOUR- Interesting columns. I especrally Honorable Mention - TIE - JACKSON Daryl K. Tabor .
N AL ENTERPRISE Gwen B 01in enjoyed the one about your mom. COUNTY SUN, Connie Esh Tax matters are difficult. Tabor pre-
Good use of detail. Good lead. Honorable Mention - TIE - PROVI- Very good story, opening paragraph sents the issues clearly. The paper is to
l Basically answers all the questions. DENCE JOURNAL ENTERPRISE, was excellent!! Pictures added a plus. be commended for devoting energy
‘ Good quote selection. Gwen Bolin Honorable Mentions TIE - SPRING- and space to an important problem. . "S ,
1 Third Place _ LAUREL NEWS JOUR- Very interesting, this category had a FIELD SUN, Tom Bystrek Third Place - HENRY COUNTY .
1 N AL John Shin dlebower large number of entries and was hard Very good beginning paragraph, very LOCAL, Melissa Blankenship _
3 Good detail in story. Nice job of quote to judge. strong competition in this category. Good presentation of an issue con- -
' selection and tracking down various Honorable Mention — TIE - LARUE fronting many communities.
. aspects from multiple sources. You COUNTY HERALD NEWS, Robin Category 9 - BEST ENTERPRISE OR Honorable Mention - TOMP—
; need to shorten paragraphs get quotes Terry ANALYTICAL STORY KINSVILLE NEWS, Ronda Jordan-
: higher in story Nice job overall Good columns, it was a tough catego- First Place - CRITTENDEN PRESS, Elam
g ' ' ry, lots of entries. Daryl K. Tabor Candidate spotlight is an important
‘ _ Excellent!! Very detailed information community service. I’d like to see
3:3?in 3 BEST GENERAL NEWS Category 6 - BEST SPORTS about crlnajor legisiabtiglg [1151s]??? 8 0 more papers do this.
- COLUMN Secon P ace - J UR-
ifigpfig figflmN NEWS HER' First Place - HARDIN COUNTY NAL, John Shindlebower Category 12 - BEST
W ell ’w ritt e n great detail. INDEPENDENT, Martin Hepner Well written story about job losses. BUSINESS/AGRIBUSINESS STORY
Second P1 a ce _ PROVIDENCE JOUR- Second Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN, Third Place - BEREA CITIZEN, Scott First Place - LARUE COUNTY HER-
N AL ENTERPRISE Gwen B olin Tom Bystrek Powell . ALD NEWS, Erica Osborne
Great lead. Whit e-wa sh e d ties in well Very well written, good coverage. Good story on the exploding math Kentucky should probably have a sep-
with hot pink. Third Place - CADIZ RECORD, Scott problem. arate contest category for ”What are
Third Place _ C ARROLLTON NEWS Brown Honorable Mention - TIE - LAUREL tobacco farmers doing now?” Erica
DEMOCRAT Carrie Bryan Great stuff. NEWS JOURNAL, John Shindlebower Osborne’s story on a farm family that
Good details [and history. Honorable Mention - TIE - SPRING- As a city reporter, I enjoy reading contracts out fresh produce is a gem in
Honorable Mention ’ LAUREL NEWS FIELD SUN, Tom Bystrek about how other municipalities are a very crowded category.
JOURNAL Jessica Griffin Honorable Mention - TIE - BEREA dealing with zoning, etc. Second Place - HENRY COUNTY
This was aliard category to judge CITIZEN, Keith Taylor Honorable Mention - TIE - OWEN- LOCAL, Melissa Blankenship
many quality entries ’ Good observations. TON NEWS HERALD, Patti M. Clark A newspaper should always tell its
' Category 7 - BEST SPORTS STORY The piece on how high school students reader where the public’s money goes,
Category 4 _ BEST FEATURE STORY First Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN, Tom reacted to the first anniversary of the and What it was Spent for. This story
First Place _ L ARUE COUNTY HER- Bystrek 9—11 attacks was very well written. The meets that responsibility.
ALD NEWS Linda Parker A well written story. perspective of young people on for- Third Place ~ SPRINGFIELD SUN,
This was a honey of a tale. Linda Second Place - CADIZ RECORD, Scott eign policy matters was particularly Jason Simpson
Parker managed to sustain an extend- Brown . interesting. Unlike emus and other exotic animal
, ed pun without over doing it and to Very good first paragraph, well writ- experiences that led to disappointment
tell a colorful interesting story in the ten and interesting. Category 10 - BEST INVESTIGA- for many farmers, the Chesser family
process ’ Third Place - HARDIN COUNTY TIVE STORY OR SERIES See Weekly Class 2, page 18
' INDEPENDENT, Martin Hepner First Place - LAUREL NEWS JOUR—

 . A . E '
2002 Excellence In Kentucky Journalism - Page 5


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Cl i Sorlrtllill

> . . ‘ x ‘fifim T0 2 Path Clark of The News Herald 1n Owenton
..fl’zrmanmanagemewmeephyecalhweepsewe222121222221 W3; first place in the General News Story category at:
eatmmmm . afieeeeweM/M” . . i

. 2:22222222222222222222222 em W222”??? Left: Martln Hepner’s sports feature story 1n the 3
"We *",«,2é~fféfi%é{:239 via/>49: W _ I. ;ch . A, . . ‘

' §WWWWWWWW 2W2 : Tefee“ fitmiWWW Hardm County Independent captured the first place , 5
“wwxeemmw ~, 2~’2’W’2w22,°’vweeeee, . -: ,
memmwgfim ‘ ,XW‘Wife award 1n the Weekly Class 2 Best Sports Feature '7:

5:)? ‘ ' . ‘- be: . ' . ‘ ‘:3';":.._.:.::‘:::jv§:‘:§§'§§:;:V. ""¢'=4'1=.5'=-"*‘1=' ,:;:-.-._:. 3/”5xxjj’4”‘j/"//3\a 323/, 2 5,: ‘:_ ., :;u ' A
efiéfifimfifimfie ' E ““ ,Wfieefifim Story Gate-gory- BOttom- e Sprlngfleld Sun 3 Jamie ‘._
”meegagefwmgmeg ewe..-” wee 1%“ Bowen was 111 the fight place at the rlght hme to

T meemwei’é 22 2 -' ' 2‘ 22/22Nw2y2523"v $22.33. .
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fiegwefieéegg “wicew‘éaetefigeewa’éW? " 1 t

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