xt7vx05x9h2r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vx05x9h2r/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2001 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 2001 Vol.72 No.5 text The Kentucky Press, May 2001 Vol.72 No.5 2001 2001 2019 true xt7vx05x9h2r section xt7vx05x9h2r F (UK) LEX 405 ‘
E LEXINGTON KY 40506-0039
Volume 72, Number 5 - May 2001 PIES S
More Ky. Tennessee papers comlng north
a ers make ° ' ' '
P P for jolnt conventlon 1n Northern Ky.
the 50-1nch By LISACARNAHAN
KPA Member Services Director
o For those of you thinking “it’s 1" ‘ 3 ‘ “f A
' ” ’ ' ’3’- ‘f , ' t I
W€b SWItCh assesses:2:55.331:-E‘t‘: ' «i , ,9, E

By mid-April, one-third of all bring its members to Kentucky for a 1;,” -. ’ "My”; ’3' it» . '
Kentucky newspapers had made joint summer convention next -m. “WW-u ..-;,‘____ ._ .. ‘ 1‘. ”5,; ‘
the switch to a 50-inch web. month in Northern Kentucky. . _. . , ‘ ' ' ‘ - 33v" ‘ a ‘1;

The list includes all It’s time for the Tennessee folks _ \I: .. ‘ '1) ‘ J," a a .2”
Landmark Community to reciprocate since Kentucky news- ‘ ‘ . . _ 1,; ’.~‘ ' - T" '
Newspapers, WhiFh SWitChéd to papers have traveled to Gatlinburg ,. f I ‘ " ‘ ‘ ‘ 3 ' ‘
the smaller W9b 5129 on Aprll 1- twice in the past six years. And, for . 2 ' ‘ "

I Newspaper executives say those of you who really like to plan ” is” . l .
they’re making the change in ahead, we’re going back to ,4 E, a}
order to cut thousands off their Gatlinburg for the 2002 KPA «3. a: .
budgets. Averages say most are Summer Convention. ' _, . T . ,
saving in the neighborhood ‘of 7 This year’s meeting, June 2123 v ' t
percenttof the cost of newsprint. at the Marriott in Covington, fea- . F “v ‘ o
54 _Un}:11 nogv, mistfpaperslhada tures all the things you’ve grown I 'r . W at ‘ v

-1nc we ’ w 1c . resu S. 1n accustomed to in a summer conven-

pages that are E35 IEChes Wlde' tion: plenty of entertainment oppor- ' _ . j" m _, \
On;50-1plch w: 1,2e2c. pigelerin tunities for the entire family and TOp: The Northern ”‘" ‘ _ .
1ncb smiher a ' this; etsravel: valuable training sessions for you Kentucky/Cincinnati . 4: ..
we is e paper and your staff — we’ve just planned skyline will make for an fog “ i
from the newsprlnt roll to the f 't And th’ t' , , _ :5 \ b
Press. On a regular double-wide r29“? 0.1115 . . 1; 1rtne,kevery(i Impress-Ive we“, as “Tr-7;" £
press, four pages get printed t mg w1 e joint (. en uc. y an convention-goers take {I .. 5, .e‘L
across the web. Tennessee part1c1pat1ng) With the a boat ride on the Ohio ~, ’ v 1% E/ 0/

By all accounts, the change exception 0f the awards banquet on after the awards ban- 3 V .. “3;, ;
has not hadanegative impact on Frlday evening. The Tennessee quet Friday night, . x .14.
readership. Some reports even group “”11 be headquartered next Right: The opening : s.
indicate that readers say they door at the Embassy SUlteS- _ reception will be held a, «2‘ . m
find the paper easier to hold, but Tale-re afre 11 (illfTZrenZSESSEOSISé Thursday evening at — W x
for the most part, there has been some mg 01‘ eac 5 gm the Newport Aquarium. ‘ ‘

See SWITCH, page 12 See CONVENTION, page 7 i i;

If you plan on attending or person from the community who given the option of either staying
sending someone to the KPA has potential, but no journalism on campus or commuting‘dally to
Journalism Boot Camp, you better background. It’s limited to the first the sessions. Last year, it was a
hurry. Slots for the camp are going 20 to sign up and pay registration requirement thalthfholse afltendmg
fast. fees. stay on campus. ot er c ange is

The three-week session, This year’s boot camp has been the cost. This year’s boot camp fee
dubbed a “boot camp” because of scheduled for July 16 through is $995 for those staying on campus
the intensive training over a rela- August 3 at Georgetown College, and $595 for commuters. The $995
tively short period, is designed to and some major changes have been fee includes lodging in a college
provide additional training for made tothe format over last year’s dormitory, three meals a day, all
inexperienced newsroom employ- proposed camp. materials and handouts for the
ees or allow newspapers to hire a Attendees this year will be So. CAMP, page 12

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, May 2001 ~
K t K 1 . th
' ' “There’s no place like home, late March. degree in business administration
Frankhn FavorltC and Kentucky has always been “The perspective that Sam has from Northern Kentucky
names Sheroan as home from me and my family,” brought to the newspaper is very University.
, Sheroan said. “We’re excited about gratifying and one of total profes-
nCW pUthhCI‘ this opportunity and excited about sionalism,” said New Era editor Bartley jOlnS Office
Ben Sheroan was named ub- becoming part of such a vibrant David Riley. “There’s not a sports
. . _p . community as Franklin.” competition or situation that he staff at Herald—News
lisher of the Franklin Favorite in . . . . , n
M h re 1 cin interim ublish- In addition to his role With the hasnt covered. R B tl }'_. d .

a}; ’ P aC g h p m d Franklin Favorite and its commer- Ezell, 65, joined the paper in M :montal ar eyffwas ‘l're m
if almmie darety’td'v 0 resu e cial printing operation, Sheroan June 2000 as a copy editor after “Ft ast ffijewLo lice néanagfr
er $19 as ra 10:33 ion manage: has responsibility for WFKN radio serving as sports editor and later ESSISkfgl a He (ll tue . Mindy

eroan IS a -year-o na we and the Portland Leader. managing editor of the Bogalusa eFa. ' ews. er u ies inc u. e
of Hardin County. He began work— (La ) Daily News aSSisting customers With subscrip~
ing at newspapers at age 16, writ- . ' ' h t- tions and classified ads, typing sub-
ing sports for The News-Enterprise EZCll hlred as Sports “1838;328:3211; nix: (iiipilhe mitted news and other general
in Elizabethtown. His career also - ~ . - - . ’ office work.
has included newspapers in CdltOf 1n HOPkmSVllle ?:g2::i:gtshizgigrhe was named Bartley is a veteran of the
Owensboro and Nashville plus Sam Ezell, a veteran of more During his journalism career United States Army, where she
work as a reporter at WBKO-TV in than four decades of sports and Ezell has served as sports editor 0% worked as an administrative spe-
Bowling Green. He comes to news reporting for daily and week- daily papers in Selma Ala. Cialist.

Franklin from Athens, Ala., where 1y newspapers from Alabama to Huntsville Ala. and Natchez,
he was publisher of the daily news- California, was appointed sports Miss. and ,at weekly papers iri Patton appOIHtS Broker
paper there. editor of the Kentucky New Era in Winns’boro, La. and Oakdale, Calif. . . .
He has served as editor or manag— t0 Humanltles COUHCI]
I he K entUCky Press ing editor 0f daily papers in Selma Gov. Paul Patton appointed
$5M Natchez grid at weeklNBSMm Louisville Voice-Tribune social
. . . innsboro, ucumcarii . -i columnist Carla Sue Broker to the
The Kentucky Press (lSSN-0023—0324) is pub- District 13 - - .. .

. lished monthly by the Kentucky Press Glenn Gray, Manchester Enterprise Lemoore, cahf' and Solvang, Calif. b0ard of .dlreCtors _0f the KentUCky
Association/ Kentucky Press Service, Inc. Humanities 001111011 Inc.
Periodical-classpostage is paidat Frankfort, District14 Three named to posts As one of five gubernatorial
KY. 40601.5ubscription price is$8per year. David Thornberry, Commonwealth-Journal . appointees on the 23—member KHC

' Postrnaster15endchangeofaddress toThe . _ at DanVIIIC nfiwspaper board, she will serve a four-year
Kentucky Press, 101 Consumerlane, District15-A term on the council which ever
Frankfort, KY. 40601,(502) 223-8821. Don White, Anderson News Three people were named to tl’l 400 my

posts at The Advocate-Messenger year sponsors more an pu. 1c

- Officers and Directors District 15-8 in Danville in March. humanities programs reaching
Kentucky Press Association John Nelson, Danville Advocate-Messenger Kent Brown who was the chief communities in every Kentucky
president State at Large phfitogragtéer, Yias prfimoted to county'

Marty Backus, Appalachian News-Express Keith Ponder, Glasgow Daily Times on lne e l 01'. 9 W1 oversee . .
reconstruction and maintenance of Oth CO. TlmCS-N6WS

7 President Elect Mike Scogin, Georgetown News-Graphic the newspaper’s Web Site, . . .

Dave Eldridgellesmelo‘m‘al www.amnews.com and its sister launChCS onllne Cdltlon
Jack McNeely, Morehead News - lfk ’ , ,

_ pastpresidem Sltei WWW-g0 y .com. _ Ohio County Times-News read-

Teresa Revlett,Mcbean County News Associates Division Jommg. the Paper 33 Chlef Pho' ers now have another way to read
Armando Arrasti tographer is Clayton Jackson. He the paper _ on the internet.

‘ Vicel’resident Kentucky Department of Education has a degree in photojournalism The newspaper went online on

' gagd‘crefl'me Kenmd‘y Standard' Ad . . Di from Western Kentucky University March 1, at www.0ctimesnews.com.

ar 5 0w“ Elailrfertllfilorl'tganfgxgnsboro and has done freelance work for the “Anybody, anywhere can see

_ Treasure, Messenger-Inquirer Advocate for about tWO years Whlle whatever we have to offer in this
Sharon Tuminksi,Wint~hcster Sun working full time at a PhOtO StUdIO county,” said Editor Don Wilkins.

News Editorial Division "1 Lexmgton. The site, which is updated
Disizicii Chris PmrerLEXington Herald‘lfiadcr Stella Plummer joined the week] offers a home a 6 with a
. y. P g
|r\llCi' Rouse, Murray LedgersrT'imes C‘ l t, Di . _ newspaper as busmess manager. synopsis of front page stories and
"ma ‘0“ “5‘0" Prior to coming to the Advocate links to s ' ‘ '
. I . _ , ports, opinions pieces,
District2 Knssjo n’ Lexmgmn Herald Leader she worked for Ephraim McDowell
- led Dillinghamr Dawson Swings Progress New Media Division Regional Medical Center. She has a See PEOPLE. page 10
Tim Hurst, Benton Tribune~Courier
Ed Riney, Owensboro Messenger Inquirer Journalism Education 0 0
Buck Ryan
District4 Universi of Kentuck N d
mm”, s , ewspaper carrier ies
Di 5 General Counsels . . .

'strict Jon Fleischaker and Kim Greene
..s....,............... from car crash injuries
District 6 Kentucky Press Association .

Dorothy Abernathy, Oldham Era Kentucky Press service Staff A western Kentucky newspaper Paducah, in a wreck near
0: 7 David T. Thompson, Executive Director carrier died March 12 of injuries Eddyville.

I‘m“ , , Bonnie Howard/CONNIE! sustained in a car crash five days The two Paducah Sun carriers
KelleyWanuckGallatm countyNews hfimnkzfifgrgtg;ggrmm earlier while he was driving his had just finished delivering the
District 3.9 WWW/Makeungcmdimtor delivery route in Lyon County. paper when their car left the road
Ken Metz, Bath County News Outlook Jeff Stutesman, [NAN Account Executive Kevin Nichols, 28, of Paducah, and overturned several times, eject-
Dism“ 1011 JDayitlaipficer.N§w Mgdia Dirgmr died in the trauma unit of ing Nichols, according to the police

acm e man, ews ureau 'rector - - - -
lmmenmgtm' ,ASNal‘d Dailylndepmdmt SueCammack, Administrative Assistant ganderbgt [indlreflélty Medical repo$' ‘ .
Buffy Sams, Bookkeeping Assistant enterin as v1. e, enn. . .atsoon was taken to Baptist
District 12 Rachel McCarty, Advertising Assistant Nichols was injured along With Hospital in Paducah, where she
Stephen Bowling, Jackson Times Holly Stigers, Tearsheet Coordinator passenger Diana Watson, 51, of was released March 9.

 The Kentucky Press, May 2001 - Page 3
‘ I. O t
To the editor: -
KHSJA' “most ro ressive A bare bear, pare a p a1r
thin , KPA’s done in cars of pears, English 1sn t easy

g y find that quicksand can work slow-
Dear Editor: was one of those students, work- on second I . ly,.boxing ringsare square and a
KPA’s decision in 1997 to ing on my newspaper at Bourbon $2 . gumee Plgis neither from Guinea
form the Kentucky High School County High School in the late Thought _:.‘._s.ei‘ -.' nor IS 1t3 Plgx . . .
Journalism Association was the 19808 under the direction of my “ $1} And why 15 1t that writers write
most progressive thing the orga- great teacher, Lynda Umfress. I gyhgavisdo: but fingers don’t fing, grocers dgn’t
nization has done in years. I hope WiSh the high SChOO] association mp 5W 3:391 argiiolfionetheirsstgezrhtvillimsnl’f
- ' u , l
KPlAtboaé‘d metIEEertSa; ange’lafipzré had;§::t;gag?er:6re than 800 stu- I take neither CFGdit nor blame thepplural 0f booth beeth?y0ne
3:1: 5 a ross s 1 dents attended the high school {zrnzglisnrgogigilsfggii‘ifi5tgigjffirx goose,?t\80 geese. St) one (moose, two
. ' ' ' ' _ - meese. ne in ex, wo in ices. .
_ I have volunteered WIth the eggzgpiigaégefiouiswlle the President Celia McDonald. Doesn’t it seem crazy that -. n, !
assomation for the last three I applaud Lisa’s work _ and And it shows why copy editors can make amends but n”, . dc
years, speaking at the annual KPA’s vision. have to be on their (or is it they’re amend. Ifyou have a bunch of odds
convention and “helping director or there) toes when editing copy. and ends and g: i rid of all but one
Lisa Carnahan line up other pre- Chris Poynter, Reasons why the English lan- Of them, what do you call it? If
senters. I am dedicated because I reporter The Courier-Journal guage is so hard to learn: teachers taught, why didn’t preach-
\ 1) The bandage W38 wound ers praught? If a vegetarian eats
° ' around the wound. vegetables, what does a humani-
Recruitin g local talent best 2> The farm used .0
duce produce. Sometimes it seems all the
° 3) The dump was so full that it English speakers should be com-
rel I IEdy to ease Stafflng woes had to refuse more refuse. mitted to an asylum for the verbal-
f 4) We must pOIiSh the POIiSh ly insane. In what language do peo-
By JOHN HATCHER . urniture. le recite at a la and 1a at a
Center for Community Unlike the college graduate who 5) He could lead if he would get fecital? Ship bly tbi‘uck :ndysend
Journalism may see a first JOb at a commumty the lead out. cargo by ship? Have noses that run
No crystal ball is required to DCWSpapel‘asan intemShip that 6) The soldier decided to desert and feet that smell? How can a
predict the immediate future for must be endured in the move his dessert in the desert. slim chance and a fat chance he the
community newspapers. The chal- onward, local talent won’t move 7) Since there IS no time like same, while a wise man and a wise
lenges of tomorrow are the ones fac- the first time a bi -city dail calls the present, he thought it was time guy are opposites?
ing us today. The most pressing g y ° to present the present. You have to marvel at the
issue is staffing. At no time in John Hatcher 8) A bass was painted on the unique lunacy of a language in
recent memory have papers so ago- Center for Community Journalism head of the bass drum. which your house can burn up as
nized over the dearth of talent. ————-— 9) When shot at, the dove dove it burns down, in which you fill in a

Gone are the days when a And it works. The Patriot’s circula— into the bushes. ' form by filling it out and in which
stream of resumes from journalism tion continues to climb and the . 10) I did not object to the an alarm goes off by going on.
schools flowed in from which man- paper has won the Stuart C. object. . . _ English was invented by people,
agers could fish out ambitious can- Dorman Award for overall excel- 11)_The-1nsurance was invalid not computers, and it reflects the
didates willing to work hard for lit- lence from the New York Press for the invalid. creat1v1ty of the human race
tle money. Today, community news~ Association 12) There was a row among the (which, of _ course, isn‘t a race at
papers find it daunting to compete Whether they are correspon- oarsmen about how to row. all). That is why, when the stars
against the paychecks and prestige dents aid b the sto or local tal- 13) They. were too close to the are out, they are VISlble, but when
offered at larger newsrooms, online en t b}; on h3t on asry er a e t door to close 1t. _ the lights are out, they are anlSl-
publications and speciality maga- g . p m n. n 14) The bUCk does funny things ble.
zines. staffers, relying on local talent is a when the does are present. * * * * *

That’s bad news. And it’s proba- trade—off. MOSt offithese. reporters 15) A seamstress and a sewer I do add some thoughts to this,
bly not a surprise to most. The good have no formal'training "1 journal— fell down into a sewer line. many along the same line. In
news is that some enterprising edi- 1.8”" They requ"? editors and PUb' 16) To help with planting, the August, 1999, as a member of the
tors have discovered a new place to lishers. who are “'1ng to commit to farmer taught his SOW to sow. Georgetown College Board of

' search for talent. A hint: it’s right becoming teachers 0f the” profes- 17) The wind was too strong to Trustees, I was asked t0 give the

- under your nose. Local talent takes sron. , wind the sail. Speech welcoming students to a
an initial investment, but has great Already overworked editors and 18) After a number of injec- new school year.

potential for long-term payoff. publishers may “013 relish the tions my jaw got number. I assured them that GC profes-

The staff shortages now begin- thought of‘starting from scratch 1h 19) Upon seeing the tear in the sors were educated enough to
ning to plague even metropolitan the education Of a reporting staff, painting I shed a tear. answer the following questions:
weeklies are nothing new to the but there are benefits to investing 20) I had to subject the subject Why do we drive on a parkway and
Patriot and Free Press in Cuba, in local talent. True, local talent to a series oftests. park on a driveway? On the dri—
NY. The paper is located in a rural may not know how to write using 21) How can I intimate this to ver’s license of a completely bald
county in western New York where an inverted pyramid or know what my most intimate friend? man, what does the clerk write
the median income is low and illit- the AP stylebook is, but that can be Let’s face it —- English is a down for hair color? If quitters
eracy is high. Publisher John Arden taught. crazy language. There is no egg in never win, and winners never quit,
Hopkins simply doesn’t have the Here’s the payoff: Unlike the eggplant nor ham in hamburger; why do we say quit while you’re
resources or the amenities to entice college graduate who may see a first neither apple nor pine in pineap- ahead. Why do you press harder on
young journalists. So, he doesn’t job at a community newspaper as ple. English muffins weren’t a remote control when you know
even try to recruit them. Instead, he an internship that must be endured invented in England or French the battery is dead? If it’s zero
relies on local talent. The pages of in the move onward, local talent fries'in France. Sweetmeats are degrees outside and it's supposed
his paper are filled almost exclu- won’t move the first time a big-city candies while sweetbreads, which to be tw1ce as cold tomorrow,
sively with stories written by local daily calls. arent sweet, are meat. what’s the temperature going to
residents who work as stringers _ (Reprinted from the Kan 3‘s We take English for granted. be? How come abbreviation is such

freelance writers paid by the story. Press Assdciation Bulletin.) B“ If we explore ‘ts paradoxes, we along word?

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, May 2001
N A A study: Listen carefully to what your consultant says
N O o ' 9‘ " ’ “j:
ewspapers Desrgn ts .9
‘ o ' . A"
best source m __ "’ You wa “t
. By Edward F. Heminger g
is -~
for cradlble Full-time consulting can be a tough business.
. . There are the flight delays, the lonely hotel rooms, the g 9
lnfOI’mathn over-long business dinners, the endless meetings, the , that When -
pushy clients... g
Feeling sorry for me yet? I didn’t think so. And I
_ Consumers get news and wouldn’t either, ifI were you. There’s not one consul-
:nfgrmaftion from a if 0:713? multi- tant I’ve met yet who really wants to be be doing any-
u e 0 sources, u . ey see thing else.
newspapers as more credible than And some consultants are just, well, downright
TV, radio, magazmeaorfhe arrogant. They have forgotten the lesson that real
Internet, according to findings consulting lies in our ability to teach — and that the
from a Newspaper ‘Assoc1ation 0f best teaching occurs when we learn from each other. “Y t h t h 9,,
gmerica Stlidyt - LX‘Segadgmgf Some day, you’ll work with a consultant — “Thgtgaifiittinao; cirrlitract”
ewspaper sse S: u y 0 5 00d consultant can hel on to find the ,, . . ' ,
Changing American Media Usage 22:11:; :ogquestions that are critigal, to your work. Let me think It over. Then Ill tell you what you
Habits.” . When you do, listen to the consultant — but also lis— “033,1?“ d ’t . t1 th t ~11 t n
Respondents-also C‘te newspa- ten for those tell-tale sentences that let you know i. ,y on you jus eave a a up ’ome.
pers as the” primary source for ou’ve ot a roblem I’ve listed some of m favorites We'd have to add to your fee for that.
information in areas including y gh p h ' f )I’f l ' “This is the way we’ve done it for all of our
local news local entertainment k Per aps you ave some 0 your own. so, et me clients.”
information, business news and new (I d ’t t t h f 1 “Why would you want that?”
personal finance information. tant' 01‘ 8 you 0“ W80 0 ear rom your consu ’ l‘ “ge’ve found that our method works best for all
Newspapers are consumers’ “I’ll have that done in no time.” c leg ' - - -
top sourse of advenlimlng'informa- “There’s nothing too big that we can’t handle for to 310:1”: Prefer to do it ourselves. Then we can give it
ion, an an overw e ming num- » a ' . . ,
ber of those surveyed cited news- You.“ Don’t wo about that.” . If we let too many people’in on the project, they 11
papers as their number-one a 'l rry h » 3““ have too many questions.
resource for' employment oppor- Wei fix ‘t when I get t ere. .. “The more we let people know, the more confused
tunities homes and new and used ““You re not ready for that; level yet. .. they could become.” . .
" I” told you, you wouldnt understand. “Planning is not important. Training is impor-
car 51%? sale. , d f “It’s more complex than you could appreciate.” tant.”
tion {of ggggggfifizgfiflz "This is worse than I thought" “Training is not important. Planning is impor-
, , “If you had called me sooner, it wouldn’t have got- taut.”
3:322“ zcgzlylgitt?;;£::: 11:: 1;: ten this bad.” . . . “Training is not important. Planningis not impor-
York Plate] in Toronto y What made you think you COUld fix this Without tant. Getting this project done on time is important."
“ . . ' . my help? “Getting this project done on time is not impor-
Even m this ,9” 0f ‘F‘C’eased “The answer is there — you just don’t know where tant.”
media competition, ““8 study to look.” And this last one is my absolute favorite. Without
shows us that newspapers contin- “The answer is easy — just look in your manual.” doubt, the two words you never, ever want to hear
ue to be one Of the most trusted “There is no answer.” from a consultant are:

/ sources 0f information, as_well as “I’m sorry — you’ll just have to wait until I get “Trust me.” ‘
a top medium fornadvertisers to there.” (Edward F. Henninger is an independent newspa-
reach consumers, 8m" John F‘ “You’re my most important client.” per consultant and the director of OMNIA Consulting
Stur‘m', NAA preSident and CEO' “When we give you a date for installation, you can in Rock Hill, 8.0 You can reach him at 803-327-3322,
fabriI: edf’ssjfitniihcugfgizgfiitih: count on it being done.” fax: 803-327-3323, e-mail: goZomnia@aol. com)
wn, ll‘iat no other medium can . . . ’ .
:,;, my comm, mm American Profile searches for America s rec1pes
Sizsgisgbfigegjonbfgghmark fig American Profile is seeking American tradition and including staff. The best recipes will be fea-

Although the results show a time-tested recipes from across some of those recipes in American tured in a section called America’s
shift away from traditional media America. Readers are invited to Profile is just another way we can Recipes. . .
such as newspapers, radio and send in their favorite rec1pe, along celebrate the he‘artnand. soul of ‘ Due to. copyright laws, rec1pes
TV, and increased usage of the With a photo of the person who Is hometown America, said Peter must be original and not preViously
Internet, newspapers remain in a submitting the rec1pe, a short sum- Posse], Vice preSident and execu— published by others.
strong position relative to other mary'on where it came from and tive editor ofAmericanProfile. Recxpes can be sent to:
media. why it is a family or hometown All submitted rec1pes Will be Hometown ReCipes, 341 Cool

Newspapers were more highly favorite. - . . reViewed and tested .by the Springs B1vd., Franklin, TN,
rated than TV, radio, magazines Sharing rec1pes IS an American Profile food editor and 37067.-
or the Internet for credibility, ME
8:88 of use ang depth/seriousness Apologies to g: thet. South Carolina Press Con:e:t,it’s ngt as obvious when a
o purpose, an newspapers over- socia ion. mis a e is ma e.
all credibility rating rose 5 per- Henderson Gleaner “The entries are handled three “It’s very unfortunate and we
cent since 1997’s survey. _ _ . times and none of the three process- apologize to Steve Austin and his

The entire lO2-page report, Our apologies to the advertising es caught the mistake this year,” staff. I’m certain the Gleaner’s staff
“Leveraging Newspaper Assets,” St?“ 9f the Henderson Gleaner for said KPA Executive Director David was looking forward to the awards
can be downloaded as a PDF file misfiling Its entries 1“ the KPA Ad T. Thompson. “Usually, the judges presentation because it does well in
from NAA’S Web site at Contest. The Gleaner's entries were catch any entry that’s misfiled but the ad contest and usually comes
www.naa.org/marketscope/index. mistakenly put in the wrong divi- with the entry tabs on the backside away with one of the three general
html. sion when the contest was judged of the tearsheets in the KPA Ad excellence awards.”

 ‘ 10 C mm
0 andments of - The Kent
. UCk
Plcture ’ m' ShOOtlng PhOt y Press’ May 2001 - Page 5
. s pro lses overall Visual 08 0p 6 leads Adobe'
1mprovement for your paper march tOWard O . S
Fire off 100 ' I I I
. lct
hlp and chancespargrbelzufli‘i’m the Assuming you’r . . lnanca
decent shOt or two - get a film is one of th e not dlgltal’ T v '
But who wants a 2 1n the batch. the oper t' e Cheapest items in echnOlogy 1"? “98' In the past Phot h
rate? percent success Shoot lOtsaofl'Otn Of a newspaper, . " a“. been a strictly “bitmaps: (:19, has
Rather than 1 5. Th 1 i m gram, meaning all im sew pro-
Phy to chance re fave phOtOgra‘ camera imgh Shalt canyeth thy W processed as bitma Sgeb were
the work inv’01 a lze that most of L' w‘th thee. By Kevin " Opposed to vectorpd)e data las
good images isvcignlnbperdUCing of thigviewtth gm" camera Many sump - mean“ unless printefitjt) WE?“
ever click the shutte e e Ore you S p 0t0 Opportuniti rGSOIUtion la d a lgh
r, present then e , ‘ ‘33 It'a - b ’ gge edges
meniong‘whthese 10 Command Off WOI‘k. If ;::1Vd€:ny:l;len you’re name Fodi‘nd: fig: 3 fttGSt' Can y0u sagggstgl‘lappear in Small textNaeIIic‘i
S 0 S 00'3ng ict 1 Camera W't ave your for d ' SO Ware releases ' us new Vector ca ' -
guarantee that not 5n] “WIS, and Picture Itli hthU’ you Won’t get the thatelsilgn and layout. professionals alloWs Vector inforlhatioiiatblhty
photography improvz “S 1 your 6 'l‘hs at simple. 0Ver thave dOminated the media ftored Within a file me O'be
OVerall Visual impact of ybururtiethe thOu hast (fiilmShalt maketh Sure Lete‘spasSt few months? googbye” t0 jagged text, amng
w - . a e a - e '
Papelr t’i‘m' S Some of the b ~ PhOtOShOp 5’ Itlillere h Acrobat 5, para rurpphrt lb also provided for
thou gholggu tshalt thinkest before in the world haveezteephotlog‘l‘aphs you starting to niits'tl'ator 9_,, Are trolf’ 511;) tbiland typographic con—
. es ' empt ca . “.5 0t With one ha ,lce a trend? No 1 e user is Skilled '
view'li'ihlil]: Onyfimr brain as the first loadeii filgegjyofi iZIth 1mproperly marke: 105:: 2321”“ the layout $131531?ng InDeS‘g“ the tin
_ r. at’s whe . .' , now. e over the . 0W will se) , " "
tio . re com os - Make It - . year, The past Ila _ , em V”) r- H ~
in goih‘orgligdbfigi‘n. See the piclturle Your camera aAhibggfehhhmm in came by myitf’ffirczsltaesl‘t 0n 01:” staff shgufiufigt dnd FreeHand usbrls
e ore you sh t‘ com ' 0 esame me h ‘ - W99 to tell . " “0 tI‘ouble a ' ’
To hel ‘ 00 1t. mandments, alw _ 0w exClted she adapting to Ad (lurckly
What the pigs: 31:85:28,;hink emf? film and batteries ays Carry 3:12? the new Premierwgsaajifizt features; ”bk 5 typographic
0 . - 0 ' y 0
What needs to be the focal €3Plct. h d. Thou shalt turnest th Ad bUCtlon software product b Such features as k ‘
interest? What 1 Pmnt of ea softhy SUbjects e O 9- 1m starting t y tracking lead' ‘ ernmg,
and d e ements Support We all h ‘ We’re mov' 0 Wonder if ad' ‘ ’ mg and spacial
. etract from th - . ave to pose . mg to a One-c Justments ar ' .
Interest? If a 1 e Thain 13mm of tographs, but the (1 some PhO- dominance of softwar Ompany available thr e Immedlately I
gI’Ound is makiiignstitm ’tI‘he back- look posed The bZSt on t have to media professionals 8 related to Palette No high the Character
. 31‘ rek - -' Way to - R ' ‘ re W0rkin 7'
0n 0 . ears Vent th pre ecentl t e . g Vch
theyssstbtzzrthsfla aaa h“ it?" 6 Waters: greed 1312:4235: ta
SOem . . m e 'Oesettv ‘ _'
2' Thou Shalt sh Oved_ mtefacting With ea h camera, Standard over 10 years a ow- he . In addltion La
w , OWeth th 1 C Other relea g 1th Its ’ yer StVles
orld from _ e 00km at or se of Phot 1t eas t , . make
t' an luterestmg per g what they are su doe , _ OShop 1.0 and it y 0 Create spec1al efi'e t .
ive, Spec- to be doin . Th' pposed Snt look like the ,1 , type Such as d . C S with
. g IS also he] 0V - . y 1 be turnm rOp Shadow b
After 0 t . Subjects fe 1 PS your .er their tltle an - g edges and 5’ eveled
yOur braii ‘thget a PlCture” in OK Ie n}ore relaxed, Since the Upgrad ); tlme soon. NOt Text" feat much more. The “Warp
. 3 e next trick ’ , ’ COn ess. Somet' er I e 0 VeI'Sion 4 se - ure IS invaluabl
compose it In your vi 15 to Can t do In lmes yell at years ago h V user as a ‘. e to the
- . eWfinder Th - “Ch more tha m ave I heard s ‘ “mple Way to .
main varlable that ' e grlP-and- ' n shOOt any “ms and ‘0 on Curve‘ a Create teXt
_ affect _ ‘ grin shots, 5 . t aahs as wh . s as well as ed' .
3:03:15 tthe 9°th 0f view hill: Eavmg hned “P subjects $32133” £8115};ka PriOtOShOP 6 sessioini: Sliiormth horizontalli’tlaifdtiftt'o
, ge tob' ' . Omth , 3y a eWwek a .Y- e . rl'
pomt or points oilirrligtegblgt‘the main mOSt of tthe: 3:11.: if (aesnt work, bUt From the momSntS :feO.pr0gr and matchntltifd:eudiefltebegjtns to mix
Never be afr 'd ' 8 Th Des, Opens it’s Obvious th - - am simple to c ren tools it’s
Some of the 111 ai to be Creative. ' 9“ shalt not be shy Some serio L e user IS 1n for and urve text, apply bevel
ost compelli Candid shots ' “5 changes. Acros create Special eff - S
are those that sh ng Shots jeCts are ’ When your SUb- t0p 0f the Screen a n S the The vec Gets In a Snap_
. ” ‘ . II . tOr ca b. . .
ghmPSe ofthe wo 0w readers a b Unaware 0f YOU are th Bar ‘5 1mm d' ew thmns be 0 d pa limes 0
. I‘ld form d' est, bUt this d , ’ e ‘ e lately notic b y n text_ Adobe d g
ent and Interestin a lfl'er- oesnt always ha _ Instead of palett ‘ _ ea le. Sha e t a ded vector
g.perspectiv P8n. Usually ou h . p - . 9b llned up on th p S 0 I)hotosho 6 .
3- Thou sh e“ w' y . ave to Interact right side of the e the use p ’ allowmg
thy SUbject, alt moveth closer to a &:?dy&ubesu:JeCt, so ym1 Can’t has a set of optionsscliarfdld Each tool Will prinlt bitcwtiflie shapes Which
Getting Close . , . S 3'. Even if 0 t 8 mp which P alcrOSs deta'l S are edges and
' - r to your 5 b' ‘ts Simple en y u are, ' - are much more ' l '
ls QUIte POSSibly the . 1] J