xt7vx05x9f9r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vx05x9f9r/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1991-05 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, May 1991 text GLSO News, May 1991 1991 1991-05 2019 true xt7vx05x9f9r section xt7vx05x9f9r MAY ’/
NEWS I 99 T l
5 Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
from the GLSO Board of Directors
We need your help. GLSO is experiencing The Board has agreed that no one, including
a crisis, of sorts, in continuing to staff our basic previous editors, is going to be "guilt-tripped
programs. Without an influx of new people, into takin over the newsletter. So, then what
some of our re uIar services such as GLSO ha nsTI no one volunteers to help with our
News and the Phoneline will be cut or even, stalllheg problems? We”, the Board has agreed
perhaps, eliminated. to ”run' GLSO News for two months. After
There are several opportunities for individuals that, it's anyone's guess. The Phoneline is
to volunteer. We need a new editor for GLSO considering cutting back service to fewer nights
News. This would require about ten to twenty per month. The organization already ceased
hours per month preparing the newsletter for our GLSO Member Forum nearly a year ago for
publication. Please call Crai CIere, lack of interest and attendance.
266-8887, to discuss the specifics of thge job. Is this a problem unique to GLSO? No, it
We also need support people for the isn't. There have been several groups in
newsletter. You say "I can't be editor"; we can Lexington dissolve in the past ear and several
still use you! We need people to coordinate other organizations are havin trouble
"folding & stuffing", write columns, enter data maintainin their current services. aNe aren't
on the computer, research calendar events, etc. alone in tfie apathy that has struck our lesbian
The Phoneline needs new volunteers. The and gay community.
Phoneline was staffed for only four times durin Is it all bad news? No, frankly it isn't.
the month of April. Training is provided ang We're excited about this year's Pride Week.
you operate the Phoneline from your own home. We are planning starting back our monthl
Call Tony, 266-9175, for more information. membership meetings in a new format this fall.I
We need two individuals to fill terms on the More people than ever before are joining the
GLSO Board of Directors. One sition is a organizatlon and/or subscribing to GLSO
two-year term beginning in JUIKA 199?; the other News. The number of Speaker’s Bureau's
is a one-year term to re lace elanie Otis, who engagements are continuing to increase.
has resigned from the Board. Board members There's plenty of reasons to be enthused
are responsible for the overall operation and about GLSO. But, we need some new people.
fundin for the organization. Please call Crai , How about it, can you heI us? Feel free to
266-3887; Linda, 266-9748; or Bill, call any of the above indivicfuals to see how we
266-9175. We would especially welcome new can put you to work. Believe us when we say:
men to the Board to help us maintain gender we want you, we need you and we will put you
balance. to work!

[ ] Please send me iniormation on GLSO. CI ! SSIFIED ADS
[ ] I'd like to become a votin Member at
GLSO, includin home defive oi the ——————_——'
GLSO NEWS orig discounts at gLSO Two apartments for gay men or lesbians only.
functions. Membership oi SIO/yr. Old Louisville. Live-tn landlord. Second iIoor
individual, SIS/yr. couple, is enclosed. a t. has two bedrooms, modern kitchen; sunny;
ideal tor couple. Small deposit, no pets. $325
[ ] I don't wish to become a Member but + utilities. Available April 15. Third iloor apt.
please send me the GLSO NEWS each has one bedroom, new kitchen; newly
month. I enclose the $5 annual tee. returbished. Small deposit, no pets. $275 +
utilities. Available May 15. Convenient to
downtown and U oi L. Call 502-636-0935 tor
Name: appointment.
Roommate wanted to share large, private
City, St, Zip: tarmhouse located outside oi Nicholasville. Must
be honest and mature. Female, non—smoker
Mail to: Newsletter, PO. Box 11471 Ereierred. I have two very small, spoiled dogs.
Lexington, KY40575 ent $250/month, plus utilities. Call
For Sale: Stackable portable washer & d er
GLSO News is published monthly by the with rock, $300. electric weed trimmer, 5Y5.
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. 259-0694.
(Lexin ton Ga /Lesbian Services Or anization),
P.O. gox litigi, Lexington, KY 405g5.
Will do lawn mowing and general yard work.
Craig CIere, Managing Editor 259-0694.
Esmerelda Collective, Esmerelda Parlour
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist ———-—_——_
Additional Contributors: Crai , John, Linda,
GLSO, (liaura, Heartland, NGLTF, The Advgcate;
Typist: rai ; Equipment: Dave; Layout: rai ; '
Mailing: BiIF,’ Courier: Craig; Folding & Stuffing; LOWEST FARES & YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!
Steve, Mark, Jim, John, Jan. ' AIRLINETICKETS ' CRUISES
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are those oi the NO FEES 0R SERVlCE CHARGES
authors and do not necessarily represent those oi the GLSO
Board oi Directors. Submissions are welcome. All submissions GLSO DONATlON WITH EACH PURCHASE
become the property oi GLSO and must indicate the full name ,
and address oi the author. Anonymous submissions are not 1 ,.
accepted. The editorial stait reserves the right to alter PEGASUS
submissions (including ads) to meet publishing requirements, as T R A V E L I N C .
well as the right to reiect any submission it deems oitensive or 2040 Idle Hour Center' Richmond Road
discriminatory. Placement ot advertising in GLSO News does Lexington, Kentucky 40502
Epiiodm:r;o;eref:repce:ons sexual onenlatton nor a businesss 1-800-2284337'606-268-4337
2 May GLSO

from Pride Week Committee
FRIDAY JUN 7 Arts Night, 8 pm, SUN JUN 9 Pride Week Worship
ArtsPlace, call Debbie, Service, 10:45 am,
255—385I, to schedule Unitarian Universalist
a performance, sponsored Church, sponsored by
by the Committee Interweave;
Gay & Lesbian Day
at King’s Island;
Pride Week Barn Dance,
SAT JUN 8 Pride Week Picnic, time and place
Noon, Unitarian to be announced,
Universalist Church, 5 nsored by
sponsored by Interweave lifState Gay Rodeo
& GLSO; Association
Comedy Night - an
evening at comedy, time SUN JUN 14 Movie Night, time and
and place to be place to be announced.
announced, sponsored
by the Committee SAT JUN I5 Bar Night
A complete schedule of events will be available in a separate mailin to GLSO members and
GLSO News subscribers and in the June GLSO News. For further ingrmation or to volunteer to
work during Pride Week, please contact Craig, 266-8887, or Linda, 266-9748.
lrom GLSO News staff
This year's Crossover conference, a group at Christian through their questions on the issues of
anti-gay "conversionists", came and went in homosexuality and AIDS so they can become
Lexington with scarcely a whimper from most equipped to bring compassion and healing to
peop e. Southern Acres Christian Church was the sient cry of many."
this year's host church to local Executive Director GLSO News thought you might be
Bruce Grimsle '5 local branch oi Exodus interested in local participants in this
International. The conference was to ”bring the homophobic, anti-gay conference.
Rev. Andy Adams, DaySprin Presbyterian. Church
Rev. John Ham ton, Northern Eleights Christian Church
Rev. \Migllis Polk, Antioch Baptist Church
Rev. David Redish, Lexington Covenant Church
Rev. Hershael York, Ashland Avenue Ba tist Church
Rev. Joe Keblish, Emmanuel E isco EChurch
Rev. Weyman McGuire, Alders ate LfititedPAJ/Iethodist Church
Rev. Russell Hurst, Good Sgepherd Lutheran Church
Saundra (Sunny) Meadows, MSW, LCSW
Kevin Metzler, Vice—President oi Buckley & Co.
Stephen W. Johnson, LCSW
Robert C. Pitman, M.Div., NACFT
May GLSO 3

from Craig Clere irom GLSO News stail
GLSO Members and GLSO News readers: The Nominating Committee of GLSO has
This is the final issue of GLSO News I will recommended the Following nominations for
produce as editor. Beginning with the June two-year terms on the GLSO Board of Directors:
Issue, the Board will be editing GLSO News President Crai Clere
until a permanent editor is lound. It’s been an Vice-President Debgie Currie
eye—openin experience for me, servin as At-large Mary Warlield
editor oi tie newsletter lor the past ei Eteen John Cutright
months. Preceding my term, l worked with
Steve Savage, my partner, during his years as Clere and Currie have served two years
editor. I've learned what a reat deal of work, previously as President and Vice-President of the
time, and eilort goes into puilication regardless organization. Cutright has served a two- ear
of its size. I've also discovered how much term as an at-large Board Director and Wariield
responsibility there is when you are ultimately has completed a one-year term on the Board.
"on the line" for any regular publication. There is a another two-year at-large position
I’d like to thank Steve tor all his help and which someone will be nominated at the May
support, (especially for listening to my board meeting.
complaining? Dave or providing a vice and Other members of the Board are:
the ”tools 0 production"; Mark and Steve, and Secretary: Teresa Reynolds
all the other "folders and stutters"; Bill, Treasurer: Bill Loggins
Kenneth, and Melanie for making sure either At-large: Kate Jacques
the printer or the post oilice received the Linda Laporte
newsletter; and Angela and Laura lor
Esmerelda's Parlour. Their terms ex ire in June I992. Melanie Otis
We agreed to continue as GLSO President has resi ned Tram the Board and her position
for another two-year term and will continue to will be filed by the Board at the May meeting.
be active on the Newsletter Committee of the Members are invited to the May 29th Board
Board, as well as other GLSO activities, but this meeting to talk to the nominees or to su gest a
is it for m day-to-da responsibility ior GLSO nominee for the open board seats. ETections
News. Thanks to allythe GLSO members and will be held in June during Pride Week.
GLSO News readers lor havin made the past
years on the newsletter enjoyabFe ones. OA MEETING IN LOUISVILLE
from GLSO News staff
There is a Overeater’s Anonymous meeting
GLSO SEEKS FOLDING & STUFFING TEAM in Louisville with a lesbian locus which is inviting
from GLSO News staii Bluegrass area residents to attend. The meetin
is on Tuesdays at 7 pm. Call Patricia, (502%
Beginning this summer the persons who have 454-0318 for details.
coordinated the final preparations for post office
delivery of GLSO News, will take a well NAMES PROJECT SEEKS VOLUNTEER
deserved break from the job. For once each from Kentucky NAMES Project
month durin the past five years they have
turned their Eouse into an assembly line for the The NAMES Project is looking for a volunteer
newsletter. It's time for someone new to take who has two hours per week to spare. The
over the 'ob. Training is certainly available tor person would help the Project with various
anyone able to take over this important task for clerical duties. Anyone who can help the
GLSO. For more iniormation about the job, call Project please call Katie at 223-3855 or Dan at
263-2765 or Craig Clere, 266-8887. 254-9998.
4 May GLSO

 Don’t just worry about HIV.
Do something about it.
If you think you are at risk for
HIV infection, now is the time
to consider HIV counseling
and testing.
The test is FREE and ANONYMOUS.
Call your local Health Department,
or, the Kentucky AIDS Hotline at
HIV is the Virus that causes AIDS.
May GLSO 5

 ‘. truly experience your own uniqueness while
bein protected from the patriarchal rule.
’ “TE: articIf? is; brougfht toGyou Pas a
co 0 rative e ort ram m estie oin artner
smerelda s Pal-[0 r and me. Y 9
In sisterhood,
; Laura Drew
Since May seems to kick off Festival Season 1991 Festival Schedule
for some of us I have chosen to share with you
my thoughts and feelings about being a "Festie CAMPFEST
Goer." Also I am furnishing you with a May 23-27, usually in Oxford, PA
corn rehensive festival schedule which I got from Corn fest, RR 5, Box 185, FranklinviIIe, NJ,
the anrch/April issue of Lesbian Connection. 08322. Phone: 609-694-2037.
I have been a committed Festie Goer for
several years now. One year my partner and I WIMINFEST '91
choose not to go to Michigan but on Friday we May 24-26
were unable to deal with not being there, so off WIMIN, PO Box 80204, Albuquerque, NM,
we went. For those of you who have never 87198-0204.
one you are missing something ve special.
Ear those of you who have gone Irfiope that SOUTHERN WOMEN'S MUSIC
you are planning to go back. It is the only & COMEDY FEST
place where we can feel totally safe and May 23-27, in Cleveland, GA
acce ted. Robin Tyler Prod., 15842 Chase St, Sepulveda,
fiau've heard the sayin "what separates CA, 91343. Phone: 818-893-4075.
the men from the boys" Chg the "womyn from
the girls" well my experience was walking in to NATIONAL WOMEN'S MUSIC FESTIVAL
the festival world a ”gay woman' and May 30 - June 2, in Bloomington, IN
emer ing a LESBIAN. NWMF Dept LC, PO Box 1427, Indianapolis,
Vfihat I mean by that is when I first came the IN, 46206. Phone: 317-636-7382.
onIy reaI difference was my sexual preference
turned to women. As I began to go to festivals EAST COAST LESBIANS' FESTIVAL
I began develo ing a new, enlightened June 20-23, Lakeside Camp on NY/PA border
consciousness. (gne that included a political ECLF, Box 274, 132 Montague St, Brooklyn,
and spiritual awareness. I gained an NY, 11201.
appreciation of all shapes and sizes; whiIe
beginning to learn to love and accept my own WEST COAST WOMEN'S
I was exposed to all ex ressions of womyn. August 29 - Sept. 2 near Yosemite, CA
I began to experience the world's of the Robin Tyler Prod., 15842 chase St, Sepulveda,
Differently AbIed and Womyn of Color in ways | CA, 91343. Phone: 818-893-4075.
never understood before.
Wom n's music not only spoke of our love, RHYTHM FEST
lust and/ heartbreak; but it revealed the Labor Da Weekend in Northern Georgia
struggles, strength, and victories of all womyn in Rhgthm F>est, 604 W. Chapel Hill St. Durham,
the world, in various cultures. Helping us to N , 27701. Phone: 919-682-6374.
love and honor our diversities as it moves us
towards Unity and personal Empowerment. SISTERSPACE POCONO WEEKEND
Kay Hogan, a feminist writer from Atlanta, Sept. 13-15, in the Pennsylvania Poconos
refers to festivals as the "Wild Zone." It is an Sisterspace, 351 S 47th St. B-101,
opportunity to experience your own sense of Philadel hia, PA, 19143.
" ildness". That means set yourself free to Phone 215-476-2424.
'6 May GLSO

 JAMIE ANDERSON for date rape, gay males have a hi her
PROGRESSIVE FOLK SINGER & COMIC incidence than the average straight man. gate
from Linda Laporte rape, in the context of the gay male community,
is a rape that takes place while a man is on 0
Known for her warm voice, and uni ue, date and is forced b his date to perform some
sometimes outrageous songs, Jamie's musicias sexual act without his consent. Often, the
reached many people. l’Her voice is stron person who commits the date rape does not
and her songs can be powerfully 'political and define the event as ”rape," having been led to
very funny, " says New Directions or Women. believe by societal stereotypes that ”No” means
Pe arming since I979, her collection of songs "Yes" or "Maybe." Part of this problem is that
include a wide variety of music by and about there appears to be no public consensus as to
women. what constitutes rape, With the exception of 0
Jamie is a versatile performer who has stereotypic "stranger rape."
played in everything from coffeehouses to A rape occurs when any oral or anal activity
concert halls all over the U.S. She has been is forced upon a man by another person
featured at several festivals including the through violence or coercion. As ay men, we
Southern Women's Music Festival, East Coast are In some sense victimized gy our own
Lesbian Festival and West Coast Women's Music societal stereotypes as being alwa 5 ready for
Festival. Jamie's musical style ranges from sex, being less than gay or male if, we are not
ori inal son 5 like the hauntingly beautiful always ready, and having hundreds of partners
"CToser to Igome", a song about armament a year. Gay men are socialized by our
funding, to the hilarious "Straight Girl Blues." society's negative stereotypes to believe that NO
”Nothing" is Jamie's "low self esteem I'm only is simply not a possible answer in a way similar
dirt on the sidewalk without ou" love song; to a straight man being socialized to believe
and her country-flavored "Wedding Song" that women never really mean NO. This leads
shows her outrage at a society that only give to the belief on the part of a perpetrator in a
toaster ovens to strai ht couples. date rape that he has performed up to society's
So please join Atiena Productions and Jamie and his date's expectations by overpowering is
for a wonderful evening of music at the date's resistance. Thus, the perpetrator believes
Lexington Public Library Auditorium on Ma 16 he has done nothin wron while the person
at 8 pm. Tickets are $7 in advance and $8 at who has been rapeg has aTl the feelings of a
the door. For more information and tickets call victim of a violent assault.
Linda at 606-266-9748. Among the short term rape effects which
have been drawn from numerous sources are:
RAPE IN THE GAY MALE COMMUNITY II terror, fear, and anxiety; depression; shock,
REACTIONS TO RAPE numbness, disbelief, or withdrawal; change in
from J.E. res onse to men; guilt or shame and loss of
self-Didentity' a sense of helplessness and a loss
It is a common misconception that men are and loss of control; loss of self-esteem; anger; a
not raped. Estimates are that i in 4 females sense of having brought on the rape or having
and I in 8 males will experience a violent deserved it; and a decreased sense of safety in
sexual assault at some point in their lives. Of the world in general. More dependent on
these crimes, less than ten percent will be gender is the reporting of a rape and the
reported. Obviously not all gay men are seeking of help when one is raped. Given
raped, and not all men who have been raped these igures, one might expect t at for every
are gay. Many women in the lesbian two women who ca ed the Lexington Rape
community have 050 been victims. In this Crisis (LRCC), 5253-2511), there woud be one
article I will concentrate on the feelings of the man who woud call. Despite the fact that the
gay male who has been raped, his significant LRCC staff is well trained to deal with male
others and also on his attacker(s). This victims, it is truly rare that a man calls. Such is
em hasis is not meant to take away from the the result of society's programming that men do
feefings of any other victims but only to focus on not get raped, men are strong and do not need
one particular kind of victim. help, and men who show their feelings are not
While there are not figures which list gay "real men.
males separately, one might surmise that at least Next month: Reactions from telling.
May GLSO 7

HARTFORD, CT orientation. Stein raber was denied group
health insurance 8 American United Life
The state's Roman Catholic bishops have Insurance Company (AUL), the compan used by
stated they will remain neutral on a gay ri hts Stein raber's employer, the Indiana 0K5 Opera.
bill that is pendin in the state legislature. "The The genial followed AUL’s review this medical
neutral position osf the church is tantamount to records, which indicated that he is gay.
approval," said state representative William
WoIIenberg, an opponent of the measure. COLUMBUS, OH .
Opposition from the bishops helped defeat a
state gay rights measure in 1989. A state law against domestic violence must
be applied to gay and lesbian couples and
WASHINGTON, DC unmarried heterosexual couples as well as
married heterosexual couples, a state appeals
Activists from around the country have court has ruled.
gathered to discuss several proposals for a third
March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay DALLAS, TX
Rights. The second national march, held in
October I987, brought more than 600,000 The Dallas Gay Alliance Credit Union is
participants to the nation's capital. The first drowning in ap lications for the world’s first gay
march was held in 1979 and involved credit card. Rio fewer than 3,500 requests
100,000 people. Participants called for a have poured into Dallas even though most news
national meeting to continue discussion, provide reports did not car an address. DGA's
grassroots input, and decide on the efficacy and MasterCard is an orgnary credit card with the
viability of a national march on Washington in added advantages of no annual fee and 0
I992 or I993. 14% interest rate. It reads "Dallas Gay
Alliance Credit Union" across the top. For more
HONOLULU, HI information contact: DGA Credit Union, PO
Box I907I2, Dallas, TX, 752I9.
Hawaii became the third US. state to
institute gay-rights protection when Gov. John SEATTLE, WA
Woihee signed a law that bans 'ob
discrimination based on sexual orientation. lihe In a settlement of a Seattle human rights
bill enjoyed widespread mainstream institutional complaint brought by a gay man, AAA
support, garnerin endorsements from the Washington has extended its requirements for
Hawaii Council 0? Churches, the Catholic "associate" membership to include domestic
Diocese of Honolulu, the Hawaii Civil Ri hts partners and other residents of a "primary"
Commission, and the Hawaii State Teacfiers member's household. Civil ri hts attorneys say
Association. Massachusetts and Wisconsin have the settlement is the first in gNashington state
gay-rights laws that offer not only employment and one of only a few nationwide to prevent a
protections, but also housing and business from discriminating against same-sex
public-accommodations safeguards. couples.
A gay man, Thor Steingraber, has filed suit Four men have been charged with felonies
against an insurer that refused him enrollment in for painting obscene messages on the sculpture,
his company's group health plan. Steingraber Gay Liberation, in a Madison park. The men
is using an In iana state insurance regulation are accused of doing $6,000 damage to the
that prohibits discrimination based on sexual $250,000 sculpture in December.
8 May GLSO

'—""""—""— GLSO Gayline 231-0335
The Bar Complex, 224 East Main, 255-1551. GLSO Board caII Craig, 266-8887
The restaurant, Cale Montparnasse, open Irorn GLSO News caIICrai , 266-8887
6 - 11 pm, Saturday 6 pm - 3 am. Also GLSO Speakers Bureau..caTI Bill, .. 266-9175
features Johnny Angel Disco, Gilded Gage GLSO Comin Out Group
Cabaret, and the Living Room Lounge. callflan, 253—2414
Atterhours Saturday night from 1:30 - 3:30 am. GLSO Rainbow Bowling League
callTeri, 268-4789
Crossings, 117 North Limestone, 233-7266. GLSO Cards&Games
Lexington's mens' bar. Cowboy night 1st callThom, 266-3208
Saturday Leather night 3rd Saturday. Operates TSGRA (Tri State Gay Rodeo Association)’
The Racl<, a leather shop, open Friday and callTer orMark,................ 2 3—7266
Saturday, 10 pm to 1 am. NAMES ProiectrI(entucky
call Katie 223-3855
The Metro, 156 West Main, 254-9881. Shows Lesbian Potluck '
every weekend. Alterhours Friday and caIIEsmereIda, 873-0254
Saturday, 1:30 - 4 am. Esmerelda’s Parlour
call Laura, 276-2685
——__'—— Front Runners (Gay/lesbian running club)
G LIE‘I ccgll Dan, (3) 254-6850
L UK u ort rou
ATHENA PRODUCTIONS mn‘s’t’eve, P 231-8485
Gay/ Lesbian AA
presents EaIIDzyeA 277—9522
Gay/Les ian - non
JAMIE ANDERSON call Robert 293-0516
Imperial Court of the Bluegrass
In concert Empire.. callTerry, 266—8715
Lexington Public Library Auditorium Dignity/ Lexington
May 16, 8 pm call Don, 299-4458
Tickets 57 in advance, $8 at the door call Kay, 277-4364
Call Linda, 606-266-9748 Interweave caII Craig, 266-8887
(Unitarian Universalist gays, lesbians and friends.)
(AIDS support and education)
—————""_ ACT-Lexington 281—5151
(AIDS education and referral)
call Edwin, 233-0444
(800) 767-4297 Lexin ton-Fayette Co. Health Department
AIDSTestIng 288-AIDS
—————_— (For anonymous counseling and testing)
Madison County Health Department
> (For anonymous counseling and testing)
(800) 347-4283 Louisville Crisis HotIine ............( O2)454-6699
May GLSO 9

Contact names and numbers for all events listed SUN 5 Tri-State Gay Rodeo Association,
can be Iound in the Directory on the previous 4 pm
pa e. The Comp Care Center is located at
20st; Mechanic Street, Lexington. TUE 7 GLSO PhoneIine Meeting, 5:30 pm
WED 8 NAMES Project General Meeting,
M A Y 7 pm, Rosenthal Center,
1 2 3 4 THU 9 NAMES Pro'ect Panel Making
Workshop, 7 pm, Quilters Square,
5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 Regency Road
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 °' 5 ”"95 Pm
SUN 12 Aids Volunteers OI Lexington,
26 27 28 29 30 31 5:30 pm, Comp Care Center
TUE IAAVOL's Bereavement Support
WEEKLY EVENTS Group, 7:30 pm
SUNDAY Gay/Lesbian AA, 4 pm, Comp THU TéJamie Anderson concert, 8 pm,
Care Center; Lexington Public Library
GayIine, 231-0335, 8 - 11 pm
SUN 19 AVOL Benefit Brunch, Noon,
TUESDAY Gayélgesbian AI-Anon, 7 pm; FIeur-de-Iys, call 252-7946 Ior
Rain w Bowling League, 9 pm, reservations; Lesbian Potluck, 2 pm;
JoyIand Lanes Working Class Kitchen - Poetry &
Performance Art, 6 m, a la
WEDNESDAY Gay/ Lesbian AA, Lucie's, 159 North Limestone,
8 pm, St. Joseph Hospital, CCI (reservation su ested);
Meetin Room; Gayline, AIDS Memoria?%ervice, 7pm,
231-0335, 8 - 11 pm Lexington Theological Semina ,
caII AVOL for details, 254-A‘70L
Group; Gayline, 231-0335, MON 20 Pro—Choice Alliance, 7:30 pm,
8 - TI pm AItaIIa's Restaurant
FRIDAY Gay/ Lesbian AA, 8 pm, Comp FRI 24 GLSO Cards & Games, 8 pm
Care Center;
GuyIine, 231-0335, 8 - TI pm TUE 28 AVOL's Bereavement Support
Group, 7:30 pm
SATURDAY Front Runners, 9 am, UK Water
Tower at Alumni Drive WED 29 GLSO Board Meeting, 7:30 pm
10 May GLSO