xt7vx05x9f85 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vx05x9f85/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2007-01 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, January 2007 text GLSO News, January 2007 2007 2007-01 2019 true xt7vx05x9f85 section xt7vx05x9f85 ~ .- , ' Ga and
\ "‘7 Y The GLSO NEWS
Q‘ Lesblan
gem-m “NEW 2607
A Publication of the L'sxington Gay and L'esllian Services organization
Volume 22 Number1
SisterSound's Rainbow of Son 5
ActOut Play 27 C 9
Rebecca Basham, a Kentucky native, January once“
received the Michael Kanin National SisterSound the Lexington's
Stu'dent Play ertlng Award. for her play, women's chorus, will be singing their first
Lots Daughters. The play IS a three act 2007 concert Saturday, January 27' 2007
drama, described by its creator as “a drama at 8:00 pm at the UK Singletary Center for
about acceptance and love ' _ the Arts. This year's theme is: “Music
ACtQUt '3 proud to present “"5 play, Colors Our World” The concert features
openlngln January atthe LexArts Centerln songs that celebrate diversity, love fun
downtown Lexington, across from the and the human spirit ' '
Central Library. Marcus Roland will be The performance will feature many
making his directing debut with this familiar tunes with marvelous
production; he has previously stared in arrangements such as “Blue Moon"
three ACtOUtp'ays- , , _ “Yellow Submarine”, “Flying Purple
The play takes p '3‘“? m Ap p alachla m People-Eater", and even “Little Red
194:1.Cz/Valglcetleobb Joll‘ns thet Nag 39d Caboose".. The audience will be treated
worrle_ a ou leavmg '8 .8'3 er, e 'e' toavarietyoftraditionaland contemporary
alone In the hllls. He marrles Susannah music some very familiar and some new
Hicks in part to provide company for Gertie. delights
While he is in Korea, Gertieand Susannah The opening words of the theme
fall quvft'. x ri n th h r h t song, “Color Our World" exemplify the
.. e 'e. e pe e ces e a 3 es spirit of SisterSound's 2007 concert
realltles of Me and love In a backwoods , ,. .

. . season. Lookto the ralnbow and see the
communlty where rlght and wrong, continued on next a e
sinfulness and righteousness are rigidly ‘p g
defined by the community's church and
preacher”, says Basham. WW

"'Trapped by the ignorance and .
prejudice of her own community, as well as ”W cancer,
her own uncertainties about life, Gertie .
faces love, treachery and heartbreak on muflc 60‘0"
herjourney towards adulthood.”

Performances will be on Fridays 0“, World

1/5/07 and 1/12/07 at 8 PM, and on
Saturdays 1/6/07 and 1/13/07 at 2 PM and January 27
8 PM. Tickets can be purchased at the
LexArts box office. Student and senior 8 Pm
tickets are $12 and general admission is UK Singletary Center

 SisterSound continued from front page
‘rgyaébfi L E s B I A N the message It's sending. It seemsto touch the
' .. 13$ SERVICES earth with colors all blending. If we will live this
"u way, we will have harmony...”
' ORGAN IZATION We hope you will join us in this celebration
LeXIng’ton, Kentucky of song. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for
g . . . . children, and can be purchased from any
0L5“ Ntws SisterSound member, or at the UK Singletary
V I 22 N 1 box office the night of the performance, if
9 ' 0' available. If you don't know anyone who sings
P "bI’Shed Monthly by: in SisterSound, you can call Marsha Tiffany at
GLSO (859) 219-8045. Hurry! Last January's
20. Box 1172 Lex., KY 40588 concenwaSSO'd 0““
www.glsopc.org The Imperial Court's
News Editors Debutante Ball
‘ Mary Crone & JaCkie CObem The Imperial Court of Kentucky would like
' to thank those who showed up and gave ever
Pride Center Office Manager so generously, helping us_raise over $25.00 for
B.” Ch dl our annual AVOL Kids gift drive. This Is the
I an er largest total we've ever donated to the drive,
859 253-3233 and without your support, many children in our
__ community would not have a Christmas as
GLSO BOARD wonderfulasthisyear's.
We would also like to invite everyone to our
Tom Collins, President histaeve;rl?eb8utarge Ball on Shursdayi January
t at e ar omp ex. oors wi open at
iondraHMGHOtt’ 1? ecretary 8:30, with the show starting at 9:30. Cover is $5,
am" "€50"! reasurer with proceeds benefitting the designated
Jackie Cobern charities of the Imperial Court, including
Mary Crone l\C/loveable Feast, GLSO, AVOL, and Fairness.
Lindsa Mattin I ome support your favorite Deb and help her
T yM II' 9 y win the Title of Debutante of the Year for Reign
erry u ms 25
GLfirfiggghiP Also in this Newsletter
Individuals/Couples KY Fajmess Page 8
$20 per year
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are Blillitgllfal Exube’rante
:zgfgsggtht::é’éhgf’fhgnngé’SEZZSW’W Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity
Submissions received after the deadline, which pages 13 .14
is the 15th of each month, may be cut or not
printed when space is limited. The staff .
reserves the right to edit or reject submissions Statement Of BClIC‘f page ‘8
and ads.
Page 2

 L'nmmrmitu News
Midwest Bisexual Lesbian Gay Dress and Gender Alliance
Transgender Ally College Conference The Lexington Dress and Gender
Feb l6 - 18, 2007 Alliance (also known as the Diversity in
. . . Gender Alliance) is reorganizing. We
University at M'hhewta meet on the first Saturday of each month

The University of Minnesota Queer at a private location. For information
Student Cultural Center and GLBTA email Cassie at cassiemtf@yahoo.com.
Programs Office will host the Midwest Lex DGAisapeersupport QI'OUP for
Bisexual Lesbian Gay Transgender Ally anyone that transcends gender norms.
(GLBTA) College Conference that starts on This includes transsexuals, intersexuals,
Friday, Feb. 16, and goes through Sunday, cross dressers. drag kings drag queenS.
Feb. 18. The conference will include gender queers, and people who are
keynote addresses by GLBTA activists and unsure what their gender identity might
artists, along with workshops focused on a be. This is ”Oi a therapy QFOUP bUt W6
variety of GLBTA-related issues. Comedian offer conversation and SUPPOFL
Margaret Cho will headline conference
entertainment. Registration is $50. and ist lexinflon [WM lealher/levi Club
due by Friday, January 19.

The Conference, also known as The Lexington Lyons meet the
“Alphabet Soup 2007”, is the largest second Monday of each month at the
regional gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave. at 7 pm.
and ally college conference in the nation. Thatwill be Jan.8this month. The Lyons
This is the first year that the University of areagroup offriendswho come together
Minnesota, Twin Cities, has hosted the to celebrate strength, unity, and diversity
event. The annual conference promotes in order to form a bond within a
leadership, activism, networking, diversity, community that enjoys the Leather /Levi
health, empowerment, and even lifestyle. For more info visit
entertainment and laughter, among gay, mm
lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and allied
students, staff, and faculty from across the The Einstein of Sex
United States and Canada. _

Organizers use the term "alphabet Last .month i wrote an article about
soup communities" to describe the diverse the amazmg lite 0t Magnus leschfeld, a
population of people who will attend the German Jersh doctor who 'h,1919
conference. The focus will be on issues and opened The thSt'tUte 0f SexualScrence.
experiences people face rather than labels. the first Ot'ts k'hd 'h the world. B'hthtd me
About 1,500 people are expected to attend that there was a mOVle called the Einstein
the conference, nowin its 15th year. Of Sex and we have b°th gotten the film

through Netflicks.
This is not a great movie; at times the
GLBTQA Conference acting is quite bad. But it is a fascinating,
Registration $50 and forthe most part, factual account of a
- gay man who's life's work was made
by Friday, January 19. invisible by the Nazis..lf someone would
For m°re '“formaiionv or to reg'Steir like to show it at the Pride Center, I will get
WWW-alphabetSOUPZOW-Org- youacopy. (mary crone 266-5904)
Page 3

 Quirk Cafe edifice Singing for Pride

Just fifteen minutes away from Karaoke Nights
Lexington, Quirk Cafe & coffee is located _ ,
on Railroad St. in Midway. We have _ Tuesday N'ght's Karaoke Tunes-days
gourmet coffees, wonderful food, wireless 'h the G'lded Cage Showroom 3f the Bar
internet, all located inabeautifully restored Complex, hosted by B_I|| . Melater
building from the early 19005. We serve Chan‘her and DJ B-T-J- 030' TO' Jem- ”"3
great soups, sandwiches, salads and event is aweekly fund-raiser forthe GLSO
wonderful desserts. We offer a variety of Phde Center. You can help make "F a
gourmet French presspot coffees, success Simply by coming out and Singing
espresso, cappuccino & lattes. a song or supporting those who do.

We are open Tues. _ Thurs 10 am _ Audience members are invited to sing
4:30, Friday 10 am _ 9 pm Saturday light their favorite songs; bring your own or use
breakfast 9:30 - 11 am, open until 9 pm. one Of the songs Oh the CDS wehave
Sunday11 am-4pm. On Fridays and there. Friends and other audience
Saturdays we offer a Tarpas Menu membersvvill be encouraged to tip.
featuring beef, shrimp, chicken, clams & The-tips w'” 9° to help support the

. more. There is live music. _ chekc out our GLSO Pride Center, located at 389 Waller
schedule on ourweb site. Ave. GLSO's mission is to improve the
quality of life of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and

The History Bogs Transgender individuals and their allies

N h . h KY Th through outreach, information access and

0W 5_ ow1ng att e. _ eater support. We advocate for GLBT people

This '3 a very entertaining film With a and organize to change attitudes on GLBT
number 0f gay characters. 't may receive a issues. please visitwww.GLSOPC.org.
number of Oscar nominations. See it now!

GLSO and The Pride Center Need Your Support
Your subscribtion to this newsletter helps will mang projects.
Pride Monti ActOu’c Gag Straiq h’i Alliance for Youth
Discussion Group lexinglon Insight Pride Library
Saturbay Singles The Diversity in Gender Alliance
Name : Phone:
City: State: Zip:
[ ] $20 -’1 year Membership & Newsletter for Individuals or Coup/es
[ ]/ would like the newsletter at this reduced rate $ ' ' '
[ ]I am enclosing an additional contribution of 3——
Please mail to: GISO News PO Box 1172 Lexington, KY 40588 1172
Page 4

 ——-I Web
; fl W
3 H
F scamsma
705m 2007 W
fl W 2 7
=-_-"_. mm»
W M z‘ée m
Ticket prices: $10,
$5 children
Tickets are available from
any SisterSound member
H (277-71 48),
or from the Singletary Box
H Office (257-4929)
H www.9eocltles.com/SlsterSound
Page 5

 PI tile Lentei News
389 Waller Ave. 859 253-3233 Mom-3'11. ill -3 Sill Ill -2
The Pride Center is also open Pride Library
“35, 5-7 Wed. 5 - 7 pm Do you have a Pride Library card? A
reminder - If you have changed any of your
Pride Center ‘Acfigifies information: address, phone number , or
email, call the office and leave new info for
DISCUSSION GROUP Jane with Bill (253—3233) or email it to
lexingtonglso@yahoo.com. Let us know
Every-Wed. .7 pm Open to all how you preferto be contacted.
Jane. ladyjaneky@yahoo.com
lexingion Insighf Saturday Singles
”flack ”flip/yeas‘glb” 6’0”!” For anyone who might be interested in
‘ Everyone is welcome to attend joining us the Saturday Singles GLBT
Please join us on any Friday night Support Group is going to go see Lot's
Pride Center 7:00 pm Daughter on the 13"1 of January at 2pm.
g Some of us may be meeting for appetizers
flay Straigfit A’IIiamfe' for You/[fl orlunch before the play. lfyouwould like to
I . _ join our email list call the Pride Center at
A98?) l3 ”" 20 253-3233 and leave your email address or
, , , . .- call Jackie at 971-3315 for more
WW ill-dew” ngfit information.
. . - ' - . -__, ‘ We basically meet oncea month and
C3“ Maw lll'l mil}! 265' 590‘ talkaboutourlivesorwhatwemightwantto
. do the coming month. If your single and
Saturday S‘ngle‘ tired of being alone come out and see us
Sat. Dec 9 _ 7 pm and see if we have what you might want.
. Bring your single friends along we are
All 8m8l” are Welcome always looking for new people. If you have
. _ any suggestions for the group please feel
J”"‘”‘ 859 9713315 free to speak up and let us know. Hope to
see youthere.
egg. “Keep the love you find, A $3: \
' ea , .-, ~ '.
.¥ Getthelave you want! , Autn Unlock Servme
“i" '1 Available ‘
Jessica Bollinger LCSW . 24 Hnurs - 7 Days a Week
Imago Relationship Therapist (359) 384-58 33 '
DI" ‘
EMDRT'a‘fmaWP'l‘ (859) 884-5503
Couples, Family, lndIVIdual ‘ - ‘
imagoconnection.com 552-6533
Page 6

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Page 7

 rich, educated individual. It is for every
THE KENTUCKY FAIRNESS All/ANGIE 0 g A concerned citizen. One must never forget
Q: What is the Kentucky Fairness Alliance that a legislator needs and wants to hear
doing in preparation for the coming from his or her constituents. Your voice
legislative season? does matter.
A: KFA has already carefully studied the pre- Q: What if a person is intimidated because
filed bills, begun to anticipate bills that he orshe does not know howto iobby?
legislators are sure to file, and created A; We will give people the tools they need
strategy. to lobby. We have already scheduled
Q; What bills are on the plate for this several lobby trainings around the state.
legislative season? The first training will be Wednesday
A: Sofar, the most detrimental one is Stan January 10 from 6 to 7:30. pm m the
. . basement of the Central Public Library in
Lees Ban on Equal Healthcare. Titled BR . .
. . . . . . downtown Lexmgton. KFA lobbyist Wes
102, the bill seeks to prohibit institutions of . . .
. . . . Wright Will instruct people on the proper
higher education from offering domestic .
. way to lobby and insure that every person
partner benefits to its employees. On the . .
. . . , feels comfortable approaching a legislator.
other hand, KFAIS supporting M'ke Cherrys Thereisfree arkin inthe Libra are e
School Bullying Bill. BR 326 providesapath . p g ryg g ‘
. to stop bullying in school. This bill is of Q: Even If a person learns to lobby. why
particular interest as teenagers within the ShOUid he orshe d0 80?
LBTG community frequently suffer from A: The primary reason can be summed up
prolonged, undue bullying. As Of this in the idea of strength in numbers.
moment, nelther a StateWIde FalrneSS BI" Legisiators respond with greater emphasis
nor an Anti-Fairness bi" has been filed, when a larger number of peopie Contact
however, KFA expects different legiSlatorS them regarding a certain issue. ifwe a” go
that'KFA hopes'to see come to light is the the GLBT community is substantialand it
hospital patient over the age 0f 1 8 to create a the legislators will sit up and take notice.
relations and allowed entrance. as much as anyone else's, and every
Q: What strategy is KFA employing this legislatorwants as many votes as he or she
year? can get. In fact, your presence in Frankfort
A: The answer is quite simple: lobbying. iS often more persuasive than that of a
KFA has already been in contact with pro- professional lobbyist. The paycheck of a
fairness legislators, but beyond those professional lobbyist depends on his or her
communications, KFA is planning a huge continued on page 12
rally. The rally will take place February 22"d . .
in Frankfort. Peoplewillconvene at8a.m.to Kentucky Fairness Alllance
start lobbying face-to-face with legislators. TRAIN/N6 FOR [OBEY/N6
Later, KFA has reserved the rotunda for a
full-scale rally between 1 and 2 pm. KFA January 10 " 6 Pm
hopes to attract between 200 and 500 Central Library _ Lexington
people to the rotunda that day.
Q: How can the average person who has [033), IN FRANKFURT
neverlobbied before get involved? February 22
A: Another simple answer: Go to Frankfort 8 am __ 2 Pm
February 22 . Lobbying is not Just for the
Page 8

ie The Imperial Court of Kentucky.......................252-3914
A Charity Organization
'3’ Scott Ackerman.
: For all your real estate needs....................................................(mobile) 338-8483
SisterSound 8060243
y Diverse music for all women
p Richardson Vision Center
s. 1757 Alexandria Drive Gardenside...............................................278-4201
>t Ernesto Scorsone
I: Attorney At Law 2545766
it Unitarian Universalist Church
’ Seeking a Diverse Congregation................................................223-1448
: Kentucky Fairness Alliance
3 Bluegrass Chapter8064114
1 .
a Windy Knoll Farm
: Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding......................................299-7410
Quirk Café and Coffee859 846-4688
Railroad Street in Midway
Debra Hensley lnsurance.............................................................276-3244
1513 Nicholasville Rd.
Lexington Lyons 6193650
Levi and Leather Club
Ky. Department for Public Health1 800 420-7431
— Page 9

 GLSO Newsleflrer Calendar To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 ._7. . 7 .
lIAN “ARV 2 o o 1 Visit us on the web at: www.webspawner.com/users/gIsoqxnet \ 7
ActOut Theatre presents _ at. ;:, . is, as}.
Rebecca Basham's Lot's @279“ 7 " {'55: tie/"i ._,_ a- “’9ka A‘i'h’me“
Daughters Directed by Marcus 7: g , '“ -‘ ' —. ' -. - . .
I ' 7'7 .7 7 ’ ‘( ' Mondays:
R0|and_ Jan_ 5,6,12,13. (,LX (CHAD P @ E »,.:; V EAR! 8pm _ GOY/ Lesbian AA
. 8-— .- _- ‘ ~ ” ' 7 " ‘. e Discussion/Speaker(Ca// for
—I W [W W WWW'WW 77—yWV/‘W7777777W7723f77 ' 7’ ,7 p , _ 7 ' 7 " "'Iuv777WWWWWW77777'" ' ' “__7WWWWWWWWWW Location] 278-7103
7p GSA (call for 7 D' - G C 10 _7 . .
P lscus5lon roup enter open a P 7p Lexrngton lnsrght @ Center Open 10a-2p 1- d .
place 266-5904) the Pride Center 2p & 8p ActOut presents ues uys. - .
9p Karaoke Tunesday 7.30 Ga /Lesbian AA Lot's Daughters 7pm - GSA [Gay Straight Alliance]
‘ p y “it? 9pm - Karaoke Tunesday @
i @ The Bar 60mm” (call for place) 948-.434 It»
‘AWeekly Benefit for 8pm ActOut presents . The Bar Complex
The Pride Center - . 7p NeW* Singles Support
‘ . Lots Daughters W Group-PC Wednesdays:
. _ , ,, . NEW YEARS DAY — 7pm - GLSO Discussion Group
8pm — Gay/Lesbian AA (Call for
10:30 a St. Mychal's . 7P GSA (call f°i place 7p GLSO Discussion Center Open 10a-7p 7p Lexington Insight @ Center Open 10a-2p Location] 278-7103
11a UU Church _ . l 266-5904) Group-PC the Pride Center 2p & 8p ActOut presents
(a isrraraokerunesdav
6p SisterSound Rehearsal @ The Bar Complex 3 0‘ p ace ' 3 Lot's Daughters 7pm- Lexington Insight
l AWeekly Benefit for .. m, 8pm - Gay/Lesbian AA
103 7‘17 r ' " ' ” 7 "I * , 2“ 7‘ 7 7 c O 10 7 7 Saturdays:
: OaSt. Mychal's We” 7p GSA (call for place 79 GLSO DiSCUSSiOH enter pen 3' P 7 Lexin tori lnsi ht CenterO en 10a-2
1816‘th Ch(Lithh 230 62 3:; 5%, 266-5904) Group-PC 8p Imperial Court ofKY tlhe PridegCenter g @ p p
ou orce amie -5 5 ' gee @WW/ 8p Gay/Lesbian AA presents The Debutante . L - AA ,
4p Integrity @ St. Michael's .gffiggg 9P Karaoke Tunesday Call for place 948—3434 Ball @The Bar Complex. Zfiggc‘gigggfigi“ he" Sunflowe-
6p SisterSound Rehearsal egg ,, mess“ @The Bar Complex ' 9:000_m & l lam - UU Church
gepai/ AWeekly Benefit for WOVSh'p Servrces.
M We The Pride Center 10:30 — Mass, St. Mychal The Mart
Newsleherifldiliue opm - SisterSound Rehearsal @
4; 71337? 7:,fg7’”, 31'7” 77 ,- 7' 7 ' ' ' Landsdowne Presby. Church.
10230 a St- Mychal's 7p GSA (call for place 7P GLSO DiSCUSSiun Center 0 en 10a-7 7p Lexington Insight @ Center Open 10a-2p
11a UU Church _ 266-5904) Group-PC p p the pride Center 8p SisterSound Concert
6p SisterSound Rehearsa| 7.30p GLSO Board “9- 9 K k T d 8p Gay/Lesbian AA 7.30 p Gay/LeSblan AA gal—'WLWCQCQDKDYQ
2500;): lnépehr/llal :cli'urt Mtg. ‘ @DTI:aBOarec:r::Te:y Call for place 948-3434 (call for place) 948-.434 6pm _ The Imperial Court
1 a - W a S i 7p GLSO Discussion . SoulForce -Call Jamie 230-5625
glasfiitiegiouurfig Rehearsal i AWeekly Benefit for Group-PC
. ' 8p Gay/Lesbian AA
6100!) imperial Court Mig- i The Pride Center Call for lace 948-3434
”.1:le Adivll'ies. S i d , 5 cl _ More information about many of the events are in this newsletter. You may want to call or
on «vs. u ur fly. on uys. , email the group to confirm the date and time, see the directory on back page.
7:30pm - GLSO Board Mtg. (4th Mon.) 7pm -LexDGA ist Sat. 4pm- Integrity [2nd Sun]
7pm ' Lexington Lyons l2hd Mon-l 7pm- Singles Support 2nd SOi- 4pm— Gen Y Integrity [3rd 3U”) Pride Center may be abbreviated - PC Call for Place may be abbreviated- Call
-77. . 77 - 77 ,. .7, 77 . 7 - .77 . . . .77777 .
GLSO Page l0 GLSO Page ii

 Fairness continued from page 8 the chapters as well as ways to donate
. money and to purchase merchandise. In
lobbying strongly. Your presence as an addition people can send e-mails to
unpaid constituent demonstrates a strong info Q kentuck fairness or call 1-866-
commitmenttotheIssuesathand. . _ 205-3239, or write to Kentucky Fairness
Q If someone really wanted to partICIpate Alliance, PO Box 1280, Frankfort, Kentucky
but just could not go to Frankfort, what 40502
could he or she do?
A: There are many ways to get involved THE ADVOCATE—'5 P501)“:- OF THE YEAR
to help promote GLBT rights: The Advocate chose Bill Maher as their
1. Volunteer for a local chapter. There are cover person of the year. Maher has been
currently very. strong .chapters In the outspokenly gay supportive for years. He
Bluegrass Region, Madison County, and says civil union are not enough, only full
Northern Kentucky. A" three chapters marriage rights will do. "You're either equal
consrstently scout out new volunteers and or your not."
steering committee members to help out They also honored the gay bloggers
wrth various events. that are an important part of a new wave in
2' Donate money to KFA' It takes money journalism. The Advocate highlights Andy
to keepthls program alive and healthy. Towle, Perez Hilton, and Seth Abramovitch. ‘
3' Purchase KF A merchandise. See Many ofthe major gay related stories would
websrte below. , _ not have seen the light of day through the
4. Call or write your legislator directly. if mainstream media if bloggers did not bring
you are unsure of who to contact in the stories to theweb first. ‘
Frankfort, representatives of KFA wrll Lane Hudson and Mike Jones also ‘
gladly helpyoufind that person. were honored for going public about the ,
Q: Where would someone find information hidden gay behaviors of US Congressman .
on howtodothosethings? Mark Foley and anti-gayevangelical l
A: The fastest way is by going to Sinistler-TedldHaggard. Vlfsconsin sehnatfir ,
www.kentuckyfairnessorg. The :ssh int? was "ant"? asa Strata t8; fl
website contains contact information forall w 0. a e courage 0 come ou or u 4
marriage equality. _ ;
Couples Union 1
Counseling Ceremonies '
Rev. Kenneth Walbel ,
1 I
Professmnal Splrltual Dlrectlon f
Ecumemcal * Holistlc * Incluszve (
kypadre@aol.com :
(859) 338-1195 l
Page 12

 Biological Exuberance pervasive in western scientific community.
ate . . . . It IS rare but occaSlonally an author
In Anlmal Homosexuality and Natural Dlver5lty recognizes that they may be biased. One
to By Bruce Bagemlh/ man observing birds in 1909 writes: “From
66- reviewed by mary crone a distance this might be mistaken for
ass _ _ _ . fighting, but perverted sexuality is the real
cky Th'S '3 'h some ways a book teV'eW 0t keynote...sexual perversion, as one calls it
Biological Exuberance, and in part an article _ a term which serves to save one the
based on the book. There are 750 pages to trouble ofthinking___n
3 peruse, bUt you do not have to read the Even upto1997, articles can be found
_ whole bookto enjoy the authors point ofview using terms such as strange, bizarre,
'e't about homosexuality in animals and the deviant, abnormal, anomalous and
ten reluctance of many scientists to recognize perverse to describe homosexual
E: thtS form ofdiversitys _ behaviors. In 1987 W. J. Tennent published
| .One Of the beliefs Iused 'h arguments an article about Mazarine Blue butterflies
Ja against homosexuality '3 that 't '3 entitled “A Note on the Apparent Lowering
: “unnatural.” In Biological Exuberance, Bruce of Moral Standards in the Ledidoptera.” He
r: Gagemihl presents a comprehensive observed and reported the mating of male
d overVIew 0t homosexual attraction and butterflies—and interpreted that activity as
. y behavior as well as some information on a lowering of moral standards. lwonder if
'h' gender flexibility in the animal kingdom morally upright butterflies discriminate
Jtd based on scientific observation and against their “abnormal" brothers. And
he research. He discusses how scientists have does this mean there will be blue butterflys
ng been observing homosexual behavior in in hell?
animals for a century but have labeled it as One of Gagemihl’s first assertions is
:0 deviant or simply found ways 0t denying that “homosexuality” does not only refer to
e what they saw. Bagemlhl rev1ews a large overt sex acts but includes numerous and
an amount of research and demonstrates that diverse activities. He divides animal
Sr] homosexuality is not only natural, tt t5 homosexual behaviors into five categories:
||y abundant 'h nature. courtship, affection, sex, pair-bonding, and
. H h seems that we have not known much parenting (touches that are not explicitly
u about same sex behaVIor and bonding sexual are classified as affectionate). He
among animals until recently. Quite a bit of uses these categories throughout the book
attention was given to the two male penguins to show how different species display one
raising a baby together, for example. BUt or several forms of behaviors from the
there have been a great many observations different categories.
made over the years. Gagemihl includes In most species the same courtship
some quotations from scientific articles behaviors are used in homosexual and
written overone hundred years 390- heterosexual interactions. In some cases,
One such article PUbttehed in 1896 was same sex courtship includes only some of
entitled “Sexual Perversion in Male Beetles." the behaviors commonly found in
Adrawing included in this article oftwo male heterosexual courtship. One common
beetles copulating, is one Of the first difference is that courting and sexual
scientific illustrations of animal homosexual activity is more often reciprocal in same
behavior to be published. Often, sex couples. Instead ofa male feeding a
observations have been accompanied by female, forexample, twosamesexanimals
negative labels (bizarre, abnormal, etc) will feed each other. From my point ofview,
and/or have been explained away (not lwould saythathomosexualbehaviorgoes
enough males or females, practice for hand in hand with a looser and more
heterosexuality, etc.) Seeing everything continued on next page
Page 13

 creative experience and expression of We're Deer. We're Queer.
gender. (Well, flipper in flipper? Nose in ?)

In a few species, there are behaviors Get Used to It
that are found only in homosexual Same-gender sex in animals rarely
interactions. Male Ostriches perform a makes headlines. The organizers of a
“pirouette dance" only when courting another "Against Nature?" exhibition at the
male. Female Rhesus Macaques engage in Non/vegian Natural History Museum of the
a “hide and seek” courtship game only when University of Oslo hope to call attention to
courting anotherfemale. the often ignored subject.

Same sex couples (and groups) of many "People always come up with the
Species find ways to be mutually sexual. argument that homosexuality is somehow
Grey Whales, Manatees, many primates, against nature. And that's not true," said
and some birds will mutually stimulate each Petter Bookman, the academic advisor for
other’s genitals in a variety of ways. Some the exhibit. Through models, photos, texts,
species have been creative in their sexual and specimens ranging in size from tiny
behavior, such as female dolphins that blow insects to enormous sperm whales, visitors
water ateach others genitals. can learn about same sex sexual

Bagemihl also discusses gender identity expression in animals.
in animals but we will save that for another Scientists have observed homosexual
newsletter. In summery, the fact that behavior in 1,500 animal species, said
homosexual behavior is widespread in the Beckman.Take,for instance, bonobos, one
animal kingdom affirms that it is normal part of our closest relatives and perhaps the
of nature- including human nature. most well—known homosexual animals.
Queerness is part of the wonderfully diverse "They're known to be rampantly bisexual,"
world in which we live. he said.

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Page 14

 Killer whales, bottlenose dolphins, the museum hope the exhibition will help
Westlndian manatees, and giraffes have all- break a long-held taboo against talking
y male orgies. Among black-headed gulls, about, and publishing on,the subject.
a scientists estimate that one in ten pairs is The exhibition is long overdue, said
e comprised of two females. Same-sex Joan Roughgarden, a biologist at
8 penguin couples have been known to have Stanford University and author of
0 long relationships and raise chicks. Evolution’s Rainbow: Diversity, Gender
Homosexuality is most widespread and Sexuality in Nature and People. She
9 among animals with a complex herd life. It points out that in the US, museums,
N functions as a kind of social glue for nature shows, introductory biology
d bonobos, who use sex to diffuse conflict—a courses, and even peer-reviewed
lr marked difference from other primates that journals often shy away from mentioning
5. solve conflicts with violence. Homosexuality homosexuality in the animal kingdom.
Y also plays a social role among other male "They're not painting an accurate picture
'5 animals, such as big horn sheep and lions. oflife in the animal kingdom," she said.
ii Researchers are not sure of the Roughgarden said the exhibition
advantage is, if any, of homosexual behavior could help bring the phenomenon out of
ii among dragonflies, scarab beetles, or, as the closet. "I hope this is only the
d observed at least once, two male octopuses beginning," she said.
e of different species. Bockman and others at
e __
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