xt7vx05x9f2n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vx05x9f2n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1911-05-25 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 36, May 25, 1911 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 36, May 25, 1911 1911 1911-05-25 2015 true xt7vx05x9f2n section xt7vx05x9f2n FZ.‘I‘I“L'".Il".I."i"I`Tl.T’?I"7'T'TZTI',IT;IZZ`.T.`Z‘.T.."..’T' .L‘L’ITT‘TTLL" C.ZT“'Ti.°`TITTTT"‘.Zf7T7 TT" LT;T"Z.’.‘IZT’iT`T'TZ'I.T`Z`.1'r “" ' "‘ ' "lT""?"" ""TT'.T"TT‘TLTT‘1TT"?""`" "7’°""T`“i€;`.‘?T"ZZ_TT.?Z.1`T""1’.:.'i’
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Vol. lil LEXINGTON, KY., MAY l>~. N11 No. 36  
5 9 garet lixum. The work was judged tme nearly all of this years class at·
    from foul- stantlpolnts. accuracy ot tend some service on sunday, but it    
  movement, strength of movement, will he one of the most pleasant mem-    
“*"" grace of movement, and that move- orles of commencement week if they ____ '
_ WN WY B¤¤"*•‘*¤ wl"! CW- ment. showing the strongest mental all attend the same one. No Senior GOOSE EGGS ARE VlslTORS* POR-
I —-——- control. President Barker presented will be so little or narrow-minded as 1-ION IN DOUBLE HEADER-
The ninth annual gymnastic mum,. the cup to Miss Boreing with a happy to think that it will portray a bit of
{nent of the young women of the Stat, speech of congratulatiou. weakness it he or she is seen at the Two Hom"' An Hit.
t»»» [ `llniversity was held on Saturday after. The judges for the occasion were: Baccalaureate sermon. Be men and
  noon, May 20th, at 3 0•c]0ck_ Lleumu. Lieutenant James Lindgren of Louis- women, and do not think you are """_
  A ant James Lindgren, graduate of the ville, Miss Mary Anna Bean of Lex- harming someone by staying away. The state University baseball team
Stcckholm, Swéedem addressed the or Lexington. The Medical Society of with their class will regret having with the Georgetown College team on
GymnaStiCS"’ and gave mma interest, tion, the heads of departments and the Remember! Be at Patterson Hall scores of 9 to 0 and 6 to 0, and by
ing and valuable Buggestiont women of the city were cordially in- at 10: :30 A. M., in cap and gown. winning both games practically
The mst; put gf the wm-ngment wu vited. while 8 SD€0i¤·l invitation WR! ..j...•.....—... clinched the state championship.
taken u with what is known as une, extended to the young men of the Wesleyan College defeated Central
gymnasgcs," the Indian club and Senior class.     University in Danville Friday after-
dumb-bell drills, me English Exten- ·——*••—‘··‘ Hm NEXT YEA", noon by the score of 9 to 7. which fur-
Slon dm], 9gc_ After- thug the cms.     _... ther aided the locals in clinching the
was allowed a rest period while Lieu- ` ...... ` Good Men Cholem championship. State has only two
tenant Lindgren spoke. Immediately gaecalwt-eat; Dgy, -····‘ !¤01'€ $811168 to DIM'. 0¤€ with WGS-
following this was the heavy appara- ...._. Major-—-L. C. Hardesty. leyan Saturday, and one with Tran-
tus work on the horse and parallel 0n next Sunday, May 27th, the Bac. C¤ptalus—·H. D. Palmore, Adjutant; sylvania May 29. Both games will be
ment consisted of the classic dancing, uating class will be delivered by the scm. W. U. Jetton. J. W. Kuuzman, D. State’s good lead in percentage, gdd|
with the addition gf two g0lk.d·¤c“_ Rev_ D,._ E_ y_ Mumm, pruldom of D. Felix.. to the chances of the Blue and White.
Hmm Dum, gf the Jumplug 3·ck,_·• the Southern Baptist Theological Som, First Lieutena.nt,s—William Collins, Gets Two Home Rum.
gnd ·•·]•h6 ·pyml]“°_·• iu·ry at Louisvma The service, will Chief Musician; B. Barnett, M. B. Mc- Captain Meadows was ou the mound
me am as ¤ whole am excellent be held at me emma cm-umm M¤¤¤¤· T- C- Mm T- C- H¤¤d¤¤- fer the ¤<><=¤¤¤ i¤ the ¤¤¢ Me. •·¤<1
* work, considering tihe very great dig- Clluygh at 11 0·c]0ck_ The regular Second Lioutona¤t1—H. G. Love- besides pitching s good game, got; two
I. jjygntggg of an Bmwdlngly yu-m choir of this church will be assisted lace, Principal Musician; W. R. Brown, home runs over the right field fence,
mmmn. at the mciunou ot ul. br the sum qumeue, which will H- H- Grew- W· B- ¤¤>¤¤· J- A- HM- wd ¤ ¢¤¢¢¢·¤¤s¤¤r <>¤¢ ef fm ¤¤¤¤•
tournament, those who had been so- render several selections. The Seniors wl`- ** mt-
lcctod for the Greek dances tiled out composing this quartette are E, L, Quartermaster Sorge¤nt—J. H. After me mst umm; or the second
or the gmyuutum, wane ul. others mem. me tem-; v. 1. Mom, sec- B¤<>¤¤= S¤¤·s¤¤¤¢ M¤·J¤r» P- D- B¤>w¤= sms Steele w¤¤ ·¤¤¤ i¤ ¢¤ pitch f<>¤·
remained to bear Professor A. 8. end tenor; J, M, Foster, Baritone, and Color Serzeants, W. Almstcdt. R. C. Georgetown. and R. Judd went to urst
Mackenzie, head of the English De- Paul Francis, bass. In addition to this D¤h¤°l’· b”° in pl*·°° °t A°d°"’°¤· 'h° ’°m’°d
partmeut of the University of Ken- music, Miss Elizabeth Rout, the talent- m"** S°"8°*¤*’·"R· M· Ni°h°’*· H {mm the $°m°·
tucky, who spoke on "l‘h0 Sszuod ed sister of Grover Rout of this year'! J- J“k°b°· H- N· M“'h· R- NMI- T"' HN' 0* $*°•'•·
Dance in Literature and Art." graduating class, will be the soprano S*°°1° W°·8 also hit freely- {eu hit!
Following his remarks, the students soloist. ·······•·•'•··*" ¢¤mi¤8 0f! of his delivery in the N-
in Greek dress gave a. programme of The parade, consisting of the ¤¤¤i¤i¤s five i¤¤i¤SS-
classic dances, tlnisihing with that of Seniors and Faculty, will march in a         $**"d""¤ °* CWN-
Annie Laurie, composed by the Di- body to the church. The procession The Standing of the Clubs lll UW
rector. Those who took part tn the will form at Patterson l-lall, All pai-.       Kentucky Intercollegiate Athletic As-
Greek dances were Mlsses Jo Boorlng, tlcinants of this will wear cap and -.—. ¤0"l*m0“· with 8 I“'0SP*°°tu5 Y0? UW
Sallie Pence, Beryl Schwarzberg, gown, and will leave the hall at l0r30 The "\\'iitlcats" still have two more S*’“°`W€sl'~°Y"““ game next “'°°k is as
Sarah Chenault, Irene Hughes, Dolly A. M. sharp. All the Seniors and Fav- games or baseball to play on Stoll f°“°“`S’
Battalle, Rebecca Cockrill, Jean Field, ulty are requested to be at the meet· Fle1tl_ one on Saturday with Wesleyan T°a’“· Wm- Lost- PCL
Margaret Flxum, Anne Milward, Tall- ing pla-re by 10:1*3 A. M. A section of and ylohtluy with Tt·anSylvmllu_ It lg g'”·"° ~······-········· 5 2 715
tha Chenault, Alice (`arv Williams, seats will he reserved for all those l,lltl;lt· impl),-tml; {hat we will both “’*‘Sk"Y*m ··~··-····-·· 3 2 $**0
Eloise Ginn. Ruth Me("hesney, Kathe- that take nart in this procession. t,amt.s_ ln Olllpt- to nllm-ll the Cham. (*9******] -·····-········ 3 2 -600
rine YVyard. Edith Stivers, Luclle Everyone, whether Faculty or Senior, ],lm,sh;p of ;{,.mu(.ky_ T"¤Yl*l'lV*mla ···-··-·· ‘* 3 -568
Sidener and Ruhve Marcum ls reauired to wear can and sown. >.l,·;t.lm-S will pitph stnnt·tlay_ and G‘“‘""“°“’“'“ ··e········ 0 6 ·°°°
At the conclusion of the Greek 'Fhese can he obtained at the l'nlv_erg. mm,}. Wm be ml Hu, mmm} MOuda)._ if State wins from \\'esleyan_ the
dances. Mrs. Stout asked for the de- ltv lloek Store either Friday or Satur· .~~-- ..--~ ·   · S'**“‘““°: ef tho two '*`a“‘S will b*"
plslon of {hp judgpe whlph was as go], day. Miss Alice (`ai·_v \\'illi;1nis will en- Y\’»n. Lost. Pct.
lows: The Min was awarded to Miss lt is nrqed that all Seniors attend terrain lllf0l'llll1ll)' ut her home on l.in- State ..   .. ..... vi 2 T30
.To BOPMHS'. and honorable mention this service as thle will he the twlv (l("ll \\`11lk. Tll\|l'¥tlZl)' (lflt‘l'l\¤l0ll. from \\'eslev:in .. ...., _. R il Soo
was zlven to Misses Eloise Ginn, Alice ol·t·n¤lt·n ln whteh this elm; will av. 4 to ti. in lton>r of the uirls of the l' Stare loses to \\'es‘e;·;m, the
(`arv VVilllams, lrcne lluqhes and Mar- tend divine service in a hodv lt is S*‘“l~*l` ****5*- *'*""“““ will be?

 a 5
Won. Lost. Pct. Kemper, rt. ......... 3 0 0 0 0 0 Ask Your Grocer for- ,
Wesleyan ............. 4 2 .666 R. Judd, p—1b. ....... 2 0 0 7 1 0 .`
State ................. 5 3 .625 llarnetr,c. .......... 2 0 0 3 2 0    
The box scores for Saturdays Herndon, ss. ........ 2 0 0 0 1 1 D , F H k Mu]
games are as follows: Pulllam, 2b. ......... 2 0 0 0 2 0 (mt 0r$;de 0:3;:. Q
Georgetown- All. R. H. PO. A. E. McKinney, lf. ...... 2 0 0 2 0 0 _ _ ' ' (
·r. Judd, 3n. ........ 3 0 1 0 0 0 nerrtng, er. ......... 0 0 0 1 0 1 Lexm¤‘t¤¤ ¥¤¤•·‘ Mills Oo.
Anderson 1b_ ______ 2 0 0 7 0 1 Steele, p. ....,....,. 2 0 0 0 1 0 — .—-·----———-—   '.
Kemper, lf. ......... 3 0 0 1 0 1 —————— `
n Judd, p. ......... 3 0 1 0 3 1 rretnl . ........... 20 0 0 18 3 4 M A   : I-I C·¥;:£'!;g_N BE££%F;D {
Herndon, ss. ........ 3 0 0 0 0 1 State-- AB. R.H.PO. A. E. ` A  
J(·‘YIlllYlfIS,   . . . . . .   0 0 0 4 1 Scott,   ......... .   1 1 0 1 0         R
McKinney, rf. ....... 2 0 0 1 0 0 B·.1rruss,2b. ........ 4 2 2 4 5 0 Welch   ‘ ·
Herring, et. ......... 2 0 0 1 0 0 Meadors, rt. ........ 3 1 1 0 0 0 carpets, wel] Paper and Swvet u•__,m·,_ Clam Pmm,&C0__Mam
____ ... .. GO"-en c_ ___________ 2 (l 2 4 I 0  
Total ............ 22 0 3 18 8 5 Glltner, cf. ......... 3 0 0 1 1 0 S
State- AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Preston, ss. ......... 3 0 1 0 1 0
Seott., 3b. ..... . .... 4 0 1 2 5 0 Beatty, p. ........... 3 0 0 0 3 0     ·
B11rruss,2b. ........ 3 2 2 4 1 0 Wesley, rt'. ......... 3 1 1 0 0 0 ··Tho Tailor Thlt Sotiodoon t
Meadors, p. ......... 4 3 3 0 1 0 Young, 1b. ...... [..3 1 2 12 1 0 Y
oen-er, e. ........... 4 1 0 3 0 0 -·---- STEAM and DRY CLEAN]-NG-   Y y
Giltner, ct. ......... 2 2 0 3 0 0 Total . ........... 28 6 10 21 13 2 159 South Limestone ‘
Pr·eston, ss. ......... 4 1 3 0 0 1 Score by Innings. Ca C0. .
Rice, rf. ............ 4 0 0 0 0 0 Stolen bases—~Gower, 4; Scott, Bur- " ""'1"""` """' "' ' " `
Wesley. lt`. ......... 3 0 2 1 0 0 russ, Meadors, Wesley, Young. Struck UNIVERSITY LUNQH g_[•AN]) THE LEADEG
Young, 1b. .......... 3 0 1 8 0 0 out—By Judd, 1; by Steele, 2; by First Class Luncl] and SPEOIALTY HOUSE '
—————— ellatty. 3. Left on bases—George- Hot mieals
· Score by lnnlngs. town, 0:n State, 4. Sacrltlc fly-—Mead- AT IXLL HOURS  
Georgetown ........ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 ors. Vhld pitch—Steele, 2. Passed A B B‘4RRETT
State ....... . ....... 3 0 3 0 1 2 x-9 balls-Barnett, 3. Tlme—1:05. Um- C ° S °L· d C lf Su
Summary. plre—~Vallandingl1am. Ol" ° mm an 0 ax °  
Two-base hltsLMeadors. Three-
base hlts—Burruss, Preston. Home "' " "'*""i" EVERYTgggG {OR TH! m HIGH CLASS
Tu“S—M€¤d0¥'¤· 2- B¤S€¤ 0Yl balls- An attempt to establtsh the full OUTER G AND
Off Judd, 2. Stolen bases-T. Judd, adgption of tho honor Systom at (jo. D¢V¢l0Pi¤2 |¤d Pd¤ti¤!· MILLWIERY.
McKinney, Preston, 2; Burruss, Gilt- lumbio was I-oooutty madg by the ,
B6?. 2- Struck 0¤i—BY Judd. 52 bY Junior class. Negotiations were opened Loginftgzb 511,::: cfxpgizncm FOR
Meedors. 3. Left on b¤¤e¤—Georse· with the rnentty by n speetnt under- ° Y
town, 3; State, 4. Sacrltlce hlts—An· graduate committee, but the Faculty     d  
Gerson. Barnett. Gilmer. Double plays Committee on rnetrnetten deemed it A   an
-—Scott, Burruss. Passed balls—Bar- unwise to gram this request, Owing IIIOIII PI Fun Line NOW on Di 18
nett- Hit by pitcher-Jennings. Time tn the lack or nnnntmtty er the stu- LCE CREAM PARLOR sp y
—1=20. Urnr>ire—V¤i1¤udi¤sbnm- dents in raver er tne system. This T
Second Game. committee stated, however, that if at AND LUS CH STAND   Y  •
Georgetown- AB. R. H. PO. A. E. some future time the class should be Smith Lille Mid Winslow S¢!‘¢•¢•
T, Judd, 3b_ .,,,_,,,_ 3 0 0 2 1 2 practically unanimous in its request,   Mlain SENSE Balt,
Anderson, 1b. ....... 1 0 0 2 0 O they would gladly give the matter FIT ERAID
Jgnningg, of_ _,_,,___ 1 0 0 1 0 0 further consideration, J` J`   ···*'*"*"'i‘··"'“"*'**
Steam and Water Heating
209 W. Short, · · Lexington. Ky.   &  
DEDR ‘A Y E iD —··—·——‘ 4
·’ _ xmxun cou. oomrnw Spring Line in Furnishing
To bnuirnts Who D0 Net Patrontrr amen and uno- Geode, Hats and Oxlords
.;. ·*IDEA" ADVERTISERS .;. N0. 157 N. Broadway. are now being shown al
w. A.-. umn. t. 8.0 nn. 8,... ‘“"·S°·“’ ““S—S· S- S'°{¤"* °°‘ J &M d , Mu A
Because Some Students Are Too Sel- p°t· S‘ B'°°dw°y md Cmuty Bu ‘ 'ap     S I Cr an
fish and Too   {Q P|t|'Qf'|IZ|     S  
··l¤sA·· Advertaset-•. Shoes tore Hats
lf We can "Show" I MBI'¢hIHt That       W.    
You Are Helping Us By Pstronlzlng
$}Z.f.`."'§"‘ '°'' ‘.¥”.§ fi.? '$"""l3‘t.3 SSSSS SSSSY DAY
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WE GUARANTEE That “lDEA" Ad- · · _ ,,_ _____1_,__,
vertisers are right. They Sell the   @   ;—
Best Goods at Lowest Prlces. Read If you want uQo&]jty•• Good;
Thelr Ads. Patronlze "lDEA" Advsr- Everything 'I'hat's Good in _ _
tigers and Give sm, , Boom 111 srt1cles of toilet, etc., also
D s B D P R I N T I N G candy that Hthe girl" will en- _
071 I 6 0 70726 _
  *""""" 140 South Limestone ]0Y, U'8d€ with I18-
Better Bc d A/7}0C`k€7° F°y°tt° Ph°"° 53-Lx      
Lexington, - - Kentucky N. W. Cor. Main & Lime.

Q  -·· WILDCAT8 TRIUMPH. Broad jump-—M00re (K), first; men, '
A Pgymy Saved --—— Shsnklln (K), second. Distance-18 y
TRANSYLVANIA TRACK TKAM ft. 10 inches. Columbia Law School alumni are
II 0 Ptfmy Mad! HUMBLE¤_ Discus-Webb •K), tlrst; Malden trying to raise $100,4mu for the purpose
(T), second. Distance-84.6 ft of buymg additional books for the law
‘ IV: can uw: you many pmniu ""”' l6·p0und hammer-Webb (K), first; library.
by umu you $¤°•‘¤·K•¤W¤kY 7% T*'¤¤•Y‘V|'*‘| 25- Johnson (K), second. Distance-116.3
..—- feet. Harvard has lately been the recipi-
There was no class whatever to 440-vard run- Johnson (K), tlrst; em of an anonymous gift of $25,000,
The Parnell D r ug Tra,nsy1vauia.’s track team, and co·¤|& Thomas ('I`). second. Time-256. which will be used in the construction
C0 ,5 quenny a Oneqgded track meet, wok Relay-Won by Kentucky: Nsdln- of a me-proof library,
• place on Stoll Field last Thursday ger. Kohn. Needy and Johnson.
e afternoon. This meet was intended to Offlclah. The faculty at Michigan have dis-
Sruk •f furnish entertainment for me vigitmg Refere&‘—Pr0f. Monroe, T. U. tributed a. set of thirty-seven questions
    Knights Templar and their Indies. Star‘ter—~Pr0f. Mustaine, K. relative to student flnnnces, to be filled
·, C ' The weather conditions were ideal Jurlges—Vnn Meter, lllnton, Cruse. in by the undergraduates.
° SOAPS and the track was ln ideal condition. 'I`imers—Heinz, Turner. ‘
  ‘_ {_ promptly at 4 (ycjock Pmfgggop Mug- Marshals-F. Marx, G. Shankliu, \V. The Yale Dramatic Club will pre-
1.     m;n€_ who was Starter, gglgd the men T. Young. sent as the commencement play, this
  TA LC U [V1 POW D EQS emmed rm the 100-yard (mu, to their Clerk or C0ur¤e—Engle. year, ··The Knight ot the Burning
N AT LOST mm-kS_ At the crack Og [hg pigtpl Announcer and Scorer—Becker. Pestle." by Beaumont & Fletcher.
L Needy jumped imo me lead. The Below is given a list of points as
‘ ""_' \ Huis lawns close, with Needy first and W0¤ by the "WiId¤¤·tS1"
- 4 _ ` _ Kohn second At ng time did '[‘rg¤· Webb ........................... 10
z Th! Best HW (J/70¢`0[0t¢ W7 Sylvania get ahead, and it soon be- Shanklin ........................ 8 Michigan.
  the City came evident that the •·W{]dcatg" Johnson ...... . .................. 8 By order of the State Legislature
would have lime tmume in winning Needy ........................... 5 the Vniversity of Michigan will soon
——-— In the mug mm Captain Comm; was Moore .......................... 5 open a department for the training or
• the star performer, He followed his May ............................ 5 d€gene‘,rate-ch·lldren,
L       C usual] tactgcs gf getting big Opponent Collins .......................... 5 An rnnoxatmn has recently been
cx g   0. Set               . . . . . · . . . . . . · . · · . . · • • • . · . 5 m8·dQ in the Spienfific    
Ph 154 Y N D S •fr0m wm during the mst quarter mgm Harrison .......... . .......... :. .. 5 the University in the establishment or
•"’ •”' ’“”~" "”§ '•'¢’ yn the 22|).yg_g·d dggh ··pOBSum·· wa;- Strong .......................... 3 a new course in wireless engineering
  kim: mn completely away from his Barnett .,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,, 3 which will be begun in the near
Cyimggn yivg_]_ Mgrg pointg were won Ch8.IY\b€l'8 ..... . ..............,... 3 flltllfé.
-—-*’·'*”""  for State when Harrison and Cham, Douglas ___ ______________________ 3
bers tied for first place in the 120- Kohn ........ . ................... 3  
yard low hurdle. In the shot-put Pat- ..--•-••-———
    & C0. terson for Transylvania was first and WH KENTUCKIAN OUT· P I A   F R E E
Imc 1. td Douglas of State second. May, for _ ···—··—
° °""‘° stm, Ouqumped his man and suc. YEAR ¤¤¤»< or we se~¤c>ns ANY_FB°é‘_FECT
_ ceeded in going over the bar at 5 f6€t MAKES ITS APPEARANCE 'I`lmt’s what vo u ••t when *0u
wm (19 YOU! SUNNY and C0m· 4 inches. In the halt-mile Transylva· ·—·· bl}, him ’
I _ _ P nin won the only other tlrst of the Shvws M¤¢h W¤¤’k- , _
m¢¤C¢mCI1t ¤V1t&t10l1S and 1*0- meet, Moody capturing this evenh In _ -......·      
grams better than others. the pole vault "Dea,f" Shanklin cleared Oil Fllesday nlommg the °`19U K€¤·  
the bar at 10 feet 3 inches, with Bar- mcklan made Us l`0¥'m&l ¤I>D€*¤¤‘8¤1<‘€·
Hott second. The broad judmp also The book is bound in green suede
L8 { to _ K _ Shanklin second. Both of these men *}`·°“'S me ¤`€$“lt of m0¤U1S of
x ng n y       in practice   careful labor and forethought, and re'              
they did at the mesh ··Dick·· Webb H€CtS mnch credit upon the €dit01‘, G your
,   `von both   discus and the hammer` :\}r·   [Or, and his COYDS of 8.SSiSt•  
with •·Big•• Johnson second in the lat, ants. The a.dmi1‘abl€ maIm€l‘ in which ——-—-A
ter event.     won the   the business end of the     A'l`
    t€r.m]le in easy fashion, and had his YVUS ha»n(H€d is due to   C8,SSid3,y , '
B b   competitor beaten by 100 yards. and his assisfams-   S  
at cr   The meet closed by State winning The b°°k is divided into Six DGPYS.
gh? OIQIY H'? Class $h°Pl;“ L°x‘"€'°“ Kohn, N,eedy and Johnson, running 1¤ lar Phase Of ¤<>i1€¤e life. The eng¤·av— ;_‘:;;" '°“ "'° mp ’°“ *° '*¤
° C °mP*‘ °u'a$P€F’a Y- _ me order named, ing this year is much better than here-
100-ynrd dash——Needy (K), tlrst; ;$p€°‘&1l¥'aYY’a°Y1"€· Eavh S€¤10F has with |om• of thggg
  Kohn (K), sawndl Tim6__:10 2_5_ lS Ilamé pl‘iIlt€d lll gold OH the COVE?.
THE_ Mile run-Collins (K), first: Thom- The Senior "'*`it€uP$ M6 all V€¥'Y    
" M (TL second- Time 4:55 4_5_ catchy, and no attempt was made to pool n' ” t° lumen"
220_yard d&8h__Watkius   nrst; gay unkind fhingg_         Faya Phill!  
Wlfféll   second.   2°5·    
High jump—May (K), tlrst; Moody NEWS OF OTHER COLLEGES.  
(T), second. Height-5 ft. 4 1-4 inches. ——·—— wd I
120·ysrd low hurdlee——H\rri¤0n (K). Brown ¤iV€8 8 b8¤Ql1€f 680h Y€‘8·1‘ to    
— ond Chambers (K), tied for first. Time fhé Seniors 0f the neighboring nre-
Always um Best Show' -:151-5. paratory schools.  
‘lway· th, gsm. prim 16-pound shot put—Pa.tterson (T), Evans
•   A
uways mean Alwayl Good irst; Douglas (K), second. Distance The University ot California won ·
on 0 ti-Tdkdi ° -34 ft 6% inches. the Paclflc Coast championship from '
an u "' Halt-mile run—Moody (T), tlrst; Oregon, Washington and Stanford.     AND  
Novor Outdono, Strong (K), second. Time-2:121-5. .
_ All work Fnrst Class and Guaranteed
· shaw. D°uy_3_00 7_80 °_°° Pole vsult·-Shnnklln (K), tlrst, Bar- The Athletic Association at Prince- give me a call_
` ’ ' ’ ' ` nett (K), .second. I-l•|ght——10 tt 3 ton is holding a punting and drop- 2;; 1.2 EAST lun STREET
TRY TO GIT IN. inches. kicking contest for ’varsity football New 0 tonic.

 4 THE lllhix
‘ IHF IDEA Series Shewies
Pul·1l=l:·¤l ·-·.·e·y ‘l‘iIurs·l:ty l·v ‘é.e stoden: l··»d~I· wl :¢·..:•· |i·‘y•·*s¤*y of lx ·»·~ r¤.i·—y.
{-T fit·· P···**··f`.l <·{ ':tF* ~lll¤i• I ZS ll\·‘ Y'»¤“lil\ .ll ii ui 5 : l .t· ··i` "..·Y
viii. it·l:.¤ .> {TKTi1_£.i:.;rI·t·l¤·Tt·.·· iii;-isa·>· ii-w'»¤i   lss · f yi i :· '   `
d ..' 1i`:•· ·j‘l·}·:·*   l'S ~lI•Z ’*i~_·· I — l¤> ui · i` · *¢l`ii·:· l·· S nf iv in ·¤»‘ '_ n _. Q I
l;]|r'1’ijiiii¤·Yl! liI;l`•i· il ]J.1."< 1l•']fYl$ t¤i‘t:ii•’Y`*~{ •iYti•‘]‘; t·§’_l]' \_\___•t`$’_·-}§u;l[,i :       ,
(unl`, ur; N] *}|.» t`v Y,   Strtfps and (`f]_f]fLd;[_  
KLTBSCRIPTION 0NE ¤ot.i.Ar—t PER vEAr=.; Five cawrs PER COPV
l·1nter•~d at l.exiugton Post (*tll<.·e.ts s··<··‘>u—l class urtil matter.       " AND
\\‘ll,L H. TOWNSEND, l·1ditor_-ln-thief.   Rngaj Qxfgrds
rt. vv ·rt>rst.t·tv ...................... . .........I..   .I..... .t~-ism.: t—:tui.»i  
:~· x. T~l.\i{X I II.A., .. ................... . .........     .\ti¤i· t- l·Isi·titm .t triiac i·:.1it·i); *"*'
Business STAFF
S. ij. l·Zl%}'ll·ll:'l‘. llwzszness Mztitzitser      
F. l,. MARX, Asst. Business Manager. l. ll. SA,\|)tZltS, Asst. Adv. Mgr. g
ruiao. si.Aui·;. Atty-mists; inmger. vv. A. 1.L‘t:t·l-.y. Asst. suit. Mgr.        
V, L. I)0\\`XlX(L, Sul»scrip‘tion Mgr. E. J. KOIIN, Asst. Sub. Mgr.  
REMEMBER SENEORS! by your coti¤ltt»·t. You would not have     ,
·· YOU ARE "WILDCATS.°‘ the fair nzttnc of this grand old State s
_   - 5lllil`(l.*."i   V
\\`i·hin anothrv week the present S·····ut-?.;z l‘<·ing ;;rnduatcs ofthe __`.'__ `
senior tins; mill lp t.u:ubei·cd among State ¥'uii· rsity ot` Kentucky you have . V _ V . I _ , _
the alumni of this l'niver—ity. Nlany a prestige to uphold and raise hiuher. 11" (`ldthnlg 1°1 ( Ulhge NIG11
wm go away never tu return. Some lf yi u do a misdeed the ;Il‘<°8l<°Sl h8¥`¥T\ G Y 0 ' E I fl't)lll ilt‘£Ui Ll) fO()i.
will teach, others travel. still tthers will not votre to you but to the insti-           V
take up the work in their chosen pro- tution from which you came. You ·—-—-·—- t
fession. They will yo to allrpartslof would not impair the progress of this sj 1‘II\‘llc r,mc€)thC Style Comes fromn
this continent. and some will strive school if it lay in your power to pre-
for honor in a foreign land. Each vent Ht'? To succeed is a hard task • • »- _ —·- ~···  
Senior has his cr her ideal of what for the weakling. We may not all be-       -
they shall strive for. None are ex— come presidents or prominent edu- I rl E  
pecting adversity. To tell one of these cators or engineers. but all of us have       Mgr_
expectant graduates of the trials that some part to play in routine of this
they shall go through. with, would be world. ln words of "Josh Bil- rg; 3;;:,1- MUg|gAi_ gggauigangw 7HE COLLEGE MAN,S STORE I
cruel and the possibility that they be· lings." "Konslder the ability of the IN THE STATE
lieve you is very small. The enthus- postage stamp to stick to a thing until /____‘ Chg; L_ 5t,,u,_ ·ea - - . Mm".,
iasm of youth is in their veins, and it gets there." Remember you are 1* \ `
why attempt to discourage? "Wildcats," and as such conduct your-
You. Seniors, will soon leave to fill selves. Do not become discouraged. _ ·
different positions and shall make In the words of the "Westerner, "Life l   ‘__V t
new friends and form new associates. ain’t‘ ln holding a good hand but in   ,__  
You will virtually be Freshmen in the playin' a poor hand well."    `V
great University known as the Fellow classmates, let us all do our     it U
"World." You cannot afford to fail in best and eliminate the word "fail"       ~  
passing from one class to one higher, from our vocabulary.     ‘=’l 3    •· .
for in so doing you lose the confidence ————-—-·—••———— -·   .    #1    
of the people, who are the faculty of TOWNSEND ELEC-1-ED' _     i
this great University. Each one with ‘_‘"‘··      
whom you come int.o contact with will INTERCOLLEGIATE DEBATING A8- `    
leave some mark of his handiwork on SOCM-HON HOLDS MEETING" ' I ,
your career, however small that mark _ __   .
may be. whether it be good or bad w' °‘ w"’°" A"° °"°’°"‘ \_ , i Call for the Genuine _
you will have gained something by   ·‘
this contact or association. If you are Fmt the mst t1"1" in histety *1 Sm"? " __ VV__ _ - ’
Strong in mtrrd and follow your own man was elected to the presidency of
honest convictions you wm not be the Kentucky Debating Association.
troubled with ori] thoughts and deeds. dir. \\`. ll. Townsend, a Junior in the G   y B d d      
lf after a Successful term known as College of Law, was elected to this   8 S     .
"Y<>ur life work" you are time to take tlesitivn. Mr. Townsend is a wen Orchestra Under Fuvettc Nurierwl Bsllk
the males me-it comes to time 1*;‘;"f¤f¤V;‘;]d€;*(;·h*(;""}g ¤•;s¤ ¢¤;t<>r-*¤- COGSWELL 89 BYRON
who have succeeded you wm kn ""’· ° ° °° “""‘g‘ °p°“ *'°°’· iu; rs ti i.i ·—¤   . · — — .·
that you have {graduated from tg; as well as a prominent member or the dvfrrahoneuéggdolip i lnest Hatr Cutting and Shaying _
weater Ilniverslty, and your diploma Patterson Liwrary Society He was Lexington Ky. lurior In the Ln), `
has been granted by the most critical also a member of the victorious de- ' =
body known; me Pdbdo bnting team that won over Georgetown ---  
yow for A tow words of ddvipd Ar last year. It is indeed fortunate that Rocco GRELLAI Director
wavsbearln mtmitit»iniiO“·t¤,tt....,S. K<=¤*¤·*kv he *·~e¤ *e~·e¤Ze<*· wd w. L. wma. Manager LIIIIGII 60UIITEII MID »
Once a lb~1l-H¤c¤¤¤¤¤ G¤¤1¤ French Drip octree; Oysters any
With these two important {riots in Go W tb'! Style at a Il1()ll'l€Dt,S notice. The
mind: act accordinelv. Be ¢·o»iv~teous Pint, Of R°°m' on.! firstpciass [lunch Counter in <
[Hd live 1] Y( th ri d   V Bupposiug the whole Iwpulatlon Qf S I A y ii _ _
D 1 P (Aran 0( namp of GI`(·.*Ei( iil`i[illll SUN)-i ill Bqliili dislances 111** W11111 end Of   c1ty’ Open
gennemen :\(°v"1· 1111111`( 110111-SP1, tee YI`(llll <»tl•· ut.otil¢·t‘ ull (IV(‘]` tl-.; ]·tnd I. li2lVtlD’i Zli*’i’ll.
exalted us. ae an p { k· d e -.   ._ I . . ._ _ _ ‘ ‘ So Should an th• State boys——Alway• · *‘
a t 0     ¤    H1AlIA\l*   'Ii(’&i' |l|ii¤iliI_ P‘(|(°i| ·\   `
though it be 0f no creat lmt¤ov·tanc¢·_ `•· si y at- ltotu his rest u··i;;li!,t.;-, I good Show' W• S'  
'llhe trcotile of this State will be jurlged .   ADMISSION 5 CENTS. (`omer Mill and Bolivar

  'l`H li 1l)l·,A 5
O     c   tl: 'l1· f‘ *11 .*11I t1·r‘l4·1‘ A 't·1‘ 1'f··‘*l\`-
  0   li ·* *·is •‘:·1` 711:1 ‘"¤ ·1’:•<1·;::’—· 1*111 .‘··»
I MENT GEREMDNIES. ··[·     1 ~ ~ ··-· ·· 1=· 111111. ·—~‘1~·¤ Nl
- ·-- l‘· 1·1 l‘ .11 l'1·1T¤·..¢· l:1·.· 1‘r·<1··.1<1pe·1r·connccticnsarc such that ucarcqmslqdumltuv
The prc·r—css1o11 will form in column of q_ An I-,,»,·a,~,,,S nypnticnpd in para. you thc here •e1-vicelol-tlury11»"1mr,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
l""l“ lll lll" l"’ll0"‘·'l“¥ ’—“`d°"· allll wlll rmph 1, will bc seated upon 111e plat- °°l°°°'F`°S“°""" “‘ 'l‘° l°“""’11'*°°°
‘_ Y1l‘7\"‘1·l'O1T1l?ll$` GT lllillll 0`€‘l°(‘k 111* the form, except the Senior class. which All3l}`{l(`2ll B2ll2ll`lC€S ;lll(l Vvelghtg
(ll‘l\'P‘-' 111 'f‘ 1llt‘ *9lll “`ll°l`€ lll? °X€l" wall occupy (‘l'lflll'S im1llP1lia19lY lll oxs or out 1.s.11>1x1.-111-11.11,111rr l
"l""F "-’ll b° hold? front of the platform, taking their
Q lfll ’l`ll(` llorlrtl ct 'lrtlstres. lstl bv places 1112911-et- by c011t»gp11_ EST`B -1851
_ tho ·'l.·1vc1·11or and the Yilarshal. T, The Y. *11. F, A. room in the Gvm- 203-Z"- THlRD-AVE
4   th. l•lS|`lll2\llSllP(l *.2119518 Hllll ’ll0SP naslzim l1111l1l1112‘ will he a\‘%lilablP—f01' EW`Y°RK'cI
l . 111*011 \‘ ll'lYll d¥’¤l`<“°S al`? *0 be "0ll‘ the use of the Trustees, Visitors, Fac-
  ` f€'T`l`€`d· lllll'. etc., in puttingx on their gowns. , ,
  *<" l‘=rSl·l“l·<·S‘11+·tlbvtl¤·> DQHUS- that ell persons concerned, in their
  (lll l°a<‘l1llY· departments, are made familiar with
gr 'Pl Sfllllfll °ll*lS¤· The S*?lll0" <‘lFlSS the contents of this circular.
      ily                        * ..~-.---·—-- --—-— —— ··-—-···——-—-—-—-———L-·
  the t’ollowin,~: subdivisions: Graduates p,·Oc€SS1,·m yyju be dispensed gvith and  
1   in Arr; and gr,l€nr,€_ Ag.rir.u]rur,_,_ Edu, pprsong memirmed in paragraph 1 `vill    
er cation. (`iVll Ev?-¥llll°€’l‘lYl¤. V€<‘h8¤l<‘¤l assemble in the tent without formal- { ZE h &   D
1 and El€€lt‘1<‘¤l EDe‘ZlD€?l°lDg» Milling ity, and in time for the exercises to ll u ll    
Engineering, `[_gw_ begin at ]();()() A_ j\|'_   ___~`— `rr W"' V   'w'_`
· l 2. Between each of the subdivisions HUGH M_ KELIJY’   ·
· mentioned in Paragraph 1, there will Marshal.   Taz/ars For     Mun
1 i be a distance of 5 paces. Each Dean .....-..•-»—-—— { ·
Z will designate a Senior to lead the SENIORS TO BANQUET- l            
  subdivision from his college. This ` ··——   ° °
l leader will be provided with a list of GRADUATING CLASS TO GATHER
1 the graduates in his subdivision, and AROUND FESTIVE BOARD-
· will notify the Marshal, Lieutenant ···*· C   H t N M   N L
Kelly, when l11s subdivision is all pres- Dll1Yl¢l‘ T0 Be Held at Country Club. 0   a   0   0  
ent and ready to m0v€_ Next Tuesday night the Senior class 1 ·
_   3. All persons in the procession, ex- wm give 8 banquet at the (,_Ouml_y   [l`l€ Latest Shapes 21HCl Sl`l3d€S FOI' Spflflg
l cept the Mm·S1,a]_ mugt gvggy a cap l`111b, 1< hich 1·rt`1v1ises to he one of 1!·#·
E and gown most ple=ant features of oom11.e11·.·e-
. l 4. lt is me opinion or me Faculty rtwllt week. This will be the last time      
` ‘ and the Qoynnqiftgg On (fgmmgnpgmgnt that €‘8.(‘ll lTl€ll`ll)€I` of lh€ (‘l8SS \\'lll , , _
* 1 Exercises that no Dmgentatrons of have the Opportunity Or Qnjcypm tht)   Eililf NIAID SCICBY ODDOSICC Union $(26011
q f`0“r€rs Or prespms Should bg mmap to exclusive companionship of tl1ei1· class _____________
Z gvaduatgs during pnmrllenogmpnt Ex_ ll§3.l€S.  
V ercigesl   is ]•9q“9gfpd‘ fhpY•pfO]•9’ 'l`l'llS ls H (‘ll$l0m   9a(‘h class   __
that no guph pypggnfgltlgng bg af- ShOlll(l lUllO\\`. 'l`ll€‘l`t? al`? lllll {PW Op- l
1 mmr,t;»d_ portuiiitiees lll the whole ··o1le;e (`l`l1l'S{‘
l 5_ rr, D,-esantgng diplgmag and pm;- that S1l<'ll 8ll €X(‘l1.lSl\'+‘ social function
v ferrimz decrees the followins: system is iilwll lll lllr vlelsr.  
will be used· At the ptoner time the if is lll‘s1‘llll1’ (l¢’Fll'¥‘ll that every -
' {man of 11,0