xt7vx05x747k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vx05x747k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1930-03-07  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March  7, 1930 text The Kentucky Kernel, March  7, 1930 1930 1930-03-07 2012 true xt7vx05x747k section xt7vx05x747k Best Copy Available
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Prof. RcRinald Gcorffc Trotter
Will Speak on "Canada
and Its Problems"
Department of History Will
Sponsor Public Meeting
After Convocation

Inn of Phi Delta Phi Holds Services at
Lafayette Hotel Thursday Afternoon and Evening;
Fraternity Is Oldest Law Honorary in United
States, Having Rccn Founded in 1869





Photo by Deacon
Thomas L. Riley, of Henderson,
Ky is directing "Scarlet," forthcoming Stroller spring production.
He announced the complete cast for
the play today. Mr. Riley Is a member of Pi Kappa Alpha social fraternity,
of the Men's
Student Council, a member of the
Student Board of Publications and
is dramatic critic and make-u- p
editor of The Kernel.



Mayo College

Hearing Will
Be Held Today

Bassett Addresses
Student Engineers


Dr. G. O. Bassett, of the departFEEBLE-MINDE- D
ment o psychology, delivered an
address before the student branch
The class in community survey of
of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers on Wednesday, March the department of sociology went to
Frankfort yesterday afternoon to
As the mechanical engineer di- visit the state Institutions for the
There were about
rects and controls the energies of feeble-mindenature for the benefit of the human 25 of the class on the trip, which,'
race, the speaker made an illusion was In charge of Prof. William N.
to the direction and control of the Beehler. Dr. Lyons had arranged a
energy of men. He cited a number lecture for the students on "Feebleof illustrations In which human en- mindedness and the social control of
These lectures
deavor which had been misguided
and mlspropotloned in the beginning were Illustrated by Inmates who
into new channels have the particular types of feeblehad been directed
thereby producing better results.
mindedness. Besides the lecture the
Dr. Bassett's broad experience In students were shown through the
field of vocational guidance enwnrds and rooms to show them the
abled him to present the subject In ways in which the Inmates are cared
a pleasing and forceful manner.

Campus Saturday

March Issue of Kentucky Law
Journal to Contain Many

Unusual Articles

The March issue of the Kentucky
Law Journal will make Its appearance on the campus this week-en- d,
according to an announcement made
at the Law Journal office Wednesday. This edition will contain several rather unusual articles, two of
which are by members of the law
school faculty.
Dean Alvln E. Evans, of the law
school, has an extensive treatment
of the Kentucky cases dealing with
assignment of contracts. This represents one unit of the study Dean
Evans is making in cooperation-witthe Kentucky State Bar Association.
Prof. Roy Moreland, also of the
law school, has an article dealing
with the subject "Injunctive Control
This deals
of Family Relations."
with one of the more recent dejurisprudence,
velopments in equity
a field in which Mr. Moreland has
Other articles and notes are
printed from Judge Chester D.
Adams of Lexington; Prof. Robert
C. Brown of the University of
Indiana Law School; Leer Buckley,
Lexington Attorney; and H. H. Fu-so- n,
Hazard Attorney. A special
feature of the current issue is the
review section, wherein are
printed comments on the latest legal
President Frank L. McVey has a
combined review of the two latest
textbooks in the field of international law. He notes with approval
the tendency to devote less space
and attention to the laws of war in
these two modern texts.
Dr. Forrest Black of the University, Roy Robert Ray of Dallas,
Tex., and several others also have
reviews printed. Dr. Black reviews
Reff's widely discussed book, entitled: "From the Physical to the
Social Sciences."

Alpha Gams Score!
Alpha Gams Lead K. D.'s
in New "House Warming" Contest; Delta
Chis May Move

Kathcrine Davis and James
Gates Arc Selected
Stroller Leads






States. It was formed at the University of Michigan In 1869 under
the judicial guidance of Judge
Cooley, one of America's
famous and learned members of the
In 1869 three boys, Allen, Ronan
and Wendell, members of the Michigan Law School and debating society, became outraged at the political corruption which existed in the
debating organization, came together, and with some more of their
friends organized secretly in order
to control the elections with in the
debating society.
In 18G9, having found that there
were no honorary law fraternities,
it decided to organize P(hl Delta
Phi. Howell from Monmouth Colamount of
lege, had an unusual
executive ability. He wrote the first
ritual, some of which is still used
It has always been one of the
main requirements of Phi Delta
Phi, that those admitted have high
scholastic standing. Some of the
nation's most prominent men are
members of Phi Delta Phi. A few
of the more important are: Chief
Phi Delta Phi is the oldest honor- Justice Charles Evans Hughes,
on Page Eight)
ary law fraternity in the United




Initiation services for Breckcn- -,
rldite Inn of Phi Delta Phi, honor- law fraternity,
I were
held at the Lafayette hotel
yestcrdfly nftCrnoon at 1 o'clock,
by a banquet at 0 o'clock
' followed
jn the evening, at which Dean Alvln
E. Evans and Dr. Forrest R. Black
addressed the old and new members
of the fraternity. Six men were In- ltlatcd.
Those who were Initiated Into the
mysteries of the fraternity yesterday were: H. C. Smith, Delta Tau
Delta, Clarence E. Barnes, Sigma
Nu, J. C. Bagwell, Pi Kappa Alpha,
Nu, J. C. Broadhurst and Joe Cleveland.
Active members of Breckenridge
are A. J. Asher, E. E. Adams, King
Fikc, Wilbur G. Frye, Edward Du-VF. I. Caruso, W. C. Wright, R.
M. O'Dear, Beverly P. White, John
Crosby, Roy Owsley
and C. H.
Phi requires that the
Phi Delta
scholastic standing of a student be
at least 1.5. J. C. Bagwell has the
highest standing in the law school,
having attained the preeminence of






Prof. Itcginnld George Trotter will
address the general University convocation at 10 o'clock Tuesday
morning in the Memorial building
on "Canada
and Its Problems."
Mr. Trotter is being brought to the
University by
organization is making a study of
Canada during the month of March
and is bringing Mr. Trotter to the
University as one of the outstand- -'
ing authorities in his field of the
present day. Mr, Trotter will deliver another address to the members of
at 3 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon on "The Formation of the Dominion of Canada."
Mr. Trotter has become widely
known throughout the United States
and Canada as an authority on the
history and the political organization of the latter country. Dr. C.
M. Knapp says of him that he is
of the
"One of the outstanding
younger Canadians in the field of
History." Mr. Trotter has written
"A Canadian History: A Syllabus
and Guide to Reading," "Canadian
Federation: Its Origin and AchieveDay
Plans for
ment" and several other works on
at Interesting
Canadian history. He has beeh an
Meeting; Conference Plans
important contributor to political
and social science magazines and
Also Discussed
has published numerous pamphlets.
He was formerly an assistant proMeetings of the Senior and
fessor of history at Stanford Uni- Freshman Student Cabinets were
versity. He now, holds a professorheld In the Y. M. C. A. rooms at
ship in the history department of 7:15 Tuesday evening. Plans for
Queen's University
at Kingston,
Sunday were disCanada. He is a member of the cussed, as was also the June conAmerican Historical Association and ference at Blue Ridge. The greater
has served on several important part of the evening was devoted to
committees in this organization.
discussions, Harold Schwartz leading
The department of history will the Senior Cabinet, and O. B. Coff-ma- n
sponsor a meeting of
the Freshman Cabinet. A new
lat 11 o'clock Tuesday morning', in member, George Adkins, was adMcVey Hall. This con mitted to the organization.
Vaem 111 of
ference will be held to encourage a j Henry Cravens, president of the
eiter understanding uetween me Y. M. C. A., conducted the Senior
United States and Canada. The Cabinet meeting, and told of the
public Is cordially invited to attend. plans being made for
Professor Trotter will attend the I Sunday, which is the. Sunday be- -conference as the guest of-- honor.- - lore rosier,
cnurguea win uc
Professor Tuthlll will preside at the asked to arrange seating for difmorning program.
ferent University erouns that may
A luncheon will be given in honor care to attend in a body, and the
of Professor Trotter at 12:30 at the faculty are asked to assist in
hotel. Members of Pan- - ing this an occasion that will mean
Polltikon who are sponsoring the , much in the lives of the students,
discussion this month are: Nicholas publicity for the Conference at Blue
Roy Owsley, ( Ridge, North Carolina, in June, was
Williams, chairman;
vice chairman; Mrs. Lolo Robinson, ajs0 stressed by Mr. Cravens as
. portant
work for the "Y" to under
take at once.
committee com
A nominating
posed of Virgil Couch, Harold
Schwartz, Henry Cravens, Carlyle
Schuermeyer, and Professor Karra-ke- r
was appointed to nominate of- -i
fleers of the Y. M. C. A. for the
- ver 193-Program Sponsored by HorThe meeting then was turned
oyer to Mr SchwartZi who led a dls.
Opens in Favillion at
, cusslon on the question,
"Can You
iBe a Christian and Not Obey The
o'Clock This Morning
or the Land?
The Freshman
A landscape school, sponsored by meeting was led by Mr. Coffman.
the horticulture department of the
University College of Agriculture,
will be held In the livestock pavillion
on the experiment station farm today. Letters have been received
from many luncheon clubs, women's
clubs, chamber of commerce, and
other organizations stating that
delegations will be in attendance.
The senate rules committee of the
The meeting, which will be open
to all, will begin at 9 o'clock and Kentucky Legislature will conduct a
continue until 3:30 o'clock this hearing this afternoon for proponafternoon. The program in full
ents and opponents of a bill to perfollows:
Beautiful, mit the University to take over the
9:00 a. m. Kentucky
Mayo College at Palntsvllle and
Dean Thomas P. Cooper.
9:15 The Making and Care of operate It as a junior college.
Lawns, Prof. A. J. Olney.
Opposition to the bill is based on
10:00 Planning
the belief that the college would atRural Homes, Prof. M. E. Bottomley, tract students from denominational
University of Cincinnati.
schools in the state, and would also
11:00 Discussion.
encroach on the territory served by
11:15 Problems Involved in Beau- Morehead State Normal school.
tiful. Highways, Walter Hlllenmeyer,
The senate rules committee heard
1:30 p. m. Adaptabilty and Use of Newton Bright, commissioner
and Dr Thomas P.
Planting, Louis Hlllen- agriculture,
Materials for
Cooper, dean of the College of Agrimeyer, Lexington.
2:00 Care and Maintenance of culture of the University, discuss the
Plantings, Allen Reld, uniform seed law passed by the
house last week. The bill appropriVirginia Polytechnic Institute.
of Rural ates $7,000 to the department
School Grounds, N. R. Elliott, Col- agriculture to purchase the seeds
the experiment staand $3,000
lege of Agriculture.
tion to test them. Mr. Bright asked
the rules committee not to change
the bill, and Dr. Cooper asked that
the entire fund be administered by
the experiment station.



1930 Kentuckian Will Go to
Printer ext Week; Books
Will be Distributed to Students on May Day
The 1930 Kentuckian will be sent
to press next week according to a
statement ffom the editoral staff.
This will mean that the year-boo- k
will be on the press earlier than any
other annual in the South. Copies
of the Kentuckian will be available
on May Day, which is practically a
month earlier than it has ever been
released before.
The 1930 Kentuckian will be
bound in black walrus leather. It
will have 304 pages and an Increased
circulation of 250. A four color
process will be used in the scenes
and the color design will be de- scriptlve of tjhe theme of the annual,!
According' totfffgll Couch, editor,
There will be many new and interesting features In the forthcoming Issue. Three border designs will
be used, two for the Seniors, and a
general border for the features,
scenes and other sections. The
photographic section will be greatly
enlarged. In it the campistry section will be 10 times as large as it
was last year and will include pictures of the entire faculty and of
majority of the students. The athletic section, contrary to custom,
will include pictures of the entire
squads in all sports.
Group pictures of all organizations
are available at the Kentuckian office, Mr. Couch said.


Delta Sigma Pi
To Give Cup To
Commerce Frosh

Delta Sigma Pi, professional commerce fraternity, this week announced an award, to be made annually, to the freshman in the Commerce College who makes the highest standing for his first year. This
award will be known as the Delta
Sigma Pi Freshman
Cup. The cup will be presented each
fall at the annual
The establishment of this award is
Sigma PI
Bills in addition to the Delta key which
diamond set scholarship
is given each year to the senior with
The State Legislature has been the highest standing n the four-yeof
giving much attention to the Uni- course offered by the College
versity during the present session
of the fraternity making
as shown by the number of bills the award are: Austin H. Gresham,
that have been Introduced which president; B. C. Stapleton, treasurer; W. G. Prince, secretary.
would In some cases affect the University for better or worse, according to their provisions.
There have been three main bills
introduced into the House Calendar
concerning the University. The first
was the budget bill, which by its
amendment finally reduced the apThe Political Science Forum will
propriation for the University to meet at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon
$100,000 less than the original apin room 30 of the Administration
propriation for the next blennlum.
Rawlins Ragland will
The next bill, which was Intro- speak on "The London Naval Conduced into the House Monday would ference."
require the University to sell and
Mr. Ragland will survey the work
supply textbooks to students at cost
plus 10 per cent for handling. This that has been done by the members
of the conference In London. He
bill was referred to the Rules Comwill trace the various trends that
have been exerting an influence on
Tuesday Mayor O'Brien and
disarmament and will explain the
W. C. Wilson, Lexington,
went to Frankfort In the interest procedure that the members of the
of a House bill sponsored by John conference adhere to in their conof International
Y. Young which provided for a sideration
problems. Prophecies regarding the
State Fire College board, establishfuture of naval regulation and the
ing a department at the University
part that is to bo played by Interwith the purpose of training firemen of the state. The bill was national discussion will be made by
the speaker. After the address a
favorably reported out of tho comdiscussion of the submittee and was considered by the round-tabl- e
ject will be held.
House Tuesday.
Nicholas Williams, chairman of
Much opposition was shown by
University officials toward the the Political Science Forum, urges
that all who are interested attend
Budget bill and a bill which proposed the erection of a medical the meeting, since it has as its subschool at Western State Normal ject one of the most vital problems of the nation.
school at Bowling Green.

State Legislature

Introduces Three

Political Science
Forum to Discuss
Naval Conference


Lexington Alumni

Club Will

Chalk up another one for the
He Host to Varsity and
Alpha Gamsl In order not to be
"Frosh" Hasketccrs
equaled In their unique custom by
the K. Ds, the Alpha Gams had a
second little "house warming" party NEXT YEAR'S CAPTAIN
WILL PORTRAY SWEDE I at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday morning.
Most iraternny men on tne campus
because the
Organization Establishes Its only somewhat slighted was to the Miss Marguerite McLaughlin
Invitation Issued
Will Act as Toastmastcr
Headquarters in Law
Woodland Fire Department boys,
who Immediately turned
at Delightful Affair
off the
Miss Katherlnc Davis and James
The annual banquet in honor of
Although the damage to the house
Gates have been selected for the Is estimated at only $50, the Delta the University of Kentucky basket
leads of "Scarlet," a mystery-farc- e
Chis across the way are contemplat- jball squad will be held at the Lfc- -I
by Bruce Balfour Evans, which Is ing moving to a new location where fayette hotel at G o'clock Monbeing produced as tho Stroller fire Insurance rates are not so high day night, under the auspices of the
spring show under the direction of and where some degree of privacy Lexington Alumni Club. Miss Mar- Thomas L. Riley. Announcement of may be maintained
before the guerlte McLaughlin, president of the
club, has chnrgc of the arrange
the other members of the cast also breakfast hour.
ana an
made, following the approval
The blaze was discovered by a ments planned. elaborate program is
by University authorities.
neighbor who aroused the slumberThe entire cast Includes Miss ing
It has become an annual custom
and turned In the fire
Kathcrine Davis, Alpha Xi Delta, alarm. Exactly thirty seconds later a for members of both the varsity and
who has been prominent In Gulgnol gorgeous array of exquisite pajamas freshman basketball squads to end
of the music and klmonas was displayed on Max- their season by getting together in
plays, and
this final occasion in order to disfor "Local Color," as Jeanne Page; well street.
cuss the high lights of the previous
Miss Christine Johnson, Delta Delta
prize-winnseason and to fight the many games
Stroller amateur
anew amidst an atmosphere charnight, as Delia Faye; and Miss Mary
acterized by the absence of strict
Elizabeth Fisher, Chi Omega, memcast, as Mrs.
training rules, especially in regard
ber of "Local Color"
to diet.
There is no restriction in regard
James Gates, Sigma Beta Xi,
to the number of persons who may
Romany actor under Carol Sax, as
Lee Stuart; Jack Smith, S. A. E.
attend, and last year many enthusiamateur night,
pledge, prize-winnastic fans and supporters of the
in "Local Color" cast, as Terry Spring Session Will Be Held Big Blue brought their wives along
to enjoy the final touch to a suc
Marsh; Horace Miner, Delta Tau
at Georgetown College
cessful season. Captain Lawrence
Delta pledge, as Julius Hunter; John
on March 14 and 15
Hearne, Kappa Alpha, as Dr. Slink-arMcGinnls handed the captaincy of
Intercollegiate Paul net squad to and Scotch cousin
all who were
The Stroller president, Frank
and Press Association will hold its sec- present remember the latter's short
Davidson, Sigma Nu, author
meeting of the but sincere remark that he had,
producer of "Local Color," who has ond semi-annubeen prominent in Stroller activities year at Georgetown College, March reached the point toward which he
for the past three years, will play 14 and 15, according to an an- had striven since he first began to
scorch the nets at Kavanaugh high
the part of Swede Garrison; KenE. school, at Lawrenceburg.
neth Mclntyre, Phi Kappa Psl at nouncement made by Charles
According to Miss Marguerite
Washington and Lee, who entered Patterson of Bowling Green, presihere this year, Is cast as Martin dent of the association. The Kernel Laughlln, one hundred supporters
of the Wildcats are expected to atBooth.
has received an invitation to send tend this year's banquet, the chief
Earl Cella, Kappa Sigma, prevto the
iously cast in "Square Crooks" and as many representatives
features of which will be the awarding of letters to the varsity and
"Local Color," plays the part of Al spring meeting as possible.
Kidd; James Dorman, Kappa Sigma,
Two or more representatives from numerals to the frosh netsters by
manager of Strollers, and each of the following papers are S. A. "Daddy" Boles. The letter-me- n
will also elect a captain to sucmember of the cast of "Square expected to be present at the conceed Paul McBrayer and a manager
Crooks" will protray Cyrus Marsh;
George Roberts, S. A. E., is cast vention: Eastern Progress, Rich- to succeed Manager Lenard Weekley.
There are three men who are
as Spike Noonan.
mond; Asbury College News, Wil- Rehearsals are being' held each mrifp. Trnnsvlvnnia Crimson Ram elidible to the captaincy of next
Those men are Cary
night in the Stroller rooms In the
TTndpr- -i year's team.
Lexington Wesleyan
basement of the College of Law bier.
k Louls ..Llttle.. McGinnis and
tVipso ten rooms have current, Winchester; College HeJghts George Yates
xhe probability Is
tir'vu. rifQitmntPri ns stroller Herald. Bowling Green;
that the captaincy will go to spicer
equipped lor the Georgetonlan, . Georgetown; News, II nr-- TV.fprHnnlc ,, thpv will hp KMIlflrS
headquarters and
i v,
peTwfni iisp nf tne organization.
Kernel, j a junlor
Dorothy Jones. Kappa Delta, and Murray and the Kentucky
banquet, which was
member of Strollers, is acting as
(Contfnued on Page Elgnt)
that James Shrohtre and Rov
prompter for "Scarlet."
go on the annual Owsley, who represented the Kernel
Permission to
forthcom- spring tour during the spring has last year, will attend therepresenta- t
granted Strollers by Uni- - ing meeting. As many Ires to send
verslty authorities. James Dorman. tlves as; any paper des
a small fee will be
may attend, but
business manager, is making
charged for all except the two mem- rangements for this trip.
bers named to represent the respective papers.
ANNOUNCES, Matters to be taken up at this
meeting Include the election of or- - Teams to Discuss Abolishthe
ment of All Armaments
DT A IC fleers for the forthcoming year, the
awarding of cups for merit In
Except Those Used for
newspapers, ana tne cnoosing 01
Police Protection
i an
emblem and pins for the Press ,
Student "Pep" Organization Association.
The forensic
Sponsor Elaborate The Kentucky Intercollegiate University will department of the
be represented in
Association, which is made up three debates tonight. The question
Coronation Exercises For Press
of college publications throughout "Resolved that the Five Nations
May Queen
the state, has as its purpose the Should Abolish All Armaments with
of college
raising of standards
SuKy, student "pep" organization newspapers, the bringing about of the Exception of Those Used for
Police Protection" will be discussed
of the University, has announced a greater fellowship between various
y a Berea
and a team of the
here"whlle another Uni
May Day will be celebrated this colleges of the sta e
to its
t Dan
year with an elaborate program. The tion of college Journalism
proper rank
vllle to discuss the same question
arrangement for this annual festivwith members of the Centre College
ity usually has fallen to the care TTniisp
of the SuKy Circle. The May Queen
has always been crowned during
coach of the University, will judge
gorgeous ceremonies.
a debate between Centre College
This year the usual features of First of aSeries of House, and Berea at Berea tonight.
the May Day program will be carSidney T. Schell, Columbus, Ohio,
Tlirpcfnr Meetings Held
ried out. Frank Davidson, president
and CHfford AmyXi
by Dean lilanding
of the SuKy has announced that a
represent the University in the de- number of cups will be given to
hate with Berea Colleee. which will
The first of a series of five House be held at 7:30 o'clock tonight in
those fraternities and sororities on
the campus which prepare the best and Hall Directors' meetings was room 111 of McVey Hall. John
Day parade. A held at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon, Shouse and Daniel Eutsler of Berea,
floats for the May
cup will be given for the most In the Y. W. C. A. room under the will debate on the affirmative side
comical Individual, the most beauti- direction of Dean Sarah Blandlng. of the question. Dr. B. A. Wise,
ful float of the sororities, and the These meetings have been planned professor of ancient
most comical float prepared by a for the purpose of promoting Centre College, will Judge the defraternity.
amicable relations and cooperation bate.
The debate between Kentucky and
Last year the May Day parade umong the house mothers of the
Centre College, which will be held
was proclaimed a great success. The University and the indlvldaul stuwill be held each week at Centre tonight, Is an annual afdents, and
majority of Greek letter organizafair. Hugh Jackson and James S.
tions were represented as well as at the above date.
Individual groups on the campus.
An address by President McVey Porter will take the affirmative
In front of was on the program for the first stand for the University, while T. S.
The parade was formed
the Men's Gym on Euclid avenue meeting but he was called to Wash- Smith and Enoch Swain will repreington, D. C, and could not be sent Centre In the contest. Dean
and continued through tho business section of Lexington, returning present. Dean Blandlng addressed Hendricks of Berea College will act
to the gymnasium where the Maythe first meeting with a talk on as Judge for the debate.
pole Dance was held. It Is the "Rules and Regulations of the Unicustom for the parade to be led by versity." Tea was served as refreshY. M.
the Queen of May, accompanied by ments.
her assistants.
Y. W.
Tho following University profesLast year Miss Martha Reed, sors will speak at the remaining
Queen of May, led the parade, ac- meetings: Mrs. P. K. Holmes, on
James Boucher, sophomore in the
companied by Miss Agnes Stein-ma- n, "Managing People," Dr. G. C. Bas- College of Arts and Sciences, led a
maid of honor, and her at- sett on, "Adolescent Psychology," group discussion last Monday night
tendants, Misses Sarah Warwick. and Dr. J. S. Chambers on, "Student in Patterson Hall, In which those
Lucy Davis. Mary Armstrong and Health."
present discussed various social
Evelyn Ford.
Those who attend these meetings problems and customs of the UniSuKy members are planning to are the directors of the women's versity. The discussion was one of
make this year's parade the greatest halls, house mothers of tho fratern- five which are Delng sponsored by
in the history of the May Day event. ities and sororities, and the director the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A.
Further plans as to the method of of the Men's dormitories.
Each of the meetings will be led
electing this year's May Queen will
by a different person during which
be announced later.
personal and social problems of the
students will be discussed as planned
Prof. Otto Kopplus, of the Physics by officials of Y. M. and Y. W., any
department, addressed the members questions that might arise at the
Dean Alvln E. Evans, of the Col- of the International Relations Club meetings are open to extemporalege of Law, will address the Woin tho lecture room of McVey Hall neous discussion.
men's club of Lexington tomorrow at :30 o'clock Tuesday evening on
Twenty men and women were
afternoon at 3 o'clock In the Lafay- "Modern Germany."
Mrs. Leo present at the last meeting. Everyette hotel, on the "Fiscal Returns Chamberlain presided at the meet- one is Invited to attend these meeting. After the address of the eve- ings, and a large attendance Is exof Wifehood." He will give a complete discussion of the community ning tho customary discussion of pected for tho discussion that will
property system as it affects married the subject was held by the
bo held In Patterson Hall, Monday

Press Association

Will Hold Second
Meeting of Year


jr rf() UjMiVlE



iJAl rLAllO


Mothers Hold
Cooperative Meeting


Boucher Leads

� Best Copy



Friday, March 7
Debates between the University
and Berca in McVcy Hnll at 7:3J
p. m.
Saturday, March 8
Alpha Tau Omega informal dance,
Phoenix Hotel, from 9 to 12 o'clock.
Delta Delta Delta tea dance In
the afternoon from 3 to 6 at Patterson Hall.
Sunday, March 0
Vesper Services in Memorial Hall
at 4 o'clock.
Advance Dates
Monday, March 10
Annual banquet given by the
Lexington Alumni Club in honor of
the University basketball squad at
6 o'clock, place to be determined
Tuesday, March 11
Phi Mu Alpha dinner dance, Lafayette hotel.
Spanish Club meeting at 3 o'clock
in Patterson Hall.
Saturday, March 15
Phi Sigma Kappa formal, Lafayette hotel, from 9 to 12 o'clock.
Kappa Kappa Gamma formal,
Phoenix hotel, from 9 to 12 o'clock.
Alpha Tau Omega Founders' Day
Banquet, Phoenix hotel.

Mr. Arthur BIckcl, Frankfort, has
been a visitor at the Alpha Tau
Omega house.

Phi Beta Entertains
Kappa chapter of Phi Beta, woprofessional music and dramen's
matic fraternity, entertained Informally Tuesday night in the Henry
Clay room of the Green Lantern,
in honor of some of the music and
dramatic students of the University.
The decorations and refreshments
carried out the Idea of St. Patrick's
Day, and a delicious buffet supper
was served. Bridge was enjoyed
during the evening, and the guests
were called on to sing and give
The guests were Virginia Dougherty, Flossie Mlhter, Maxine Randolph. Mary Alice Salycrs, Elizabeth Eton, Gay Loughrldge, Lorctta
Bittcrman, Alice McDonald, Mary
Catherine Ambrose, Mary O'Brien,
Ruth Wehle, Roberta Hulette, Carolyn Foxworth, Mina Pate, Mary
King Montgomery and Mary Lou

Tea at Maxwell Place
President and Mrs. Frank L.
entertained Wednesday after
noon with an enjoyable tea In honor
of the faculty and students of the
The house was attractively decorBaskctt-Woo- d
ated with spring flowers and lighted
Invitations have been received to candles.
the wedding Saturday, March 15, at
About 100 guests called during the
Henderson, of Henry Lee Woods to afternoon.
Miss Emma Baskett, Henderson. The
former graduated from the engineFreshman Engineer's Dance
ering college in 1928, and was a
The Freshman Engineers entermember of Sigma Alpha Epsilon tained with the annual spring dance
social fraternity, and Scabbard and from 9 until 12 o'clock Saturday
night. The Kentuckians orchestra
Blade military fraternity.
furnished the music and six
were played.
Chaperones were: Dr. and Mrs.
Mr. Manuel Sargent was in Louis- Frank L. McVey, Dean and Mrs. F.
ville Sunday, visiting friends.
Paul Anderson, Prof, and Mrs. J. B.
Miss Elizabeth Salmon is spend- Dicker, Prof, and Mrs. W. E. Free
ing a few days at Tier home in man, Dean and Mrs. C. R. Melcher,
Huntington, W. Va.
Dean Sarah Blandlng, Mrs. P. K.
spent the rioimes. Air. ana ivirs. uoraon u.
Miss Mary Griffith
week-en- d
at her home in Cynthiana. Thurman, Mr. and Mrs. John
Miss Marie Howard visited in
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Brend.
Richmond last week-enCommittee in charge of arrangeMrs. W. E. Geary, Hopkinsvllle, ments was composed of Messrs.
has been visiting her daughter at George E. Blrk, White E. Fain, W.
the Alpha Gamma Delta house.
C. Gaines, Granville O'Roark, Evans
Misses Elizabeth Erschel and D. Tracey, J. White Guyn, David
Phyllis Wendt spent the week-en- d
William B. Highfleld, Mr. McDowat Newport.
ell. Miss Warren, Miss Yoder.
Miss Rozana Ruttencutter Is ill
About 200 guests were present.
at her home in Covington.
Alpha Tau Omega announce the
Zcta Tau Alpha Formal
Initiation of Gu